basically at this juncture there are questions of piezo film itself, and then how to control this within a circuit, which could also involve information transfer, and thus microcontroller platforms are probably involved in such experimentation and development. so how i approach this situation is that i look at what is available for piezo film sensors, and contemplate how that plastic-coated piezo film could be made to vibrate automatically or function as a non-radiating transceiver of 'resonance-based' energy as signal. and thus the options are basically for little rectangle tabs of film that plug into a breadboard circuit of a microcontroller or else can be soldered to a circuitboard, as with various other approaches. [0] e.g. the DT Series from Measurement Specialties is the same type of strain-gage sensor found in contact microphones. [1] though i was still completely puzzled by another version of this element that has a round metal opening in its otherwise flat surface as if a mistake occurred at the hardware store. as if a pierced PVDF sensor. [2] and then after a google search i happened upon a experimenter who built an Arduino Seismic Activity Monitor [3] using the same PVDF element and it was then realized the hole in the piezo tab related to its use as a cantilever that vibrates and that additional weights can be added to limit what frequencies influence it, thus the antenna can be tuned to respond to only certain frequencies, or in the larger consideration, potentially to resonate in a narrow window where it could be specifically tuned to, say- 7.83 Hz, if indeed it either could be manufactured this way as an antenna or retrofitted via weights or modifications. or so it seems possible. in other words, having once had access to a seismic sensor, the range in which the vibrations would trigger the circuit could be fine-tuned to a certain limited parameter which could potentially influence inefficiency or limit any outside involvement, harmonics from powerlines or ambient noise that could lessen or disrupt the clean or predominant movement, seemingly. like only having one vibration versus several that counteract and diminish one another, though perhaps in some cases harmonics could be beneficial and in others counteract the movement. those who know would know. (sidenote: interesting to consider precisely because such a sensor can still be used as a microphone element and could be tuned or adjusted to pick up stray signals or vibrations from the environment, say the 60 cycle hum of alternating current, more on this later..) so, tuning of the adjustable PVDF film tab apparently involves either guesswork or use of an oscilloscope, which i wish i knew how to use because it seems the conceptual foundation of the diagnostics of electronics and circuits, how to relate to and understand them in detail and without it, the multimeter in its non-graphic approach remains to me an issue of numbers only, never having understood how all of it fits together as a worldview. though it is evident that it is possible to put weights onto this cantilever of the sensor and then measure it so that it only can vibrate within a certain wavelength, or frequency, in this case it was bounded for earthquake sensing, to a lower range and thus filtering out all the higher frequencies that could influence if not trigger the sensor, said to be extremely sensitive to vibrations, otherwise. what this amounts to is: if you know electronics and know circuits and have an oscilloscope, you could probably tune the antenna to a particular frequency range, whether to transmit or receive crypto data as infrasound (seems unlikely as transmit, though receive apparently a-ok, if material connection is vibration, again not acoustic or in air; thus computer chassis, cables, etc) or at ultrahigh frequencies (transmit/receive seemingly both ok.) thus perhaps someone with the know-how to see if it is actually possible to transmit data via resonance-based vibration, where movement is induced in another circuit, becoming power for that circuit, else also transmit data via non-electromagnetic means, on the principle of shared tuning. (there is more to this, opening up and tapping into the infinity of a circuit, and somehow having this drive the vibration of the PVDF ((which is more 'the aether' from what i understand, not of this dimensionality)) though that is for some other investigation, in some other time and place. this involves challenging existing mathematics of zero, etc.) in any case, the point here is that there could be multiple ways of tuning the piezo film as an antenna within these parameters, and it could involve differing approaches or circuits to do so. [0] example of Piezo Film Elements http://www.meas-spec.com/piezo-film-sensors/piezo-film-elements.aspx [1] Piezo Sensor - DT Series http://www.meas-spec.com/product/t_product.aspx?id=2478 [2] Piezo Sensor - LDT Series http://www.meas-spec.com/product/t_product.aspx?id=2484 [3] Arduino Seismic Activity Monitor - Ethernet Shield http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Seismic-Activity-Monitor-Ethernet-Sh... recover, tremulous, lie detector
participants (1)
brian carroll