Re: [cryptography] To Protect and Infect Slides (addenda)

context: forgot to mention overriding hypothesis that state of insecure crypto - as with nukes - may be price of peace for cold war reunification in improved framework, thus structural duplicity has wider impact than inside states alone, could also bridge state-state secure relations in parallel with those that are insecure, allowing for advanced governing relations; in this way, broken crypto could represent deeper truth of the inside condition than what is able to be written about, yet exists as consciousness for those in the industry, etc, given what perspective, parameters, values, in the deception On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:45 AM, <> wrote:
5) another realization upon hearing the 30c3 talk of Jacob Appelbaum was the 'earth firewall' then indicates that the NSA controls the internet, and that it is not operating as a subset within it, and instead everything that occurs is within its domain....
The Internet is not controlled, i.e., there is a power vacuum that will soon be filled. There are many, many players and soon to be more. The question to be contemplated, if any, is this: Do you prefer that the competing claims of control over the Internet be resolved by way of (1) dramatic Balkanization or by way of (2) making the Internet an organ of world government?
A thought experiment, if needing one: is VoIP a part of the Internet or is it not, that is do you have two networks in your home/office or one?
participants (1)
brian carroll