On usual, punk <punks@tfwno.gf> tried again with:
sell cars and ARPANET access
Yes, those are products that are for sale, nobody has to buy them if they don't want. But clearly, Juan the hypocrite of those products, has bought and or is using of both of them. Unfortunately for Juan, and thankfully, the world is widely and naturally agreed on not selling what Juan really wants access to, guess what those are... "There is no fucking 'child sexual abuse'. -- PunkBatSoupStasi aka JuanG[snip] aka [snip]" The end.
i went to reply wondering what grarpamp or professor rat want but these do not sound like wants
what's your name, you stupid, cowardly piece of jewnazi shit, grancrap? See, first thing you need to do here is stop being an anonymous coward. You realize you are the lowest for of scum don't you? Calling me by my name while hiding yours? What kind of braindead asshole would do that? You =) Then you need to stop being a cop. So far you've been unable to counter even a single thing I said, which is not surprising since you are ... a US cop.
"There is no fucking 'child sexual abuse'.
indeed, there isn't. And you can be 100% sure that any asshole whining about 'child abuse' on the arpanet is a cop. Like you.
On 5/1/22, punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
Oh look, Juan spamming the lowest form of literal propaganda straight from the Rothschilds. Shocking. All standard fare from Juan the liar, asshole, thief, jackass, non contributor, abuser of people, rejected from spaces for same, silent hypocrite funder user and worshipper of the Government that rules over him, and defender of in his words 'child sexual abuse'. Have fun spending another weeks in the troll folder. And stop abusing people. "There is no fucking 'child sexual abuse'. -- punk, aka PunkBatSoupStasi, aka JuanG[snip], aka [snip]"
who are you, you stupid piece of ANONYMOUS COWARDLY shit grancrap? why don't you tell us your real name, son? Why? Why? =)
"There is no fucking 'child sexual abuse'. Indeed. -- Juan Garofalo aka PunkBatSoupStasi aka punk aka JuanG aka [snip]" Indeed, here he adds to his decades long attempts. "I'm the "King of Anarchism". -- Juan Garofalo" Here the self-proclaimed anarchist asserts his Kingly Rulership. Thus anarchy refuses him, and the rest refuse and throw him out of their spaces for his foul petulent behaviour and implied violence. "As a libertarian I'm... -- Juan Garofalo" ... not an anarchist. Or was that Rat fink who kept misquoting articles while trying to make claims for Anarchism on Libertarianism. He admits other offenses in his own hypocrisy, such as failing to decry the Argentine Govt that he pays for and rules over him in so many of what he would otherwise call dispicable ways to all other Govts. Meanwhile having nothing to say other than declaring his love for his femdom Pelosi which keeps him from becoming a Newman. He's so infatuated with her that he repeats her words in public. Which were he not a total hypocrite he would have to flame himself for showing those words to anyone, just as he does to others.
US jewnazis, invaded and control argentina
Ignoring pre-Columbia, Spain did most all that well before his fabled spanish anarchists couriered the remaining Nazis to AR (who then sired his sorry spastic jew hating pedo self). The silly Brits didn't even show up till the 1800's, the US until the mid-late 1900's. Since late 1900's nonspecific globalism did the rest from actors inside and out, which he fell for and has nothing to say on as usual. He can't even critique his AR Govt rulers, because he pays them. Nor do you hear him denouncing the sterilization programs and ongoing oppression against the Quechua in the region, never even linked to Blood of the Condor. His brown-care is faux. Lots his high pompous perfect Kingly self fails to mention yet demands of other people. Basically never links any of the Bakunin and others he claims either. But at least he's for "natural rights", however obviously not for non-aggression after failing to denounce his own military. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed_Forces_of_the_Argentine_Republic This smashtivist cia agent troll, offeror of nothing, rage bespittled bot, fake, fraud, liar, fabricator of people's words, nihilistic anti on every list thing, hypocrite, and more, whatever... is not worth anyone's time. Enjoy another stay in the filter file, and grow up, spend the time teaching Rat how to thread.
On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 03:05:47 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
"I'm the "King of Anarchism". -- Juan Garofalo"
...when compared to a subhuman pentagon turd like you grancrap. That's what I wrote, and that's what you 'failed' to quote, because you're a stupid lying piece of shit. Then again you're a subhuman petagon turd, so lying is all you do. and by, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU grancrap? What's your real name? I guess you're a feminazi eunuch, with no balls, so you'll remain an 'anonymous' coward forever.
and by, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU grancrap? What's your real name? I guess you're a feminazi eunuch, with no balls, so you'll remain an 'anonymous' coward forever.
Oh, please don't say that. I can say something better than that.Hey {Grarpamp} You've been sharing a punk's quote here about legal sex age.Well, since you care so much about this, do you really know the age of women you're with? I'm asking you this in particular. Do you know the age of women you drug and fuck?
On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 20:16:54 +0200 (CEST) zeynep@keemail.me wrote:
and by, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU grancrap? What's your real name? I guess you're a feminazi eunuch, with no balls, so you'll remain an 'anonymous' coward forever.
Oh, please don't say that. I can say something better than that.Hey {Grarpamp} You've been sharing a punk's quote here about legal sex age.Well, since you care so much about this, do you really know the age of women you're with? I'm asking you this in particular. Do you know the age of women you drug and fuck?
Hehe, thanks =) You think grancrap works in MKULTRA 2.0? That's certainly a possibility. The pentagon offers a lot of opportunities for things like grancrap to freely express himself. I mean, itself.
Juan plays such a BIG BOY on the Internet (constant liar too), yet he knows full well that if he tries transgressing people's property with his aggro weenie noise, or any stealing, destruction, assault, child abuse, rape, entering homes, murder, etc, he will be anything from forcibly removed, to imprisoned, to even shot dead. https://n.l5.ca/pic/orig/media/FigWjH3WQAMeZ7v.jpg
While Juan Garofalo (the Internet's BIG BOY) fails online, it's also known that he's a total pussy in the real world, this coward Juan doesn't even protest all night outside the house of his King Alberto, in fact he even totally refuses to say even one word of online critique about the politician garbage that rules over him in his Buenos Aires. As such, and afforded many opportunity to crititque, Juan apparently worships all of them and his government without question. What a total hypocrite poseur Juan the self-sworn "Anarchist" is.
On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 00:02:01 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote: Who the fuck are you, turd? Apart from a US cops spamming this piece of shit US cesspool.
On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 00:02:01 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
he's a total pussy in the real world,
oh and by the way - why is it that you are not in jewkraine, fighting the evil putin? you can get into the next plane, along with jim bell and a 'rainbow flag' - a couple of US faggots 'defending' 'gay rights'! The pentagon tells us that evil russians hate faggots!! Even better, you can trannify yourself first!!! That would make you the perfect anti-putin-warrior. A castrated US faggot.
he's a total pussy in the real world,
yes grancrap - we are all waiting for your next message, directly from the jewkrainian 'gay-rights' battlefield. That's where you're going no?
Here is what Juan Garofalo, the hypocrite anti-war anti-facist anarchist pays for and worships every day... https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HYMrmTYqkl8/hqdefault.jpg https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4152/4992473313_28aabcdf37_b.jpg
Juan and his Govt, like two lovebirds sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, First comes Love, then comes Marriage, then comes another Tyrant to rule over him and everyone else in a Baby Carriage. xD
Juan and Rat have new lover https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1618232655052681222 Muslim Woman Married To Two Men At Same Time
participants (4)
Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many