Oldest white supremacist site shut down after complaint By JAY REEVES Associated Press August 28, 2017 12:03 PM BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - The founder of the internet's oldest white supremacist site said he was trying to get back online Monday after a company revoked its domain name following complaints that it promotes hatred and is linked to dozens of murders. Don Black, a former Ku Klux Klan leader who has operated stormfront.org since 1995, said he didn't receive any warning before Network Solutions blocked the use of the stormfront.org name on Friday. Stormfront.org had more than 300,000 registered users, Black said, with traffic increasing since a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Popular with the KKK and neo-Nazi groups, the site included forums where users sometimes promoted white power events. "I'm talking to my lawyers, and that's about all I can do right now," Black, of West Palm Beach, Florida, said in a telephone interview. "I can switch to another domain, but it might wind up the same way." Another major white supremacist website, The Daily Stormer, was previously shut down by the web-hosting company Go Daddy and then Google after the violence in Charlottesville. The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law said the stormfront.org shutdown followed complaints it filed with Network Solutions alleging the site promotes not only hate speech, but deadly violence. A spokesman for Network Solutions didn't immediately return an email seeking comment. Users of Black's website have been implicated in more than 100 killings, according to the complaint, including 77 people slain by neo-Nazi Anders Breivik at a camp in Norway in 2011. "Especially in the wake of tragic events in Charlottesville and the spike in hate crimes across the country, Stormfront crossed the line of permissible speech and incited and promoted violence," said a statement by Kristen Clarke, executive director of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. Black, speaking about the shutdown during an online radio show Monday, said his site had rules against promoting violence or any crime. Black was a state KKK leader under former Klan Imperial Wizard David Duke, who appeared on the radio show following Black and expressed his "full support" for Black and the website. "He was the first major site defending the rights of white people," said Duke. Black has been involved in the white supremacy movement since the 1970s and was convicted in 1981 for his role in a right-wing plot to overthrow the government of Caribbean island nation of Dominica. =30= http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/articl...

On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 07:51:02PM -0700, Razer wrote: ...
"I'm talking to my lawyers, and that's about all I can do right now,"
This is one of the major problems most folks face - they feel legally disempowered (and in terms of lack of legal education, they in fact are disempowered), and SECONDLY, they literally trust the first lawyer they speak to for assistance/help in the problem. If your lawyer is one of (((them))) and actually directly opposed to you, then they will, literally legally fuck you over. How this undermine is done, is very simple: When your court case gets going, it gets going in a lower court. Eventually, it might reach the highest courts. When you head towards appeal into those higher courts, your lawyer (or if you've got more money she can drain from you) a barrister he subcontracts out to ("we need a specialist, gonna co$t lot$ of $"), will do precisely the following: Phrase the question of law, or legal question to be put before the higher court, in a way which is guaranteed to cause that higher court to rule against you. The art of lyering is to phrase such legal questions in a way which makes the client (that's you, the fat pidgeon) believe that the question is the appropriate question, whilst knowing that the said phrasing is actually arse up to what is needed if you are to have any hope of getting an actual win. And then, even if you do get a question phrased in the right way, you may need significant community support behind you in order to convince the courts to go against the prevailing system/ government/ military funded Tor network, etc. Stay awake folks, and be-aware/ beware of lyers in White Knight clothing.

You're absolutely right! Careful out there folks, a lot of people speak absolute hogwash and of course everybody knows you should ALWAYS trust the first lawyer you come across and NEVER read the paperwork they write up on important legal matters you happen to find yourself involved in. EVERYbody knows you should always blindly trust the first lawyer you come across. Glad we cleared that up - thanks Razer, Zenaan On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 08:20:35AM +0530, Abhayraj Naik wrote:

On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 10:50 PM, Abhayraj Naik <abhayraj@aya.yale.edu> wrote:
Z speaks so much bullshit it is amazing no one has cut his vocal cords off yet, he is probably the single biggest piss-off on this piss-off list.
As a studied and professional lawyer and consultant, instead of the above drivel, why not lend your thoughts to various subjects of this list in your free time. Say on privacy relating Indian street vendors utilizing Bitcoin... "court / law" reformations they might seek, empowerment, "practice", free state, crypto, etc...

thanks, point well taken. when the list is/was good, I do/did enjoy participating by actively tracking and learning from several awesome conversations and subsequent action. since my silence on the list has been now interrupted by this peculiar scenario of non-anonymity that I'm entangled in, who knows, we might indeed see some thoughts articulated on subjects such as those mentioned by you. in good faith, A On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 10:48 PM, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:

On Aug 30, 2017 2:19 PM, "grarpamp" wrote: On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 10:50 PM, Abhayraj Naik wrote:
Z speaks so much bullshit it is amazing no one has cut his vocal cords off yet, he is probably the single biggest piss-off on this piss-off list.
Dear Abhayraj, Please, don't feel annoyed about grarpamp's words. He just wants to make much better, higher the level of this list, make it more rational and constructive. More Abhayraj, less ZeNazi, do you understand? :D But, yep, Razer is correct about lurking. It's your right, whether you really want it. Lurking is pretty comfortable and you can eat popcorn and peanuts while reading all the dramatic messages here, hihi... Better than soap opera in the best moments! :) I am late in zillions of lists and need to thank a lot for dozens of heartwarming private messages, but cypherpunks is the only list where I can mention exotic subjects like Buddhist and Marijuana crypto coins, hahaha!! ;D It makes me feel comfortable here and there are people on this list that I love more than ice-cream. You will learn to appreciate a lot some of the members too. All of them have their stories, backgrounds, conspiracy theories, and studies. Garbage fire people like ZeNazi are the exception here, not the rule. Most of the people here are really nice, I swear! :D Hugs, take care! Ceci
participants (5)
Abhayraj Naik
Cecilia Tanaka
Zenaan Harkness