http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4864708/Devil-letter-written-posesse... Coded letter written by a 17th Century nun while she was 'possessed by the Devil' is finally translated using decryption software discovered on the dark web * Letter written by Sister Maria Crocifissa della Concezione in 1676 * She said it was a message from the devil, but it could not be translated * Thanks to a decryption software on the dark web, it is now been decoded * It claims 'God was invented by man', calling him and Jesus 'dead weights'

On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 4:12 PM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Search for the humans... "A team at the Ludum Science Centre in Catania, Sicily, used a program they found on the dark web to unscramble the letter. We heard about the software, which we believe is used by intelligence services for codebreaking,’ said Daniele Abate, director of the centre "

Ludum Science Centre in Catania, Sicily
...is a children's science learning museum Photo gallery @ tripadvisor... I picked one start with. Some of the shots look like a vacant office building (the opening frame), but THIS ONE amply illustrates the 'target market' (wait for page load)... https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Attraction_Review-g652021-d3873510-Reviews-Ludum_Museo_dell_exhibit_e_del_gioco_scientifico-Misterbianco_Province_of_Catania.html#photos;geo=187886&detail=3873510&ff=192333553&albumViewMode=hero&aggregationId=101&albumid=101&baseMediaId=192333553&thumbnailMinWidth=50&cnt=30&offset=-1&filter=7&autoplay= Not EVEN up to the standards of the Brooklyn Children's museum <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooklyn_Children's_Museum> where I saw my first ever 'computer' in 1965 or so. An old skool (think 'duck hunting') game console with a black and white TeeVee screen and some sort of miracle contraption in the bottom compartment that played Tic-Tac-Toe with you using buttons to select your X or 0 placement, and you could actually beat it. Besides... All the links about this story are blog posts, and OFC CoastToCoast, from whence all those single-sourced posts most likely originated... The ULTIMATE AM radio crap generator. Art Bell's revenge on every ham radio repeater group that ever told him to get lost for motormouthing and otherwise being a nuisance. Rr
participants (3)
jim bell