[MINISTRY] Truth is the foundation stone of Israeli politics

Welp ... may be or something sorta like that? <wry grin> I'll leave it to you to decide. ** Fact checking Benjamin Netanyahu’s General Assembly speech http://theduran.com/fact-checking-benjamin-netanyahus-general-assembly-speec... ------------------------------------------------------------ The speech was full of downright lies and "alternative facts". Here is the reality. Subtlety and world peace the name of the game ... "or something" has been bound to a unique and easy to type two-key key stroke on this keyboard: ** Trump blasts “ROCKET MAN” Kim, and the “dictatorships” of Iran, Syria and Venezuela in first UN speech http://theduran.com/trump-blasts-rocket-man-kim-and-the-dictatorships-of-ira... ------------------------------------------------------------ Donald Trump's speech was little more than a list of threats against North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and Cuba with subtle references to Russia and China. Paul Joseph Watson in classic style - if you're bored with the stoning's, enjoy this crucifixion instead :) ** Morgan Freeman’s “We Are At War With Russia’ video, DESTROYED by Paul Joseph Watson http://theduran.com/morgan-freemans-we-are-at-war-with-russia-video-is-destr... ------------------------------------------------------------ Morgan Freeman was paid by neocons, warmongers and Hillary supporters to make the trash video Tick .. tock ** Vladimir Putin instructs government to stop using US dollar at Russian seaports http://theduran.com/vladimir-putin-instructs-government-to-stop-using-us-dol... ------------------------------------------------------------ Putin orders to end trade in US dollars at Russian seaports. Possibly interesting - states will be states of cours∑: ** Wikileaks drops “Spy Files Russia”: 34 base documents on Russia’s surveillance apparatus http://theduran.com/wikileaks-drops-spy-files-russia-34-base-documents-on-ru... ------------------------------------------------------------ Wikileaks details Russia's mass surveillance system. Ah yes, our beloved "West", saving the world as usual: ** The West Has a Quest: To 'Save the World Through Degeneracy' http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=5b5b147c10&e=5110f4b440 ------------------------------------------------------------ by James George Jatras on Wed, Sep 20, 2017 America wants Israeli (as well as Russian) 'foreign agents' to register (I'm kidding, I'm kidding - Israeli 'foreign agents' are of course not required to register in the USA): ** Israel’s Foreign Agents Don’t Register, Why Should Russia’s? http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=d8cf41f607&e=5110f4b440 ------------------------------------------------------------ by Grant Smith on Wed, Sep 20, 2017 The Department of Justice has ordered Russia’s U.S.-based RT news network to begin registering as Russian foreign agents under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act. The law requires US-based agents of foreign principals to disclose financial information and activities in regular public filings overseen by a designated DOJ office. Over the years FARA has been amended to exclude bona fide news organizations. The Department of Justice order breaks a long period of unfettered access to the U.S. by foreign press agencies, many directly and indirectly financed by foreign governments. Russian military helicopter accidentally fires off a few rockets at CNN journos reporting on Russian war games: Russian Helicopter Just Accidentally Fired ROCKETS at Journos During War Games http://russia-insider.com/en/military/watch-russian-helicopter-just-accident... ------------------------------------------------------------ War games are dangerous. The journalists were injured. Some people are saying they are CNN journalists. Now THAT would be interesting. Watch this shocking video to see it actually happen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcuxgqP01Ow
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Zenaan Harkness