Axial Age, 2.0: Sell the State

BS crazy the aim of any decent person ..." Tell us more about this, BS. Especially in relation to your hateful antisemitic bigotry, your COINTELPRO efforts, your 9-11 ' Truth " and Marxist-like conspiracy-theories about omnipotent capitalists. These cypherpunks you hang with for years might be curious. They treat you like a decent gimp, sorry, punk.

On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 03:20:18 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <> wrote:
Especially in relation to your hateful antisemitic bigotry, your COINTELPRO
OK, I think I fed the little jew-fascist troll a bit too much. The offensive-to-rats entity is not only a jew fascist but indeed an actual COINTELPRO agent himself, who wants to murder assange the 'rapist', just like his employer the US govt.
participants (2)
professor rat
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0