Make it rain, baby girl.

Make it rain, baby girl. Geodesic Culture Robert Hettinga Seafeathers Bay, Anguilla, BWI November 22, 2020 A long-time friend and I have lunch every Saturday. We go sit in a beach bar here -- these days the beaches empty, the views as preternatural as ever -- drink fizzy water, no, really, decrepit diabetics like me like fizzy water, and, as I used to joke when we started this, well, tradition, plot world domination. We talk about business, mostly, current projects in general, making, hacking, and otherwise. Hardware, software, wetware. Guy stuff for geeks. Wetware as in the stuff between your ears. Mind outta the gutter. Perverts. In these days of pandemic-panic-porn-induced incipient global collapse -- both the empty beaches thing in what used to be the kickoff of high tourist season around here, but also what could fairly be called a US electoral fight for the survival of western civilization -- one can say ‘world domination’ with a tinge of anger in one’s voice about the other side, so the joke isn’t very funny anymore. Besides, both of us are way too old for that world domination shit anymore. We’re lucky if we can hobble off to a beach bar, have a chicken caesar for lunch, and get home in one piece. Well, I am, anyway. He seems to be doing better. I need some new knees, among other things, which I’m not likely to get anytime soon here in formerly-libertarian paradise, and short of an unaffordable medical airlift to the States, practically impossible in any case with the quarantine, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. So, at the moment, my friend is desperately trying to keep his eyes from rolling back into his head. Because he’s driving. I’m trying to explain to him, in as much detail as I can muster as he swerves his not-quite-a-pickup around a pothole, the current state of play in this whole business with the Universal Voter Fraud, and the Soros guy who’s now a life peer, and Chavez standing over the guy with the keyboard changing the numbers on a constitutional referendum giving him absolute dictatorial power, and... Wait, he says, these machines are hooked up the the net?? Well, yeah. I think, anyway... That’s bullshit. I can’t believe that for a minute. Nobody’d be that stupid. Well, anyway, they did a rush software update the night before the election, so, what, FedEx and flash cards? And it’s running on, what, Windows 7? Oh, come on. No, really. Pretty sure... I mean, I’m not even sure Windows 7 had internet sockets in it, or whatever, I’m a Mac guy, bleed in five colors and all that, no, not those five colors. Pervert. But that’s how fun things here in the Year of Our Lord 2020. As John Batchelor, The World’s Last Gentleman, no, really, look at his little videos on Instagram these days, liked to say during the once-and-future GWOT, “In war, the first three reports are wrong.” And we’re only two reports in. Maybe one and a half. My friend and I are old-school cypherpunks, you see. And no, crypto doesn’t mean “cryptocurrency”, it means “strong cryptography”. We even started a conference here on what I called “financial cryptography” a few decades back, so we even get to claim at least passing familiarity, if very dated in my case, and fuzzy at the best of times, with the idea of machine security in the presence of a, cough, global geodesic internetwork. On cypherpunks, back in the day, it was all about spooks, crypto protocols, financial and otherwise, rubber hose attacks, more spooks, actual fucking Rothbardian anarchy, not that statist commie black-block crap that passes for it these days, and, well, world domination. Punks these days give millennialism a bad name. Get off my lawn. So, I’m very prepared to believe Sidney Powell. I just saw a NewsMax clip on YouTube(spit!) where she says she’s gonna kick off the fun in Georgia, and, she says, it’s going to be biblical. Make it rain, baby girl. Make it rain. The fate or Western Civilization is in your hands. No pressure.

I am black block But I am not one dimensional On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 11:48 AM Robert Hettinga <> wrote:
Make it rain, baby girl.
Geodesic Culture Robert Hettinga
Seafeathers Bay, Anguilla, BWI November 22, 2020
A long-time friend and I have lunch every Saturday.
We go sit in a beach bar here -- these days the beaches empty, the views as preternatural as ever -- drink fizzy water, no, really, decrepit diabetics like me like fizzy water, and, as I used to joke when we started this, well, tradition, plot world domination. We talk about business, mostly, current projects in general, making, hacking, and otherwise. Hardware, software, wetware. Guy stuff for geeks.
Wetware as in the stuff between your ears. Mind outta the gutter. Perverts.
In these days of pandemic-panic-porn-induced incipient global collapse -- both the empty beaches thing in what used to be the kickoff of high tourist season around here, but also what could fairly be called a US electoral fight for the survival of western civilization -- one can say ‘world domination’ with a tinge of anger in one’s voice about the other side, so the joke isn’t very funny anymore.
Besides, both of us are way too old for that world domination shit anymore. We’re lucky if we can hobble off to a beach bar, have a chicken caesar for lunch, and get home in one piece. Well, I am, anyway. He seems to be doing better. I need some new knees, among other things, which I’m not likely to get anytime soon here in formerly-libertarian paradise, and short of an unaffordable medical airlift to the States, practically impossible in any case with the quarantine, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.
So, at the moment, my friend is desperately trying to keep his eyes from rolling back into his head. Because he’s driving.
I’m trying to explain to him, in as much detail as I can muster as he swerves his not-quite-a-pickup around a pothole, the current state of play in this whole business with the Universal Voter Fraud, and the Soros guy who’s now a life peer, and Chavez standing over the guy with the keyboard changing the numbers on a constitutional referendum giving him absolute dictatorial power, and... Wait, he says, these machines are hooked up the the net?? Well, yeah. I think, anyway... That’s bullshit. I can’t believe that for a minute. Nobody’d be that stupid. Well, anyway, they did a rush software update the night before the election, so, what, FedEx and flash cards? And it’s running on, what, Windows 7? Oh, come on. No, really. Pretty sure...
I mean, I’m not even sure Windows 7 had internet sockets in it, or whatever, I’m a Mac guy, bleed in five colors and all that, no, not those five colors. Pervert. But that’s how fun things here in the Year of Our Lord 2020. As John Batchelor, The World’s Last Gentleman, no, really, look at his little videos on Instagram these days, liked to say during the once-and-future GWOT, “In war, the first three reports are wrong.” And we’re only two reports in. Maybe one and a half.
My friend and I are old-school cypherpunks, you see. And no, crypto doesn’t mean “cryptocurrency”, it means “strong cryptography”. We even started a conference here on what I called “financial cryptography” a few decades back, so we even get to claim at least passing familiarity, if very dated in my case, and fuzzy at the best of times, with the idea of machine security in the presence of a, cough, global geodesic internetwork.
On cypherpunks, back in the day, it was all about spooks, crypto protocols, financial and otherwise, rubber hose attacks, more spooks, actual fucking Rothbardian anarchy, not that statist commie black-block crap that passes for it these days, and, well, world domination. Punks these days give millennialism a bad name. Get off my lawn.
So, I’m very prepared to believe Sidney Powell.
I just saw a NewsMax clip on YouTube(spit!) where she says she’s gonna kick off the fun in Georgia, and, she says, it’s going to be biblical.
Make it rain, baby girl. Make it rain.
The fate or Western Civilization is in your hands. No pressure.
-- <> cari machet <>

On 11/22/20, Cari Machet <> wrote:
I am black block But I am not one dimensional
Black bloc left, and the ruthless oligarchs, are both dispicable. They both rape and destroy to keep for themselves, one literally steals, the other frauds away, one violates private property, the other teeters on falling from too much, both force, both kill, and neither mature enough to give to charity. Both should die. Peace love libertarian voluntary anarchism with personal local charity to assist those who cannot (which is far more than animal kingdom does, of which humans are still DNA programmed and a part of) if you want to smooth over chances at problems, in many areas actually. No government, no politic, no system, no force, as all are false and have been tried before, will ever work... but what is guided from within, and with others, freely, voluntarily, with some sense of responsibility for the full circle of what you create coming back to you and yours.

Plants and animals are profoundly more charitable than ANY human ever On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 11:37 PM grarpamp <> wrote:
On 11/22/20, Cari Machet <> wrote:
I am black block But I am not one dimensional
Black bloc left, and the ruthless oligarchs, are both dispicable. They both rape and destroy to keep for themselves, one literally steals, the other frauds away, one violates private property, the other teeters on falling from too much, both force, both kill, and neither mature enough to give to charity. Both should die.
Peace love libertarian voluntary anarchism with personal local charity to assist those who cannot (which is far more than animal kingdom does, of which humans are still DNA programmed and a part of) if you want to smooth over chances at problems, in many areas actually.
No government, no politic, no system, no force, as all are false and have been tried before, will ever work... but what is guided from within, and with others, freely, voluntarily, with some sense of responsibility for the full circle of what you create coming back to you and yours.
-- <> cari machet <>

and children. On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 11:41 PM Cari Machet <> wrote:
Plants and animals are profoundly more charitable than ANY human ever
On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 11:37 PM grarpamp <> wrote:
On 11/22/20, Cari Machet <> wrote:
I am black block But I am not one dimensional
Black bloc left, and the ruthless oligarchs, are both dispicable. They both rape and destroy to keep for themselves, one literally steals, the other frauds away, one violates private property, the other teeters on falling from too much, both force, both kill, and neither mature enough to give to charity. Both should die.
Peace love libertarian voluntary anarchism with personal local charity to assist those who cannot (which is far more than animal kingdom does, of which humans are still DNA programmed and a part of) if you want to smooth over chances at problems, in many areas actually.
No government, no politic, no system, no force, as all are false and have been tried before, will ever work... but what is guided from within, and with others, freely, voluntarily, with some sense of responsibility for the full circle of what you create coming back to you and yours.
<> cari machet <>

On 11/23/20, Cari Machet <> wrote:
Plants and animals are profoundly more charitable than ANY human ever
Plants just do what plants do, which is rather happy, and you can eat them or smoke them or live under them or make things from them, and they grow more if you are nice to them, and they do not attack you unless you are stupid to sit under the coconuts, sleep in the ivy, or throw unto the briars. But animals do give up and move on for self survival and hopelessness, often quickly due to tenuous margins of Nature, and they throw over the nest, knash with teeth, bash with sticks, and eat the finer morsels. Thus is the baseline for DNA of the human animal too, any more than that, even though they have greater margins, is a miracle. Though you can try to appeal for above that to the goo inside the humans cranium for better outcomes as a "responsibilty" to others, among other appeals. They say that pet animals have optimized the appeal to the goo, such tricky domesticated fuckers they are. And now that Corona has sold adopted and married out all the charitable animals... say dogs to women and cats to men, lol... as Govt lockdown emo support animals for single people, there will be generation of less humans born. A generation of people more connected to critters (and GovCorp phones) than humans. An intentional Govt lockdown destruction of human-human society ability to socially interact and co-op against human slavery. Score: Globalists Govt Corona +1, Stupid Humans with Pet tricks -1

Sidney Powell promised a biblical explosion in Georgia. That makes biblical sense due to the bible being so filled with the worst of human behavior that it appeals to the worst in humans, condones the worst, accuses the worst, extols the worst, tells the worst of tales, extols the worst of cruelty, exalts the worst of human violence, is cited endlessly to justify punishment above kindness. Perfect business ethics, god blessed. She is for this reason a perfect bitch for a perfect genius. So is likely to be the one who endures with Trump while the fearful sons-of-bitches are fired for firing the "queen of mean" (Trump's fav real estate bitch, Leonora Helmsley). At 08:30 AM 11/23/2020, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
On 22/11/2020 17:47, Robert Hettinga wrote:
So, Iâm very prepared to believe Sidney Powell.
Trump just "fired" her 'cos he thought she is even madder than him.
Which is saying something.

On 23/11/2020 15:34, John Young wrote:
She is for this reason a perfect bitch for a perfect genius.
Genius? If you mean Trump, he isn't any kind of genius except maybe as a conman and fraudster. I don't know if you know, but we in the rest-of-the-free-world mostly think Americans are stupid and gullible and naive for letting themselves be conned by Trump. And some of us think the conned are afraid to admit they have been conned, even though they already know it in their hearts, and that is why this "election-fraud" charade is lingering on. Trump: - is a business failure and wastrel. He turned a property portfolio which would now be worth $20 billion inherited from his Dad into nothing. - is not a deal-master; the book was heavily ghost-written, he doesn't understand the art of the deal. Or the art of the real, which I just typo'd, for that matter.. - was lucky to get elected - the democrats were stupid [1] to go with Hilary, as a cuckolded wife there were too many Americans who hated her (probably quite undeservedly), and she wasn't enough of a political heavyweight or success to overcome that. Trump of course had no reputation as a politician, so people could believe whatever nonsense about him they wanted to. - is a fear-monger - make America great again? means America is not great now. Oh oh. - is a liar. Politicians do lie, but Trump takes it to another level. "Mexico will pay for the wall"? - never going to happen, but somehow he got people believing it. - is a conman. "Fake news" - a typical conman (or naughty child) trick, when you are caught out turn it around on the accuser. The only thing fake about the majority of the "fake news" was Trump calling it fake. - is a fraudster. Where's the money? He can't pardon himself for much of that. - is a spoilt child, who won't face the truth or accept responsibility. "Oh no, I didn't lose, it must have been someone else who lost it. By cheating." "Trumpery" definitions: [noun] attractive articles of little value or use [adjective] showy but worthless Well that's the view from this side of the pond. I liked the white house poster - "We Voted. You're Fired". Maybe some Americans are sane. Peter Fairbrother [1] it's not just the US democrats who make these mistakes - the Labour party had two "gimme" chances of winning the last two UK elections with any center-left candidate, but they fielded the far-left Corbyn who lost. Then they fielded him again, contrary to usual practice - you lose an election, we'll try someone else is the usual way - and he lost a gimme election again. Sometimes people are just obviously unelectable because so many people will vote against them - Hilary, Corbyn - and people should recognise that. But they don't, they go through their short-sighted internal party candidate selection bollocks processes to select the candidate party members would vote for, rather than a candidate the country would vote for. Biden was nearly like that but just scraped through, which is why the polls were so wrong; but Saunders would have been too close for comfort.

Ms Kraken-Whisperer has some seriously epic history - no wonder so many whistleblowing folks knew _she_ was the one to send their info to. I Know Sidney Powell. She Is Telling the Truth By John Zmirak Published on November 19, 2020 Back in 2014, I worked freelance for a public relations firm in New York City. It was there that I met an unusual woman. I didn’t know many lawyers or Texans, but I knew better than to chalk up her qualities to either her profession or her home. It’s rare that I encounter someone who I’m afraid to argue with, because of her sheer brain power and towering personal rectitude. But this was such a person. This woman had quite a career behind her. An evangelical Christian, she’d been a federal prosecutor — and quit, outraged at the corruption she saw among her colleagues. She did more than quit. Horrified by prosecutors hiding exculpatory evidence and targeting the innocent because of their personal politics, she became a defense attorney, to help people fight the feds. She Gave Up Everything to Expose Abusive Prosecutors But that wasn’t enough. At a huge financial sacrifice, she took time off from her practice to write a book. And self-publish it. And hire a public relations firm to get it out to people, when media ignored it. That book, Licensed to Lie, is absolutely chilling. It shows innocent Americans, even a U.S. Senator such as Ted Stevens of Alaska, unable to defend themselves against prosecutors with vendettas. It recounts how innocent companies, like accounting firm Arthur Anderson, can be broken by biased and dishonest federal prosecutors, and left in ruins. A real-life legal horror story, the book was too disturbing for me to read it through to the end. And its author was Sidney Powell, whom I used to go to lunch with in midtown Manhattan. In retrospect, I feel privileged. I knew she was a powerhouse, but I little suspected what an historic role she would someday play. When I saw that she was representing General Mike Flynn, I knew one thing for sure — that he was innocent. Sidney’s not one of those lawyers who works for people she thinks are guilty as sin. She wouldn’t have gone on Fox News, and One America, and Newsmax, night after night and coolly laid out his defense in a tone of righteous outrage if this were just some client. Because the abuse of power and perversion of law Sidney witnessed made her more than just some lawyer. It made her a crusader. It made her … Joan of Arc. The Theft of Our Election So watching the press conference with Jenna Ellis, Rudolph Giuliani, and Sidney Powell was different for me than for most. I don’t know Ms. Ellis or Mayor Giuliani, though I don’t suspect that they’re cynical, partisan hacks, as Ross Douthat suggests. Keep in mind that a week before the 2016 election, Douthat tried to suppress the pro-life vote for Trump by comparing voting for Trump to shooting abortionists on the street. That’s one way to keep a job at The New York Times, I suppose. There is nothing insane or unhinged about advancing false or extremely-unlikely claims if you have the cynical political goal of securing your client’s hold over a national political party and improving his chances in 2024. — Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) November 19, 2020 The Evidence Is Coming, to Federal Courts Near You I don’t have any evidence that Democrats used software invented in Venezuela to help socialist dictator Hugo Chavez steal elections. Or that the Soros-linked company Dominion was used by Democrats across multiple states to steal votes from Donald Trump to give to Joe Biden in the middle of the night, in just the strategic states where Trump was leading. Rudy Giuliani and Trump Campaign Officials Hold News Conference at the RNC I don’t have that evidence, but the fact that Sidney Powell claims she does is enough to convince me. This is a woman who gave up years of income she could have earned in her profitable practice to write, print, and promote a book no publisher would touch. Its charges were too explosive, I imagine. Its targets, like Andrew Weissman (the protege of FBI director Christopher Wray) wield too much power. Tellingly, none of the people Powell exposed in Licensed to Lie have dared to sue her for defamation or libel. She put herself out there as a target for such a suit by writing the book—with no publishing house’s attorneys on board to defend her. But no one did, I’m sure because her charges were absolutely truthful. Risking Bankruptcy, Disbarment, and Worse Non-partisan legal expert Jonathan Turley is one of the few reliable commentators left out there. He observed after watching the press conference that Powell and the rest of the president’s team took a similar risk today. They accused a massive corporation, Dominion, with links to friendly billionaires like Soros and many foreign governments, of felonies. Of colluding with corrupt election officials to steal the White House. The press conference was an explosion of potential defamation claims by individuals or companies. The only clear defense is truth. The team insists that it can prove these allegations. It may have to do so. — Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) November 19, 2020 If these charges are false, their careers are finished. If defamation lawsuits get launched — and I don’t see how Dominion has any choice but to file them, or go bankrupt — Sidney Powell could lose her house and her license to practice law. She’d be a pauper. The same is true of Ellis, Giuliani, and anyone else on the president’s team. But only if the charges are unsupported and untrue. Given the death threats to election officials in Michigan, and the doxing of their children, for refusing to certify a corrupt election, I’d say Ms. Powell is risking a lot more than money. What Trump’s Team Faces Ranged against her is a vast media machine determined to suppress the truth. Billion-dollar networks that trumpeted the Russia collusion hoax and Brett Kavanaugh’s “teenage rape gang,” then pretended that Nick Sandmann was some kind of neo-Nazi. The same networks squelched the solid evidence from the Hunter Biden laptop, abetted by social media monopolies that silence ordinary Americans. And of course, she has a whole team of Democrats ready to start a “transition” to an office it seems Joe Biden stole. If they succeed, what do they have in store for her, using the power of the White House? Let’s remember that Kamala Harris’ old office is still trying to imprison David Daleiden, for exposing her old campaign donor, Planned Parenthood, on charges she corruptly launched. I also know what the Democrats have in mind for this country, and for President Trump’s loyal supporters: re-education, on the model of conquered Nazi Germany: The DNC is talking about “deprogramming” Trump supporters, like pro-Nazi Germans after World War II. But yeah, @POTUS‘ supporters are unhinged conspiracy theorists. — John Zmirak (@JZmirak) November 19, 2020 But there Sidney stood fearlessly on television, her voice quavering a little at the enormity of the evil she has helped to uncover. Meanwhile the Vichy-conservatives over at National Review and other “squish” venues sniped at her, and at Rudolph Giuliani, who faced down the hitmen of the New York Mafia, then broke its back. One called the Trump team “unhinged,” and sniffed at its lack of “dignity.” That display by Giuliani and Powell was unhinged, undignified, and came across as a mental breakdown. — Michael Brendan Dougherty (@michaelbd) November 19, 2020 Fox News reporter Kristin Fisher called Mr. Giuliani a “liar.” Sniffy Vichy Conservatives If you think your country’s elections are being stolen, and your main concern is for keeping your “dignity,” then I don’t want you next to me in a foxhole. You’ll switch sides if the enemy offers a chocolate bar, and a chance to save your skin. I want someone like Sidney Powell, a whistleblower and a Christian patriot. I hope her evidence is watertight and bullet proof—and frankly, that for the next few weeks she has taken to wearing Kevlar. That’s how much I trust the people who want to silence her. Please pray for her safety and the future of our democracy. John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream, and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. He is co-author with Jason Jones of “God, Guns, & the Government.”
participants (7)
Cari Machet
John Young
Peter Fairbrother
Robert Hettinga
Zenaan Harkness