from this vantage of not-knowing, and having experimented some with breadboards and the Parallax Basic Stamp microcontroller platform, it would again seem possible that if the PVDF were conceptualized as an antenna that when it is geometrically aligned does not just access a realm of signals, and instead, this signal is itself energy that correlates directly with a capturing of voltage within the piezo film as capacitor, such that an 'energy antenna' exists and perhaps this is the basis of energy harvesting, though seemingly is bounded by how it is implemented. in that its application appears to be requiring mechanical energy, affixed to a surface which bends the material as the basis for vibration, than tuning into a frequency that is detached from the sensor and yet resonates it via the correspondence and alignment of shared tuning (A=A), and in this way motivates charge within a larger circuit. so there are whitepapers that exist about self-sustaining circuits based on PVDF and microcontrollers [0] and yet nothing in this other realm about the 'global AC circuit' [1] as this could also influence movement of the antenna in a framework beyond that of sidewalks and HVAC vibrations. in that atmospheric electricity and the earth-ionosphere cavity [2] have fundamental relation to EM technologies thus, stating the obvious in an expanded view beyond that of a compartmentalized realm, this condition of being within such an environment, yet not having it understood or conceptualized based upon a false limit or no-go zone, as if fringe to consider or perhaps not obvious to those without instruction, the educational system enforcing a fundamental disconnection, as if to keep everything that is naturally connected apart, as if somehow beyond limits thus basic electromagnetic awareness, to then read the technical manual [3] where it states the following: "Although the forces involved are small, the film can be used to excite other mechanical structures over a very wide frequency range. If a second element of film is used to receive the induced vibration, the system can possess a very high dynamic range, even though the overall "insertion loss" due to the film is about -66 dB typically for a structure at resonance. If sufficient gain is applied between these elements, the structure will self-oscillate at its natural frequency. For these resonant mechanical systems, high voltage drive is not required. The amplifier circuit may function adequately from a normal dual rail op-amp supply, or even from a single 9 volt battery. For analysis purposes, even lower applied voltages, e.g., the noise source of a spectrum analyzer at 70 mVrms, are sufficient to insert the mechanical energy into a structure when piezo film is also used to monitor the result." (p.5) now consider again the issue of tuning and shared resonance, that the movement of one object at a certain vibration/frequency could induce another object to also vibrate at that frequency if the resonance was shared or tuned similarly. thus, a PVDF film 'transmitting antenna' could seemingly generate a vibration at a given frequency, and if matched to anther PVDF film as receiving antenna, could induce it to vibrate and in effect, transfer or transmit the power from one circuit into another, via this vibration. i.e. resonance-based transfer of energy, or remote power generation so you could place a microcontroller antenna tuned to a frequency a few feet from another, on a separate circuit, and seemingly then light up its LEDs via vibrational energy, no electromagnetism that spans this gap, and instead resonance or vibration as the medium. (note: non-acoustic seemingly because it is the material itself that is vibrating and not "acoustic" air pressure pushing it to vibrate.) note: in this way it is clean, non-pollutive, and nonradiating energy and this is what Tesla had discovered apparently, and yet it was not able to be developed further, given the all-encompassing situation. and yet, listening to the stories of hh, she conveys that Tesla who had developed alternating current infrastructure thought in retrospect that it was unnatural and harmful as an energy approach, and that this resonance-based energy was based upon natural cosmic order, and was correctly aligned with life and nature, not functioning against it via invisible toxic pollution of radiation and its massive inefficiencies. so now there are two major themes: one is energy capture via the Schumann Resonance, and another is non-electromagnetic transfer of power via antennas tuned to a shared frequency, whereby current from one circuit could induce it in another. this is different from the magnetic induction whereby magnetic fields bridge the gap between transmitter and receiving device, and any electric or electromagnetic version likewise, whereby current is bridging this gap, ionizing the air inbetween, breaking down the structure of the air to move energy, versus nontoxic vibrating at some imperceptible infrastructural layer that is already active within nature, which all entities are attuned to as part of a living ecosystem and circuit, yet also out of harmony and out of balance via technology and development in the present moment, with populations unable to grasp the hostile situation we exist within, environmentally, ecologically, educationally, intellectually, realistically in the dimensions & parameters that exist, for optimal decision-making what then if the approach or conceptualization is off, and equipment and tools exist for experimentation like early days of electrification, where hobbyists can turn inventors and transform the situation by exploring beyond the edge already defined, via new interpretations or accessing old, discarded ideas and knowledge, thinking it through once again, and perhaps massive discoveries await via such experiment continued... 0. Powering Microcontrollers with Scavenged Energy http://www.digikey.com/us/en/techzone/energy-harvesting/resources/articles/p... Evaluating the Options for Different Technologies to Harvest Energy
From the Environment http://www.digikey.com/us/en/techzone/energy-harvesting/resources/articles/e...
1. global electrical circuit (images) https://www.google.com/search?q=global+electric+circuit&client=firefox-a&hs=Fm7&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=np&tbm=isch 2. Atmospheric electricity / Earth-Ionosphere cavity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_electricity 3. Measurement Specialties PVDF technical manual (PDF) http://contactmicrophones.com/techman.pdf {educational fair-use of copyright, 2013} laugh track, nosebleed, telamon
participants (1)
brian carroll