NSA formidable infiltration of gov/com/edu
NSA - Did You Know https://nsa.gov/Portals/70/documents/news-features/declassified-documents/pr... Formidable infiltration of gov/com/edu, maybe only spy agency so pervasive, secret, unaccountable to public.
On 9/21/19, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
Formidable infiltration of gov/com/edu, maybe only spy agency so pervasive, secret, unaccountable to public.
"GenCyber Camps - week-long, no cost summer camps aimed at [indoctrinating] interest ... for [kids] ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade." Get em while they're young, before they start thinking freely on anything free or new... can't have that. Don't forget your Ovaltine, and go to church too, and vote, and get a job, mortgage, and tax, join the military, watch TV... Is this really the best the world can come up with?
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Saturday, September 21, 2019 4:29 PM, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote: ...
Get em while they're young, before they start thinking freely on anything free or new... can't have that.
go on kids, sign that secrecy agreement; bound for a lifetime! (quite a method of coercing compliance, for as long as necessary...) best regards,
participants (3)
John Young