Re: Cypherpunk counter-revolutionary
Gramps gibbered . . . " It is posited by some that Cryptome has resented not getting the chosen scoop[s], and noticed by others that Cryptome has deleted some infos that it has previously posted. This is not to discredit the reasonable thought held by many that Cryptome is interesting and meritable in its own right, but to denote the many possible elements of the nature of the overall game at large, of which one should surely devote at least some study to become aware of. "Truth", as they say, is derived from the "leaks" at hand. To discern it, leak onward. . . . " There should be zero controversy now that Gramps is a counter-revolutionary. A capital crime. Please join my deadpool on this scum and his BFF's Batshit & Semich. Tia.
participants (1)
professor rat