Re: Peterson re Channel 4: "Look the fuck out!" - [ OMG - hilarious - Jordan Peterson out of context]

On Sat, Aug 04, 2018 at 09:57:01PM -0300, Juan wrote:
On Sun, 5 Aug 2018 10:03:56 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
I'm confident it would be very useful for Peterson to listen to you for an hour or three, face to face.
I highly doubt it would be useful for him.
What might be somewhat more useful is for you to ask him about the countless times he shows his true fascist colors. for instance...from the video you linked
1:32:20 "western hierarchies are based in large part on competence" (sickening lie of course)
based ~= premised competence is the premise, notwithstanding the widespread, endemic, systemic and apparently completely overwhelming corruption we see with the MIC, International Banking (nation enslavement) etc. And yes, you can make the case that the American system is premised on fascism and slavery. That's a case that would be good for someone to make in a compelling way which resonates with people generally - someone sufficiently capable of doing so could well become the next "modern intellectual" superstar, do the interview circuit and go face to face with Peterson. Until and unless something even begins approaching that happens, it seems Peterson's position will prevail.
1:37:20 "[hierarchies] are unjust but they are also USEFUL" (...)
and notice how the very moment he makes the mistake of saying that fascism is 'useful' the piece of shit embarks in a 'story' equivocating the word 'hierarchy'.
I can accept that there may be some utility to conflating 'hierarchy' with 'fascism'. However, to do so generally is at the very least a superficial generalisation. Hone your argument/ get more specific, otherwise what the (literally now millions) of Peterson indoctrinated folks are simply going to hear in those words of yours the claim that "lobster hiearchies are fascist dictatorships" which is EXACTLY the "leftist marxist" crap that Peterson is countering. So, without a nuanced response to Peterson's nuanced (and "science" backed, FWIW) position, I suspect your position that Peterson is somehow "equivocating on the word 'hierarchy'" won't get so very far... just a hunch.
Now, I'm sure your understanding of libertarian philosophy is a lot better than peterson's. Also your english is a lot better than mine. And you think there's something valuably in peterson(I
It seems that Peterson has not put his mind to libertarian philosophy, and this is unfortunate - but until he does, I am making the assumption that he has yet to actually put his mind to libertarian philosophy and I am hopeful that he will do so, and soon. Anyone with his ear should encourage him in exactly this way, perhaps encouraging him to read some easy to read books on the topic (Bakunin?).
of course don't) - So....YOU should try talking to him, and see what you get.
I did email him that 'tube (which has been censored, so I uploaded it as a private vid - holler if anyone wants the link), showing the varied newspaper articles and reports from 1917 (around) onwards, all the way up to the mid to late 1930s, from the New York Times and others, bemoaning the "6 million Jewish souls" who had "perished" in Europe - this is all PRIOR to World War II or course, thus putting the firetrucking lie "muh holocaust" bullshit - thus the holohoax. This was about half a year ago. But I've had no response. I don't "have his ear" unfortunately. Perhaps someone else does... (In time, I intend to try again to communicate with JP on other topics.)
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness