Re: hello my fellow future bug splats

Still, despite the slight irritation about drone killings, there have been, AFAIK, no protests at the CIA HQ gates against the agency's drone pilots, sensors and weapons launchers located at temporary huts at both sides of spies' pig sty dining hall. Nor at the drone pilots, sensors and weapons launchers training base at Indian Wells AFB, Nevada. Nor at the homes of spy and mil drone operators, sensors and weapons launchers. (Apparently none have yet been doxed although DoD droners have been named in news reports and DoD PR media when medals are awarded.) Nor at the contractors who build and staff drones, training and deployment. Nor at the homes of the USG three-branch members who support the drone murders. Nor at the several universities where students are trained to operate drones in expectation of well-paying jobs in a booming (no pun) industry. DoD recruits by touting the swell future for droners trained by DoD for later civilian employment. As well as touting the role of drone contractors (CIA does too but more discreetly). Nor any sabotage of drone systems. Oops, that criminal, don't do it. So it is not clear what opponents of drone kilings are willing to do beyond risk-free bitching, strutting, mail bombing and petitioning. All of which is a good start but not likely to have much effect until opposition is well beyond verbal puking. Does this remind of the way crypto is handled by deft verbal puking about the industry while quietly working within it, hoping the pukers will continue helping draw attention to the need for a duplicitious practice to combat enemies of the industry.
participants (1)
John Young