What did Linode do?

https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/3zlttw/linode_user_credentials_co... First under DDOS attack, now being hacked. What did Linode do?

On 1/6/16, Ryan Carboni <ryacko@gmail.com> wrote:
First under DDOS attack, now being hacked.
What did Linode do?
they hosted high risk instances, apparently. :/ i do appreciate that given a small set of indicators (few compromised accounts) they acted conservatively and reset ALL accounts. this is a reassuring behavior, rather than cause for alarm!

Ryan Carboni wrote:
First under DDOS attack, now being hacked.
What did Linode do?
They operate out of New Jersey?
Linode (a portmanteau of the words linux and node) is a privately owned virtual private server provider based in Galloway, New Jersey. [wikipedia]
As my Italian uncle would say, "Tough Darts." But seriously... Why WOULDN'T hackers want to take down any old SSD virtual cloud anyway. I mean, after all, what did ProtonMail do to have cyberhackers collude with a so-far un-named superpower government to take THEM offline? They offered security... From the Register, on Jan 4.
“For the short term, we will be using BGP communities to attempt to block Asia Pacific, the Middle East, South America, and others, hopefully leaving us only with traffic from North America and Western Europe." http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/01/04/linode_back_at_last_after_ten_days_o...
I would take an un-educted guess that this WAS the purpose of the attack. Shutting the rest of the world's service off and isolating North America as a practice drill. Ps. North Korea successfully detonated a Hydrogen Bomb yesterday. -- RR "You might want to ask an expert about that - I just fiddled around with mine until it worked..."

On Wed, Jan 06, 2016 at 07:47:02AM -0800, Rayzer wrote:
Ps. North Korea successfully detonated a Hydrogen Bomb yesterday.
This is interesting. nato and UN are uneasy, they want all the bombs for themselves: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/12084087/North-Kor... --- UN Security Council meets to discuss the world's response as leaders urge for "strong action" to be taken against Pyongyang following H-bomb test which caused 5.1 magnitude earthquake - follow live updates ---

From: Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com> To: Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> On Wed, Jan 06, 2016 at 07:47:02AM -0800, Rayzer wrote:> Ps. North Korea successfully detonated a Hydrogen Bomb yesterday.>This is interesting.
nato and UN are uneasy, they want all the bombs for themselves: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/12084087/North-Kor... UN Security Council meets to discuss the world's response as leaders urge for "strong action" to be taken against Pyongyang following H-bomb test which caused 5.1 magnitude earthquake - follow live updates The Richter scale is logarithmic: A "Magnitude 0" earthquake is defined as a ground motion of 1 micron (10E-6 meters) 100 kilometers away from the epicenter. Magnitude 1 means 10 microns motion, Mag 2 means 100 microns motion, etc. (I don't know if "motion" is described as "Peak-to-peak" or RMS, root-mean-square). Energy goes up by a factor of about 31 for a magnitude increased by one unit. Jim Bell

Boogieman with an H-Bomb! Time to launch ANOTHER "test" ICBM at Kwajalein from Vandenbird(sic) AFB Kwajalein Atoll (USAG-KA), home to the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command's (SMDC) Ronald Reagan ICBM Test Site..." | "Kwajalein Range Services, LLC, a joint venture company formed by Bechtel and Lockheed Martin" runs a hella web page! https://www.krsjv.com/default.aspx

On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 06, 2016 at 07:47:02AM -0800, Rayzer wrote:
Ps. North Korea successfully detonated a Hydrogen Bomb yesterday.
This is interesting.
nato and UN are uneasy, they want all the bombs for themselves:
Always amusing the response to those who seek to assert their own parity and independance and rights. What are they going to say if Switzerland decides to "me too" even if simply for the sake of doing it. Turning it around... many countries endorse crypto or don't care to ban crypto... where are their global voices in unison against the banning rhetoric spewed by say US/UK? Cowering from their nukes? "Me too" indeed.
participants (6)
Georgi Guninski
jim bell
Ryan Carboni