Fwd: give a listening ear to those who might "struggle" -- [sales@grainmills.com.au: Fwd: Fw: Interesting]
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 10:39:38 +1000 Subject: give a listening ear to those who might "struggle" -- [sales@grainmills.com.au: Fwd: Fw: Interesting] To: my_bffs@freedbms.net Be alert. In the face of extended uncertainty and lack of the truth being told to us, some folks can get a bit stressed out. By reaching out when you get that nudge or "sharing a little support" i.e. you're own groundedness, simple preparations ("hey, a little rice and water can go a long way, right?") and reminders, you may lessen the fright, the shock, and or the "madness" that some folks might tend towards. Keep it conservative/real, especially for those who are not inclined to "think for themselves" much - you know the sort - sometimes a few simple words like "we'll be right, we're Aussies, and we will pull through this together, like we always have" can be enough to lighten the load. May be confirm that they have your phone number in their mobile - could make all the difference to their sanity, and if they have a family at home, this might mean a meaningful difference to their family. Keep a disposable mask prominently displayed in your shirt pocket or around your neck, not only so you can use it if needed at a moment's notice, but to remind one another that we should look out for each other, that perhaps we ought take our duty of care "responsibility to one another" seriously - and a mask let's people know you're thinking of them, not just yourself! We do not whow how this virus might mutate into something much worse - this is the big scientific difficulty with viruses, they can mutate on a cycle of a few weeks, making any vaccine from even 6 months ago, less than useful (vaccines are often not harmless, even when they are ineffective). So let's continue to give our best to each other, look out for each other, this is just another journey. Stay safe, be prepared, and do what your gut tells you is prudent, moment by moment. If you pray, then pray; if you meditate or contemplate, do that. Good luck and may God's will prevail, Zen ----- Forwarded message from Leo <sales@grainmills.com.au> ----- From: Leo <sales@grainmills.com.au> To: undisclosed-recipients: ; Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 08:27:41 +1000 Subject: Fwd: Fw: Interesting User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.10.0 *Sent:* Monday, 20 July 2020 11:28 AM *Subject:* Interesting Sent from my iPad -- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. https://www.avg.com ----- End forwarded message -----
Keep a disposable mask prominently displayed in your shirt pocket or around your neck, not only so you can use it if needed at a moment's notice, but to remind one another that we should look out for each other
These masks are perfectly useless. They are a symbol of human solidarity all over the world? I would think they represent a very small piece of the gigantic fascism to come.
We do not whow how this virus might mutate into something much worse -
Which virus? The biological one? It's the result of pollution in China mainly. Why it should evolve to something fundamentally different? Biological viruses do have no such power as far as I am aware of (except in 'blockbuster' films) The psychological virus 'Covid-19', yes it may mutate to something fundamentally different, a global psychosis and madness with potentially catastrophic effects.
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... [sic]
On Tue, 21 Jul 2020 00:58:05 +0000 таракан <cryptoanalyzers@protonmail.com> wrote:
The psychological virus 'Covid-19', yes it may mutate to something fundamentally different, a global psychosis and madness with potentially catastrophic effects.
well the flu hysteria virus has already infected the whole planet. As a side note it's funny to see that china only had 82,000 cases of flu and that their farce has been over for a few months now. But hey, the evil chinese govt is lying... I think the flu hysteria virus illustrates that the current human population is hopelessly retarded(thanks to public 'education' mostly) and willing to believe the most stupid lies, something that can indeed have catastrophic consequences. What the flu hysteria has shown is that govcorp can tell the most outrageous lies, and the majority of ignorant assholes (like many assholes on this list) will believe them. And even advocate for more surveillace! Hey Jim, tell us about the 'achievments' of musk and how google-nsa should 'track the flu'.
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... [sic]
I think the flu hysteria virus illustrates that the current human population is hopelessly retarded(thanks to public 'education' mostly) and willing to believe the most stupid lies, something that can indeed have catastrophic consequences.
What the flu hysteria has shown is that govcorp can tell the most outrageous lies, and the majority of ignorant assholes (like many assholes on this list) will believe them. And even advocate for more surveillace! Hey Jim, tell us about the 'achievments' of musk and how google-nsa should 'track the flu'.
That crisis is the result of the madness of the ruling class and demonstrate how they are afraid, fearing everything with the fantasy to live in a totally artificial world under control. Everything that they perceive as a threat to their lives (e.g. the virus ...) must be wiped and destroyed with great fire. That biological virus is a threat for the few, probably because of their inherent lack of (biological) immunity. That global power is now based on fear. Using fear as a political and social instrument is indeed outrageous. Nothing can be achieved with the logic of fear. Imagine a corpulent middle-aged woman shouting like a shrew, with extreme rage, and - in her ugly ignorance and fear - brandishing a broom in the air ... you'll get a picture of our modern societies and how and who control them... Shrews... That remind me the song of Pink Floyd "Hush now, baby, baby, don't you cry Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing Mama's gonna keep baby cozy and warm Ooh baby, ooh baby, ooh baby Of course mama's gonna help build the wall (...) Mama won't let anyone dirty get through Mama's gonna wait up until you get in Mama will always find out where you've been Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean Ooh baby, ooh baby, ooh baby You'll always be baby to me" 'Mother' wants to keep the 7 billions 'babies' healthy and clean... 'Mother gonna ask you to wear the mask'
On Tue, 21 Jul 2020 03:07:50 +0000 таракан <cryptoanalyzers@protonmail.com> wrote:
That crisis is the result of the madness of the ruling class and demonstrate how they are afraid, fearing everything with the fantasy to live in a totally artificial world under control. Everything that they perceive as a threat to their lives (e.g. the virus ...) must be wiped and destroyed with great fire.
yes, that's another aspect of it. A technological 'utopia' has to completely subjugate nature. When the Time Traveller first arrives at the world of the future he comments "'This adjustment, I say, must have been done, and done well; done indeed for all Time, in the space of Time across which my machine had leaped. The air was free from gnats, the earth from weeds or fungi; everywhere were fruits and sweet and delightful flowers; brilliant butterflies flew hither and thither. The ideal of preventive medicine was attained. Diseases had been stamped out. I saw no evidence of any contagious diseases during all my stay. And I shall have to tell you later that even the processes of putrefaction and decay had been profoundly affected by these changes." http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/35 the whole book is quite apropos, being of course one of the first modern DYStopian novels.
That remind me the song of Pink Floyd
yeah, the wall has some good commentary on modern 'civilization'. When we grew up and went to school There were certain teachers who would hurt the children In any way they could By pouring their derision upon anything we did Exposing every weakness However carefully hidden by the kids But in the town, it was well known when they got home at night Their fat and psychopathic wives would thrash them Within inches of their lives ------ We don't need no education We don't need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Hey, Teacher, leave them kids alone I have one more quote today that you might find interesting (if you don't already know it) "But in the People's State of Marx, there will be, we are told, no privileged class at all. All will be equal, not only from the juridical and political point of view, but from the economic point of view. At least that is what is promised, though I doubt very much, considering the manner in which it is being tackled and the course it is desired to follow, whether that promise could ever be kept. There will therefore be no longer any privileged class, but there will be a government, and, note this well, an extremely complex government, which will not content itself with governing and administering the masses politically, as all governments do to-day, but which will also administer them economically, concentrating in its own hands the production and the just division of wealth, the cultivation of land, the establishment and development of factories, the organisation and direction of commerce,, finally the application of capital to production by the only banker, the State. All that will demand an immense knowledge and many "heads overflowing with brains" in this government. It will be the reign of scientific intelligence, the most aristocratic, despotic, arrogant and contemptuous of all regimes. There will be a new class, a new hierarchy of real and pretended scientists and scholars, and the world will be divided into a, minority ruling in the name of knowledge and an immense ignorant majority. And then, woe betide the mass of ignorant ones!" unsurprisingly enough, that critique applies to 'modern capitalism' just as well.
Oh, yeah, like Van Gogh, give an ear of yours as a love gift! S/He will never forget you! ;) Please, I know it's very shocking to see Chuck Norris - aka God - using a mask, but avoid more and more public hysteria. It is NOT rational, NEITHER mentally healthy for anyone. As a little sad boy said much before me, "I see dead people". It's always disgusting to say goodbye to corpses, but someday it will be my time of taking my favorite almonds tea with Lady Death and talking about amenities. Virus or not, there is something killing my friends, but despair, panic, hysterical behavior are definitely not the key for solving anything. I do love the Sciences because I have strong personal reasons for it. My freedom of choice, my faith. You can pray to a piece of wood and I will try to respect your beliefs, so try to respect mine too, please. I do really think Chemistry, Biology, and all the other Sciences, the rational knowledge in general can save more people than all the churches of this galaxy together. (And, well, I keep praying all the days and nights because a piece of my heart wanted to believe again in a lovely merciful God... the God of my early childhood, able to give me rains, rainbows, and saving my friends... Probably just one of my imaginary friends, less interesting than Mirimir or grarpamp.) Psychological pathology or not, the hysterical behavior and the panic of some people is certainly collaborating to government's data manipulation, to the complete lack of our privacy in name of a "greater good", and to the strategical elimination of specific persons. Please, stop crying for pretending to be a good person and do something really useful for this world. Stop governments. It will be millions of times more useful than donating your ear and a mask to someone.
Still about giving an ear and a mask to someone... ;) https://imgur.com/gallery/9CHUI5i Kisses and hugs!!! <3
participants (4)
Cecilia Tanaka
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Zenaan Harkness