Hackaday: Homebrew Metrology The CERN Way

Homebrew 8 1/2 Digit DIgital Voltmeter (DVM)Hackaday: Homebrew Metrology The CERN Way. https://hackaday.com/2021/02/26/homebrew-metrology-the-cern-way/ Jim Bell's note:. In 1974, one of my early electronics projects was to design and build a 4 1/2 Digit DVM, including a custom-designed printed circuit board that I laid out and etched. It used a MK5002 counter chip. https://www.datasheetarchive.com/?q=MK5002

Homebrew 8 1/2 Digit DIgital Voltmeter (DVM)Hackaday: Homebrew Metrology The CERN Way. https://hackaday.com/2021/02/26/homebrew-metrology-the-cern-way/ Jim Bell's note:. In 1974, one of my early electronics projects was to design and build a 4 1/2 Digit DVM, including a custom-designed printed circuit board that I laid out and etched. It used a MK5002 counter chip. https://www.datasheetarchive.com/?q=MK5002
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participants (2)
jim bell