https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/qvqq97/whatsapp-imessage-exploits... NSA's / CIA's / In-Q-Tel's / FBI's / FVEY's partners... Zerodium, Vupen, Azimuth, and Crowdfense ... Zerodium, a startup that buys and sells hacking tools and exploits to governments around the world, announced on Monday price increases for almost everything they are looking for, such as iOS remote jailbreaks and Windows exploits. "It said it will now pay security researchers $1,000,000 for exploits in WhatsApp, iMessage, and SMS/MMS apps for all mobile operating systems." Compromising the whole iPhone, sometimes referred to as remote jailbreaking or rooting the phone, can cost $2 million or more, and usually involves a series of bugs and exploits. The price increase shows that mobile devices in general are getting more and more secure, and thus harder to hack. That means that it's becoming increasingly hard for hackers to break into iOS and Android devices. That makes the life of folks like spy agencies and police departments harder too. That's where Zerodium and other similar companies, such as Azimuth and Crowdfense, come in: they act as intermediaries between security researchers and government agencies looking for tools -- often called zero-days -- to break into targets. Before today, Zerodium was willing to pay $500,000 for WhatsApp and iMessage exploits, according to an archived version of the company's site. These new prices are in line with the market, according to Maor Shwartz, who used to run a company that acquired and sold exploits to government agencies.
https://zerodium.com/program.html Actually, now $2M for a single sploit. And only $50k - $80k for the pathetically easy task, thus valueless price, of cracking any desktop kernel (win / mac / nix) once otherwise in the box. Or $100-200k to kernel from in phones / baseband. Recall free market dynamics.
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