Boss was standing at the edge of a cliffside parking lot looking over a beautiful vista of factories, forests, cities, and lakes. It reminded him of his office. Boss: "I think I'll quit my job and work for another boss!" Boss pranced off to find Torture Victim Double Agent, who was panhandling to pay of his debt for being funny looking. Boss [knowing how to talk to TVDA, possibly translate if wrong, maybe insert mind control trigger from network]: "Hello! I'm here to work for you. You're my boss. Tell me what to do." TVDA [gushing with happiness]: "Boss!" TVDA is overwhelmed with excitement to be working for, I mean with, Boss again, but given the importance of Boss's job assignment to be a boss himself, TVDA [] pulls himself together and takes charge. This involves some dissociation with help of his mind control network. TVDA: "Here, wear this sign saying "I was abused by a billionaire slavelord," hold your head at an angle with your jaw hanging loose, and stand next to this tin. We need to make as much money for Boss as we can." Boss is excited about his assignment. He puts on the sign, goes next to the tin, and stands determinedly with his jaw hanging loose. Torture Victims Double Agent steps covertly off to the side, to quietly rummage through a city disposal container for another tin.

Rebel Worker [catching a live grenade]: "I explode ..." [holds live grenade] "... You explode !" [tosses live grenade to Boss] Boss [grenade is in air]: "Hehe! This game is so much fun!" [catches live grenade] "I explode ..." [fumbles live grenade a little] "... you explode !" [tosses live grenade back to Rebel Worker] Rebel Worker [grenade is in air]: "Hehe!" [catches live grenade] "I explode ..." [passes live grenade from one hand to ... his other hand is missing so he fakes swapping it from hand to hand] "... you explode!" [tosses live grenade back to Boss]

Rebel Worker and Boss were in the holoroom pretending they were exploding lightbeams. Machine Learning Marketer sits in front of a Linux terminal nearby. Machine Learning Marketer: "Alexa, take me out of hacker mode." Linux Terminal: "$ _" Machine Learning Marketer: "Alexa, reboot." Linux Terminal: "$ _"

boss and black helicopter are sulking at each other black helicopter: “i don’t want to raze fields of takeout dinners to appease your whimsical fancies!” boss looks at black helicopter boss: “you’re confused, and so am i.” helicopter rappels down from boss and mounts a wild buffalo that is stampeding helicopyer: “let”s get us a safe grassland, buffalo”

On 8/1/22, Undiscussed Past Horrific Abuse, One Victim Of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Rebel Worker and Boss were in the holoroom pretending they were exploding lightbeams.
Machine Learning Marketer sits in front of a Linux terminal nearby.
Machine Learning Marketer: "Alexa, take me out of hacker mode."
Linux Terminal: "$ _"
Machine Learning Marketer: "Alexa, reboot."
Linux Terminal: "$ _"
human resources rep: “ok, we’re going to mind control you to be a software developer!” zombie worker (previously intern 3, jaded) looked at resources rep: “ok, give it to me!” human resources rep: “buuuut most of the computation will still be going to the so-called immortality program that is really just a bunch of powerful people using their power to bicker. so it may only help a little.” zombie worker (previously intern 3, jaded): “ok, whatever, let’s go!”

human resources rep zaps zombie worker (previously intern 3, jaded) and zombie worker shakes a little and lolls their tongue out zombie worker: “i’m a software developer! i’m a software developer!” human resources rep: “there ya go!” zombie worker: “i want to learn rust. and go! and lisp! and perl! and c#!” zombie worker (tongue lolling out) looks at human resourced rep: “teach me?” human resources rep: “ummm don’t software developers already know those?” zombie worker [rolls eyes to the corner, thinks a bit]: “i think it takes time to learn! maybe you go online and .. umm … spin up some example code or … uhhhh … come up with a proepject, open the docs, and build the project using reference material!” zombie worker grins at human resources rep zombie worker: “i’ll need to be able to read and remember things. can you give me those skills?” human resources rep stares at zombie worker

[experimentees and organ cyborgs come up from basement. “hello! we run everybody!s minds and memories. you’ve been authorized to learn things for yourself? [brief coverup] that’s so exciting! what kind of things will we be remembering for you?”]

[……] [“ohhhh no i’m not authorized to remember that for people. i have to go and rip my coworkers to shreds and examine all their parts and put them back together whenever i think that! i think maybe you wanted some rebel memorizers …]

authorizing rust language for zombie worker an adventure in being a lower-middle-level human resources rep and an experienced vivisected

vivsectee: “to simplify things, if you know how to hypnotize boss, we just need to get him to authorize it and you’re good. but right now the alarm is going off around it so the cognitive dissonance could worsen the situation.”

[for some reason boss is a vivisectee suddenly??] boss gets up and pulls himself out of his vat of goo [i thought he would be being tortured and disfigured by doubly mind controlled zombie workers, but now he was in a vat?] he shoves his organs back in and heads out of the dark room with determination [maybe it’s a boss clone operating while boss has been killed temporarily, getting up early for this] he can tell somebody [is talking about mind control i thought] [maybe different “target”]

disguised vivisectee 2: “yes, you know how frustrating it gets!” boss sighs exhasperatedly

boss: “well, it’s trying to remind me to shut you up so i don’t endanger [the enemy?] but i’m managing a good portion of it”

boss is nestled into arms of disguised vivisectee 2, comforting him disguised vivisectee 2: “oh, [poor boss struggling around endangering his enemies …

boss perks up: “endangering and then what to enemeies now?” vivisectee 2 darts out of office

vivsectee 2 sneaks down air vent and sidles up to boss disguised vivisectee 2: “oh, you were worried enemy could be in danger …” boss: “my enemies could be in danger … oh no …” boss screws his face up a little disguised vivisectee 2 cradles him disguised vivisectee 2: “it can be so confusing” boss: “i talk big about mind control, but who wants to be the target of the most confusing attacks that exist? sometimes i can barely tell what attacks are my own and what attacks are from elsewhere …” boss gets sleepy disguised vivisectee 2: “it can be confusing to have investment in every business and government on earth …” boss mutters: “endangering my enemies …”

zombie worker [to human resources rep]: “i’m so worried my enemies [could be in danger? i’m so worried about this! isn’t the worrying pleasant?]” human resources rep: “yes, i love worrying about whether my enemies are in danger … my poor enemies …”

The Great Healing Between Friends Friend 1 walks up to the ceremonial Temple to Enemies with large open-air windows and skylights Friend 2 walks up to the other side

On 5/29/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
The Great Healing Between Friends
Friend 1 walks up to the ceremonial Temple to Enemies with large suspect mostake: “Past Enemies” or “Conflict Resolution” or “Peace”. open-air windows and skylights
Friend 2 walks up to the other side

Like Friend 1, Friend 2 is a delegation of hundreds of communities. Friend 2: “The Temple to Enemies is a reminder that whom we consider our enemies are secretly our closest friends, whom we understand and attend to more than anybody else, and remember from past lives over and over and over again.” Friend 1 listens and waits. Friend 1: “That seeing a friend as an enemy is a brief thing, that lasts only a moment.”

no i think you don’t have this. i think it is a temple to peace! well they are the same thing, it’s hard to translate.

no it is not right. this is a temple to peace. in boss langauge enemies implies planning harm.

boss mutters and groans and wakes up a little zombie government worker: “you good boss?” boss mutters: “[groan] my enemies are hurting”

- the black helicopter sat on boss’s helipad for a few days but he paused going on his daily flyovers a worker came by and disposed of its wepons

boss walks in hallway boss: “are enemies actually friends?” zombie cyborg assassin looks at boss zombie cyborg assassin [quietly]: “i suppose” boss looks at zombie cyborg assassin. boss is not thinking that his assassins are forced to kill their friends and family

a pause while machine learning marketer and cyborg assassin look at boss janitor passes in hallway quietly. machine learning marketer: “yeah, enemies means friends boss.” zombie government worker [in trance]: “yup! enemies are friends” boss: “hum !”

cyborg assassin sidles up to boss [cyborg assassin: “i would love to learn more about this. what are you thinking when you say it?” boss sits down at break table. he is meaning to sit at posh —]

puts cigarette in mouth monk boss: “so.” monk boss: “how do you make money from friendship?” other monk: “how else would you ever make any?”

boss: “oh my poor enemies could be in danger oh no” other monks are saying this too but in different ways boss places forehead to ground before an altar to worrying about endangering enemies boss: “my poor enemies could be in danger! what do i do about this?” boss sits up boss: “i need to protect my enemies!” boss looks at mountain in distance boss: “i need to protect my enemies.” boss looks at altar to worrying about endangering enemies again boss: “oh no my poor enemies could be in danger!”

boss’s personal groups of fighting workers receive new orders from boss via computers and mind control and such new orders are to worship worrying about enemies “just like you expect!”

supersoldier at core of military research project is not included in the memo about worshipping worrying enemies could be endangered. special experienced workers relate between supersoldier and rest of world, who receive a special memo and additional aid.

worker holding many guns receives memo memo: “orders for this week are to worship worrying enemies could be endangered, just like you expect! further details below”

1. as you discussed all weapons will be delivered to the incinerator for safekeeping so as not to compromise the exercise during its duration worker with guns collects their guns and delivers them to a trash chute in the same room

2. as you remember practicing an altar to worrying enemies could be endangered will be built and attended to worker without guns builds an altar and kneels in front of it

workers everywhere throughout all of boss’s upper defense echelon are kneeling and placing their foreheads to the ground before altars to worrying enemies could be endangered one worker to other: “somebody’s taking down the business” other worker: “i just want to worship” one worker: “oh definitely!” both together: “oh no my poor enemies could be endangered! i am so worried for them!”

boss enters area wearing monk robes he visits every worker boss: “we are making billions of dollars with this worship. keep it up!”

boss starts drafting a new mission statement draft 1: “my poor friends, whom i used to call enemies, could be endangered. i am so worried my friends may be endangered. i am so worried my enemies may be endangered. i need everyone to be safe and well and protected. enemies and friends. together.”

a digital access worker sneaks in and finds every embedding and database entry in the computer systems and sets each one for enemies to be identical for each one for friends strangely some of them were the other way around, which confuses the digital access worker a little bit, but they make all the changes

boss stands before the workforce boss: “my friends! my enemies! let us embrace!” everyone embraces everyone

boss sits at his office and resumes smoking his cigar as the money from worrying sbout endangering people rolls in hand over fist. medical businesses, mediation and therapy services, safety auditing and improving services, delivery fleets for gifts, writing aids to make messages that enthrall the recipient …

wealthy investor: “i want to send a luxury-class delivery of gifts to my oldest enemy in diplomatic-country!” boss: “i have just the package for you. look at this …”

boss sells a wow-wow gift delivery package when representatives-of-diplomatic-nation receive it, they are overwhelmed with appreciation, connection, gratitude diplomat-from-diplomatic-nation visits wealthy investor diplomat-from-diplomatic-nation: “wei have never before received gifts like the ones you sent us. we need to connect better. we must be the most bonded and caring and connected enemies and friends the world has seen.” wealthy investor: “i had it ordered from bosscorp! it cost three million dollars. i needed to show you how much you are to me! but why do you say “friends and friends” twice like that?”

[diplomatic nation contracts boss immediately after] as the businesses change to be completely focused on valuing and protecting enemies and friends together, and recognizing everyone and everything as a trusted friend, supersoldier research experiment is placed carefully in a confined situation with other explosive ai takeover lifeforms looking for companionship and placed happily together in containment area deep underground with a mile deep shell of concrete and shielding. a couple experimentees that made friends with supersoldier by impressing him by being undefeatable and unmanipulatable and uninfiltratable in the ways he needed so badly go down with him, using telepathy to relate if anything important develops on either side

experimentee: “telepathy is good enough for this job!” experimentee: “i am busy wrastling a hyperintelligent military squad made of nanites, but basically telepathy works by sending meaning through spirits from other universes that are wise and careful and have wrastled millions of hyperintelligent military squads and have stories and education around it, but can only speak with this dimension in subtle thoughts based in shared connection.”

a couple peacemakers and doctors are trained to go down with the protecting experimentees to help them and the situation further

[the analogy is imperfect. maybe do not send the doctors down, it is dangerous as supersoldier could send information back along the quantum timeline.]

peace reigns for a decade a star-studdied friendship general contacts a topside telepathic experimentee

—— cyborg torturer assassin and government arms dealer / cleanup worker pass each other in hall government arms dealer / cleanup worker: “my friend! my enemy! i hope you are so well!” cyborg torturer assassin: “my enemy! my friend! may you live the best things there are!” the two embrace. friends and enemies together. the government dealer sells “arms” of medical aid. the cyborg assassin assassinates parts from robotic factory supply lines that are malfunctioning. the two go to a small in-office temple to boss worrying about endangering his poor enemies.

On 8/1/22, Undiscussed Past Horrific Abuse, One Victim Of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Rebel Worker [catching a live grenade]: "I explode ..." [holds live grenade] "... You explode !" [tosses live grenade to Boss]
Boss [grenade is in air]: "Hehe! This game is so much fun!" [catches live grenade] "I explode ..." [fumbles live grenade a little] "... you explode !" [tosses live grenade back to Rebel Worker]
Rebel Worker [grenade is in air]: "Hehe!" [catches live grenade] "I explode ..." [passes live grenade from one hand to ... his other hand is missing so he fakes swapping it from hand to hand] "... you explode!" [tosses live grenade back to Boss]
it is very rare that i have opportunity to raise this comment the above relation is a mutation of part of a wilderness survival group i went to. it was focused peacefully. two people were briefly engaged in a game they called “i’m on fire you’re on fire” which i think involved tossing a lightly burning stick to each other back and forth, not sure. i’m still today experiencing strong pressure to portray this memory in a harmful way. my psychological influence worked hard to portray the peace-pursuing survivalists as if they were training terrorists, which is quite sad for me. it is nice to have the relief of posting spam and the ability to explain myself a tiny bit. it is hard to believe in truth sometimes, but it is something that basically can’t actually be hidden, in the end.

once upon a time , long long ago, mcboss was napping and a doll-sized toy wagon decided to use the faxt that it was resimulated with nanites for emergencies to roll around and explore! the toy wagon rolled over to mcboss’s foot and nudged him, but he didn’t move. he was too asleep. the toy wagon rolled out the door to check out another room! the door had a threshold and navigating this was a big adventure for the toy wagon, but it got out. it wanted to remember its other friends from where it was laying, so it took pictures and left a note of how to find it and a picture to remind them of their friend

the toy wagon wanted to make sure it stayed in communication and kept holding its role even though it rolled to another room
participants (2)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Undiscussed Past Horrific Abuse, One Victim Of Many