Offering free firmware rootkits perhaps even badBIOS

Want firmware rootkits, probably more sophisticated than FinFisher's, probably BadBiOS, emailed to you? Hidden .mp3 and ID3 tag embedded in .exif in photos I took. Clicking on the photos does not produce audible sound. Is audio ultrasound? JavaScript block, multiple objects, multiple stream objects, OpenAction and JFIF in documents that I scanned into PDF. Malware hiding in revisions, OLE2 streams and null characters after the end of file of doc files I had created. Null characters after the end of file of tiff files. I removed ID3 tags from music. Hackers concealed reinserting ID3 tags.

On 9/25/14, <> wrote:
Want firmware rootkits, probably more sophisticated than FinFisher's, probably BadBiOS, emailed to you?
i think it is time to throw a malware party in a faraday hanger over a weekend bender... all in favor? best only half joking regards,

Dnia wtorek, 30 września 2014 21:06:46 coderman pisze:
On 9/25/14, <> wrote:
Want firmware rootkits, probably more sophisticated than FinFisher's, probably BadBiOS, emailed to you?
i think it is time to throw a malware party in a faraday hanger over a weekend bender...
We'd get wasted, and definitely hanger-over faraday or two... Bender, done that.
all in favor?
Por favor. -- Pozdr rysiek
participants (3)