Odd:IOstreams oddiostreams at protonmail.com Fri Nov 17 23:57:22 PST 2017
This post will be a bit lengthy
First of all, you sound like a huge fag. Welcome ;^) What you need to do: Delete Protomeme account. Trash Windows. Start using Tails. Use Audacity. Stop using Tails. Start using Heads. Break Tor and tell no one. Then switch to TempleOS. Here you will be safe. Once you do this you will stop sending us dear diary messages and instead provide tips on escaping the matrix. Until then. Sincerely, /pol/

On Nov 18, 2017 22:26, "Untouchables: The Movie" <indiaknowsth@hitler.rocks> wrote a lot of hostile and cruel stupid garbage: <SNIP> Viz, just be yourself and follow your own rhythm here. You can feed the trolls or not, it's your choice, but I recommend to use filters and ignore them. These stupids never provide any "tip on escaping the matrix" and one of them simply wants to receive a bit of attention because is an old bald ugly man, rejected by his misadjusted family. It's pretty obvious that Zenaan suffers from wild insecurity and has a really extreme penis-size deficit and a huge erectile dysfunction. Viagra doesn't make miracles, tsk tsk... ;) Again, Viz: be welcome and feel free! It's a cypherpunk anarchist list. Just remember the Laws of Physics: - "For every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction". Actions and reactions... If possible, keep calm and be excellent to each other! :) Tender kisses from Brazil! <3 Ceci
participants (2)
Cecilia Tanaka
Untouchables: The Movie