Cryptocurrency: Politician-Anti's Are Trending to Political Sides
Politicians are lining up sides against and for crypto. One current trend is that the world's Left are more against it. Not suprising when consider that finance monitoring orgs show US Democrats receiving more campaign donations, lobbying, speaking fees, revolving door engagements, nepotism, etc from dying legacy Bankers and Banks than their Republican counterparts, after all, their Banks finance and print fake money for enabling their top down socialistic regimes... like peas in a pod. The other ruling parties are just as bad, but coming and attacking from other anti angles. Cryptocurrency Honey Badger doesn't give a fuck, but only if you develop, adopt, and use cryptos faster than your indoctrinated brain succumbs to their FUD and BANS. Crypto executives have accused US politicians of making 'misleading' and 'provably false' statements about Bitcoin... The recent Congressional letter penned to the EPA requesting investigation into Bitcoin mining facilities was signed by 22 officials, all Democrats. Deep State wages its influence and disinform program wherever and upon whoever it can... " If your goal is to preserve wealth, Bitcoin is a relatively environmental friendly option, especially when compared to gold: “Gold mining is one of the most destructive industries in the world. It can displace communities, contaminate drinking water, hurt workers, and destroy pristine environments. It pollutes water and land with mercury and cyanide, endangering the health of people and ecosystems.” Gold is also used to preserve wealth, so its a relevant comparison. Most gold sits idle in vaults, unused, further demonstrating its use as a wealth preserving asset. And golds’ energy usage does not stop after it has been mined. Custody of gold is expensive and cost is a reasonable proxy for energy usage (of vaults, security, elaborate procedures for handling etc.). Bitcoin is easier to handle and store safely, therefore cheaper, translating to less energy usage."
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