" Bad news for the West: Russia will spend $160 billion on defense and security in 2024 and the Russian Finance Minister calls it the victory budget. Russia pays 75% less for similar or better weapon systems compared to the US / NATO because Russia doesn’t allow its defense industry to rip them off. So any plane, missile, tank or artillery ammunition costs Russia only 25% of what the US is paying. This means that a $160 billion Russian military budget is comparable to $640 billion in the United States. It’s also worth noting that Russia doesn’t waste trillions on fancy Navy ships and fighter jets that don’t work. Instead it has focused on building the most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world, long range hypersonic missiles that can sink airplane carriers and autonomous nuclear powered torpedoes that travers the oceans without ever needing to refuel. They carry the largest nuclear warheads known to men and are nearly undetectable. Imagine the most powerful nuclear explosion on the shores of New York City generating a hundred meter tall tsunami of radioactive water destroying the entire city and turning it into an uninhabitable wasteland for centuries. In addition Russia has a fleet of Super EMP satellites in a high orbit above Earth with nuclear payloads. When detonated they can destroy the entire power grid and all civilian telecommunication systems in the US in an instant. The US military is used to fighting the least sophisticated enemies. It’s easy to bully any nation that doesn’t have peer capabilities. The US Govt killed over 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WW2 but it never bullied anyone who could destroy the United States, until now. Americans and citizens of NATO countries need to understand that the West cannot win against Russia on the battlefield. Every day without diplomacy and peace negotiations is bringing humanity closer to self-destruction. You already know that the Biden administration is the most inept and embarrassing Government America has ever had. Don’t let those arrogant, corrupt and incompetent fools destroy the world. Demand peace. Don’t wait until it’s too late. " General Mike Flynn @GenFlynn Jan 9 Americans need to stop thinking this will be a major regional war or as the military calls it a “major regional conflict.” We are in the initial stages of a much bigger, global conflict, and the conclusion & consequences are far greater than anyone can currently say. We simply don’t know how this will end…we just know things are not going in our favor principally due to those leading our nation. War is a failure of policy (and our U.S. foreign policy, globally, is a disaster), war is a failure of leadership at the highest levels (and man, have we seen a complete breakdown of leadership in the WH, the IC, at State, and most recently at DOD), and lastly, war is a racket. If you pray to a higher being, pray tonight and every night for the men and women serving in uniform, who willingly sacrifice for each one of us so we can sleep soundly at night. May God continue to bless and protect America 🦅🙏🏼🇺🇸

Attention James O'Brien... GO FUCK YOURSELF !!! The Right To Self-Determination, To Secession, To Independence, and To Organization, are Fundamental Unalienable Human Rights on both an Individual and/or Group and/or Network State basis, are naturally border agnostic, and subject only to the universal NAP. Declare your Independence today! US Flies F-16 Fighter Jets Over Bosnia In Threat To Serbs Who Want Secession https://apnews.com/article/bosnian-serbs-secession-threat-1072c96ce29c1f118a... https://apnews.com/article/bosnia-us-fighter-jets-flyover-serbs-secession-46... https://twitter.com/USEmbassySJJ/status/1744403689974935912 by Dave DeCamp via AntiWar.Com The US flew two F-16 fighter jets over Bosnia and Herzegovina on Monday as a show of force meant as a threat to Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodnik, who wants independence for the Serb-majority area of the country he controls. Dodnik is the president of the Republika Srpska, a semi-autonomous Serb republic within the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina that’s separate from the other part of the country that’s mainly populated by Bosniak Muslims and Croats, known as the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Milorad Dodik, via AP The boundaries were set by the 1995 Dayton Accords, which were negotiated following a US and NATO intervention against the Serbs in the ethnic conflict in the area. The US Embassy in Sarajevo said the F-16 fighter jets flew over Bosnia to show US support for the country’s "territorial integrity." "This bilateral training is an example of advanced military-to-military cooperation that contributes to peace and security in the Western Balkans as well as demonstrates the United States’ commitment to ensuring the territorial integrity of BiH (Bosnia-Herzegovina) in the face of anti-Dayton and secessionist activity," the statement said, according to The Associated Press. "The United States has underscored that the BiH (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Constitution provides no right of secession, and it will act if anyone tries to change this basic element," the statement added. The U.S. Army Special Forces and Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina completed a successful bilateral air-to-ground training with joint terminal attack controllers (JTAC) and two U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons today in the Tuzla and Brcko region. The training event was… pic.twitter.com/2vAJ57sgDS — US Embassy Sarajevo (@USEmbassySJJ) January 8, 2024 Dodnik recently told AP that he will continue to pursue Serb interests despite threats from the US. "I am not irrational, I know that America’s response will be to use force … but I have no reason to be frightened by that into sacrificing (Serb) national interests," he said. He further said that if there's international intervention backing Bosnian institutions then "in the next stage, we will be forced by their reaction to declare full independence" of Serb-controlled regions of Bosnia. James O’Brien, the US assistant secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs, recently threatened that the US will "act" if anyone threatens the terms of the Dayton Accords and said nobody in the country has the right to "secession."

Not only is nuclear war unwinnable, and complete assured destruction and ruin of the world, nukes remove the feedback of slow physical war from, and remove all civilian control from, the psychopaths and psychotics in power around the world, it's literally a big red fun button for them to mash at your expense. The U.N. Nuclear Ban Treaty Has No Clothes Authored by Gregory F. Giles via RealClear Wire, Fear sells—the more existential the better, as with all the loose talk about the possible use of nuclear weapons by Vladimir Putin. While nuclear dread is good for “driving clicks,” it must not blind us to reality. The U.N. nuclear ban treaty will do nothing to reduce such nuclear dangers. How could it? None of the countries possessing nuclear weapons will have anything to do with it. Not unlike “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” proponents of the Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) want us to believe in its magnificence, to go along with the pretense while it is plain to see that the treaty is stripped of any credibility. The second gathering of signatories late last year revealed a host of treaty flaws. Any hope that member states and civil society would staunchly self-police the treaty were dashed. They all turned a blind eye to the involvement of Kazakhstan, a treaty member, in the testing of a Russian ICBM—a missile whose sole purpose is to deliver nuclear weapons. When the test occurred in April last year, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) trumpeted that under the TPNW, it was “illegal” for Kazakhstan “to allow its territory to be used for testing of nuclear-capable missiles.”[i] Yet, ICAN and TPNW member states, including Kazakhstan, were silent about the ICBM test—at a meeting whose purpose is to assess the implementation of the ban treaty. Evidently, because Kazakhstan is struggling with the legacy of Soviet nuclear tests on its territory and will host next year’s treaty review, it was given a “pass.” So much for the assertions of TPNW advocates that the treaty is non-discriminatory, a contrast they like to draw with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) which recognized in 1968 the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China as nuclear weapon states—and everyone else as non-nuclear weapon states. Once again, TPNW member states failed to call out Russia by name for its irresponsible nuclear behavior, this time including de-ratifying the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and moving to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. Why? Because the diplomatic corps of the non-nuclear weapon states consider it impolite to call out bad actors by name. How can a treaty that won’t call out malign behavior of even non-member states like Russia— or hold accountable one of its actual signatories like Kazakhstan—be expected to resolve disputes in the event the major powers somehow join its ranks and warily give up their nuclear bombs. The answer is plain, it cannot, which is why those powers boycott it. They are not alone. NATO member states and U.S. allies in Asia also refuse to join the TPNW. Others have read the writing on the wall. Finland and Sweden, which attended the first meeting of TPNW states parties as observers in 2022, balked last year, preferring to join NATO rather than place their faith in the ban treaty. Other states that observed the first gathering but punted this time include the Netherlands, Burundi, Ghana, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal. You wouldn’t know that, though, by reading any of the self-congratulatory statements issued after the meeting by TPNW member states and civil society. It is a tough time for TPNW supporters. The initial euphoria of circumventing the major powers and rushing the treaty through is over. Now comes the more mundane work of implementing it, structurally weak as it is. That’s not helpful for ICAN and others who need to keep members motivated and attract donors. That’s become harder now that the MacArthur Foundation has pulled out of the nuclear disarmament field, seeing poor prospects ahead. Austria has a solution for that, however. In a weak decision document, Austria has convinced TPNW member states that what they really need is better talking points about the so-called evils of nuclear deterrence. This is a hobby horse of a few individuals in the Austrian foreign ministry, somehow convinced that they can simply debate Western countries into surrendering their nuclear protection, even as their counterparts in the Austrian ministry of defense seek closer ties with NATO. This new initiative will fail—states under the nuclear umbrella are not under any obligation to engage in such theater. The reality is, since the brutal 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and the rapid build-up of nuclear arms by such stalwarts of international law and human rights as China and North Korea, free people everywhere are rediscovering the value of nuclear deterrence over one-sided nuclear disarmament. There is a reason why ICAN has not published any polls since 2022 purporting to show vast public support for the TPNW and opposition to U.S. nuclear weapons forward deployed in Europe. Surely, the TPNW must be good for something? The ban treaty is slowly carving out an important niche in assisting victims and remediating environments impacted by nuclear weapons use or testing. It also is promoting new standards of inclusivity and gender balance. But it has been divisive, too. Its insistence on nuclear disarmament irrespective of the security environment lacks realism and only deepens the chasm between nuclear weapons states and non-nuclear weapons states. Let’s face it, progress on nuclear disarmament won’t be coming anytime soon. TPNW supporters can lament this and withhold cooperation from the nuclear weapons states, or they can apply their energy in a more promising area—non-proliferation. Surely, keeping nuclear weapons from spreading is just as important as easing the grip of those who already possess them. Making progress on the former should not be held hostage to progress on the latter—that would be a wasted opportunity indeed. Gregory F. Giles is a Senior Director with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). For the past three decades, he has been advising U.S. government clients on issues related to deterrence and nonproliferation. Mr. Giles holds a B.A. from Dickinson College and an M.I.A. from Columbia University. His work has been published in War on the Rocks, Survival, Comparative Strategy, The Washington Quarterly, and elsewhere. The views expressed in this article represent the personal views of the author and are not necessarily the views of SAIC, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.
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