NAZI-Fag Batshit-Crazy hearts Applecheeks

You really do seem to think Assange is a rapist ..." Nazi-fag-moron number two. Its not just me Nazi-fag-moron. Julian Assange arrested in London on rape charges JULIAN " Being guilty of aggravated rape has nothing to do with our party" A. Broinowski. Wikileaks Party NSW candidate for au Senate. 2013. Your rapist BFF could sue - he's supposedly a millionaire - he never sues anyone - just whines like a whiny little Batshit-Crazy bitch.

On Fri, Dec 04, 2020 at 09:03:36AM +0000, carpet rat wrote:
Its ... not just ... me Nazi-fag-moron.
I hadn't thought you viewed yerself that way but hey - takes all types ta fill a world. So go on - let it all out now, we won't judge you round here. Now I want you to relax and go to your safe splace, and now, take a deep breath, and, embrace your inner Nazi-fag-moron. Thaaat's it! Well DONE! Feeling better yet?
participants (2)
professor rat
Zenaan Harkness