Shielding Ad Fwd: TS-Lindgren News: Fast Track Project Awarded to ETS-Lindgren

I don't know why I received this, but I like reading about shielding. I visited a test facility once and learned they had needed to increase the shielding in a room ETS-Lindgren had provided, by soldering copper foil over the air vent. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Martha Hallman <> Date: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 10:41:02 -0500 Subject: ETS-Lindgren News: Fast Track Project Awarded to ETS-Lindgren To: Fast Track Project Awarded to ETS-Lindgren Completion Schedule Key to Award for Six FACT™ 3 EMC Test Chambers CEDAR PARK, Texas – January 8, 2021 – ETS-Lindgren announced receipt of a significant contract award of six (6) FACT 3-2.0 Dual-Range EMC Test Chambers to be installed at a commercial EMC test lab in the bustling Silicon Valley area of Northern California. ETS-Lindgren received the award due to a number of reasons, the most important being our ability to meet the expedited required delivery. ETS-Lindgren committed to the chamber performance specified in ANSI C63.4a (2014) along with a total delivery time for the first two chambers of less than three months from order placement. Another plus: ETS-Lindgren offered one point of contact for the entire project, as the FACT 3 EMC Test Chambers are designed, engineered, manufactured, installed, integrated, and serviced by in-house professional teams. “We understand the challenges the pandemic presents to delivery schedules these days, especially if products need to be shipped overseas,” said Bill Giacone, ETS-Lindgren’s Senior Vice President, Global Sales and Marketing. “Since we manufacture the vast majority of the project components at our facilities in the United States, we were confident that we could commit to the schedule. It was a very aggressive schedule to be sure, but our team was dedicated from day one to meet — and even exceed — our customer’s expectations.” ETS-Lindgren’s vertical integration capabilities nearly eliminate reliance on third parties; this competency reduced the risk of missing the customer’s urgent delivery schedule, since ETS-Lindgren had greater control of the majority of the project components. ETS-Lindgren’s [1]FACT 3 EMC Test Chambers provide compliant radiated emissions and immunity test capabilities for most international EMC regulations. These chambers achieve broadband performance using a unique arrangement of hybrid polystyrene and ferrite tile absorber materials, offering an anechoic environment that supports testing up to 40 GHz. The chambers are constructed of ETS-Lindgren's [2]Series 81 Shielding, a time-proven design with over 25,000 installations worldwide. The Series 81 shielded enclosure consists of shielded modular panel sections assembled with a clamping system into a self-supported structure. While the external overall structure dimensions of standard FACT 3 EMC Test Chambers are approximately 20’H x 30’L x 22’W (6m x 9m x 7m), custom sizes are available. With ETS-Lindgren’s sophisticated chamber performance modeling capabilities, chamber options may be evaluated in advance to achieve the optimal performance objective, taking into account space and/or budget constraints. ETS-Lindgren FACT 3 EMC Test Chambers are frequently lined with [3]DuraSorb™ hybrid broadband absorber materials, Model DSH-600H. DuraSorb is manufactured in-house at ETS-Lindgren under a strict ISO 9001 Quality Management System. It is constructed using substrates with rigid, closed foam cells loaded volumetrically and uniformly throughout each piece of absorber. DuraSorb meets the requirements specified in Space, Automotive, Commercial, Industrial, and Military Standards such as ECSS, MIL-STD-461F, MIL-STD-464C, RTCA-DO-160G, CISPR 16, ANSI C63.4, and IEC 61000-4-3. Each piece of absorber is factory-tested before shipping, and full performance data is provided. Upon completion of each shielded enclosure and prior to absorber installation, ETS-Lindgren performs an RF shield verification test in accordance with the test methods of MIL-STD-285/ IEEE-299 at 1 GHz plane wave field. Following installation of the anechoic absorber material, ETS-Lindgren performs Normalized Site Attenuation (NSA) testing for test ranges per ANSI C63.4 from 30 MHz to 1 GHz. Site Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (SVSWR) testing is also typically performed as specified in CISPR 16-1-4 from 1 to 18 GHz at one (1) 3-meter distance. ETS-Lindgren provided a turnkey project, which was critical to ensure meeting our customer’s aggressive delivery schedule. Did you know [4]ETS-Lindgren is the only true turnkey EMC systems supplier, manufacturing 90% of the components of an EMC test facility? These components include RF shielded enclosures, doors, penetrations, electromagnetic absorbers, power line filters, CCTV monitoring systems, turntables, antenna towers, emission measurement and field generation immunity antennas, field probes, power amplifiers, instrumentation, and measurement software. Following project completion, our customer is assured of continued support by ETS-Lindgren’s six manufacturing factories and team of over 700 employees worldwide. About ETS-Lindgren ETS-Lindgren is an international manufacturer of systems and components that measure, shield, and control electromagnetic and acoustic energy. The company's products are used for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), microwave and wireless testing, electromagnetic field (EMF) measurement, radio frequency (RF) personal safety monitoring, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and control of acoustic environments. Headquartered in Cedar Park, Texas, ETS-Lindgren has manufacturing facilities in North America, Europe, and Asia. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of ESCO Technologies, a leading supplier of engineered products for growing industrial and commercial markets. ESCO is a New York Stock Exchange listed company (symbol ESE) with headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. Additional information about ETS-Lindgren is available at [5] Additional information about ESCO and its subsidiaries is available at [6] CONTACT: Janet O'Neil Marketing Communications ETS-Lindgren Office: +1 (512) 531-2676 Cell: +1 (425) 443-8106 Join us Online! [7] [8] [9] [61b4a79c63aa2e4130f295a94b06bbdc.jpeg] [10] CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY NOTICE: You are receiving this email because you requested product or service information from ETS-Lindgren, or you have opted in to receiving ongoing updates emails from ETS-Lindgren on their product and service offerings. View our [11]Privacy Policy and Privacy Notices outlining the guidelines used for protecting your personal information. The information in this communication may be confidential and is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its contents, to any other party, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please return it to the sender immediately and delete the original message and any copy of it from your computer system. If you have any questions concerning this message, please contact the sender. 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