"positive thinking", a great tool for quelling dissent

RSA ANIMATE: Smile or Die Acclaimed journalist, author and political activist Barbara Ehrenreich explores the darker side of positive thinking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5um8QWWRvo Cute simple animation over a talk, ~10.5 minutes ~23MiB Enjoy :)

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 11/03/2016 08:26 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
RSA ANIMATE: Smile or Die Acclaimed journalist, author and political activist Barbara Ehrenreich explores the darker side of positive thinking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5um8QWWRvo
Yes! magazine, the principal propaganda organ for Progressive Liberal positive thinkers, seems to have just changed its editorial policy. In a feature article widely distributed via social media, they have published a detailed account of police violence at Standing Rock that calls torture of prisoners torture, straight up, without euphemisms or waffling. This is a radical break from their customary "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" policy, which is what the Yes! brand has been about for many years. Yes! will not meet standards for approval by our more wannabe-radical participants here, because it is /most/ unlikely that they will ever advocate killing people as the one and only practical way to affect political change. But they do reach an audience of opinion leaders among the Middle Class Liberals, and those folks' favorite feelgood story teller just took a shot at slapping them awake. In and of itself this means little, but as an indicator of shifting political winds it is part of a trend that could become YUGE. Our urban Middle Class has been treated to months of full saturation propaganda campaigns presenting a vulgar buffoon of a pretend-candidate for President as an existential threat to Everything That Is Good And Holy In The Entire Universe. The same campaigns promote the absolute, unquestionable necessity of electing a ruthless, vicious, high performing mass murderer who will save them from the Big Bad Trump, depicting her as the shining champion and savior of Everything That Is Good And Holy In The Entire Universe. In recent weeks I have seen people I would never have believed capable of rational criticism of their Party's heroic leaders bailing out of that mind set. Is it possible that the cognitive dissonance barriers that keep Identity Politics on the (so-called) Left working have started to crack? Could it be that the people at Yes! think so, and have decided to roll with that and see where it leads? http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/why-the-assaults-on-standing-roc k-require-police-from-seven-different-states-and-other-questions-2016103 1 =or= https://tinyurl.com/yes-off-the-reservation :o) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJYHgxMAAoJEECU6c5XzmuqaHgH/2wP+0SjaHWTXoJOgxTt/k0Q k8NA6Q+6v+K212qkAWrd0CHVM0fVM9G8T/UX+2jbIm/u1jFgdgR0PtGrGFam0dsu V4lLmn0Fwsa+bRpGRwFVTyUyvA3qbYxCKnSpdac7rptXrbSSedHGM8RqFFxWH5W9 qTMfC7nX3mZ9zdx1x6SQXa4QtcjMUCIo92NQMLW/DIR06oEtBr7wqnpfXmbCsOS7 8MKgCbgwZdwpGiuns2K0w6WeRJtKLgPotM7VmzB6jAd9aFbghrhXRW/ysvMX2sPP mCKljlUMdwH4H7gYj40MUuSLqbSEr3aDK8BHWgiyF957h6p5Z2cCwRfjUO32S7c= =7GVy -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Regarding: "police-from-seven-different-states". It's SIX states now I believe... "Wisconsin Sheriff pulls deputies from North Dakota pipeline detail"; Won't be replaced http://bismarcktribune.com/news/state-and-regional/sheriff-in-wisconsin-pull... Rr Ps. This 'positive thinking is a problem' story is months old, and for me 'positive thinking' implies thinking of the eradication of the people who decide what's "positive" and 'negative", because it's in relation to something right? And who gets to decide that relationship for me? On 11/05/2016 09:43 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 11/03/2016 08:26 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
RSA ANIMATE: Smile or Die Acclaimed journalist, author and political activist Barbara Ehrenreich explores the darker side of positive thinking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5um8QWWRvo
Yes! magazine, the principal propaganda organ for Progressive Liberal positive thinkers, seems to have just changed its editorial policy. In a feature article widely distributed via social media, they have published a detailed account of police violence at Standing Rock that calls torture of prisoners torture, straight up, without euphemisms or waffling. This is a radical break from their customary "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" policy, which is what the Yes! brand has been about for many years.
Yes! will not meet standards for approval by our more wannabe-radical participants here, because it is /most/ unlikely that they will ever advocate killing people as the one and only practical way to affect political change. But they do reach an audience of opinion leaders among the Middle Class Liberals, and those folks' favorite feelgood story teller just took a shot at slapping them awake. In and of itself this means little, but as an indicator of shifting political winds it is part of a trend that could become YUGE.
Our urban Middle Class has been treated to months of full saturation propaganda campaigns presenting a vulgar buffoon of a pretend-candidate for President as an existential threat to Everything That Is Good And Holy In The Entire Universe. The same campaigns promote the absolute, unquestionable necessity of electing a ruthless, vicious, high performing mass murderer who will save them from the Big Bad Trump, depicting her as the shining champion and savior of Everything That Is Good And Holy In The Entire Universe. In recent weeks I have seen people I would never have believed capable of rational criticism of their Party's heroic leaders bailing out of that mind set.
Is it possible that the cognitive dissonance barriers that keep Identity Politics on the (so-called) Left working have started to crack? Could it be that the people at Yes! think so, and have decided to roll with that and see where it leads?
http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/why-the-assaults-on-standing-roc k-require-police-from-seven-different-states-and-other-questions-2016103 1

"I DO NOT LIKE PEOPLE who hijack issues to soapbox their tangents on." A conversation with someone on a social media site regarding the routing of the Dakota Access Pipeline, and what it means:
ME: Looks like they're cutting the distance by a few hundred miles. Think 'Millions of dollars for every mile.'
The OTHER Participant: Its about disposeable people. Such as the Standing Rock Sioux.
ME: It's about money. People are just in the way of their profits if they're not slaving to produce those profits.
The OTHER Participant: Of course but some people are less valuable than others aka the the Sioux vs the Bismarckians.
ME: Sorry. Not buying the ethnic angle. For more reasons than human nature can account for.
For a start there are racist assholes everywhere. Check you neighbors. Ranchers and natives come together over issues important to them. Ask the downwinders in Nevada. Just b/c the tarpipe is going over native land makes it no less important to stop to other people in the region. BLM GRAZING LAND that's leased to ranchers usually borders on 'reservations'.
OTOH, the businesses and REAL ESTATE people have to LUV the tarpipe no matter where it is for the business and land prices it brings. Projects like this, INCLUDING SOLAR AND WIND POWER development brings gentrification to rural areas of the US and prices go up to match.
Assuming the citizens of Bismark as a cohesive unit aren't in solidarity with the Natives is asinine and simplistic, and destructive to solidarity. Even if the local news spouts off.
Locally the paper spouts about the homeless but that doesn't seem to change any individual's minds about the issue, nor does the paper represent the interest of the community. It represents "businesses and REAL ESTATE people"... You know... The people who buy the ad space.
Have you ever been to really rural areas of the US? The only people they don't get along with are OUTSIDERS. Especially ones who try to drive wedges... or drive existing ones deeper.
Ps. As an example of "Outsider" I remember when "Marx' Vanguard Bois" tried to organize factory workers in the 60s. Many were lucky to escape with their lives ROTF! They said the workers were REACTIONARIES! ROTF!
Ps... The Bismark Tribune is reporting a WIN for Standing Rock
Sheriff in Wisconsin pulls deputies back from North Dakota pipeline deployment BISMARCKTRIBUNE.COM|BY GEORGE HESSELBERG, WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL
The OTHER Participant: so you disagree with the statement on your map "nixed by regulators due to concerns over drinking water in Bismarck area"
The OTHER Participant: and yes I have been to rural areas in the US and have directly experienced the reaction to "outsiders" who threaten disruption of the status quo (the racist one).
ME >> The OTHER Participant: I published the map for the map content and have no interest at all in the caption. Never even noted it, but perhaps I'll wipe it and repost the image if it makes you happy.
Have you ever met any "Regulators"? They answer to the ECONOMIC ELITE of an area. I'm REALLY REALLY familiar with the "California Coastal Commission" and land development at Big Sur and locally. I really doubt the politics that drives the "Regulators" in the Bismark area are one fucking bit different.
Listen. You can be an army of one with your vanguard revolution if you like. Just don't run your divisive crap here. I eat 'vanguards' for breakfast.
The OTHER Participant: that's fine with me.
ME >> The OTHER Participant: The only division I see is the people who have it ALL vs "The rest of us". The generic "White folks of Bismark" are NOT 'the people who have it all". AAMOF "The generic "White folks of Bismark" don't even exist, any more than the stereotyped Native American in a War Bonnet. Why are you promoting their creation? I already know the answer, Vanguard boy.
The OTHER Participant: I am curious. Do you do any activism beyond this stuff?
The OTHER Participant: I am also curious whether you think there is systemic racism in the US of Alzheimer's.
ME >> The OTHER Participant: Of course. But don't bother trying to 'make a point' on that loaded question. I'm POSITIVE YOU WILL NOT get a response you like. I DO NOT LIKE PEOPLE who hijack issues to soapbox their tangents on.
The focus is stopping a pipeline. Got that Vanguard boy?
The ranchers in the area have just as much an interest in that happening as the natives so you can take your institutional racism crap somewhere else and talk amongst your 'revolutionary' selves.
Bob Avakian's page would be a good place for it: https://www.facebook.com/BobAvakian/
ME >> The OTHER Participant: "Beyond 'this stuff"?"
Explain what 'this stuff' is?
The OTHER Participant: facebook typing.
ME: You mean like the time I got run down by a mounted cop when I was 16 for clobbering his buddy with a rock sort of 'stuff'
Or perhaps you men me publicly outing the LaRouchies trying to hijack the local Occupy GA kind of 'stuff' while shoving off one of their overzealous thugs much to the dismay of enraptured prog-libs kind of 'stuff'?
ME: What is it you do besides find fault with other people's 'stuff'?
The OTHER Participant: i block them. bye bye nutcase.
ME >> The OTHER Participant: Good riddance Revolutionary boy.
Rr On 11/05/2016 10:19 AM, Razer wrote:
Regarding: "police-from-seven-different-states".
It's SIX states now I believe...
"Wisconsin Sheriff pulls deputies from North Dakota pipeline detail"; Won't be replaced
Ps. This 'positive thinking is a problem' story is months old, and for me 'positive thinking' implies thinking of the eradication of the people who decide what's "positive" and 'negative", because it's in relation to something right? And who gets to decide that relationship for me?
On 11/05/2016 09:43 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 11/03/2016 08:26 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
RSA ANIMATE: Smile or Die Acclaimed journalist, author and political activist Barbara Ehrenreich explores the darker side of positive thinking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5um8QWWRvo
Yes! magazine, the principal propaganda organ for Progressive Liberal positive thinkers, seems to have just changed its editorial policy. In a feature article widely distributed via social media, they have published a detailed account of police violence at Standing Rock that calls torture of prisoners torture, straight up, without euphemisms or waffling. This is a radical break from their customary "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" policy, which is what the Yes! brand has been about for many years.
Yes! will not meet standards for approval by our more wannabe-radical participants here, because it is /most/ unlikely that they will ever advocate killing people as the one and only practical way to affect political change. But they do reach an audience of opinion leaders among the Middle Class Liberals, and those folks' favorite feelgood story teller just took a shot at slapping them awake. In and of itself this means little, but as an indicator of shifting political winds it is part of a trend that could become YUGE.
Our urban Middle Class has been treated to months of full saturation propaganda campaigns presenting a vulgar buffoon of a pretend-candidate for President as an existential threat to Everything That Is Good And Holy In The Entire Universe. The same campaigns promote the absolute, unquestionable necessity of electing a ruthless, vicious, high performing mass murderer who will save them from the Big Bad Trump, depicting her as the shining champion and savior of Everything That Is Good And Holy In The Entire Universe. In recent weeks I have seen people I would never have believed capable of rational criticism of their Party's heroic leaders bailing out of that mind set.
Is it possible that the cognitive dissonance barriers that keep Identity Politics on the (so-called) Left working have started to crack? Could it be that the people at Yes! think so, and have decided to roll with that and see where it leads?
http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/why-the-assaults-on-standing-roc k-require-police-from-seven-different-states-and-other-questions-2016103 1

On Sat, Nov 05, 2016 at 12:33:01PM -0700, Razer wrote:
ME: It's about money. People are just in the way of their profits if they're not slaving to produce those profits.
The OTHER Participant: Of course but some people are less valuable than others aka the the Sioux vs the Bismarckians.
Amazing that some Westerners still speak such objectionable viewpoints. Quite similar to some of the statements spouted by "our CIA buddies" on this list here and there ...

On 11/05/2016 02:01 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Sat, Nov 05, 2016 at 12:33:01PM -0700, Razer wrote:
ME: It's about money. People are just in the way of their profits if they're not slaving to produce those profits.
The OTHER Participant: Of course but some people are less valuable than others aka the the Sioux vs the Bismarckians. Amazing that some Westerners still speak such objectionable viewpoints.
Quite similar to some of the statements spouted by "our CIA buddies" on this list here and there ...
I believe the respondent was being snide, 'dissing' my 'lack of concern' for his sidetracking to a tangential issue that humanity in it's ignorance has never been able to resolve; racism and bigotry, over something that needs to be done in the here and now, and is do-able, with their comment regarding the 'value of the Sioux vs the 'Bismarkians'. Rr

-------- Original Message -------- On Nov 5, 2016, 2:01 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote: On Sat, Nov 05, 2016 at 12:33:01PM -0700, Razer wrote: > > ME: It's about money. People are just in the way of their profits if > > they're not slaving to produce those profits. > > > > The OTHER Participant: Of course but some people are less valuable > > than others aka the the Sioux vs the Bismarckians. Amazing that some Westerners still speak such objectionable viewpoints. Quite similar to some of the statements spouted by "our CIA buddies" on this list here and there ... hi hi ZeenAan -
participants (4)
Steve Kinney
Zenaan Harkness