Proceeding with novel comsec investigations, the New Yorker this week has an article on plant communication and intelligence and how they differ from those of animals. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2013/12/23/131223fa_fact_pollan Plant signaling with chemical emissions was intriguing, as were signals sent through proxies such as insects. Plant perception of hazards, sensing sources of water, light, air, nutrients, kin, enemies is suggestive for veggie comsec. And all this is based on being tethered to the ground, immobile thus having to do what animals do by different means, barely perceptible to animals, slow moving, but effective in competing with other plants as well as animals. Darwin wrote the seminal work, but current scientists are deeply involved in what some call "neurobiology" in which brain-like activites are accomplished by vegetable swarms of signals and networks without animal brains. Albeit root stems searching for water and nutrients appear to behave like brains below ground, while veggie sex occurs above ground. This raises the prospect of using plant capabilities in emissions of chemicals and finding nutrients in signaling, SIGINT, comsec, infosec and crypto. Has anyone seen reports on this? Or on chemical transceiving for comsec? Public key as a plant with unique biological identity which absorbs or emits decrypt signal? The use of insect and chemical proxies? An amusing account is that of a CIA polygrapher claiming to exchage signals with plants, discovered by hooking up a polygraph to them. He said he could just think of burning a nearby plant for the plant to initiate defenses. His claims were later discounted but remind of the long-running mind control research by US and Russia. And the unkillable kudzu of lie detectors.

On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 6:22 PM, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
... Plant signaling with chemical emissions was intriguing, as were signals sent through proxies such as insects. ... Has anyone seen reports on this? Or on chemical transceiving for comsec? Public key as a plant with unique biological identity which absorbs or emits decrypt signal? The use of insect and chemical proxies?
most stylishly done as 'the drummers': """ where he is taken in by a strange society known as “The Drummers”. These people operate in underwater compounds located off the coasts of major centers, perform rhythmic, hypnotic dances and engage in ritualized sex. This act, we learn later, is actually for the sake of information exchange, which is done through the transmission of nanomachines contained within their bodily fluids. """ - http://storiesbywilliams.com/2011/11/25/the-diamond-age/ more recently via vodka emission: """ scientists used a desk fan and mist of alcohol to transmit evaporated molecules that were translated into binary signals and decoded by a breathalyzer device. """ - http://www.ibtimes.com/worlds-first-text-message-sent-using-vodka-new-techno... [this technique can be generalized to any gaseous emission (or aqueous when at sea?) with appropriate detector.] and of course, chemical signalling is not magically immune to flaws; ant mills (death spirals) one of many examples of signalling amiss. and there are some interesting research papers on targeted genomic viral strains which only "unlock" to a very specific genetic profile. i don't have them handy...

[video] Cleve Baxter - Plants can sense human intentions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ntv4ZMvUSWI (information as non-electromagnetic tuning/induction; informational circuits related to grounded truth/logic)

<jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
This raises the prospect of using plant capabilities in emissions of chemicals and finding nutrients in signaling, SIGINT, comsec, infosec and crypto.
Has anyone seen reports on this? Or on chemical transceiving for comsec? Public key as a plant with unique biological identity which absorbs or emits decrypt signal? The use of insect and chemical proxies?
i think this is actually the model for human beings as conceived in long ago times, though may be mistaken. in the Middle Ages or thereafter, the nervous system itself was medically illustrated as a plant, held within the watery container of the liquid body, in this way, in the abstract, not unlike a jellyfish with mobile ocean // sidenote: could not find visual examples except these: [0]... again, if memory serves, perhaps it was Plato who described also the nature of thought in terms of the brain, its enlightenment, whereby the roots of the nervous system flower into an open mind which receives light and nourishment from truth, tracking it this way as flowers situate themselves according to environment, nutrients so the idea of 'plants' and ~enlightenment, 'knowing' as this relates to truth and essentially grounding informational and physical realms, perhaps some kind of natural alignment taking place, harmonization that is organic, an aspect of ecological foundation and its circuitry, potentially then scaled to the cosmos, especially with regard to the theories of origins via panspermia [1], ye olde mushroom astronauts, delivering life onto earth via asteroid or comets, seeding the oceans; in this way, sentience of octopus, dolphins, their social intelligence and awareness, consciousness, alike with jellyfish, as if homologue with pre-embedded state of nervous system for humans, in vitro (?) prior to final packaging of mammalian biped and adjustable thumbs the idea that all life moves towards higher consciousness and that intelligence and this yearning motivation for greater truth is life, its force, the trajectory of the grand design from nano- to macro-scale, issues of culture, freedom, war, occurring at all scales, to survive, conquer, for what means and ends, what principles, or darkness if bounded by the false, those who serve it, obey it as if the master. here cybernetic feedback likewise at all interconnected levels else its incapacitation, making the living captive to those ceasing to live, to grow, to evolve beyond existing constraints, limited beliefs, ideas. the fix of ideology the danger, wrong assumptions and modeling or subversion of view and awareness to contain, trap, mislead, control so the idea of information related to intelligence connected with this condition of LIFE, perhaps related also to plants and awareness, of a natural condition of sentience even, perhaps, as biome, as with the Gaia hypothesis of earth as supraorganism, living entity unto itself as a larger totality or 'living ecosystem', [2] Earth as being. i think also the book A Guide for the Perplexed delved into this area in terms of a progression of life, from mineral to vegetable to animal to human. [3] if not mistaken, from evaluating the wikipedia page, the issue of nesting exists in that each higher form of life has within it those underneath it; thus the human is inextricably related to the mineral, vegetative, animalistic, of which they are composed, as this also effects consciousness, awareness, and intelligence [4] a personal experience about this issue of 'living ecosystems' that themselves may have a larger awareness or consciousness than just the part -- say, a forest as a supraorganism that is sentient... (developed a close connection and friendship with a wild deer and learned how to communicate with her. then observed behavior in various settings, role of muteness, listening, scent, wind, shiny objects, distance, motion, fear, nutrition, locomotion, etc. and when relocating the deer into a more wilderness environment, it became apparent how she was one-with-the-environment in a way that an urban park did not allow, as if in wrong circuitry; deer can basically disappear within a few feet in a forest, and be totally silent at the same time as observing you searching for them or just moving past, through their domain. then in the effort to communicate, connection with camouflage and trees and leaves helped realize how antlers are very much like sticks, and how 'eyes' on trees, openings in the bark, are like those of deer and other animals watching or monitoring the area, each connected to the others, as part of a larger connected system. as if all eyes of the forest even. part of a larger awareness and knowing this, having this as consciousness, shared circuitry. in other words the deer is the forest, the forest is the deer, the tree is the deer, the deer is the tree, a hidden symbiotic relation or structural connectivity that goes beyond one entity or one life, and spans across them as a larger, longer relation as if functioning together, moving in a shared direction, thus life dependent on other life, in terms of its dynamic circuitry, then stresses, pressures, motivations occurring against this) should have also mentioned issues of governance related to consciousness and intelligence, knowledge and awareness as they rely on shared structures and foundations (circuitry) that allow self-sustaining or connected systems to develop within certain parameters, and thus origin stories of rocks and minerals connected with cosmological big bang and development of universe, galaxies, solar system, planets; this then physics and chemistry, molecules moving into a realm of organisms, life, and of vegetation and plants, thus biology, botany, chemistry, horticulture, (if not aspects of archaeology, paleontology in terms of research & studies), then into fauna, animals, realm of biology and zoology if not anthropology, to move into sociology, anthropology, economics, politics, culture, 'arts', architecture, crypto. (note here- question of crypto at mineral and vegetable, not just present-day context of p2p computer exchange) also note the role of behaviorist science to treat humans only as animals, lowering their intellectual status via a limited model of existence to Darwinian framework that squares humans with apes, not divine entities or origin, as this relates to loss of empirical truth, logic, reasoning within society then enforced by universities, psychiatry in particular, where 'medicine' helps this devolutionary process occur, in the black arts of political diagnoses that reverse the alchemical process: lead to gold via toxic pills that destroy circuitry and the ability to think, all to uphold a worldview of humans as merely animals, managed as livestock, routed to holocaust cattle chutes here, the ideology buttressed by anthropological skulldiggery and archaeological equivalence, the sociological likewise as if all are the same, no matter if ascending or descending in relation to having once previously ascended or descended, such that apes becoming more human-like, humans more apelike, humans more humans, apes more and more ape; and hell, why not reference Planet of the Apes once again as a context for Lincoln related civil war of said ideology so behaviorism backed up by 'political sciences' as cult, as this translates into a dumbing-down and enforcement of status quo dynamics, moving from human to the animal, vegetable, & mineral, the more robotic, base the interactions and so consciousness, awareness, intelligence, communication becoming less and less overt time, bounded by psychiatric limits of what that is perceptible is acceptable in given frameworks, the 'brain police' monitoring everyone as potentially out of control apes, this slavery, contained within a ideology that has become the state, requires certain beliefs and conformance to illusory representations and obey is the only option- or else, there goes your mind & body biome again, people living in toxic realm, despoiled environment then forcibly adapted to it if not by peer pressure as selection, the most unfit and mediocre the champions and successors in wasteland, just follow brain-dead rules of the machine to survive; (if that does not work, take these pills and start behaving or else; children as young as 2 y.o. being dosed by psychiatrists to rewire troubled beings in such a hellhole, killing off any chance of survival before turning completely bonkers when cerebrum lights all at once, essentially programming population of mind-controlled psychopaths; forgot implant antenna, deranged psych pills enough to circuit design) so peoples in mental institutions often referred to as vegetables, as with those brain dead in hospitals, else comatose, operating or existing in a realm beyond. catatonia, etc. as this tends also to a realm of mootness, or otherness, perhaps related to the autistic, of a bounded or limited realm where communication is not occurring yet should be or once did, those somehow is miswired or rewired and thus the circuits are not connected or integrated to enable the internal/external relation, as if person trapped inside the self and how this relates to communication and balancing, processing of stimuli, how to make sense of what is going on, especially if living in a frenetic world that does not make sense to begin with the correlation to this general condition (it as nausea, malaise) is a Spore-like entity that can function as essentially brainless, mindless, and make-do and make-their-way in the labyrinth as if dungeon master granted special powers and abilities. this is The Beast known as feelings-only, who matches phase change and state to what is liked and not liked, what makes happy or sad or mad, mediating existence on these immediate terms without capacity, depth, or willingness to consider beyond this quasi-emotional framework, detached from larger grounding in surrounding truth, such that judgement can be immediate as to sensory perception, yet also disconnected from the larger reality, and instead function as delusion state of being and mistaken awareness. these people become MANAGERS (a joke here), many times. and compliance to rules, other beliefs in a too-simple and stupidistic mindset/framework then orchestrates and elevates the dumb to supremacy as 'true believers' in the warped model, because of its benefits to them and their kind, without further question or insight; just following, enforcing, repeating, extending mediocrity when these types become teachers, in autocratic status- based hierarchy, 'truth' is legislated by likable beliefs and those unliked, disfavored, easily censored based on moral belief in superiority of this lesser and base existence and way of being and 'thinking' as if a more limited animal, in that the human becomes a trained ape by such relation, as it becomes education, career, 'voting', and otherwise so, choosing to be vegetable, choosing that path, and communicating or scenting and signaling in that realm, procreation, spawning more of such kind automatically, housing, feeding, schooling, refining a given production to enable such a mindless population to manage us, the lower then determining actions of those higher in a realm of functioning, awareness, ideas, capacities; and because politically correct, illegal to say anything against this for fear of upsetting those benefiting from it another aspect is drug culture in the supposedly non-legal domain though also hypocritically mainstream, thus law does not apply if favored, yet is used to imprison others unprotected. professional drug users staying out of prison, others with any infraction that threaten the state: goodbye then moralizing about anything from this perspective as if universal quite problematic, if only for the massive bullshit factor it involves on a corrupt societal scale, prophets of counterculture too many to list, though enough shithead musicians represent into the present day, so it becomes unnecessary- just turn on media and see the idiots posing as if enlightened, encultured to wasteland as peak, ideal instead of base, bottom-feeding, making profit from shit within this context of counterculture, drug zeitgeist the counter pendulum to rise of psychiatric and its duplicity, the structural connection and association with 'new age' of consciousness, awareness, philosophical beliefs and questioning of principles, religious, spiritual, every other so quaaludes and acid trippers reach top of mountain as Moses' and then fall all the way back down again, repeat this thousands and millions of times, the more piling on, and this too a search for enlightenment for many, if not of destroying the self in order to find the self once again, the displacement then involving recentering, and a way into questioning and other way and types of knowing the problem is that it is removed of its depth, grounding as ritual and of potential spiritual practice and instead can function in a realm of the base and profane, and thus tends towards devolutionary processes rather than the opposite, indicating growth beyond existing boundaries, not just in a single realm, though overall, in the total circuit. for example, you could be in bliss temporarily yet residing in a shithole for the rest of life and it may not balance out or move beyond this or even be able to be sustained, the destructive cycle where drugs can short-circuit via near-term fixes for longer-term problems, larger situations beyond the self, yet drugs can entrap people in their own smaller worldviews, create boundaries not open up connections, and rely on synchronizing with sickness and toxic conditions and become further a part of its structure, the downward force and momentum, yet not accounted for this way, taken out of context that is the bullshit about too-easy enlightenment, that it is in the pill and not in the self to begin with, and about access and unlocking and not substituting a life for a parallel condition existing outside or beyond it, no longer responsible or responsive to surroundings, then becoming this ecosystem, eyes and ears of the drug even, which is the larger point of the vegetative people becoming cocaine, becoming heroine, they as if plants, the awareness of 'like=like' then mapping into consciousness with others and hidden subculture, knowing who is within a similar domain or functioning based on subtle clues and intelligence and signaling who has gone far into the void, who knows what you know or has seen what you have seen. what kinds of knowledge, misery, motivations, betrayals, violence, deceptions. what kind of treachery hangs in the air as a potential, what parameters or dimensions exist in superposition that given nearby circuitry could alight this can be a realm of seers and sages and prophecy, of intelligence if grounded, connected to ideas, yet it can as easily lead into babble and vacancy of truth beyond the illusion, lead astray into further falsity, and thus how a person is grounded then influences how drugs effect and their mediation, what results this could be a healthy controlled practice that is medicinal and rite-of-passage, or it could lead towards loss of greater truth or purposes, and people instead devolving to the drug, becoming trapped, encrypted in its domain, surrogate yet also societal parasite doing bidding of forces subhuman, antihuman even as organisms seek to control and define territory as ecosystem, the orchid keeping insects alive for its own good, drugs governing others nervous systems the plague of their effectiveness is not only in body, it is also in the brain and mind, where drugs can limit sensory considerations into a narrow range and thus 'intelligence' can become confined to a smaller world and view as ecosystem that relies on false constraints required for the ecosystem to function as it already does thus institutionalizing what can be inequalities or biases or injustices to sustain what is a false-consciousness at the universal level it may be perceived or believed, in some sense artificial or unnatural, unreal, a fiction yet inside this circuitry, it may be 'the most real reality' consider the human entity as circuit, the nervous system having a spinal column mapping nerves, sensory feedback of body into brainstem and 'mind', the capital of the column consider this is a platform for development, and how any nutrients or vegetation or carnivore activity then influences this system in its functioning, the parameters it exists and sustains itself within, in terms of its governance as scaled to a larger shared relation with others, in structural terms (ie the state). thus, any atoms and molecules that go into this feedback-based system have certain functioning that result in how it all relates, the dynamics of interaction and exchange, where truth resides and how it is processed, not totally unlike a pinball game in its tallying of points so, if eating some minerals, say having water from a spring, there could be iron in the water that effects how a person functions, like vitamins, which then programs certain cells or influences function, say in regard to blood somehow or various organs that process these nutrients or manage those parameters as part of total metabolism water and humans create a circuit. water is a circuit and humans are a circuit and together they combine. and it goes into ecosystems, clouds, environment, ground, such that if the land is toxic the water is likely effected and thereby the person, even if in trace amounts, as part of how the larger ecosystem is balanced, finds alignment and adjusts or adapts or deteriorates in given dynamics, perhaps a person becomes ill from lead in the water, etc likewise, leafy greens in a salad as circuitry, food, and meat, say from a cow, as this relates to how ingredients used for daily diets effect and are effected by a larger circuit, of self though also of groups of people, the state they together compose, and the environment itself as a part of this relationship, dynamic, in existing dimensions; how these are or are not accounted for, then, precluding what is tallied or 'acknowledged' and in what ways, else denied, say chemicals on plants that promote cancer via homeopathic approach, poisoning via 1,000 disease vectors to eventually hit the genocide jackpot over time; so too, raising cattle in debilitating conditions, injecting with hormones to negatively effect humans down range, eating spiked levels of animal stress and pain as circuit, perhaps losing nutrition though gaining the amplification of similar disease promotion via chemical absorption into cells, their malfunctioning, all part of the plan this as circuitry, toxic ecosystem functioning against LIFE, devolving humans to livestock yet vegetable and eventually robots via very same ideology of technique removed of higher truth than what is politically allowed, thus allowing social, behavorial, mental-engineering to head towards this as if nirvana, 'enlightened following' where greatest capacity is equated with end of cycle of existence, by way of extinction of human 'species'; and it is legislated no less. how stupid do people have to be to go along with it, especially unthinkingly, without resistance or taking it on as a situation... why is there an absence of intelligence in dealing with the basics here, why the gap? perhaps everyone is stoned and playing games on their fucking iphones, using PGP to complain about how crooked things are, IDFK and yet enlightened, opinionated, at same time helpless, pathetic, yet self-righteous as if superior awareness or knowing while incapacitated and unwilling to take the leap into the maw of death enough to trust greater truth, that the purpose is much larger than any person and that an infrastructure exist, nature itself, to remedy this situation beyond all the lies, and yet there is lack of faith or belief-- in truth. in logic. in reality beyond a limited warped view reliant on relativism, the lies and betrayals of education becoming commonplace as viewpoint, turned against self, people cannot even trust their own minds, so thoroughly mistaken and beholden to external validation of what is so basically, the individual is fucked. the shared set of people absolutely absent from engaging the situation in the terms it exists, beyond the self and small groups that still can rely upon and benefit from the bullshit factor and various other limits, impeding larger ecosystem truth, being that is beyond existing boundaries or misconceptions then it is a time of count of be counted, who is awake and who is aware and who serves truth and is willing to make sacrifices and who are those doing it already and how is this all connected in a larger structural framework, as it relates individual awareness in varying dimensions with others, molecular processing of interconnected consciousness and where does mind meet its embodiment, deeds, not only words, and at what scale or what limitation, what amount of self-serving bullshit and privilege versus sacrifice, losing the egostic framework that requires its own safety to persist, disconnection from suffering as if above, instead corrupted and serving self firstly and projecting this outward to others; unaccounted for, how much betrayed by the psycho-logical, a great many tells exist for parameters that remain para- and thus insight can tend towards involution, yet warped and ungrounded, as if superior knowing when actually less thus is the nature of the egotist who believes because of station to know everything, even though wrongly, while mocking another who thinks they know something, as if that is the arrogance and an impossible, due to superiority on these themes then, there are people who journey into a realm of drugs and document their research, such as ethnobotanist Terrance McKenna, [5] and this tends also towards Thompson-Leary cryptography, [6] in that it is not only the signaling of plants themselves though their effects within people and culture, which extends this signaling at human scale and in human dynamics and ecosystems, that could be sacred or profane, given implementation though perhaps also more than this: toxic and poison exists and being able to absorb it can deteriorate not enhance in the ways believed as if all is transcendent, or like climbing mountains, leads to heights not depths; (if living in an inverted world, things may be backwards) (note here: as with crystals and piezo-sensors as organic or natural circuitry, the chemical compounds and circuitry of drugs, both those defined legal and illegal [7][8], as it relates to how that circuitry, visualized, may correlate with certain dimensions and parameters of its effects, in that the different visual structure maps to different systems in the body and mind, different ecosystems or dynamics. thus, like a custom programmed IC or microcontroller, so too Aspirin or Ambien or Acid or patterns delivered. in other words: where's the message, what is the key, where is the information, what is encrypted, how is this circuitry, how does it map, metabolize, transform and change, positive and negative dynamics, feedback... and not to forget, all of this as language, its calculus) principles and intelligence related to horticulture, then, Luther Burbank's work The Training of the Human Plant [9] as this could relate to culture, cultivation, the cultic imagination and manifestation, of ideas and of ideology if raising the vegetable as higher consciousness and becoming one with nature, it could also involve loss of certain critical facilities or awareness in turn, and this could be a danger for a way of being that no longer is human, or no longer serves a higher truth than what is accessed immediately and in proximity to the body in terms of its likes and agreements and hospitalities, and a movement away from truth or regression could occur, and thinking could be turned against itself so that the lower is again the higher, people in service to something that is less intelligent, though in this way, combining with the circuit, ecosystem, fusing and then becoming vegetable, animal. in terms of rites-of-passage, this may be inherent, as with an embryological view of reptile, mammalian sections of brain as it develops, old brain and new, and yet, to then situate a self in a limiting framework and obey its constraints could also be to decouple from the natural world for an illusion replacing it, a false consciousness believed as if higher truth here be witchcraft and paganism and other forms, cannibalism and other practices likewise that can operate in such physics though also in exploitation not recognize or serve other truths, this danger of losing the human, turning to falsity as power. and thus 'humans as plants' turns to 'plants as human' and another framework of ethics, morality, judgement and ways of being potentially aligned in other terms thus people occupy these realms, some witchcraft dark and serving against truth, while others good and using knowledge of nature and its metaphysics for life, healing, medicine, the paradoxical condition, the Caduceus [10] and Rod of Asclepius [11], their dual-role of sickness and health, the importance of being able to recognize its value and not outlaw it, the truth involved, yet to do so accurately, clearly, accounting for actual conditions and not ideological, which then infects minds, corrupts intelligence, etc (a double-dealing War of Drugs that is a hypocritical onesided takedown of political enemies forbids this yet exploits the condition to retain silence, or else the NSA will ruin your life and quicken extinction. this is how evil gets a foothold in society, becoming governance, people obeying and serving this falsity) so, what say you to worshiping mandrake root? [12] "i'm up for it, do you have coke to go along with it?" perhaps tending to profane here... people becoming this drug, its deliverance as plague even, as consciousness that is skewed and distorted and worms its way further into culture via principles aligned with toxic dynamics, becoming ecosystem, way of being turns to nothingness. the void, a mirror-image of knowing that is actually false, ungrounded in its symmetrical belief, incorrectly aligned with events yet not accounting for structural aberrations and therefore ignorance a basis of such supreme belief, as if above it all, operating in a realm of higher awareness when instead a conceit that does not correlate with reality and eventually, to be accounted for in cosmic ecosystem what this is to suggest is that, people becoming plants is a devolutionary process, a regression of intellectual capacity that returns to feeling-based diagnostics that can be localized out of other dimensional frameworks that were once connected, coherent, and correlated as lies and falsity are normalized, toxic poison of mind that is shared amongst many can, like invasive species overtake localities, growing and thriving in place of the natural habitat, with devastating consequence for the prospects of life on terms against the ecosystem, or ecosystem engineered to be against sustaining of life, these destructive principles of death and hate, turning people into lower lifeforms, humans as subhumans, as if only apes or less than this even, judged, sentenced to death via this insane and evil ideology, this artifice, unaligned, disconnected, hostile to nature, life, love
An amusing account is that of a CIA polygrapher claiming to exchage signals with plants, discovered by hooking up a polygraph to them. He said he could just think of burning a nearby plant for the plant to initiate defenses. His claims were later discounted but remind of the long-running mind control research by US and Russia. And the unkillable kudzu of lie detectors.
then it should be mentioned- turning this into religion... use of what seems to be a multimeter to diagnose the human in its electromagnetic circuitry, as lying plant, though to question Scientology methodology, if this fever graph is mapping of galvonic skin response or perhaps 'information' in its vibrational context, as the circuits would be different, and perhaps another layer or boundary of interpretation exists between these, in that non-acoustic acoustic phenomena could be judged as acoustic, or non-acoustic as electromagnetic yet the circuits evaluated could be too simple for what is involved and thus the problem of thinking, of logic and reasoning in relativistic frameworks that could tend towards rule of behaviorism _over mind, over higher awareness and in this way- the rule of language over people, so that ideas must conform to a given rationalization, ideology that can be wrong-headed or wrong-minded or of wrong or inaccurate beliefs yet unchecked as ecosystem and in this way, mislead or rely on certain 'limited knowing' versus actual understanding or comprehension beyond a given faulty framework, where short-circuiting could be the key to health and not just sickness, correcting every anomaly leading to forced silencing, versus the role of sensors, the diagnostic evaluation, clues that map out circuitry yet not necessarily in their entirety, the mystery much larger than any parts combined, when disconnected from ecosystem as if controlled; the false consciousness default if methodologically forcing such truth, grounding to the false all too easy, perhaps the main sickness of institutions over time, corruption from reliance on ideas divorced from truth beyond narrowed limits, losing self-awareness while representing it as if pillar or structure, foundation for others, symbolic, yet still potentially ungrounded, the problem of being blinded from believing to know and yet in this belief, forbidding such awareness in other words, once again, attaining grounding in an unnatural or toxic habitat, as this potentially can relate to lies or falsity, and then 'enlightenment' by the normalization of this ecosystem relation that can function in negative, hostile, immoral relations and dynamics for food, survival, shelter, knowledge, then going on to represent and replace culture that was to serve life and now is about serving death and a certain range of parameters, dimensions, dynamics that are 'healthy' and 'good' for this diseased condition and its state of being that is centered on nothingness, no higher goals than the base and material exploitation crypto in this context, signaling, as patterns and signs, symbols and their processing, relations based on these, correlation between circuitries, issues of competing biomes and ecosystems, different if hidden ecosystems, ecologies, different mechanisms and dynamics, as this maps onto forms, artifacts, events, to be read/written as language, the correlation of dimensions, shared or unshared, like or unlike, those who are vegetable-like feeling-based if not connected with the false world and the oppression, versus those thinking beyond, into/from other principles- all of it as circuitry, consciousness, signaling, codes, crypto, messaging and communications, protocols, layers, habitat, food, poison/medicine, culture, flow what is the greater consciousness of the false order? perhaps the shared lie as it maps to realms of artifice what is the greater consciousness of truth? perhaps shared being in the world, truth, live, love in this way, two entities and existences, information and its circuits grounding either to truth or to falsity (the paradox: never beyond a realm of good and evil) 0. [images] humans as plants (visual correlation) http://medanatomy.wordpress.com/2013/01/14/41/ http://medanatomy.wordpress.com/2013/01/14/37/ 1. Panspermia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panspermia 2. Gaia hypothesis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_hypothesis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_%28mythology%29 3. A Guide for the Perplexed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Guide_For_The_Perplexed 4. ibid. Levels of Being (equations) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Guide_For_The_Perplexed#Levels_of_being 5. Terence McKenna http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terence_McKenna http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Terence_McKenna 6. crypto-p.wd https://cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2013-September/000871.html 7. The Molecular Expressions Pharmaceuticals Collection http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/pharmaceuticals/ 8. recreational drugs under the microscope http://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/drugs-on-film-negatives 9. The Training of the Human Plant (pdf/html) http://joytoyou.com/tothp/Default.htm 10. Caduceus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caduceus 11. Rod of Asclepius http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_of_Asclepius 12. MANDRAKE IN PROFILE http://fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us/irazumov/lectures/illustration/botanical/interestin... http://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/ethnobotany/mindandspirit/images/solanaceae... http://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/ethnobotany/mindandspirit/mandrake.shtml http://www.sacredearth.com/ethnobotany/plantprofiles/mandrake.php 13. 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vaZrBgbAi3w/UrVNgLuwFVI/AAAAAAAAfZ4/AubiulMgqZ0/s1...
participants (3)
brian carroll
John Young