https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/29/us/politics/bernie-sanders-chapo-trap-hou... "The people in the crowd were angry, and Chapo Trap House wanted them to stay that way. The five hosts of the popular socialist podcast wanted everyone to know they had all been lied to. About everything. The media they consumed was fake news aimed to distract them from the only war worth fighting: the class war. Politesse, civility, even pleasure those were tools of the neoliberal oppressor. The right answer is rage." Let the hate feed you.

It feels great to hate! Especially when the object of one's disdain are Republitard crypto-fascists. We of the 'dirtbag left' flu-sneeze in your general direction ... http://bit.ly/goatfucker Bwhahahahaha! Rr

On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 01:33:34PM -0500, John Young wrote:
"The people in the crowd were angry, and Chapo Trap House wanted them to stay that way. The five hosts of the popular socialist podcast wanted everyone to know they had all been lied to. About everything.
The media they consumed was fake news aimed to distract them from the only war worth fighting: the class war. Politesse, civility, even pleasure those were tools of the neoliberal oppressor. The right answer is rage."
Let the hate feed you.
The above quote effectively promote class warfare. On a human, and Soul, level, that is utterly pathetic. Yes the (((MSM))) delivers fake news in abundance. But that's not the only war worth fighting. Justice, as you, personally see it, is always worth fighting for. And a note to those who get consumed by anger, rage etc, yes "that which you fight is usually/always made stronger", so how to fight without being consumed by/in the evil you fight? Stand. Stand on your principles, freedoms, rights - the right to speak, the right to move, the right to do those things necessary for my survival including but not limited to collecting water in rainwater tanks, growing food and medicine, building a house, raising a family, believing and sharing/speaking/preaching that which you believe. Stand for these things and more - stand for all that is good, wholesome and righteous in your own world, others will share in such. Fighting fake news implies attacking it, shouting to the world with a megaphone how bad CNNPC/MSNPC etc really are - which draws attention and puts precious life energy into those things which are bad. Standing implies speaking your truth, in the face of the world - creating something better (more better speech, rather than attacking bad fake news). And note carefully Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag Archipelago - the "class war" is the seed of envy, frustration and anger - you are better than that. Find the antidotes within yourself, rather than submitting to the literally Marxist message to "kill all the upperclass folks, since they got more gibs than me". Seriously, is "pleasure" your highest goal in life? And even if it were, is killing those in the upper classes going to increase your own pleasure anyway? The errors of thought in the West are large today - don't buy into that shit. Create your world,
participants (3)
John Young
Zenaan Harkness