Fwd: How Russia tampers with GPS
1 big thing: How Russia tampers with GPS Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios Satellite navigation systems like the Global Positioning System (GPS) make so many different pieces of our global infrastructure tick that most countries treat their signals as sacrosanct, knowing that interfering with them could have devastating effects. But a [new report](https://link.axios.com/click/16391119.5976/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYzRyZXBvcnRzLm9yZ...) released Tuesday is giving us the first broad view of a country — Russia — that's pervasively tampering with the service. The big picture: Global navigation satellites — including GPS and less-used competing services like Russia's GLONASS — are coordinated networks of atomic clocks in outer space that can be used to triangulate precise locations or coordinate precise timing. Without them, everything from global shipping to financial markets would suffer. Why it matters: It's easy to see the military, transportation and pizza delivery importance of precise location information. The timing signals are extremely important, too. - The stock market needs precision timing to handle transactions down to the fractional second. - Precise timing is a critical component in telecommunications because it allows national and international networks to synchronize. The intrigue: Russia has been called out several times before for interfering with global positioning satellite systems, and it is known to capitalize on interfering with GPS for military and national security purposes like no other country. But before the [study by the C4ADS](https://link.axios.com/click/16391119.5976/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYzRyZXBvcnRzLm9yZ...) think tank, no one had really taken a scientific look across all of Russia's activities to see how constant the disruptions are. - To do that, C4ADS used University of Texas equipment placed on the International Space Station to monitor more than 9,800 suspected instances since 2016 where fraudulent global navigation signals appear to have been broadcast in the Russian Federation, as well as instances where similar signals were broadcast in Russian conflict zones like Crimea and Syria. C4ADS is not formally accusing the Russian government of being behind any of the fraudulent, "spoofed" signals. It would be impossible to make that kind of determination from the space station. But, but, but: It is clear that many of the instances largely serve Russian national interests. - In Russia, C4ADS found that several spoofed signals came from areas where Russian VIPs (like President Vladimir Putin) were traveling or that contained military or domestic facilities Russia wants to protect (including a "multimillion-dollar 'palace'" reportedly built for Putin). - Those areas broadcast the coordinates of airports in places where there are no airports. - The spoofing was frequent enough that C4ADS reports the Russian internet firm Yandex had to redesign its ride sharing app. Otherwise, it billed passengers for sudden trips to the airport whenever their driver passed through a spoofed area. - Airports that mysteriously seemed to appear in the Black Sea were so disruptive that the United States issued a warning to international cargo firms. Why airports? Many manufacturers of drones use GPS chips to prevent their products from flying into airport airspace. C4ADS suspects the spoofing was to prevent drone attacks or surveillance. Meanwhile, Russia also used spoofing in combat zones, particularly Syria, to try to limit attacks against its installations. Go deeper: [Read more, including how Moscow uses GPS hacking in battle](https://link.axios.com/click/16391119.5976/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXhpb3MuY29tL2hvd...).
On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 04:23:44PM +0000, coderman wrote:
1 big thing: How Russia tampers with GPS ... But, but, but: It is clear that many of the instances largely serve Russian national interests.
- In Russia, C4ADS found that several spoofed signals came from areas where Russian VIPs (like President Vladimir Putin) were traveling or that contained military or domestic facilities Russia wants to protect (including a "multimillion-dollar 'palace'" reportedly built for Putin). - Those areas broadcast the coordinates of airports in places where there are no airports. - The spoofing was frequent enough that C4ADS reports the Russian internet firm Yandex had to redesign its ride sharing app. Otherwise, it billed passengers for sudden trips to the airport whenever their driver passed through a spoofed area. - Airports that mysteriously seemed to appear in the Black Sea were so disruptive that the United States issued a warning to international cargo firms.
Why airports? Many manufacturers of drones use GPS chips to prevent their products from flying into airport airspace. C4ADS suspects the spoofing was to prevent drone attacks or surveillance.
Meanwhile, Russia also used spoofing in combat zones, particularly Syria, to try to limit attacks against its installations.
Go deeper: [Read more, including how Moscow uses GPS hacking in battle](https://link.axios.com/click/16391119.5976/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXhpb3MuY29tL2hvd...).
If Russia were NOT protecting its national interests, that would be surprising. If America were not likewise using their GPS satellite network in "interesting" ways, in their own interests, in places where America "operates" to "protect its national interests" - like say the 38 "named" bases: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_military_bases or its nearly 800 overseas bases: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/06/us-military-bases-around-the... The fact that there is filtering into the media of America's GPS shirtfruckery, sorry I mean Russia's, sounds like classic "Russkie guy bad" American propaganda. Le happy fun times in Venezuela come to mind :D Venezuela regime-change champion John Bolton says US won’t tolerate foreign meddling in the country https://www.rt.com/news/454764-bolton-venezuela-hostile-powers-russia/ [Now THAT's hysterical!] US Aid to Venezuela Appears to be a Trojan Horse for Invasion https://dailystormer.name/us-aid-to-venezuela-appears-to-be-a-trojan-horse-f... CNN Says US Provocation Against Venezuela is Russia's Fault https://dailystormer.name/cnn-says-us-provocation-against-venezuela-is-russi... Venezuela: Mysterious “Humanitarian Aid” Packages Contain Wire and Nails for Barricades https://dailystormer.name/venezuela-mysterious-humanitarian-aid-packages-con... Maduro Says Visits by Foreign Military Aircraft to Continue Amid Tu-160 Arrival https://sputniknews.com/military/201812131070639781-maduro-venezuela-russia-... Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers land in Venezuela after 10,000km transatlantic flight (VIDEO) https://www.rt.com/news/446125-tu-160-bombers-venezuela-land/ King Jew Bill Maher Cheers on Venezuela Coup to Stick It to Trump/Russia/Nazis https://dailystormer.name/king-jew-bill-maher-cheers-on-venezuela-coup-to-st... Russia on military planes in Venezuela: Our specialists are there based on cooperation treaty https://www.rt.com/news/454815-russian-military-venezuela-foreign-ministry/
Did I mention hysterical? Do NOT chuckle at the USA, they just might drone you. “Americans want to get back to grillin’ and Russians just want to get back to squattin’.” CONFIRMED! Russia Sends Troops, Supplies and Advisors to Caracas https://dailystormer.name/confirmed-russia-sends-troops-supplies-and-advisor... On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 10:58:05AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 04:23:44PM +0000, coderman wrote:
1 big thing: How Russia tampers with GPS ... But, but, but: It is clear that many of the instances largely serve Russian national interests.
- In Russia, C4ADS found that several spoofed signals came from areas where Russian VIPs (like President Vladimir Putin) were traveling or that contained military or domestic facilities Russia wants to protect (including a "multimillion-dollar 'palace'" reportedly built for Putin). - Those areas broadcast the coordinates of airports in places where there are no airports. - The spoofing was frequent enough that C4ADS reports the Russian internet firm Yandex had to redesign its ride sharing app. Otherwise, it billed passengers for sudden trips to the airport whenever their driver passed through a spoofed area. - Airports that mysteriously seemed to appear in the Black Sea were so disruptive that the United States issued a warning to international cargo firms.
Why airports? Many manufacturers of drones use GPS chips to prevent their products from flying into airport airspace. C4ADS suspects the spoofing was to prevent drone attacks or surveillance.
Meanwhile, Russia also used spoofing in combat zones, particularly Syria, to try to limit attacks against its installations.
Go deeper: [Read more, including how Moscow uses GPS hacking in battle](https://link.axios.com/click/16391119.5976/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXhpb3MuY29tL2hvd...).
If Russia were NOT protecting its national interests, that would be surprising.
If America were not likewise using their GPS satellite network in "interesting" ways, in their own interests, in places where America "operates" to "protect its national interests" - like say the 38 "named" bases: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_military_bases
or its nearly 800 overseas bases: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/06/us-military-bases-around-the...
The fact that there is filtering into the media of America's GPS shirtfruckery, sorry I mean Russia's, sounds like classic "Russkie guy bad" American propaganda. Le happy fun times in Venezuela come to mind :D
Venezuela regime-change champion John Bolton says US won’t tolerate foreign meddling in the country https://www.rt.com/news/454764-bolton-venezuela-hostile-powers-russia/
[Now THAT's hysterical!]
US Aid to Venezuela Appears to be a Trojan Horse for Invasion https://dailystormer.name/us-aid-to-venezuela-appears-to-be-a-trojan-horse-f...
CNN Says US Provocation Against Venezuela is Russia's Fault https://dailystormer.name/cnn-says-us-provocation-against-venezuela-is-russi...
Venezuela: Mysterious “Humanitarian Aid” Packages Contain Wire and Nails for Barricades https://dailystormer.name/venezuela-mysterious-humanitarian-aid-packages-con...
Maduro Says Visits by Foreign Military Aircraft to Continue Amid Tu-160 Arrival https://sputniknews.com/military/201812131070639781-maduro-venezuela-russia-...
Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers land in Venezuela after 10,000km transatlantic flight (VIDEO) https://www.rt.com/news/446125-tu-160-bombers-venezuela-land/
King Jew Bill Maher Cheers on Venezuela Coup to Stick It to Trump/Russia/Nazis https://dailystormer.name/king-jew-bill-maher-cheers-on-venezuela-coup-to-st...
Russia on military planes in Venezuela: Our specialists are there based on cooperation treaty https://www.rt.com/news/454815-russian-military-venezuela-foreign-ministry/
The Fed be the only game in town. Good luck, freedom. Can USA survive in a world where sovereign states protect their own interests? Now China is piling in to Venezuela, undoubtely having its own interests there, if nothing else, an interest in standing at least minimally in support of their trading partner Russia. Surprise surprise... China Sends Over 120 Troops To Venezuela In Defiance Of US Warnings https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-02/china-sends-over-100-troops-venezu... Bolton might as well have said "America will not tolerate nation states having an interest in their own economic well being and in their own economic relationships in the world." Not that socialism doesn't lead to financial collapse, every time, but the Federal Reserve and its minions set this game up - no point pretending to be surprised that the players don't want to give up their chips. Due to this monstrosity of Lucifer known as the Federal Reserve banking system, "we" were not allowed to ally with our natural Russkie allies and were required to (continue to) act like thugs on the world stage. "The Fed", aka (((TPTB))) play a mighty game, laying most or all chips on the table from one round to the next. Then this one little trick called "protect my nation and people and fix up the morally abominable Goldman boys legacy" happened under the diligent watch of Putin. "Do you realise what you have done now?" It's an interesting thing - the Fed had all countries but a few, in the entire firetrucking world, bound in their system (and digitally connected through the BIS). That was in the order of (financially) controlling 99% of the world. But TPTB want 100% - total domination, and here's how this intention has played out over the last 2 decades: Only Three Countries Left Without a ROTHSCHILD Central Bank! http://www.theeventchronicle.com/finanace/three-countries-left-without-roths... The Rothschild family is slowly but surely having their Central banks established in every country of this world, giving them incredible amount of wealth and power. In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank: ∙ Afghanistan ∙ Iraq ∙ Sudan ∙ Libya ∙ Cuba ∙ North Korea ∙ Iran … The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family were: ∙ Sudan ∙ Libya ∙ Cuba ∙ North Korea ∙ Iran The Attacks of September 11th were an inside job to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to then establish a Central Bank in those countries. Case Closed: JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild’s Federal Reserve http://humansarefree.com/2013/11/jfk-killed-after-shutting-down.html The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are: ∙ Cuba ∙ North Korea ∙ Iran After the instigated protests and riots in the Arab countries http://humansarefree.com/2013/11/the-hidden-truth-behind-syria-and-arab.html the Rothschild finally paved their way into establishing Central Banks, and getting rid of many leaders, which put them into more power. Complete List of BANKS Owned or Controlled by the Rothschild Family (As of 2013) Source: Humans Are Free http://humansarefree.com/2013/11/complete-list-of-banks-ownedcontrolled.html … The FED and the IRS … Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks … Related … Always remember General Wesley Clark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw https://www.globalresearch.ca/we-re-going-to-take-out-7-countries-in-5-years... Increasing Number Of Countries Banning & Dismantling Rothschild Central Banks https://politicalvelcraft.org/2012/06/03/increasing-number-of-countries-bann... [interesting link backed research timeline of Putin re Rothschilds in Russia] The Federal Reserve cartel: The Eight Families https://hangthebankers.com/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ The Banking System: Federal Reserve System https://www.investopedia.com/university/banking-system/banking-system10.asp https://quizlet.com/226979883/ch4-federal-reserve-system-flash-cards/ https://quizlet.com/95975669/econ029-ch-13-central-banks-and-the-federal-res... On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 11:12:09PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Did I mention hysterical? Do NOT chuckle at the USA, they just might drone you.
“Americans want to get back to grillin’ and Russians just want to get back to squattin’.”
CONFIRMED! Russia Sends Troops, Supplies and Advisors to Caracas https://dailystormer.name/confirmed-russia-sends-troops-supplies-and-advisor...
On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 10:58:05AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 04:23:44PM +0000, coderman wrote:
1 big thing: How Russia tampers with GPS ... But, but, but: It is clear that many of the instances largely serve Russian national interests.
- In Russia, C4ADS found that several spoofed signals came from areas where Russian VIPs (like President Vladimir Putin) were traveling or that contained military or domestic facilities Russia wants to protect (including a "multimillion-dollar 'palace'" reportedly built for Putin). - Those areas broadcast the coordinates of airports in places where there are no airports. - The spoofing was frequent enough that C4ADS reports the Russian internet firm Yandex had to redesign its ride sharing app. Otherwise, it billed passengers for sudden trips to the airport whenever their driver passed through a spoofed area. - Airports that mysteriously seemed to appear in the Black Sea were so disruptive that the United States issued a warning to international cargo firms.
Why airports? Many manufacturers of drones use GPS chips to prevent their products from flying into airport airspace. C4ADS suspects the spoofing was to prevent drone attacks or surveillance.
Meanwhile, Russia also used spoofing in combat zones, particularly Syria, to try to limit attacks against its installations.
Go deeper: [Read more, including how Moscow uses GPS hacking in battle](https://link.axios.com/click/16391119.5976/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXhpb3MuY29tL2hvd...).
If Russia were NOT protecting its national interests, that would be surprising.
If America were not likewise using their GPS satellite network in "interesting" ways, in their own interests, in places where America "operates" to "protect its national interests" - like say the 38 "named" bases: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_military_bases
or its nearly 800 overseas bases: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/06/us-military-bases-around-the...
The fact that there is filtering into the media of America's GPS shirtfruckery, sorry I mean Russia's, sounds like classic "Russkie guy bad" American propaganda. Le happy fun times in Venezuela come to mind :D
Venezuela regime-change champion John Bolton says US won’t tolerate foreign meddling in the country https://www.rt.com/news/454764-bolton-venezuela-hostile-powers-russia/
[Now THAT's hysterical!]
US Aid to Venezuela Appears to be a Trojan Horse for Invasion https://dailystormer.name/us-aid-to-venezuela-appears-to-be-a-trojan-horse-f...
CNN Says US Provocation Against Venezuela is Russia's Fault https://dailystormer.name/cnn-says-us-provocation-against-venezuela-is-russi...
Venezuela: Mysterious “Humanitarian Aid” Packages Contain Wire and Nails for Barricades https://dailystormer.name/venezuela-mysterious-humanitarian-aid-packages-con...
Maduro Says Visits by Foreign Military Aircraft to Continue Amid Tu-160 Arrival https://sputniknews.com/military/201812131070639781-maduro-venezuela-russia-...
Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers land in Venezuela after 10,000km transatlantic flight (VIDEO) https://www.rt.com/news/446125-tu-160-bombers-venezuela-land/
King Jew Bill Maher Cheers on Venezuela Coup to Stick It to Trump/Russia/Nazis https://dailystormer.name/king-jew-bill-maher-cheers-on-venezuela-coup-to-st...
Russia on military planes in Venezuela: Our specialists are there based on cooperation treaty https://www.rt.com/news/454815-russian-military-venezuela-foreign-ministry/
participants (2)
Zenaan Harkness