Gunnar The Spammer

Now this spammer has sent a hundred completely identical spams and 50MB of duplicate files to this list too. Gunnar joined the three spammers Rat Karl and spittleboy. Stop spamming.

Have you heard of Andrew Cuomo? How about Linda Lacewell? And Richard Weber? Two of these people have already resigned. Meanwhile, while the other seems to be the one who was is now probably obstructing justice. The FBI, NY-DFS, FINCEN, SEC and this list have been on the CC. I am not spamming. Obstruction of justice is a crime and the AG may know what we are talking about. On Fri, Sep 16, 2022, 9:15 PM grarpamp <> wrote:
Either explain yourself, or Stop sending duplicate message spam.

On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
I am not spamming.
You are repeatedly spamming 100% identical copies of the same emails and docs, to the list as the *only* recipient, multiple times a day week month. That's duplication spam spam spam spam spam. You're also spamming into the list with CC's when the list supports the use of BCC's which you should probably be using instead. Without explanation of your purpose there, such usage of CC is likely viewed as rather inappropriate and unwelcomed by the list (indeed by any list). Instead give first courtesy to the list by default by using BCC.
Obstruction of justice
Didn't the cypherpunks claim crypto to solve all that [corruption] like 25+ years ago...?

Boy, that is a super idea 💡 Thank you for that. Did you hear CypherPunk Holdings had a shakeup and a new CEO? Gunnar On Sat, Sep 17, 2022, 12:46 AM grarpamp <> wrote:
On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
I am not spamming.
You are repeatedly spamming 100% identical copies of the same emails and docs, to the list as the *only* recipient, multiple times a day week month. That's duplication spam spam spam spam spam.
You're also spamming into the list with CC's when the list supports the use of BCC's which you should probably be using instead. Without explanation of your purpose there, such usage of CC is likely viewed as rather inappropriate and unwelcomed by the list (indeed by any list). Instead give first courtesy to the list by default by using BCC.
Obstruction of justice
Didn't the cypherpunks claim crypto to solve all that [corruption] like 25+ years ago...?

On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
I am not spamming.
Gunnar Larson Attachment Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 12:37 PM Gunnar Larson Attachment Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 1:50 PM Gunnar Larson Attachment Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 2:58 PM Gunnar Larson Attachment Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 11:37 AM Take your fucking medication and stop fucking spamming people you fucking spammer.

Go jump in the Hudson! On Mon, Oct 3, 2022, 2:30 AM grarpamp <> wrote:
On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
I am not spamming.
Gunnar Larson Attachment Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 12:37 PM Gunnar Larson Attachment Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 1:50 PM Gunnar Larson Attachment Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 2:58 PM Gunnar Larson Attachment Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 11:37 AM
Take your fucking medication and stop fucking spamming people you fucking spammer.

On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
I am not spamming.
No, you, Gunnar Larson, are a lying fucking spammer who is fucking spamming people with fucking spam.
Go jump in the Hudson!
No, that's your fucking filthy diseased NYC river. So go call your spamming partner Karl and go scoop up a litre of it so you two spamming assholes can wash down your meds with it.

We all spam and we can all improve this. A going theory is that there are other channels, such as a media outlet or gangstalking experience or some relationship, that subtly enclurage us to spam in some way. It's important to be aware of the possibility to BCC, but in my opinion there are pros and cons to both approaches. It's notable that there is no longer a community of powerful hackers here engaging in discussions regarding CCd material. There is still value to the habit. Part of making this list right again likely involves reducing some things going on, but a larger part likely means forming cryptographic communications via a safer and more robust channel. Q: How do you tell a spammer? A: No end-to-end message signatures. This covers all current list traffic.

Your mom has sucked a dick before. How do you think this work, anyway? On Thu, Nov 10, 2022, 7:23 PM grarpamp <> wrote:
On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
I am not spamming.
No, you, Gunnar Larson, are a lying spammer who is spamming the list with repeating spams. You and your abusively spamming psychobabblebot spam spammer buddy Karl need to stop spamming out spams.

On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
I am not spamming.
So says the spammer Gunnar who literally just spammed out 5 identical messages per day, that he's spammed out hundreds of times already, and a is coward not even commenting about his spammed subject matter. Just another poo flinging monkeybrained idiot.

Happy Thanksgiving Cypherpunks! You know who you are :) On Thu, Nov 24, 2022, 1:01 AM grarpamp <> wrote:
On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
I am not spamming.
So says the spammer Gunnar who literally just spammed out 5 identical messages per day, that he's spammed out hundreds of times already, and a is coward not even commenting about his spammed subject matter. Just another poo flinging monkeybrained idiot.

Happy Day of Mourning and Happy Thanksgiving. [these are usa holidays, everyone in this thread acts like is in the usa]

On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
I am not spamming.
So grateful for this cypherpunks list
So says the liar and literal spammer, abusing the list with thousand of his 100% identical repeated mails. He show his "grateful" by continued to abuse list, more like he's grateful for a dumb list he can abuse to pummel readers with his stupid repeat mails. Lame he never say nothing cypherpunk subjects either, just stupid "directors" repeat repeat repeat. As abuse repeat as Juan Karl Prof RootySockPup... these bots repeat repeat repeat same quotes, endless unintelligible brainblather, lies, abuse. People put them into their bans, and to "Merry" rubbish they gone away with, lol.

Gunnar is a realworld Leftist Liar, Fraud, SocCom, and Spammer. May the legit Supremes continue to rule against him. And may he, and all his ilk, move to their true miserable home in any other LeftSocDemComWoke country. For reals, lol.

Gunnar Larson is a fucking list abusing and subscriber abusing spammer with nothing to say, as such a coward behind his article and carbon copy spam. So fuck you Gunnar, you're a fucking spammer too. Until you stop spamming, fuck you.

Stop spamming this list you fucking spammer. Nobody going to give this spammer's "bank" any money either.
participants (3)
Gunnar Larson
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many