[ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go
i wanted to add cloning to gothub, but go confuses me when considering learning a new language, it’s also valuable to consider how hard it would be in the future. usual a good software developer is language agnostic, such that even new languages are easy to work in.
thought: maybe it could be helpful to find a tutorial but skim it super fast, skipping most if a biggest challenge for me could be just setting up a compiler
ok i found a place with go installed let’s jtry to speedrun maybe part of a tutorial?
https://go.dev/learn/ i have to decide whether to learn from the docs or a walkthru i guess i’ll do the walkthru but usually you’d do the docs (so you learn all the features rather than leaving some out)
https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/getting-started go mod init github.com/xloem/gohello # 06:50 vim hello.go go run . # 06:51 holy frack i wrote a hello world program in two minutes.
it’s taking a long time for `go modtidy` to autodetect a new import and download it because i am on a phone proxy oh there it goes go run . # 06:58 the output message is poignant
https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/create-module go mod edit —replace example.com/greetings=./greetings #0706 go mod tidy go run . #0707 slow parts, a significant slowdown is posting updates but these could also help ground maybe noting the intent is to build skill via repetition
maybe take a break and write something self-designed maybe i can find an ascii art package or something and use it. i’ll wipe my gohello folder and try to write code of my own
i guess that’s how far i got looks like return specifications for void funcs are optional looks like exported symbols need be be titlecased i tried to put a relative path straight into an import statement but go complained this was not supported
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