Calls for a " Carter Doctrine ' on computer chips

If KGB Russia and red-fascist China keep attacking internet infrastructure in space then that means WW3. They want the roles of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan so it should end like WW2. Taiwan is the center for advanced semiconductor production; the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) boasts that it has the most advanced foundry in the world. Chinese control of TSMC would provide it enormous economic benefit and would result in the world being dependent on an authoritarian regime for advanced semiconductors — and all that would mean for the integrity of supply chains. Advanced semiconductors are the petroleum of the digital age. America must not let an authoritarian regime bent on supplanting the United States seize these vital production facilities. The Carter Doctrine recognized Middle East oil access was key to US national security. Now the whole world can see internet access is key to the whole earths security. To Hell with those foolish enough to mess with the net.
participants (1)
professor rat