key challenge results
vast majority of players (63*) were able to encrypt to my key even though the email address did not match. (no address would, nor could you query a key server for it) this is a much better result than i expected, as some "friendly" clients have trouble encrypting without an email match. the onion reference a ruse, misdirection. hidden services not required to encrypt ;) same for invalid creation date, however, i'd love to know if anyone had a client complain on create date. as for the rest, i did enjoy the quotation discussion tangent! best regards, --- *unofficial tally: 63 successful players 3 failed attempts 1 anon recipient (extra credit :) clients (unverified) including: GnuPG, BCPG, OpenPGP.js, Why do you need to know? on platforms spanning Linux, BSD, Windows, OSX.
participants (1)