Spirit: Official Airline of The Daily Stormer - Hell For a Jewish Family For No Reason Whatsoever - [PEACE]
13 Jan
13 Jan
5:30 a.m.
So the Lame Stream Media's story is pretty standard pro-semitic one sided tripe (presumably) and here to unravel this beast of a story is the one and only band of Neon Nazis with some Sunday Apple Pie: “Those Retarded Jews,” Spirit Airlines Makes Flight Hell For a Jewish Family For No Reason Whatsoever https://dailystormer.name/those-retarded-jews-spirit-airlines-makes-flight-h... ‘Those retarded Jews’: Spirit Airlines flight an anti-Semitic nightmare https://www.news.com.au/travel/those-retarded-jews-spirit-airlines-flight-an... … “It was pure anti-Semitism for literally nothing,” she said. "Literally nothing" eh? Guess that's why I'm literally shaking. Or something...
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Zenaan Harkness