USA: literal "re-education" for Covid-vaccine intolerant parents, proposed in Colorado

Beware, be prepared, do what you can to advocate for sanity/ your fundamental right to choose what is inserted into your body: Colorado Bill Requires "Re-Education" For Parents Who Refuse The COVID-19 Vaccine Mac Slavo via, Are you ready for re-education camps in the United States? Colorado has introduced a bill that would “re-educate” parents who refuse to vaccinate their child with the coronavirus vaccine. The bill forces all doctors and medical staff to give vaccinations with no exemptions, even if they are in a situation where they believe it would not be in that child’s best interest. The bill’s current version, however, does not list any sanctions or punishments for medical staff that refuse, according to Life News. The bill just passed through a committee in Colorado (20-14) to reduce available exemptions on vaccinations for school-age children (making vaccines mandatory). This bill offers “online education modules” for parents who want a different vaccination schedule than what the state demands. Submitting a “certificate of completion” from the re-education classes is one way to receive the state-sanctioned vaccine exemption. This plandemic was never about health, it was about forcing everyone to get a vaccine: an injection of whatever the hell the ruling class decided to put in the vaccine. These vaccines are not being required for the health of anyone unless it’s for the health of Big Pharma and the ruling class. What happens if the “re-education” fails to convince a person to get the vaccines? It’s hard to say, but these types of concentration camps (and be honest with yourself, you know that’s what they are) should be condemned by anyone who wishes to be free. This is utterly insane. The limits the governments are now going to in order to force people to get vaccinated is unbelievable. But, we knew this was coming. We knew that the coronavirus was a scam to force everyone to take the COVID (certification of vaccine ID) under Agenda 2020. Beware, this could very well be what more religious people are calling “the mark of the Beast”, and people commenting on this Colorado bill have already made it clear that “people won’t be able to go to work or school” unless they get the vaccine. This is the new normal they are conditioning us to accept. This is why they need martial law. Your chains are about to get much shorter unless you wake up and start to extract yourself from their system. There isn’t much time left. The government is not going to help you out, after all, they are the ones writing the laws while they have the police and military enforce them at gunpoint. Wake up, or be enslaved.

EXPERT REACTION: Pfizer announces COVID-19 vaccine is 90% effective … US pharmaceutical company Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech announced overnight that their vaccine candidate was more than 90 per cent effective in preventing COVID-19. The results are based on initial data from a large study of 43,538 participants, including 94 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The vaccine is the same one (of two) that featured in an announcement from Prime Minister Scott Morrison last week, with the government securing 50 million more potential vaccine doses through two new agreements, including one with Pfizer. Below Australian experts respond. … <satire alert> At 95% Effective, Moderna COVID Vaccine Almost as Effective as a Normal Immune System … A week ago, competitor Pfizer announced its own COVID-19 vaccine appeared similarly effective — news that puts both companies on track to seek permission within weeks for emergency use in the U.S. Dr. Jackie Flackface, Moderna’s president, welcomed the news. “Now we have a drug that can be almost as effective against COVID as eating well and exercising.” … Remember folks, if it says "Vaccine" on the label, always inject it immediately. On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 10:46:34PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Beware, be prepared, do what you can to advocate for sanity/ your fundamental right to choose what is inserted into your body:
Colorado Bill Requires "Re-Education" For Parents Who Refuse The COVID-19 Vaccine Mac Slavo via,
Are you ready for re-education camps in the United States? Colorado has introduced a bill that would “re-educate” parents who refuse to vaccinate their child with the coronavirus vaccine.
The bill forces all doctors and medical staff to give vaccinations with no exemptions, even if they are in a situation where they believe it would not be in that child’s best interest. The bill’s current version, however, does not list any sanctions or punishments for medical staff that refuse, according to Life News.
The bill just passed through a committee in Colorado (20-14) to reduce available exemptions on vaccinations for school-age children (making vaccines mandatory). This bill offers “online education modules” for parents who want a different vaccination schedule than what the state demands. Submitting a “certificate of completion” from the re-education classes is one way to receive the state-sanctioned vaccine exemption.
This plandemic was never about health, it was about forcing everyone to get a vaccine: an injection of whatever the hell the ruling class decided to put in the vaccine.
These vaccines are not being required for the health of anyone unless it’s for the health of Big Pharma and the ruling class.
What happens if the “re-education” fails to convince a person to get the vaccines? It’s hard to say, but these types of concentration camps (and be honest with yourself, you know that’s what they are) should be condemned by anyone who wishes to be free. This is utterly insane. The limits the governments are now going to in order to force people to get vaccinated is unbelievable.
But, we knew this was coming. We knew that the coronavirus was a scam to force everyone to take the COVID (certification of vaccine ID) under Agenda 2020.
Beware, this could very well be what more religious people are calling “the mark of the Beast”, and people commenting on this Colorado bill have already made it clear that “people won’t be able to go to work or school” unless they get the vaccine.
This is the new normal they are conditioning us to accept. This is why they need martial law. Your chains are about to get much shorter unless you wake up and start to extract yourself from their system. There isn’t much time left. The government is not going to help you out, after all, they are the ones writing the laws while they have the police and military enforce them at gunpoint. Wake up, or be enslaved.

Philadelphia Priest Dies After Participating In Moderna COVID Vaccine Trial As millions of elderly Americans prepare to take COVID-19 vaccines that, according to numerous reports, can elicit some pretty serious post-2nd dose side-effects for a day or so, LifeSiteNews has reported that a Ukrainian Greek-Catholic priest died at his PA home after participating in Moderna's vaccine trial. The cause of death isn't yet known, and it's unclear whether his participation in the trial for the new mRNA vaccine is connected to the death. ... If it says "will alter your DNA and/or/via RNA, please remember to --inject it immdiately--. On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 09:59:30AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
EXPERT REACTION: Pfizer announces COVID-19 vaccine is 90% effective
… US pharmaceutical company Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech announced overnight that their vaccine candidate was more than 90 per cent effective in preventing COVID-19. The results are based on initial data from a large study of 43,538 participants,
including 94 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The vaccine is the same one (of two) that featured in an announcement from Prime Minister Scott Morrison last week, with the government securing 50 million more potential vaccine doses through two new agreements, including one with Pfizer. Below Australian experts respond. …
<satire alert> At 95% Effective, Moderna COVID Vaccine Almost as Effective as a Normal Immune System
… A week ago, competitor Pfizer announced its own COVID-19 vaccine appeared similarly effective — news that puts both companies on track to seek permission within weeks for emergency use in the U.S.
Dr. Jackie Flackface, Moderna’s president, welcomed the news. “Now we have a drug that can be almost as effective against COVID as eating well and exercising.” …
Remember folks, if it says "Vaccine" on the label, always inject it immediately.
On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 10:46:34PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Beware, be prepared, do what you can to advocate for sanity/ your fundamental right to choose what is inserted into your body:
Colorado Bill Requires "Re-Education" For Parents Who Refuse The COVID-19 Vaccine Mac Slavo via,
Are you ready for re-education camps in the United States? Colorado has introduced a bill that would “re-educate” parents who refuse to vaccinate their child with the coronavirus vaccine.
The bill forces all doctors and medical staff to give vaccinations with no exemptions, even if they are in a situation where they believe it would not be in that child’s best interest. The bill’s current version, however, does not list any sanctions or punishments for medical staff that refuse, according to Life News.
The bill just passed through a committee in Colorado (20-14) to reduce available exemptions on vaccinations for school-age children (making vaccines mandatory). This bill offers “online education modules” for parents who want a different vaccination schedule than what the state demands. Submitting a “certificate of completion” from the re-education classes is one way to receive the state-sanctioned vaccine exemption.
This plandemic was never about health, it was about forcing everyone to get a vaccine: an injection of whatever the hell the ruling class decided to put in the vaccine.
These vaccines are not being required for the health of anyone unless it’s for the health of Big Pharma and the ruling class.
What happens if the “re-education” fails to convince a person to get the vaccines? It’s hard to say, but these types of concentration camps (and be honest with yourself, you know that’s what they are) should be condemned by anyone who wishes to be free. This is utterly insane. The limits the governments are now going to in order to force people to get vaccinated is unbelievable.
But, we knew this was coming. We knew that the coronavirus was a scam to force everyone to take the COVID (certification of vaccine ID) under Agenda 2020.
Beware, this could very well be what more religious people are calling “the mark of the Beast”, and people commenting on this Colorado bill have already made it clear that “people won’t be able to go to work or school” unless they get the vaccine.
This is the new normal they are conditioning us to accept. This is why they need martial law. Your chains are about to get much shorter unless you wake up and start to extract yourself from their system. There isn’t much time left. The government is not going to help you out, after all, they are the ones writing the laws while they have the police and military enforce them at gunpoint. Wake up, or be enslaved.

Tom Luongo nails it again: The Vaccine Rush Is A Race Against Capital Flight There is no greater story today than the race to get a vaccine for COVID-19 into the hands of as many people as possible. It’s not because the vaccines on order are so effective or that COVID-19 is so deadly. It is needed because of the perception that COVID-19 is so deadly that a vaccine will provide some form of relief. That perception is genuine in the minds of those still fearful of the virus. … This is why now that the election is mostly over, we’ve entered the next phase with endless propagandizing about second waves and huge (and mostly fraudulent) PCR positive test results giving governors cover to issue increasingly strident new lockdown orders in California, New York, Michigan and all over Europe. Even though deaths are not keeping up with previous rates at all. The explosion of cases is simply just another psy-op to justify the wholesale destruction of society, usher in endless bailout checks and after the vaccine is distributed, pull back on testing protocols (i.e. run the PCR test through fewer cycles) to ‘prove’ with “DATA!” that we were saved from extinction and this is why anyone who argues against it is the true heretic and new flat-earther. President-select Joe Biden is now asking for a 100 day ‘mask mandate’ as a ‘healing measure’ to lick this virus once and for all while the vaccines are distributed. … Remember 15 days to flatten the curve? Now it’s a 100-day mask mandates with state-by-state full lockdowns. … The race for global capital begins now with Russia’s roll out of Sputnik V by the millions of doses. It doesn’t matter if the vaccine works or it doesn’t. Pfizer’s doesn’t. What matters is what excuses politicians can make to fit their agenda. Putin wants to make Russia a destination for global capital, keeping Russia open for business. Russia pushing Sputnik V out the door this quickly is forcing the West’s hand. They wanted bigger lockdowns for longer. Asia will stay open while the West plays games resetting its system. They are really angry at the Russians for being good at math and science. That is why the race for the vaccine is actually the race for global capital in the end. Because the rollout of the vaccine asymmetrically around the world will be followed by where watching where the capital will flow to. Russia will be one of those places along with everyone they sell it to and everyone they do business with. COVID-19 is a litmus test of governments. Investors are looking around now looking for where the political risk really lies over the next decade. Sanctions, threats and capital controls can only slow the outflow but it can’t stop it. On Fri, Dec 04, 2020 at 10:16:31AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Philadelphia Priest Dies After Participating In Moderna COVID Vaccine Trial
As millions of elderly Americans prepare to take COVID-19 vaccines that, according to numerous reports, can elicit some pretty serious post-2nd dose side-effects for a day or so, LifeSiteNews has reported that a Ukrainian Greek-Catholic priest died at his PA home after participating in Moderna's vaccine trial.
The cause of death isn't yet known, and it's unclear whether his participation in the trial for the new mRNA vaccine is connected to the death.
If it says "will alter your DNA and/or/via RNA, please remember to --inject it immdiately--.
On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 09:59:30AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
EXPERT REACTION: Pfizer announces COVID-19 vaccine is 90% effective
… US pharmaceutical company Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech announced overnight that their vaccine candidate was more than 90 per cent effective in preventing COVID-19. The results are based on initial data from a large study of 43,538 participants,
including 94 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The vaccine is the same one (of two) that featured in an announcement from Prime Minister Scott Morrison last week, with the government securing 50 million more potential vaccine doses through two new agreements, including one with Pfizer. Below Australian experts respond. …
<satire alert> At 95% Effective, Moderna COVID Vaccine Almost as Effective as a Normal Immune System
… A week ago, competitor Pfizer announced its own COVID-19 vaccine appeared similarly effective — news that puts both companies on track to seek permission within weeks for emergency use in the U.S.
Dr. Jackie Flackface, Moderna’s president, welcomed the news. “Now we have a drug that can be almost as effective against COVID as eating well and exercising.” …
Remember folks, if it says "Vaccine" on the label, always inject it immediately.
On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 10:46:34PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Beware, be prepared, do what you can to advocate for sanity/ your fundamental right to choose what is inserted into your body:
Colorado Bill Requires "Re-Education" For Parents Who Refuse The COVID-19 Vaccine Mac Slavo via,
Are you ready for re-education camps in the United States? Colorado has introduced a bill that would “re-educate” parents who refuse to vaccinate their child with the coronavirus vaccine.
The bill forces all doctors and medical staff to give vaccinations with no exemptions, even if they are in a situation where they believe it would not be in that child’s best interest. The bill’s current version, however, does not list any sanctions or punishments for medical staff that refuse, according to Life News.
The bill just passed through a committee in Colorado (20-14) to reduce available exemptions on vaccinations for school-age children (making vaccines mandatory). This bill offers “online education modules” for parents who want a different vaccination schedule than what the state demands. Submitting a “certificate of completion” from the re-education classes is one way to receive the state-sanctioned vaccine exemption.
This plandemic was never about health, it was about forcing everyone to get a vaccine: an injection of whatever the hell the ruling class decided to put in the vaccine.
These vaccines are not being required for the health of anyone unless it’s for the health of Big Pharma and the ruling class.
What happens if the “re-education” fails to convince a person to get the vaccines? It’s hard to say, but these types of concentration camps (and be honest with yourself, you know that’s what they are) should be condemned by anyone who wishes to be free. This is utterly insane. The limits the governments are now going to in order to force people to get vaccinated is unbelievable.
But, we knew this was coming. We knew that the coronavirus was a scam to force everyone to take the COVID (certification of vaccine ID) under Agenda 2020.
Beware, this could very well be what more religious people are calling “the mark of the Beast”, and people commenting on this Colorado bill have already made it clear that “people won’t be able to go to work or school” unless they get the vaccine.
This is the new normal they are conditioning us to accept. This is why they need martial law. Your chains are about to get much shorter unless you wake up and start to extract yourself from their system. There isn’t much time left. The government is not going to help you out, after all, they are the ones writing the laws while they have the police and military enforce them at gunpoint. Wake up, or be enslaved.
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness