intention aerials butterfly this quantum reality substrata - 7 days hard core attention - prayer warriors for Christ - [PEACE]

From this our unshakable ground plane, you will naturally transmit simple truth and goodness without necessarily saying anything, simply being, and holding in your consciousness that which you would want in
We live a pivotal moment, right now. Intention is the butterfly's magical wand. You be an aerial in this "reality" - electrically, optically, bound as a lorenzian butterfly to the quantum fabric of creation and swimming in this Earth's larger geomagnetic fields, sometimes sensing the emanations of others, yet always emanating you, to the world. 7 day dicta if you will, beginning now: - Hold pure intention - A beacon of truth, righteousness and justice - That heaven may be brought to Earth This world, our shared world needs you, right now, for the next 7 days. As you slip, gently bring your attention back to this 7 day journey of consciousness (it's a joy, not a burden) - hold within your mind, your highest aspirations for all. Stand on your unshakable ground-plane of principle, your truth, your rock, your mission which is for you worthy to contemplate, to form within your consciousness, in love, gently, a tiny seed which may in time form and grow into a seedling to be watered and eventually shared. Water that seed with your gentle attention, love and prayer, for 7 days beginning now. the greater picture for yourself and others. Be grateful for the ability to hold such thoughts and conceptions in your consciousness. Your truth thus held in your consciousness will on some level resonate out to our brothers and sisters also sharing their existence in this creation. We hold in our being, the possibility to be something greater than we are, something magical and calm and peaceful and real. So if you will, join with others in living that part of us which can conceive, can behold, and can place and sustain attention on a conception of goodness, purity and love. For those who contemplate, if you will then do so for this week. For those who meditate, if you will then do so for this week. For those who pray, if you will then do so for this week: pray for that which you know in your heart to be good, right, kind and true; pray to our Creator that it's plan for us be made known to us, that heaven be brought to Earth, and that the righteous be lifted into positions of authority in the name of Jesus Christ.
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness