War re Ukraine: Thread

The pre-announced "hour" is nigh... place yer bets, make yer odds, does hardware roll, or nyet? 2022-02-15T18:43:37+01:00 https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_191889.htm https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/2022/2/pdf/220215-eadrcc-... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW4fuHit9HI Biden HeroProp Speech Livestream Now

Opensource recon hubs popping up... https://maphub.net/Cen4infoRes/russian-ukraine-monitor Rivet Joints, Global Hawks... https://www.flightradar24.com/FORTE11/2ad444ba https://www.flightradar24.com/JAKE12/2ad3a4cd "News" of cyberwarfare spiking everywhere... RU navy in Japan... RU planes in Syria... Spies getting rolled up... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/mexican-scientist-led-double-life-pleads... Be ready. At least for more manufactured drama.

Reuters livestream of Kiev's main square... https://twitter.com/UkrWarReport/status/1493681084084760578 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_JRSioZZyQ ... square plays soviet anthem, runescape, sea shanty, rick astley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl-HPIu5kcs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38Zp8OAYI3s

Amid separatists attempts to trigger war, and various bigger dick contests, some historians go digging for docs... Germany's Spiegel Asks "Is Vladimir Putin Right?" Over NATO Expansion https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/newly-declassified-documents-gorb... https://twitter.com/shifrinson/status/1494696937496399873 Random twitters from Juan's friends... https://twitter.com/rianru https://twitter.com/kremlinrussia_e https://twitter.com/kremlinrussia https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa https://twitter.com/michaelh992 https://twitter.com/DmytroKuleba https://twitter.com/OSCE https://twitter.com/edgarsrinkevics https://twitter.com/trussliz https://twitter.com/SecBlinken https://twitter.com/vonderleyen https://twitter.com/jensstoltenberg With all eyes on the situation unfolding at the Ukraine border - as separatists in Donbas reporting intensified shelling amid a "general mobilization" of military-age males - Germany's left-leaning Spiegel asks a question fundamental to the entire conflict... "Vladimir Putin insists that the West cheated Russia by expanding NATO eastward following the end of the Cold War. Is there anything to his claims? The short answer: It's complicated." The essence of the argument is this; In September 1993, Russian President Boris Yeltsin penned a long letter to US President Bill Clinton, which railed against the eastward expansion of NATO at a time when Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic were interested in joining the organization. Yeltsin argued that the Russian public saw this "as a sort of neo-isolation" of Russia, and that the "Two Plus Four Treaty" linked to Germany's 1990 reunification "precludes the option of expanding the NATO zone into the East." As Spiegel writes, "There is essentially no other historical issue that has poisoned relations between Moscow and the West as much in the last three decades as the disagreement over what, precisely, was agreed to in 1990." Since the 1990 letter, NATO has accepted 14 countries in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, which the Kremlin has complained of haaving been duped every step of the way." According to current Russian President Vladimir Putin, "You cheated us shamelessly." "You promised us in the 1990s that (NATO) would not move an inch to the East," he said late last month in comments used to justify his current demands for written guarantees that Ukraine will never be accepted into the Western alliance. But that’s not all. At the end of January, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov wrote an open letter to his Western counterparts in which he cited additional understandings. In particular, he focused on the Charter for European Security, rooted in agreements reached in 1990. East and West had concurred at the time that every country has a right to freely choose the alliance it wished to be part of, while also emphasizing the "indivisibility of security." Later, that became "the obligation of each State not to strengthen its security at the expense of the security of other States," as Lavrov explicitly mentions in his letter. -Spiegel Ukraine, meanwhile, wants to know how fast they can join. Muddied waters Post-1990 NATO expansion isn't black-and-white though, according to Spiegel - and is muddied by a chorus of 'he-said-she-said' between prominent officials from the early 1990s. There is no lack of accounts from a variety of witnesses to the various discussions between the West and Moscow following the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 1990, a veritable army of politicians and high-ranking officials from Moscow, Washington, Paris, London, Bonn and East Berlin met for discussions on German reunification, on the disarmament of both NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and on a new charter for the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) – which became the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in 1995. -Spiegel For example - former French foreign minister, Roland Dumas, said that a pledge was made that NATO troops wouldn't advanced closer to the former Soviet Union's territory. Former US Secretary of State James Baker denied it - saying no such promise was ever made. Yet, several diplomats under Baker have contradicted him. Former US ambassador to Moscow, Jack Matlock, has said that "categorical assurances" were given to the Soviet Union that NATO wouldn't continue expanding eastward. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union's last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, said on one occasion that German Chancellor Helmut Kohl had made assurances that NATO "will not move one centimeter further east." Another time, Gorbachev said that "the topic of NATO expansion was never discussed," while saying that the West had violated the spirit of various agreements regardless. What's more, US government documents declassified in 2017 appear to confirm that assurances were given. Luckily, there are plenty of documents available from the various countries that took part in the talks, including memos from conversations, negotiation transcripts and reports. According to those documents, the U.S., the UK and Germany signaled to the Kremlin that a NATO membership of countries like Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic was out of the question. In March 1991, British Prime Minister John Major promised during a visit to Moscow that "nothing of the sort will happen." Yeltsin expressed significant displeasure when the step was ultimately taken. He gave his approval for NATO’s eastward expansion in 1997, but complained that he was only doing so because the West had forced him to. -Spiegel Der Spiegel also published a document on Friday from March 1991 which shows US, French, UK and German officials discussing the pledge not to expand to Poland and beyond. The document contains multiple references to "2+4" talks regarding German unification - which makes clear that NATO would not expand east of Germany. The document was found in the UK National Archives by Boston University political science professor, Josh Shifrinson. Honored to work with @derspiegel's Klaus Wiegrefe in drawing attention to British documents (cc: @UkNatArchives) from 1990-1991 showing senior Western diplomats believed they had indeed made a NATO non-enlargement pledge. Link below:https://t.co/hep8aCKRrM — Josh Shifrinson (@shifrinson) February 18, 2022 "We made it clear to the Soviet Union – in the 2+4 talks, as well as in other negotiations – that we do not intend to benefit from the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe," reads the document, citing US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Canada, Raymond Seitz. "NATO should not expand to the east, either officially or unofficially," he added. A UK official mentioned the existence of a "general agreement" which held NATO membership for eastern European countries as "unacceptable." "We had made it clear during the 2+4 negotiations that we would not extend NATO beyond the Elbe [sic]," according to West German diplomat Juergen Hrobog. "We could not therefore offer Poland and others membership in NATO." Minutes of a March 6, 1991 meeting of German, UK, US and French diplomats discussing NATO expansion Der Spiegel also notes a January 1990 initiative from German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, who said in a Jan. 31, 1990 speech that NATO should issue a statement saying: "Whatever happens to the Warsaw Pact, there will be no expansion of NATO territory to the east and closer to the borders of the Soviet Union." Genscher's American counterpart, James Baker, said he "wasn't exactly elated" at the idea, but admitted it was "the best we had at the moment." In early February, Genscher and Baker presented the idea in Moscow independently of one another. The German foreign minister assured the Kremlin that: "For us, it is a certainty that NATO will not expand to the east. And that applies generally," clearly meaning beyond just East Germany. The American, for his part, offered "ironclad guarantees that NATO’s jurisdiction or forces would not move eastward." When Gorbachev said that NATO expansion was "unacceptable," Baker responded: "We agree with that." -Spiegel Baker and Genscher have since downplayed the events, with Baker saying that his exclusive focus had been on Germany, and Genscher later saying he wanted to simply "gauge" the Soviet response. The message was clear. If Gorbachev were to provide his acquiescence for German reunification within NATO, the West would aim at establishing a Western security architecture that took Moscow’s interests into account. Informal assurances were not unusual during the Cold War. U.S. political scientist Joshua Shifrinson compares the 1990 discussions with the verbal agreements made between the Americans and Soviets that led to the easing of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. ... Given the documents available, some even speculate that the West intentionally misled the Soviets from the very beginning. A few weeks after his trip to the Kremlin, in any case, Baker expressly told Genscher that some Eastern European countries were eager to join NATO, engendering Genscher’s response that the issue "shouldn’t be touched for now." A formulation which kept all options on the table for later. -Spiegel NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, however, said that the alliance "has never promised not to expand," and told Spiegel that "there has never been such a promise, there has never been such a behind-the-scenes deal, it is simply not true." NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg © Reuters / Ints Kalnins Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic were admitted into NATO in 1999, right before launching an air war against Yugoslavia which put NATO forces along the Russian border for the first time. In 2004, the former Soviet republics of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia joined the Organization, putting NATO even closer to Russian assets. Now, Russia is demanding that NATO publicly renounce expansion into the former Soviet Republics of Georgia and Ukraine, and recall US forces to the 1997 boundaries of the bloc. The US and NATO have told Putin to pound sand, and that NATO's "open door" policy is fundamental. Which brings us to today. Ukraine wants to join NATO, while the threat implied by the buildup of Russian forces at the border couldn't couldn't be more clear: call it off or we're taking Kiev.

Ukraine, right now ı’m sad for the innocent citizens “ This night, the sounds of explosions over Donetsk do not stop”

Russia makes its big move... https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/nato-osterweiterung-aktenfund-stuetzt-russisc... https://twitter.com/Reevellp/status/1495781102337900547 https://twitter.com/maxseddon/status/1495821979227762697 https://twitter.com/RussianEmbassy/status/1495828205286080518 https://twitter.com/RussianEmbassy/status/1495849535859527684 https://twitter.com/RussianEmbassyR https://twitter.com/bnonews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjMnTo85S4A Putin's address https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1OyKADOlpNWxb https://twitter.com/rt_com Putin Declares Formal Recognition Of Ukraine Separatist Regions As Sovereign States Update(1:30pmET): The leaders of France and Germany were reportedly just informed by Putin that he intends to pull the trigger on issuing formal recognition of the two breakaway republics in eastern Ukraine. It's official: Putin has confirmed the change of status recognition while warning Kiev and the West that Russia's military will act against any further aggression. He warned that Ukraine's government must now halt all military actions against Donbas or whatever happens next will be on them. "Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin stated at the outset of his speech. PUTIN SAYS UKRAINE WAS NOT ABLE TO ACHIEVE STABLE STATEHOOD AND HAS THEREFORE HAD TO RELY ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES LIKE THE UNITED STATES PUTIN: UKRAINE HAS BECOME 'A COLONY WITH A PUPPET GOVERNMENT' PUTIN SAYS UKRAINE PLANS TO CREATE ITS OWN NUCLEAR WEAPONS PUTIN SAYS WE WERE PROMISED NATO WOULD NOT EXPAND PUTIN SAYS THE OPPOSITE HAPPENED PUTIN: I WILL SAY SOMETHING IVE NEVER SAID FOR THE FIRST TIME: I ASKED CLINTON HOW WOULD YOU FEEL ABOUT RUSSIA JOINING NATO? PUTIN SAYS WE SAW FIVE WAVES OF NATO EXPANSION RECENTLY U.S. DOES NOT NEED SUCH A BIG COUNTRY AS RUSSIA IN NATO 'WHY MAKE AN ENEMY OF US PUTIN SAYS RUSSIA HAS EVERY RIGHT TO PROTECT ITS SECURITY, THAT'S WHAT WE'LL DO PUTIN: UKRAINE DOESNT WANT A PEACEFUL RESOLUTION PUTIN: RUSSIA WILL TAKE STEPS TO ENSURE ITS SECURITY PUTIN SAYS RUSSIA WILL RECOGNISE INDEPENDENCE OF TWO BREAKAWAY REGIONS IN EASTERN UKRAINE President #Putin informed President @EmmanuelMacron and Federal Chancellor @OlafScholz of his intention to sign the decree to recognise #Donetsk and #Lugansk People’s Republics. pic.twitter.com/Xi4JfhLXgr — Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) February 21, 2022 LIVE FEED: The Western powers have expressed surprise and dismay at the move, as sanctions packages are being prepped in Washington and Europe. "The President of Russia informed them that he intends to sign a relevant decree [on recognition] in the immediate future. The President of France and Chancellor of Germany expressed disappointment with this development. They also expressed a willingness to continue contacts." pic.twitter.com/bbArddb98E — max seddon (@maxseddon) February 21, 2022 Official Kremlin statement confirming Russian change of status in Donbas: Official Kremlin statement confirming that Putin intends to recognize the two separatist republicshttps://t.co/11dJOvQ78p pic.twitter.com/JSqoCp9096 — Michael A. Horowitz (@michaelh992) February 21, 2022 * * * Update(12:38pmET): Despite the evening growing late Moscow time, it appears Russia is readying a major decision on the looming question of the independence of the two breakaway republics in eastern Ukraine. The AFP is reporting that Putin will make a televised address "soon" according to state media sources. Likely it is to be carried via Russian state channels, with reports suggesting it will happen starting at 9pm local time (or 1pm ET). PUTIN TOLD SCHOLZ AND MACRON HE WILL SIGN A DECREE ON EASTERN UKRAINE REGIONS SHORTLY, WESTERN LEADERS WERE DISMAYED - RIA CITES KREMLIN PUTIN PLANS TO SIGN UKRAINE SEPARATIST RECOGNITION: KREMLIN As fighting in Donbas has continued into evening, Ukrainian government officials reported that a civilian has been killed by shelling during an attack on government-held Novoluganske, which lies a couple dozen miles north of Donetsk. Journalists are now looking for ominous signs of what might be about to come... The official account of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs changed its profile picture to what appears to be tomorrow's date. pic.twitter.com/VXjQ39iUwb — Ana Fota (@anafota4) February 21, 2022 * * * Update(10:40amET): Putin said during his addressing the Russian Security Council that "I will make a decision today" over whether or not to recognize the Donetsk and Luhansk separatist republics at a moment of heavy fighting with Ukrainian national forces. There were indications from the meeting that Russia would give the West a three day ultimatum and window before recognizing the separatist regions in eastern Ukraine - perhaps as a chance for last minute diplomacy to proceed; however, with Putin's words it appears we'll learn the fate of the region sooner than later. Russian state tv RT’s editor says Putin has already made his mind to recognise breakaway regions Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine — Ragıp Soylu (@ragipsoylu) February 21, 2022 However, Russia's top diplomat Sergey Lavrov appears to be a voice of caution while other officials within the security council were in favor of independence. Top officials in the meeting were asked whether they support the pro-Russian separatist republics... A long line of officials – some enthusiastically, some looking terrified – urge Putin to recognize the DNR. Putin says, "A decision will be taken today." Then the TV cuts out. It's like the finale of the Sopranos. What the hell did I just watch???? — max seddon (@maxseddon) February 21, 2022 It reportedly led to some uncomfortable moments as the world now awaits Putin's decision: Bizarre moment. Head of Russia's foreign intelligence agency gets flustered as Putin asks him if he supports Russia recognising the separatist regions. "I support the annexation of the regions into Russia!" Putin laughs and says "we're not talking about that". [Clearly we are.] https://t.co/WMEVtHIYUY — Patrick Reevell (@Reevellp) February 21, 2022 If Putin does pull the trigger on recognition, it could virtually assure some level of a war or serious conflict, given that the breakaway republics would come under more intense attack from Ukraine's army, leading to Russian intervention in defense of the "newly recognized" regions - if we soon get to that point. Ukraine is now urging an immediate UN Security Council meeting as tensions soar and war looks to be on the horizon... Ukrainian President Zelenskiy requests urgent meeting of the UN Security Council — BNO News (@BNONews) February 21, 2022 * * * Update(9:48amET): Separatist leader Denis Pushilin has issued a formal request to President Vladimir Putin calling on Russia to recognize the Donetsk People's Republic. The Luhansk republic has simultaneously published the same request, at a moment Putin is holding an urgent session of the Russian Security Council. This followed quickly on the heels of what Russia's southern command said was a serious attempt of Ukrainian armored vehicles to breach its border, that resulted in five Ukrainians killed. However, the Ukrainian government and army rejected the entirety of the allegations as "fake news" - rejecting that its forces are even in the area where it's said to have occurred (though without addressing the possibility that they could have been irregular forces). But Russia's FSB Director Bortnikov Russian responding by saying the Russian military "destroyed Ukrainian forces that tried to infiltrate the border and took one Ukrainian POW" - thus doubling down on the claims. Russia now says it captured one Ukrainian soldier after repelling cross-border incursion by *two* Ukrainian military units. Kyiv denies any of this happened. — Yaroslav Trofimov (@yarotrof) February 21, 2022 That a captured Ukrainian soldier could be in Russian custody would obviously provide verification, if true. But it would also be seen by the West as a massive escalation possibly leading to more direct NATO involvement. Currently Putin is speaking at a live televised meeting of the council, where he started by staying Ukraine is planning not to uphold its end of the Minsk accords. The question is also reportedly on the table of whether or in what way the Donbas region could achieve independence, even with at one point in the security council session an official raising the possibility of direct annexation. Putin said "we need to consider if we recognize the independence of the two breakaway Ukrainian regions," according to a rush translation of his words. PUTIN: WE MUST DECIDE ON RECOGNIZING SEPARATISTS PUTIN: WEST IS MAKING `THREATS, BLACKMAIL' RUSSIA'S MEDVEDEV: WE KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN WE RECOGNIZE DONBASS INDEPENDENCE, THE PRESSURE WILL BE UNPRECEDENTED, BUT WE KNOW HOW TO FACE IT Denis Pushilin, the head of the Donetsk People's Republic, just went on Russian TV to ask Putin to recognize it as an independent state. Looks like Georgia 2008 all over again pic.twitter.com/tm00PkRvkQ — max seddon (@maxseddon) February 21, 2022 Putin further repeated while addressing the forum that "if Russia faces the danger of Ukraine joining NATO, the threat for our country will increase substantially." He was perhaps addressing a hugely provocative statement made by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba to "60 Minutes" which aired Sunday. Kuleba on a major American television show reaffirmed Ukraine's desire to enter NATO, which without doubt inflamed tensions further from Moscow's point of view... Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told Lesley Stahl Ukraine is not willing to abandon its goal of entering NATO to please Russian President Vladimir Putin and that he still sees “room for diplomacy.” https://t.co/hqlcp4iQ5h pic.twitter.com/8CxR9PqvV1 — 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) February 21, 2022 In response to the rapidly escalating crisis, the ruble has tumbled as much as 3%, extending its worst 3-day slump since March 2020... ... while the Moscow Exchange tumbled as much as 10%, its biggest drop since 2008... ... amid a bloodbath of most Russian stocks. * * * Earlier: In what provides Russia an 'opportunity' to pull the trigger on overt intervention in eastern Ukraine (assuming it's actually desiring to do so), rebel leaders in the breakaway Donetsk region on Monday urged Moscow's urgent military help amid worsening shelling from Ukrainian national forces, and as fighting escalates along the line of contact. This as Interfax in a breaking report cites Russian defense officials who say five "saboteurs" were killed by border guards as they attempted to enter Russia's territory. Though details are as yet unconfirmed at this early point, Russia's military says Ukrainian army vehicles attempted to breach sovereign Russian territory. Ukraine is disputing the entire narrative, however, calling it fake news and that its forces are not in the Rostov area. RUSSIA SAYS KILLED FIVE PEOPLE WHO TRIED TO VIOLATE BORDER: IFX The spokesperson's office of #Russia Southern Military District said two infantry fighting vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed forces entered Russian territory. — Michael A. Horowitz (@michaelh992) February 21, 2022 And Bloomberg details of the breaking report: Russian forces killed five “saboteurs” and destroyed 2 armored personnel carriers of the Ukrainian forces who tried to violate Russian border, Russian army’s Southern Military District says, according to Interfax report The Russian MoD statement said the alleged "attack occurred in the Mityakinskaya area at 6 am this morning. Infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed by anti-tank missiles." The separatists are now formally asking Moscow for military and financial assistance against the "Ukrainian attacks"; however, Ukraine's army is currently denying that it's conducting offensive operations in the Donbas, according to RT and regional correspondents. Further the Kremlin is citing what it says is a major escalation, after reports that a Ukrainian shell hit and destroyed a Russian border checkpoint in the Rostov region. The Russian side now says Ukrainian munitions are landing on its sovereign soil, which some say could be used as a casus belli if Putin so chooses. Archived image of Ukrainian troops in Donbas, via Wiki Commons According to Russian state sources, Donbas officials and separatist commanders are intensifying their plea for Russian help, which if initiated could crucially in turn trigger heightened NATO intervention in the conflict: Speaking to the Solovyov Live YouTube channel on Monday, Eduard Basurin, the spokesman for the Donetsk People’s Militia said that Moscow should provide moral support “first of all,” but that “I would not refuse any - military assistance is also needed, in different forms.” The official also claimed that there is a war taking place in Donbass, adding, “the situation isn’t just difficult, it is genuinely critical.” Both breakaway republics began evacuating citizens to Russian territory, announced on Feb.18, citing fears of reprisal attacks by Ukrainian forces, with at this point a believed tens of thousands of civilians having been transferred, mostly via large passenger buses. Russia’s RIA says the alleged Ukrainian she’ll hit the Neklinovsky district of Rostov. The nearest Ukrainian positions are some 20 km away, and Russian-installed Donetsk People’s Republic controls the other side of that border. https://t.co/jP4S9osBNh — Yaroslav Trofimov (@yarotrof) February 21, 2022 One Russian media report cites that about "61,000 residents of the LPR and DPR have crossed the border into Russia as part of evacuation amid escalation in eastern Ukraine." If true this would suggest a major logistical operation still in progress amid the rapidly deteriorating security situation in the war-torn Donbas, and still with unprecedented numbers of Russian troops mustered near the border in Russia's southern regions.

On Sat, 19 Feb 2022 20:57:05 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJXwLzII278 Putin dropped the N-word
yep, fucking JEW-US-EUROPEAN nazis need to be nuked. Maybe a couple of nukes would make people like Stefan get a better grasp of reality.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4PbCiHOtR8 Old reporters don't forget credibility problems with old wars

And so it begins... 2h ago Putin's army transgresses borders, initiates mass violence, launches open warfare, blitz aims to take Kiev, Ukraine.

On Wed, 23 Feb 2022 23:28:16 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
And so it begins...
2h ago Putin's army transgresses borders,
which borders
initiates mass violence,
sounds like propaganda
launches open warfare, blitz aims to take Kiev, Ukraine.
you can thank the jew-US nazis who have been surrounding russia for a while now. Overall, it will be a good thing if the jew-US nazis in ukraine and their military bases are kicked out. and so grancrap your position is just jew-pentagon propaganda. Shocking!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHzHlSLhtmM Ukraine Anthem Zelensky addresses Russians in Russian: "We are divided by a shared border of more than 2,000km. Almost 200,000 of your troops and thousands of military vehicles are standing alongside it. Your leadership has ordered them to move forward, onto another country's territory." https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage+CredibleDefense+EndlessWar+InvasionOf... https://youtu.be/jNZM_H6q1rY https://twitter.com/i/lists/1383431779751657480 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyzicW_ctB4 https://maphub.net/Cen4infoRes/russian-ukraine-monitor https://liveuamap.com/ https://goo.gl/maps/49PyREbw8PTgnxWh9 https://www.youtube.com/c/OdessaONLINE/featured https://twitter.com/IntelCrab https://twitter.com/loogunda https://twitter.com/Conflicts https://twitter.com/ELINTNews https://twitter.com/OAlexanderDK Lvyv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9r5rpGq9mU Kyiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cyQPN5xQtU Maidan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ6AzlYCysY Kharkiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7ZbVufqW3s Kharkiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNGrP5Wv_C4 Kharkiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWyn4ff7tm4 Pisochyn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtOKYCxP6iY Chernihiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvhM2a92dvs Odessa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWKjaA-wNho Odessa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hHelJALhEo Odessa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9HskjsldsU Mariupol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE9nRMx8n6s Mykolayiv: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJvMQvqpxZvIakq4VgcooNQ Severodonetsk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho40J7dRlGQ Kalanchak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxYsvdC4-yA Severodonetsk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzQdh7Sd7ZM https://twitter.com/mrsorokaa https://twitter.com/jamiewrit https://twitter.com/IMatviyishyn https://twitter.com/nolanwpeterson https://twitter.com/olgatokariuk https://twitter.com/brycewilsonAU https://twitter.com/StefanWeichert https://twitter.com/sarahrainsford https://twitter.com/ikhurshudyan https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ALGJAoPfBemEUh_3qBrFm0e4woBB2D2ctS_F...

https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/press_releases.htm https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/official_texts_17120.htm The North Atlantic Treaty Washington D.C. - 4 April 1949 04 Apr. 1949 - | Last updated: 10 Apr. 2019 14:16 English Czech Danish German Greek Spanish Estonian French Croatian Hungarian Armenian Icelandic Italian Hebrew Georgian Lithuanian Latvian Dutch Norwegian Polish Portuguese Russian Slovenian Albanian Turkish Ukrainian The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments. They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law. They seek to promote stability and well-being in the North Atlantic area. They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective defence and for the preservation of peace and security. They therefore agree to this North Atlantic Treaty : Article 1 The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Article 2 The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them. Article 3 In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack. Article 4 The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened. Article 5 The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area. Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security . Article 6 1 For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack: on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe or North America, on the Algerian Departments of France 2, on the territory of Turkey or on the Islands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties in the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer; on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in Europe in which occupation forces of any of the Parties were stationed on the date when the Treaty entered into force or the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer. Article 7 This Treaty does not affect, and shall not be interpreted as affecting in any way the rights and obligations under the Charter of the Parties which are members of the United Nations, or the primary responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security. Article 8 Each Party declares that none of the international engagements now in force between it and any other of the Parties or any third State is in conflict with the provisions of this Treaty, and undertakes not to enter into any international engagement in conflict with this Treaty. Article 9 The Parties hereby establish a Council, on which each of them shall be represented, to consider matters concerning the implementation of this Treaty. The Council shall be so organised as to be able to meet promptly at any time. The Council shall set up such subsidiary bodies as may be necessary; in particular it shall establish immediately a defence committee which shall recommend measures for the implementation of Articles 3 and 5. Article 10 The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other European State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to this Treaty. Any State so invited may become a Party to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the Government of the United States of America. The Government of the United States of America will inform each of the Parties of the deposit of each such instrument of accession. Article 11 This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the United States of America, which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit. The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of the majority of the signatories, including the ratifications of Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States, have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications. (3) Article 12 After the Treaty has been in force for ten years, or at any time thereafter, the Parties shall, if any of them so requests, consult together for the purpose of reviewing the Treaty, having regard for the factors then affecting peace and security in the North Atlantic area, including the development of universal as well as regional arrangements under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security. Article 13 After the Treaty has been in force for twenty years, any Party may cease to be a Party one year after its notice of denunciation has been given to the Government of the United States of America, which will inform the Governments of the other Parties of the deposit of each notice of denunciation. Article 14 This Treaty, of which the English and French texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America. Duly certified copies will be transmitted by that Government to the Governments of other signatories. The definition of the territories to which Article 5 applies was revised by Article 2 of the Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of Greece and Turkey signed on 22 October 1951. On January 16, 1963, the North Atlantic Council noted that insofar as the former Algerian Departments of France were concerned, the relevant clauses of this Treaty had become inapplicable as from July 3, 1962. The Treaty came into force on 24 August 1949, after the deposition of the ratifications of all signatory states. Topics Founding treaty Official Texts Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of North Macedonia 06 Feb. 2019 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of Montenegro 19 May. 2016 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of Croatia 01 Apr. 2009 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of Albania 01 Apr. 2009 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of the Republic of Slovenia 26 Mar. 2003 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of the Slovak Republic 26 Mar. 2003 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of Romania 26 Mar. 2003 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of the Republic of Lithuania 26 Mar. 2003 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of the Republic of Latvia 26 Mar. 2003 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of Estonia 26 Mar. 2003 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of Bulgaria 26 Mar. 2003 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of Poland 16 Dec. 1997 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of Hungary 16 Dec. 1997 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Czech Republic 16 Dec. 1997 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of Spain 10 Dec. 1981 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Federal Republic of Germany 23 Oct. 1954 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of Greece and Turkey 22 Oct. 1951

On Thu, 24 Feb 2022 02:37:30 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
I am literally laughing. So pentagon agent grancrap is now a NATO SPAMMER. Can't make this shit up =) US nazi agents outing themselves for the 1000th time? Nah, how could there be any US nazi agents in the Anarchist Cypherpunk Mailing List.

On Thu, 24 Feb 2022 02:37:30 -0500
grarpamp grarpamp@gmail.com wrote:
I am literally laughing. So pentagon agent grancrap is now a NATO SPAMMER. Can't make this shit up =)
I can see some neo-nazis in here are all over the place.Will America bring peace to the Ukrainian? LOL. America's plan has failed.
US nazi agents outing themselves for the 1000th time? Nah, how could there be any US nazi agents in the Anarchist Cypherpunk Mailing List.

On Thu, 24 Feb 2022 17:21:50 +0000 zeynepaydogan <zeynepaydogan@protonmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 24 Feb 2022 02:37:30 -0500
grarpamp grarpamp@gmail.com wrote:
I am literally laughing. So pentagon agent grancrap is now a NATO SPAMMER. Can't make this shit up =)
I can see some neo-nazis in here are all over the place.Will America bring peace to the Ukrainian? LOL.
So far the US has done the exact opposite. They brought war to ukraine. The US and their european, criminal lapdog/accomplices have been pushing russia and trying to extend their NATO mafia to eventually attack russia, and this is the result. It's sad that people in ukraine have been used by the jew-US nazis for their own benefit, but it's not surprise that jew-US nazis regard their 'allies' as disposable material.
America's plan has failed.
It has, so far. But the bigger losers are the european lapdogs.
US nazi agents outing themselves for the 1000th time? Nah, how could there be any US nazi agents in the Anarchist Cypherpunk Mailing List.

https://i.redd.it/7t2o53r3tvj81.jpg An 80-year-old who showed up to join the Ukrainian army, carrying with him a small case with 2 t-shirts, a pair of extra pants, a toothbrush and a few sandwiches for lunch. He said he was doing it for his grandkids. He remembers. And he has no intention of letting it happen to his grandkids. This is heartbreaking. This picture brought up so much emotion. So many people don't want this fucking war and are doing whatever they can to protect family. The man is 80 years old. He should be loving grandchildren and enjoying his remaining days peaceful, not joining the goddamn army. I hope humanity wakes up to a more enlightened state some day. This man would have been born around 1941-42 he lived a life under Soviet occupation. This probably means a great great deal to him. He gives a pure, true example of patriotism, much more so than those who measure it with the size of their flag or the volume of their shout. The bag is for his huge balls This is correct. They have an 80 year sag but he’ll toss em over his shoulder like a continental soldier seriously at that age i too hope to be old enough tngaf i’m going to die in a decade anyway let’s try take some down with me I've never wanted to be someone's grandkid so badly before When the bell to defend your Freedom rings, how many will answer it? I just saw a video clip of NICU nurses who had moved all the babies into the basement of the hospital including day old newborns, some being manually ventilated. All the babies in little blankets with these nurses caring for them. The hospital was in a targeted town getting bombed. It broke me. I want that video shown to every single member of the kremlin, all of Russia. This is the reality of war. Babies in basements hoping they don’t get bombed, their parents hoping they don’t die. It’s just horrific. The fact world leaders just can't say fuck it we won't do this because war is murder.. fuck all of them! Even people in Russia don’t even want this damn war yet that idiot won’t stop because of his inflated ego. I'm not Russian, I don't want to be Russian, and I will never be Russian. This man's a fkn legend https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor

Hacker collective Anonymous declares cyber war against Russia https://www.rt.com/russia/550548-anonymous-cyber-war-russia/ https://www.foxnews.com/us/hacking-collective-anonymous-declare-war-putin-ru... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al3ksu48leQ Z: SlaviUkraine "Russian warship, go fuck yourself." https://twitter.com/poroshenko https://twitter.com/JohnBerman/status/1497174103828148225 https://twitter.com/noraneus/status/1497174310137520128 Ex-Ukraine president Poroshenko holds AK-47 as he vows to fight on streets of Kyiv Lithuanian supermarkets give up Russian, Belarusian products in wake of Ukraine attack https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10548649/Put-sunflower-seeds-pocket... 'What the f*** are you doing in our land?' 'You should put sunflower seeds in your pockets so that they will grow on Ukranian land after you die.' Russia has failed to take any of its major objectives and has lost 450 personnel, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace says Taliban encourages war parties to end the matter in a peaceful way https://i.redd.it/8u6579c1rxj81.jpg Pro-Ukraine protester from Brandenburg Gate with a message for Vladimir Putin. Ukrainian Muslims receive a fatwa to go to war against Russia people in the Russian government who are absolutely furious with Putin right now and in response are secretly leaking intel to other nations out of spite or for their own agenda. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2014/11/06/did-nato-promise-not-to-e... For most of human history post-agriculture, aggressive wars have been seen as honorable, a way to win glory and riches. Leaders could easily dehumanize their neighbors because almost nobody traveled more than a hundred miles in any direction (apart from nomadic tribes). Since the industrial revolution, we've been increasingly connected with people outside our own communities, and the internet has let us be connected with people from almost anywhere on the planet. It's simple enough to teach someone "all people are people" but our animal brains need proof. Well, the proof is everywhere now, and hopefully our species' taste for war will continue to decline. I've been playing online games with people from all over the world, Russians included. When I think of "the Russians" (or any other part of the world), it's not some nebulous "them" that's easy to compartmentalize, it's the people I've been playing with I'm thinking of. The civilians suffers for the whims of their leaders. https://theweek.com/russo-ukrainian-war/1010612/ukraine-claims-800-russian-c... "On Thursday, Ukraine's top army commander and ambassador to the U.S. both said a Russian platoon from the 74th Motorized Brigade surrendered to Ukrainian forces, saying they never believed they would be asked to kill Ukrainians. " Top European Analyst: The majority of possible Russian economic scenarios ends with a collapse of the their govt. China's Xi Jinping Speaks To Putin, Calls For Negotiation With Ukraine Ukraine defense ministry tells residents to use Molotov cocktails in Kyiv Ukrainian Soldier Blew Up Bridge and Himself to Stop Advance of Russian Troops, Kyiv Says Rarely seen protests against Russian president Vladimir Putin broke out in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, as the global outcry against the Russian strongman grew louder. Posting a video of the rally on Facebook, Ukrainian government advisor Anton Herashchenko added: 'Ukrainians! Call, write to your friends and acquaintances in Russia – ask them to tell everyone that Russian soldiers are now dying in Ukraine – sons, brothers, fathers!' Russian police have detained almost 1,400 people at anti-war protests across Russia after President Vladimir Putin sent troops to invade Ukraine, an independent monitor said Thursday. "More than 1,391 people have already been detained in 51 cities," said OVD-Info, which tracks arrests at opposition rallies. Vitaly Skakun was part of a marine infantry battalion fighting to fend off a column of Russian tanks at the Henichesk bridge in the Kherson region. The Ukrainian troops had made the decision to blow up the bridge, and Skakun took the initiative to carry out the mission, Ukraine’s General Staff said. “The bridge was mined, but he didn’t manage to get away from there. According to his brothers in arms, Vitaly got in touch [with them] and said he was going to blow up the bridge. Immediately after an explosion rang out,” the military said. Skakun died at the scene but the military hailed him for “significantly slowing down the advancement of the enemy,” which allowed his fellow troops to regroup and deploy defenses. Military commanders said they are working to award Skakun with posthumous honors for his “heroic act.” “Russian occupiers, know that the ground will burn under your feet!” the General Staff said. https://www.weforum.org/people/vladimir-putin https://www.weforum.org/people/joseph-r-biden https://www.weforum.org/people/xi-jinping https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/ursula-von-der-leyen

Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
"CIA declares cyber war against Russia" fixed your typo. Finally yes… Finally, someone told the truth. I told you a long time ago that Anonymous had a close connection with the CIA. They've been pretending to be anarchists for years and hunting people. I've seen it myself, and I know who's in that group.Anonymous is not anonymous.

On Fri, 25 Feb 2022 16:24:32 +0000 zeynepaydogan <zeynepaydogan@protonmail.com> wrote:
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
"CIA declares cyber war against Russia" fixed your typo.
Finally yes… Finally, someone told the truth. I told you a long time ago that Anonymous had a close connection with the CIA.
Well, the pattern isn't too hard to spot I think. Young inexperienced 'hackers' who think they are going to fight against govcorp. They do a couple of 'hacks' and get caught. And then end up working for the 'authorities' or as 'security consultants' for joogle-NSA. What trivially gives them away is that once they become CIA 'assets' they start to parrot crass CIA talking points.
They've been pretending to be anarchists for years and hunting people. I've seen it myself, and I know who's in that group.Anonymous is not anonymous.

On Sat, 26 Feb 2022 03:09:56 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
"CIA declares cyber war against Russia"
Old news.
The fact that "anonymous" is the CIA isn't news to me, and I know it isn't news to you either. I didn't mention it because it's a new fact...
Nice try though.
What do you think I tried? You copypasted NATO propaganda, suggesting that 'grass roots' 'anti establishment' 'activists' who are the 'good guys' are fighing against (evil) russia. You could have posted the propaganda AND described it as such, but you didn't. An action that is consistent with the rest of NATO propaganda you are posting.

"Russian warship, go fuck yourself."
https://www.thefirstnews.com/article/convoy-with-ammunition-from-poland-reac... https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1496785547594924032 We will give weapons to anyone who wants to defend the country. Be ready to support Ukraine in the squares of our cities. We will lift sanctions on all citizens of Ukraine who are ready to defend our country as part of territorial defense with weapons in hands. https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1496816410743521286 https://twitter.com/BhavishaPatel/status/1496882754935398408 https://twitter.com/UkraineNews0/status/1497181643639078913 https://twitter.com/nseskuria/status/1497173675774255118 https://twitter.com/UkraineNews0/status/1497172270313316361 https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1497450853380280320 Не вірте фейкам. #Ukraine freedom will not be sold, bartered or negotiated. Truth is with us and in our truth is our strength - President @ZelenskyyUa "There's a lot of fake information online that I call on our army to lay down arms, and that there's evacuation," he said. "I'm here. We won't lay down our arms. We will defend our state." President Zelensky has turned down an offer from the US to help him evacuate, according to reports in the States. "I need ammunition, not a ride." https://twitter.com/sandygap46/status/1497099021583667201 https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1497465416179982338 A baby was born in Kyiv subway, now being used as a bomb shelter, overnight on Feb. 25. Amid ongoing air raids as part of Russia's war against Ukraine, people all across the country have been taking shelter underground and in subway stations. https://twitter.com/lapatina_/status/1496927554317406234 This will be the last video I watch for a while. But I want everyone to see what's happening in EUROPE https://twitter.com/Aly_shkrum/status/1497112840313921544 #ukraine: Data from Automated Radiation Control System of Chernobyl zone indicate that gamma radiation dose rate control levels (red dots) exceed at significant number of observation points! This is catastrophe for whole Europe. Nobody is safe. Didn't you watch Chernobyl? https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1496870591483330560 https://twitter.com/_sergey_boyko/status/1496852701283426308 https://twitter.com/AVindman/status/1496900368344797184 https://twitter.com/Global_Mil_Info/status/1497215052889264128 https://twitter.com/ckoettl http://www.mil.gov.ua/ https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1497541775707316228 https://twitter.com/ArmedForcesUkr https://twitter.com/GeneralStaffUA https://fb.com/GeneralStaff.ua https://twitter.com/MFA_Ukraine https://twitter.com/DmytroKuleba https://twitter.com/Denys_Shmyhal https://tiktok.com/@armed.forces.of.ukraine https://twitter.com/oleksiireznikov https://reznikovoleksii.medium.com/the-kremlins-goal-is-not-ukraine-they-wan... https://twitter.com/LithuanianGovt https://twitter.com/a_anusauskas https://twitter.com/Vitaliy_Klychko https://twitter.com/mblaszczak https://twitter.com/Pabriks https://twitter.com/AnitaAnandMP/status/1495081705635565571 Today, a Russian missile hit an apartment building in #Kyiv. Over the past 2 days, hospitals, kindergartens and orphanages in #Ukrainian cities have been shelled. We demand from the world a decisive response and isolation of Russia for its criminal acts. #StopRussia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkFgg5Od1Qk https://www.military-today.com/missiles/nlaw.htm Berlin is sending a signal of solidarity with Ukraine and will have the Brandenburg Gate illuminated in the colours of the Ukrainian national flag tonight from 18:45 to midnight. London and Paris will follow with an action in the evening. https://twitter.com/Ukraine/status/1497452546771886082 https://twitter.com/lesiavasylenko/status/1497459301815701509 https://twitter.com/LinkeviciusL/status/1497227706567700494 https://twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/status/1497462395211370496 https://twitter.com/amanpour/status/1497272512786444301 https://twitter.com/amanpour/status/1497274219964649474 https://twitter.com/amanpour/status/1497274941405814788 https://twitter.com/amanpour/status/1497275673462902793 https://twitter.com/amanpour/status/1497277212843728902 https://twitter.com/ua_parliament/status/1497289852580212738 The international community! We need your help! Please, send as many messages, as you can. Text: "russian president putin is killing Ukrainian children under the guise of a liberation operation! Let's spam the comments of the world leaders&organizations. #StopRussianAggression https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1497136374369116171 Vitaly Skakun is hailed as a hero after sacrificing his life to blow up the Henichesky Bridge. The bridge was mined but a Russian column was advancing and there was no time to detonate it remotely. Skakun radioed his unit and told them he would do it manually, saying goodbye. https://tass.com/ukraine #TankMan2022 https://twitter.com/michaelh992/status/1497196303654264880 https://twitter.com/gayzillennial/status/1497195629558308903 https://twitter.com/thevinack/status/1497207784299024385 https://twitter.com/_DarkPeace_/status/1497202008142405632 https://twitter.com/Jogenfors/status/1497201633436094467 #HelpUkraine https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm https://americanmilitarynews.com/2022/02/videos-russian-tank-swerves-to-run-... https://twitter.com/BeautyTalks09/status/1497227246691516418 https://twitter.com/tweet2khan786/status/1497184761730977793 https://twitter.com/AlexKhrebet/status/1497123956318523392 https://twitter.com/nesidhaniaala/status/1497232497460998150 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madman_theory

“Black folks in America: “Pray for Ukraine.” “White folks in Ukraine are: blocking Black people from getting on trains, dragging Black people off buses, denying shelter to Black people in freezing temperatures, and holding Black students at gunpoint.” https://twitter.com/talbertswan/status/1497922289085648898?s=21

"Russian warship, go fuck yourself."
Seems Putin didn't like that very much, nor all the embarassing protests, nor getting his expensive rolling stock turned into scrap metal, nor all the sanctions in response to his invasion... Putin puts Russia's nuclear deterrent forces on alert Here's Putin just now ordering Russia's deterrence (nuclear) forces on "a special regime of duty" in response to foreign sanctions. It's a DEFCON situation. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-putin-puts-nuclear-deterre... https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-business-europe-moscow-2e4e1c... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWH4tWkZpPU Duck and Cover A referendum on constitutional amendments in Belarus, held today, on Feb. 27, is set to allow Russia to place nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus. The vote will take place amid the Russian military presence in Belarus which it uses to attack Ukraine from the north. Lukashenko confirms rockets fired at Ukraine from Belarus, threatens to join war on Ukraine. Russian Ministry of Defense: when Ukrainian boats attacked Russian ships near Zmeiny Island, US strategic drones RQ-4 Global Hawk and MQ-9A Ripper were loitering over the provocation area. A high probability US drones directed Ukrainian boats at the ships of the Russian fleet RF Comms https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1497901569769185284 Elon Musk came thru with Starlink Ukraine's SBU security service announced that they have obtained secret Russian war documents, detailing passwords and encryption schemes used by the invading forces. https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/zvernennya-prezidenta-ukrayini-do-groma... https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/prezident-ukrainy-vladimir-zelenskij-ob... https://twitter.com/NewVoiceUkraine/status/1497551055386783745#m It's a boy! - a second child was born in a Ukrainian bomb shelter of a maternity hospital in the night on Feb. 26. https://english.nv.ua/nation/russian-saboteurs-fire-at-family-with-three-kid... (The girl's) name was Polina. She studied in the 4th grade at school No. 24 in Kyiv. This morning (Feb. 26), a Russian sabotage and reconnaissance group shot her and her parents on Telihy Street https://i.redd.it/upmhjg0nm8k81.jpg two badass kittehs https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1497904737395507202 https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1497902863615471625 https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1497901762593886208 https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/02/26/7326201/ PFM-1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo5u1IoLaSM toe popper mines BLU-43 https://youtu.be/kJ58f6AUs68 Catching Butterflies Ukraine has submitted its application against Russia to the ICJ. Russia must be held accountable for manipulating the notion of genocide to justify aggression. We request an urgent decision ordering Russia to cease military activity now and expect trials to start next week. https://www.economist.com/europe/2022/02/26/how-volodymyr-zelensky-found-his... https://twitter.com/COUPSURE https://twitter.com/Liveuamap https://liveuamap.com/ https://twitter.com/ZlbRvnk https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1497654759972655108 https://twitter.com/ragipsoylu/status/1497688360105693186 https://twitter.com/MSnegovaya/status/1497583590410010628 https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent https://twitter.com/NewVoiceUkraine https://twitter.com/IAPonomarenko https://twitter.com/200_zoka https://twitter.com/PussyRobbery https://twitter.com/KofmanMichael https://twitter.com/vlad_sord https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin https://twitter.com/DefenceU https://twitter.com/Ukrwarreport https://www.facebook.com/StratcomCentreUA https://www.facebook.com/president.gov.ua https://www.facebook.com/UkrainianLandForces https://www.facebook.com/CinCAFU https://www.facebook.com/pressOKzahid http://200rf.com/ https://twitter.com/OMarkarova https://twitter.com/verkhovna_rada https://twitter.com/DmytroKuleba https://twitter.com/hashtag/Zaluzhnyi https://twitter.com/Ukraine_AF https://twitter.com/ArmedForcesUkr https://twitter.com/oleksiireznikov https://twitter.com/mil_in_ua https://mil.in.ua/ https://www.instagram.com/zelenskiy_official https://www.instagram.com/volodymyr_zelensky_ https://old.reddit.com/r/volunteersForUkraine https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-establishing-foreign-legion-vol... https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/zvernennya-do-gromadyan-inozemnih-derzh... Zelensky announced the formation of a new unit - the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine. It will be made up of foreigners who want to take part in repelling Russian aggression. This routes around problem of western forces fighting in Ukraine against Russia. https://war.lt/ https://twitter.com/fedorovmykhailo https://thedigital.gov.ua/ https://t.me/itarmyofurraine https://twitter.com/FedorovMykhailo/status/1497549813205848068 $15 Million in crypto, more in bank donations. Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route. Now accepting cryptocurrency donations. Ethereum. Bitcoin and Tether. BTC:357a3So9CbsNfBBgFYACGvxxS6tMaDoa1P ETH:0x165CD37b4C644C2921454429E7F9358d18A45e14 USDT:TEFccmfQ38cZS1DTZVhsxKVDckA8Y6VfCy Ukrainian crypto community is ready to provide a generous reward for any information about crypto-wallets of Russian and Belarusian politicians and their surroundings. War crimes must be pursued and punished! To share info please contact in Telegram: t.me/ArtemAf

On Sun, 27 Feb 2022 09:59:00 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
"Russian warship, go fuck yourself."
Seems Putin didn't like that very much, nor all the embarassing protests, nor getting his expensive rolling stock turned into scrap metal, nor all the sanctions in response to his invasion...
oh look, grancrap is a US NATO nazi. Isn't that shocking? But wait for his next message when he poses as a fascist narcho 'pacifist' 'voluntaryst'...of the KKK trumponazi variety. will your clown performance ever end grancrap?
Elon Musk came thru with Starlink
yeah that's why technonazi turd bell is constantly spamming musko 'advertising'. Doubly shocking.

Everyone knows that NATO is agent in oppressing human freedom, same as all other such Govt entities, and that your performance is that of a jackass.

On Sun, 27 Feb 2022 15:35:28 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Everyone knows that NATO is agent in oppressing human freedom,
Why do you work for them, then. Oh wait, you work for them because they are the top govcorp criminals on the planet.
same as all other such Govt entities, and that your performance is that of a jackass.
So you, a NATO agent are telling me...what exactly?

Tell? As you can see globalist "democratic" "alliance" are rapidly wiping out ruling over wrapping subsuming and consuming all others who were even remotely capable of traditional opposition, even those who just want to be left alone. So go ahead then, you tell us what the solution to globalist is.

Seems Putin destroyed AN-225 Myria :( For no reason while she was stored in hanger. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonov_An-225_Mriya https://twitter.com/AirlinesAntonov/status/1426076500286136325 https://twitter.com/AirlinesAntonov/status/1410866763001176064 https://twitter.com/AirlinesAntonov/status/1414235600740356097

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. ------- Original Message ------- grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Seems Putin destroyed AN-225 Myria :(
For no reason while she was stored in hanger.
America destroyed everything, but you're silent. Putin is fighting the Nazi army. This sentence says everything. The Asshole Ukrainian army was against the Black people. We all saw it today.

https://twitter.com/KremlinRussia_E https://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/67843 https://president.gov.by/en/ Russian Chief of General Staff, Valery Gerasimov is dismissed from his position by President Putin https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/volodymyr-zelensky-russian-mercenaries-or... https://twitter.com/MoH_Ukraine https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMoZzcGWUAkPLrf.jpg https://twitter.com/Militarylandnet/status/1497868834891464704 Ancap freemarket evironmentally conscious materials recycling plan... https://twitter.com/ng_ukraine/status/1498032680360984577 https://jamestown.org/program/the-involvement-of-russian-ultra-nationalists-... https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/ukraine-crisis-who-are-russian-neo-nazi-groups-fig... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_National_Unity https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMZO0VHWQAIJlbq.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMkSYx7XoAYlolg.jpg biden+tyahnybok=bffs https://theintercept.com/2022/02/18/ukraine-weapons-neo-nazis-bob-menendez/ Greased bullets are a war crime. " War is just one big op, with all the world's governments and corporations playing the game, and you caught in the crossfire. " Best end the war now before it gets out of control...

Russia pounds apartments, schools, theatres, etc. Global gang of countries debating going direct against Russia. International Legion fighters no longer need Visa to enter and help defend Ukraine. Contact any Ukraine embassy. https://twitter.com/i/status/1498258651433381891 promo https://twitter.com/i/status/1498337201352019972 icu https://twitter.com/i/status/1498382182452273156 kamala voting https://twitter.com/i/status/1498305448168103944 make cry https://twitter.com/i/status/1497919016937136130 girl sing https://twitter.com/ggreenwald https://twitter.com/worldonalert https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1573404/sas-news-veterans-ukraine-russi... wallace https://twitter.com/UA_struggle https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua https://twitter.com/_tredecim_ Anti-Authoritarian #Anarchist group "Resistance Committee" (part of Territorial Defense) has released new photos. Ukrainian singer "Andriy Khlyvnyuk" joined Territorial Defense Unit in #Kyiv New satellite images show Russian convoy moving closer to Kyiv. It is approximately 17 miles from the center of the city and stretches over nearly 17 miles. Hundreds of armoured vehicles, tanks and support vehicles. Images from @Maxar Kharkiv has been shelled with Grads again. Civilian areas targeted deliberately.

https://www.facebook.com/zelenskiy.official with subs https://babylonbee.com/news/mysterious-large-circles-on-russian-radar-turn-o... Ukrainian sailor floods Russian boss’ $8 million super yacht Unarmed Ukrainian civilians block, turn back Russian tanks - Video Lolidiot: Biden admin says social distance, wear a mask while sheltering from nuclear bomb Leloo begs for help. https://uatv.ua/en/prosecutor-general-clarified-how-ukraine-releases-prisone... Ukraine is sending savages to the literally front lines with a green light to obliterate the enemy. https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2022/02/27/ambassadeur-oekraine-over-oorlog-in-... Photoshopped imagery, manufactured documents, script writers, he who made the Internet wields the Internet. The first fully internet enabled war... western aligned gang of politicians tripping over themselves in tweet race to be featured in the next hot viral vote-getting obvious propaganda clip. This cabal... dangerous to real human diversity sovereignty development and freedom.

https://www.vice.com/en/article/akvyq4/russian-ukraine-invasion-foreign-figh... https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-waives-visa-requirements-for-foreign... https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2022-02-28/americans-canadians-answe... https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/russia-ukraine-war-uk-truss-support-briti... https://old.reddit.com/r/volunteersForUkraine/comments/t3ivbc/on_a_truck_del... https://www.support-ukraine.net/ https://v.redd.it/bom8q5w4vlk81

The childrens story... https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMx59NvXEAMonz5.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMx5-OjX0AYzEbk.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMvlFX1XEAMQ6fQ.jpg https://twitter.com/DSM4USA/status/1498876239066587137 https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMvzZGRXEAUPKuv.jpg https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1498337141075681287/pu/vid/640x368/9D1L... https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMxouhbXoAQUONn.jpg https://twitter.com/yopwoblem/status/1498735293683355655 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCYuq6bWTAo https://twitter.com/yopwoblem/status/1498094140936142853 https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMslspVWUAAt_rr.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMslspSXIAg9jXR.jpg https://tinkoff.ru/about/exchange/ https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMtLBMUXEAEI6tI.jpg https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1498774349473628160 https://nypost.com/2022/03/01/ukraine-says-it-has-neutralized-chechen-zelens... https://twitter.com/sbreakintl https://twitter.com/TheIntelLab

https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM2u0zsXMAUjaxH.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrQuhQFU7Ms National Corps https://twitter.com/itvnews/status/1499168682513244160 https://twitter.com/itvnews/status/1499027556766523392 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1499123906241875968 Chinese prepare paratroopers. Odesa! https://twitter.com/NKOdesa/status/1498746671995490307 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1499043317375451139 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1499018903724429315 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1498988339374039041 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1498792293955944448 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1498780179128328197 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1498766762330017798 BBC to launch shortwave radio service in Ukraine and Russia to ensure access and the resilience of its news operations. Listeners can tune their receivers to 15735kHz from 18:00-20:00 and 5875 kHz from 00:00-02:00, Kyiv time. ICC prosecutor confirms opening of investigation in Ukraine - Reuters Kyiv under assault by Russian transgression... https://twitter.com/AlexKokcharov/status/1499080826599919633 https://twitter.com/franakviacorka/status/1498319289656528898 @LatestAnonPress Russian FSB leaked information alerted Ukraine to assassination plot against President @ZelenskyyUa. Now, we can expect an internal power struggle within the Kremlin to overthrow the Putin regime. In the meantime, let's continue with the attacks. "Life will win over death, and light will win over darkness" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGVZHLOV60E https://twitter.com/ng_ukraine/status/1499089310175440896 https://twitter.com/ng_ukraine/status/1498951650605686790 https://twitter.com/ng_ukraine/status/1498945649211019264 https://twitter.com/ng_ukraine/status/1498919690755837953 https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3415272-how-to-join-international-legio... https://twitter.com/CckLalduatpuia/status/1498947404673945600 SlavaUkraini! How to join International Legion to defend Ukraine - algorithm 28.02.2022 01:20 Ukraine is creating an International Legion of Territorial Defense consisting of foreigners who are willing to join the resistance to the Russian invaders and protect global security. Ukrinform has received from security circles a 7-step algorithm on how to join the force. Step 1. Contact the Embassy of Ukraine in your country with the intention to join the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine (reach out to a military attache or consul: contact details are available on the website of our embassies): You can apply in three ways: 1) come to the embassy in person; 2) call the embassy; 3) send an e-mail. Step 2. Get briefed on what documents and gear (equipment) you will require. Documents: ID or passport (national); passport for foreign travel; documents confirming military service experience (service in law enforcement) and combat experience; other documents on the instructions of a military attache or consul. Step 3. Report to the embassy with a package of documents for an interview with a defense attaché and for visa clearance – with a consul. Step 4. Write an application for admission to the territorial defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for contracted military service on a voluntary basis (defense attaché provides assistance). Step 5. Get instructions on how to arrive in Ukraine, the documents and equipment required. It is recommended that you have on you military uniform or its elements, gear, helmet, body armor, and more, if available. Step 6. Cross into Ukraine in a designated manner. Representatives of Ukrainian embassies, consulates (abroad) and territorial defense forces in Ukraine will provide assistance in deployment. Their contacts will be provided at the embassy of Ukraine in your country. Step 7. Upon arrival at the assembly point in Ukraine, join the Foreign Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine (sign a contract) and together with soldiers from other countries and Ukrainian soldiers join the fight against Russian invaders. As you know, earlier President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced the creation of the International Legion of Territorial Defense in Ukraine. The corresponding address by the president pointed out that Ukrainians have courage to defend their homeland, defend Europe, defend the values of civilization. At the same time, it was noted that this is not just Russian invasion of Ukraine, this is the beginning of a war against Europe, basic human rights, and all rules of coexistence on the continent. Read also: London supports Brits willing to defend Ukraine President addressed to all citizens of foreign nations who are friends of Ukraine: all those who want to join the defense of security in Europe and all over the world can come and stand side by side with Ukrainians against the XXI century invaders. According to the Regulations on Military Service with the Armed Forces by Foreigners and Stateless Persons, approved by the Decree by the President of Ukraine of June 10, 2016, No. 248, foreigners have the right to enlist in the Armed Forces on a voluntary basis, including in the Territorial Defense Forces of the AFU. In this regard, to all foreigners willing to join the resistance to the Russian invaders and protect world security, the Ukrainian leadership offers to come and join the ranks of the Territorial Defense Forces. A separate unit of foreigners has been formed – the International Legion of the Territorial Defense of Ukraine. This will be a key sign of support for Ukraine.

Grarpamp,Rat and Chameleon right now
Hehehe. Pretty good. Jew-western imperialists have been invading, looting, murdering and creating empires since the 1400s (not counting the roman empire...) The list of crimes commited by the portuguese empire, spanish empire, french empire, dutch empire, ENGLISH empire, jew-US-nazi empire, etc is endless. Unsurprisingly, the current war is the result of more jew-US nazi imperialism.

Putin violates residences, schools, apartment complexes, civilians, nuclear power plants. Sen. Lindsey Graham calls for Russians to carry out a Julius Caesar-style assassination of Vladimir Putin: 'Is there a Brutus in Russia?' "Just because one guy wants something, why should these kids suffer." https://v.redd.it/0cltr4i958l81 https://v.redd.it/voursd11g8l81 https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9WVDlX0AI4OcP.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9WWWGWQAMk075.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9WWI5XwAIIEoB.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9WV8wXIAA2rDB.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9WVvpXoAA6eHG.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM8d4C7WYAQbFHc.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM8d3olWUAcL466.jpg https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1499470800428183571/pu/vid/640x352/vNpW... https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1499430125762404355/pu/vid/360x640/wvl2... https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1499435125997817856/pu/vid/720x1280/Mnj... https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t4usmj/burning_national_university... https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9HB2KXsAERDS0.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM8njOFXoAI1VWJ.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM8ni-vXoAIppkr.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM8TuJsXoAYPIJN.jpg https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1499454440717365259/pu/vid/478x848/VvPc... https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMsu-eYWQAAadXI.jpg Join the Ukraine Foreign Legion, 16k already moving. "Lady Death of Donbas'... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-russia-kill-andrei-s... https://i.redd.it/526gfg6809k81.jpg Help engineer Belarus access... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agznZBiK_Bs https://nypost.com/2022/03/03/ukraine-president-zelensky-survived-three-assa... " Garry Kasparov We are witnessing, literally watching live, Putin commit genocide on an industrial scale in Ukraine while the most powerful military alliance in history stands aside. It's impossible not to be emotional, but let us also be rational and focus our rage on the facts. Putin once again told Macron to go to hell, no surprise. NATO/EU has already told Putin they won't touch his forces, so why should he listen? Russia is lifting target limitations and the death toll is rising every hour and lack of water & electricity is critical. No treaty forbids NATO nations from fighting to defend in Ukraine. It's a choice based on the risk of Putin going nuclear, many say. That arming Ukrainians is an acceptable risk of WWIII & the citizenship of the pilot or soldier changes Putin's nuclear calculus, or NATO's. If they care so much about the fine print and think Putin does too, ask Zelensky to issue Ukrainian passports to any volunteer to fly in combat. Sell jets to Ukraine for \xe2\x82\xac1 each and paint UKR flags on them. Do you think Putin will care? Is it worth the lives lost? This is already World War III. Putin started it long ago & Ukraine is only the current front. He will escalate anyway, and it's even more likely if he succeeds in destroying Ukraine because you have again convinced him you won't stop him even though you could. Biden & others insist NATO would retaliate should Putin attack Baltic members. Watching Ukraine, I am not sure of that at all, and Putin won't be either. If the calculation is about nuclear risk, it's no different over Estonia than Ukraine. Don't say "Putin would never". If this sounds familiar, it's the same argument from 2014, when Putin invaded E Ukraine and annexed Crimea. It was too risky to stop him, I was told, as I pleaded for intervention and warned he would never stop there. Here we are, with bombs raining down. Risk and costs are higher now because the "reasonable" people in the West always choose lower risk today to guarantee higher risk tomorrow. Clearing the UKR skies after a warning period is risky. Letting Putin destroy Ukraine is riskier, & a human and moral disaster. There is no waiting this out. This isn't chess; there's no draw, no stalemate. Either Putin destroys Ukraine and eventually hits NATO with an even greater catastrophe, or Putin falls in Russia. He cannot be stopped with weakness. The corridors to get weapons, food, and medicine in and refugees out are narrowing and can be closed. Putin can bomb the trains, close the borders with NATO nations. The odds of Russian forces hitting a NATO asset are increasing, and then what? Still watching? If your answer is no, that if a wing of a RU jet crosses Polish airspace, of course NATO will engage immediately, ask why thousands of Ukrainians civilians dying first matters less than a treaty, and what that says to Putin. That you're honorable, or a fool? We know. As I said in 2014 and a fateful week ago, the price of stopping a dictator always goes up. What would have been enough to stop Putin 8 years or 6 months or 2 weeks ago is not enough today, and the price will rise again tomorrow. Fight. Find a way. Putin vows to exterminate Ukrainians while we watch. Ukraine did nothing wrong but try to join the democratic world that is now witnessing crimes against humanity in real time. Not unable. Unwilling. #CloseTheSky "

how does it feel to be a US, nazi, nato turd, grancrap? Plus, a trumponazi...trying to pose as anarchist. how does such a level of intelectual fraud feel like? and how much are you being paid?

https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/t98cnw/russian_police_ru... https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t8xsdm/russian_pows_deliver_a_mess... https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t91as9/monday_evening_zelensky_pro... https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t9b6qi/in_this_video_our_heroes_re... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgvT0BT0j1Q This is one way that users may donate to support Ukraine defense forces national guards that are fighting to repel Russian invasion... Bitcoin (BTC) 1D6KX4cAsVzuPL4YvUYcJQKUaBj9dLrWwj ETH (ERC-20) 0x0155aa89B0748B5740DB4BC561cAeF76d664C0BB USDT (ERC-20) 0xD2022561e696864aC13990320708A65f599817a5 EURT (ERC-20) 0xD2022561e696864aC13990320708A65f599817a5 USDT (TRC-20) TLy5zpifFPeYo8ZDRckrSyoVaCUywQXCP8 USDT (Solana) E5Mb85SpP5Loj6dCSRvicgXiQyzXMCAsgGGsRbgje8Gs Monero (XMR) 42qfVsuZGLf1usCVHBNnWA5Qwur6CJ6wxMPZPPnvzEAw6puvRASYfihjP4cziCzdbGi8iYXMAG43JDwcCB2PJBbKUZdswWf Bitcoincash (BCH) qzz2xrp2shahmcsq8334x07xj494lje7pu8ng39mzm

https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1500856661237452802 Ukraine's state post office staff is still working in the conflict zone. Sometimes it’s a deadly job. For fun, Russian soldiers in #Zaporizhia ran over a car with two postmen with a tank. Both died. Putin’s soldiers are real international terrorists! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1500946947406024704 Russians destroyed the church that was built in 1862. It was on the international register of historical monuments of Eastern #Europe, but was bombed by Russian artillery. Russians despise Ukrainian and European culture. #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1500946798315286530 The first volunteers from the #UK are already in #Ukraine. Brave men cannot stand aside when they see Russian soldiers killing women and children. Ukraine is fighting for democracy and survival. They deserve support! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1501175619048071172 Volunteers from #Scotland also go to #Ukraine. A 61 y.o. man from #Edinburg didn’t want to stand aside when #Russia actually started the genocide against Ukrainians. He took weapons and came to defend #Kyiv. People like #Rob are the pride of Europe! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1500947425804140546 Women are also joining the territorial defence of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Ukrainians understand that #Putin are now planning to commit a real genocide against their people. That’s why everyone goes to war to protect their home and children! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1501228918233534467 This is what the apartments of ordinary people in #Sumy look like. Russian artillery and aircraft destroy Ukrainians’ homes. #Putin really wants to conquer #Ukraine and won’t stop. And he doesn’t care how many crimes he has to commit! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1501175978793574400 This is what #Ukraine looks like today. It's a friendly country that was ruined because #Putin wanted to play #Hitler. The world must stop Putin before it’s too late! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1500856282743455750 At least 8 people were killed in the latest shelling of #Kharkiv. Civilians slept in their homes, but the shelling of Russian artillery left them with no chance. #Putin kills Ukrainians every day. The world community shouldn’t tolerate this! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1500796628403470340 Russian troops approached #Mykolayiv. They don’t even try to enter the city. The new tactic is to shoot it with artillery and demand capitulation. As a consequence, peaceful people are dying! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1500796229239906309 This is what #Kharkiv looks like every night. Russians are bombing the city without even knowing where missiles will hit. Almost 100 civilians have already died because of this! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twiter.com/UA_struggle/status/1501228705334837248 Footage of the terrible bombing of #Sumy. Russians are attacking this city, which hasn’t surrendered to #Putin for more than 10 days now. As a consequence of the destruction, at least 10 civilians died. Putin is a murderer! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar

https://twitter.com/DmytroKuleba/status/1500518858263830532 This horrific 500-kg Russian bomb fell on a residential building in Chernihiv and didn’t explode. Many other did, killing innocent men, women and children. Help us protect our people from Russian barbarians! Help us close the sky. Provide us with combat aircraft. Do something! #8_березня 💙💛Жінки – воїни. Замість букетів квітів – взяли в руки зброю. Їх не злякали постріли, вибухи, кров та холод. Тендітні панянки пліч-о-пліч з чоловіками 2️⃣4️⃣ на 7️⃣ боронять українську землю! З 8 березня любі наші жінки💐. Мирного неба над головою! Кохання під час війни: на Київщині одружилася пара військових💍👩❤️💋👨 На Київщині одружилася пара військовослужбовців Національної гвардії України. Без квітів, сукні та урочистостей, але у колі бойових побратимів двоє закоханих створили нову гвардійську родину. Бабуся Марія з Тернопільщини пече хліб нашим захисникам 🙏🏻 З такою підтримкою перемога точно за нами💙💛 «Волонтери працюють вдень і вночі у кожному куточку міста. Люди дуже швидко об’єднались та зреагували на потребу підтримати наших воїнів, які сьогодні дають гідну відсіч армії агресора! Тішить, що наші люди щедрі, добрі, готові до дії», - ділиться капелан Іван Хміль з Рівного. Жителі Рівненщини допомагають підрозділам Національній гвардії України: шиють амуніцію, збирають предмети особистої гігієни, медикаменти, готують їжу. Усе необхідне для рівненських гвардійців збирає капелан отець Іван Хміль. У цьому йому активно допомагають волонтерські центри, благодійні організації, торгівельні заклади та парафії Української греко-католицької церкви. «Що ми робимо у бомбосховищах, коли нас бомблять з неба» Скрипалька грає «Ніч яка місячна» для слухачів у бомбосховищі. Відео опублікувала перша керівниця Центру стратегічних комунікацій Любов Цибульська. Нас не вбити, допоки у кожному живе Україна 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 Енергодар Народ прийшов прощатися з захисниками загинувшими на Запорізькій атомній електростанції🙏🏻🇺

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-04/ukraine-s-hacker-army-sai... Hundreds Of Thousands Of Global Hackers Are Banding Together To Disrupt Russian Military, Banking And Communication Networks There are reportedly more than 400,000 "volunteer hackers" helping Ukraine fight its cyberwar against Russia. Victor Zhora, deputy chief of Ukraine’s information protection service, told Bloomberg last week that Ukraine was putting up a "cyber resistance" against its invasion that would work to try and weaken Russia. Zhora said: “Our friends, Ukrainians all over globe, [are] united to defend our country in cyberspace. [Ukraine is working to do] everything possible to protect our land in cyberspace, our networks, and to make the aggressor feel uncomfortable with their actions.” He also said that volunteers were helping Ukraine obtain intelligence in order to fight back at Russian military systems. They are also trying to get the message out to Russian citizens, who have been Fed a starkly different narrative from their government than the rest of the world has seen play out. Volunteers are working to "address Russian people directly by phone calls, by emails, by messages” and “by putting texts on their services and showing real pictures of war.” Bloomberg noted that a Telegram channel called "IT Army", supporting Ukraine, has attracted more than 283,000 people. In addition to military targets, Telegram has been used "to coordinate attacks against Russian banks and telecommunication companies," Bloomberg reported. “In my opinion, we showed Ukraine has enough capacity to resist in cyber aggression,” Zhora said. Moscow, meanwhile, maintains that it is not committing any acts of cyber warfare against Ukraine. That hasn't stopped hacker groups like Anonymous and the Belarusian Cyber Partisans, who have also lent help in breaching Russia targets. Zhora concluded: “We do not welcome any illegal activity in cyberspace, we believe that every party should be responsible with their actions. But the world order changed on 24th of February. We have martial law here in Ukraine. And I don’t think appealing to moral principles works since our enemy doesn’t have any principles.”

look the jewnazi and NATO turd grancrap is now spamming FUKIN BLOOMBER propagada =) can't make this shit up. hey turd, why don't you tell us who bloomber is? Impress us with your vast knowledge of govcorp jewnazi criminals, and your infinite knowledge of Freedom (the freedom of the jewnazi US oligarchy that is).

Venture Fighters and Bunkers... "Phone Hasn't Stopped Ringing" - The World's Ultra Rich Are Panic Buying Doomsday Bunkers https://www.the-sun.com/news/4797076/nuclear-bunker-sales-surge-putin-ukrain... Russian President Vladimir Putin's move to place his nuclear forces on heightened alert as the invasion of Ukraine continues for the fifth day has increased demand for custom-made doomsday bunkers for the paranoid rich. Gary Lynch, the general manager of Texas-based Rising S Co., told The Sun that underground doomsday bunker demand is up more than 1000% since Russian troops invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24. "Typically, I'll sell between two and six shelters a month - and usually winter is a quiet time for us. "But I sold five units alone on Thursday, and I've sold two more already today - there's no telling how many more [orders] we will get. "The phone hasn't stopped ringing, and we've been sending out so many quotes," added Lynch. Readers may recall hearing about Rising S in the early days of the COVID pandemic and social unrest as underground bunkers were in high demand. The five doomsday bunkers sold on the Russian invasion day ranged between $70,000 to $240,000. Bunkers start as low as $40,000 and can reach multi-million-dollar, depending on the client's needs. Lynch said interest in his doomsday bunkers is pouring in worldwide: "I've gotten inquiries from Italy. I've gotten an inquiry from the United Kingdom, from Denmark, from Japan, from Canada, from the USA - and that's just from over the weekend. "The interest isn't just isolated to the US, it's everywhere." Since the invasion, people in New Zealand, Australia, the US, Canada, and United Kingdom are panic searching "doomsday bunker." The search trend exploded to highs not seen a year at the end of last week. Lynch said prospective buyers are calling him as they fear Russia might invade other neighboring countries and could lead to a "fully-fledged world war." "And they're justified to be fearful of that," Lynch said. "Just look at what's going on. "[Vladimir Putin] is threatening nuclear war, saying it would be something the world has never seen. "The world has seen Hiroshima," he continued, "and if what they are threatening is worse than that then, by all means, we should all be worried." We've seen this trend before, and people usually begin to panic hoard critical things for survival, such as food, ammo, guns, and precious metals. Doomsday bunkers are only a luxury for the rich. Foreign Volunteer Fighters Arrive In Ukraine From All Over The World https://libertarianinstitute.org/news-roundup/foreign-fighters-arrive-in-ukr... At least 16,000 foreign nationals have volunteered to join an "international legion" created to resist Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed, after Kiev lifted visa requirements for anyone willing to fight. "Every friend of Ukraine who wants to join Ukraine in defending the country, please come over," Zelensky pleaded at a recent press conference, adding "We will give you weapons." Though the president offered no details on the international fighting force, including the origin of the volunteers, the request comes as Kiev appears to grow more desperate for help in pushing back Russian troops – having already declared martial law and a "general mobilization" of its populace. Those policies include conscription for men aged 18-60 and the commandeering of civilian vehicles and structures, while Ukrainian convicts with military experience are being released from prison to back up the war effort. Despite the lack of specifics from officials, however, media reports suggest that foreigners from a long list of nations are lining up to enlist. A Call To Arms Around 400 Swedes have signed up for the legion, according to the country’s TT News Agency, which cited the group’s coordinator Philip Brannval. The first flight departed Thursday for Poland – thought to be a logistics hub for arms and aid deliveries – and from there the volunteers will enter Ukraine by land, Brannval said. Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, meanwhile, announced on Thursday that the government would not punish those seeking to join up with Ukrainian forces, as the country typically prohibits citizens from serving in foreign armies. Up to 300 Czechs have reportedly vowed to ship out. Prague, unlike non-aligned Stockholm, is among NATO’s 30 member states. The Czech government is also now moving to criminalize speech supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin or the Russian invasion. Czech police report that they are already investigating hundreds of people for alleged support for Moscow, with criminal proceedings in nine cases. A small handful of American, Canadian and German special forces veterans are also set to join the fight, according to interviews by BuzzFeed News. The outlet noted the group – numbering just 10 people in total – is "NATO-trained and experienced in close combat and counterterrorism." A pair of retired American infantry officers will also fly over to provide "leadership" for the squad, while several other US and Canadian citizens also told Reuters they intend to answer Zelensky’s call. Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly told reporters over the weekend that Ottawa would leave the decision to fight up to individual citizens. The US State Department, however, continues to urge Americans to avoid travel to Ukraine amid the hostilities. Like Canada, the UK’s Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said she would "support" British nationals heading out for Ukraine, but added, "that is something that people can make their own decisions about." Speaking with Insider, two UK vets said they intend to join the Georgian National Legion, which has close ties with Kiev and has clashed with Russian-speaking fighters in the breakaway Donbass region. "Since the UK parliament has said that we’ll back anyone that goes, that’s kind of like the UK government giving anyone a green light to go and help," one veteran told Insider. Japan, a close partner with the West, has also seen at least 70 citizens volunteer, among them 50 veterans of the country’s Self-Defense Forces and two from the French Foreign Legion. However, Ukraine’s Japanese Embassy stressed that any candidates must have military experience or, at minimum, “specialized training.” Tokyo, too, has warned against travel to Ukraine. Having received requests from "several veterans" on how to join the international brigade, the Military Times has published a step-by-step guide for those looking to face down Russian troops. Kiev’s British Embassy, meanwhile, also offered advice, telling volunteers to fill out an online form before taking a flight to Poland, where it said they would receive additional instructions. It remains unclear who will command the foreign force, whether they will receive training before deployment, or how long they will be expected to serve. An unspecified number of fighters are also arriving from neighboring states such as Georgia and Belarus, the Washington Post reported. Citing a Chechen activist in Ukraine, war correspondent Elijah Magnier said "two battalions" of Chechen fighters are already on the ground in the country and prepared to resist the Russian advance. The unconfirmed report comes after Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov – a close ally to Putin – said he mobilized thousands of troops to fight on behalf of Moscow. Russia, for its part, has warned of stiff consequences for any foreign nationals looking to support Ukraine, vowing to criminally prosecute any fighters captured while arguing that international rules for POWs would not apply to them. "None of the mercenaries the West is sending to Ukraine to fight for the nationalist regime in Kiev can be considered as combatants in accordance with international humanitarian law or enjoy the status of prisoners of war," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said Thursday, as cited by Tass. Hillary Clinton issues plea to arm an insurgency in Ukraine... I love the way she smirks at the cute little irony of AQ's attacks against America and the entire 20-year terror war: 2 million dead, 10 trillion blown, 21st century and new millennium started off soaking in blood just 10 years after the fall of the USSR. https://t.co/lRumUtcc47 — Scott Horton (@scotthortonshow) March 1, 2022 The droves of foreign fighters pouring into Ukraine are reminiscent of Afghanistan in the 1980s – when countless militants from across the region lined up to battle the Red Army – and more recently Iraq, Syria and Libya. In the latter cases, those willing to travel and fight were largely ideologically motivated and often far more brutal than the local opposition forces. In the meantime, current and former US officials, such as ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, have made vocal calls to arm up a Ukrainian "insurgency" suggesting Washington and its allies send weapons and gear to "volunteers" while making a direct comparison to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. A deluge of weapons shipments has already begun to flow.

Stop the Murder Killing Violence, Stop the War... https://callrussia.org/ https://twitter.com/i/status/1501225212704354306 https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFNXHOVhXMAUJeDl.png https://twitter.com/Apocalypto321/status/1501299970212876290 https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM7ZZcfX0AEWcKr.jpg https://twitter.com/DmytroKuleba/status/1501188552318664711 https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2022/03/8/7329534/ https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-ato/3424249-vid-rosijskih-aviaudariv-u-sumah... https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-ato/3424234-z-cornomorskoi-ta-azovskoi-opera... https://www.facebook.com/securserukraine https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1501297958251163651 Russian soldiers, who invade #Ukraine for their own gain, are looting and killing civilians. The video shows horrible footage of the #Kyiv district, near the capital. The Russian military are murderers! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar +1 танк у народне господарство.

How to join International Legion to defend Ukraine Ukraine is creating an International Legion of Territorial Defense consisting of foreigners who are willing to join the resistance to the Russian invaders and protect global security. Ukrinform has received from security circles a 7-step algorithm on how to join the force.
Ukraine now offering citizenship to its Foreign Legion fighters. Ukraine needs GNURadio operators, encrypted comms, HAMs, telecom techs, cable/fiber splicers, quadcopter drones and pilots, vehicle based mobile comms, network ops, etc. Contact nearest Ukrainian embassy/consulate with proposed capabilities for further information and entry. Foreign Volunteers Who Join Fight Against Russia Can Get Citizenship: Ukraine https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-ato/3424269-dobrovolciinozemci-mozut-otrimat... https://www.theepochtimes.com/volunteers-from-other-countries-who-join-fight... https://www.theepochtimes.com/over-66000-ukrainian-men-have-returned-from-ab... https://www.theepochtimes.com/its-the-right-thing-to-do-britons-sign-up-to-f... Foreigners who travel to Ukraine to fight alongside Ukrainian forces during the war with Russia can receive Ukrainian citizenship, a top official said this week. First Deputy Interior Minister Yevhen Yenin said the growing number of volunteers sign a contract and get military papers, Ukrinform reported. Volunteers are eligible for citizenship, he also said. “If such foreign nationals are interested in obtaining Ukrainian citizenship, our legislation provides for them such an opportunity,” Yenin was quoted as saying. Ukraine recently created an international bridge composed of people from other countries who join the fight against Russia, which invaded Ukraine in February. Ukrainian President Volodymy Zelensky called shortly after the conflict began for foreigners to help Ukraine and Zelensky said in early March that some 16,000 had volunteered. As of Wednesday, that number was up to 20,000, according to the Kyiv Independent. Britons who volunteered said they did so because they felt it was the right thing to do. Ukraine has also been bolstered by tens of thousands of men reportedly returning from abroad. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov warned Western volunteers that they would be considered combatants and officials from countries sending military assistance to Ukraine had mixed responses to Zelensky’s call. Several top American officials said Americans shouldn’t join the war. “For those who want to help Ukraine and help its people, there are many ways to do that, including by supporting and helping the many NGOs that are working to provide humanitarian assistance; providing resources themselves to groups that are trying to help Ukraine by being advocates for Ukraine and for peaceful resolution to this crisis that was created by Russia,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a briefing on March 2. British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, though, said she supported British citizens who wanted to join Ukrainian’s military. “Absolutely, if that is what they want to do,” she said on BBC. However, British troops who leave to Ukraine face prosecution, the UK’s defense chief said. A senior U.S. military official, meanwhile, told reporters on a call this week that reports Russia was recruiting Syrian fighters to help them against Ukraine were credible. The United States thinks it’s “noteworthy” that Russian President Vladimir Putin “indicated a willingness to rely on foreign fighters to fight the war in Ukraine,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

https://twitter.com/YourAnonTV/status/1501891120573390848 As of today, there are 17 confirmed victims (children, women, doctors) of the Russian planes’ terrorist bombing of the maternity hospital in #Mariupol'. Three people died; one of the victims is a little girl. The devil who massacres babies will get the right answer. #OpRussia https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/12/ukraine-reveals-russian-warshi... Maternity ward / medical center https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFNkXhngXoAcL3dl.jpg https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews/status/1502640054451294208 Jamming Russian Military Radio Frequencies: 4625 kHz Broadcast area: Russia Owner: Russian Armed Forces https://ddosecrets.substack.com/p/release-roskomnadzor-820-gb https://www.hackread.com/anonymous-hacks-roskomnadzor-russia-agency/ #DDoSecrets is releasing to the public over 360,000 files from Роскомнадзор / Roskomnadzor, the Russian agency responsible for monitoring, controlling and censoring Russian mass media. https://fm4-orf-at.translate.goog/stories/3022116/ An Austrian journalist claims that the unspecified CIA mass surveillance program involves bulk data from SWIFT, the financial network, which regularly sends datasets to the Treasury, which apparently passes them onto the CIA. "We, as activists, will not sit idle as Russian forces kill and murder innocent people trying to defend their homeland." youtube:kcb2yudJ29c Anonymous: OpRussia Alternatives to circumvent Russian censorship:Tor network, external VPN provider (outside of Russia) or https://geti2p.net/ru/We will be updating content as ... "Populations don't like wars... and have to be fooled into war -- Julian Assange" https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/this-war-will-be-a-total-failure-fsb-whis... https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/kremlin-arrests-fsb-chiefs-in-fallout-fro... https://www.spytalk.co/p/classified-us-intelligence-chat-rooms Vladimir Osechkin, an exiled Russian human rights activist, also confirmed the arrests. He added that FSB officers had carried out searches at more than 20 addresses around Moscow of colleagues suspected of being in contact with journalists https://twitter.com/squad3o3/status/1502194211659079692 Props to @squad3o3 for making some epic tools to contact Russian civilians! text a Russian: 1920.in email a Russian: mail.1920.in WhatsApp a Russian: wa.1920.in You are #Anonymous. YOU can help inform the people of Russia about Ukraine! According to Fowler of Security Discovery and Website Planet: Out of Russia’s 100 exposed cloud databases discovered through different tools and sources, at least 92 were compromised Міноборони спільно з YouControl запустили платформу для оперативної допомоги https://people4ua.com/ https://twitter.com/hashtag/stoprussia https://twitter.com/hashtag/ЗСУ https://twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/status/1501617299878461440 Just try and realize this. Russia today dropped a 1000-kilogram airbomb in downtown Mariupol. In a location between a hospital and birthing center. Just because it can. https://twitter.com/i/status/1502422981892530193 https://twitter.com/i/status/1502672607748964353 https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1502676827017555976 https://www.facebook.com/100069073844828/posts/274241484888311/ https://twitter.com/AndrijBilec/status/1502670497963810820 https://twitter.com/DI_Ukraine/status/1501849922206937090 https://twitter.com/Mashaukr98/status/1502597010838503425 https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMnnG98WYAQH1u-.jpg https://twitter.com/oleksiireznikov/status/1501195079985336322 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UANMMRYau_M https://twitter.com/oleksiireznikov/status/1499376820839452673 https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM6BRQ9XMAEMORd.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFNomrM1XEAIrAcD.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFNqiH1dX0Agr4_J.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFNjLiXRVQAIzxqV.jpg https://youtube.com/watch?v=yzNxLzFfR5w Winter on Fire https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1501923993321889796 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1502295910012882947 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1502703073344565259 https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/docindex/v2_rul_rule25 https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFNpwoBxXsAYZ2WZ.jpg Putin willfully bombing thousand apartments homes murdering civilians https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFNpt8p2XEAApI-x.jpg https://twitter.com/MailOnline/status/1502672027198672908 Newborn babies evacuated from Kyiv in suitcases as civilians flee from invading Russians https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFNpczT7XEAASIAs.jpg

Putin continues bombing innocent civilian apartment complexes residences neighborhoods hospitals churches life infrastructure etc... https://twitter.com/SESU_UA

Putin continues bombing innocent civilian apartment complexes residences neighborhoods hospitals churches life infrastructure etc...
https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFN8fnVxXsAAFD0O.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFN8SISAXsAIBMTw.jpg https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1503093721499414539 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1503056423365877772 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1503055884037107723 Russians killed Brent Renaud, a correspondent, who worked for New York Times. A representative of the international press was shot in the back of the head in #Irpin (Ukraine). #Putin doesn’t respect the rules of war at all. He must be stopped! #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1503693655252652039 A battalion of the #AZOV Ukrainian Armed Forces in #Kharkiv destroyed a unit of Russian soldiers. It was these war criminals who shelled residential areas of the city. Now they definitely won’t kill civilians! #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1503675456599560195 The video shows missile strikes on #Kharkiv. The Russian Federation continues to deliberately destroy residential areas of the city. They want to create chaos and force Ukrainians to capitulate! #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1503793600928391175 A destroyed house in #Kyiv. Peaceful people slept there at night and now their homes have been destroyed. Some residents will be permanently disabled due to injuries. What #Putin and his soldiers are doing in #Ukraine is a real war crime! #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1503662478592548869 Horrible videos from #Severodonetsk, #Luhansk district. The houses destroyed by Russians are what #Putin's army has done to this city. It’s real barbarism! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1503446294169276418 Russian troops continue shelling #Mariupol. Officially more than 2,000 civilians were killed and God knows how many are still under the rubble. Putin must be stopped and he must stop the warfare. Otherwise the number of victims will continue to grow. #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1503396591159414788 One of the pregnant women who was injured in a Russian air strike on a maternity hospital in #Mariupol died with her unborn child. #Putin is literally killing the future of humanity and #Europe! #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1503376139632492545 #Russia failed to capture big Ukrainian cities, so now they're shelling civilian infrastructure. The night of shelling in #Rivne. Where Russian missiles hit, people die. The war in #Ukraine is a real tragedy! #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UKRINFORM https://twitter.com/Pavlo_Kyrylenko https://twitter.com/DefenceU https://twitter.com/GeneralStaffUA https://twitter.com/Denys_Shmyhal https://twitter.com/MorawieckiM https://twitter.com/P_Fiala https://twitter.com/JJansaSDS https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa https://twitter.com/oleksiireznikov https://twitter.com/verkhovna_rada https://twitter.com/APUkraine https://twitter.com/EuropeanPravda https://twitter.com/24tvua https://twitter.com/chastime

compare the jewnazi vomits of a pentagon NATO turd like grancrap with the stuff that a half-sane US conservative says http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2022/march/14/is-... "Congress and the US Administration seem determined to drag the United States into a war with Russia over Ukraine. Senator Lindsay Graham is openly calling for someone to kill the Russian president and many in the US House have demanded that the Administration establish a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine. Are they insane?" (yeah even a lunatic christian like wrong paul is more decent than grancrap - shocking)

http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=245342 What could possibly go wrong with setting an example like this? Cogent Communications will pull the plug on its connectivity to customers in Russia in response to President Putin's invasion of Ukraine. The US-based biz is one of the planet's largest internet backbones – the freeways of the internet – and says it carries roughly a quarter of global 'net traffic. Modern-day "aggregators", of which Cogent is one, often are the source of address delegations as well. Cogent has confirmed they're canceling IP addresses delegated out; when you are using an aggregator you don't actually "own" any delegations you may have as for routing purposes the aggregator has the registration on those. For residential users this is not a major issue, but for commercial places where reverse mapping is a factor it can be at least a moderate hassle. Much-more ominous, however, is this: ICANN on Wednesday rebuffed a request from Mykhailo Fedorov, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, to revoke all Russian web domains, shut down Russian DNS root servers, and invalidate associated TLS/SSL certificates in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. First, ICANN has no ownership of DNS root servers; they're privately owned and operated. What they could do is remove "undesirable ones" from the "hints" file that is publicly distributed. Actually getting ISPs around the globe to change their hint files is quite-possibly another matter. Again, this is a distributed data set and what is distributed in terms of the root hints are suggestions, not commands. Could ICANN revoke the .RU top-level domain? Yes, but doing so risks a schism. Again there is nothing that can be done to enforce upon ISPs (or for that matter anyone willing to run their own local resolver, such as I do here at my home) what top-level domains exist and who is the delegated authority for them. Back during the "domain war" times when MCSNet was operating we were part of, and participated in, expanding the TLD space when what was to become ICANN refused, claiming "technical impossibility without overload problems." I knew this was bull**** and proved it along with others; the entire debate was in fact political and the so-called "mavens" that were running it and exploiting domain registrations to make an obscene, monopolist profit were claiming technical limitations that did not exist. I and a handful of others set it up, proved it worked and were slowly getting adoption by ISPs around the globe when one of the protagonists took to a bit of cyber hackery. I left the project immediately when I discovered it because not only was that going to doom its acceptance but it was wildly unethical at best and possibly felonious and I wanted nothing to do with any group associated with that. But eDNS, which is what we called it, studiously avoided, intentionally, any interference with the existing TLDs. That is, we were an extension but never a conflict source for same and I made very clear to all the participants that my engagement, software development and participation was utterly dependent on same -- and if there was any attempt to violate that by any member of the group we would immediately and loudly walk away even though doing so would mean abandoning a very sizeable -- maybe billion dollar or better -- business opportunity. Non-interference in this process was and is very important for Internet continuity for a whole host of reasons, not the least of which is that TLD delegations, and the sub-delegations within them are in fact tied to SSL certificates and if you can corrupt one you could also impersonate someone with disastrous results. Today domains can be signed with cryptographic keys (and in fact market-ticker.org is) but that integrity relies on the chase upward to the TLD being single-source. That is, if I can successfully replace ".org" and its cryptographic zone signature then I can also replace "market-ticker.org" and its cryptographic zone signature with a counterfeit. This then, in turn, means I can replace the certificate with a counterfeit and having done so all the automated checking that is usually done will in fact test as "good"! That would be catastrophic for Internet data and transport security, including every single financial transaction that flows through that TLD since it would destroy the chain back to the root of trust and by doing so make impersonation very possible. ICANN wisely told Ukraine to go blow goats, but what also concerns me is that the people in Ukraine who made the request do not understand how this all works because in addition to asking for imposition of a deliberate schism they also asked for all Russian TLS/SSL certificates to be revoked. ICANN does not issue said certificates nor does it control the issuers, directly or indirectly, that people use as the "root of trust" for said certificates. As just one example ICANN has no operational control over Verisign which is one of the many firms that issues end-entity certificates. If you go to PayPal's web page their certificate is issued by DigiCert and they, and only they, are the ones who validate that indeed they issued it and PayPal owns it. The various operating system firms distribute a base "trusted root" list and there's a consortium that agrees (most of the time) on what goes in and is removed from there; for example Google (Chrome) and Mozilla (Firefox) both have such a list and are part of the consortium that makes such decisions, as does Microsoft, the various Linux distributions, Apple and FreeBSD. Attempts to tamper with this for political reasons are extremely unwise because while they may indeed be a "weapon" that can be used to inflict pain on various entities for political purpose any abuse of this sort risks a schism on the Internet as a whole and evasion of the sanction, if undertaken and it will be by the targeted parties, wildly increases the risk of compromise of the entire trust structure on which secure transactions rest. The impact of such an event will not be localized to the sanctioned parties; by definition if you do that the impact is likely to be global. I don't expect we've heard the last of this, nor do I expect people to tell the truth about what they intend and how "safe" doing it might be either. And yes, my considered opinion on this is from actual expert experience. Tampering with the roots of trust on the Internet for political reasons, no matter how well-intended you may think it is, risks severely damaging or even destroying the transport security literally everyone relies on in daily life today. Any nation or other entity that tries this should be not only instantly rebuffed but also turned into a permanent economic pariah as their action, no matter the motivation, cannot be kept local to their territory and has a very high probability of wildly screwing everyone.

https://twitter.com/PowerNaShary/status/1504151227696828421 https://twitter.com/ukrpravda_news/status/1504869105224097798 https://twitter.com/BillClinton/status/1504932025928667143 https://twitter.com/oryxspioenkop/status/1505326739131613184 https://twitter.com/olex_scherba/status/1505277921283522563 https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1505191954518360069 https://twitter.com/GreatPoppo/status/1505069537292865538 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOK5NJ2WYAIxci0.jpg https://twitter.com/AS7404542949/status/1505091311229153281 https://twitter.com/censor_net/status/1505227600230326274 https://twitter.com/censor_net/status/1505204698881527809 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOQcwH7XIAA0Xo1.jpg https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1505311428160495624 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOPYQpnWQAwfndo.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOPYQafWQAQS88j.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOOEGWSXIAQXjSA.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOOQ3kIWQAIrnlt.jpg Mariupol, all of greater Ukraine, needs help, against the marauding invader that has agressed across borders and initiated willful murdering of thousands of civilians, their homes, food, water, etc. Any anarchist, libertarian, voluntaryist etc even sympathizer can see that new mass violation plain as day. Regardless of history, that must stop somewhere. The crypto addresses above help the regiments support civilians in Mariupol and affected areas. Ukraine embassies and consulates are accepting all manner of fighters, technicians, specialists, drivers, medics, mechanics, generalists, etc. And Anonymous notes that Russian entities are connected to the internet. And the antagonists in world are vulnerable to the memes of Peace. If nothing else, do it for the kittehs... https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOOz_UgWUAYh85n.jpg https://twitter.com/TaylorLorenz/status/1504545483380822016 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOPkPmiXwAwb1Uw.jpg

https://twitter.com/HackRead/status/1505276408007901189 https://twitter.com/LatestAnonPress/status/1497786715783798785 https://www.hackread.com/anonymous-leak-79gb-russia-oil-pipeline-email-data/ https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1505139905516773376 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOPzzhAVUAEeBJI.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOHwE4BX0BMTsct.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLmqhlTjC1c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrQuhQFU7Ms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LwzWv-r4Gk https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOBPBJ0XIAIzfuB.jpg АЗОВ! SlavaUkraini! https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1505178023649239041 President #Zelensky presented the award, "Hero of Ukraine", to brave commanders who are currently defending #Mariupol. Among those who received the award is Denis Prokopenko, Commander of the #AZOV Regiment, one of the most combat-capable units of the Ukrainian army. #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1504937211254304768 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1504165523109687303 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFNanPbuXEAUEaEQ.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/video.twimg.com%2Ftweet_video%2FFOFLg7ZXwAE6BKZ.mp4 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFORPuuwXwAMu-z2.jpg

A Caution On "War Crime" Screamers http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=245413 2022-03-15 07:00 by Karl Denninger in Editorial We've heard the screaming about "bombing hospitals" over in Ukraine. Be careful taking that at face value folks. It might be -- but it might also not be. As I pointed out when this started the first casualty of war is truth. The corollary to that is when there's a war on, regular war or not both sides "arrange things" to make it appear that something beneficial to them happened when it really didn't, especially if there is no cost to the side doing the arranging. Notice something about the alleged "bombed" hospital(s) we've seen: There's nobody in there -- dead or otherwise. Yes, the building was a hospital. And clearly, it was bombed. Was it actually a functional hospital with patients in it at the time it was bombed? Or were Ukrainian forces in (or taking shelter using) a building that was a hospital but had been abandoned for some reason? Why would it have been abandoned for its original purpose? Well, perhaps because there was no electricity or supply of the things a hospital needs. Like compressed (or liquid) oxygen, for instance, which has to be brought in by truck, never mind medicines and other similar items. In the middle of a war zone when the power is cut off and the trucks can't get there to make deliveries you move the patients when it looks like that will happen or starts to happen to safer quarters, since an operating room with someone in it when the power goes off is bad news, and if the generator (assuming there is one) has no fuel you're screwed and people die. So again: Was it a hospital at the time it was hit with actual patients in it or was it somewhere that actual combatants were operating out of and/or hiding in that got blown up? I don't know, but what I do know is that if it was a hospital and got blown up with a bunch of pregnant women and babies in it there would be dead pregnant women, children and pieces of both, along with the evidence that this had happened all over the damaged building. Which I've seen no evidence of. Part of war includes manipulating public opinion so as to try to cause uninvolved people to hate your enemy. All sides in an armed conflict do this. Provoking a strike on an abandoned building carries no cost for the warring parties but has tremendous propaganda value to the side that does it. It is of especially significant propaganda value if the claim includes the merciless and wanton slaughter of non-combatant women and children. I'm not saying that is or isn't what happened. I'm simply pointing out that there are wild incentives to commit such acts in that there is no price for doing so, and the benefits are significant. Cast a slant-eye on all such claims no matter who makes them. They may well be true but before you take them up as true you probably want to see the actual evidence that you're not being played.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mq5Sqc3GQ8 Oliver Stone w Putin pt1 https://www.youtube.com/embed/UoRojyazmQc Lindsey Graham Assassination https://rumble.com/vwdgap-globalists-hide-putins-speech-from-the-world.html https://sputniknews.com/20220317/resurfaced-video-shows-biden-confessing-he-... https://twitter.com/colonelhomsi/status/1504223212049162247 https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1999-04-10-9904100232-story.html https://twitter.com/NinaByzantina/status/1504622361173143556 https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/what-happened-when-us-b-2-bomber-%E... https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3170821/china-harks-back-b... https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/oct/17/balkans https://www.wsj.com/articles/ukrainian-forces-try-to-hold-mariupol-as-combat... Joe Biden... the Lifetime Angry Violent Dangerous Snapping Asshole Rager Boy... Clip Of Biden Boasting He Proposed NATO's 78-Day Airstrikes On Belgrade Goes Viral In China Both Russian and Chinese media and state officials have in the last days been widely circulating a resurfaced video from 1999 wherein then senator Joe Biden bragged about being the first US official to propose bombing Belgrade and destroying the city's infrastructure. State media in Russia wrote this week while featuring the footage: "The head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, reposted the footage on his social media account, reminding the current US President of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia that is estimated to have killed about 2,500 people, including 89 children." Russian officials used the clip to blast Biden over his latest description of Vladimir Putin as a "war criminal" and "thug" due to the invasion of Ukraine. It's also getting wide circulation on Chinese social media. "I was the one who suggested the bombing of Belgrade. I was who suggested to send American pilots and blow up all the bridges over the Danube".. Joe Biden, 1999 pic.twitter.com/NrkvmTqN33 — Geo_monitor (@colonelhomsi) March 16, 2022 "I suggested bombing of Belgrade. I suggested that American pilots go there and destroy all bridges on the Drina," Biden had said at the time. The 78 days of air strikes lasted from 24 March 1999 to 10 June 1999. The bombs kept falling even on Serbia's Easter - called Pascha - which is the holiest day of the Orthodox Christian year. "I was suggesting very specific action," Biden said while seeming to praise his own 'muscular' proposals which helped lead to the NATO war against the Serbs. China's mission to the EU also called out prior US action over what was Yugoslavia, condemning the outrageous May NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy - which killed and injured multiple Chinese nationals and journalists. China to NATO: “[W]e will never forget who had bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. We need no lecture on justice from the abuser of international law…” Wow.https://t.co/bMYHiEAPDo pic.twitter.com/FxK5e9GA1j — Nina 🐙 Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) March 18, 2022 According to a summary of the incident in The National Review, "Despite the seemingly extensive target vetting, on May 7 the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was struck by five Joint Directed Attack Munition satellite-guided bombs, delivered by U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirit bombers. Three Chinese journalists—Shao Yunhuan of Xinhua, and Xu Xinghu and his wife Zhu Ying of the Guangming Daily—were killed in the attack. Twenty other Chinese nationals were injured, five seriously." On Thursday China's foreign ministry said in a statement "we will never forget" - and related it to Washington's outrage over ongoing Russian military action in Ukraine: The Chinese diplomatic mission in the European Union said on Thursday that Chinese people could fully relate to the suffering of other countries because “we will never forget who bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia”. “We need no lecture on justice from the abuser of international law,” it said. “As a Cold War remnant and the world’s largest military alliance, Nato continues to expand its geographical scope and range of operations. What kind of role has it played in world peace and stability? Nato needs to have good reflection.” Destroyed Chinese embassy in Belgrade, 1999 While the US downplayed it as an "accidental targeting" incident, evidence later emerged that it was likely done deliberately amid accusations that Yugoslav army communications were being transmitted from the embassy. Biden had actually gone on to boast about his role in the NATO attack on Belgrade in multiple different venues... In the above archived clip, for example, he said in a fiery speech, “I will continue with every fiber in my being to keep America involved with troops that can shoot and kill….” “I believe it is absolutely essential for American troops to be on the ground with loaded rifles and drawn bayonets.”

https://twitter.com/CIJ_ICJ https://media.un.org/ MULTIMEDIA: photos and videos of the reading of the #ICJ Order indicating provisional measures in the case concerning Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (#Ukraine v. #Russia) bit.ly/3IaQALe

https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOSWQtLX0AEQCzy.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOTgkkbWYAMq5gZ.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOIcMz1X0AAS6t8.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOIq1OlXIAAYth0.jpg https://twitter.com/AS7404542949/status/1505585839753072647 https://twitter.com/ng_ukraine/status/1505263596774825994 https://twitter.com/ng_ukraine/status/1505587468938141698 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFOTiMnNXoAMAidG.jpg https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1505605400065974272 Ukrainian people are suffering from the daily Russian bombing, but they keep spirits up. The saxophonist, who lives in #Mykolayiv, plays the national anthem of Ukraine for his neighbors and Ukrainian soldiers every day. Ukraine is a nation of heroes! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar

zeynepaydogan: Ukrainian Nazi Army abused , tortured Russian civilians
Don't be naive to history... once wars start, *all* sides devolve into doing base shit, it's human nature encoded in DNA brain. Humans are also quite capable of destroy humanity themselves, they don't care about that, it only ends when they all get tired give up and go home, or erase their "leaders" that they foolishly put in power, or obliterate their opponents. History is not unrollable, but there are moments of choice, Putin chose to initiate a major new aggression across borders with a massive army blasting and killing, thereby triggering a new wave of escalation war abuses and violence in the world that will get 10k/100k/1M+ killed, including perhaps many here. The next point of choice will be when it's over... whether or not to continue repeating the mistake of reinstalling powerarchy into that beautiful vacuum and moment of peaceful life. Stop repeating that mistake.

Russia will be thrown out of Ukraine, and Putin will eat dogshit for his mistake, just a matter of time, meanwhile... https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE https://twitter.com/Anon2World https://twitter.com/LiteMods https://twitter.com/Thblckrbbtworld https://twitter.com/YourAnonTV/status/1506769001040551937 The #Anonymous collective has hacked the Central Bank of Russia. More than 35.000 files will be released within 48 hours with secret agreements. #OpRussia Russian losses in Ukraine exceed Soviet losses in Afghanistan Expelled by the Italian Air Force for reporting hazing and mobbing, now the 23yo pilot Giulia Schiff fights as a volunteer in the Special Forces of the International Legion in Ukraine. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu’s disappearance is reported In Russia https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/tlk1mq/president_zelensk... https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPress https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1506704967125590016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Orbital https://www.state.gov/war-crimes-by-russias-forces-in-ukraine/ https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/23/politics/us-russia-war-crimes/index.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh7xlEUMdFs https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-firebomb-attack-kremlin-ma... https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/tl8ph1/russian_police_ar... In huge public advertisement for distributed unconfiscatable uncensorable unstoppable privacy-capable cryptocurrency, Putin's foreign minister says freezing Russia's currency reserves was 'thievery' and that the Kremlin didn't expect such harsh sanctions Assassins everywhere... https://old.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tkp6ud/smell_that_the_smell_of_fea...

https://twitter.com/projectowlosint https://twitter.com/Shortwave_Spy https://twitter.com/sbreakintl https://twitter.com/trbrtc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOmYi96cU1M https://archive.org/details/us-mercenary-on-ukraine-march-2022 https://twitter.com/jmvasquez1974 https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1497832975505010690 https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/get-fast/passport-agenc... For those of you like who do not have a passport to head to the Ukraine. If you want to go. Just book a flight into Warsaw Poland. Call this number.877-487-2778. Give them your flight info and they will give you an appointment for emergency passport and you can fly out that day. I am a U.S. Army veteran. I’ve made the decision to go to the Ukraine and fight along their army. I will document my journey via twitter. I just joined twitter today for that reason. That being said I’m a twitter amateur but I’ll be proficient before I board that plane. https://www.facebook.com/people/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%9E%... https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1503457457393352706 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuT_e89Eb0k https://twitter.com/YaroslavConway/status/1503442639257059328 https://twitter.com/maryilyushina/status/1506952421599330307 https://twitter.com/sentdefender https://twitter.com/pontifex https://twitter.com/1kprojectorg https://twitter.com/lookslikeregis https://www.wsj.com/articles/weapons-for-ukraines-fight-against-russia-flow-... https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/europe/100000008266864/russia-army-radio... https://twitter.com/trbrtc/status/1506750942569455619 https://www.letelegramme.fr/france/pourquoi-la-france-a-t-elle-fait-appareil... https://twitter.com/mfa_russia Ukraine launches NFT war museum. According to the State Service for Special Communication and Information Protection, the museum will help document Russia’s war crimes in Ukraine and raise money for humanitarian aid. All the exhibited NFT tokens are available for purchase.

jewnazi grancrap <grarpamp@gmail.com> vomited:
I am a U.S. Army veteran. I’ve made the decision to go to the Ukraine
look, grancrap admiting that he's a piece of non human, US jewnazi, military shit. Shocking. As to the turd actually going to 'the' ukraine, well, his job is vomiting arpanet propaganda, so no, he isn't going to 'the' ukraine.

I am a U.S. Army veteran. I’ve made the decision to go to the Ukraine
On 3/20/22, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
...But really, what's the point of discussing anything with an idiotic US cop like you.
Lol that’s perfect. Grarpamp admitted to being U.S.asshole. Punk was always right. Everything Punk said about the Grarpamp was true.Oh wait… You always blamed punk for kids, but punk was just against the law. I wonder now How many children do you think Grarpamp killed? I mean, you're a U.S. asshole, Grarpamp

On Sat, 26 Mar 2022 18:11:40 +0000 zeynepaydogan <zeynepaydogan@protonmail.com> wrote:
I am a U.S. Army veteran. I’ve made the decision to go to the Ukraine
On 3/20/22, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
...But really, what's the point of discussing anything with an idiotic US cop like you.
Lol that’s perfect. Grarpamp admitted to being U.S.asshole. Punk was always right.
For the sake of accuracy : The line "I am a U.S. Army veteran" is something that grancrap copypasted from twatter or somewhere else - he didn't actually write that. Of course the assumption that grancrap is indeed a member of the US military is quite reasonable and has always been.
Everything Punk said about the Grarpamp was true.Oh wait… You always blamed punk for kids, but punk was just against the law. I wonder now How many children do you think Grarpamp killed? I mean, you're a U.S. asshole, Grarpamp

I didn't read his post. But I'm sure he would love to join the Ukrainian-American army.

On Sat, 26 Mar 2022 18:57:57 +0000 zeynepaydogan <zeynepaydogan@protonmail.com> wrote:
I didn't read his post. But I'm sure he would love to join the Ukrainian-American army.
As long as he gets a comfortable office job spamming war propaganda, yes =) But wait, spamming war propaganda is exactly what he's been doing since day one =)

Some are now on the ground working to... https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFO3G9uKWUAkTlnt.jpg

https://twitter.com/i/status/1508194997887287298 https://twitter.com/i/status/1508195576327852033 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0jyxLQ2Z5o https://twitter.com/KpsZSU/status/1507329160649363466 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1507397125126164490 #Russia has gone so mad that it has created a "war witch detachment" in its army. They organize some kind of rituals in support of #Putin, record it on video and broadcast it on state television. It’s insane. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1507387653179777041 This is how residential buildings in one of #Kyiv's areas are on fire. They got under Russian fire. People who lived there managed to evacuate. However, now they have no property. It's all because of #Putin's actions!

Putin's two recent manifestos / speeches (random web translations)... February 21, 2022 Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends! The topic of my speech is the events in Ukraine and why this is so important for us, for Russia. Of course, my speech is also addressed to our fellow citizens in Ukraine. I will have to speak at length and in detail. The problem is very serious. The situation in the Donbass has once again become critical and acute. And today I am addressing you directly, not only to assess what is happening but also to inform you about the decisions that are being taken and possible further steps in this direction. I would like to emphasize once again that Ukraine is not just a neighboring country for us. It is an integral part of our own history, culture and spiritual space. It is our friends, our relatives, not only colleagues, friends and former work colleagues, but also our relatives and close family members. Since the oldest times the inhabitants of the south-western historical territories of ancient Russia have called themselves Russians and Orthodox Christians. It was the same in the 17th century, when a part of these territories was reunited with the Russian state, and even after that. It seems to us that in principle we all know this, that we are talking about known facts. However, in order to understand what is happening today, to explain the motives of Russian actions and the goals we have set, it is necessary to say at least a few words about the history of the issue. So let me start with the fact that modern Ukraine was created entirely by Russia, more precisely, by Bolshevik communist Russia. This process began almost immediately after the 1917 Revolution, and Lenin and his comrades-in-arms did it in a very crude way with Russia itself – by secession, cutting off parts of its own historical territories. Of course, no one asked the millions of people who lived there for anything. Then, before and after the Great Patriotic War, Stalin already annexed some territories that had previously belonged to Poland, Romania and Hungary to the USSR and transferred them to Ukraine. As a kind of compensation, Stalin gave Poland some of the ancestral German territories, and in 1954, for some reason, Khrushchev took Crimea away from Russia and gave it to Ukraine. In this way, the territory of Soviet Ukraine was created. But now I would like to talk especially about the initial period of the creation of the USSR. I think this is very important for us. We will have to start, as they say, from a distance. I would like to recall that after the October coup of 1917 and the subsequent civil war, the Bolsheviks began to build a new state system, and there were quite sharp disagreements between them. Stalin, who in 1922 held the posts of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the RKP and People’s Commissar for Nationalities in personal union, proposed to build the country according to the principles of autonomization, that is, to give the republics – the future administrative-territorial units – far-reaching powers when they joined the unitary state. Lenin criticized this plan and suggested making concessions to the nationalists, as he called them at the time – the “independents.” These were precisely Lenin’s ideas of an essentially confederative state structure and the right of peoples to self-determination up to and including secession, which formed the basis of Soviet statehood: first in 1922 in the Declaration on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and then, after Lenin’s death, in the 1924 Constitution of the USSR. Many questions immediately arise here. And the first of them is actually the most important: why was it necessary to satisfy any boundlessly growing nationalist ambitions on the edges of the former empire? The transfer of huge, often arbitrarily formed administrative units, the Union Republics, which often had no relation to the territory. I repeat: they were transferred together with the population of historical Russia. Moreover, these administrative units were in fact given the status and form of national state entities. Once again I ask myself: why was it necessary to make such generous gifts, which the most ardent nationalists did not even dare to dream of before, and, moreover, to grant the republics the right to secede from the unitary state without any conditions? At first glance, this is completely incomprehensible, it is madness. But it is so only at first sight. There is an explanation for it. After the revolution, the main task of the Bolsheviks was to maintain power, at any cost. For this they did everything: they accepted the humiliating conditions of the Brest Treaty at a time when Imperial Germany and its allies were in the most difficult military and economic situation and the outcome of the First World War was actually already predetermined, and they complied with all the demands, all the wishes of the nationalists inside the country. In view of the historical destiny of Russia and its peoples, the Leninist principles of state-building were not only a mistake, but far worse than a mistake. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991 this became absolutely obvious. Of course, the events of the past cannot be changed, but we must at least speak about them directly and honestly, without reservations and without political coloration. I can only add that the considerations of the current political conjuncture, however spectacular and advantageous they may seem at a given moment, should not or cannot under any circumstances form the basis for the fundamental principles of statehood. I do not want to accuse anyone now, the situation in the country at that time and after the civil war, before the civil war, was incredibly difficult and critical. I just want to say today that it was exactly like that. That is a historical fact. As I have already said, the Bolshevik policy led to the emergence of Soviet Ukraine, which even today can rightly be called “Vladimir Lenin Ukraine”. He was its author and architect. This is fully confirmed by documents in the archives, including Lenin’s strict directives for the Donbass, which was literally squeezed into Ukraine. And now the “grateful descendants” have demolished Lenin monuments in Ukraine. They call this decommunization. (Translator’s note: “Decommunization” means the eradication of everything that reminds of communism, similar to the denazification in Germany after World War II). You want to decommunize? Well, that’s perfectly fine with us. But you should not, as they say, stop halfway. We are ready to show you what real decommunization means for Ukraine. Returning to history, I repeat that the USSR was founded in 1922 on the territory of the former Russian Empire. However, life itself immediately showed that it was impossible to maintain such a large and complex territory or to govern it according to the proposed amorphous, quasi-confederal principles. They were completely disconnected from reality and historical tradition. It is only logical that the Red Terror and the rapid transition to Stalinist dictatorship, the domination of communist ideology and the monopoly of power of the Communist Party, nationalization and the planned economy system in practice made the declared but unimplementable principles of statehood a mere declaration, a formality. In reality, the Union Republics had no rights of sovereignty at all; these rights simply did not exist. In practice, a strictly centralized, completely unitary state was created. Stalin, in fact, put into practice not Lenin’s, but his very own ideas of statehood. But he did not make any corresponding changes in the systemic documents, in the constitution of the country, did not formally reconsider the proclaimed Leninist principles of building the USSR. Obviously, there was no reason for that – everything worked under the totalitarian regime and it looked very nice, attractive and even super-democratic on the surface. Nevertheless, it is a great pity that the vile, utopian fantasies inspired by the revolution, but absolutely destructive for a normal country, were not promptly removed from the basic, formally legal foundations on which our entire statehood was built. No one, as was so often the case with us in the past, thought about the future. The leaders of the Communist Party seemed convinced that they had succeeded in forming a solid system of government and that they had finally solved the national question through their policies. But the distortions, changes of concepts, manipulation of public consciousness and deception were costly. The bacillus of nationalist ambition had not disappeared, and the original mine that had been laid to undermine the immunity of the state to the contagion of nationalism was just waiting to explode. This landmine, I repeat, was the right to secede from the USSR. In the mid-1980s, against the backdrop of growing socioeconomic problems and an obvious crisis in the planned economy, the national question intensified, the core of which, as always, was not the expectations and unfulfilled aspirations of the peoples of the Union, but first and foremost the growing appetite of local elites. But instead of thoroughly analyzing the situation and taking appropriate measures, especially in the economy, as well as gradually, thoughtfully and consciously transforming the political system and state structure, the CPSU leadership confined itself to putting into words the Leninist principle of national self-determination. As the power struggle unfolded within the Communist Party itself, each of the opposing sides, in order to broaden its base of support, began to ruthlessly incite, promote and play on nationalist sentiments by promising its potential supporters whatever they desired. Amid superficial and populist rhetoric about democracy and a bright future built on the basis of a market or planned economy, but in the real conditions of impoverishment and total deficit, no one in power thought of the inevitable tragic consequences for the country. And then they followed the well-trodden path of satisfying the ambitions of nationalist elites nurtured in their own party ranks, forgetting that the CPSU – thank God – no longer had such instruments as state terror and a Stalin-style dictatorship to maintain power and the country itself. And so even the infamous leadership role of the party itself disappeared like a morning mist without a trace before their eyes. In September 1989, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted an essentially fatal document – the so-called national policy of the Party in modern conditions, the CPSU Platform. It contained the following provisions, and I quote, “The Union republics shall have all the rights commensurate with their status as sovereign socialist states.” Another clause read, “The supreme representative organs of power of the Union Republics may challenge and suspend the decrees and orders of the Union Government in their territories.” And finally, “Each Union Republic shall have its own citizenship, which shall apply to all its inhabitants.” Was it not obvious, then, what such formulations and decisions would lead to? This is neither the time nor the place to discuss issues of state or constitutional law and to define the concept of citizenship. Nevertheless, the question arises: why did the country have to be shaken even further under these already difficult circumstances? Already two years before the collapse of the USSR, its fate was practically sealed. Now the radicals and nationalists, including and especially in Ukraine, are claiming the achievement of independence for themselves. As we can see, this is not the case at all. The collapse of our some country was caused by historical, strategic mistakes of the Bolshevik leaders, the leadership of the CPSU, made at different times in state building, economic and national policy. They have on their conscience the collapse of the historical Russia, which bore the name of USSR. Despite all these injustices, fraud and open robbery of Russia, our people recognized the new geopolitical realities that emerged after the collapse of the USSR, recognized the new independent states. And not only that – Russia itself, which was in a very difficult situation at the time, helped its CIS partners, including its Ukrainian counterparts, from whom numerous requests for material support were already received at the time of the declaration of independence. And our country provided this support while respecting the dignity and sovereignty of Ukraine. According to expert estimates, confirmed by a simple calculation of the prices of energy carriers, the volume of preferential credits and economic and trade preferences granted by Russia to Ukraine amounted to about $250 billion for the Ukrainian budget from 1991 to 2013. But this is far from all. At the end of 1991, the USSR’s debt obligations to foreign countries and international funds amounted to about $100 billion. Originally, it was assumed that these loans would be repaid in solidarity by all former Soviet republics in proportion to their economic potential. However, Russia assumed the entire Soviet debt and repaid it in full. It completed this process in 2017. In return, the newly independent states were to renounce their share of Soviet foreign assets, and agreements to this effect were reached with Ukraine in December 1994. However, Kiev did not ratify these agreements and later simply refused to implement it. It laid claim to the Diamond Fund, the Gold Reserve, and property and other assets of the former USSR abroad. However, despite the well-known problems, Russia has always cooperated with Ukraine openly, honestly, and, I repeat, while safeguarding its interests, and our relations have developed in a wide range of areas. For example, bilateral trade turnover in 2011 amounted to more than $50 billion. I would like to point out that the volume of Ukraine’s trade with all EU countries in 2019, before the pandemic, was below this figure. In this regard, it jumps to the eye that Ukrainian governments preferred to act in such a way that in relations with Russia they had all the rights and benefits, but no obligations. Instead of partnership, dependence prevailed, which the official bodies in Kiev sometimes considered almost a peccadillo. Suffice it to recall the constant extortion in the field of energy transit and the banal theft of gas. (Translator’s note: details of the gas conflicts past, to which Putin alludes here, can be found here). I should add that Kiev has tried to use dialogue with Russia as a pretext to negotiate with the West, to blackmail it into rapprochement with Moscow, and to gain advantages for itself: on the grounds that otherwise Russian influence in Ukraine would increase. At the same time, from the very beginning, I would like to emphasize, from the very first steps, Ukrainian governments have started to build their statehood on the denial of everything that unites us, they have tried to distort the consciousness and historical memory of millions of people, whole generations living in Ukraine. Not surprisingly, Ukrainian society was confronted with the rise of extreme nationalism, which quickly took the form of aggressive Russophobia and neo-Nazism. Hence the involvement of Ukrainian nationalists and neo-Nazis in terrorist gangs in the North Caucasus and the increasingly vocal territorial claims against Russia. Foreign forces, which have used an extensive network of NGOs and intelligence agencies to cultivate their clientele in Ukraine and bring their proxies to power, have also played their part. It is also important to understand that Ukraine has basically never had a stable tradition of genuine statehood. Since 1991, it has gone the way of mechanical copying of foreign models, detached from its history and Ukrainian reality. The state’s political institutions have been constantly reshaped to serve rapidly rising clans with their own interests, which have nothing in common with the interests of the Ukrainian people. The purpose of the so-called pro-Western civilizational decision of the Ukrainian oligarchs was and is not to create better conditions for the welfare of the people, but to subserviently serve Russia’s geopolitical rivals in order to save billions of dollars stolen from Ukrainians and stashed by the oligarchs in Western bank accounts. Some industrial financial groups that took over parties and politicians initially relied on nationalists and radicals. Others paid lip service to good relations with Russia and cultural and linguistic diversity and came to power with the votes of citizens who wholeheartedly supported such aspirations, including millions from the southeast of the country. But once in office, they immediately betrayed their constituents, abandoned their campaign promises, and implemented policies at the behest of radicals, sometimes persecuting their former allies – those civil society organizations that advocated bilingualism and cooperation with Russia. They took advantage of the fact that the people who supported them were usually law-abiding, moderate in their views, and accustomed to trusting the government. The radicals, in turn, became more and more brazen, and their demands grew year by year. It was not difficult for them to impose their will again and again on a weak government, itself infected with the virus of nationalism and corruption, and to cleverly replace the true cultural, economic and social interests of the people and the real sovereignty of Ukraine with various kinds of speculations with national justifications and foreign ethnographic features. There is still no permanent statehood in Ukraine and the political electoral processes serve only as a cover, a projection screen for the redistribution of power and property between different oligarch clans. Corruption, which is undoubtedly a challenge and a problem for many countries, including Russia, has taken on a special character in Ukraine. It has literally impregnated and corroded Ukrainian statehood, the entire system, all branches of power. Radicals exploited people’s legitimate discontent, saddled on the protest and led the Maidan to a coup d’état in 2014. In the process, they received direct support from abroad. Material support from the U.S. Embassy to the so-called protest camp on the Maidan in Kyiv, according to our information, amounted to one million dollars per day. Other very large amounts were brazenly transferred directly to the bank accounts of opposition leaders. And we talked about tens of millions of dollars. And how much did those who were actually injured, the families of those who died in the clashes in the streets and squares of Kiev and other cities, get in the end? It is better not to ask about that. The radicals who came to power organized persecution, outright terror against those who spoke out against anti-constitutional measures. Politicians, journalists and public figures were mistreated and publicly humiliated. Ukrainian cities were overtaken by a wave of pogroms and violence, a series of spectacular and unpunished murders. The horrific tragedy in Odessa, where peaceful protesters were brutally murdered and burned alive at the Trade Union House, makes one shudder. The criminals who committed this atrocity have not been punished and no one is looking for them. But we know their names and we will do everything to punish them, to find them and bring them to justice. The Maidan did not bring Ukraine closer to democracy and progress. With the coup d’état, the nationalists and the political forces supporting them finally led the situation to a dead end and pushed Ukraine into the abyss of civil war. Eight years after these events, the country is divided. Ukraine is in an acute socioeconomic crisis. According to international organizations, in 2019, almost six million Ukrainians, I emphasize about 15 percent of the total population, not the working-age population, were forced to go abroad in search of work. As a rule, these are casual jobs. The following fact is also significant: since 2020, more than 60,000 doctors and other health workers have left the country during the pandemic. Since 2014, water tariffs have increased by nearly a third, electricity prices by several times, and gas prices by ten times. Many people simply don’t have the money to pay utilities; they literally have to survive. What’s happening? Why is all this happening? The answer is obvious: it is because the dowry, which dates not only from the Soviet era, but also from the Russian Empire, has been squandered and embezzled. Tens and hundreds of thousands of jobs that provided people with a stable income, including through close cooperation with Russia, and brought taxes into the state coffers were lost. Industries such as machine building, instrument making, electronics, shipbuilding, and aircraft construction either lie idle or have been destroyed, whereas they used to be the pride not only of Ukraine, but of the entire Soviet Union. In 2021, the Chernomorsky shipyard in Mykolaiv, where the first shipyards were built in Catherine II’s time, was closed down. The famous Antonov concern has not produced a single production aircraft since 2016, and the Yuzhmash plant, which specializes in the manufacture of rocket and space equipment, is on the verge of bankruptcy, as is the Kremenchuk steelworks. This sad list could be continued indefinitely. The gas transportation system, which was built by the entire Soviet Union, is so dilapidated that its operation is fraught with great risks and environmental hazards. And this raises the question: are poverty, hopelessness, loss of industrial and technological potential the choice of the pro-Western civilization that deceived millions of people for years and promised them paradise? In pracis, it has come down to the fact that the collapse of the Ukrainian economy is accompanied by outright plundering of its citizens, while Ukraine itself is simply placed under foreign administration. This is happening not only on the instructions of Western capitals, but also on the ground through a whole network of foreign consultants, NGOs, and other institutions that have spread themselves throughout Ukraine. They have direct influence on all major personnel decisions, on all branches and levels of government, from the central government to the municipalities, on the main state enterprises and corporations, including Naftogaz, Ukrenergo, Ukrainian Railways, Ukroboronprom (the defense industry), Ukrposhta (the postal service), and the Ukrainian Seaport Administration. There are simply no independent courts in Ukraine. At the request of the West, the Kyiv government granted representatives of international organizations the priority right to select the members of the highest judicial bodies – the Judicial Council and the Judicial Qualification Commission. In addition, the U.S. Embassy directly controls the National Agency for Corruption Prevention, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau NABU, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, and the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court. All of this is done under the plausible pretext of making the fight against corruption more effective. Fine, fine, but where are the results? Corruption is in full bloom and thriving better than ever. Are Ukrainians themselves aware of all these methods of their administration? Do they realize that their country is not simply under a political and economic protectorate, but has been reduced to the level of a colony with a puppet regime? The privatization of the state has led the government that calls itself the “power of patriots” to lose its national character and consistently pursue the complete de-sovereignization of the country. De-Russification and forced assimilation continue. The Verkhovna Rada ceaselessly enacts more and more discriminatory laws, and a law on so-called indigenous peoples is already in force. People who consider themselves Russians and want to preserve their identity, language and culture have received a clear message that they are strangers in Ukraine. According to the laws on education and functioning of the Ukrainian language as a state language, Russian is banned from schools, from all public areas to ordinary stores. The law on so-called lustration, the “purge” of power, made it possible to dismiss disagreeable officials. Laws giving Ukrainian law enforcement agencies grounds for rigorous suppression of freedom of expression and dissent, as well as persecution of the opposition, are being bred. The sad practice of unilateral illegitimate sanctions against other states, foreign individuals and legal entities is known worldwide. Ukraine has outdone its Western curators and invented such an instrument as sanctions against its own citizens, companies, TV channels, other media and even members of parliament. Kiev also continues to massacre the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. And this is not an emotional assessment, but concrete decisions and documents prove it. The Ukrainian government has cynically turned the tragedy of the church split into an instrument of state policy. The current leadership of the country does not respond to the requests of the citizens of Ukraine to repeal the laws that violate the rights of believers. Moreover, new draft laws against the clergy and millions of parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate were registered in the Rada. I would like to speak separately about Crimea. The people on the peninsula have freely chosen to belong to Russia. The government in Kyiv has nothing to counter this clear and unequivocal will of the people and therefore relies on aggressive actions, on activating extremist cells, including radical Islamic organizations, on sending subversive groups to carry out terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure and to kidnap Russian citizens. We have direct evidence that such aggressive actions are carried out with the support of foreign intelligence services. In March 2021, Ukraine adopted a new military strategy. This document is almost exclusively dedicated to confrontation with Russia and is aimed at drawing foreign states into conflict with our country. The strategy envisions building a kind of terrorist underground in Crimea and the Donbass. It also outlines the contours of the expected war, which, according to today’s strategists in Kiev, should end – and I quote from here – “with the help of the international community on terms favorable to Ukraine.” And also, as Kiev expresses itself today, and I quote here as well, please listen more carefully, “with the military support of the international community in a geopolitical confrontation with the Russian Federation.” Basically, this is nothing but preparation for military action against our country-against Russia. We also know that there have already been statements that Ukraine will develop its own nuclear weapons, and this is not empty boasting. Ukraine has Soviet nuclear technology and the means to use such weapons, including aircraft and Tochka U missiles, also of Soviet design, with a range of more than 100 kilometers. But they will increase that, it’s just a matter of time. There is Soviet-era know-how. So it will be much easier for Ukraine to get hold of tactical nuclear weapons than for some other states-I won’t name them now-that actually do such developments, especially if it gets technological support from abroad. And we must not rule that out either. If Ukraine comes into possession of weapons of mass destruction, the situation in the world, in Europe, especially for us, for Russia, will change dramatically. We cannot but react to this real danger, especially to the fact that the Western patrons could facilitate the appearance of such weapons in Ukraine to create another threat to our country. We can see how persistently the Kiev regime is pumped full of weapons. The United States alone has provided billions of dollars since 2014 for this purpose, including weapons, equipment, and specialized training. In recent months, Western arms have flowed steadily into Ukraine, ostentatiously and in full view of the world. The Ukrainian armed forces and intelligence services are run by foreign advisors, we are well aware. In recent years, military contingents from NATO countries have been almost constantly on Ukrainian territory under the pretext of exercises. The command and control system of Ukrainian troops has already been integrated into NATO forces. This means that command over Ukrainian forces, including individual units and subunits, can be exercised directly from NATO headquarters. The U.S. and NATO have begun shamelessly opening up Ukrainian territory as a theater for potential war. The regular joint exercises are clearly anti-Russian. Last year alone, they involved more than 23,000 troops and more than a thousand pieces of military equipment. A law has already been passed on allowing armed forces from other countries on the territory of Ukraine in 2022 to participate in multinational exercises. It is clear that we are talking about NATO forces in the first place. At least ten such joint maneuvers are planned for this year. It is obvious that such events serve as a cover for the rapid buildup of the NATO military force in Ukraine. This is all the more true since the network of airfields developed with the help of the Americans – Boryspil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chuguev, Odessa and so on – can ensure the transfer of military units in the shortest possible time. Ukrainian airspace is open to flights of American strategic bombers and reconnaissance aircraft and drones used to monitor Russian territory. I would like to add that the American-built Maritime Operations Center in Ochakov makes it possible to support the actions of NATO ships, including their use of precision weapons against the Russian Black Sea Fleet and our infrastructure along the entire Black Sea coast. At one time, the U.S. wanted to build similar facilities in Crimea, but the Crimeans and the residents of Sevastopol thwarted those plans. We will always remember this. I repeat, today such a center is being established, it has already been established in Ochakov. Let me remind you that in the 18th century soldiers of Alexander Suvorov fought for this city. It is thanks to their courage that it became a part of Russia. At the same time, in the 18th century, the Black Sea lands, annexed to Russia as a result of the wars with the Ottoman Empire, were called Novorossiya. Today, these milestones of history are forgotten, as are the names of statesmen of the Russian Empire, without whose actions many large cities and even access to the Black Sea in modern Ukraine would not exist. Recently the monument to Alexander Suvorov in Poltava was demolished. What to say about it? You deny your own past? From the so-called colonial heritage of the Russian Empire? Well, then be consistent here. Further. I would like to point out that Article 17 of the Ukrainian Constitution does not allow the establishment of foreign military bases on the territory of Ukraine. However, it turned out that this is just a convention that can be easily circumvented. NATO countries have sent training missions to Ukraine. In fact, they are already foreign military bases. They just call the bases “missions,” and it’s bagged. Kiev has long proclaimed a strategic course toward NATO membership. Yes, of course, every country has the right to choose its own security system and enter into military alliances. And that would all be so if there were not a “but.” International documents explicitly enshrine the principle of equal and indivisible security, which, as you know, includes the obligation not to strengthen one’s own security at the expense of the security of other states. I can refer here to the OSCE Charter for European Security adopted in Istanbul in 1999 and the OSCE Declaration of Astana in 2010. In other words, the choice of security should not be a threat to other states, and Ukraine’s accession to NATO is a direct threat to Russia’s security. Let me remind you that in April 2008, at the Bucharest Summit of the North Atlantic Alliance, the U.S. pushed through the decision that Ukraine and, for that matter, Georgia would become members of NATO. Many European allies of the U.S. were already aware of all the risks of such a prospect, but had to bow to the will of their senior partner. The Americans simply used it to pursue a clearly anti-Russian policy. A number of Alliance member states are already very skeptical about Ukraine joining NATO. At the same time, we are getting a signal from some European capitals saying, “What are you worried about? It’s not literally going to happen tomorrow.” In fact, our American partners are talking about it, too. “Well,” we say, “not tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow. What does it change in the historical perspective? Basically nothing.” More than that, we are aware of the position and words of the leadership of the United States that the active hostilities in eastern Ukraine do not preclude the possibility of that country joining NATO if it can meet the criteria of the North Atlantic Alliance and defeat corruption. Yet they keep trying to convince us that NATO is a peace-loving and purely defensive alliance. They say that there is no threat to Russia whatsoever. Once again, they suggest that we take their word for it. But we know the true value of those words. When the issue of German reunification was discussed in 1990, the Soviet leadership was assured by the United States that NATO’s jurisdiction and military presence would not be extended one inch eastward. And that German reunification would not lead to an eastward expansion of NATO’s military organization. That is a quote. They talked, made verbal assurances, and it all turned out to be empty noise. Later, we were assured that NATO membership of Central and Eastern European countries would only improve relations with Moscow, relieve those countries of the fear of their difficult historical legacy, and, moreover, create a belt of Russia-friendly countries. The exact opposite has occurred. The governments of some Eastern European countries, peddling their Russophobia, brought their complexes and stereotypes about the Russian threat into the alliance and insisted on building collective defense capabilities to be used primarily against Russia. And this happened in the 1990s and early 2000s, when relations between Russia and the West were at a high level thanks to openness and our goodwill. Russia fulfilled all its obligations, including the withdrawal of troops from Germany and from the Central and Eastern European states, thus making a great contribution to overcoming the legacy of the Cold War. We have always offered various opportunities for cooperation, including within the framework of the NATO-Russia Council and the OSCE. More than that, I am going to say something now that I have never said publicly before, I am going to say it for the first time. In 2000, when outgoing U.S. President Bill Clinton visited Moscow, I asked him, “What would America think about admitting Russia into NATO?” I won’t divulge all the details of that conversation, but the response to my question looked outwardly, shall we say, very guarded, and how the Americans actually reacted to that possibility can be seen in their practical steps toward our country. These include open support for terrorists in the North Caucasus, a dismissive attitude toward our demands and security concerns in the area of NATO expansion, withdrawal from the ABM Treaty on the prohibition of missile defense, and so on. It makes you wonder: why? What is the point of all this? All right, you don’t want to see us as a friend and ally, but why do you have to make an enemy out of us? There is only one answer: it is not because of our political regime or anything else, they simply do not need such a big independent country as Russia. That is the answer to all questions. It is the source of traditional American policy toward Russia. Hence the attitude to all our security proposals. Today, it is enough to look at the map to see how the Western countries have “kept” their promise not to expand NATO to the East. They have simply deceived us. We have seen five waves of NATO expansion, one after another. In 1999, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary were admitted to the Alliance. In 2004, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. 2009 Albania and Croatia. 2017 Montenegro and 2020 Northern Macedonia. As a result, the Alliance has come right up against Russia’s borders with its military infrastructure. This was one of the main causes of the Euro-security crisis and has had a very negative impact on the whole system of international relations, leading to the loss of mutual trust. The situation continues to deteriorate, including in the strategic sphere. For example, positions for missile defense missiles are being established in Romania and Poland as part of the U.S. global missile defense project. It is known that the launching pads placed there can be used for Tomahawk cruise missiles, i.e. offensive attack systems. (Translator’s note: details can be found here). In addition, the U.S. is developing the universal Standard 6 missile, which not only solves air and missile defense problems, but can also hit sea and land targets. In other words, the supposedly defensive U.S. missile defense system is being expanded and new offensive capabilities are emerging. The information available to us gives us every reason to believe that Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the subsequent stationing of NATO assets in that country are a foregone conclusion; it is only a matter of time. It is clear to us that in such a scenario the military threat to Russia will increase many times over. And I particularly point out that the danger of a surprise attack on our country will increase many times over. I would like to clarify that the American strategic planning documents – they are official documents! – provide for the possibility of a so-called preemptive strike against enemy missile systems. And we also know who is the main opponent of the U.S. and NATO. It is Russia. NATO documents officially declare our country directly as the main threat to Euro-Atlantic security. And Ukraine will serve as a springboard for such a blow. If our ancestors heard this, they probably would not believe it. And we don’t want to believe it today, but it’s true. I want this to be understood both in Russia and in Ukraine. Many Ukrainian airfields are close to our borders. NATO tactical aircraft stationed here, including high-precision weapon carriers, will be able to hit our territory as far as the Volgograd-Kazan-Samara-Astrakhan line. The deployment of radar reconnaissance equipment on Ukrainian territory will allow NATO to strictly control Russian airspace all the way to the Urals. After the United States broke the treaty on short- and medium-range missiles, the Pentagon is already openly developing a range of ground-based offensive weapons, including ballistic missiles capable of reaching targets up to 5,500 kilometers away. If deployed in Ukraine, such systems could strike targets throughout Russia’s European territory as well as beyond the Urals. Tomahawk cruise missiles would take less than 35 minutes to reach Moscow, 7 to 8 minutes for ballistic missiles from the Kharkov region, and 4 to 5 minutes for hypersonic missiles. That is what you call having the knife at your throat. And I have no doubt that they will implement these plans just as they have repeatedly done in recent years, expanding NATO eastward and moving military infrastructure and equipment to Russia’s borders, completely ignoring our concerns, protests, and warnings. Along the lines of, excuse me, we don’t give a damn about them, and we’ll do whatever we want, whatever we think is right. And, of course, we are also expected to continue to behave according to the wellknown saying, “The dog barks, but the caravan moves on.” I say right away that we have not agreed to that and never will. At the same time, Russia has always been and still is in favor of solving the most complex problems by political and diplomatic means at the negotiating table. We are aware of our great responsibility for regional and global stability. As early as 2008, Russia presented an initiative to conclude a European Security Treaty. The key message was that no state or international organization in the Euro-Atlantic area can strengthen its security at the expense of the security of others. However, our proposal was rejected from the outset: Russia could not be allowed to restrict NATO’s activities. More than that, we were explicitly told that only members of the North Atlantic Alliance could have legally binding security guarantees. Last December, we sent our Western partners a draft treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on security guarantees and a draft agreement on measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation and NATO member states. The response from the United States and NATO consisted of many common words. While there were some reasonable points, they dealt with secondary issues and looked like an attempt to divert the discussion in another direction. We responded accordingly, stressing that we are ready to go down the road of negotiations, but on condition that all issues are considered as a package, as a whole, without separating them from the basic Russian proposals. And these contain three important points. The first is the prevention of further NATO enlargement. The second is the refusal to allow the alliance to deploy offensive weapons systems on Russia’s borders. And finally, the return of the bloc’s military capabilities and infrastructure in Europe to where they were in 1997, when the NATO-Russia Founding Act was signed. It is precisely these our principled proposals that have been ignored. Our Western partners, I repeat, have once again uttered the hackneyed phrase that every state has the right to freely decide how to ensure its security and join any military alliances and alliances. In other words, nothing has changed in their position, and they keep referring to NATO’s infamous “open door policy.” Moreover, they are trying to blackmail us again by threatening us again with sanctions, which, by the way, they will impose anyway as Russia’s sovereignty and the power of our armed forces increase. And a pretext for another sanctions attack is always found or simply invented, regardless of the situation in Ukraine. The goal is the same – to suppress Russia’s development. And they will do it as they have done before, even without any formal pretext, because we will never compromise our sovereignty, our national interests and our values. I want to say clearly that in the current situation, when our proposals for an equal dialogue on fundamental issues have gone virtually unanswered by the United States and NATO, when the scale of threats to our country is increasing significantly, Russia has every right to take countermeasures to ensure its own security. That is exactly what we are going to do. As for the situation in the Donbass, we see that the leadership in Kyiv is constantly stating publicly that they are not ready to implement the Minsk package of measures to settle the conflict and that they are not interested in a peaceful solution. On the contrary, they are once again trying to organize a blitzkrieg in the Donbass, as they did in 2014 and 2015. We still remember how these adventures ended then. Now practically not a day goes by without shelling of towns and villages in the Donbass. A large group of troops constantly uses attack drones, heavy equipment, rockets, artillery and multiple rocket launchers. The killing of civilians, the blockade, the mistreatment of people, including children, women and the elderly, continues unabated. There is no end in sight. And the so-called civilized world, the only representatives of which our Western colleagues have appointed themselves, prefers not to take note of this, as if all this horror, genocide, to which almost 4 million people are subjected, did not exist, and only because these people did not agree with the Western-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014 and resisted the increased state movement towards a cavalier and aggressive nationalism and neo-Nazism. And they are fighting for their most basic rights: to live in their own country, to speak their own language, to preserve their culture and traditions. How long can this tragedy continue? How much longer can we endure it? Russia has done everything to preserve Ukraine’s territorial integrity and has fought hard and patiently all these years for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2202 of February 17, 2015, which enshrines the Minsk Agreement of February 12, 2015 to resolve the situation in the Donbass. All in vain. Presidents and deputies of the Rada change, but the essence and aggressive, nationalistic character of the regime that took power in Kiev does not change. It is exclusively a product of the 2014 coup d’état, and those who took the path of violence, bloodshed, and lawlessness have not recognized any solution to the Donbass issue other than a military one and will not do so in the future. In this context, I believe it is necessary to take a long-overdue decision: to recognize the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic without delay. I ask the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to support this decision and then ratify the treaties of friendship and mutual assistance with both republics. These two documents will be drafted and signed in the near future. And from those who have taken and hold power in Kiev, we demand the immediate cessation of hostilities. Otherwise, the responsibility for the possible continuation of bloodshed will rest solely on the conscience of the regime that governs the territory of Ukraine. In announcing the decisions taken today, I trust in the support of the citizens of Russia and all patriotic forces of the country. I thank you for your attention. February 24, 2022 Citizens of Russia, friends, I consider it necessary today to speak again about the tragic events in Donbass and the key aspects of ensuring the security of Russia. I will begin with what I said in my address on February 21, 2022. I spoke about our biggest concerns and worries, and about the fundamental threats which irresponsible Western politicians created for Russia consistently, rudely and unceremoniously from year to year. I am referring to the eastward expansion of NATO, which is moving its military infrastructure ever closer to the Russian border. It is a fact that over the past 30 years we have been patiently trying to come to an agreement with the leading NATO countries regarding the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we invariably faced either cynical deception and lies or attempts at pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns. Its military machine is moving and, as I said, is approaching our very border. Why is this happening? Where did this insolent manner of talking down from the height of their exceptionalism, infallibility and all-permissiveness come from? What is the explanation for this contemptuous and disdainful attitude to our interests and absolutely legitimate demands? The answer is simple. Everything is clear and obvious. In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union grew weaker and subsequently broke apart. That experience should serve as a good lesson for us, because it has shown us that the paralysis of power and will is the first step towards complete degradation and oblivion. We lost confidence for only one moment, but it was enough to disrupt the balance of forces in the world. As a result, the old treaties and agreements are no longer effective. Entreaties and requests do not help. Anything that does not suit the dominant state, the powers that be, is denounced as archaic, obsolete and useless. At the same time, everything it regards as useful is presented as the ultimate truth and forced on others regardless of the cost, abusively and by any means available. Those who refuse to comply are subjected to strong-arm tactics. What I am saying now does not concerns only Russia, and Russia is not the only country that is worried about this. This has to do with the entire system of international relations, and sometimes even US allies. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a redivision of the world, and the norms of international law that developed by that time – and the most important of them, the fundamental norms that were adopted following WWII and largely formalised its outcome – came in the way of those who declared themselves the winners of the Cold War. Of course, practice, international relations and the rules regulating them had to take into account the changes that took place in the world and in the balance of forces. However, this should have been done professionally, smoothly, patiently, and with due regard and respect for the interests of all states and one’s own responsibility. Instead, we saw a state of euphoria created by the feeling of absolute superiority, a kind of modern absolutism, coupled with the low cultural standards and arrogance of those who formulated and pushed through decisions that suited only themselves. The situation took a different turn. There are many examples of this. First a bloody military operation was waged against Belgrade, without the UN Security Council’s sanction but with combat aircraft and missiles used in the heart of Europe. The bombing of peaceful cities and vital infrastructure went on for several weeks. I have to recall these facts, because some Western colleagues prefer to forget them, and when we mentioned the event, they prefer to avoid speaking about international law, instead emphasising the circumstances which they interpret as they think necessary. Then came the turn of Iraq, Libya and Syria. The illegal use of military power against Libya and the distortion of all the UN Security Council decisions on Libya ruined the state, created a huge seat of international terrorism, and pushed the country towards a humanitarian catastrophe, into the vortex of a civil war, which has continued there for years. The tragedy, which was created for hundreds of thousands and even millions of people not only in Libya but in the whole region, has led to a large-scale exodus from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe. A similar fate was also prepared for Syria. The combat operations conducted by the Western coalition in that country without the Syrian government’s approval or UN Security Council’s sanction can only be defined as aggression and intervention. But the example that stands apart from the above events is, of course, the invasion of Iraq without any legal grounds. They used the pretext of allegedly reliable information available in the United States about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. To prove that allegation, the US Secretary of State held up a vial with white power, publicly, for the whole world to see, assuring the international community that it was a chemical warfare agent created in Iraq. It later turned out that all of that was a fake and a sham, and that Iraq did not have any chemical weapons. Incredible and shocking but true. We witnessed lies made at the highest state level and voiced from the high UN rostrum. As a result we see a tremendous loss in human life, damage, destruction, and a colossal upsurge of terrorism. Overall, it appears that nearly everywhere, in many regions of the world where the United States brought its law and order, this created bloody, non-healing wounds and the curse of international terrorism and extremism. I have only mentioned the most glaring but far from only examples of disregard for international law. This array includes promises not to expand NATO eastwards even by an inch. To reiterate: they have deceived us, or, to put it simply, they have played us. Sure, one often hears that politics is a dirty business. It could be, but it shouldn’t be as dirty as it is now, not to such an extent. This type of con-artist behaviour is contrary not only to the principles of international relations but also and above all to the generally accepted norms of morality and ethics. Where is justice and truth here? Just lies and hypocrisy all around. Incidentally, US politicians, political scientists and journalists write and say that a veritable “empire of lies” has been created inside the United States in recent years. It is hard to disagree with this – it is really so. But one should not be modest about it: the United States is still a great country and a system-forming power. All its satellites not only humbly and obediently say yes to and parrot it at the slightest pretext but also imitate its behaviour and enthusiastically accept the rules it is offering them. Therefore, one can say with good reason and confidence that the whole so-called Western bloc formed by the United States in its own image and likeness is, in its entirety, the very same “empire of lies.” As for our country, after the disintegration of the USSR, given the entire unprecedented openness of the new, modern Russia, its readiness to work honestly with the United States and other Western partners, and its practically unilateral disarmament, they immediately tried to put the final squeeze on us, finish us off, and utterly destroy us. This is how it was in the 1990s and the early 2000s, when the so-called collective West was actively supporting separatism and gangs of mercenaries in southern Russia. What victims, what losses we had to sustain and what trials we had to go through at that time before we broke the back of international terrorism in the Caucasus! We remember this and will never forget. Properly speaking, the attempts to use us in their own interests never ceased until quite recently: they sought to destroy our traditional values and force on us their false values that would erode us, our people from within, the attitudes they have been aggressively imposing on their countries, attitudes that are directly leading to degradation and degeneration, because they are contrary to human nature. This is not going to happen. No one has ever succeeded in doing this, nor will they succeed now. Despite all that, in December 2021, we made yet another attempt to reach agreement with the United States and its allies on the principles of European security and NATO’s non-expansion. Our efforts were in vain. The United States has not changed its position. It does not believe it necessary to agree with Russia on a matter that is critical for us. The United States is pursuing its own objectives, while neglecting our interests. Of course, this situation begs a question: what next, what are we to expect? If history is any guide, we know that in 1940 and early 1941 the Soviet Union went to great lengths to prevent war or at least delay its outbreak. To this end, the USSR sought not to provoke the potential aggressor until the very end by refraining or postponing the most urgent and obvious preparations it had to make to defend itself from an imminent attack. When it finally acted, it was too late. As a result, the country was not prepared to counter the invasion by Nazi Germany, which attacked our Motherland on June 22, 1941, without declaring war. The country stopped the enemy and went on to defeat it, but this came at a tremendous cost. The attempt to appease the aggressor ahead of the Great Patriotic War proved to be a mistake which came at a high cost for our people. In the first months after the hostilities broke out, we lost vast territories of strategic importance, as well as millions of lives. We will not make this mistake the second time. We have no right to do so. Those who aspire to global dominance have publicly designated Russia as their enemy. They did so with impunity. Make no mistake, they had no reason to act this way. It is true that they have considerable financial, scientific, technological, and military capabilities. We are aware of this and have an objective view of the economic threats we have been hearing, just as our ability to counter this brash and never-ending blackmail. Let me reiterate that we have no illusions in this regard and are extremely realistic in our assessments. As for military affairs, even after the dissolution of the USSR and losing a considerable part of its capabilities, today’s Russia remains one of the most powerful nuclear states. Moreover, it has a certain advantage in several cutting-edge weapons. In this context, there should be no doubt for anyone that any potential aggressor will face defeat and ominous consequences should it directly attack our country. At the same time, technology, including in the defence sector, is changing rapidly. One day there is one leader, and tomorrow another, but a military presence in territories bordering on Russia, if we permit it to go ahead, will stay for decades to come or maybe forever, creating an ever mounting and totally unacceptable threat for Russia. Even now, with NATO’s eastward expansion the situation for Russia has been becoming worse and more dangerous by the year. Moreover, these past days NATO leadership has been blunt in its statements that they need to accelerate and step up efforts to bring the alliance’s infrastructure closer to Russia’s borders. In other words, they have been toughening their position. We cannot stay idle and passively observe these developments. This would be an absolutely irresponsible thing to do for us. Any further expansion of the North Atlantic alliance’s infrastructure or the ongoing efforts to gain a military foothold of the Ukrainian territory are unacceptable for us. Of course, the question is not about NATO itself. It merely serves as a tool of US foreign policy. The problem is that in territories adjacent to Russia, which I have to note is our historical land, a hostile “anti-Russia” is taking shape. Fully controlled from the outside, it is doing everything to attract NATO armed forces and obtain cutting-edge weapons. For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of containing Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends. For our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation. This is not an exaggeration; this is a fact. It is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence of our state and to its sovereignty. It is the red line which we have spoken about on numerous occasions. They have crossed it. This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that the forces that staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power, are keeping it with the help of ornamental election procedures and have abandoned the path of a peaceful conflict settlement. For eight years, for eight endless years we have been doing everything possible to settle the situation by peaceful political means. Everything was in vain. As I said in my previous address, you cannot look without compassion at what is happening there. It became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us. It is their aspirations, the feelings and pain of these people that were the main motivating force behind our decision to recognise the independence of the Donbass people’s republics. I would like to additionally emphasise the following. Focused on their own goals, the leading NATO countries are supporting the far-right nationalists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine, those who will never forgive the people of Crimea and Sevastopol for freely making a choice to reunite with Russia. They will undoubtedly try to bring war to Crimea just as they have done in Donbass, to kill innocent people just as members of the punitive units of Ukrainian nationalists and Hitler’s accomplices did during the Great Patriotic War. They have also openly laid claim to several other Russian regions. If we look at the sequence of events and the incoming reports, the showdown between Russia and these forces cannot be avoided. It is only a matter of time. They are getting ready and waiting for the right moment. Moreover, they went as far as aspire to acquire nuclear weapons. We will not let this happen. I have already said that Russia accepted the new geopolitical reality after the dissolution of the USSR. We have been treating all new post-Soviet states with respect and will continue to act this way. We respect and will respect their sovereignty, as proven by the assistance we provided to Kazakhstan when it faced tragic events and a challenge in terms of its statehood and integrity. However, Russia cannot feel safe, develop, and exist while facing a permanent threat from the territory of today’s Ukraine. Let me remind you that in 2000–2005 we used our military to push back against terrorists in the Caucasus and stood up for the integrity of our state. We preserved Russia. In 2014, we supported the people of Crimea and Sevastopol. In 2015, we used our Armed Forces to create a reliable shield that prevented terrorists from Syria from penetrating Russia. This was a matter of defending ourselves. We had no other choice. The same is happening today. They did not leave us any other option for defending Russia and our people, other than the one we are forced to use today. In these circumstances, we have to take bold and immediate action. The people’s republics of Donbass have asked Russia for help. In this context, in accordance with Article 51 (Chapter VII) of the UN Charter, with permission of Russia’s Federation Council, and in execution of the treaties of friendship and mutual assistance with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic, ratified by the Federal Assembly on February 22, I made a decision to carry out a special military operation. The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kiev regime. To this end, we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation. It is not our plan to occupy the Ukrainian territory. We do not intend to impose anything on anyone by force. At the same time, we have been hearing an increasing number of statements coming from the West that there is no need any more to abide by the documents setting forth the outcomes of World War II, as signed by the totalitarian Soviet regime. How can we respond to that? The outcomes of World War II and the sacrifices our people had to make to defeat Nazism are sacred. This does not contradict the high values of human rights and freedoms in the reality that emerged over the post-war decades. This does not mean that nations cannot enjoy the right to self-determination, which is enshrined in Article 1 of the UN Charter. Let me remind you that the people living in territories which are part of today’s Ukraine were not asked how they want to build their lives when the USSR was created or after World War II. Freedom guides our policy, the freedom to choose independently our future and the future of our children. We believe that all the peoples living in today’s Ukraine, anyone who want to do this, must be able to enjoy this right to make a free choice. In this context I would like to address the citizens of Ukraine. In 2014, Russia was obliged to protect the people of Crimea and Sevastopol from those who you yourself call “nats.” The people of Crimea and Sevastopol made their choice in favour of being with their historical homeland, Russia, and we supported their choice. As I said, we could not act otherwise. The current events have nothing to do with a desire to infringe on the interests of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. They are connected with the defending Russia from those who have taken Ukraine hostage and are trying to use it against our country and our people. I reiterate: we are acting to defend ourselves from the threats created for us and from a worse peril than what is happening now. I am asking you, however hard this may be, to understand this and to work together with us so as to turn this tragic page as soon as possible and to move forward together, without allowing anyone to interfere in our affairs and our relations but developing them independently, so as to create favourable conditions for overcoming all these problems and to strengthen us from within as a single whole, despite the existence of state borders. I believe in this, in our common future. I would also like to address the military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Comrade officers, Your fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not fight the Nazi occupiers and did not defend our common Motherland to allow today’s neo-Nazis to seize power in Ukraine. You swore the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people and not to the junta, the people’s adversary which is plundering Ukraine and humiliating the Ukrainian people. I urge you to refuse to carry out their criminal orders. I urge you to immediately lay down arms and go home. I will explain what this means: the military personnel of the Ukrainian army who do this will be able to freely leave the zone of hostilities and return to their families. I want to emphasise again that all responsibility for the possible bloodshed will lie fully and wholly with the ruling Ukrainian regime. I would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted to interfere in these developments from the outside. No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history. No matter how the events unfold, we are ready. All the necessary decisions in this regard have been taken. I hope that my words will be heard. Citizens of Russia, The culture and values, experience and traditions of our ancestors invariably provided a powerful underpinning for the wellbeing and the very existence of entire states and nations, their success and viability. Of course, this directly depends on the ability to quickly adapt to constant change, maintain social cohesion, and readiness to consolidate and summon all the available forces in order to move forward. We always need to be strong, but this strength can take on different forms. The “empire of lies,” which I mentioned in the beginning of my speech, proceeds in its policy primarily from rough, direct force. This is when our saying on being “all brawn and no brains” applies. We all know that having justice and truth on our side is what makes us truly strong. If this is the case, it would be hard to disagree with the fact that it is our strength and our readiness to fight that are the bedrock of independence and sovereignty and provide the necessary foundation for building a reliable future for your home, your family, and your Motherland. Dear compatriots, I am certain that devoted soldiers and officers of Russia’s Armed Forces will perform their duty with professionalism and courage. I have no doubt that the government institutions at all levels and specialists will work effectively to guarantee the stability of our economy, financial system and social wellbeing, and the same applies to corporate executives and the entire business community. I hope that all parliamentary parties and civil society take a consolidated, patriotic position. At the end of the day, the future of Russia is in the hands of its multi-ethnic people, as has always been the case in our history. This means that the decisions that I made will be executed, that we will achieve the goals we have set, and reliably guarantee the security of our Motherland. I believe in your support and the invincible force rooted in the love for our Fatherland.

https://twitter.com/OlenaHalushka/status/1509177054696284166 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFPNDG0IVQAUgeST.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFPIXF7bWUAYhjd1.jpg https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1509253049440739332 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1509812028634021911 Russians destroyed a new hospital in the #Sumy region. It was a modern medical facility, but now it doesn't exist. All because #Russia has decided to destroy #Ukraine. #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1509811178851250178 This is what the city of #Gostomel, near #Kyiv, looks like. Russian troops were here and now death and ruin reign in the city. A terrible picture in the middle of #Europe! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1509440938703216642 This is what #Mariupol looks like today. Not the city anymore, just complete ruins. #Putin failed to capture Mariupol and now it's simply being wiped off the face of the earth by Russian troops. #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar https://twitter.com/OlenaHalushka/status/1509177054696284166 https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/08/europe/putin-coarse-remarks-ukraine-intl/inde... https://twitter.com/i/status/1498010962653331456 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFPP0pGuXwAMST-6.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFPP0pZCXwBwoYxj.jpg Mariupol today. The Russian occupiers have proved that they are war criminals who do not follow any rules or principles of warfare. This time they committed a war crime against the International Committee of the Red Cross. The occupiers purposefully destroyed the building marked with a red cross on a white background by air and artillery shelling. This is one of the most audacious war crimes. The places of wounded people, civilians or humanitarian cargo are marked by such red crosses.

Russia Steps Up Efforts To Jam US-Provided GPS In Ukraine: Pentagon https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/russia-is-jamming-u-s-provided-gp... https://www.he360.com/hawkeye-360-signal-detection-reveals-gps-interference-... https://www.avinc.com/tms/switchblade https://www.avinc.com/images/uploads/product_docs/PumaAE_Datasheet_2017_Web_... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9K4N328OI8 Jammed The Pentagon now says Russia is in the midst of a major jamming operation attempt of Ukraine's access to GPS signals, which if successful would have a huge impact on Ukraine's ability to navigate the battlefield and operate advanced aerial systems such as drones. What's further is that these latest efforts, which follow widespread reports that Russia jammed GPS in Ukraine just ahead of the Feb.24 invasion, appear aimed at disrupting new US-supplied equipment, in particular small advanced drones. Vice Chief of Space Operations, Gen. David Thompson In a Monday NBC interview, Gen. David Thompson of the US Space Force described that Russia is taking direct aim at communications infrastructure provided by the US: "Russia is interfering with the US-provided GPS signals in Ukraine," he said. NBC show narrator, Pentagon correspondent Tom Costello explained, "While Russia and China have their own GPS satellites, most of the world relies on the GPS provided by the US for free." The report further said, "Russia has also reportedly jammed the GPS systems used by civilian aircraft along its borders with Finland." Space Force's Gen. Thompson described that the Russians are making a "clear statement to us about their intention to threaten our capabilities" - including the scenario that eventually the Kremlin could take direct action against US GPS satellites in space. Additionally, according to The Washington Post: European officials have blamed Russia for recent disruptions to satellite navigation systems used by commercial aircraft in Finland and the Black Sea. HawkEye 360, a U.S. radio frequency analytics company, last month said Russia had jammed GPS signals in Ukraine in the months leading up to the Feb. 24 invasion. In November, Russia’s GPS jamming disrupted Ukrainian drones in Luhansk and Donetsk, HawkEye 360 said. The Switchblade and Puma drones that the United States has supplied to Ukraine use GPS coordinates to hit targets and navigate. It was recently announced that the US would be providing Ukraine's military with at least 100 Switchblade drone systems, which are used by US Special Operations Command and act essentially as "robotic smart bombs" - as in they are one-use only 'kamikaze drones' that guide to their target via GPS.

You sons of the bitch... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TieYdWRFPuw Welcome to hell!

President Biden Accuses Putin Of "Genocide", Says "Evidence Is Mounting" Following Russian President Putin's comments that peace talks with Ukraine are at a "dead end," and denied accusations being responsible for attacks in Mariupol and Bucha, US President Biden took to the stage this afternoon - to explain how he will fix the problem of "Putin's Price Hike" (which is still not trending). However, it appears the 79 year old veered off script once again with the following comment... "Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide half a world away." President Biden calls the war in Ukraine "genocide." "Your ability to fill up your tank, none of it, should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide a half a world away." pic.twitter.com/lYW7B0xKMB — CBS News (@CBSNews) April 12, 2022 Last month, Biden accused Putin of being a "war criminal," but this is the first time he has described the situation as a "genocide" – a term Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has used to describe the situation. He previously called Putin a "butcher" and called for his removal, saying that "he cannot remain in power," implicitly calling for regime change. Biden on Putin: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” pic.twitter.com/atNZtCPvAM — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 26, 2022 But that was immediately walked back by his handlers... White House official: “The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.” https://t.co/SGy7zJLydD — Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) March 26, 2022 But unlike that slip, he is not walking it back, but doubling down, telling reporters this evening that: "Yes, I called it genocide. Because it has become clearer and clearer that Putin is just trying to wipe out the idea of being able to be Ukrainian." He went to say that "the evidence is mounting, it's no different than it was last week, the more evidence that is coming out of, literally the horrible things that the Russians have done in Ukraine and we're gonna only learn more and more about the devastation." Of course, words matter - just like they did when he called for Putin's removal - but this time he appears to want to do things legally: "And we'll let the lawyers decide internationally whether or not it qualifies but it sure seems that way to me." Biden: I called it genocide because it has become clear that Putin is just trying to wipe out the idea of even being able to be a Ukrainian pic.twitter.com/h4SBfDQuFW — Acyn (@Acyn) April 12, 2022 Not exactly 'diplomatic'.

BoJo The Baller upstands Biden The Basement Dweller in trip to Kyiv. Calls for Putin's death increasing worldwide. https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/the-prisoners-in-a-cellar-in-the-ukr... https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1512353521076744192 russians carried out two missile stikes on railway station in Kramatorsk, where evacuation of civillians was taking place. But russian war criminals not only deliberately targeted thousands of people; they've used cluster munitions. More than 30 killed More that 100 injured https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/45086/this-is-our-first-look-at-the-na... https://twitter.com/KSergatskova/status/1511227110467252226 This is Iryna before #Russia came to our land. She was learning makeup and had plans. She lived in Bucha. This is her hand with manicure on the graphic photo that many of you have seen. Russians killed Iryna and hundreds of humans like her. Just because they were Ukrainians. https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2022/04/4/7337132/ https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1511295115783983110 https://twitter.com/bellingcat/status/1511284174921076736 New drone imagery shows Russian forces firing on a cyclists in Bucha, on Yablunska Street at 50.54148, 30.228898, where multiple corpses have been filmed and photographed

https://twitter.com/AseyevStanislav/status/1515396547671904256 Irpin, near Kyiv, in Ukraine. This is what Russia’s war against Ukraine looks like. If you teach Russian literature, culture, and history, you need to teach this side of Russia and its “greatness,” too. https://twitter.com/AseyevStanislav/status/1512110728051937284 A six-year-old boy from Bucha at the grave of his mother, who died of starvation. He brought her canned goods. https://twitter.com/AseyevStanislav/status/1510542443183235074 Bucha. Russian war crimes. https://twitter.com/AseyevStanislav/status/1510333593180069896 Pictures of some villages freed in Kyiv region, specifically Bucha, are devastating. Dead people lying outside of their houses, in what can only have been a “zachistka” - systemic execution of the men of each house. One body in front of every house. Russians practiced this in Chechnya. Also pictures of men with tied hands and killed execution style in small groups. When Soviets were overtaken by Germans in 1941, they have left behind prisons full of man executed in such a way https://twitter.com/AseyevStanislav/status/1509289425154588672 This is the real face of the "second army of the world": "Tsibenko D.A. Russian Armed Forces". Marauder https://twitter.com/AseyevStanislav/status/1515289006170415105 This guy is a volunteer who helps to exhume corpses from mass graves in #Bucha. To understand the horrors of #BuchaMassacre you need to look at his face. The emotions of this young man show it... I am Serhiy Volyna, Commander of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade named after Rear Admiral Mykhailo Belinsky, am addressing to you from the besieged Mariupol. We will not give up and will fight to the end. But our loyalty to the oath was not enough to liberate Mariupol. We need heavy weapons. It is in the power of the EU and the US to provide it to us. Heavy weapons for the defenders of Mariupol will save the Ukrainian military group. Mariupol can be saved. We are ready to fight to the last drop of blood. But we must know that the world has done everything possible for this. Then we are ready to do even the impossible for our country. 18.04.2022 Serhiy Volyna

On Mon, 18 Apr 2022 21:38:14 -0400 jewnazi grancrap vomited:
yeah, twatter, the source of all of grancrap's jewnazi lies. that's how stupid the cop is.

a) Spy v Spy b) Someone inside doesn't like Putin c) Someone inside doesn't like Putin's mass murding of Ukrainians d) Someone was playing with the Demon Pit again Large Deadly Fire Breaks Out At Russian Defense Research Facility Russian media is reporting a large fire at a Russian Defense Ministry research facility in the city of Tver under mysterious circumstances. The site is about 110 miles northwest of Moscow. There may have possibly been an explosion, given that RT reports two people killed and at least 20 injured, and with aerial footage showing a huge blaze and thick clouds of smoke over the area. BREAKING: Massive Fire at #Russia’s Air-Space Defense Research Institute in Tver, 110 mile/180Km NW of Moscow. RT reporting at least one killed and 16 injured. Cause unknown: pic.twitter.com/E2xCHEkuJR — Joyce Karam (@Joyce_Karam) April 21, 2022 Emergency and rescue personnel are on the scene. The upper floors of the building are said to belong to the government's Central Research and Development Institute of Aerospace Defense Troops. "According to preliminary data, the blaze spanned across some thousand square meters and caused a partial collapse of the roof," Russian media reports. Russia: 12 people wounded as result of fire at military Air-Space Defense research institute in Tver https://t.co/GSOvFKzttA pic.twitter.com/IOx2DviJec — Liveuamap (@Liveuamap) April 21, 2022 "The fire had started in one of the rooms on the second floor of the administrative building."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_the_2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukrai... Putin initiated mass aggression invasion across borders to murdered 10-20 of thousand of innocent civilians and fucked over tens millions more, destroyed their homes jobs schools churches hospitals and neighborhoods, executing raping and stealing, ruining their lands, destroying untold $Billions worth of civilian infrastructure civic and private, starving people and worse, and generally messing up the rest of the world in the process. And he's declared hell bent intent on murdering thousands more. Someone needs to take this motherfucker out. Fuck Putin and his invaders.

Fuck Putin, and throw his fucking army back across the border... https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1517176516643373057 For fun, Russian soldiers are destroying lawns, flowerbeds, and roads in Ukrainian cities. They ride on tanks, film it and publish it on the Internet. For Russians, war is a toy, and killing Ukrainians is a fun game. The Russians are the real Nazis! #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1516860696893566977 An urgent appeal from the Deputy Commander of the #AZOV Regiment, Svyatoslav Palamar, from the blockaded #Mariupol. #Russia has disrupted today's evacuation of civilians. The AZOV regiment asks for guarantees on the safety of women, children, and the wounded. #save_Mariupol https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1516822258563567616 Terrible shots of what the Russian military turned #Mariupol into. Corpses of civilians and bombed residential areas are everywhere. This is a real online genocide. #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1516713802141777923 "Perhaps the last appeal of the Ukrainians from #Mariupol." The network published a video message from the commander of the Ukrainian Marines, Serhiy Volyna. He calls on politicians from around the world to act and save Ukrainians in Mariupol from genocide. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1516708264465080320 Russian propaganda claims that Ukraine has been bombing Donbass for 8 years. In the first photo is Donetsk, which was allegedly being "destroyed" by Ukraine. In the second photo is #Mariupol, the city that Russia is "liberating" for the second month. #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1516358312459182081 Despite reports of several thousand civilians in the basements of the Azovstal plant, the Russians continue to bomb it. This is the horrific shelling of the plant that was recorded today. The Russians came to #Ukraine to commit genocide and they do it every minute. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1517055847603580928 At night, there was a very serious shelling of #Mykolayiv. For more than a month, #Russia has been afraid to launch an open attack on the city, so it has been bombing it with missiles on civilian infrastructure and residential areas. #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1517099531464282113 Russian vehicles marked "V" appeared in #Mariupol. These are the same units that carried out the massacre in #Bucha. Now #Putin has moved them to Mariupol because they are already "experts" in genocide against Ukrainians. #NATO must react! #StopRussia

World needs to step up and beat Putin's army back across the border... all armas and Foreign Legion helpers to Ukraine... Fuck Putin he murder and flatten all civilians... https://twitter.com/UA_struggle https://twitter.com/ResistUA "Hell is what's happening there." — The Red Cross expected to evacuate 1,500 people from Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia but only 76 were allowed to leave. And the horror stories are only just emerging. NewsThey (Russia) are not going to stop. The command of the russian central military district announced the next victim of the russian aggression. After gaining control over the southern Ukraine, russia plans to invade Moldova In Irpen three russian soldiers forced a 17 year old girl watch as they raped her mother and 15-year-old sister to death. She was spared because "she was ugly" and because they wanted her to pass on the message. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/04/16/7340121/ https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1516829338242621442 https://twitter.com/GeneralStaffUA https://twitter.com/ukraine https://twitter.com/brave_ua https://www.reddit.com/ukraine https://twitter.com/ZMiST_Ua https://twitter.com/IntlCrimCourt

https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1518092309900013573 https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/ https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFQ3Opk8XsAMawmy.jpg Rus "journalist" Akhmedova: ... we can admit that our army has its weaknesses... The biggest one is our mercy, our compassion for the civilians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGI7FdP0eT4 Russia hides murders Putin's armies are desecrating graves, sending people to Siberia, looting civilians houses, invading and bombing more new civilian places. So many innocent dying by the hands of Asshole Putin. Fuck Putin. Support Ukraine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8wk_jMknag Brave fighters and lovers of all Ukraine... AZOV!!! https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1516829338242621442 Join millions of voices in a global social media campaign: #ArmUkraineNow 1. Post a picture with a sign saying #ArmUkraineNow 2. Call on your government to provide heavy weapons to Ukraine 3. Tag 3 friends and ask them to do the same Stand with the Ukrainian people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIXRMP97m0Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpgWrz-2R9A https://twitter.com/Oleksa_UA66/status/1498945476355366914

https://www.president.gov.ua/documents/2782022-42285 https://www.facebook.com/100069073844828/posts/303810061931453/ https://twitter.com/oleksiireznikov/status/1518568813620510720 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK8Q3yQdXf0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8wk_jMknag https://twitter.com/i/status/1518498192370905088 https://twitter.com/clarissaward/status/1518711322397057024 https://twitter.com/dw_ukrainian/status/1518601429811871746 https://twitter.com/greenpeacepress/status/1518521123574591493 Norwegian police arrested seven Greenpeace activists after they chained themselves to a Russian oil tanker to try to prevent it from docking at a port in Norway operated by Exxon. IN AZIONE! Abbiamo scritto “Peace not oil” (Pace non petrolio) sulla fiancata della nave SCF Baltica arrivata al largo di Siracusa con un carico di petrolio dalla Russia. Bisogna abbandonare tutte le fonti fossili, alimentano guerre e cambiamenti climatici! #StopFuellingWar Activists of @GreenpeaceSuomi & @elokapina block a Russian coal train entering port of Hanko today. We are calling for @FinGovernment railways & Operail of @EstonianGovt to STOP Russian #FossilFuels freight traffic NOW! #Ukraine can´t wait anymore. #StopFuellingWar https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1518610212009226243 Fuck Putin! https://www.open.online/2022/04/24/guerra-ucraina-armi-italia-verso-nuovo-de... https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1518598472303366144 The video of the apartment in #Odessa that was hit by the Russian missile was published on the internet. 7 deaths have been officially confirmed. 18 people were injured. https://twitter.com/AlchevskUA/status/1518221322698039296 Rashist pilot Alexander Krasnoyartsev, who bombed Chernihiv, was declared suspected of violating the laws and customs of war and premeditated murder For bombing civilians in Chernihiv, he faces life imprisonment. Moldova's Security Forces are holding an emergency meeting. On the agenda is the explosion in Tiraspol at the Ministry of State Security building earlier today https://twitter.com/DI_Ukraine/status/1518650878382718977 GUR received documentary evidence that the explosions near the building of "MGB PMR" in Tiraspol is a deliberate provocation of Russians in the company of "Transnistrians". Mariupol residents who managed to escape from the city, told about the filtration camps of Russian fascists. https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1518654601611956229 +4 FTW ;) https://twitter.com/vipgal51/status/1518594151109042176 Sweden transfers its FH77 BW Archer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The start time is 14 seconds, in 2.5 minutes a fully automatic system pours a 21,155-mm projectile over a range of up to 50 km. This ACS is like a work of military art. RuZZnya should appreciate the novelty In the suburbs of Moscow, the shopping center "Silk Road" caught fire. Now the evacuation is underway. https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRMMHNEXEAAD8sh.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRH-3EeXEAEg_2j.jpg https://twitter.com/CanadianUkrain1/status/1516120274005016588 https://twitter.com/vitalij_kim/status/1518500822841180161 The first batch of British light army trucks converted into military armored ambulances arrived in Lviv. https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1511356433991933957 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sngUk4iZ8fg «Коли іде пекельний біль, Ці люди з темряви виходять Як фантоми! Нещадно гатять наших ворогів І знову в темряві зникають в катакомбах! Вони дали присягу нації людей Які в руках тримають прапор України! АЗОВ - це сталь і я не про метал АЗОВ - це сила, вірність і відвага!» https://twitter.com/Arslon_Xudosi/status/1518172205829570560 Ukrainian forces started to use suicide drones, as you can see explosives are placed on the front of the drone. https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1518700432947884032 https://www.unian.net/war/voyna-v-ukraine-vsu-vzyali-v-plen-okkupanta-zhena-... Remember that enemy scumbag whose wife told him to rape Ukrainian women? Well, he was just captured by our forces near Izyum, and hopefully he will be charged with war crimes. https://twitter.com/Podolyak_M/status/1518483660240039936 https://twitter.com/nastyabakulina_/status/1517982821759000576 In Kiev on Victory Square dismantled two bronze images of orders with a profile of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin Waiting for the Motherland to finally take the hammer and sickle. https://twitter.com/nickreeves9876/status/1518664394963574785 https://twitter.com/KremlinTrolls/status/1518565178215915520 https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2020/10/23/russias-clandestine... Putin ignored and denied all temporary ceasefire and evacuation corridor requests and instead proceeded to murder many innocent civilians on Easter. Putin will be called to answer, not only in this life, but in the next. Two months of the war have passed. The Ukrainian people continue to heroically repel the russian aggressor. We have allies in this struggle. Weapons, sanctions, money, humanitarian aid will help us protect the world. Our Friendship is Our Victory. https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRG_-P-X0AE5r_i.jpg The power of Pysanka, Ukrainian traditional Easter egg, is magical. The good will definitely defeat the evil. To make it faster, #ArmUkraineNow. https://twitter.com/i/status/1518553444042301441 https://twitter.com/Ukraine_AF/status/1518547843958591488 https://twitter.com/AS7404542949/status/1518666365606973447 https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/1518572652419502082 https://twitter.com/prof_preobr/status/1512522233792634881 Путин войдёт в историю как человек, который шанс на возрождение России употребил на то, чтобы Россию уничтожить. По-перше: незалежність не дається задарма. Тим паче, коли ти - Держава, що стоїть на перетині західної і східної цивілізацій, коли ти - територія, що має безальтернативну геополітичну цінність для всього світу, коли ти народ, що тисячу років веде боротьбу коли ти - нація, яку хотіли стерти з лиця Землі, але не змогли, проте стерли твою пам‘ять і тобі потрібно згадувати себе з нуля. По-друге: війна була неминучою, оскільки історичний контекст має свої суворі, об‘єктивні реалії, а не ті, в які хочеться вірити. Найбільшим акцентом цієї війни є те, що наша історія куди величніша, ніж історія мокші і чуді та інших наглухо пропитих східних племен. Ми - Русь, вони - мордва і т.і. Ми ніколи не були братніми народами, цей міф був навіяний з однією метою - вкрасти нашу Спадщину. По-третє: всі, хто сьогодні ниє «нєт - войнє», має ричати «так - перемозі»! Нас не питали, чи хочемо ми воювати. Ми воюємо тому, що інакше загинемо. Кожна загибель горісна до сліз, але не така страшна, як смерть нації, яка згадала себе. Тому я не вірю перемовинам. Перемовини не зупинять потвору, яка прагне вкрасти нашу історію, називати себе Руссю. Але Русь - ми, а вони - брудна, зачухана стая. Будь-які перемовини і перемир’я мають бути використані для модернізації озброєння і створення оборонних споруд. Чужого нам не треба, а своє маємо відстояти ми, щоб не довелося нашим дітям. Ми - Русь. В наших жилах тече кров Святослава. Ми - велич, ми - щит і меч Європи, останній форпост європейської культури і цінностей. Ми - Україна, яка має один шлях - до Перемоги.»

Putin the Psychopath Murderer and War Criminal is not only slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent civilians in their apartments, schools, workplaces, churches, stores, he is slaughtering helpless injured combat troops too. Vladimir Putin needs to die. Volunteer to help Ukraine throw out the aggressors, supplies, money, food, medical, technicians, manpower, speech... https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1518200097200394240 https://twitter.com/UKRINFORM https://lb.ua/ https://t.me/s/mariupolnow https://www.radiosvoboda.org/ https://twitter.com/ukrpravda_news https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRAv4ccWYAYgxpX.jpg One of the largest Ukrainian IT companies Fintech Development LLC has purchased another 500 armored vehicles for the units of the SSO, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1517850364858576899 #Mariupol was bombed by the Russians. This is the reality of the "special operation" and, in fact, the war that #Putin launched against #Ukraine. It was a beautiful, peaceful place, but now it's a ruin. Today in the United States will vote for lend-lease for Ukraine. https://twitter.com/NCLviv/status/1516502124431134721 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRTZhiuWUAIzjQG.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFROsfWHWUAQs6uS.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRBjI0MWUAMk3fM.jpg https://twitter.com/Illya_Ayzin/status/1519045070481203201 Orcs demand 5,000 euros for a Ukrainian prisoner of war This video was sent to the mother of a Ukrainian prisoner by Russian soldiers. They demand €5,000, otherwise the next video will see her son executed. The invaders are increasingly resembling ordinary terrorists https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1518855482328465411 The Russians destroyed a school in the village of #Chervone, in the #Huliaipole district. This is how it looks now. #Russia once again "liberated" another Ukrainian settlement. #StopRussia The #AZOV regiment, which is still at war with #Russia's superior troops in #Mariupol, showed photos of the city's destruction. There is not a single intact house - #Putin's soldiers destroyed everything! First non-war news: @elonmusk bought a tweeter! This is the end of blunt leftist censorship, endless campaigns of harassment for the word "Azov" and bans for a quote about the fight against the Muscovites to victory. https://twitter.com/manya678499/status/1518921426111184897 https://twitter.com/ukraine_world/status/1519032432883818497 Our sources say the Russians are confiscating agricultural equipment, grain and seeds in the occupied Kherson region. Planting crops is at risk. Last time they did this was in early 1930s. This led to Holodomor, famine that killed at least 4 mln of Ukrainian peasants in 1932-33. https://bibliogram.art/p/Cc0Q99oqf06/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1518620700004679680 Look at what Russian occupiers did to the town of #Novotoshkivske in the #Luhansk region. It was completely destroyed. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1518555562295930880 PortCity shopping centre in #Mariupol before and after Russian «liberation». The Russians completely destroyed this city. There is nothing left, only ruins… https://twitter.com/ng_ukraine/status/1518487259242274817 Light always conquers darkness, and LOVE is light. https://twitter.com/ng_ukraine/status/1518501478490648579 This is how many of our citizens live for two months ... This is how our people celebrated #Easter in the basements of #Azovstal. This is how russia is trying to make us live. But we will never agree to this and will choose our right to live in a prosperous country! There is a black smoke from the #Azovstal plant in #Mariupol. Despite the fact that there are civilians inside, Russian troops continue bombing it. It must be stopped! Five Russian missiles hit the civilian infrastructure in the #Poltava region. The Russians continue destroying Ukrainian cities and killing civilians. A satellite detected the 3rd mass grave near #Mariupol. The dug trenches were recorded on the territory of the cemetery in the occupied village of Staryi Krym, which is 5 km away from Mariupol. #StopRussia The aftermath of the missile hit the Baikove cemetery in #Kyiv. #Russia doesn’t spare the living or the dead. https://twitter.com/DimSel007/status/1518966134955028480 Recruitment to the regiment of SSO "Azov" Kiev! Attention! We resume the recruitment of volunteers to the ranks of the regiment of the Special Operations Forces "Azov" Kyiv. We are waiting for purposeful and motivated fighters who are ready to fight for Ukraine. Part of the unit performs tasks in the East, some engaged in training. I remind you that we have renewed the set. There are still a lot of Rusaks on Ukrainian land, everyone will have enough work. Today we had a wonderful operation. I will not go into details, but the second baht SSO "Azov" Kiev was on top. Captivity is not an easy thing, but we are humane to the enemy who lays down his weapons. Mordvins, give up and live. https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRQPEWhXsAA0Ie-.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRQPEWeXIAAgyCX.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRQPEWiXwAEt6s2.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRQPEWcWUAMQHJh.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFQ9AxyqXwAAKKzi.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRUec1TWUAY7nmc.jpg Somewhere in the east of the country. Regiment SSO "Azov" Kiev on the performance of combat missions on the front line. Dim photos of the bright defenders of Ukraine, who at the mouth of the war find a place for friendship with quadrupllowers. This victory is ours! https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRRuF7iWUAApUBW.jpg Defense Forses Pripyat.. MooX2 !!! https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1518198425656963077 This is what the Russian army did to the peaceful village of #Moshchun in the #Kyiv region. It was almost completely destroyed. Now there are only ruins. https://twitter.com/MFA_Ukraine/status/1519027115810824192 https://twitter.com/MFA_Ukraine/status/1519027108336521217 https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov/status/1518893111140917249 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRSrGuPXoAMWMqk.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRSE6wQXMAcsMt7.jpg More than 500 injured #Ukrainian defenders are blocked at the #Azovstal steelworks in #Mariupol. They need urgent medical treatment, as every hour is crucial for saving their lives. #SaveMariupol The plant is almost destroyed. #Russia's bombs and airstrikes have killed dozens of #Ukrainian soldiers who had been defending #Mariupol. They need to be buried appropriately. By blocking humanitarian corridors for injured combatants, #Russia violates basic principles of international humanitarian law. #Russian troops brutally abuse the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field. The document mandates that wounded and sick soldiers who are out of the battle should be properly treated, and in particular should not be killed, injured, or tortured. #SaveMariupol By blocking humanitarian corridors, #Russia shows its inhuman attitude and disregard to international law, international humanitarian law and laws of warfare. #Russian actions pose a grave threat to international peace, as well as European and global security. #SaveMariupol Russia’s atrocities in #Mariupol are terrifying. Today, #Russia carried out dozens of airstrikes on the #Azovstal steelworks, which remains a shelter for many Mariupol residents. Dozens of civilians were injured and trapped under the rubble. These people need urgent treatment and evacuation. #SaveMariupol #Russia disrupts all the efforts aimed at establishing safe and reliable humanitarian corridors to provide humanitarian relief and evacuation. Moscow treats people in the #Azovstal steelworks as hostages. #Russia continues to send #Mariupol residents to filtration camps before unlawful transfer and deportation to its territory. This resembles tactics employed by the Nazis during World War II. These #WarCrimes must be stopped immediately. We call on the @UN and the @ICRC to assist in ensuring a safe humanitarian corridor from #Mariupol. We need the world to act now. Help us save people’s lives! But most importantly, civilians who are now under the rubble suffered from Putin's orders. Azov regiment soldiers provide first aid and make every effort to free civilians from the rubble No army in the world since the Second World War has experience of anything like the fighting in Mariupol. https://twitter.com/NikaMelkozerova/status/1518972645974364162 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRR5klzXMAEddFF.jpg Ukrainian soldier at AzovStal. Azov medics said they have no more materials left to cure the wounded. Russia continues to bomb AzovStal. Soldiers are starving. No more time left. They did everything they could for their country. If they surrender Russia will kill them https://twitter.com/NCLviv/status/1518583784710492164 У Львові відбулась акція «Почуйте і врятуйте Маріуполь!» Сім’ї та друзі бійців полку «Азов», львів’яни та маріупольці закликали українську владу, світову спільноту й міжнародні організації знайти способи допомоги та порятунку, щоб зупинити геноцид українців у Маріуполі. https://twitter.com/DimSel007/status/1519028590523813888 ATGM MILAN on the Horde across the Dnieper https://twitter.com/SputnikATO/status/1519033780744380418 The 110th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade carried out successful artillery strikes on russian armored vehicles in zaporizhzhya region. https://twitter.com/sumlenny/status/1518994159146868738 This is allegedly Russian teacher Eugenia Karlsson living in Sweden, who has verbally attacked a Ukrainian woman, insulting her with worst racial slurs. Helga Kadya filmed the case, watch with English subtitles. I have checked the translation, it's correct https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRS69gqXEAQ981C.jpg This is what the "military hospital" looks like at the Azovstal plant. Under constant shelling, without the necessary medicines, in the basement and in terrible conditions. This price today keeps Azovstal and Ukrainian Mariupol Bryansk... for residents of evacuated houses deployed a humanitarian center. They give out food and hygiene kits. Call ... the line works around the clock Today, the mayor of Hamburg @TschenPe signed an Agreement of Solidarity and Friendship between Kyiv and Hamburg. The agreement provides for a strategic partnership between the cities, in particular, in order to rebuild Kyiv.

The more you know... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0hJnWtvk4LgyJVfX-xOw3w UA_Struggle_Center #Азов! On the website of the legislative assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory published news about plans to "expropriate the surplus harvest of farmers in the Kherson region." Russia repeats in Ukraine not only the atrocities of German Nazism, but also the scenario of almost a century ago - the Holodomor. Hello everyone! Again, the opportunity to get in touch. According to the situation in the #Маріуполь: we stand and stand, no one is going to give up!!! EVERYTHING WILL BE UKRAINE.

Prior to the invasion of Iraq, weapons inspector Scott Ritter correctly warned Saddam had no active WMD program. Joe Biden, as Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair, falsely insisted he did and thus vehemently advocated for the war. Watch how Biden treated Ritter: @UsefulIdiotpod Watch #Biden in 2002 as he mocks US Marine Scott Ritter, calling him "Scotty Boy" and grinning as he repeats "it's above your pay grade." @kthalps @aaronjmate See the full interview: usefulidiots.substack.com/p/…

https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1517958546712928259 Russia descends even deeper into medieval barbarism, as a pundit argues on state TV that the exits at Azovstal should be sealed off with concrete. Host prefers the idea of capturing Ukrainians and showing them at public markets, allowing anyone to do "whatever they want" to them. http://www.hisutton.com/Russian-Navy-Moskva-Cruiser-Wreck.html #Russian Navy deploys unique 110-year-old ship to investigate Moskva wreck. Likely carrying a DSRV minisub. @CovertShores Defense Analysis, Submarines, #OSINT, illustrations and history. Author of Covert Shores books. Write for @USNINews, @navalnewscom http://www.hisutton.com/Navy-Marine-Mammal-Programs.html Evidence #Russian Navy trained dolphins deployed to entrance of Sevastopol Harbor during #Ukraine war. You heard it here first. First found in low-resolution Sentinel 2 imagery Thx for help from @COUPSURE and unnamed other Ru Navy dolphins part of defenses in Sevastopol #OSINT @Saturnax1 @oryxspioenkop @UKDefJournal @UAWeapons @mupper2 @hoje_no @NavyLookout @The_Lookout_N @JosephHDempsey @AlexLuck9 @MalcolmNance @detresfa_ @TheSubHunter1 @TheIntelLab @AuroraIntel @Aviation_Intel @KyleMizokami Brady Africk @bradyafr Apr 27 SAR imagery from today shows ships grouped off the west coast of Crimea (45.32, 32.96). These ships are near the Southern Naval Base in Lake Donuzlav

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0hJnWtvk4LgyJVfX-xOw3w UA_Struggle_Center https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8y14XN1VLc #Азов! https://twitter.com/GeneralStaffUA https://twitter.com/DefenceU https://twitter.com/DI_Ukraine https://twitter.com/ServiceSsu https://twitter.com/ng_ukraine https://twitter.com/DPSU_ua https://twitter.com/ResistUA https://twitter.com/UA_struggle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd0b-EmR5T4 Children of Azovstal https://twitter.com/ResistUA/status/1521761554605264904 17-year-old girl tells about evacuation from #Mariupol https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFR67_oKXEAE2GM9.jpg Кисельов розповів як готовий знищити Великобританію одним пострілом ядеркою і поїхав чілити в рожевих трусиках в ОАЕ. Логічно.

https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1522896126730551297 https://twitter.com/myroslavapetsa/status/1522896029733081089 Putin gets a statue in Kyiv. But probably not quite what he’d like it to be. The place is symbolic - it’s only meters aways from where Lenin used to stand in Kyiv. You know, the one who “created Ukraine” acc to Putin. Lenin is no longer there - his statue was demolished in 2013. https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov/status/1522569940682878977 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFSFBX3CXEAIG3yV.jpg Attention! From some Internet sources, information is circulating that the defenders of Mariupol went to the Russian military with a white flag. In fact, to implement the plan to evacuate civilians, white flags are used by both groups. And this time, to evacuate citizens from the territory of the Azovstal plant, both groups used such banners. We would like to note that this procedure is being carried out for the fourth time. Consequences of evacuation vehicle shelling (1) Consequences of evacuation vehicle shelling (2) Attention: !️ During the ceasefire, a car was hit on the territory of the Azovstal plant by the Russians, using ATGMs. This car was moving to civilians in order to evacuate them from the territory of the plant. As a result of shelling, 1 soldier was killed and 6 wounded The enemy continues to violate all agreements and not to observe safety guarantees when evacuating civilians.

https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mariupol-civilians-trapped-in-azovstal-be... rocket destroyed the National Museum of 🇺🇦philosopher Hryhoriy Skovoroda near Kharkiv. This year marked 300yrs since his birth. The killing of thousands of people, destruction of language, historical memory,and culture are confirmations of genocide. russia's genocide against 🇺🇦 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFSI_6z8X0AAQwOn.jpg Freedom beware nightmares as friends. https://twitter.com/j_tuk_tuk_tuk/status/1522932539597508608 😅 This afternoon unidentified persons brought to the monument to the Russian Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov in the city center material values: washing machine (used), electric boiler (almost like new), toilet (used, but in good condition), TV, blinds, radio. https://twitter.com/kharkiv_warnews/status/1522661250538299395 The girl resolutely went to save her family in Raisins, where her son, grandmother and sister's mother remained She traveled through the fields, forests and crossed the river by boat: "The first words of my child, which I will never forget: "Mom, I knew that you would save me." https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1523057176461291520 The Kadyrovtsy have seized cars from the local residents of Mariupol and are going to smash them. https://twitter.com/kharkiv_warnews/status/1523010179922468865 Mariupol. Terrible inscriptions. Local residents write on the doors the approximate dates of death of people and the date when the body of the owners of the apartments was found. https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFSL_JjGWYAY9Z14.jpg Kadyrovets admitted that he killed 30 Ukrainians with a control shot. A real war criminal. UPD: Closed account @malish_777_95_ Ukraine asks for help... https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFSFz9mrXwAE25QQ.jpg https://twitter.com/AngelinaBonni/status/1522687426434674692 https://twitter.com/i/status/1522487920225099778 https://twitter.com/i/status/1522881206416814080

https://www.change.org/p/save-mariupol-192ea846-9fe1-476c-bb72-5474538c7c06 https://www.change.org/p/save-mariupol-71185d02-b260-4525-91ef-7f46add880c7/... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmRWPOoESGQ Press Conference Azovstal On May 8, a press conference was held with the soldiers who hold the azovstal defense in the Ukrainian Mariupol. On the territory of the plant remain blocked Ukrainian military, which from the first days of a full-scale war defend the city. The soldiers say that they hope for a miracle, and ask everyone to make every effort to evacuate the military. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported that work is underway to find diplomatic options for saving our military, which remain on Azovstal. Influential mediators and states are involved. Link to the petition for the UN to convene the General Assembly and rescue Ukrainian fighters and civilians from the Azovstal plant: https://cutt.ly/NG8FjZR Journalists and editors Hromadske continue to work in each region of the war-disrupted country. They continue to work from improvised offices, shelters, and bunkers. We do so because our weapon now is the truth. Subscribe to us so as not to miss the main news of Ukraine and the world: https://www.youtube.com/user/HromadskeTV https://hromadske.ua/ " SAVE MARIUPOL Kitty Prokhorenko started this petition to https://www.un.org/ and 1 other. May 6, 2022 We, the undersigned activists, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, politicians and celebrities, call on the United Nations, and in particular the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and regional leaders from around the world to launch an urgent "extraction" procedure, namely: 1 To resume the eleventh special session of the UN General Assembly for consideration of the humanitarian situation in Mariupol resulting from the aggression against Ukraine. 2. We demand that the General Assembly adopt a resolution obliging the Russian Federation, the aggressor country, to ensure the evacuation of all people to the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government or to the territory of third safe countries. 3. We call on all world leaders to take all necessary measures to ensure and implement the resolution, and to act as guarantors of security. The civilian population, as well as the soldiers defending the city, are experiencing inhumane conditions: a number of world leaders have already recognized the actions of the aggressor's country as genocide of the Ukrainian people. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to violate the rules of war, which is already partially reflected in the UN General Assembly Resolution of April 7, 2022 on the suspension of membership rights of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights Council. The enemy violates the rules of warfare, uses non-traditional weapons, regularly and purposefully attacks the locations of civilians, wounded servicemen, the bodies of fallen servicemen. Despite the inhumane conditions, the Ukrainian military controls the territory of the Azovstal plant, which, in particular, serves as a shelter for civilians and the wounded. Such conditions are a real humanitarian catastrophe, artificially created by the Russian Federation. There is a significant shortage of food, medicine, hygiene and personal protective equipment in the city. Due to the total damage to infrastructure and housing, the city of Mariupol no longer exists. Now the time is running out, the occupiers have partially broken into the territory of the Azovstal plant, every minute of delay could cost huge losses to all those who found shelter on the territory of the plant. We call on the United Nations, the UN Secretary-General, and regional leaders around the world to begin an immediate "extraction" procedure of the evacuation of civilians, all wounded, the bodies of the fallen and Ukrainian servicemen from blockaded Mariupol. With the immediate help of international figures, we still have the opportunity to save people's lives. We call for decisive action by the international community to: • provide an urgent ceasefire with guarantees from both sides in Mariupol; • organize immediate monitoring of compliance with the ceasefire by a third party; • organize the maritime evacuation of civilians and Ukrainian servicemen to the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government or to the territory of a third intermediary state. Maritime evacuation may be accompanied by a land humanitarian corridor for civilians and the Ukrainian military to territory controlled by the Ukrainian government or to a third intermediary state. "

https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1523206408300564481 A 15-year-old girl from #Popasna herself drove a car with her legs shot to evacuate heavily wounded adults. She drove about 30 km and saved herself and others. #StopRussia https://twitter.com/donikroman/status/1523378028667367425 https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1523375014719803393 @jeremyclarkson1 Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson also collects donuts for pickups for Ukraine https://twitter.com/sumlenny/status/1523378722174169089 Russian soldiers tell their dear ones they killed Ukrainian mothers in front of the children of these mothers. Russian girlfriend/wife of the soldier cheers the murder. „She was the enemy“. German peace movement obviously supports the views of the soldier and his girlfriend/wife. @DMokryk Another 🇷🇺Russian soldier calling home. He says: "A (civilian) woman with 2 kids was walking by. Our guys killed her in front of the kids". A woman back home responds: "Well of course, she's the enemy too". Phone call intercepted and published by @ServiceSsu. https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1523405076257140736 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFSQ4122XIAQvikw.jpg Many of us watched interviews with Azov commanders from Mariupol today. A few facts about Ilya Samoilenko: ˗ he lost his left arm in the fighting. Now he has a titanium mechanical prosthesis. Elijah also lost his right eye. Now the eye is artificial. ˗ studied at the Faculty of History of Kyiv University. He dreams of completing his studies after the war. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1522881206416814080 When the world says "indestructible", it speaks of Ukrainian soldiers in #Mariupol. Two months in the blockade - but they hold on. Real heroes of steel! #SaveTheDefendersOfMariupol #AZOV ✊🏻🇺🇦 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1523391849418743808 How the territory of the #Azovstal plant was changing from March 10 to May 3 on Planet’s satellite images. #StopRussia https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1523392356052979712 The "Save #Mariupol" petition. How can you help? // UA STRUGGLE Podcast #3 The situation in Mariupol is extremely difficult. Alina Stara, Press Secretary of the Ukrainian Struggle Centre, talks about the current situation in Mariupol and a chance to save people. #save_Mariupol https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1523393157895188480 The #AZOV Regiment reports that during the evacuation from the #Azovstal plant, Russian soldiers separated mother and daughter. It is unknown where the mother is now and whether she is alive and how the #UN representatives gave their mother to the Russians during the evacuation. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1523392786950922240 The children, whose parents are now at the #Azovstal plant, recorded their own appeal. Call to the #UN and foreign governments: action must be taken and everyone must be evacuated from #Mariupol! Otherwise, these children will be orphaned. #save_Mariupol https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1523391346173628416 Volunteers from the special unit "#KRAKEN" delivered humanitarian aid to a bomb shelter in the #Kharkiv subway. "KRAKEN" is a special unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that was formed by veterans of the #AZOV Regiment. #StopRussia https://twitter.com/serhiyprytula/status/1522670001848737792 So, I report on the auction. 500k$ for the picture Primachenko today successfully received on the accounts of our Fund. The new owner wants to leave it in Ukraine, he says, will give it to the Victory Museum. The money will go to 125 volkswagen T5 buses from Germany for the front - to carry ours and smoke Rus! Bledina - "Ugly Flying Bitch" " Today, after 70+ days of Russia Genocide of Ukrainians, UN has finally squeeze out some "No War" words without telling the world that Russia has started a full-scale occupational war, giving their soldiers a carte blanche for looting, mass civilian murders & rapes of children. " https://twitter.com/Milan8662/status/1523403152376348672 In Russia, a gang of guys continue to set fire to military registration and enlistment offices! https://twitter.com/ZampolitGistapo/status/1523343062529093634 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFPZ_pV9XwAASJnC.jpg " Great irony that the Azov fighters in Mariupol, so often accused of being far right extremists, are sacrificing their lives for democracy while supposedly pacifist intellectuals in Europe are using their pens to the advantage of Russian fascism. " https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRShfTdXEAQ4PjN.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFRShf2hX0AAop7h.jpg The beginning of March, the seaside district of Mariupol🇺🇦 after the first battles, the unreal atmosphere was. The most importantly, it affected civilians who are now trapped. Soldiers of the Azov Regiment provide first aid and make every effort to free civilians from this blocked place. #AZOV! https://twitter.com/AngelinaBonni/status/1523335980492591104 Маріуполь - Україна! АЗОВ - СТАЛЬ! One Putlerian rhetoric circulator re war criminal actions... "Ukraine should not exist in the future. Ukrainians should not exist in the future. -- Matveychev, member of the gosduma from 'united ruZZia'" 1) Russians destroy a Jewish cemetery in Ukrainian Sumy, after hitting Babyn Yar and Drobytsky Yar memorials 2) @spdberlin, @Bettina_Jarasch and @dielinkeberlin led Berlin govt sends police to attack Ukrainians amid the celebration of the Victory over Nazism in Europe anniversary https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1523207747247824898 The airstrike on the school in #Bilohorivka, #Luhansk region. 60 civilians died, 30 were injured. #Russia must be brought to justice! #StopRussia Fuck Putin.

https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-05-10/lithuanian-lawmakers-b... NATO Country Among 1st To Adopt Law Declaring Russia's Invasion "Genocide" & "Terrorism" The Baltic country of Lithuania has become among the first NATO member countries to formally call Russia's military action in Ukraine a "genocide" while legally declaring the invasion state-sponsored "terrorism". Its parliament voted unanimously on Tuesday to adopt the motion into law, also calling for future Nuremberg style war crimes trials for top Russian officials - something which most pundits and legal experts agree is likely impossible to practically carry out. Lithuanian parliament in Vilnius: The Associated Press Reuters details that "The motion, co-sponsored by Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte, said Russian forces' war crimes in Ukraine included the deliberate killing of civilians, mass rape, forcible relocation of Ukrainian citizens to Russia and the destruction of economic infrastructure and cultural sites." "The Russian Federation, whose military forces deliberately and systematically select civilian targets for bombing, is a state that supports and perpetrates terrorism," the Lithuanian parliamentary motion reads. It follows a prior similar designation by Canada's parliament. In mid-April, President Joe Biden raised eyebrows in calling Russia's invasion a "genocide" for the first time. It was met with some controversy among analysts in the United States given that the United Nations' definition for formal application of the term has strict requirements and typically isn't thrown around loosely. A Russian parliament official was the first to respond to the Lithuanian action, explaining that the Baltic state is merely obediently following Washington's lead: Leonid Slutsky, head of the International Affairs Committee of Russia's lower house of parliament, said the resolution was not legally binding and that it merely repeated what he called the United States' Russophobic views. He said the resolution was part of an "anti-Russia project" and biased actions against Russia that "have nothing to do with reality," the TASS news agency cited him as saying. A month ago Ukraine's President Zelensky spoke virtually to Lithuanian parliament, which is in the capital of Vilnius, and declared that the country had been the "first" in Europe to come to Ukraine's aid. “Dear Lithuanians, I am grateful to address you on behalf of the Ukrainian people today. You have been among the first to come to Ukraine’s aid. You remain among those who care most about peace and security in Europe,” he told the lawmakers. His message to various bodies of friendly countries' lawmakers worldwide has focused heavily on allegations of Russian war crimes, claiming also that Russian forces actively target Ukrainian civilians - a charge the Kremlin has consistently denied.

Ukraine drifting towards net loss due to lack of preparation. West making expensive blunders of breadth. Greenwald: Biden Wanted $33B More For Ukraine. Congress Quickly Hiked To $40B. Who Benefits? https://greenwald.substack.com/p/biden-wanted-33b-more-for-ukraine Military Industrial Complex Noam Chomsky, in an interview this week, says "fortunately" there is "one Western statesman of stature" who is pushing for a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine rather than looking for ways to fuel and prolong it. "His name is Donald J. Trump," Chomsky says. WATCH: pic.twitter.com/z3Cug8kFHS — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 1, 2022 Chomsky says he regards Trump as a deeply dangerous figure, yet he is "the one statesman in the West who has said it, and it's the right way out." "Let's tell the truth," Chomsky says. Full interview here:https://t.co/UXdbAd2FfT — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 1, 2022 Meanwhile, the only place where dissent is heard over the Biden administration's war policy is on the 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. programs on Fox News, hosted, respectively, by Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, who routinely demand to know how ordinary Americans are benefiting from this increasing U.S. involvement.

Spy vs Spy: CIA Recruiting Disaffected Russians via Tor CIA Trying To Contact Russians Who Are Against Ukraine War Via Dark Web https://news.antiwar.com/2022/05/03/cia-trying-to-contact-russians-who-are-a... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cia-russians-oppose-ukraine-war/ https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-business-europe-media-7f6a05... The CIA is trying to contact Russians who are against the war in Ukraine and has offered a secure way to contact the agency. The spy agency wants Russians to communicate with them through a website the CIA set up on the dark web. “We are providing Russian-language instructions on how to safely contact CIA — via our Dark Web site or a reputable VPN — for those who feel compelled to reach us because of the Russian government’s unjust war,” a CIA official told CBS News. The CIA says Russians disaffected by Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine may be trying to get in touch with U.S. intelligence. It wants them to go to the darknet, part of the internet accessible only through tools that provide more anonymity. https://t.co/QOXQz0ZI5P — The Associated Press (@AP) May 2, 2022 According to CBS, the CIA established a site on the dark web in 2019 and has used it to elicit information from people across the world. The CIA has released instructions in Russian on how to access the site on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media sites. The site requires users to use the web browser Tor, which encrypts a user’s internet activity. The CIA is hoping that Russians, both civilians, and soldiers, will use the site to give information to the US. An intelligence official told the Associated Press: “It’s not safe to directly engage Americans physically or virtually” in Russia, the official said. “For those people that want to engage with us securely, this is the way to do it.” The CIA’s call for Russian contacts could also be related to the US goal of attempting to put pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin by stirring unrest in Russia. Sanctions imposed by the US and its allies were meant to turn the Russian populace against Putin, but his approval rating soared to 83% in March, up from 69% in January.

https://twitter.com/i/status/1526332830166310912 https://www.facebook.com/100069092624537/posts/318566267123125/ https://twitter.com/veteranfundua https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1526264297780912128 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1525879617571147776 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1525879248157827075 https://twitter.com/ukrainer АЗОВ - Маріуполь ... have already earn the support of Ukraine people from even before the days of the surrounding! Azov will be among those who eject Russia forces. The defenders of Mariupol complied with the order, despite all the difficulties, dragged the superior enemy forces on themselves for 82 days and allowed the Ukrainian army to regroup, train more personnel and receive a large number of weapons from partner countries. No weapons will work without professionally trained servicemen, making them the most valuable element of the army. In order to save lives, the entire Mariupol garrison implements the approved decision of the highest military command and hopes for the support of the Ukrainian people. Everything must be doubted Every decision, every plan, every operation Critical thinking has always created doubts in my head Doubts about the correctness of the decision I made This never went beyond the bounds of reason and did not prevent me from always insisting on my point of view There is always risk in managing military unit There are never safe plans and operations in war You always take risks The main thing is to realize or all the risks have been calculated or a plan b has been worked out or have you given yourself completely to this plan which should combine the fulfillment of the task and the maximum preservation of the life and health of military personnel Maybe that's why war is an art not a science When you completed the task and retained the maximum number of military personnel This is the highest level of command and control Especially when your decision is approved by the highest military leadership Slava Ukraini! Everything must be subjected to doubt Every decision made every plan every operation Critical thinking has always been giving birth to doubts in my head Doubts regarding the correctness of the decision made This never has gone beyond the rational boundaries and never has been in a way of always insisting on my point of view There is always a risk in commanding the military units War has no plans or operations that would be completely safe You are always taking a risk It's crucial to realize whether all risks have been accounted for whether plan b has been worked throught whether you've given everything you have to this plan that has to combine in itself the execution of the task at hand and maximum preservation of personnel's life and health Perhaps that is exactly why war is an art but not a science When you've accomplished your task and saved maximum number of your personnel That is the highest standard of military command All the more when your decision is approved by the higest military command Slava Ukraini! Earlier... The enemy continues to storm the territory of the Azovstal plant. Throughout the 80th day of the full-scale invasion of the aggressor country, the occupier continues to drop air bombs on the defenders of Mariupol, continues to use heavy artillery and tanks, uses a large number of infantry to attempt to storm Ukrainian positions. Despite the extremely critical situation, the defenders, making superhuman efforts, repel attempts to break through the positions of defenders and deter the enemy troops. #ꑭ is when you do not hesitate to fly to hell, because your family fights demons there.

https://twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1526995583759798279 https://twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1526992391730876416 https://twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1526964453539041280 https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1527043574445096962 #buymeafighterjet is an initiative launched by Ukrainian pilots in response to NATO's unwillingness to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine. It crowdfunds to buy Su-24, Su-25, Su-27 and MiG-29 for Ukraine: https://buymeafighterjet.com/ https://twitter.com/RipRawlings/status/1526971641070292992 https://www.wsj.com/articles/ukraine-russia-war-crimes-11652582051

Biden ships his imports into tossup voting cities
Putin already giving passports to the Ukraine he invaded. Biden announcing citizenship for his imported 2M+ border voters soon. Thus both presidents are deceitful frauds. Putin Authorizes 'Fast-Tracked' Russian Citizenship For Occupied Ukrainian Territories https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/25/russia-simplifies-citizenship-for-... In the biggest indicator thus far in the over three-month long war in Ukraine that Russia intends to likely fully annex territory in the East and South, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday signed a decree which allows residents of Russian-occupied Kherson and Zaporizhzhia to gain fast-tracked Russian citizenship. Already the same policy is currently in effect for the breakaway eastern republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, the latter which is now reported to be almost completely in Russian forces' control, as final battles with Ukrainian fighters are centered in the Luhansk cities of Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk. Woman with dual passports in Simferopol, Crimea. Via Reuters Since 2019 an estimated 200,000 people in the two far eastern regions have gained Russian passports through the policy, which is now being extended to the Russian-controlled southern cities. "Citizens of Ukraine, the Donetsk People's Republic (DNR), or the Luhansk People's Republic (LNR), permanently residing in the territory of the DNR, LNR, the Zaporizhzhia region of Ukraine or the Kherson region of Ukraine, have the right to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner,” the decree reads. Ukraine was swift to condemn the move as a violation of its sovereignty and of international law and norms. Its foreign ministry said, "The illegal issuing of passports... is a flagrant violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as norms and principles of international humanitarian law."

https://fainemisto.com.ua/donate https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-... https://bank.gov.ua/ua/about/humanitarian-aid-to-ukraine https://twitter.com/Ukraine/status/1497594592438497282 https://time.com/nextadvisor/investing/cryptocurrency/donate-crypto-to-ukrai... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_diplomatic_missions_of_Ukraine https://www.embassypages.com/ukraine Help Ukrainians defend themselves and push the Putin invader back across the border. #HelpZelenskyyReload https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberArmyOfUkraine+VolunteerWithUkraine+foreignVolu... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svwm2F1k8h0 Regiment "Azov": From the beginning of the war to the present - chronicles of the struggle for Mariupol soldiers "Azov", who have already been called "steel". The enemy planned to take Mariupol in three days. Regiment "Azov" took an unequal battle with the superior forces of the enemy, the number of the grouping of which exceeded 14,000 troops. Despite enemy aircraft, multi-ton bombs, superior enemy forces and ship artillery, the defenders stood between the enemy and the whole of Ukraine. #Азов! https://fainemisto.com.ua/donate https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR Moscow has attempted to trade Ukrainian civilians for Russian military prisoners, according to Ukraine’s deputy prime minister - a move forbidden by the Geneva Convention. Ukraine declined and instructed Russia to send back Ukrainian civilians it had taken. “The Russian Federation wants to arrange a parade of Ukrainian prisoners on May 9th. This is a very serious violation of the Geneva Convention and all the rules of war!” https://v.redd.it/tekbhlvu0jw81 When shit’s fucked up And Putin’s nuts Who you gonna call? ORCBUSTERS! When you're dropping nades through a lada's roof Who you gonna call? ORCBUSTERS! When there's orc thieves lootin' and the toilet's gone Who you gonna call? ORCBUSTERS I ain't afraid of no orcs 155s make me feel good! Bustin bustin bustin bustin... Has putin gone nuts? Are russian soldiers terrorizing your neighborhood? Has your washing machine and toilet gone missing? If yes don't wait another minute. Pick up your phone now and call the professionals OrcBusters! We're ready to defeat you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oua0Puihrkc https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/04/29/7343018/ 3 Inches of Blood - Advance and Vanquish - Destroy the Orcs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1c7saYc0Mo Destroy the Orcs https://twitter.com/deadlinewh/status/1520181262312431622 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUqX0kNjMdw Odesa Mama! https://www.ebay.com/itm/294949888919 Hero former US Marine, 22, who fought because he ‘believed in what Ukraine was fighting for’ was killed by Russians and left behind wife and 7-month- old baby. Vira Hyrych, a journalist at Svoboda Radio, died during last night’s airstrike from a missile that hit her apartment building in Kyiv. Tetiana Kushnir, doctor with the National Guards of Ukraine, died in #Mariupol #Azovstal. 40 days ago her husband was killed. They have a baby son left (he's safe). Patron met with the children at Okhmadit Children's Hospital. A 14-year-old girl who won gold medals in Ukraine's national weightlifting championships has been killed by Russian shelling in Mariupol, the city's council has said. Alina Peregudova was a candidate for the national team of Ukraine and aspired to represent her country at the highest level. https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov/status/1519643709138161666 !!️Attention!!! All night on the military field hospital, which is located on the territory of the plant "Azovstal" in Mariupol and where the wounded defenders are, the Russians massively dumped multi-ton bombs capable of breaking through any concrete protective structures. Then, having already caused destruction, they continued to mercilessly shell the ruins with ship's artillery. Among the wounded soldiers are dead, again wounded and concussed. Due to an enemy attack, part of the room collapsed - in particular, the operating room. This makes it impossible now to help our soldiers even in the conditions that were before. We emphasize! The Geneva Convention guarantees the protection of inpatient and mobile medical facilities and should not be attacked! Protection should be used by the wounded and sick. Regardless of whether they are civilians or military persons (combatants). The wounded should be provided with the necessary assistance without discrimination of any kind. We call on international human rights organizations to respond to the fact that Russia continues to destroy Mariupol! The video was filmed immediately after the shooting. The footage shows how to dig up the fallen dead soldiers who were in the hospital with serious injuries and provide first aid to the victims!!️ An appeal from the deputy commander of the Azov regiment, Captain Svyatoslav Palamar, a friend of Kalyna, today. This night is just a colossal number of airstrikes, phosphorous bombs, missiles, art, and anything that a barbarian can use against humanity. For all military words and actions are the same thing, so it is difficult for us to understand why we are promised and do not act. I call for decisive action on deblocking or evacuation of all those who believe in the Motherland. Today I will say not "Mariupol is Ukraine", but "Ukraine is Mariupol"

Putin the invader criminal continues to destroy entire cities and murder maim starve and ruin many civilian lifes... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-SDVXC5w94 https://twitter.com/SarahAshtonLV/status/1520827704370769920 https://twitter.com/WarInUkraine22/status/1521222617352466432 https://twitter.com/backandalive https://twitter.com/veteranfundua https://fainemisto.com.ua/donate https://twitter.com/UA_struggle https://twitter.com/antiputler_news https://twitter.com/OlenaHalushka/status/1521234766498041859 What a woman! For two weeks a 70yo lady from #Motyzhyn near Kyiv was adjusting the fire of the Ukrainian artillery. She helped to destroy around 100 pieces of russian heavy arms. Thanks to her invaders couldn't pass her village. Unfortunately, russians killed her. A true hero! https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1520907156232585218 https://twitter.com/defenceu

Putin the invader criminal continues to destroy entire cities and murder maim starve and ruin many civilian lifes...
While still blasting away murdering the injured and starving trapped in Mariupol, now Putin the asshole just launch massive new attacks on main western cities like Lviv... Hypocrite Russia is also getting much armaments, supplies, money, trade, and supports from many other countries and routes... but uses same excuse to bomb Ukraine everywhere. When will the bastard Putin die... Barrage Of Cruise Missiles Rock Western Ukraine, Plunging Lviv Into Darkness On Tuesday multiple media correspondents reporting from the western Ukrainian city of Lviv said they heard several large blasts in the evening hours. It has since emerged that railway power substations are coming under attack, after the Kremlin last week indicated its military would ramp up efforts to thwart Western arms deliveries into Ukraine. Ukrainian Railways has announced Tuesday night that a number of trains are delayed after the blasts. "In particular, trains have been detained at the entrance to Lviv, information is being updated," a statement from the rail authority quoted by CNN said. The attacks, which are being called the biggest cruise missile strikes on Lviv and perhaps across Ukraine since the war's start, have knocked out power and internet to parts of the city. Vital power and train stations have also been hit in other key areas of the country Tuesday night (local time). Confirmed: An internet disruption has been registered in Lviv, western Ukraine, amid reports of explosions and power outages following a Russian missile strike; real-time network data show connectivity down to 87% https://t.co/VD8tMFSwEG via @netblocks pic.twitter.com/rUsWPdOyKo — Liveuamap (@Liveuamap) May 3, 2022 Traffic throughout the city also came to a halt, correspondents on the ground noted. Largescale strikes on Lviv have been a rarity throughout Russia's over 2-month long invasion, given the major Western city's distance from the frontlines of fighting, which remains in Donbas as well as to the south. Whole sections of the city are also without power: Lviv Mayor Andrii Sadovyi said that parts of the city are without power. Sadovyi also said that "as a result of the missile strikes, two power substations were damaged." Explosions were reported in multiple locations across the city, including in positions south, east and west. It's believed though unconfirmed that at least five cruise missiles slammed into Lviv - and there were many more across other parts of the country. #BREAKING: Large smoke column over Lviv, Ukraine following reported Russian cruise missile strikes. https://t.co/JoYTwK8XS5 pic.twitter.com/yMRssccdch — Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) May 3, 2022 CNN correspondents are reporting: Blasts heard in Lviv, Ukraine, coming from east, south and west of the city center. One site is close to the city center. From another, a huge plume of black smoke can be seen billowing across sky. All the lights across city appear to be out. The moment of one of the missile strikes on Lviv #Ukraine. According to local officials, three electrical substations were damaged. pic.twitter.com/JQGutUNNbl — Ostap Yarysh (@OstapYarysh) May 3, 2022 The Monday prior, Russian forces attacked at least six railway stations and facilities, some of them also near Lviv. Multiple Russian cruise missile strikes on infrastructure targets across Ukraine tonight, parts of Lviv without power. Likely the biggest barrage since the beginning of the war. — Yaroslav Trofimov (@yarotrof) May 3, 2022 Ukraine's military command previously commented that targeting rails has been part of ongoing Russian efforts to completely disable the country's military transport infrastructure, specifically with an eye on foreign arms transfers as what the Kremlin previously dubbed "legitimate targets". Kiev and the UN have also condemned attacks on civilians and vital civilian transport at a time of unprecedented numbers of internally displaced war refugees. A Ukrainian military statement published last week alerted the public that the Russians "are trying to destroy the supply routes of military-technical assistance from partner states. To do this, they focus strikes on railway junctions." #Russia has hit an "infrastructure facility" in the mountains of Zakarpattia Oblast, the governor says. The 1st strike in the westernmost region. Tonight 🇷🇺 targeted railways system. I'm afraid, they hit the Beskydy Tunnel in the Carpathian between Zakarpattia and Lviv Oblasts. https://t.co/jbWkhY8rP0 — Alexander Khrebet/Олександр Хребет (@AlexKhrebet) May 3, 2022 The below video was reportedly taken days ago: Man riding a train witnessed a Russian cruise missile attack on Fastiv 2 days ago. After he started recording, a second missile hit close to the train. Dramatic footage from an attack that could have killed dozens of passengers. pic.twitter.com/D4mCGcTuXm — Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 1, 2022 And further attacks on railway and power infrastructure are being reported into the Tuesday night hours in various parts of the country. 🚨 Alert is over in Western Ukraine but not everywhere: Cherkasy, Kropyvnytskyi, Mikolaiv & Odesa in Central Ukraine, & Luhansk in the East, are still on high alert. In Lviv, there are power & water outages in some parts of the city, officials say they're working on fixing it. pic.twitter.com/LxyZRKB0tb — Emmanuelle Chaze (@EmmanuelleChaze) May 3, 2022 A number of cities continue to be on high alert as the Russian military is apparently increasing its targeting of power and transport infrastructure sites.

On 5/3/22, professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> failed to post in already existing thread:
https://www.newyorker.com/news/essay/the-war-in-ukraine-is-a-colonial-war Yesterday's " Rich Kulak " is todays " White Helmet " We should steal from Nancy's purse and fight KGB Russia to the last Ukrainian.
The War in Ukraine Is a Colonial War For centuries, the country has lived in the shadow of empire. But its past also provides the key to its present. By [36]Timothy Snyder April 28, 2022 [37]Illustration of a seed transforming into a bomb and a sunflower When [38]Vladimir Putin denies the reality of the Ukrainian state, he is speaking the familiar language of empire. For five hundred years, European conquerors called the societies that they encountered “tribes,” treating them as incapable of governing themselves. As we see in the ruins of Ukrainian cities, and in the Russian practice of mass killing, rape, and deportation, the claim that a nation does not exist is the rhetorical preparation for destroying it. Empire’s story divides subjects from objects. As the philosopher Frantz Fanon argued, colonizers see themselves as actors with purpose, and the colonized as instruments to realize the imperial vision. Putin took a pronounced colonial turn when returning to the Presidency a decade ago. In 2012, he described Russia as a “state-civilization,” which by its nature absorbed smaller cultures such as Ukraine’s. The next year, he claimed that Russians and Ukrainians were joined in “spiritual unity.” In [39]a long essay on “historical unity,” published last July, he argued that Ukraine and Russia were a single country, bound by a shared origin. His vision is of a broken world that must be restored through violence. Russia becomes itself only by annihilating Ukraine. As the objects of this rhetoric, and of the war of destruction that it sanctions, Ukrainians grasp all of this. Ukraine does have a history, of course, and Ukrainians do constitute a nation. But empire enforces objectification on the periphery and amnesia at the center. Thus modern Russian imperialism includes [40]memory laws that forbid serious discussion of the Soviet past. It is illegal for Russians to apply the word “war” to the invasion of Ukraine. It is also illegal to say that [41]Stalin began the Second World War as Hitler’s ally, and used much the same justification to attack Poland as Putin is using to attack Ukraine. When the invasion began, in February, Russian publishers were ordered to purge mentions of Ukraine from textbooks. Faced with the Kremlin’s official mixture of fantasy and taboo, the temptation is to prove the opposite: that it is Ukraine rather than Russia that is eternal, that it is Ukrainians, not Russians, who are always right, and so on. Yet Ukrainian history gives us something more interesting than a mere counter-narrative to empire. We can find Ukrainian national feeling at a very early date. In contemporary Ukraine, though, the nation is not so much anti-colonial, a rejection of a particular imperial power, as post-colonial, the creation of something new. Southern Ukraine, where Russian troops are now besieging cities and [42]bombing hospitals, was well known to the ancients. In the founding myth of Athens, the goddess Athena gives the city the gift of the olive tree. In fact, the city could grow olives only because it imported grain from ports on the Black Sea coast. The Greeks knew the coast, but not the hinterland, where they imagined mythical creatures guarding fields of gold and ambrosia. Here already was a colonial view of Ukraine: a land of fantasy, where those who take have the right to dream. The city of Kyiv did not exist in ancient times, but it is very old—about half a millennium older than Moscow. It was probably founded in the sixth or seventh century, north of any territory seen by Greeks or controlled by Romans. Islam was advancing, and Christianity was becoming European. The Western Roman Empire had fallen, leaving a form of Christianity subordinate to a pope. The Eastern (Byzantine) Empire remained, directing what we now call the Orthodox Church. As Rome and Constantinople competed for converts, peoples east of Kyiv converted to Islam. Kyivans spoke a Slavic language that had no writing system, and practiced a paganism without idols or temples. Putin’s vision of “unity” relates to a baptism that took place in this setting. In the ninth century, a group of Vikings known as the Rus arrived in Kyiv. Seeking a southbound route for their slave trade, they found the Dnipro River, which runs through the city. Their chieftains then fought over a patchwork of territories in what is now Ukraine, Belarus, and the northeast of Russia—with Kyiv always as the prize. In the late tenth century, a Viking named Valdemar took the city, with the help of a Scandinavian army. He initially governed as a pagan. But, around 987, when the Byzantines faced an internal revolt, he sensed an opportunity. He came to the emperor’s aid, and received his sister’s hand in marriage. In the process, Valdemar converted to Christianity. Putin claims that this messy sequence of events reveals the will of God to bind Russia and Ukraine forever. The will of God is easy to misunderstand; in any case, modern nations did not exist at the time, and the words “Russia” and “Ukraine” had no meaning. Valdemar was typical of the pagan Eastern European rulers of his day, considering multiple monotheistic options before choosing the one that made the most strategic sense. The word “Rus” no longer meant Viking slavers but a Christian polity. Its ruling family now intermarried with others, and the local people were treated as subjects to be taxed rather than as bodies to be sold. Yet no rule defined who would take power after a Kyivan ruler’s death. Valdemar took a Byzantine princess as his wife, but he had a half a dozen others, not to mention a harem of hundreds of women. When he died in 1015, he had imprisoned one of his sons, Sviatopolk, and was making war upon another, Yaroslav. Sviatopolk was freed after his father’s death, and killed three of his brothers, but he was defeated on the battlefield by Yaroslav. Other sons entered the fray, and Yaroslav didn’t rule alone until 1036. The succession had taken twenty-one years. At least ten other sons of Valdemar had died in the meantime. These events do not reveal a timeless empire, as Putin claims. But they do suggest the importance of a succession principle, a theme very important in Ukrainian-Russian relations today. The Ukrainian transliteration of “Valdemar” is “Volodymyr,” the name of Ukraine’s President. In Ukraine, power is transferred through democratic elections: when [43]Volodymyr Zelensky [44]won the 2019 Presidential election, the sitting President accepted defeat. The Russian transliteration of the same name is “Vladimir.” Russia is brittle: it [45]has no succession principle, and it’s unclear what will happen when Vladimir Putin dies or is forced from power. The pressure of mortality confirms the imperial thinking. An aging tyrant, obsessed by his legacy, seizes upon a lofty illusion that seems to confer immortality: the “unity” of Russia and Ukraine. In the Icelandic sagas, Yaroslav is remembered as the Lame; in Eastern Europe, he is the Wise, the giver of laws. Yet he did not solve the problem of succession. Following his reign, the lands around Kyiv fragmented again and again. In 1240, the city fell to the Mongols; later, most of old Rus was claimed by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, then the largest state in Europe. Lithuania borrowed from Kyiv a grammar of politics, as well as a good deal of law. For a couple of centuries, its grand dukes also ruled Poland. But, in 1569, after the Lithuanian dynasty died out, a Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was formalized, and the territories of Ukraine were placed under Polish jurisdiction. This was a crucial change. After 1569, Kyiv was no longer a source of law but an object of it—the archetypal colonial situation. It was colonization that set off Ukraine from the former territories of Rus, and its manner generated qualities still visible today: suspicion of the central state, organization in crisis, and the notion of freedom as self-expression, despite a powerful neighbor. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, all the forces of Europe’s globalization seemed to bear down on Ukraine. Polish colonization resembled and in some measure enabled the European colonization of the wider world. Polish nobles introduced land-management practices—along with land managers, most of whom were Jewish—that allowed the establishment of profitable plantations. Local Ukrainian warlords rushed to imitate the system, and adopted elements of Polish culture, including Western Christianity and the Polish language. In an age of discovery, enserfed peasants labored for a world market. Ukraine’s colonization coincided with the Renaissance, and with a spectacular flowering of Polish culture. Like other Renaissance thinkers, Polish scholars in Ukraine resuscitated ancient knowledge, and sometimes overturned it. It was a Pole, Copernicus, who undid the legacy of Ptolemy’s “[47]Almagest” and confirmed that the Earth orbits the sun. It was another Pole, Maciej of Miechów, who corrected Ptolemy’s “[48]Geography,” clearing Ukrainian maps of gold and ambrosia. As in ancient times, however, the tilling of the black earth enabled tremendous wealth, raising the question of why those who labored and those who profited experienced such different fates. The Renaissance considered questions of identity through language. Across Europe, there was a debate as to whether Latin, now revived, was sufficient for the culture, or whether vernacular spoken languages should be elevated for the task. In the early fourteenth century, [49]Dante answered this question in favor of Italian; English, French, Spanish, and Polish writers created other literary languages by codifying local vernaculars. In Ukraine, literary Polish emerged victorious over the Ukrainian vernacular, becoming the language of the commercial and intellectual élite. In a way, this was typical: Polish was a modern language, like English or Italian. But it was not the local language in Ukraine. Ukraine’s answer to the language question was deeply colonial, whereas in the rest of Europe it could be seen as broadly democratic. The Reformation brought a similar result: local élites converted to Protestantism and then to Roman Catholicism, alienating them further from an Orthodox population. The convergence of colonization, the Renaissance, and the Reformation was specific to Ukraine. By the sixteen-forties, the few large landholders generally spoke Polish and were Catholic, and those who worked for them spoke Ukrainian and were Orthodox. Globalization had generated differences and inequalities that pushed the people to rebellion. Ukrainians on the battlefield today rely on no fantasy of the past to counter Putin’s. If there is a precursor that matters to them, it is the Cossacks, a group of free people who lived on the far reaches of the Ukrainian steppe, making their fortress on an island in the middle of the Dnipro. Having escaped the Polish system of landowners and peasants, they could choose to be “registered Cossacks,” paid for their service in the Polish Army. Still, they were not citizens, and more of them wished to be registered than the Polish-Lithuanian parliament would allow. The rebellion began in 1648, when an influential Cossack, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, saw his lands seized and his son attacked by a Polish noble. Finding himself beyond the protection of the law, Khmelnytsky turned his fellow-Cossacks toward revolt against the Polish-speaking, Roman Catholic magnates who dominated Ukraine. The accumulated cultural, religious, and economic grievances of the people quickly transformed the revolt into something very much like an anti-colonial uprising, with violence directed not only against the private armies of the magnates but against Poles and Jews generally. The magnates carried out reprisals against peasants and Cossacks, impaling them on stakes. The Polish-Lithuanian cavalry fought what had been their own Cossack infantry. Each side knew the other very well. In 1651, the Cossacks, realizing that they needed help, turned to an Eastern power, Muscovy, about which they knew little. When Kyivan Rus had collapsed, most of its lands had been absorbed by Lithuania, but some of its northeastern territories remained under the dominion of a Mongol successor state. There, in a new city called Moscow, leaders known as tsars had begun an extraordinary period of territorial expansion, extending their realm into northern Asia. In 1648, the year that the Cossack uprising began, a Muscovite explorer [50]reached the Pacific Ocean. The war in Ukraine allowed Muscovy to turn its attention to Europe. In 1654, the Cossacks signed an agreement with representatives of the tsar. The Muscovite armies invaded Poland-Lithuania from the east; soon after, Sweden invaded from the north, setting off the crisis that Polish history remembers as “the Deluge.” Peace was eventually made between Poland-Lithuania and Muscovy, in 1667, and Ukraine was divided more or less down the middle, along the Dnipro. After a thousand years of existence, Kyiv was politically connected to Moscow for the first time. The Cossacks were something like an early national movement. The problem was that their struggle against one colonial power enabled another. In 1721, Muscovy was renamed the Russian Empire, in reference to old Rus. Poland-Lithuania never really recovered from the Deluge, and was partitioned out of existence between 1772 and 1795. Russia thereby claimed the rest of Ukraine—everything but a western district known as Galicia, which went to the Habsburgs. Around the same time, in 1775, the Cossacks lost their status. They did not gain the political rights they had wanted, nor did the peasants who supported them gain control of the black earth. Polish landowners remained in Ukraine, even as state power became Russian. Whereas Putin’s story of Ukraine is about destiny, the Ukrainian recollection of the Cossacks is about unfulfilled aspirations. The country’s national anthem, written in 1862, speaks of a young people upon whom fate has yet to smile, but who will one day prove worthy of the “Cossack nation.” The nineteenth century was the age of national revivals. When the Ukrainian movement began in imperial Russian Kharkov—today [51]Kharkiv, and largely in ruins—the focus was on the Cossack legacy. The next move was to locate history in the people, as an account of continuous culture. At first, such efforts did not seem threatening to imperial rule. But, after the Russian defeat in the Crimean War, in 1856, and the insult of the [52]Polish uprising of 1863 and 1864, Ukrainian culture was declared not to exist. It was often deemed an invention of Polish élites—an idea that Putin endorsed in his essay on “historical unity.” Leading Ukrainian thinkers emigrated to Galicia, where they could speak freely. The First World War brought the principle of self-determination, which promised a release from imperial rule. In practice, it was often used to rescue old empires, or to build new ones. A Ukrainian National Republic was established in 1917, as the Russian Empire collapsed into revolution. In 1918, in return for a promise of foodstuffs, the country was recognized by [53]Austria and Germany. Woodrow Wilson championed self-determination, but his victorious entente ignored Ukraine, recognizing Polish claims instead. Vladimir Lenin invoked the principle as well, though he meant only that the exploitation of national questions could advance class revolution. Ukraine soon found itself at the center of the Russian civil war, in which the Red Army, led by the Bolsheviks, and the White Army, fighting for the defunct empire, both denied Ukraine’s right to sovereignty. In this dreadful conflict, which followed four years of war, millions of people died, among them tens of thousands of Jews. Though the Red Army ultimately prevailed, Bolshevik leaders knew that the Ukrainian question had to be addressed. Putin claims that the Bolsheviks created Ukraine, but the truth is close to the opposite. The Bolsheviks destroyed the Ukrainian National Republic. Aware that Ukrainian identity was real and widespread, they designed their new state to account for it. It was largely thanks to Ukraine that the Soviet Union took the form it did, as a federation of units with national names. The failure of self-determination in Ukraine was hardly unique. Almost all of the new states created after the First World War were destroyed, within about two decades, by Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, or both. In the political imaginations of both regimes, Ukraine was the territory whose possession would allow them to break the postwar order, and to transform the world in their own image. As in the sixteenth century, it was as if all the forces of world history were concentrated on a single country. Stalin spoke of an internal colonization, in which peasants would be exploited so that the Soviet economy could imitate—and then overtake—capitalism. His policy of collective agriculture, in which land was seized from farmers, was particularly unwelcome in Ukraine, where the revolution had finally got rid of the (still largely Polish) landholders. Yet the black earth of Ukraine was central to Stalin’s plans, and he moved to subdue it. In 1932 and 1933, he enforced a series of policies that led to around four million people dying of hunger or related disease. Soviet propaganda blamed the Ukrainians, claiming that they were killing themselves to discredit Soviet rule—a tactic echoed, today, by Putin. Europeans who tried to organize famine relief were dismissed as Nazis. The actual Nazis saw Stalin’s famine as a sign that Ukrainian agriculture could be exploited for another imperial project: their own. Hitler wanted Soviet power overthrown, Soviet cities depopulated, and the whole western part of the country colonized. His vision of Ukrainians was [54]intensely colonial: he imagined that he could deport and starve them by the millions, and exploit the labor of whoever remained. It was Hitler’s desire for Ukrainian land that brought millions of Jews under German control. In this sense, colonial logic about Ukraine was a necessary condition for [55]the Holocaust. Between 1933 and 1945, Soviet and Nazi colonialism made Ukraine [56]the most dangerous place in the world. More civilians were killed in Ukraine, in acts of atrocity, than anywhere else. That reckoning doesn’t even include soldiers: more Ukrainians died fighting the Germans, in the Second World War, than French, American, and British troops combined. The major conflict of the war in Europe was the German-Soviet struggle for Ukraine, which took place between 1941 and 1945. But, when the war began, in 1939, the Soviet Union and Germany were de-facto allies, and jointly invaded Poland. At the time, what is now western Ukraine was southeastern Poland. A small group of Ukrainian nationalists there joined the Germans, understanding that they would seek to destroy the U.S.S.R. When it became clear that the Germans would fail, the nationalists left their service, ethnically cleansed Poles in 1943 and 1944, and then resisted the Soviets. In Putin’s texts, they figure as timeless villains, responsible for Ukrainian difference generally. The irony, of course, is that they emerged thanks to Stalin’s much grander collaboration with Hitler. They were crushed by Soviet power, in a brutal counter-insurgency, and today Ukraine’s far right polls at one to two per cent. Meanwhile, the Poles, whose ancestors were the chief victims of Ukrainian nationalism, have [57]admitted nearly three million Ukrainian [58]refugees, reminding us that there are other ways to handle history than stories of eternal victimhood. After the war, western Ukraine was added to Soviet Ukraine, and the republic was placed under suspicion precisely because it had been under German occupation. New restrictions on Ukrainian culture were justified by a manufactured allocation of guilt. This circular logic—we punish you, therefore you must be guilty—informs [59]Kremlin propaganda today. Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, has argued that Russia had to invade Ukraine because Ukraine might have started a war. Putin, who has said the same, is clearly drawing on Stalin’s rhetoric. We are to understand that the Soviet victory in the Second World War left Russians forever pure and Ukrainians eternally guilty. At the funerals of Russian soldiers, grieving parents are told that their sons were fighting Nazis. The history of the colonization of Ukraine, like the history of troubling and divisive subjects in general, can help us get free of myths. The past delivers to Putin several strands of colonial rhetoric, which he has combined and intensified. It also leaves us vulnerable to a language of exploitation: whenever we speak of “the Ukraine” instead of “Ukraine,” or [60]pronounce the capital city in the Russian style, or act as if Americans can tell Ukrainians when and how to make peace, we are continuing imperial rhetoric by partaking in it. Ukrainian national rhetoric is less coherent than Putin’s imperialism, and, therefore, more credible, and more human. Independence arrived in 1991, when the U.S.S.R was dissolved. Since then, the country’s politics have been marked by corruption and inequality, but also by a democratic spirit that has grown in tandem with national self-awareness. In 2004, an attempt to rig an election was defeated by a mass movement. In 2014, millions of Ukrainians protested a President who retreated from the E.U. The protesters were massacred, the President fled, and Russia invaded Ukraine for the first time. Again and again, Ukrainians have elected Presidents who seek reconciliation with Russia; again and again, this has failed. Zelensky is an extreme case: he ran on a platform of peace, only to be greeted with an invasion. Ukraine is a post-colonial country, one that does not define itself against exploitation so much as accept, and sometimes even celebrate, the complications of emerging from it. Its people are bilingual, and its soldiers speak the language of the invader as well as their own. The war is fought in [61]a decentralized way, dependent on the solidarity of local communities. These communities are diverse, but together they defend the notion of Ukraine as a political nation. There is something heartening in this. The model of the nation as a mini-empire, replicating inequalities on a smaller scale, and aiming for a homogeneity that is confused with identity, has worn itself out. If we are going to have democratic states in the twenty-first century, they will have to accept some of the complexity that is taken for granted in Ukraine. The contrast between an aging empire and a new kind of nation is captured by Zelensky, whose simple presence makes Kremlin ideology seem senseless. Born in 1978, he is a child of the U.S.S.R., and speaks Russian with his family. A Jew, he reminds us that democracy can be multicultural. He does not so much answer Russian imperialism as exist alongside it, as though hailing from some wiser dimension. He does not need to mirror Putin; he just needs to show up. Every day, he affirms his nation by what he says and what he does. Ukrainians assert their nation’s existence through simple acts of solidarity. They are not resisting Russia because of some absence or some difference, because they are not Russians or opposed to Russians. What is to be resisted is elemental: the threat of national extinction represented by Russian colonialism, a war of destruction expressly designed to resolve “the Ukrainian question.” Ukrainians know that there is not a question to be answered, only a life to be lived and, if need be, to be risked. They resist because they know who they are. In one of his very first videos after the invasion, when Russian propaganda claimed that he had fled Kyiv, Zelensky pointed the camera at himself and said, “The President is here.” That is it. Ukraine is here. More on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine * Is the Russian military [62]a paper tiger? * [63]The long holy war behind Putin’s political war. * For more than a month, the Russian military turned a locked-in city [64]into an urban death trap. * The case for placing an [65]immediate energy embargo on Russia. * Why a forty-year-old father of three joined other civilians to help [66]thwart Russia’s attempt to seize Kyiv. * Why do so many Russians [67]say they support the war? [68]Sign up for our daily newsletter to receive the best stories from The New Yorker. [69]Timothy Snyder is a professor of history at Yale. He is the author of “[70]Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin,” and recently released an expanded audiobook edition of “[71]On Tyranny.” 36. https://www.newyorker.com/contributors/timothy-snyder 38. https://www.newyorker.com/tag/vladimir-putin 39. https://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/66181 40. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-russian-memory-project-that-bec... 41. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/11/06/how-stalin-became-stalinist 42. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2022/03/europe/mariupol-maternity-hospital-a... 43. https://www.newyorker.com/tag/volodymyr-zelensky 44. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/11/04/how-trumps-emissaries-put-pres... 45. https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/how-putin-controls-russia 47. https://www.amazon.com/Ptolemys-Almagest-Ptolemy/dp/0691002606 48. https://www.amazon.com/Ptolemys-Geography-Annotated-Translation-Theoretical/... 49. https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/dante-turns-seven-hundred-and-fi... 50. https://www.loc.gov/collections/meeting-of-frontiers/articles-and-essays/exp... 51. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/photo-booth/the-devastation-of-kharkiv 52. https://www.amazon.com/Reconstruction-Nations-Ukraine-Lithuania-1569-1999-dp... 53. https://www.amazon.com/Red-Prince-Timothy-Snyder-dp-1845951204/dp/1845951204 54. https://www.amazon.com/Black-Earth-Holocaust-History-Warning/dp/1101903473 55. https://www.newyorker.com/tag/the-holocaust 56. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1541600061 57. https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/the-ukrainian-exodus-at-the-polish-b... 58. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/03/21/ukrainian-refugees-journeys-ha... 59. https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/03/14/the-war-that-russians-do-not-s... 60. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/13/us/politics/kiev-pronunciation.html 61. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/03/07/ukrainians-are-fighting-a... 62. https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/is-the-russian-military-a-paper-tiger 63. https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-long-holy-war-behind-putins... 64. https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/the-siege-of-chernihiv 65. https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-case-for-an-immediate-ener... 66. https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/a-ukrainian-judge-joins-the-nations-... 67. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/why-do-so-many-russians-say-they-su... 68. https://www.newyorker.com/newsletter/daily 69. https://www.newyorker.com/contributors/timothy-snyder 70. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1541600061 71. https://www.amazon.com/Tyranny-Expanded-Audio-Updated-Lessons/dp/B09VMR31RT

Nuland-Pyatt Ukraine Coup Tape Removed From YouTube After 8 Years https://consortiumnews.com/2022/05/25/nuland-pyatt-tape-removed-from-youtube... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-26079957 https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1529523242989494274 https://twitter.com/Consortiumnews/status/1529530688751513604 The smoking gun proving US involvement in the 2014 coup in Kiev has been removed from YouTube after eight years. It was the most complete version of the intercepted and leaked conversation between then Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the then US ambassador to Ukraine, in which the two discuss who will make up the new government weeks before democratically-elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in a violent coup on Feb. 21, 2014. The US State Department never denied the authenticity of the video, and even issued an apology to the European Union after Nuland is heard on the tape saying, "Fuck the E.U." Mainstream media at the time focused almost exclusively on that off-color remark, ignoring the greater significance of U.S. interference in Ukraine’s internal affairs. Consortium News has numerous times embedded the YouTube video in articles about the overthrow of Yanukovych. CN successfully embedded it earlier this week in an article now being written, but on Wednesday the video suddenly appeared this way in the draft article: This is a screenshot taken earlier from the video that has now been removed. Nuland in screenshot from now removed YouTube video. Timing of Removal The removal of a video that had existed online for eight years raises major questions as it comes during the war in Ukraine. Corporate media has studiously avoided mentioning the causes of the current conflict, including NATO eastward expansion, the rejected Moscow treaty proposals in December, the civil war in Donbass and the 2014 coup in Kiev that led to the Donbass uprising and violent repression by the coup government. The coup in 2014 is the starting point that led to all these events culminating in Russia’s invasion in February. Removing the video would be consistent with the suppression of any information that falls outside the enforced narrative of events in Ukraine, including whitewashing any mention of the U.S.-backed coup. There is, of course, massive censoring by Big Tech of conservative voices, as well as leftist anti-establishment ones. But overlooked: their primary allegiance when censoring is to the US Security State. Big Tech censorship always aligns with US intelligence and military aims.👇 https://t.co/1dRj1gkoE1 — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 25, 2022 It was the original, most complete, and widely viewed recording of the call on YouTube: There are a couple of other versions on YouTube but this one had the most views. It was posted on April 29, 2014 and had 181,533 views. It's on Odyseey and Rumble but they don't have the reach that YouTube has nor this particular video. — Consortium News (@Consortiumnews) May 25, 2022 Transcript Still Online The BBC on Feb. 7, 2014 — 14 days before Yanukovych was toppled- — published a transcript of the Nuland-Pyatt conversation. Consortium News is republishing the transcript here, lest it be removed from the internet as well: * * * Voice thought to be Nuland’s: What do you think? Voice thought to be Pyatt’s: I think we’re in play. The Klitschko [Vitaly Klitschko, one of three main opposition leaders] piece is obviously the complicated electron here. Especially the announcement of him as deputy prime minister and you’ve seen some of my notes on the troubles in the marriage right now so we’re trying to get a read really fast on where he is on this stuff. But I think your argument to him, which you’ll need to make, I think that’s the next phone call you want to set up, is exactly the one you made to Yats [Arseniy Yatseniuk, another opposition leader]. And I’m glad you sort of put him on the spot on where he fits in this scenario. And I’m very glad that he said what he said in response. Nuland: Good. I don’t think Klitsch should go into the government. I don’t think it’s necessary, I don’t think it’s a good idea. Pyatt: Yeah. I guess… in terms of him not going into the government, just let him stay out and do his political homework and stuff. I’m just thinking in terms of sort of the process moving ahead we want to keep the moderate democrats together. The problem is going to be Tyahnybok [Oleh Tyahnybok, the other opposition leader] and his guys and I’m sure that’s part of what [President Viktor] Yanukovych is calculating on all this. Nuland: [Breaks in] I think Yats is the guy who’s got the economic experience, the governing experience. He’s the… what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week, you know. I just think Klitsch going in… he’s going to be at that level working for Yatseniuk, it’s just not going to work. Pyatt: Yeah, no, I think that’s right. OK. Good. Do you want us to set up a call with him as the next step? Nuland: My understanding from that call – but you tell me – was that the big three were going into their own meeting and that Yats was going to offer in that context a… three-plus-one conversation or three-plus-two with you. Is that not how you understood it? Pyatt: No. I think… I mean that’s what he proposed but I think, just knowing the dynamic that’s been with them where Klitschko has been the top dog, he’s going to take a while to show up for whatever meeting they’ve got and he’s probably talking to his guys at this point, so I think you reaching out directly to him helps with the personality management among the three and it gives you also a chance to move fast on all this stuff and put us behind it before they all sit down and he explains why he doesn’t like it. Nuland: OK, good. I’m happy. Why don’t you reach out to him and see if he wants to talk before or after. Pyatt: OK, will do. Thanks. Nuland: OK… one more wrinkle for you Geoff. [A click can be heard] I can’t remember if I told you this, or if I only told Washington this, that when I talked to Jeff Feltman [United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs] this morning, he had a new name for the UN guy Robert Serry did I write you that this morning? Pyatt: Yeah I saw that. Nuland: OK. He’s now gotten both Serry and [UN Secretary General] Ban Ki-moon to agree that Serry could come in Monday or Tuesday. So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and to have the UN help glue it and, you know, Fuck the EU. Pyatt: No, exactly. And I think we’ve got to do something to make it stick together because you can be pretty sure that if it does start to gain altitude, that the Russians will be working behind the scenes to try to torpedo it. And again the fact that this is out there right now, I’m still trying to figure out in my mind why Yanukovych (garbled) that. In the meantime there’s a Party of Regions faction meeting going on right now and I’m sure there’s a lively argument going on in that group at this point. But anyway we could land jelly side up on this one if we move fast. So let me work on Klitschko and if you can just keep… we want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing. The other issue is some kind of outreach to Yanukovych but we probably regroup on that tomorrow as we see how things start to fall into place. Nuland: So on that piece Geoff, when I wrote the note [US vice-president’s national security adviser Jake] Sullivan’s come back to me VFR [direct to me], saying you need [US Vice-President Joe] Biden and I said probably tomorrow for an atta-boy and to get the deets [details] to stick. So Biden’s willing. Pyatt: OK. Great. Thanks.

Ukraine Fires Own Human Rights Chief For Perpetuating Russian Troop 'Systematic Rape' Stories For over the past two months, an avalanche of stories have hit Western mainstream press which purported to document instances of mass rape carried out by Russian troops against Ukrainian civilians. One particular story in Time took off, driving outrage and condemnation by Western officials and receiving repeat coverage on CNN and other major US networks. It alleged "a systemic, coordinated campaign of sexual violence" - relying chiefly on testimony gathered by Ukraine's appointed top human rights representative. It included a particularly shocking story of 25 teenage girls being gang-raped by Russian troops - nine of which became pregnant. According to the report: Ukraine’s human rights ombudsman, Lyudmyla Denisova said that 25 teenage girls were kept in a basement in Bucha and gang-raped; nine of them are now pregnant. Elderly women spoke on camera about being raped by Russian soldiers. The bodies of children were found naked with their hands tied behind their backs, their genitals mutilated. Those victims included both girls and boys... Ukrainians are speaking up about rape as a war crime to ensure the world holds Russia accountablehttps://t.co/tEilTSgmbS — TIME (@TIME) April 24, 2022 As has been the pattern in prior wars, whether in Syria or Libya, the media claims got more and more sensational and over-the-top as the conflict intensified, and as Western powers became more deeply involved, yet with no concrete or definitive proof. But one consistent detail in the majority of the stories is that the aforementioned Ukraine human rights ombudsman, Lyudmyla Denisova, is often the central figure feeding Western correspondents the shocking rape stories. For example, she's featured in this April Newsweek piece: Lyudmila Denisova, the Ukrainian Parliament's Commissioner for Human Rights, alleged on Friday that Russian soldiers have raped children during the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. In a Facebook post, Denisova alleged that an 11-year-old boy was raped by Russians in front of his mother who was tied to a chair and forced to watch as it happened in the Ukrainian city of Bucha. Lyudmyla Denisova, Ukrainian government image Many such stories which presented ever-more horrifying details as the war progressed quickly went viral, particularly among pro-Ukraine activists on Twitter and other social media, to the point where prominent pundits would begin casually agreeing amongst themself that Russians simply are "animals". And below is another example among many, which tended to be based on "reports say" for many of the most central, damning claims... But recently, within the last couple of weeks, as investigators began to dig deeper into the allegations, it seems the media stories started to dry up. The geopolitical analysis blog Moon of Alabama details what happened in the following: However, a bunch of eager NGOs in Ukraine, hoping for fresh 'western' money for new 'rape consultation and recovery' projects, tried to find real rape cases. They were disappointed when they found that there was no evidence that any rape had taken place (machine translation): On May 25, a number of media outlets and NGOs published an open appeal to Lyudmila Denisova calling for improved communication on sexual crimes during the war. The signatories insist that Denisova should disclose only information about which there is sufficient evidence, avoid sensationalism and excessive detail in their reports, use correct terminology and take care of the confidentiality and safety of victims. "Sexual crimes during the war are family tragedies, a difficult traumatic topic, not a topic for publications in the spirit of the 'scandalous chronicle.' We need to keep in mind the goal: to draw attention to the facts of crimes," the appeal reads. An entire global activist movement even sprang up which focused on highlighting Russian sexual crimes in Ukraine, based on the premise that Russia's military is using "rape as a tool" as part of its arsenal to spread a campaign of terror... Th woman also shouted 'Don't rape us!' as the security encircled her quickly to take her off the red carpet. The incident again brought to light the Ukraine crisis at #Cannes.https://t.co/Ghs9UCKC7q — WION (@WIONews) May 21, 2022 And now on Tuesday, Interfax, Politico, The Wall Street Journal, and others are reporting that Lyudmyla Denisova has been fired - precisely for floating and perpetuating fantastical claims of mass rape but without providing evidence... Ukraine's parliament just fired human rights ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova. MPs claimed her work focusing on the rape of Ukrainians by Russian troops which "couldn't be confirmed with evidence [...] only harmed Ukraine and distracted the global media from Ukraine's real needs." — Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) May 31, 2022 "Ukrainian lawmakers dismissed the country’s ombudsman for human rights, Lyudmyla Denisova, in a no-confidence vote on Tuesday, concluding that she had failed to fulfill obligations including the facilitation of humanitarian corridors and countering the deportation of Ukrainians from occupied territory," The Wall Street Journal reported late in the day. "Lawmaker Pavlo Frolov said Ms. Denisova was also accused of making insensitive and unverifiable statements about alleged Russian sex crimes and spending too much time in Western Europe during the invasion," the report added. Frolov said in a Facebook post announcing her dismissal as the country's top human rights investigator: "The unclear focus of the Ombudsman's media work on the numerous details of ‘sexual crimes committed in an unnatural way’ and ‘rape of children’ in the occupied territories that could not be confirmed by evidence, only harmed Ukraine." Such accusations of mass rape by the enemy de jour are made in every war (Libya, Syria) . They rarely turn out to be true.https://t.co/bF0NVhQiFl https://t.co/i4rE2LMZMV — Moon of Alabama (@MoonofA) April 21, 2022 Needless to say this is an absolutely devastating blow to Ukraine's 'information war' which has been in full force since the Russian invasion (as naturally in war each side will enter into propaganda campaigns against the other simultaneous to the actual ground war, and while seeking to sway world opinion). Angry pushback has started already within hours after the news of Denisova's removal was confirmed, including from UN accounts and US media pundits... Dismissal of Ombudsperson Denisova is contrary to int standards, undermines independence of important human rights institution in #Ukraine. We call on authorities to take steps to ensure independence of Ombudsperson & abide by int standards in law&practice https://t.co/C3689VYRih — UNHumanRightsUkraine (@UNHumanRightsUA) May 31, 2022 That Ukraine's parliament took the drastic step of dismissing her in such a public manner also speaks volumes - strongly suggesting that Ukrainian officials themselves don't believe the bulk of the 'systematic rape' claims.

Putin the invader murdered tens of thousands, destroyed and mostly controls an entire eastern crescent from northeast to southwest. Ukraine, while exhibiting earnest defense, was at onset at least a year behind and ill prepared in training and arms. Zelensky have difficult work to retake Ukraine lands from Putin, but is doubling down words to do it. https://t.me/UA_struggle https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1536416721971576832 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1536282051003006977 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1536274768382545923 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1535931633949368321 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1535897105029599232 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1534937482139254786 https://www.patreon.com/posts/67678138 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1535683289662496769 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1534850614844395521 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1535566556461252608 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1535242183506382850

US general says Elon Musk's Starlink has 'totally destroyed Putin's information campaign'
Lol, even if so, didn't do any good. Putin, the murdering invader and rampaging destroyer, now totally controls the aforementioned areas, and just destroyed two of the west's prized bling weapons. Ukraine confirmed to be secretly crawling with western agencies on the ground, yet is still losing. Will take long time to win anything back. Prepare yourselves so you don't suffer same fate as ill-prepared Ukraine. Anyway, Putin is an asshole that needs to die... https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1543221420272001025 Another video of the Russian shelling in the #Odesa region. It was recorded right after the missile struck. It is horrifying what #Russia does to the Ukrainian people. #RussiaIsATerroristState Ukrainian forces are currently advancing in several tactical directions, including in the south - in the Kherson region, in the Zaporozhye region. We will not give up our land – the entire sovereign territory of Ukraine will be Ukrainian. In the south of our country, in the occupied areas, Russian forces blocked any opportunity for people to know the truth about what was happening. Block access to social networks, messengers and YouTube. People need to know about it.. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to talk to people in the south – Kherson, Henichesk, Berdyansk, Melitopol and other cities and villages – please spread the truth there. Take every opportunity to tell people in the occupied areas that we remember them. -- Zelensky The same one who came to power through the blood of Muslims throughout the North Caucasus? The same one who streamlined the "fight against terrorism" will turn this into a flywheel of repression of Muslims in Russia? The one who killed thousands of Muslims in Syria? And the one who killed your own people? -- @Islamicfront1

https://www.johnspenceronline.com/urban-warfare The Mini Manual For The Urban Defender After events like today I'm even more proud for having written a book to help Ukrainians fight evil Russians soldiers. Translated into Ukrainian, distributed by the Ministry of Defense, and published/distributed across the country 100,000+ Putin's brutality continues... https://nypost.com/2022/07/29/ukrainian-pow-castrated-by-russians-in-sickeni... https://twitter.com/kvitneviy_/status/1552994326707306498 https://twitter.com/SpencerGuard/status/1553169662430457862 “John Spencer, the US Army veteran who chairs the Washington, DC-based Urban Warfare Studies, also implored world leaders to act.” You damn right I did. I just watched the video showing Russian soldiers cutting off the genitalia of Ukrainian POWs. How do you unsee that? WTF are we waiting on to halt this evil? Stop incrementally sending weapons, we all know they need- 100 MLRS, all types of rounds, ATACMs, tanks, etc, send it! https://twitter.com/DmytroKuleba/status/1552978759669645314 Russia has committed another petrifying war crime by shelling a correctional facility in the occupied Olenivka where it held Ukrainian POWs. I call on all partners to strongly condemn this brutal violation of international humanitarian law and recognize Russia a terrorist state. In what country is this not immediate grounds for kicking those diplomatic personnel out of your country @GOVUK ? Russian Embassy, UK @RussianEmbassy : Azov militants deserve execution, but death not by firing squad but by hanging, because they’re not real soldiers. They deserve a humiliating death. Russia uses Heavy Flamethrower System TOS-1 MLRS against our Warriors. They destroy everyone even in the trenches. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle https://t.me/polkazov/4413 https://gordonua.com/bulvar/news/zhena-komandira-polka-azov-denisa-prokopenk...

Putin's brutality continues...
https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1554081311819792387 All houses of Berestove village at Bakmut-Lysychansk road were completely destroyed by Russian artillery. These were someone's homes, filled with children's laughter and growing flowers. Happy memories. Russians turned everything to ruins and ashes. Putin the Invader, go fuck yourself.

Putin's brutality continues... https://twitter.com/UA_struggle Putin the Invader, go fuck yourself.
Prediction Markets: "Will 'The Bridge' Fall?" While Ukraine gets lucky smashing RU air and ammo dumps in formerly verboten areas such as Crimea, Russia and all others in the world bid on diabolical weaponry... Russia Shows Off Robo-Dog With RPG At Military Convention Russia displayed new and experimental technologies at its annual defense convention at the Patriot Center near Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered an opening speech at the Military and Technical Forum ARMY 2022 on Tuesday, organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense, and said that over "28,000 modern samples of military and dual-use products" are being showcased by approximately 1,500 Russian manufacturers to defense officials from 72 countries. In the speech, Putin continued: "We are ready to offer our allies and partners the most modern types of weapons, from small arms to armored vehicles and artillery, from warplanes to drones. These guns are in demand among military professionals all over the world for their reliability, quality, and most importantly, their high efficiency. Almost all of them have been used many times in real military operations." 👏🇷🇺🌎🌍🌏Putin Speech at the opening ceremony: of the Army 2022 forum and the International Army Games 2022: Aerobatics teams at the opening of the military-technical forum #Army2022 :International military-technical forum "Army-2022" Vladimir Putin took part in the opening pic.twitter.com/A5Hts9VYoK — World News 24 (@DailyWorld24) August 15, 2022 One of the most modern types of weapons that Putin was referring to appears to be an intelligent four-legged robo-dog wielding an RPG-26 rocket launcher on its back. Videos of Russian engineering company Intellect Machine's M-81 robotic system roaming the convention center floors with a rocket launcher went viral on social media. Ohh my… Innovation level: Russian robot dog with rocket launcher at Russia’s Army 2022 Defense Exposition. pic.twitter.com/c839c3GJo5 — CaucasusWarReport (@Caucasuswar) August 16, 2022 A Russian robot complex, assembled using Chinese technology and capable of using RPGs, at the #Army2022 forum. pic.twitter.com/vrdTMFRIgB — خالد اسكيف (@khalediskef) August 16, 2022 😳 #ARMY2022 A robot dog with a grenade launcher on his back appeared at the forum. This is a Chinese technology, the cost is about 1 million rubles(16,161.75 US Dollars). Robopes became the star of the first day of the forum. pic.twitter.com/lCnJkHpgun — DanBardak (@DanBardak) August 15, 2022 This would not be the first time the West's adversaries have displayed a robo-dog for war. Last month, a video surfaced on social media of a Chinese robot dog by Hangzhou-based company Unitree Robotics with a machine gun mounted on its back. All the people who laughed off the “worrywarts” years ago for freaking out about the Funny Dancing Robot Dogs (tm) should be forced to watch this video once a day for the remainder of the year. pic.twitter.com/WBIrlGah3w — Sean Chiplock @ (SOON) PWR^ South Bend (@sonicmega) July 20, 2022 Here are the other weapons displayed at the defense convention that wraps up on Sunday: Russian Helicopters Company, a subsidiary of state-owned Rostec Corporation displayed during the 8th International Military-Technical Forum (Army 2022) exhibition a new unmanned helicopter, called the “Bas-750”. pic.twitter.com/5TguC8OyhZ — Vnation 111 (@Vnation_111) August 17, 2022 Future "Arctic" SSBN concept: "Arktur" and its companion UUV "Surrogat-V". Photos by @MuxelAero. Borei-A for comparison. #ARMY2022 pic.twitter.com/nVcunL7NFG — Dmitry Stefanovich (@KomissarWhipla) August 15, 2022 First day of Russian forum #Army2022 #Армия2022. What’s new in #UAV game? Not much so far. Two models of wannabe MQ-1 Predator - Orion-E with control station, and old Foton-601 construction developed by Ruskosmos with Samara University. pic.twitter.com/Kr6I4Gc1Jg — Intel Takes (@inteltakes) August 15, 2022 Mini missile for Pantsir-S1M of which reportedly up to 48 can be fired from a single launch vehicle. #ARMY2022 pic.twitter.com/2w4qC3YuMn — Reggie Meezer (@ReggieMeezer) August 16, 2022 X-69 (Kh-69) air launched missile with 290km range....it has apparently been tested in Ukraine already #ARMY2022 pic.twitter.com/T7wdlwBW5M — Reggie Meezer (@ReggieMeezer) August 16, 2022 "Linza" combat ambulance of the 2nd series #Army2022 pic.twitter.com/jkCEFqBnZv — Prateek🎧 (@PrateekRoutray) August 15, 2022 It seems @RosatomGlobal has exhibited models of 152mm & 203mm tactical #nuclear #artillery shells at #Army2022 in #Russia . Signalling going out here ! Also products depicted are often for sale to "friends" , some 203mm nuclear artillery wouldn't be a bad thing to have you know. pic.twitter.com/uF6JHRoSvO — Ninjamonkey 🇮🇳 (@Aryan_warlord) August 17, 2022 In Moscow region at #Army2022 Military and Technical Forum representatives of 70 countries can see the latest defense technology as well as to hold debates on pressing geopolitical topics. Photos from https://t.co/AeQf10SYCu pic.twitter.com/DyJzqf58rN — Embassy of Russia in Bangladesh (@RussEmbDhaka) August 17, 2022

Officials trashing everyone everywhere for Officials own Fuckups... German Official Trashes Cost Of Living Protesters As "Enemies Of The State" https://summit.news/2022/08/17/german-official-trashes-cost-of-living-protes... https://summit.news/2022/08/16/germany-could-face-power-grid-collapse-due-to... https://www.thelocal.de/20220812/germany-to-turn-thermostat-down-as-gas-shor... https://summit.news/2022/07/11/germany-plans-warm-up-spaces-in-response-to-g... https://rmx.news/article/new-enemies-of-the-state-german-nrw-interior-minist... A top German official has trashed people who may be planning to protest against energy blackouts as “enemies of the state” and “extremists” who want to overthrow the government. The interior minister of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Herbert Reul (CDU), says that anti-mandatory vaxx and anti-lockdown demonstrators have found a new cause – the energy crisis. In an interview with German news outlet NT, Reul revealed that German security services were keeping an eye on “extremists” who plan to infiltrate the protests and stage violence, with the unrest being planned via the Telegram messenger app, which German authorities have previously tried to ban. “You can already tell from those who are out there,” said Reul. “The protesters no longer talk about coronavirus or vaccination. But they are now misusing people’s worries and fears in other fields. (…) It’s almost something like new enemies of the state that are establishing themselves.” Despite the very real threat of potential blackouts, power grid failures and gas shortages, Reul claimed such issues were feeding “conspiracy theory narratives.” However, it’s no “conspiracy theory” that Germans across the country have been panic buying stoves, firewood and electric heaters as the government tells them thermostats will be limited to 19C in public buildings and that sports arenas and exhibition halls will be used as ‘warm up spaces’ this winter to help freezing citizens who are unable to afford skyrocketing energy bills. As Remix News reports, blaming right-wing conspiracy theorists for a crisis caused by Germany’s sanctions on Russia and is suicidal dependence on green energy is pretty rich. “Reul, like the country’s federal interior minister, Nancy Faeser, is attempting to tie right-wing ideology and protests against Covid-19 policies to any potential protests in the winter.” “While some on the right, such as the Alternative for Germany (AfD), have stressed that the government’s sanctions against Russia are the primary factor driving the current energy crisis, they have not advocated an “overthrow” of the government. Instead, they have stressed the need to restart the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, end energy sanctions against Russia, and push for a peaceful solution to end the war.” Indeed, energy shortages and the cost of living crisis are issues that are of major concern to everyone, no matter where they are on the political spectrum. To claim that people worried about heating their homes and putting food on the table this winter are all “enemies of the state” is an utter outrage. As we highlighted last week, the president of the Thuringian Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Stephan Kramer, said energy crisis riots would make anti-lockdown unrest look like a “children’s birthday party.” “Mass protests and riots are just as conceivable as concrete acts of violence against things and people, as well as classic terrorism to overthrow it,” Kramer told ZDF.

Sinn Fein style, Putin not going to like that very much... https://twitter.com/alexsalvinews/status/1561114291377283072 https://t.me/pushilindenis/2548 Today, the Head of the Presidential Administration in Ukraine, Andrey Yermak, said that, "Our task is to make sure that not only the current generation of Russians, but their children and grandchildren will pay". Eight hours later, Alexander Dugin's daughter Darya was killed. pic.twitter.com/tSNhsxTR7A — Russians With Attitude (@RWApodcast) August 20, 2022 Denis Pushilin, the Russian proxy leader of Ukraine's occupied Donetsk, angrily blamed “terrorists of the Ukrainian regime” for the blast, writing on Telegram that they had been “trying to liquidate Alexander Dugin” but “blew up his daughter.” “In loving memory of Darya, she is a true Russian girl,” Pushilin wrote. Pro-Kremlin Telegram channels and social media pages similarly blamed Ukraine for the explosion and called on Russians to “avenge” Dugina’s death. This, along with recent attacks inside Crimea, could indeed mean greater escalation in the Ukraine war.

Eurasia's old ways about to restart... Which side will assassinate who's family next... Russian FSB Identifies Alleged Dugina Assassin https://tass.ru/proisshestviya/15531419 At the turn of the 20th century the delicate fabric of social order in Europe rested on a knife's edge. As imperial powers expanded their empires, it was only a matter of time before conflict between them would shatter peace in Europe. In that era, Russia found itself against Europe's most powerful empires, namely Austria-Hungary and Germany. The fissure between those empires was cemented by the Bosnian Crisis of 1908 which saw Austria-Hungary annex Bosnia and Herzegovina by using Bulgaria's declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire as an advantageous political catalyst given its destabilization of the Balkan region. Austria-Hungary's actions would provoke Russia to rise to the defense of its Slavic brethren situated in Serbia and Montenegro in a response that would forever alter how Russia would align itself among the continental powers of Europe. While a widespread conflict was averted by the amending the Treaty of Berlin, the political climate the Bosnian Crisis cast would light the fuse for the inevitable outbreak of WWI which was detonated with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Bosnian-Serb nationalist Gavrilo Princip. As the war in Ukraine places Russia at familiar odds with the powers of Europe yet again, the precarious position of ostensibly unsustainable peace across the continent echoes on longer than a century following the First World War. The tension illustrates the axiom that nothing is new under the sun as the volatility of Europe in 2022 mirrors that in 1908. Russia's position against the European hegemony vested in NATO is analogous to its stance in support of the Slavic realm longer than a century ago. Now, following the assassination of Darya Dugina, this century may have found its own Franz Ferdinand. The Russian Federal Security Service ("FSB") has claimed that the assassination of Dugina was committed by a covert operative of Ukraine. The FSB has identified Natalia Vovk as the alleged assassin. "As a result of a complex of urgent operational-search measures, the Federal Security Service has solved the murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina, born in 1992," the FSB announced, going on to emphasize the culpibility of the Ukrainian government by stating that "the crime was prepared and committed by the Ukrainian special services[.]" According to the FSB's investigation, Vovk entered Russia in July before situating herself in the same apartment building that Dugina resided in. Vovk would then follow Dugina to the festival in which the explosive device that led to her death was planted. Vovk, who was accompanied by her 12-year old daughter, fled to Estonia following the assassination, according to Russian intelligence. Following her identification, Russian law enforcement agencies declared their intent to seek her extradition. FSB alleges that Ukrainian spy Natalia Vovk assassinated Darya Dugina. Following Dugina's assassination, Ukraine was naturally implicated as being behind the murder given her father's significant, albeit enigmatic, reputation as one of Vladimir Putin's most influential ideologues. Kiev urgently washed its hands of any involvement as advisor Mykhailo Podolyak stated “Ukraine, of course, has nothing to do with yesterday’s explosion[.]” Although Ukrainian officials denied any involvement in the attack, President Volodymyr Zelensky warned of his anticipation that Dugina's murder would inextricably result in the intensification Russia's military campaign. TASS: PUTIN CALLS DUGINA MURDER DASTARDLY, BRUTAL CRIME Given the reports of Vovk's escape to Estonia, the location of the alleged assassin places Russia in a conflict against a NATO member state even more directly than the proxy war in Ukraine has. In 2016, the European Court of Justice set precedent which would justify any extradition request for Vovk by Russia. The case law that set that standard occurred when the court found that any member state of the European Union is obligated to accommodate an extradition request of any third-party non-member state even if the subject of the request is not a citizen of the EU nation itself. This decision followed a case in which Russia requested to have Estonian national Aleksei Petruhhin extradited from Latvia for drug trafficking offenses. The legal framework set by the European Court of Justice will place Estonia in a crucible if Vovk has indeed found safe haven in the Baltic state. In addition to joining the EU in 2004, Estonia joined NATO that same year. The potential conflict arising between Estonia and the Russian Federation has the potential to trigger Article 5 of the NATO Charter which puts forth a collective defense clause meaning that any military engagement with a NATO member state constitutes action taken against the entire trans-Atlantic body whether it occurs as far east as Tallinn or as far west as Hawai'i. Article 5 has been constantly dangled before Russia as a Sword of Damicles of sorts designed to dissuade any escalation of the Ukrainian conflict. The veiled threat was most recently invoked in response to Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and increased military incursions by Ukrainian military forces into Crimea. “Any deliberate damage causing potential radiation leak to a Ukrainian nuclear reactor would be a breach of NATO’s Article 5,” said UK MP Tobias Ellwood. His sentiments were echoed by US Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R - IL) who followed Ellwood's declaration by stating “This really isn’t even up for debate; any leak will kill people in NATO countries, that’s an automatic article 5[.]" just hours before Dugina's assassination. While Article 5 of the NATO Charter has been used to threaten Russia from intensifying any aggression, the officials who have constantly cited the collective defense policy have done so under the pretense of preventing any further aggression. The assassination of Darya Dugina is a drastically different circumstance as Russia will surely perceive any potential action it takes to have Vovk extradited from Estonia as entirely justified and as a response to the murder, not an offensive attack against a NATO member state. As the manhunt for Vovk ensures, Europe again finds itself in the political crucible that enveloped the continent following Gravrilo Princip's assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. However, in this historical iteration, it is the European central powers who find themselves in a position of being the aggressor that could provoke a catastrophic conflict with Russia.

The Old Game: Spy Op vs Spy Op... https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/09/12/ukraine-the-cias-75-year-old-pro...

Best if no one wanted that old Lusitania anyways... Blasts Detected Near Nord Stream As Images Reveal "Huge Leak" AFP News reported the US is 'ready to provide support' to Europe after the Nord Stream pipeline system leaks. There was no further information on what type of support, but one can only imagine it would involve increased LNG cargo shipments to the EU. There's only one issue... And then watch these floating hindenburgs encounter unexpected if catastrophic "events" as they sail to Europe https://t.co/aoMOWxWDry — zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 26, 2022 Swedish broadcaster SVT reported that the Swedish National Seismic Network detected two underwater explosions near the Nord Stream pipeline system on Monday. "One of the explosions had a magnitude of 2.3, and was registered at as many as 30 measuring stations in southern Sweden," SVT said. Bjorn Lund, a professor in seismology and director of the Swedish National Seismic Network, said these two seismic events were explosions. Here's a map of the three leaks on the Nord Stream pipeline system. All blasts seem to be just outside territorial waters (though within EEZ) - that has potential legal implications regarding interference with sovereignty Also interesting is whether sheer size of methane bubbles (1km diameter) moves it back inside Danish territory... https://t.co/a3l0q0bByk — David Sheppard (@OilSheppard) September 27, 2022 Bloomberg's Javier Blas said the size of the "gas leak is huge." The size of the Nord Stream pipeline gas leak is huge. According to the Danish armed forces, it measures about 1 kilometer in diameter. The smaller circle in the center is approximately 200 meters wide https://t.co/7FJQNN5hNg — Javier Blas (@JavierBlas) September 27, 2022 So the question remains what (or who) caused the blasts? Remember what President Biden said weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine: "If Russia invades...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it." No biggie, just a major gas leak in Nordstream 2 and suspected ‘sabotage,’ it’s a real mystery what’s going on 🤔 https://t.co/azIM4DF58T — Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) September 27, 2022 Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbaldet quoted the Swedish Defense Force's chief of operations, Michael Claesson, who said it's not ruled out that there's a connection to the gas leaks and Russia's mobilization last week. Claesson then told the paper that the incident was a "military matter." Danish Defense Forces published the first images of the gas leaks from the Nord Stream pipeline system near the exclusive economic zone southeast of Bornholm island, according to the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbaldet. The first images show a large surface area of gas bubbles in the Baltic Sea. Here are more images of one of the leaks. Another leak was reported by the Danish Defense Forces to be 1 kilometer in diameter on the surface water. UPDATE - The surface area of the largest Nord Stream gas leak shows a "disturbance" of well over 1 kilometer in diameter, according to the Danish armed forces. pic.twitter.com/u0r4cGjImo — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) September 27, 2022 This is an absolutely massive leak. A handful of EU officials suspect the pipelines were sabotaged. Sweden’s government held a crisis management meeting with other public authorities over the damage to the Nord Stream pipeline system, Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbaldet said, citing comments from Foreign Minister Ann Linde. Linde said Sweden may discuss the pipeline damage with Denmark later today. Denmark is tightening security around all energy assets as some European officials speculate the NS pipeline system was sabotaged. The plot thickens about what caused damage to three lines of the Nord Stream gas-pipeline system under the Baltic Sea to Europe as some European officials now suspect sabotage. Nord Stream AG, the operator of the NS pipeline system, published a statement Tuesday that read, "the destruction that happened within one day at three lines of the Nord Stream pipeline system is unprecedented ... and impossible now to estimate the timeframe for restoring operations of the gas shipment infrastructure." On Monday, NS2 gas pipeline and two NS1 lines reported rapid pressure drops, with gas leaks reported by Swedish and Danish authorities in the Baltic Sea near the exclusive economic zone southeast of Bornholm island. A more in-depth view of the incident area. Pressure drops in the NS gas-pipeline system could be the biggest signal that flows via NS1 might not resume this winter. Germany and surrounding countries are investigating the incident. NS2 cannot impact flows to the EU because the controversial idled conduit was never operational after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz canceled it after Russia invaded Ukraine earlier this year. Klaus Mueller, the president of the German energy network regulator, tweeted that the market situation remains "tense," but Germany and the EU are no longer dependent on NS supplies. Nord Stream AG issued an outage message that is active until Oct. 26, while the German economy ministry said it's investigating the incident. Dutch front-month gas, the European benchmark, was up nearly 10% at 190.50 euros per megawatt-hour on Tuesday morning. The simultaneous pressure drop of the NS lines suggests some market participants may watch for any indication of sabotage. Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said it was hard to imagine NS gas leaks were caused by a "coincidence." Frederiksen didn't rule out sabotage, though she said it was too early to draw any conclusions, according to Reuters, quoting public broadcaster DR during a visit to Poland. A German security official told Bloomberg that NS damage appears to be the result of "sabotage." The evidence points to a violent act, rather than a technical issue, according to a German security official, who asked not to be identified because the matter is being probed. -Bloomberg German daily newspaper Tagesspiegel reported that "the Nord Stream pipelines may have been damaged by targeted attacks and leaked as a result." A source close to the government, quoted in the newspaper, said, "everything speaks against a coincidence." "We cannot imagine a scenario that is not a targeted attack," the source said. Die Welt, another German newspaper, reported the timing of the NS damage may suggest sabotage and was unlikely to be an accident. Reporters asked Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov if the NS system's pressure drop could be due to sabotage. He responded: "It is impossible to exclude any options." There appears to be no immediate end to the gas leak from NS pipelines, according to the Danish national daily newspaper Berlingske, which quoted Danish Energy Authority. DANISH ENERGY AUTHORITY: GAS LEAKS FROM NORD STREAM PIPELINES WILL CONTINUE FOR DAYS -NEWSPAPER BERLINGSKE — zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 27, 2022 The energy authority said, "a lot of gas is coming out, so it is not a small crack, it's a really big hole. Nord Stream leaks can be a deliberate act, but it can also be something else, it's just extremely rare that something like this happens." DANISH ENERGY AUTHORITY CHIEF: GAS BUBBLES FROM NORD STREAM 2 LEAK REACHING SURFACE OF THE OCEAN IN AREA MEASURING MORE THAN 100 METRES IN DIAMETER — zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 27, 2022

So the question remains what (or who) caused the blasts?
Remember what President Biden said weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine:
"If Russia invades... then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."

So the question remains what (or who) caused the blasts?
Remember what President Biden said weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine:
"If Russia invades... then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."
https://twitter.com/AZmilitary1/status/1574767709258137606 January 27, 2022 VICTORIA NULAND: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

https://myrotvorets-center.translate.goog/ List of PMC Wagner Mercenaries and Terrorists (4000 items) https://myrotvorets.news/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/vagner4000.zip https://myrotvorets.news/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/vagner4000.xlsx МИРОТВОРЕЦЬ ЦЕНТР ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ОЗНАК ЗЛОЧИНІВ ПРОТИ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ УКРАЇНИ, МИРУ, БЕЗПЕКИ ЛЮДСТВА ТА МІЖНАРОДНОГО ПРАВОПОРЯДКУ Center for Research of Signs of Crimes against the National Security of Ukraine, Peace, Humanity, and the International Law Information for law enforcement authorities and special services about pro-Russian terrorists, separatists, mercenaries, war criminals, and murderers Langley, VA, USA Warszawa, Polska official@myrotvorets.center Головна Про Центр Про Центр Підстави діяльності Центру «Миротворець» Перелік злочинів, що досліджуються Центром Визначення та скорочення, що використовуються КЛАССИФИКАТОР «Чистилища» сайта «Миротворец» Правила заповнення записів у «Чистилищі» Положення про заохочувальні відзнаки Центра Про взаємодію та співпрацю з Центром Порядок подання Скарг «ЧИСТИЛИЩЕ» «IDENTIGRAF» (надіслати дані) подати скаргу Поиск СМЕРТЬ РОСІЙСЬКО-ФАШИСТСЬКИМ ЗАГАРБНИКАМ ТА ОКУПАНТАМ! 14.05.2022 08:41 XUNTA Russia is Aggressor and Terrorist Country 23.02.2022 00:55 XUNTA ДО УВАГИ СПЕЦСЛУЖБ УКРАЇНИ ТА КРАЇН-ПАРТНЕРІВ!! Центр «Миротворець» подготував список повністю ідентифікованих 9 управління департаменту оперативної інформації 5 служби ФСБ рф, які займаються підривною діяльністю проти України (це приблизно половина чисельності цього управління). Список представлений у CSV-форматі. Його можна завантажити за посиланням: pub_9u5s Окремо, з метою завантаження до систем розпізнавання в аеропортах, на залізничних та автобусних вокзалах, ми підготували добірку фотографій повністю ідентифікованих російських шпигунів з 9 управління департаменту оперативної інформації 5 служби ФСБ рф. Архів з фотографіями можна завантажити за посиланням: 9upr5sl Наразі в Центрі «Миротворець» проводиться робота з ідентифікації решти співробітників 9 управління. Враховуючи той факт, що вони можуть використовувати документи прикриття, публікацію їх персональних даних окремими без фотографій вважаємо за недоцільне. Разом з тим, вони всі вже занесені до Чистилища сайта «Миротворець». Оприлюднені нами списки з фотографіями можуть представляти інтерес для партнерів СБУ та ДПСУ оскільки співробітники 9 управління департаменту оперативної інформації 5 служби ФСБ рф регулярно проводять зустрічі зі своєю агентурою на території країн Європейського союзу, а також здійснюють підривну діяльність проти них. Згодом почнемо розказувати про агентуру з числа громадян України, яка знаходиться в них на зв’язку. Що з ними робити — вирішувати вам. 23.02.2022 00:18 XUNTA List of PMC «Wagner» Mercenaries and Terrorists (4000 items) List of PMC «Wagner» Mercenaries and Terrorists (4000 items) The list is presented as a CSV file and is intended to be loaded into the databases of law enforcement agencies and special services of civilized countries of the world. Each entry is linked to the corresponding page of the site; the site provides evidence of crimes (photos, videos, documents, and other materials) committed by the members of PMC «Wagner.» You can download the CSV file with the list of PMC «Wagner» mercenaries and terrorists of here. To see the list of mercenaries and terrorists of PMC «Wagner» in the XLS format, please follow this link. The Myrotvorets Center will additionally inform about updates to this list. Список наемников и террористов ЧВК «Вагнер» (4000 штук) Список представлен в виде файла в формате CSV и предназначен для загрузки в базы данных правоохратительных органов и спецслужб цивилизованных стран мира. Каждая запись в списке жестко привязана к соответствующим страницам сайта https://myrotvorets.center, где находятся доказательства преступлений (фото, видео, документы и иные материалы) членов ЧВК «Вагнер». Скачать список наемников и террористов ЧВК «Вагнер» в формате CSV можно по этой ссылке. Скачать список наемников и террористов ЧВК «Вагнер» в формате XLS (для просмотра) можно здесь. Об обновлении данного списка Центр «Миротворец» будет информировать дополнительно. 17.12.2021 09:16 XUNTA Конституція України — Основний закон 27.11.2021 13:03 NATO Агент “Казбек” та його злочини проти України (ч.9) Про те, як зрадник Батьківщини і агент кремля за сумісництвом Андрій Портнов допомагав російському агресору “розчленувати” Україну. Зрадник Батьківщини Казбек 28 квітня 2014 з адреси and4112148@yandex.ru (Andrey Andreev) надсилає Борису Рапопорту такий лист: Ув. Б.Я., добрый вечер. Направляю документ по референдуму. Срочность сам определить не могу. На Ваше усмотрение.С ув. А. (далее…) 03.01.2021 13:01 NATO Агент “Казбек” та його злочини проти України (ч.8) Все, що Портнов (ініціативно чи за завданням Москви) робив проти України, було використано Кремлем на шкоду нашій Державі. Якби Генпрокуратура України та Служба безпеки України виконували свої функції згідно з покладеними на них завданнями та обов’язками, то дії Портнова, про які йдеться в матеріалах наших розслідувань, були б визначені, як “Державна зрада, тобто діяння, умисно вчинене громадянином України на шкоду суверенітетові, територіальній цілісності та недоторканності, обороноздатності, державній, економічній чи інформаційній безпеці України: перехід на бік ворога в умовах воєнного стану або в період збройного конфлікту, шпигунство, надання іноземній державі, іноземній організації або їх представникам допомоги в проведенні підривної діяльності проти України“. Якби… Але ж, маємо – що маємо. (далее…) 03.01.2021 12:58 NATO Агент “Казбек” та його злочини проти України (ч.7) Про Кремль, Портнова й Пашинського Увага! Матеріал викладено мовою агресора для агресорів з Кремля. Вони знайдуть в ньому зашифровані послання…. нах. Анализируя имеющуюся в Центре «Миротворец» информацию о подрывной деятельности А. Портнова, мы уже четко видим, что Кремль использует возможности своего Казбека на полную катушку. В настоящее время Портнова и его подельников в Украине не трогают только лишь потому, что вся их деятельность ориентирована на дискредитацию и уничтожение всех тех, кто просто неугоден Кремлю и зеленской власти. Странное совпадение интересов. (далее…) 03.01.2021 12:56 NATO Агент “Казбек” та його злочини проти України (ч.6) Портнов в інтересах і за кошти російського агресора свідомо брав участь і особисто керував інформаційними операціями проти низки галузей економіки України. Головна мета росії – це знищення України як Держави. Саме тому свою діяльність на знищення України російський агресор системно та цілеспрямовано веде по всіх фронтах: дипломатичному, економічному, інформаційному, політичному, воєнному та інших. Свої агентурні мережі в Україні росія сформувала задовго до початку бойових дій. І ці мережі досі успішно розвиваються і виконують поставлені їм завдання у всіх сферах життєдіяльності нашої країни. Завдяки тому, що радник Суркова Б. Рапопорт задокументував антиукраїнську підривну діяльність свого агента А. Портнова, сьогодні ми покажемо вам, як глибоко російський агресор занурив свої щупальця в одну з найважливіших сфер економіки України – Агропромисловий комплекс. (далее…) 03.01.2021 12:52 NATO Агент “Казбек” та його злочини проти України (ч.5) Завдяки Портнову Кремль створив в Україні цілу мережу т.зв. “правозахисних” організацій, які працюють на користь російського агресора. Мета російського агресора полягає, в першу чергу, у взятті під свій повний контроль усіх сфер життєдіяльності держави Україна. Реалізуючи свої плани, Кремль постійно проводить свою підривну діяльність проти України з використанням різноманітних сил та засобів, основними з яких є так звана агентура впливу. До такої агентури належать громадські та політичні діячі, судді, адвокати, журналісти, депутати різніх рівнів, керівники правоохоронних органів, міністерств та відомств, навіть політичні партії та організації. (далее…) 03.01.2021 12:50 NATO Вперёд → Пошук (ru) Фамилия, имя, отчество Страна Адрес (город) Телефон Описание Наші проекти Миротворець IDentigraF Myrotvorets News Радіо «Миротворець» Ukraine NOW® Наш захист SeaKrime® Ordilo Додати в раби ПІДТРИМАТИ ПРОЕКТ Log in for Special Services Для спецслужб України For foreign special services ДОДАТОК ДЛЯ ВІЙСЬКОВИХ Візитівка сайта Візитівка сайта © Myrotvorets Research Center, 2014-2022 All texts and graphic materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

https://twitter.com/warmonitors https://twitter.com/WarfareBackup Many Mariupol azovstal defenders have been released from Russian POW Camp, returned to Ukraine to organize and fight. https://bit.ly/3CbwAXI The award has met its Hero! The commander of the AZOV regiment, Denys "Redis" Prokopenko, received the "Golden Star" order. President Zelenskyy awarded Redis the Hero of Ukraine title in March when he led the defense of Mariupol. The award ceremony occurred during the Azovstal defenders' meeting with Andriy Yermak and Olena Zelenska in Turkey. The heroes could finally hug their families for the first time after being released from captivity. "Azov regiment people show transcendental heroism, motivation, and fortitude to fight. It's not easy to describe it. We are on our land; we know what we can overcome and fight to the last drop of blood". Lieutenant colonel Denys "Redis" Prokopenko, the commander of the AZOV RTG. We are consistently moving towards our goal – the release of all captives and all Mariupol defenders. We will facilitate the processes of the return of our fighters with the Coordination Headquarters, The Association of Azovstal Defenders' Families, and the AZOV Patronage Servic

https://twitter.com/DemeryUK/status/1585725673426993152 https://v.redd.it/h59ydgjp6qs91 https://v.redd.it/9ci3ddylihr91 https://twitter.com/DemeryUK/status/1584011464167202816 Professor Rat is such a pussy wannabe anarchist that he cowers in fear and soils his pants just watching real men fight... Too Pussy To Be An Anarchist (TPTBAA). https://v.redd.it/r37mew2sljt91 Drone Warfare https://v.redd.it/af1acx4ijqr81 Ambush https://v.redd.it/b0dx5ctvi9s91 Kill me. No, we are not you. https://v.redd.it/kwlg3a5x10l81 Stolt it

UN Security Council Votes Down Probe Into Biolabs In Ukraine https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1506105274515533827 The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has voted down a Russian proposal to establish a commission to investigate claims of a joint US-Ukraine "military biological" program. Going back to at least March, Moscow has alleged Ukrainian biolabs have been studying and stockpiling deadly pathogens like anthrax and cholera at US-sponsored labs, saying further this is a violation of the 1972 international convention on biological weapons. Stepnogorsk biological weapons complex in Kazakhstan. Image: US via Department of Defense. At Wednesday's security council vote, US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the United States and its ally the Ukrainian government have been "through Russia's allegations in Geneva, point by point, and debunked every single one." US, Britain, and France voted against Russia's proposal - but crucially China backed it, while ten rotating council members abstained, among the 15-nation body. "The United States does not have a biological weapons program. There are no Ukrainian biological weapons laboratories supported by the United States," Thomas-Greenfield countered. Instead of military biolabs, Washington has presented the following narrative on its program in Ukraine: During a series of U.N. meetings prompted by the Russian allegations, the U.S. has described the non-military biological labs it has supported in Ukraine since the 1990's, including one called the "Biological Threat Reduction Program" that was created to disassemble the former Soviet Union's programs, to "reduce legacy threats from nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons left in the Soviet Union's successor states." One key facility that Russian allegations have long focused on remains the Virology Reference Laboratory in Kiev. The lab says they get regularly inspected by a World Health Organization team, and further that after the Russian invasion started, and bombs started falling, they destroyed "particularly dangerous biological strains they had in storage," according to the lab's director as quoted in CBS. Russia and China have pointed out that Congressional testimony from earlier in the war by US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland was particularly damning and is confirmation that US-backed research into deadly pathogens at Ukrainian facilities was happening. Daily reminder that yes, Victoria Nuland actually said all these things about biolabs pic.twitter.com/5Otnh90vPa — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) March 22, 2022 As for China, during the same month that Nuland gave her testimony (in March), Beijing demanded that the Biden administration "give a full account of its biological military activities at home and abroad and subject itself to multilateral verification." In response, the US has consistently rejected the allegations as a "conspiracy theory" with US officials meeting with Chinese counterparts in Rome at a previous bilateral meeting being "shocked" at the assertions.

https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/status/1590113781451198464 Zelensky gets Oscar. Putin pulls out of Kherson.

Putin continues invasion, willfully directly smashing yet more Civilians and Civilian Infrastructure, intentional not even trying to claim as collateral, where no such peoples were being actively smashed any moment before. Vladimir Putin is an asshole. Fuck Putin. May indeed his most trusted, or any other actor[s], take his ass out. Same for any other smashing marauder on the planet... Do you really want to starve and freeze to death because of your asshole "leaders"? You don't need them, throw them all out, and never replace them with anyone or anything ever again. Live and do things on your own, even together as desired.

https://twitter.com/RueDaungier/status/1595018987875737600 True or False, you decide. Choose the safer option... peace.

Putin the asshole that already needed to die for mass invasion, is now also freezing millions to death without power in winter, someone needs to take this cocksucker out. Satellite Imagery Shows Extensive Destruction Of Ukraine Power Grid It was only a matter of time. The recent Russian pull-back of troops clearly indicated a broad shift in tactics, and the one thing that the Kremlin avoided for several months seemed like the next most logical step - Full spectrum strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure. Initially, Ukraine's media spin suggested that the precision strikes were "ineffective", with western news outlets showing only a handful of images of craters in streets and some scarred apartment buildings. There were limited admissions of damage to the power and water grids, but Ukraine claimed that these systems would be back and functional within days. This did not happen. Not surprisingly, Ukraine suffered far more damage to their utilities than the government and media let on. Later estimates ranged from 60% to 80% of the nation's grid destroyed or unusable and the latest satellite photos of active lights at night support this. Below, we can see lights across Ukraine on February 24th at the start of the war. Next, we have an image taken from November 24th. More than half the nation is in total darkness and the comparison to neighboring countries is stark. For the majority of the war Ukraine enjoyed near full use of their power grid, internet, water, gas, and other amenities, which is highly unusual during an invasion. The reasons for Vladimir Putin seeking to avoid damage to infrastructure are unknown, but public optics are the most likely explanation. With power resources nearly destroyed, the citizenry of Ukraine is facing a long cold winter with little to no relief in sight. No doubt the media will portray this as a cold weather holocaust, though, elimination of infrastructure is usually the first measure of a large scale attack. It is standard operating procedure for the US military, for example. At this point, the coldest temperatures have yet to hit Ukraine, with average lows of 21°F (-6°C) in December. This kind of weather is not a problem with infrastructure intact, but with the grid down there will be chaos. Water pipes will freeze and bust across major population centers, leaving only well water. The effects of the cold will be cumulative, and without heating and electric most other operations including economic operations will grind to a halt. Ukraine's population will have gone from relative comfort to brutal survival in the span of a couple months. The next most obvious outcome is a refugee crisis, with millions of people seeking shelter in neighboring countries in order to escape the cold. Though mainstream analysts are finally admitting to the grid problem, there is still very little coverage of the actual consequences we are about to witness. The assertions that Ukraine is "winning" the war are harder to sell while at the same time acknowledging the massive economic and humanitarian disaster that is escalating in the wake of supposed victory.

On Mon, 28 Nov 2022 01:14:14 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Putin the asshole that already needed to die for mass invasion,
but grancrap, you are a 'libertarian' 'anarchist' - why are you parroting pentagon propaganda? Even the handful of U.S. fake libertarian cunts like, say, wrong paul, side with putin. The few U.S. subjects who are not complete turds are against their nazi NATO government, and on russia's side (because russia is under western attack). So, sane people in the U.S. are on russia's side, and yet you grancrap who are the King Of Anarchists, are parroting pentagon propaganda? Which, by the way, is the only thing you ever do? Why are you such an infinite, non-human, piece of jew shit grancrap? Why did jesus create a non-human turd like you? You've been clearly cursed by Science.
Putin the asshole that already needed to die
no grancrap, putin doesn't need to die. YOU need to die, fast.

https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1593197960409780224 This is why Russians are losing in Ukraine. An ordinary civilian in Kherson explains. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1593190259067858945 When the news says "Russia has struck Ukraine's infrastructure," it looks like this. Destroyed homes, flames in residential areas - a real daily terrorist war against Ukrainians. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1579103714740084736 Horrific footage taken from the phone of a Russian soldier. The video shows Ukrainian civilians killed in Kupyansk, which was occupied by Russian troops at the time. This is how genocide was taking place on Putin's orders. https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov/status/1597980706893746179 http://fainemisto.com.ua/en http://azov.org.ua/donate/ http://azov.org.ua/join Faine Misto is the largest charitable foundation working alongside the Special Operations Detachment "Azov" since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. The foundation helps the unit with armor, equipment, medicine and financially supports the families of fallen soldiers.

Putin Violated All when initiated crossing Ukraine border with mass Russian Air Land Sea armed forces to murder tens of thousands and destroy everything when no such mass violent aggression had occured across Russia's borders. Putin is a criminal. 4 Minutes Of Undiluted Truth On Mainstream TV https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/4-minutes-of-undiluted-truth-on-mainstream-tv/ https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1600669913676648451 The last thing you’d ever expect to hear on a mainstream news channel, is the truth. But - strange as it might seem - that’s exactly what happened on Wednesday night on the Tucker Carlson Show. Carlson interviewed veteran journalist Glenn Greenwald in a 4-minute segment that provided the best ‘easy-to-understand’ summary of the Ukraine War you’ll hear anywhere. And what was so shocking about the interview, was how casually both men veered onto topics that are essential to grasping “How we got to where we are today” but which are entirely banned on all the other cable news channels. You are not allowed to know, for example, that Russia was “lured into the conflict in Ukraine”. That does not fit the script that has been passed-along from the Biden State Department to their lapdogs at the cable news stations. You’re also not allowed to know that the US does not fight wars “to spread democracy” or that “the US has no vital interests in Ukraine” or that “Russia is not really our enemy”. All of those topics are verboten. You’re not even allowed to think about these things, which is why– for the most part– they have been completely scrubbed from any-and-all discussion of foreign policy in the corporate media. That’s what makes the segment with Greenwald such a stunner, because it’s 4 glorious minutes of pure, unvarnished truth delivered from a platform that typically only produces, lies, disinformation and propaganda. Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald: "If you want to believe the fairy tale that the US government goes to war to spread democracy, Ukraine is not the place for you." pic.twitter.com/dxgaVNYuj7 — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 8, 2022 That’s why I transcribed the entire interview. Any mistakes are mine. Here it is: Tucker Carlson– What bothers me is not so much what Zelensky is doing– there’s a lot of tyranny abound the world (and) I don’t brood on it. But the fact that (a) we are paying for it, and (b) our leaders are defending it. I think every American should be upset about that. Glenn Greenwald– “I think in general, Americans should be very skeptical when the government says ‘We’re going to fight wars on the other side of the world and spend tens of billions of dollars in military aid to spread democracy.’ The US government doesn’t actually care about spreading democracy. Many of its closest allies in the world have always been some of the world’s most despotic regimes like Saudi Arabia and Egypt. All the US government cares about is whether these regimes serve US interests. …If you want to believe the fairy tale that the US government goes to war to spread democracy, then Ukraine is not the place for you. You mentioned the argument that ‘Zelensky is in war, he has to curb liberty’, but go back to 2021, a year before Russia invaded and you’ll find articles where he shut down opposition television stations and shut down opposition political parties (which is) the hallmark of what every tyrant or despot does….and that was true even before Russia invaded.” Tucker Carlson– I wonder how Republicans can continue to defend this (because) I think you are right; I think our foreign policy is almost always about defending our interests…. But I don’t see our critical interests at stake here, so, what is this about? Glenn Greenwald– If the US government was honest… they would get rid of this script that we have to go and defend democracy. That is a fairy tale that tries to get Americans to feel better about the fact that we are involved in many, many countries all over the world. That is not the real reason. The only reason to do it is for ‘vital US interests’. The line in Washington for decades was the US has no vital interests in Ukraine. That was Obama’s view, that was the bipartisan view. Why did that change? The only reason is because we saw an opportunity to trap Russia inside Ukraine all based on the view that Russia is our enemy (which is) something only Democrats should believe because they think Russia is to blame for the 2016 election and Hillary’s defeat. But why would Republicans want confrontation with Russia? What American benefits from that except arms manufacturers? … Tucker Carlson– That’s a really good question, and I haven’t unraveled it. (But) It seems pretty clear that the Biden administration baited Russia into this invasion. You had the Vice President (Kamala Harris) in western Europe days before telling Zelensky to join NATO which, of course, they knew was a red line (for Russia) They wanted this invasion, I think that’s very obvious. Do you think this was all about ‘preparing for war with Russia’? Glenn Greenwald– If you think Russia is a grave enemy of the United States, then it makes sense to try to lure them into a war that they can’t win, like we got lured into Afghanistan for 20 years or like we lured the Soviet Union into Afghanistan back in the ’70s because it does deplete your enemy. The question is: Why should Russia be seen as our enemy? Both Obama and Trump said there’s no reason to see Russia that way. It has one-fifteenth the size of our military budget. It’s not threatening American borders. Why are we so obsessed with spending tens of billions of dollars to weaken Russia which we could be using here at home to benefit the lives of American citizens when Russia is not doing anything to the United States unless you are a crazy ‘resistance’ person who believes they’re the reason Donald Trump won. But if you don’t believe that, what is the rational for this? There is none.” Tucker Carlson– “I know, and as always, they have hijacked the best instincts of the American people, their compassion, and turned it against them. Glenn Greenwald, great to see you tonight”.

Zelensky Aide Accuses Musk Of Censoring Ukraine War On Twitter A senior adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Elon Musk of hiding reporting on the Ukraine war from Twitter trends. Spokesman Mikhail Podoliak blasted the billionaire Twitter CEO for censoring vital Ukraine information. "'War in Ukraine’ disappearance from Twitter trends. Radical curtailment of tweets mentioning ru-aggression coverage. Users aren’t allowed to register or log into accounts with Ukrainian phone number," Podoliak wrote Tuesday on Twitter, tagging Musk. "War in Ukraine" disappearance from Twitter trends. Radical curtailment of tweets mentioning ru-aggression coverage. Users aren’t allowed to register or log into accounts with Ukrainian phone number. @elonmusk, I wonder if will we ever see “Twitter Files” about Fall/Winter 2022? — Михайло Подоляк (@Podolyak_M) December 13, 2022 The Ukrainian presidency's office spokesman additionally took a swipe at the ongoing "Twitter files" release, saying he doesn't expect the issue he's raising to be covered there. "Elon Musk, I wonder if we will ever see ‘Twitter Files’ about Fall/Winter 2022?" Podoliak questioned. The suggestion was that Musk is seeking to tilt coverage in terms of content that appears on Twitter against anything highlighting "ru-"(Russian)"aggression" - as he wrote in the tweet. Some recent local Ukrainian media reports have claimed that users within the country or anyone possessing a Ukrainian phone number can no longer register or log in to Twitter. Based on prior official Twitter statements, but not directly addressing the Ukrainian charge, its trending topics are "determined by an algorithm and, by default, are tailored for you based on who you follow, your interests, and your location." This "identifies topics that are popular now, rather than topics that have been popular for a while or on a daily basis," according to Twitter. Ukrainian leadership has been angered at Musk ever since he grew bolder in criticizing the open-ended US military and financial support to the Ukrainian government, expressing fears of stumbling into a nuclear-armed WWIII scenario. This despite his previously providing Starlink to the war-ravaged country. He sparked outrage among Ukraine-supporters with his early October "Russia-Ukraine Peace" Twitter poll and related threads wherein he called out Washington and its rush to confront Russia in Ukraine. At that time, Zelensky had even weighed in, condemning Musk. Musk had also engaged some of his irate followers who pointed out that he risked angering many Ukrainians. Musk responded, "You are assuming that I wish to be popular. I don’t care. I do care that millions of people may die needlessly for an essentially identical outcome" - in reference the potential for nuclear war between superpowers over Ukraine. He has since also pledged to clean up the bot accounts, which each side in the Russia-Ukraine conflict has said artificially tilts what gets presented to users.

Putin Violated All when initiated crossing Ukraine border with mass Russian Air Land Sea armed forces to murder tens of thousands and destroy everything when no such mass violent aggression had occured across Russia's borders. Putin is a criminal.
Putin is a mass Invader, Murderer, Destroyer, and Criminal against Humanity. Putin willfully freezes million of Civilians. Fuck Putin, he will die soon. 80% Of Kiev Region Without Power Amid Rolling Emergency Blackouts https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2022/12/20/russia-ukraine-live-putin... Ukraine is bracing for yet more Russian attacks on its energy infrastructure, and has accused Moscow of intentionally unleashing additional suffering on the population headed into Christmas. "Repairs continue but the situation remains really difficult," Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said in a briefing before other government ministers. "Russian terrorists will do everything to leave Ukrainians without electricity for the New Year," he claimed. "It is important for them for Christmas and the New Year to take place in darkness in Ukraine," and then warned: "That's why we should prepare for new attacks." Kyiv Governor Oleksiy Kuleba has described the power crisis as being at its worst since the war began, with some 80% of the entire capital region being without electricity for a second day in a row, after drone strikes hit power stations Monday. Capital plunged into near total darkness, via AFP. "The situation with electricity supplies remains critical," Kuleba said in a written announcement. "I want to stress that with every shelling by the enemy, the complexity and duration of the repairs increase." Meanwhile Ukrainian officials have accused Russia of trying to "steal" Christmas, on a day where drones continued to hit the national power grid: Kyiv officials on Monday illuminated a Christmas tree in the city center, refusing to let Russia "steal" the festive season from Ukrainian children. The day, which started with swarms of attacks on critical infrastructure in the Ukrainian capital, ended with the unveiling of the 12-meter (40-feet) high artificial tree decorated with white peace doves. A few dozen residents braved the sub-zero temperatures to admire the tree located next to the Saint Sophia Cathedral and its emblematic golden domes — and take selfies. National energy operator Ukrenergo said it is fast working to restore services but initially this will allow power to less than half the population. "Supplies to critical infrastructure are a priority. We expect that today we will be able to turn on equipment to enable the security of supplies to be increased, reduce the capacity deficit and connect more consumers," it said Tuesday. There were reports that many neighborhoods saw power restored later in the day and into night hours, amid rolling emergency blackouts. Trudging home in icy conditions during #Kyiv #blackout. Temperature -5 C, but heating still on at home. Water also unaffected. Power out for 24 hours, most of time no Internet and very little news. Listened to radio. pic.twitter.com/ENYrVhJq3l — Euan MacDonald (@Euan_MacDonald) December 20, 2022 Across the border, in Russia's Belgorod region, emergency crews are also working to restore power after a rare Sunday cross-border attack launched by the Ukrainian military left thousands in the dark. At the same time, temperatures continue to plunge headed into the colder winter months in both countries.

On Wed, 21 Dec 2022 04:30:02 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Putin is a mass Invader,
So grancrap, the non-human pentagon turd who mailbombed me was you, right? https://lists.cpunks.org/mailman/listinfo/cypherpunks "the list is frequented...by spooks, trolls, and other sources of negative influence, surveillance or disruption. Sabotage, COINTELPRO and other forms of subversion or attack are often observed."

Putin the Murderer, War Criminal, Invader, and Destroyer soon to be Thrown Out A Window... https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/12/putin_critic_falls_out_window_d... (Another) Putin Critic 'Falls' Out Of Window, Dies Sausage multi-millionaire Pavel Antov, Russia’s “highest-earning elected politician,” was recently in India celebrating his 66th birthday when he reportedly fell to his death from a hotel window. (I hate it when that happens.) In totally unrelated news, Antov had recently criticized Putin’s actions in Ukraine, characterizing air strikes on Kyiv as “terror.” Oddly, Antov perished shortly thereafter and just two days after a close friend of his unexpectedly died “from a heart attack.” Antov had highlighted a Russian missile strike, saying: A girl has been pulled out from under the rubble, the girl's father appears to have died. The mother is trying to be pulled out with a crane - she is trapped under a slab. To tell the truth, it is extremely difficult to call this anything other than terror. This led Antov to come under intense pressure… after which he withdrew the comment and issued a sniveling apology, claiming his social media post had been “an unfortunate misunderstanding” and a “technical error.” Alexei Idamkin, the Russian Consul General in Kolkata, told TASS that Antov “fell” out of a hotel window in Rayagada, Odisha state. This means Antov joins the expansive ranks of Russian doctors who, in recent years, have also inexplicably met their tragic demise falling out of hospital windows. [And follows the death of Ravil Maganov, the vice president and chair of the board of directors of Russian oil giant Lukoil, who died in September after falling out of a sixth floor hospital window in Moscow... who was the latest in a string of unexplained or untimely deaths of Russian magnates connected to the energy industry in the last months.] Perhaps the Biden administration should start using the same tactic to deal with its perceived enemies? It’s obvious that the Clintons would embrace such measures. And the American mainstream media would love to report that Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Lauren Boebert, et. al., “fell out a window” to their deaths. However, if there were many rational people left on this orb, such preposterous “explanations” for the deaths of our rulers’ political opponents would not go unchallenged. Vlad should’ve claimed that Antov died as a result of something less preposterous than falling out of a hotel window in the winter. Maybe he should have said Antov was hit by a meteor. Or, better yet, a stray Ukrainian missile. Or that he died of climate change. But, unfortunately, in today’s world, sanity is out the window. Just like Antov.

https://v.redd.it/k3m5jnnx899a1 Stoltenberg Speech Various OSINT ... https://twitter.com/The_IntelHub https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical https://twitter.com/jon96179496 https://twitter.com/air_intel https://twitter.com/TheOsintBunker https://twitter.com/All_Source_News https://twitter.com/sentdefender https://twitter.com/TheOsintJournal https://twitter.com/YAmzallagh https://twitter.com/TrentTelenko https://twitter.com/Felix_Nuno https://twitter.com/ColbyBadhwar https://twitter.com/RealCynicalFox https://twitter.com/SpencerGuard https://twitter.com/SP1AUTOINJECT https://twitter.com/int_osic https://twitter.com/OSINTEng https://twitter.com/ohsendit https://twitter.com/OSINT_Canada

https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1606228285540618241 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1606228359746158592 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1606228411466145792 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1606228421842939905 Last night, AZOV held its annual mystery called "Day of the Dead". It was attended by representatives of various units founded by veterans of the AZOV regiment, from the special unit KRAKEN to the SOF AZOV, as well as fighters from Azostal released from Russian captivity. Our correspondents were present at the scene. The command lined up several thousand fighters with torches. They recited the Ukrainian Nationalist Prayer and remembered the AZOV Forces' fallen. As the culmination of the mystery, a huge wooden drakkar was burned, so symbolically the souls of the fallen fighters went to Valhalla, a paradise for those who defend their native land from enemies with weapons in their hands. Such rituals are unique to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and are held only by AZOV. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1602302498483720197 Bakhmut is the fiercest point of the war in Donbas. Russian assaults do not stop, neither day nor night. However, the Ukrainian army is standing firm. A video from the fighters of the unit formed by veterans of the AZOV regiment. https://t.me/polkazov https://patreon.com/ACRains

https://twitter.com/ACRains https://patreon.com/ACRains https://t.me/UA_struggle https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1606279202180694016 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1606279484633595904 https://www.amazon.com/History-forbidden-symbol-Idea-Nation-ebook/dp/B0BQCKG... The sign ꑭ (Idea of the Nation). Why is it used by the AZOV regiment? Why is it getting so much attention from Russians? And why are Facebook and Instagram banning it? By popular demand, we are publishing a translation of a huge thread from journalist @ACRains 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 “Ukrainian Struggle” is an international information centre that publishes only verified information from the war zone in Ukraine. #StopRussia #Ukraine ❗️ 🇺🇦 Kyiv, Ukraine https://t.me/UA_struggle Joined February 2022 Tweets 1,202 Following 5 Followers 9,456 Likes 2 1,190 Photos and videos Pinned Tweet https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1579103714740084736 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 9 Oct 2022 Horrific footage taken from the phone of a Russian soldier. The video shows Ukrainian civilians killed in Kupyansk, which was occupied by Russian troops at the time. This is how genocide was taking place on Putin's orders. 655 3,528 1,069 5,999 347,056 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 The Idea of the Nation (the symbol ꑭ or ꏢ) is a monogram made up of the letters I and N. Not in the modern, but in the old Ukrainian (Slavic) spelling, similar to the Latin script. The letter N looked like this until the 18th century. Before Russian Tsar Peter I's reform. 2 17 4 98 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 If you look at historical documents (for example, the signature of the daughter of Kyivan Prince Yaroslav the Wise, Queen Anne of France, or the Ukrainian Constitution by Pylyp Orlyk), you can easily see the use of the letter N. 2 7 2 85 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 The Idea of the Nation is considered a monogram, although similar symbols were used in Ukrainian heraldry before. Such coats of arms were used by the Olshevsky, Gurko, Voyni-Yasenytsky, and Bilykovych families. They belonged to the Cossacks. 1 11 1 89 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 Ukrainian nationalists use this sign in two meanings. On the one hand, as a homage to historical tradition; on the other, as a visual demonstration of their main principles. That is, loyalty to the Idea of the Nation, loyalty to their people, and loyalty to their country. 2 11 2 90 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 The Idea of the Nation was first used as a symbol of Ukrainian nationalism in 1992 in Lviv by activists of the SNPU (Social National Party of Ukraine). 2 8 1 81 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 The SNPU adhered to the ideology of social nationalism, a set of ideas set forth by Yaroslav Stetsko, an OUN ideologist and political prisoner of German concentration camps. This worldview has NOTHING to do with Hitler's National Socialism! 2 12 1 89 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 The Idea of the Nation sign, inspired by Ukrainian heraldry and old spelling, was drawn for the SNPU by the artist Nestor Proniuk (in the photo). Together with the management, he developed the concept of deciphering this monogram for the general public. 1 7 70 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 The SNPU was one of the largest nationalist organizations in Ukraine in the 1990s. After its reorganization (it became the Svoboda party), the Idea of the Nation sign began to be associated with Ukrainian nationalism in general. 2 7 1 73 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 Various organizations, from the Kharkiv-based Patriot of Ukraine to the Social Nationalist Trade Unions, have used the Idea of the Nation in various forms since the 2010s. 1 7 70 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 In 2014, the newly formed AZOV battalion used the Idea of the Nation sign as its main symbol. The reason is simple: most of the volunteers in this formation shared the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism. 1 7 1 80 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 After expanding to the size of a regiment, AZOV retained the Idea of Nation in its symbols. On the regimental chevron, this sign is still present in the "attacking" form. 1 7 66 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 A little more about shapes. The Idea of the Nation has received many visual interpretations over the years. There are more than 13 of them (here are some examples). If this question is interesting, there will be a separate thread on this topic. 1 7 75 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 But why is the Idea of the Nation sign sometimes called "Nazi" in the media? The reason is Russian propaganda. For years, the Kremlin has invested millions of Russian money in creating fakes about Ukrainian nationalist symbols. 2 19 1 85 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 For example, here is a photo (2009) from a newspaper in Alchevsk (Luhansk region, Donbas). Without any evidence, the Idea of the Nation sign is titled as Wolfsangel rune and swastika. Russians really wanted to at least somehow attach "Nazism" to Ukrainians for their own purposes. 2 8 76 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 The activity of Russians was not limited to regional newspapers. In the international media, paid experts "exposed" Ukrainian "neo-Nazis", creating more and more fakes. This is how the Kremlin's network of influencers works. 1 10 76 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 Unfortunately, it partlially worked. Today, Meta social networks (Facebook and Instagram) are banning publishing the Idea of the Nation sign. Even posts about the fallen Ukrainian fighters. 3 9 1 79 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 In 2022, the Idea of the Nation sign began to be associated primarily with the heroic defense of Mariupol and Azovstal plant. Fighters of the AZOV regiment are heroes, and their symbols are respected at the national level. 3 9 85 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 Nevertheless, Russians continue to create fakes about the neo-Nazi meaning of the Idea of the Nation sign.The most effective way to fight Russia's lies in the information space is to promptly refute them and tell the truth. 2 15 96 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 A separate book was written for this purpose: History of the forbidden symbol "Idea of the Nation". It is now available as a pre-order on Amazon in English: amazon.com/History-forbidden… 4 15 93 Ukrainian Struggle Centre 🇺🇦 @UA_struggle 23 Dec 2022 The book contains more facts about this sign and about those who use it (including the AZOV regiment). If the thread was interesting, add it to your favorites. We will ask @ACRains to tell you more. 8 13 113

Fuck Vladimir Putin... Invader, Mass Murderer, Asshole Tyrant. https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1612925490314240001 Russian fascists have completely razed the once-prosperous river-city of #Bakhmut. All civilians have been evacuated. If the West continues to supply #Ukraine just enough weapons to avoid being overrun, with time, every Ukrainian city will be turned to ash just like this. https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1613599573955444751 This is a Tank.

Putin's took the bait and initiated mass invasion warfare murder and destruction. History shows that once someone takes the bait, all bets are off, and risk goes ballistic. Be prepared. Anonymous Operations @AnonOpsSE #Anonymous #OpSerbia #KiraSec #Ukraine Domain of the Republic of Serbia hacked. 🔗 inokomerc.co.rs Glory to Ukraine! Fuck Russia and Serbia. Stop WAR! So we stop! Serbs stop supporting russia! This Site Has Been Pwned By ./KIRASEC_ https://twitter.com/thunderbirdsua Walter Report 🇺🇦 @walter_report russian HQ in Soledar swatted with the help of @thunderbirdsua https://twitter.com/Heroiam_Slava/status/1613292971851665408 Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 @Heroiam_Slava 💪"The situation in Soledar is absolutely controlled. All borders are preserved and under the full control of the Armed Forces" There are 559 civilians in Soledar, including 15 children. Due to active hostilities, it is impossible to evacuate them now АЗОВ South @Azovsouth The Rashists failed an attempt to encircle #Soledar, instead this particular attempts costed them equipments and 💀☠. Despite repeated and suicide attempts the Rashists have failed to make any significant tactical progress in #Bakhmut. Вірте в ЗСУ🇺🇦 АЗОВ South @Azovsouth 🔥The Battles for #Soledar. The enemy continues to suffer heavy losses💀☠. Our forces are well equipped and are in good spirits. Believe in the Armed forces🇺🇦✊🏻 Iuliia Mendel @IuliiaMendel Surovikin was removed from the position of the commander of the joint troops in Ukraine, and became a deputy of the Chief of the RU General Staff Valery Gerasimov. https://twitter.com/FckKazaps ✙GhostOfFckruspida✙ https://twitter.com/FckKazaps/status/1580548074815967232 1/ The similarity of the speeches of putin and hitler are enormous, not just rhetorically but also about the content and their views. The way their Propaganda works and what it tells is shockingly similair. https://twitter.com/sankuperis/status/1613576623512776704 The last Lithuanians saw on their TVs 32 years ago. Tonight (the night from Jan 12 to 13), 32 years ago, Moscow attempted to re-occupy Lithuania. 14 killed, hundreds wounded, some of them for life. https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/1613814049900314625 English Luhansk @loogunda Dec31 #Makiivka, Donetsk oblast (occupied): Russian mobiks ready to welcome the upcoming GMLRS rockets that would come soon https://twitter.com/Militarylandnet/status/1613799953972830208 MilitaryLand.net @Militarylandnet 📽️Ukrainian troops, with a Wagner prisoner, in Krasna Hora near #Soledar. Jay in Kyiv @JayinKyiv Thread. Wagner trash is going to be destroyed. ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki 1/ Yevgeny Prigozhin's apparently premature announcement of Soledar's capture has reportedly led to a desperate push by Wagner to make it a reality. Wagner is fighting without regard for casualties, not just to gain Soledar, but for Prigozhin's reputation. https://twitter.com/Milan8662/status/1613621470709837824 NO WAR! @Milan8662 The 66th brigade shows the destruction of orc vehicles KyivPost @KyivPost “The war will end at the 1991 borders with a tribunal…” - the head of the President’s Office Mikhail Podolyak. Михайло Подоляк @Podolyak_M Once again about the official position. 1. The RF shouldn’t hope for a repeat of the 2014 scenario: "we kill you, you pay us with your lands, we take a break, then we come to kill you again." 2. The war will end at the 1991 borders with a tribunal, reparations and life sentences. https://twitter.com/TarasBerezovets/status/1613486356210098176 The main roads connecting Bakhmut and Soledar with Sloviansk and Kostyantynivka are under the full control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The enemy tried to break through to the road, but all attempts failed with devastating consequences for the enemy. Filmed at Bakhmut. https://twitter.com/ivan_8848/status/1614063470202290177 Russia’s UN ambassador: Ukraine has become a private NATO enterprise, supplied with money, weapons, reconnaissance and targeting intel. https://twitter.com/ivan_8848/status/1614063118195326978 Ukraine is a de facto member of NATO and is spilling the blood of Ukrainians to advance NATO objectives, Ukraine’s defense minister admits. https://twitter.com/ivan_8848/status/1614006093453135878 Kamala Harris explains on cards why the US government is at war with Russia: - Ukraine is a country in Europe, it exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a larger country. Russia is a powerful country. She attacked the smaller one, well, that's not right at all' US may lose control of world finance due to conflict in Ukraine — French expert Emmanuel Todd is certain that the United States is in a phase of long-term decline and, against the backdrop of its waning influence in the world Exclusive documents! US Providing for Border Security of Ukraine but NOT to their OWN Border Security!⚡ And guess who oversaw Ukrainian Border Security Service as well as US Military Biological Programs in Ukraine? You're right! Victoria "Cookies Queen" Nuland! https://twitter.com/ivan_8848/status/1613999625643479071 There has been further confirmation that some units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Bakhmut direction are using chemical weapons. https://twitter.com/ivan_8848/status/1613997613124096001 Russia: 'Liberation' of Soledar completed on evening of January 12

https://consortiumnews.com/2023/01/08/caitlin-johnstone-unprovoked/ Edward Snowden @Snowden Jan 12 Replying to @Snowden @elonmusk There are many other names, too. Did you know Daniel Hale is still in prison for revealing 9 out of 10 drone casualties were bystanders rather than targets? He did a remarkable and heroic thing. When did you last hear his name on TV? It's a real problem. theintercept.com/2021/07/27/… Daniel Hale Sentenced to 45 Months in Prison for Drone Leak “I am here because I stole something that was never mine to take — precious human life,” Hale said at his sentencing. theintercept.com 92 1,703 61 5,642 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 6h Tucker on Twitter censorship Since 2016, Russia has been blamed for everything by the LEFT 3 8 18 384 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil retweeted Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 1 Dec 2022 Clare Daly Exposed NATO Hypocrisy The masks have finally been removed... NATO's legacy in Libya - terror, death, lawlessness, rape, starvation. All in name of freedom, democracy and human rights. NATO is a military alliance that feeds on war. 8 106 9 217 2,054 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil retweeted Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 7h Replying to @Karl_Was_Right @QcZacer Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 9 Jul 2021 #Putin: *Who gave NATO right to kill #Gaddafi?* *Who gave coalition forces in #Libya the right to eliminate Gaddafi?* Libya was the only country in the world with zero debt before the conflict. That's the question Putin's been asking. NATO, US, Europe - they never answered. Show this thread 1 6 21 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil retweeted Michael Parenti’s Stache 🚩☭ @Karl_Was_Right Jan 11 “We do not wage war, we do not impose our model” Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen Jan 11 ‘Why are authoritarian regimes so afraid of Europe? We do not wage war, we do not impose our model. So why? Our values make them afraid.’ David Sassoli’s question now feels like a prophecy. One year after his passing, David’s memory still warms our hearts and shows us the way. 162 5,115 140 23,705 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil retweeted Michael Shellenberger @ShellenbergerMD Jan 11 Many think social media companies only censored "vaccine misinformation." But a recently-released email shows Facebook reassuring the White House that they were censoring "often-true content” that "does not contain actionable misinformation" but was "discouraging vaccines." 1,200 15,462 849 54,127 Show this thread Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil retweeted Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi 10h 1.TWITTER FILES: Supplemental More Adam Schiff Ban Requests, and "Deamplification" 638 9,471 764 26,521 Show this thread Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil retweeted Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 8 Jul 2022 Zelensky is an actor (president), he plays for written stage, he is dependent from outside and inside. He will become one of history's most tragic figures... This is reality ... Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil 58 155 32 422 48,538 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil retweeted Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 4 Aug 2021 Nancy Pelosi: With Trump, 'All Roads Lead to Putin' 43 second six (6) Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin 4 5 1 16 3,110 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil retweeted The Post Millennial @TPostMillennial 23 Feb 2022 Someone needs to tell Nancy Pelosi that Hungary doesn't border Russia or Belarus. 87 105 48 381 16,990 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 8h Tucker on Russia being falsely blamed for everything and used as an excuse for censorship. 2 24 2 77 882 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 8h Twitter Files part 14 1 6 14 388 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 9h Traffic on Crimean bridge restored in both directions after overnight repair 1 13 46 614 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 9h ❗️ Joe Biden appointed Pete Buttigieg as Secretary of Transportation, despite the fact that Pete Buttigieg had no relevant experience other than occasionally riding a bike with a helmet on. Pete is more concerned about "justice" than the traffic crisis. 7 1 22 332 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 9h The United States is not Europe's friend but its economic rival and enemy. 6 38 2 122 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 9h Russian-speaking children have been suffered from Ukrainian aggression for more than 8 years. 'Our children will go to school, theirs will hide in cellars'. These are the words of Petr Poroshenko, one of Kiev regime commanders since the beginning of Donbass conflict. 1 20 1 42 467 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil retweeted Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand 11h Emmanuel Todd, one of the greatest French intellectuals today, claims that the "Third World War has started." Small 🧵 translating the most important points in this fascinating interview. lefigaro.fr/vox/monde/emmanu… Emmanuel Todd: «La Troisième Guerre mondiale a commencé» GRAND ENTRETIEN - Au-delà de l’affrontement militaire entre la Russie et l’Ukraine, Emmanuel Todd, en anthropologue, insiste sur la dimension idéologique et culturelle de cette guerre et sur l’oppo... lefigaro.fr 75 551 118 1,414 Show this thread Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 10h Former Ukrainian president about the Donbass children 'Our children will go to school, theirs will hide in cellars'. These are the words of Petr Poroshenko, one of Kiev regime commanders since the beginning of Donbass conflict. 5 16 2 44 749 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 10h 'It would be ideal to expel all Russian ambassadors from the West and lower the level of relations,' says the former Polish ambassador to Russia Katarzyna Pelczynska-Nalenc, while also discussing the consequences of such a step. 2 7 12 432 Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil retweeted Chebureki Man @CheburekiMan 11h How do we know the CIA spent the last 75 years exploiting Ukraine to undermine the USSR/Russia? Because the CIA released thousands of declassified documents detailing these operations. The US has been nurturing nazionalism in Ukraine to use as a weapon against Russia since WWII. 29 486 25 813 Show this thread

https://twitter.com/be_cashy/status/1618319305212579841 @mtracey etc According to @JoeBiden WW3 starts with the shipment of “offensive equipment” like “tanks”to Ukraine. Welcome to WW3! “We are fighting a war against Russia.” It’s official. The EU and Germany are at war with Russia according to @ABaerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany. Do not underestimate the seriousness of the situation. Russia will shortly begin a major offensive with 500k fresh troops to demilitarize Ukraine while @ZelenskyyUa rips untrained middle aged men from their family homes and sends them to die. If NATO troops get involved it’s WW3. NATO won’t just walk away because of the historic embarrassment for the West when Russia defeats Ukraine despite over $150 billion in western aid and arms. A Russian victory is unacceptable for the bankrupt US Government. It means the end of American domination and prosperity. The world is closer to nuclear war than ever before. But where are the protests? Where is the outrage of the masses? A failing US empire led by a senile fool is dragging all of humanity into the fire. Get up, protest and demand peace, wherever you are. Unite against World War 3. "Security Assistance Group-Ukraine" or "SAG-U," the new joint US command -- slated to be up and running by "early 2023" -- recalls an earlier example of a joint US command: "Military Assistance Command-Vietnam" or "MACV," established in 1961 and led by a three-star general. Kennedy established the command in December of 1961. In November, he had received the "Taylor report" recommending a new phase of US military involvement in the war, namely an infusion of US personnel nominally for the purpose of handling "logistics" and organizing "flood relief" Kennedy commissioned the report in October 1961 as Ngo Dinh Diem, president of South Vietnam, was escalating his requests for US "support." He lobbied for fighter jets (as Ukraine is doing right now) as well as "trainers" who'd be falsely presented as serving a "non-combat" role In the Pentagon Papers it is speculated that shortly thereafter, Kennedy personally leaked false info to the New York Times that the General leading his inquiry was "reluctant" to send combat troops Vietnam. "Simply untrue," it concludes. (JFK was a prolific leaker to the NYT) Today we receive earnest assurances in the New York Times that Biden was "reluctant" to send the Abrams battle tanks, but did it anyway. More palatable to be seen as "reluctant" than "eager," I guess, even if it makes no substantive difference whatsoever. Paul Harkins, the general who ran "Military Assistance Command, Vietnam," later acknowledged in a 1981 interview that the command's mission went well beyond "training" and "assistance," despite the false assurances that had repeatedly been given to the public at the time Napoleon Reluctantly Invades Russia Bush Reluctantly Invades Iraq Alexander the Great Reluctantly Invades Persia Hitler Reluctantly Invades Poland

Funny how scoundrels call themselves "Right" "Honorable" etc, lol. https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1618763049007198208 At a Senate hearing, top US diplomat Victoria Nuland celebrated the Nord Stream 2 pipeline bombing: "Senator Cruz, like you, I am, and I think the administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea."

https://twitter.com/Signal_Fund https://linktr.ee/ukrainiansignal https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov http://send.monobank.ua/jar/8oS75ZNawn https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/diimahorshkov PayPal: hey@signal.charity Charity fund Ukrainian Signal announce the fundraising of 3 Furias, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)... Eyes of the Birds Igor Lachenkov @igorlachenkov https://twitter.com/igorlachenkov/status/1614358865004429315 These people were having a regular weekend in their homes, despite everyday war, families and children thought they were safe. They wanted to feel safe. But you are never safe with a terrorist neighbor. Ukraine needs weapons. To fight, to defend. To avoid such horrible deaths. https://twitter.com/Yewleea A visual guide to most notable weapons-transfer announcements to #Ukraine this week! They are at the end of each YouTube Brief, following a detailed news breakdown. Watch more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQYPMKDwjuA https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1616063412361957377 This soldier of the Russian terrorist Wagner group (controlled by the Russian government) was captured in Donbas. Look at his tattoos. A real neo-Nazi, he came to kill Ukrainians under the slogan "denazification". https://twitter.com/mintsyfra Мінцифра @mintsyfra Цифровізуємо🇺🇦 Official page of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Ukraine https://thedigital.gov.ua/ https://twitter.com/mintsyfra/status/1606335565074309120 609 events that will stay forever in 🇺🇦 history are already in @Meta_History_UA NFT collection — Warline. More & more famous artists join the project. So, by purchasing any of item you will receive a valuable digital asset and support Ukraine. nitter Logo Мінцифра @mintsyfra Цифровізуємо🇺🇦 Official page of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Ukraine thedigital.gov.ua Joined January 2018 Tweets 1,133 Following 149 Followers 12,064 Likes 136 852 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search Мінцифра @mintsyfra Jan 18 🗣 Diia.Reels stream at the World Economic Forum 2023 Join the presentation of the Estonian government application mRiik, based on the code and UX/UI design of Diia. piped.kavin.rocks/Zv4HVp6UP8Y Diia.Reels at World Economic Forum 2023 This time in Davos team of the Ukrainian Digital Ministry will share updates on the digital resilience of Ukraine, digital transformation during wartime and ... youtube.com 1 1 16 Мінцифра @mintsyfra Jan 18 Страшна трагедія в Броварах. Щиро співчуваємо родинам усіх загиблих. 1 4 31 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 23 Dec 2022 609 events that will stay forever in 🇺🇦 history are already in @Meta_History_UA NFT collection — Warline. More & more famous artists join the project. So, by purchasing any of item you will receive a valuable digital asset and support Ukraine. 278 870 2 864 2,042 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 7 Dec 2022 Ukrainian civil servants joined the «Misinformation, disinformation and deepfakes» training. It's crucial to develop digital skills & learn how to fight fakes during the ongoing war. Thanks, @UNICRI AI Centre, @NATO, @NCIAgency and all the experts for this amazing opportunity! Irakli Beridze, Head AI, UNICRI, United Nations @Irakli_UN 7 Dec 2022 @UNICRI AI Centre together with @NATO @NCIAgency with support of top global experts just kicked-off a specialized training for @Ukraine @mintsyfra on Disinformation, misinformation and deepfakes! We support Ukraine 🇺🇦 to build its capacity ! @GMamediieva @FedorovMykhailo 2 6 15 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 30 Nov 2022 A new column about the Ministry’s activities by @Valeriya_Ionan was published in @ALIHarvard. Read about the past, present and future of MinDigital via the link: bit.ly/3Fdrs8p Digital Transformation in Ukraine: Before, During, and After the War — ALI Social Impact Review Despite the war disrupting many of Ukraine’s development goals, Valeriya Ionan, the Deputy Minister for Eurointegration, outlines the digital innovations born out of conflict and how the Ministry of... sir.advancedleadership.harvard.edu 2 3 11 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 22 Nov 2022 Digital cooperation of 🇺🇦& 🇦🇹: signed Memo on cooperation to share experience of eServices development. To support our digital infrastructure Austria is ready to donate generators and telecom equipment. We are grateful to State Secretary @FTursky for standing with Ukraine. 1 6 22 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 11 Nov 2022 Game-changing fundraiser at @U24_gov_ua announced by @ZelenskyyUa: Ukraine creates world's first fleet of naval drones. It’ll protect 🇺🇦 waters & cities. For this, we need 100 maritime drones, $250K each. Let's raise funds for 10 of them in one day. Join: u24.gov.ua/uk/navaldrones 6 7 2 33 526 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 3 Nov 2022 Big tech support by @microsoft: $100 mln of technological aid to Ukraine! 🇺🇦 gov institutions & critical infrastructure will use Microsoft services & cloud for free till the end of 2023. Thanks @BradSmi for being a part of revolutionary changes in Ukraine. 13 5 2 48 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 3 Nov 2022 Разом з найвідомішим сапером @PatronDsns збираємо на другу машину для розмінування Armtrac 400. Придбайте марку з Патроном на сайті Укрпошти, Amazon, eBay, Prom, Kasta, Rozetka або задонатьте на u24.gov.ua/uk Допомагаємо саперам робити кожен куточок🇺🇦 безпечним 1 3 10 313 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 2 Nov 2022 Американський історик @TimothyDSnyder — новий амбасадор @U24_gov_ua. Він підтримав Армію дронів та розпочинає збір на «Ловця Шахедів». Ціль — зібрати 1,25 мільйона доларів на систему захисту від іранських безпілотників. Підтримайте збір Тімоті Снайдера u24.gov.ua/donate/defend 7 32 2 185 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 1 Nov 2022 The Air Forces of the AFU are heroically fighting against the enemy which is significantly superior. They are doing so using obsolete equipment inferior to the newer aerial vehicles of the occupiers. Learn more in the new video by @United24media 1 3 17 387 Мінцифра retweeted Made with bravery @MadeWithBravery 25 Oct 2022 It’s not a tweet. It’s a brick that can rebuild Ukraine. It tells about the Ukrainian marketplace Made with bravery shop.brave.ua. And the more you share it, the more people will learn about it. That’s how one little action can restore the country. 11 460 40 658 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 20 Oct 2022 Yesterday our team had a meeting with Ted Sarandos, the co-CEO of @Netflix to award the company with a Peace Prize from the President of Ukraine @ZelenskyyUA. We are grateful to you for standing with Ukraine! 1 24 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 20 Oct 2022 The first thing russians do when they occupy Ukrainian territories is cut off the networks. Why they do it & how Ukraine resists at the telecom front — read in the @TIME article via the link: bit.ly/3ML9SKV The Battle for Control Over Ukraine's Internet Inside the scramble to restore communication to Ukraine's liberated areas time.com TIME @TIME 18 Oct 2022 Replying to @TIME In the aftermath, telecommunications workers have emerged as “invisible heroes.” “It’s still very dangerous to do this work, but we can’t wait to do this, because there are a lot of citizens in liberated villages who urgently need to connect,” says Prybytko Show this thread 1 2 14 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 15 Oct 2022 Thanks @elonmusk for standing with Ukraine🇺🇦 Elon Musk @elonmusk 15 Oct 2022 The hell with it … even though Starlink is still losing money & other companies are getting billions of taxpayer $, we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free Show this thread 9 15 465 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 14 Oct 2022 New fundraising by @monobankua, @igorlachenkov & @united24_gov_ua! 🇺🇦 needs UAH 100 mln for a special anti-drone systems to destroy Shahed-136 UAVs. More money = less enemy drones! Donate & win a special edition of bracelet from the last batch of Azovstal: send.monobank.ua/jar/7mKvd6R… 1 1 26 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 14 Oct 2022 UPD: UAH 100 million in 8 hours! Thank everyone, you are incredible! Let's not stop & continue the fundraising 💪 1 14 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 14 Oct 2022 До Дня захисників @monobankua, @igorlachenkov та @united24_gov_ua оголошують благодійний збір на «Ловця Шахедів», спеціальні системи протидії дронам. Серед усіх, хто задонатить, розіграють спеціальний наклад браслетів з останньої партії Азовсталі: send.monobank.ua/jar/7mKvd6R… 2 9 99 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 14 Oct 2022 UPD: За 8 годин зібрали 100 млн грн! Дякуємо кожному, ви неймовірні! Не зупиняймося, продовжуємо збір💪 1 1 20 Мінцифра @mintsyfra 12 Oct 2022 Цими відео з нами поділилися бійці, які отримали безпілотники від Армії дронів. Адже серед всієї інформації про ворога, яку отримують ЗСУ, — багато ваших повідомлень у єВорог. Хочете більше знищеної техніки окупантів? Повідомляйте про неї ЗСУ у чатбот 👉 t.me/evorog_bot 1 1 20 591 Load more

Without air superiority, most analysts expect any threat of western tanks to be killed on sight from the sky if Putin decides they are an annoyance.. If they don't want to establish air superiority, the west should first flood Ukrainian forces with endless supplies of cheap simple man-team-mobile single shot vehicle killing drones to take out every mobile and fixed element on and behind the front. Cheap, effective, assassins. Truth About Tanks: How NATO Lied Its Way To Disaster In Ukraine https://www.unz.com/article/truth-about-tanks-how-nato-lied-its-way-to-disas... https://www.benning.army.mil/armor/eARMOR/content/issues/2016/OCT_DEC/4Staat... https://sputniknews.com/20230126/why-sending-leopard-2--m1-abrams-tanks-to-u... Tank warfare has evolved. The large force-on-force armored battles that were the hallmark of much of WWII, the Arab-Israeli conflicts, which served as the foundation of operational doctrine for both NATO and the Soviet Union (and which was implemented in full by the United States during Operation Desert Storm in 1991), has run its course. Like most military technological innovations, the ability to make a modern main battle tank survivable has been outstripped by the fielding of defensive systems designed to overcome such defenses. If a modern military force attempted to launch a large-scale tank-dominated attack against a well-equipped peer-level opponent armed with modern anti-tank missiles, the result would be a decisive defeat for the attacking party marked by the smoking hulks of burned-out tanks. Don’t get me wrong: tanks still have a vital role to play on the modern battlefield. Their status as a mobile bunker is invaluable in the kind of meat-grinder conflicts of attrition that have come to define the current stage of large-scale ground combat. Speed and armor still contribute to survivability, and the main gun of a tank remains one of the deadliest weapons on the modern battlefield. But the modern tank performs best as part of a combined arms team, supported by infantry (mounted and unmounted) and copious amounts of supporting arms (artillery and close air support.) As part of such a team, especially one that is well-trained in the art of close combat, the tank remains an essential weapon of war. However, if operated in isolation, a tank is simply an expensive mobile coffin. Much has been made about the recent decision made by NATO and allied nations to provide Western main battle tanks to Ukraine. The politics of this decision is its own separate topic. This article will address the operational practicalities of this decision, namely has the military capability of Ukraine been enhanced through the provision of these new weapons systems. To answer this question, one needs to examine three basic issues: training, logistical sustainability, and operational employment. Training It takes 22 weeks to train a basic American M1 Abrams crewmember. That training just gives the soldier the very basic skill set to be functional. Actual operational expertise is only achieved through months, if not years, of additional training in not just the system itself, but employing it as part of a similarly trained combine arms team. Simply put, even a Ukrainian tank crew experienced in the operation of Soviet-era T-72 or T-64 tanks will not be able to immediately transition to a Western-style main battle tank. T-72B3M main battle tanks from the 1st Guards Tank Regiment at Red Square First and foremost, the crew size of a Soviet-era tank is three, reflecting the reality that the Soviet tanks make use of an automatic loading mechanism. Western tanks have four crew members because the loading of the main tank gun is done manually. Adapting to these dynamics takes time, and requires extensive training. Training is expensive. NATO is currently providing Ukraine with three types of Western main battle tank: the British Challenger 2, the German Leopard 2, and the American M1A2. There is no unified training course—each tank requires its own unique training prospectus that is not directly transferable to another system. The decentralized training processes created by such a diverse approach promotes inefficiencies and generates discrepancies in outcome—one crew will not be like another, which in combat, where units are supposed to be interchangeable to promote predictable outcomes if all other circumstances remain the same, is usually fatal. Moreover, these problems will only be enhanced by the emphasis that will be placed on rapid outcomes. The reality is whatever training programs that are developed and delivered by the nations providing the tanks will be insufficient to the task, resulting in poorly trained crews taking extremely complicated weapons systems into the most dangerous environment in the world for a tank—the teeth of a Russian Army designed and equipped to kill these very same tanks. Logistical Sustainability Tanks are among the most technically challenging weapons systems on a modern battlefield. They are constantly breaking down, especially if not properly maintained. For the M1 Abrams, for every hour a tank is in the field, there are three hours of maintenance time required. This problem only becomes magnified in combat. Normally an armor unit is equipped with highly specialized organic maintenance crews that can repair most of the minor issues that can sideline a tank. Given the training requirements to produce this level of high-quality mechanic, it is unlikely Ukraine will be provided with this kind of maintenance support. A Ukrainian artilleryman throws an empty 155MM shell tube as Ukrainian soldiers fire a M777 howitzer towards Russian positions on the frontline of eastern Ukraine, on November 23, 2022. This means that the tanks that are being provided to Ukraine will need to be returned to NATO nations for any significant repairs of equipment that is damaged through simple usage or actual combat. In short, it is highly likely that a Western main battle tank in Ukrainian hands will break down at some point during its operational use by Ukraine, meaning that the total number of tanks available to Ukraine will be far less than the number of tanks provided. Operational Employment Ukraine’s commander in chief of the Armed Forces, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, told The Economist last month that he needed 300 tanks, 500 infantry fighting vehicles, and 500 artillery pieces, if he were going to have any chance of defeating [Russia]. Following the January 20 meeting of the Ramstein Contact Group, and subsequent follow-on discussions about the provision of tanks, NATO and its allied partners have agreed to provide less than 50% of the number of tanks requested, less than 50% of the number of infantry fighting vehicles requested, and less than 20% of the artillery requested. Moreover, the timetable for delivery of this equipment is staggered incoherently over a period that stretches out for many months, and in some cases extends into the next year. Not only does this complicate training and logistical sustainability issues that are already unfavorably inclined for Ukraine, but it makes any meaningful effort to integrate this material into a cohesive operational employment plan all but impossible. In short, Ukraine will be compelled to commit the equipment provided—especially the tanks—into combat in piecemeal fashion. The truth about tanks is that NATO and its allied nations are making Ukraine weaker, not stronger, by providing them with military systems that are overly complicated to operate, extraordinarily difficult to maintain, and impossible to survive unless employed in a cogent manner while supported by extensive combined arms partners. The decision to provide Ukraine with Western main battle tanks is, literally, a suicide pact, something those who claim they are looking out for the best interests of Ukraine should consider before it is too late.

https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream COVID was biological war, this is chemical war... https://twitter.com/HamodiHaz/status/1623872112141258753 https://twitter.com/ArthurM40330824/status/1622780662259261442 Soon will be nuclear war. Be prepared. Mass Global Revolt is now the only way to stop the maniacs in power worldwide.

As anyone following the "news" knows, since 2013 UA has been in tit tat border and other skirmish with RU, however, that, and geopolitical games on all sides, including "support" and "overthrow", is still entirely different from the outright full new escalation of initiation of invading military murder and destruction forces across the border and entirety of another globally recognized sovereign entity. Putin RU is still guilty of that. Since crypto hasn't lived up to its promise to end war, and not even anyone has started a crypto prediction market for that, maybe truthtellers and admitters [on all sides] will... NATO Chief Admits: "War Didn't Start In February Last Year, The War Started In 2014" https://twitter.com/johnnyjmils/status/1626219779169320960 https://www.youtube.com/c/PatrickLancasterNewsToday https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2022/russia-ukraine-conflic... https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210401-new-law-stokes-ukraine-langua... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-27173857 https://twitter.com/USEmbassyKyiv https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_211698.htm https://twitter.com/AZgeopolitics/status/1625406892087320581 https://twitter.com/ricwe123/status/1626060365078401024 http://uawire.org/zelensky-ukraine-may-reconsider-its-nuclear-status https://www.unocha.org/story/conflict-cuts-water-supply-thousands-eastern-uk... https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-03-19/russia-vs-ukraine-crim... https://www.unocha.org/story/water-supply-345000-people-eastern-ukraine-risk... With the one-year anniversary of Russia's Feb.24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine just around the corner, NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg this week issued some surprising words regarding the history and origin of the conflict. In essence he finally admitted an important truth, which is of course extremely rare among top Western officials these days. Whereas prior to these fresh remarks by Stoltenberg, US and NATO officials including major media, have framed the invasion exclusively as merely one man's (Putin) 'unprovoked' naked aggression bent on enlarging an 'expansionist Russia', Stoltenberg now much belatedly admits "the war didn't start in February last year. The war started in 2014." 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦🇷🇺"NATO has been training the Ukrainian military since 2014, NATO partners have been supplying the Ukrainian armed forces with the necessary weapons and training since 2014" — Jens Stoltenbergs admits again "Unprovoked invasion"... pic.twitter.com/Qa8shKSWXx — AZ 🛰🌏🌍🌎 (@AZgeopolitics) February 14, 2023 Here's what the NATO chief said during a briefing to reporters, and in front of cameras, as also transcribed and published to NATO's official website... "The other thing I will say is that the war didn't start in February last year. The war started in 2014. And since 2014, NATO Allies have provided support to Ukraine, with training, with equipment, so the Ukrainian Armed Forces were much stronger in 2022, than they were in 2020, and 2014. And of course, that made a huge difference when President Putin decided to attack Ukraine," Stoltenberg said. And of course, a central reason for the war articulated by President Putin both in the lead-up to the invasion and after has consistently been that the West was waging an anti-Russia proxy war right at its doorstep, namely in the war-torn Donbass. It also bears recalling that throughout last year, and especially in the opening months of the major Russian invasion, any independent voice daring to point out that the conflict in fact originated in 2014 - and that the current fighting is an extension and escalation of the 'long war' - was denounced as somehow 'pro-Kremlin' or else a 'Putin puppet' in mainstream discourse. Image via Reuters/DW Below are some essential facts and a much-needed trip down memory lane concerning the lead-up to Feb 2022 to understand what we and other independent voices have been saying for years, and what Stoltenberg has just now very belatedly and reluctantly admitted: The current Ukrainian government was created in 2014 after a violent, American-backed coup against the elected President Viktor Yanukovich. The so-called "Maidan Revolution" painted itself as pro-EU and liberal, but relied on ultranationalist terror militias such as Right Sector for its muscle. Profile: Ukraine's ultra-nationalist Right Sector - BBC News Ukraine's new government has banned the Russian language in schools and businesses, even though it is spoken by most of the residents in the Donbas region as their first language (and throughout other parts of the country as well): New law stokes Ukraine language tensions - France 24 Pre-February 2022, Ukraine had already lost about 14,000 lives fighting to prevent the ethnically Russian provinces of Lugansk and Donetsk from permanently seceding (the 14,000 figure includes deaths from both sides of the civil war in eastern Ukraine). The unpopular war has been going on since 2014. The Russia-Ukraine conflict: a look back at the human toll of fighting since 2014 - The Washington Post Few Western journalists are willing to show the misery this conflict has brought to the residents of the Donbas, or the war crimes that have been inflicted upon them. Patrick Lancaster has been one of the few reporting on this: Patrick Lancaster - YouTube The Ukrainian government has frequently shut off water to the disputed territories, including Crimea, even while they claim sovereignty over them. Water supply to 345,000 people in eastern Ukraine at risk as Donetsk Filter Station stops operations | OCHA (unocha.org) Russia vs Ukraine: Crimea’s Water Crisis Is an Impossible Problem for Putin - Bloomberg. Conflict cuts water supply for thousands in eastern Ukraine | OCHA (unocha.org) It's now ok to praise Nazis on Facebook-- as long as they're "our Nazis": Facebook Allows Praise of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion (theintercept.com) Ukrainian President Zelensky suggested last year that if the country could not join NATO, he would pursue re-arming the country with nuclear weapons. UAWire - Zelensky: Ukraine may reconsider its nuclear status The New York Times calls this "Putin's conspiracy theory", as if the words didn't come straight from the Ukrainian President's mouth on multiple occasions. In the Russian view, the United States has the ability and willingness to unilaterally destroy or overthrow any government that does not do its bidding. The experience of Serbia (1999), Iraq (2003), Syria (2011), Libya (2011), and most recently Ukraine (2014) and the attempt in Belarus (2021) seem to support their perspective. Those who are going on about Russia's "imperial ambitions" under "Communist dictator Vladimir Putin" have little knowledge about any of this, or why the Russians might feel legitimately threatened by having a US-sponsored and NATO-aligned regime for a neighbor. Below: a rare past instance of what real journalism looks like, often completely missing in the administration's press briefing rooms... Pentagon bullshitter John Kirby confronted with persistent journalist..... pic.twitter.com/Q69lglv43y — Richard (@ricwe123) February 16, 2023 Consider: for over two hundred years, the American "Monroe Doctrine" has stated that no foreign power will be allowed to form a military alliance with any nation in the entire Western Hemisphere. This is the bedrock principle of American foreign policy. Compare this to Europe. Kiev and Moscow are separated by a mere 470 miles of flat land. What Russian leader in their right mind would allow an "anti-Russia" to be created and then armed in its own back yard? It's not like any of this is a new concern. The Russians have been straight forward about this concern for thirty years, right up to the last ditch public appeal they delivered in December. Recall that ideological fanatics occupying our foreign service responded by sending massive shipments full of weapons into Ukraine, and then tweeted out photos of the cargo aircraft flying them in. Well, as the last year of horrific death and destruction in Ukraine has shown, the necons and wokesters finally got their war. Now they're making sure it gets fought down to the last Ukrainian, resulting in very sad and tragic spectacles like the following... I find this video particularly morbid. An American asking a Ukrainian teenager what it will be like, going to the front to fight in an American proxy war… pic.twitter.com/mmG05UriwQ — Johnny miller (@johnnyjmils) February 16, 2023

Rickards: The Horrifying Endgame In Ukraine https://dailyreckoning.com/the-horrifying-endgame-in-ukraine/ In yesterday’s issue, I addressed the biggest and most complex topic on the geopolitical landscape today — China. But today I’m discussing what is by far the most alarming topic on the geopolitical landscape today. That’s the war in Ukraine and the dangers of escalation. I’ve written extensively about two facets of the war in Ukraine that you don’t hear from legacy media in the United States or U.K. The first is that Russia is actually winning the war. U.S. outlets such as The New York Times (a channel for the State Department) and The Washington Post (a channel for the CIA) report endlessly about how Russian plans have failed, about how incompetent they are about how the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have pushed back Russians in the Donbass, and how NATO weapons such as U.S. Abrams tanks, U.K. Challenger tanks and German Leopard tanks will turn the tide against Russia soon. This is all nonsense. None of it is true. Reality Check First off, the Ukrainian advances that took place in late summer were against lightly defended positions that the Russians quickly conceded to conserve forces. The Russians were willing to give up the land so that they wouldn’t lose valuable men and materiel. The Russians withdrew to more defensible positions and have been badly mauling Ukrainian attacking forces ever since. Ukraine has wasted incredibly large amounts of men and equipment in these futile and ill-advised attacks. In all, credible reports indicate that AFU casualties are nearing 500,000 and are increasing at an unsustainable rate. On the other hand, reports of 100,000 Russian dead are almost certainly wild exaggerations put out by Ukraine. The BBC attempted to verify these numbers and could only find about 20,000 confirmed Russian dead based on extensive searches on funeral notices, public records, etc. Send in the Tanks — Eventually! What about the tanks NATO is supposedly sending? Well, the tanks have not been delivered yet and most won’t be for months or longer. Our own M1 Abrams tanks might not even arrive for a year or more. We actually have to custom build these tanks so that they don’t have the special armor and other advanced systems that our own M1s have. The Pentagon doesn’t want them falling into Russian hands if they’re destroyed or captured. Besides, we’re only sending 31 tanks anyway. When the NATO tanks do arrive, they’ll likely quickly be destroyed by Russian artillery, anti-tank weapons and precision missiles. They’re good tanks, but far from invincible. For decades, the Russians have been developing powerful weapons specifically designed to destroy these NATO tank models. The Russians aren’t particularly worried about them. Aside from that, tanks rely on effective air cover for protection, which Ukraine lacks. They’ll be sitting ducks on the battlefield. It doesn’t really make sense to send tanks to Ukraine unless you send combat aircraft to give them cover (more on that below). Russia’s Winning on the Battlefield Meanwhile, Russian forces have nearly encircled the city of Bakhmut, which is a major transportation and logistics hub, with several key roads and rail lines passing through it. It’ll probably fall to the Russians within weeks. Losing Bakhmut will be a major blow to Ukraine, despite claims in the western media that it really isn’t very important. Ukraine’s entire 800-mile defensive line would probably begin to crumble, and they don’t have heavily fortified positions to fall back on. Ukrainian troops, while brave and competent soldiers, are exhausted and running out of supplies as it is. On top of that, it appears likely that Russia is preparing a devastating offensive with massive amounts of men, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, helicopters, drones and fixed-wing aircraft. This Russian army is not the same army that invaded Ukraine a year ago. It’s much better trained, led and equipped. It’s learned from the mistakes it made during its initial invasion last February. Ukraine shouldn’t expect them to repeat those mistakes. Does all this mean I’m cheering on a Russian victory in Ukraine? No, I’m just observing the facts on the ground and consolidating them to perform an objective analysis. That analysis leads me to believe that Russia will win the war militarily. Western military assistance may prolong the fighting but won’t affect the ultimate outcome. It’ll just delay the inevitable and get a lot more people needlessly killed. The Much Greater Risk The second facet of this war not reported in the media, or at least downplayed, is the growing risk of nuclear war. This risk increases with every escalatory step by both sides. The U.S. is the leader in reckless escalation by supplying long-range artillery, Patriot anti-missile batteries, intelligence, surveillance, and now the tanks. Russia responds at each step. There’s a number of steps before the two sides arrive at the nuclear level, but neither shows a willingness to step back. By the way, Russia has every legal right to attack those NATO countries supplying arms to Ukraine. By supplying arms to a party to the conflict, they’ve given up their neutrality and have become, in effect, combatants. Russia hasn’t done this because it doesn’t want to bring NATO directly into the fight. But legally, it can. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Ukraine’s demands on the U.S., UK and the rest of NATO for advanced weapons to fight Russians know no limits. The West began by supplying Ukraine with cash, intelligence and anti-tank weapons such as the Javelin missile. Soon we were supplying long-range artillery, drones, and more cash. As Russian advances continued, Zelensky demanded and got Patriot anti-missile batteries that can destroy incoming Russian missiles. The U.S. artillery was aimed at Russian Crimea. Several drones struck inside Russia at sensitive air bases with nuclear weapons nearby. The next demand for more weapons involved advanced tanks that are in the process of being supplied by the U.S., UK, Germany, and Poland. In the latest move, that comes as no surprise, Ukraine is now demanding F-16 fighter jets from the U.S., one of the most advanced aircraft in the world. But Russia has the most sophisticated air defense system in the world and is very capable of shooting down F-16s in large numbers. Biden has denied Zelensky’s request so far, but he previously ruled out sending tanks before finally giving in. The same thing will probably happen with the planes. But they won’t turn the tide against Russia. Once these advanced systems show they can’t help, what’s the Ukrainian’s next demand? Russia can escalate just as quickly and lethally as the U.S. This entire scenario is a long slow march toward nuclear war or the complete disintegration of Ukraine. Is Anyone Really Prepared for This? The U.S. won’t end the weapons deliveries because Joe Biden is afraid of losing face and his closest advisors such as Victoria Nuland have an irrational hatred for Russia and are total warmongers. Now, we can add a new danger, resulting from desperation. This is the fact that the U.S. itself may be the biggest loser in the war. As Ukraine disappears under a massive Russian onslaught, the U.S. will grow increasingly desperate. Its credibility is on the line after committing so much money, materiel and moral weight to Ukraine’s defense. The Biden administration has essentially turned the war in Ukraine into an existential crisis for the U.S. and NATO, when it never should have been. Ukraine has never been a vital U.S. interest. But the war is existential for Russia, and won’t give up. Is the U.S. just going to throw up its hands and concede Russian victory? NATO may actually disintegrate in the face of such spectacular failure. So, we’ll probably double down. Maybe a desperate Biden orders troops into western Ukraine as a buffer against a complete Russian takeover of the country. You can imagine what could go wrong. That situation may quickly devolve into a direct war between the U.S. and Russia rather than the proxy war that it is now. The American people and investors in particular are not prepared for any of this. They should be. It’s becoming increasingly likely.

Blinken Warns Ukraine Against Seizing Crimea In About-Face https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/15/blinken-crimea-ukraine-putin-000831... https://twitter.com/AZgeopolitics/status/1625406892087320581 In a bit of an about-face for Washington based on past officials' more aggressive posture, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken now says the administration is not actively encouraging Ukraine to seize Crimea. Politico reports of his words that "A Ukrainian attempt to retake Crimea would be a red line for Vladimir Putin that could lead to a wider Russian response, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a Zoom call with a group of experts Wednesday." Specifically the top US diplomat said America is not "actively encouraging" Ukraine to liberate Crimea from Russia, the Wednesday report said. Via Google Maps Instead, any potential future Crimea offensive will be "Kyiv's decision alone" - this despite a recent past history of rhetoric out of both Republican and Democratic administrations which have continually asserted over the years that "Crimea is Ukraine." The response was prompted by a reporter's question on whether or not the US would assist Ukraine in retaking all territory previously seized by pro-Kremlin forces. Politico details more of Blinken's response as follows: Blinken, according to two of the people, gave the impression that the U.S. doesn’t consider a push to retake Crimea to be a wise move at this time. He didn’t say those words explicitly, they underscored. Two other people didn’t take Blinken’s comments that way. The secretary remarked that it is solely the Ukrainians’ decision as to what they try to take by force, not America’s. That signaled to them that Blinken was more open to a potential Ukrainian play for Crimea. All of this comes as Western media and officials reluctantly acknowledged that Russian forces have the upper hand in Donetsk and are poised to take the strategic city of Bakhmut, having it surrounded. Meanwhile, NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg this week issued a rare admission concerning the history of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Stoltenberg admitted that the war in Donbass has been going on since 2014 - which appears to validate a key aspect of Russia's framing of the conflict narrative and why Putin ordered the invasion: 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦🇷🇺"NATO has been training the Ukrainian military since 2014, NATO partners have been supplying the Ukrainian armed forces with the necessary weapons and training since 2014" — Jens Stoltenbergs admits again "Unprovoked invasion"... pic.twitter.com/Qa8shKSWXx — AZ 🛰🌏🌍🌎 (@AZgeopolitics) February 14, 2023

Russian Diplomats Issue Dire Warnings That War With US Is Close https://libertarianinstitute.org/news/russian-diplomats-issue-dire-warnings-... https://mid.ru/ru/press_service/minister_speeches/1854365/ https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2017-12-12/nato-expa... https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/02/15/the-origins-of-the-ukraine-cris... https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CREC-2022-02-10/html/CREC-2022-02-10-pt1... https://archive.ph/LFo4j https://www.cato.org/commentary/making-ukraine-nato-member-all-name https://www.newsweek.com/red-lines-crossed-us-russia-ukraine-war-1781413 https://news.antiwar.com/2023/02/09/ukraine-relies-on-intelligence-by-us-for... https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1626216956218208257 https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream https://news.antiwar.com/2023/02/15/russia-requests-un-security-council-meet... https://original.antiwar.com/ted_snider/2022/12/12/not-trusting-russia-with-... The Kremlin’s top diplomat has warned that Western involvement in Ukraine is nearing "the point of no return," accusing the United States and the NATO bloc of attempting to transform the country into a "Russophobic military stronghold." Meanwhile, Moscow’s UN envoy declared that all of Russia’s "red lines" have already been crossed. Addressing lawmakers at Russia’s State Duma on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov outlined the causes of the current conflict in Ukraine and the deterioration of US-Russia relations, saying Washington has a "maniacal desire to revive the neo-colonial unipolar world order." File image: AP "An integral part of this policy is the long-term containment of Russia, including through the expansion of NATO towards our borders, as well as the transformation of fraternal Ukraine into a Russophobic military stronghold," he said. "In recent years, this line of Washington and its European satellites has reached the point of no return." After the fall of the Soviet Union, Washington and several other Western states gave assurances to Moscow that the NATO alliance would not expand beyond Germany. However, in the years since, Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump have each allowed new members to join the alliance, all of them inching closer to Russia’s borders. Starting in 2008, NATO has repeatedly declared its intention to someday allow Ukraine to become a member, again reiterating that pledge at a recent alliance summit. The move would cross the "brightest of all red lines" for Moscow, as was previously noted by then-State Department official and current CIA Director William Burns, who penned a 2008 memo warning of the geopolitical perils of extending membership to Kiev. Still, President Joe Biden has refused to change course, insisting it is up to Ukraine whether it would like to join the US-led military bloc while effectively making Kiev a de facto member in the meantime. In an interview with Newsweek on Tuesday, Russia’s UN envoy Dmitry Polyanskiy argued that the West has not respected Moscow’s core security concerns, and has become directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine. "All the red lines have already been crossed by Western countries. There is already semi-direct involvement of NATO in the conflict because it’s not only weaponry but it’s intelligence," he said. "It’s the situation when the targets of certain artillery systems, in particular HIMARS, these targets can be hit only with the coordination with Washington." Last week, the Washington Post reported that Ukraine relies on American intelligence for selecting targets. Since the start of the year, the White House has authorized the shipment of main battle tanks and long-range rockets to Kiev. Additionally, NATO appears to be preparing to send Western-made warplanes to Ukraine. "It means that NATO is not only providing weapons but also are choosing the targets for Ukrainian strikes," Polyanskiy continued. He went on to allege that citizens from NATO countries are already fighting – as well as getting captured and killed – in Ukraine. "We know this from the people that we capture and from the bodies that we see on the battlefield." The ambassador said Western weapons would only escalate the conflict, even warning that foreign intervention could eventually trigger a nuclear war. 🚨#BREAKING: "NATO must be ready for long standoff with Russia" - Secretary General of NATO And remember, in the last few days: - Tanks sent to Ukraine - NATO considering jets - Possible US responsibility re Nordstream attack Yet all we are talking about are balloons... pic.twitter.com/w2kMN96Tfw — Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) February 16, 2023 "It’s absolutely clear that any deliveries of weapons to the zone of conflict, of course, is like pouring oil into the fire," he said, adding "If you are dealing with a nuclear power and if you are citing the goal of inflicting defeat to this nuclear power, you should have all the options in mind of our possible response." In their remarks, both diplomats also pointed to potential American involvement in the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines. Last week, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a bombshell report claiming that Washington planned to bomb the pipelines. The White House has denied that it had any part sabotaging the line, though Senator Mike Lee later acknowledged that it was possible. On Wednesday, Polyanskiy said that Moscow requested a UN meeting next week to address Hersh’s reporting. Lavrov rejected denials from the Biden administration, saying the West is "lying, hiding the truth about the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines, just as they lied about the Minsk agreements." Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel claimed the Minsk agreement, which ostensibly was meant to end the civil war in Ukraine, was really intended to give Kiev time to build up its military. In a December 1 interview with Der Spiegel, Merkel said that she believes that during the Minsk talks, she was able to buy the time Ukraine needed to better fend off a Russian attack.

The Rules of Propaganda... are applied by all sides... by the West, the East, and the rest of the planet... none more or less than the other does, in the great game of global fuckery... The 10 Rules Of Propaganda https://dailyreckoning.com/the-10-rules-of-propaganda/ Lord Arthur Ponsonby was a British diplomat and politician, dates 1871–1946. This keen and cagey fellow pinpointed 10 rules of propaganda. They are these: 1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves. 2. The other guy is solely responsible for this war. 3. Our adversary’s leader is evil and looks evil. 4. We are defending a noble purpose, not special interest. 5. The enemy is purposefully causing atrocities; we only commit mistakes. 6. The enemy is using unlawful weapons. 7. We have very little losses, the enemy is losing big. 8. Intellectuals and artists support our cause. 9. Our cause is sacred. 10. Those who doubt our propaganda are traitors. Just Look at the News A daily scan of the newswires calls to mind three or more of these propaganda rules. On some days, six or seven. On others still, all 10. We refer specifically to the conflict presently arage in the eastern European nation of Ukraine. Let us now consider these rules. We will not take up each of them since some rules relate closely to others. We will instead weld these together. To proceed… 1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves. 2. The other guy is solely responsible for this war. On how many occasions have you read or heard condemnations of Mr. Putin’s “unprovoked” act of aggression? To phrase it differently, when has it not been described as unprovoked? Yet a man can argue very persuasively that Mr. Putin’s war was indeed provoked. The Russian autocrat warned on several occasions that NATO expansion into Ukraine was a “red line.” Russia would not abide the NATO dagger pressing against its vitals (parts of Ukraine actually lie east of Moscow). Yet the NATO alliance had announced its intentions to incorporate Ukraine — despite Vladimir’s moans and grimaces. A de Facto NATO Member It is true that no formal offer of membership has come. Yet for years the United States and its NATO allies were arming and training Ukrainian forces. Why do you think these Ukrainian forces have performed so excellently? Some have in fact referred to Ukraine as a de facto NATO member. It has merely been awaiting the de jure formality of actual membership. You may argue that Mr. Putin’s invasion was unjustified. You may argue that it was unnecessary. Your editor himself has maintained these very points. Yet you cannot argue that it was unprovoked. Putin’s Evil! 3. Our adversary’s leader is evil and looks evil. 9. Our cause is sacred. Here is a very condensed sample of headlines regarding the blackened state of Mr. Putin’s soul: “Vladimir Putin — ‘Evil on the Level of Joseph Stalin’” “Yes, Putin Is Evil” “Putin Is Evil, Not Mentally Ill, a Psychological Explanation” “’Terrifying’ Putin Driven by ‘Evil Forces,’ Says ECB’s Christine Lagarde” “How Vladimir Putin Became Evil” And is this not the very face of evil? The title of the magazine article affixed to this caption bears the title: “The Secret Source of Putin’s Evil” Now you have the flavor of it. We could continue but mercy forbids it. Is Putin Really Evil? Yet how do these demonologists know if the man is evil? Have they looked under the hood… and glanced his soul? Perhaps the man is psychologically impaired. Perhaps he goes by a different morality. Perhaps he is simply misguided. Or perhaps he simply believes his nation is under threat and that his invasion is justified. No — not justified — necessary. We would not claim that he is an especially congenial fellow. We would not claim that he is “nice.” But evil? That we are not prepared to say. Yet we are prepared to say — and will say — that for the past year propaganda has enjoyed a very brisk circulation. Evil on the level of Joseph Stalin, as the one headline screamed? This is the work of the propagandist. No Special Interest? 4. We are defending a noble purpose, not special interest. Defending Ukraine may certainly qualify as a “noble purpose.” We do not contend otherwise. Yet there are several arms manufacturers who presently drive an excellent trade. They must replace all the armaments that have been dispatched to — and continue to be dispatched to — Ukraine. Are they not a special interest? Meantime, our spies inform us that a disturbing portion of monies parading under the banner of “Ukrainian aid” has been diverted to the pockets of Ukrainian oligarchs. We would sort these oligarchs into the category of “special interest.” “We Don’t Do Those Things” 5. The enemy is purposefully causing atrocities; we only commit mistakes. We are told that Russia’s calendar of sins is endless. These hellcats are shooting projectiles into apartment buildings, hospitals, schools, churches. Yet we are likewise told that Russia suffers from an acute ammunition lack. Why would these Russians waste valuable ammunition on these valueless targets? Perhaps such targets were struck by accident. It is war and incidents as these are nearly inevitable. Perhaps even Ukrainian forces struck some of these structures unintentionally. We recall one instance in which a Russian missile struck very near the Polish border, murdering two. As chance would have it the “Russian missile” was an erring Ukrainian air defense missile. Perhaps Ukrainian forces fired upon Russian forces from these sites. Russians would be justified to return the fire. Reports of Russian massacring of civilians proliferate widely. Yet closer examination reveals that at least some of these claims are of very dubious validity. We would be stunned and gobsmacked if atrocities of various sorts have not occurred — perpetrated by both sides. It is, after all, war. And war is the very negation of civilization. Yet there is little to no evidence that atrocities are official Russian policy. That, we hazard to say, is propaganda. He’s Using Chemical Weapons! 6. The enemy is using unlawful weapons. “Kyiv Claims Russia Used Banned Chemical Weapon” “Russia’s Tear Gas Bombings in Ukraine May Be First Step in Dangerous Chemical Escalation” “Ukraine’s Battlefield Is Haunted by Putin’s Chemical Weapons Legacy” We assigned our spies the case. They inform us there exists no evidence of Russian chemical weapons use. Videos have circulated — however — of Ukrainian soldiers preparing chemical weapons for battlefield use. Other videos circulate of Russian soldiers gagging on these chemical agents. We cannot confirm their trueness. 270,000 Russian Casualties? 7. We have very little losses, the enemy is losing big. Source after source cites claims of unspeakable Russian deaths and woundings. Figures of 270,000 Russian casualties have been proposed. Yet the original invasion force consisted only of 190,000 men. Are they all — plus 80,000 others — dead or injured? The British Broadcasting Corporation decided to so some spade work. They attempted to discern the true number of Russian fatalities. This they did by poring through death notices, funeral announcements, social media and other venues. What did they discover? They could only identify the names of 16,071 confirmed Russian fatalities. They concede the possibility that they are undercounting the butcher’s bill by as much as 40%. In all, BBC places Russia’s total irretrievable losses (wounded, killed or missing people) at some 144,500. These figures nonetheless place the actual casualty roster — both killings and woundings — far below the mainstream telling. We are loathe to employ the word “only” when discussing deaths and woundings. It is a morbid affair. Each man is a unique human creature crafted in the image of his creator. Yet the BBC’s sleuthing indicates strongly that Russian casualty figures are extravagantly exaggerated. It is in keeping to Propaganda Rule no. 7. 8. Intellectuals and artists support our cause. How many intellectuals and artists boast Twitter accounts bearing an image of the Ukrainian flag? They are nearly beyond count. 10. Those who doubt our propaganda are traitors. Your patriotic editor has been labeled traitorous on many, many occasions — by readers and colleagues alike. The Propaganda War Does Russia transmit its own propaganda? We are certain that it does. Upon reflection we must amend the prior statement — we suspect strongly that Russia transmits its own propaganda. We cannot be certain. That is because none of it is allowed in. It is all censored out by the Western press. They have erected a great cordon walling off Russian propaganda. How else does one explain the universal media claims of Ukrainian righteousness and Russian evil? Of Ukrainian brio and Russian incompetence? Of Ukrainian victory and Russian defeat? We will merely state that we have been privy to… conflicting… reports. Yet we are aware that by posting the 10 Rules of Propaganda… we will be accused of distributing propaganda — Russian propaganda. We plead nolo contendere… comrade.

From Putin to Biden to Xi, Mass Invaders and Authoritarians never change, they only get overthrown...
China Blasts America's "Illegal" Occupation Of Syria In Wake Of Failed House Vote China has weighed in on the Pentagon's continued occupation of Syria in the wake of Wednesday's Republican-sponsored War Powers Resolution in the House, which according to Congressman Matt Gaetz was aimed specifically at forcing President Biden to withdraw all American troops from Syria. In a Friday press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning was asked for a response to the vote. She demanded that the US "immediately end the troops’ illegal occupation and plundering" and to halt the sanctions regimen which is crushing the Syrian economy and thus increasing the misery of common people. "Since the US began its illegal interference in the Syrian crisis, its military operations in Syria have taken away a large number of innocent civilian lives and caused grave humanitarian disasters," she said. Mao also sought to underscore that Washington is increasingly isolated on the issue, noting the US has been "criticized multiple times" by the United Nations. She further said US forces have conducted "indiscriminate attacks that may amount to a war crime." She called on Washington to "respect other countries’ sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity," and that it must stop "aggravating humanitarian disasters" in Syria - in reference to widespread reports that US sanctions hindered rescue efforts in the wake of last month's earthquake. As for the bipartisan push to get troops out of Syria led by Matt Gaetz, The Intercept has revealed a possible last-minute effort by hawks to sabotage the bill and paint its supporters into a corner: Before the Rules Committee approved the War Powers Resolution for a vote, Republican leaders added a clause to its consideration that would have blocked Congress from voting again on a motion "introduced during the first session of the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress pursuant to section 5 of the War Powers Resolution with respect to Syria." The language slipped past the resolution’s supporters, including the three Freedom Caucus members who won new seats on the Rules Committee, Reps. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., Chip Roy, R-Texas, and Thomas Massie, R-Ky. Now it all makes sense:@HouseGOP & @DeptofDefense aimed to crush the Syria vote, then block any more action by Congress, giving Admin free rein in Syria. This explains why they flew @thejointstaff Milley to Syria for 1st time & @HouseForeign put huge effort into floor debate. https://t.co/Y6nt5IjgnG — Erik Sperling 🌍 (@ErikSperling) March 10, 2023 The update in The Intercept continues: According to sources familiar with the fallout, Massie, Roy, and Gaetz discovered the language and pressed Republican leadership to strip it out, with some members threatening to vote down the rule if the language wasn’t removed. Ultimately, the lobbying worked, and Massie went to the floor to ask that the language be removed by unanimous consent, which requires the full chamber to agree, or at least not to contest the move. Democrats went along with the motion. One Republican member of Congress involved in the negotiations said that his initial assumption that party leadership was trying something nefarious – grant a vote on the resolution but then crush it and bar any future votes – evolved into a belief that the move had been driven by "muscle memory," as both Democratic and Republican party leaders had consistently confronted efforts to use the War Powers Act with counter efforts to limit its use. And yet, it still remains entirely unclear what the real "mission" is in Syria. The Trump administration had said it was to "secure the oil" - while Biden has pushed a 'counter-ISIS' focus. But many analysts have pointed to the real underlying reason of the US wanting to keep squeezing Damascus by controlling the country's natural resources (US troops are occupying the country's oil and gas fields in the northeast) at a moment crippling sanctions have been ratcheted up. Or in other words, despite President Assad having emerged victorious in the decade long war, this is all a remnant part of Washington's regime change playbook.

Russia's Military-Industrial-Complex, Uncontrolled Whores For Gold, Willing Spenders of Lives... Russia's Wagner Goes On Recruiting Blitz, Opening Centers In 42 Cities https://www.newsweek.com/kremlin-cuts-off-wagners-direct-access-1786788 https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/03/10/russias-wagner-group-opens-dozens-... Despite ongoing tensions with the Russian Defense Ministry, private security firm Wagner is going on a recruiting blitz, fresh off battlefield successes in Ukraine's east, notably in Soledar and now Bakhmut. Head of the mercenary group and personal friend of Putin, Yevgeny Prigozhin, on Friday announced the openings of recruitment centers in dozens of cities throughout Russia. The firm's methods have come under controversy and scrutiny for the practice of recruiting from prisons, often sending violent convicts to the front lines and in return promising them freedom. Outside PMC Wagner Center in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Via Reuters "Recruitment centers for PMC Wagner have opened in 42 Russian cities," Prigozhin announced. He described that sports centers and martial arts clubs in particular will serve as fresh recruiting grounds. "Despite the colossal resistance of the Ukrainian armed forces, we will move forward," the 61-year-old said. Prigozhin continued referencing rising tensions with the defense ministry: "Despite the spanners that they are throwing in the works at every turn, we will overcome this together," he said. Internal military tensions were highest following the Russian victory over Soledar, given Wagner was the first to claim victory, but without acknowledging the role of the regular army. This led to unprecedented public criticism of Wagner, which is viewed by Russian commanders as increasingly going rogue and being uncooperative, as well as not 'playing by the rules'. Prigozhin also within the last month lashed out at the military for not sharing ammunition even as Wagner fighters are often spearheading vital operations. After the dispute rose to the level of international media attention, it appears the Kremlin is officially distancing itself: Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner Group of Russian mercenaries, on Thursday said he has been cut off from all Russian government communication channels. In a message posted on his Telegram channel, Prigozhin claimed he had been blocked by the Kremlin due to his public appeals for his Wagner troops to be provided with more ammunition. Newsweek notes his words as follows: "In order to stop me from asking for ammunition, they turned off all special [government] phone lines in all of the offices and [Wagner] units ... and blocked all [my] passes to the agencies responsible for making decisions." Wagner filmed a destroyed American M-113 from the 93rd UKR mechanized brigade. It appears some of those riding inside did not meet a good ending. pic.twitter.com/AhQctcyvJA — Koba (@Roberto05246129) March 10, 2023 But the angry back-and-forth between Wagner and military officials is unlikely to let up anytime soon, given Prigozhin previewed his next actions: "Now I can only ask [for more supplies] through the media and... most likely will be doing just that."

Jon Stewart Skewers Military-Industrial Complex: Lost Wars & 'Pentagon Got A Raise' In a rare interview Jon Stewart skewered the military-industrial complex and Washington policymakers behind the last two decades of failed wars in the Middle East. The well-known comedian pressed former US Army General and CIA Director David Petraeus in particular on the fact that repeat failures, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan, have only led to the Pentagon receiving a "raise". "It looks to me like we lost 20 years in Afghanistan, 20 years in Iraq, and the Pentagon got a raise," Stewart said on “The Problem with Jon Stewart." Petraeus while on the defensive admitted that the decades of 'nation-building' in the Middle East "tempered enthusiasm" among the population for interventionist action abroad. But Stewart pressed him further on the constant record-breaking defense budgets of the past years and this year's. "They got 50 billion more dollars than they even asked for," he said in reference to the Defense Department getting approved for an additional $58 billion beyond what it even requested. Petraeus then claimed it is all necessary due to "a return of great power rivalries and the need to transform the force" - an particularly China. "Look, if we don’t do it, someone else will," Petraeus said. Watch the tense exchange below: Has our military industry given us a complex? We ask Gen. David Petraeus. to talk about what, if anything, we have learned from our often cavalier approach to foreign policy. Watch the full interview in our latest episode, “The Military Industrial Excess,” on @appletvplus. pic.twitter.com/VONLIGyFyL — The Problem With Jon Stewart (@TheProblem) March 10, 2023

https://www.reuters.com/world/chinas-xi-plans-russia-visit-soon-next-week-so... https://apnews.com/article/peace-talks-russia-ukraine-china-b6ce7e237f6f9037... Below is China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis in full... 1. Respecting the sovereignty of all countries. Universally recognized international law, including the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, must be strictly observed. The sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries must be effectively upheld. All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. All parties should jointly uphold the basic norms governing international relations and defend international fairness and justice. Equal and uniform application of international law should be promoted, while double standards must be rejected. 2. Abandoning the Cold War mentality. The security of a country should not be pursued at the expense of others. The security of a region should not be achieved by strengthening or expanding military blocs. The legitimate security interests and concerns of all countries must be taken seriously and addressed properly. There is no simple solution to a complex issue. All parties should, following the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security and bearing in mind the long-term peace and stability of the world, help forge a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture. All parties should oppose the pursuit of one’s own security at the cost of others’ security, prevent bloc confrontation, and work together for peace and stability on the Eurasian Continent. 3. Ceasing hostilities. Conflict and war benefit no one. All parties must stay rational and exercise restraint, avoid fanning the flames and aggravating tensions, and prevent the crisis from deteriorating further or even spiraling out of control. All parties should support Russia and Ukraine in working in the same direction and resuming direct dialogue as quickly as possible, so as to gradually deescalate the situation and ultimately reach a comprehensive ceasefire. 4. Resuming peace talks. Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the Ukraine crisis. All efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis must be encouraged and supported. The international community should stay committed to the right approach of promoting talks for peace, help parties to the conflict open the door to a political settlement as soon as possible, and create conditions and platforms for the resumption of negotiation. China will continue to play a constructive role in this regard. 5. Resolving the humanitarian crisis. All measures conducive to easing the humanitarian crisis must be encouraged and supported. Humanitarian operations should follow the principles of neutrality and impartiality, and humanitarian issues should not be politicized. The safety of civilians must be effectively protected, and humanitarian corridors should be set up for the evacuation of civilians from conflict zones. Efforts are needed to increase humanitarian assistance to relevant areas, improve humanitarian conditions, and provide rapid, safe and unimpeded humanitarian access, with a view to preventing a humanitarian crisis on a larger scale. The UN should be supported in playing a coordinating role in channeling humanitarian aid to conflict zones. 6. Protecting civilians and prisoners of war (POWs). Parties to the conflict should strictly abide by international humanitarian law, avoid attacking civilians or civilian facilities, protect women, children and other victims of the conflict, and respect the basic rights of POWs. China supports the exchange of POWs between Russia and Ukraine, and calls on all parties to create more favorable conditions for this purpose. 7. Keeping nuclear power plants safe. China opposes armed attacks against nuclear power plants or other peaceful nuclear facilities, and calls on all parties to comply with international law including the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) and resolutely avoid man-made nuclear accidents. China supports the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in playing a constructive role in promoting the safety and security of peaceful nuclear facilities. 8. Reducing strategic risks. Nuclear weapons must not be used and nuclear wars must not be fought. The threat or use of nuclear weapons should be opposed. Nuclear proliferation must be prevented and nuclear crisis avoided. China opposes the research, development and use of chemical and biological weapons by any country under any circumstances. 9. Facilitating grain exports. All parties need to implement the Black Sea Grain Initiative signed by Russia, Türkiye, Ukraine and the UN fully and effectively in a balanced manner, and support the UN in playing an important role in this regard. The cooperation initiative on global food security proposed by China provides a feasible solution to the global food crisis. 10. Stopping unilateral sanctions. Unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure cannot solve the issue; they only create new problems. China opposes unilateral sanctions unauthorized by the UN Security Council. Relevant countries should stop abusing unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction” against other countries, so as to do their share in deescalating the Ukraine crisis and create conditions for developing countries to grow their economies and better the lives of their people. 11. Keeping industrial and supply chains stable. All parties should earnestly maintain the existing world economic system and oppose using the world economy as a tool or weapon for political purposes. Joint efforts are needed to mitigate the spillovers of the crisis and prevent it from disrupting international cooperation in energy, finance, food trade and transportation and undermining the global economic recovery. 12. Promoting post-conflict reconstruction. The international community needs to take measures to support post-conflict reconstruction in conflict zones. China stands ready to provide assistance and play a constructive role in this endeavor.

Welcome your new global overlords... A Prelude To War Authored by James Gorrie via The Epoch Times, While the Biden administration’s weakness and decline in military readiness concerning China goes unreported or under-reported in the United States, those nations most vulnerable to Chinese aggression and intimidation are aware of the rising risk of war. When nations assess their national security status, they analyze all alliances and associations, including military, economic, etc. A critical aspect of that analysis will be the United States and its ability and willingness to fulfill its strategic security obligations. Fading US Security Guarantees in the Region Today, those obligations, first and foremost, involve the threats that China and its de facto proxy, North Korea, pose to the region. Every national security advisor or minister of defense in the Asia-Pacific region that relies on U.S. security guarantees must ask themselves, “Are we as secure today as we were yesterday under American security guarantees?” In other words, the governments in Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Canberra, and Manila all see the growing threat coming from China. These governments’ actions indicate that they’re all questioning their belief that the United States will be able to defend them. Unfortunately, most are increasingly unsure about America’s ability to defend them. In the Pentagon, however, the answer is definite, No, we will not be able to protect you. Over the past decade, with the possible exception of the Trump administration, the United States has pursued a graduated weakness defense posture in the region (as well as elsewhere) by failing to address threats with tangible military development and deployment effectively. Meanwhile, China continues to increase its defense spending to record levels. Asia-Pacific Nations React to China Threat and US Decline As a result, South Korea is seriously considering building its nuclear arsenal in response to the rising threat posed by both China and North Korea. Given North Korea’s reliance on China for food and fuel, one must conclude that its aggression and acts of intimidation toward South Korea and Japan are tacitly, if not explicitly, approved by Beijing. Tokyo is also radically redefining its defense posture across the board in light of China’s rising threat to the status quo. The Japanese are doing so because they don’t see a commensurate rise in America’s ability to stop China. In Taipei, Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said that he expects a Chinese attack by 2027, if not sooner. Xi Jinping has prioritized conquering Taiwan and continues to escalate China’s provocative behavior. Consequently, Taiwan has extended compulsory military service from four months to a year and seeks to develop drone and missile production. Again, that’s a no-confidence vote on America’s willingness and capability to deter an attack from China or even answer one. Australia’s response is less about re-arming and deepening its strategic international relationships. That applies not only to the United States, which is more or less a given but also to expanding its ties with India. That makes sense since India is China’s only regional nuclear and military counterweight. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (R) shakes hands with Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese before a meeting at Hyderabad House in New Delhi on March 10, 2023. (Money Sharma/AFP via Getty Images) In the Philippines last month, Manila granted the U.S. increased use of its military bases in direct response to the rising threat from China. In all practical terms, expanding America’s military presence in the Philippines is the equivalent of a military buildup. Beijing Redefines US-Based Security Agreements in the Region What’s more, Beijing is clearly signaling to the region and the United States that the U.S. security guarantee to the regional nations alliance is now unacceptable. This shift mirrors China’s rise to global power and its desire and intent to challenge U.S. supremacy in the region. China’s leadership, including Xi Jinping and his Minister of Foreign Affairs Qin Gang, has made it clear how Beijing views the current Asia-Pacific security arrangement, describing it as “encirclement” and “containment and suppression, a zero-sum game of life and death.” Intimidation Rhetoric But who was Beijing speaking to? Was the message primarily aimed at its domestic audience to gin up nationalism, as left-wing The Guardian claims? Is the Chinese leadership expressing its fear of a life-and-death struggle between itself and the United States? Perhaps, but not likely. It’s more realistic that Beijing was sending a message to the other nations in the region to intimidate and affirm their doubts about America’s security commitment. Using Cold War terms like “containment” also points to the regional nations as the intended audience since they’re framing the current voluntary security arrangements as belligerent rather than defensive. It’s no surprise why they would make such a forward-leaning assertion. The U.S. military state of readiness is already stretched thin in various contexts, including the massive commitment of war materiel to Ukraine. US in ‘Terminal Decline?’ Beijing regards the United States as being in “terminal decline” and sees an opportunity to exploit the weakness of the Biden administration regarding its reunification plans with Taiwan. Moreover, China’s navy has already surpassed the United States’ surface fleet numbers. According to Kris Osborn of Warrior Maven, it also possesses nuclear-enabled, hypersonic, anti-ship missiles, against which the U.S. Navy “may or may not” be able to defend itself. Therefore, it’s reasonable to think that the “zero-sum game of life and death” phrasing applies more to U.S. allies in the region rather than to China. What could be the reason for Beijing’s massive military build-up? The simple fact is that no country or group of countries has any interest in, intention to, or capability of invading China. Unfortunately, it’s not likely that any country or group of countries will be able to deter China from invading and conquering other nations in the Asia-Pacific region. That reality has finally dawned on them and the rest of the world. Fight Brewing Between Congress & Biden On Labeling Wagner A Terrorist Organization Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), a Democratic member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is leading the charge along with six other Democratic and Republican senators to get Russia's Wagner Group mercenary firm labeled a terrorist organization. Shaheen's legislation, titled the Holding Accountable Russian Mercenaries (HARM) Act would force the State Department to add Wagner to the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list. It's designed also to force the Biden administration's hand, which has remained resistant to issuing a terror label, only dubbing it more ambiguously as a global criminal organization and thus bringing limited financial sanctions. This as Wagner is increasingly the focus of international headlines for its leading role in fighting for Bakhmut. Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of Russia's Wagner mercenary force, via Reuters. Biden's reluctance is causing anger in Congress, and allegations of White House shortsightedness given Wagner's outsized role in fighting in Ukraine's east. "We’ve seen that again and again in terms of this support for the Ukrainians and this war, where Congress has been out ahead of the White House," Sen. Shaheen said in a weekend statement. "It’s been true since Russia invaded Ukraine. I remember in 2014 supporting lethal weapons for Ukraine, and the White House refused to support that. I don’t see this as unusual," she added. "I hope the administration and the State Department comes on board." The FTO designation would impose far-reaching costs on the group and open up more means of targeting the mercenary firm by Washington, including going after third parties that deal with Wagner. And given widespread accusations from Ukrainian and Western officials that it is committing atrocities in Ukraine, this has left some Congress members scratching their heads over why Biden hasn't pulled the trigger on the FTO. But one Congressional aide explained to The Hill that it relates to other regions of the world where Wagner is active, and that unexpected consequences would accrue and impact US relations with certain countries: “[The State Department] is concerned that if suddenly the FTO designation lands on Wagner, that those governments, where there’s various officials that deal with them [Wagner], that they would all, immediately be blocked from travel to the United States and have their assets seized for coming into contact with the FTO. So that’s the nature of their concern,” the aide said. “They claim they’re not opposed to it on Ukraine grounds, but they’re opposed to it on Africa grounds.” Wagner meanwhile, last week announced a major recruiting expansions, opening up new offices and recruitment centers in over 40 cities across Russia. The group with ties to President Putin has lately come under severe criticism by the Russian Defense Ministry and regular military chain of command for being too unaccountable and acting as a rival to authorized commanders.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-19/anti-russia-guerillas-in-belarus-take... https://www.rferl.org/a/belarus-sentences-two-journalists-chekina-zolatova-1... https://www.plenglish.com/news/2023/02/22/nato-threatens-belaruss-security-f... https://tsikhanouskaya.org/en/events/news/de295f506f34b7c.html Belarus Cracks Down On Pro-Ukraine Guerrillas As War Threatens To Expand The Belarus government is implementing widespread measures to crack down on dissent as pro-Ukraine guerrillas attempt to sabotage railways and other logistics that could be used by Russia for a future offensive from the north. The move comes not long after the guerrillas, part of an organization called BYPOL, used two armed drones to damage a Russian Beriev A-50 parked at the Machulishchy Air Base near Minsk. The early warning aircraft was lent to Belarus for monitoring the security of their southern border. The attack failed to destroy the plane beyond minor repairs according the the Belarus government, but did garner BYPOL headlines in the western media. What they did not report was that the primary perpetrator of the attack was apprehended along with 20 other accomplices. Belarus claims that at least one of the guerrillas has ties to Ukrainian security services, though this remains unconfirmed. Last month, President Alexander Lukashenko warned that: "I'm ready to fight together with the Russians from the territory of Belarus in one case only: if so much as one soldier from (Ukraine) comes to our territory with a gun to kill my people." If BYPOL attacks continue within Belarus they may provide the very rationale that Lukashenko needs to justify joining military forces with Russia, which would open up the northern border of Ukraine to attack and likely deal a devastating blow to the nation's defensive posture. Acts of sabotage have already been used as fuel for civilian restrictions including the issuance of arrest warrants for numerous activists as well as at least five journalists, two of them now sentenced to 12 years in prison for a variety of charges including “Tax evasion, organizing activities aimed at inciting racial, ethnic, religious, or social hatred, and public calls through the media and the Internet aimed at damaging the national security of Belarus.” The Belarus government seems to have abandoned optics in favor of policies akin to martial law, which suggests a near term plan to join Russia militarily as well as to wage an anti-insurgency effort against BYPOL. Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik stated at the end of February that the accelerated militarization of the eastern flank of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) represents a threat to his country's security. Lukashenko has launched a diplomatic tour, visiting allies of Russia and Belarus in an effort to strengthen ties. He was recently welcomed in Iran, which has been involved in economic support of Russia in the midst of heavy NATO sanctions. The president's statement to the Iranian leadership appeared to stress the view that the US was a shared enemy of the two nations: Lukashenko has been accused by western governments of election fraud and vote rigging to defeat his opponent, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, in the 2020 elections. Most evidence of fraud comes from the testimony of poll workers, and if true constitutes an egregious violation of voter trust. However, it should be noted that Tsikhanouskaya has been embraced by the globalist World Economic Forum, which raises suspicions about the intentions of her candidacy. She has also been announcing reforms for Belarus as if she has the power to implement them; perhaps assuming that she will eventually be installed as president sometime in the near future. While the Belerus crackdown is itself a display of oppression if all the accusations are true, it also highlights the domino effect of NATO involvement in the region leading to wider instability. The Ukrainian government has also been accused of numerous trespasses against civilian rights with the country aggressively enforcing martial law, and these questionable actions are supported by US and EU tax dollars. The governments of the US and Europe refuse to acknowledge that Ukraine is a full blown proxy war against Russia, but the results are clear and the consequences could be catastrophic. Eastern nations including the BRICs are beginning to gravitate to each other not just economically but militarily, which one might think is the opposite of what NATO would want. At the same time, Ukrainian support for guerrilla operations in Belarus, if proven, could justify expansion of the war.

From all the wreckage and confusion of the last two years, there emerges one undeniable truth. Most Americans are right to be distrustful of and dissatisfied with their government. President Biden comes across as a cardboard cut-out, a stand-in for ideological fanatics in his administration, people that see executive power as the means to silence political opposition and retain permanent control of
https://www.theamericanconservative.com/the-gathering-storm/ The Gathering Storm America’s self-inflicted trouble in Ukraine aggravates our dangerous trouble at home... The crisis of American national power has begun. America’s economy is tipping over, and Western financial markets are quietly panicking. Imperiled by rising interest rates, mortgage-backed securities and U.S. Treasuries are losing their value. The market’s proverbial “vibes”—feelings, emotions, beliefs, and psychological penchants—suggest a dark turn is underway inside the American economy. American national power is measured as much by American military capability as by economic potential and performance. The growing realization that American and European military-industrial capacity cannot keep up with Ukrainian demands for ammunition and equipment is an ominous signal to send during a proxy war that Washington insists its Ukrainian surrogate is winning. Russian economy-of-force operations in southern Ukraine appear to have successfully ground down attacking Ukrainian forces with the minimal expenditure of Russian lives and resources. While Russia’s implementation of attrition warfare worked brilliantly, Russia mobilized its reserves of men and equipment to field a force that is several magnitudes larger and significantly more lethal than it was a year ago. Russia’s massive arsenal of artillery systems including rockets, missiles, and drones linked to overhead surveillance platforms converted Ukrainian soldiers fighting to retain the northern edge of the Donbas into pop-up targets. How many Ukrainian soldiers have died is unknown, but one recent estimate wagers between 150,000-200,000 Ukrainians have been killed in action since the war began, while another estimates about 250,000. Given the glaring weakness of NATO members’ ground, air, and air defense forces, an unwanted war with Russia could easily bring hundreds of thousands of Russian Troops to the Polish border, NATO’s Eastern Frontier. This is not an outcome Washington promised its European allies, but it’s now a real possibility. In contrast to the Soviet Union’s hamfisted and ideologically driven foreign policymaking and execution, contemporary Russia has skillfully cultivated support for its cause in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. The fact that the West’s economic sanctions damaged the U.S. and European economies while turning the Russian ruble into one of the international system’s strongest currencies has hardly enhanced Washington’s global standing. Biden’s policy of forcibly pushing NATO to Russia’s borders forged a strong commonality of security and trade interests between Moscow and Beijing that is attracting strategic partners in South Asia like India, and partners like Brazil in Latin America. The global economic implications for the emerging Russo-Chinese axis and their planned industrial revolution for some 3.9 billion people in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are profound. In sum, Washington’s military strategy to weaken, isolate, or even destroy Russia is a colossal failure and the failure puts Washington’s proxy war with Russia on a truly dangerous path. To press on, undeterred in the face of Ukraine’s descent into oblivion, ignores three metastasizing threats: 1. Persistently high inflation and rising interest rates that signal economic weakness. (The first American bank failure since 2020 is a reminder of U.S. financial fragility.) 2. The threat to stability and prosperity inside European societies already reeling from several waves of unwanted refugees/migrants. 3. The threat of a wider European war. Inside presidential administrations, there are always competing factions urging the president to adopt a particular course of action. Observers on the outside seldom know with certainty which faction exerts the most influence, but there are figures in the Biden administration seeking an off-ramp from involvement in Ukraine. Even Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a rabid supporter of the proxy war with Moscow, recognizes that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s demand that the West help him recapture Crimea is a red line for Putin that might lead to a dramatic escalation from Moscow. Backing down from the Biden administration’s malignant and asinine demands for a humiliating Russian withdrawal from eastern Ukraine before peace talks can convene is a step Washington refuses to take. Yet it must be taken. The higher interest rates rise, and the more Washington spends at home and abroad to prosecute the war in Ukraine, the closer American society moves toward internal political and social turmoil. These are dangerous conditions for any republic. the federal government. Americans are not fools. They know that members of Congress flagrantly trade stocks based on inside information, creating conflicts of interest that would land most citizens in jail. They also know that since 1965 Washington led them into a series of failed military interventions that severely weakened American political, economic, and military power. Far too many Americans believe they have had no real national leadership since January 21, 2021. It is high time the Biden administration found an off-ramp designed to extricate Washington, D.C., from its proxy Ukrainian war against Russia. It will not be easy. Liberal internationalism or, in its modern guise, “moralizing globalism,” makes prudent diplomacy arduous, but now is the time. In Eastern Europe, the spring rains present both Russian and Ukrainian ground forces with a sea of mud that severely impedes movement. But the Russian High Command is preparing to ensure that when the ground dries and Russian ground forces attack, the operations will achieve an unambiguous decision, making it clear that Washington and its supporters have no chance to rescue the dying regime in Kiev. From then on, negotiations will be extremely difficult, if not impossible.

Are We The Byzantines? https://amgreatness.com/2023/03/15/are-we-the-byzantines/ When Constantinople finally fell to the Ottomans on Tuesday, May 29, 1453, the Byzantine Empire and its capital had survived for 1,000 years beyond the fall of the Western Empire at Rome. Always outnumbered in a sea of enemies, the Byzantines’ survival had depended on its realist diplomacy of dividing its enemies, avoiding military quagmires, and ensuring constant deterrence. Generations of self-sacrifice ensured ample investment for infrastructure. Each generation inherited and improved on singular aqueducts and cisterns, sewer systems, and the most complex and formidable city fortifications in the world. Brilliant scientific advancement and engineering gave the empire advantages like swift galleys and flame throwers—an ancient precursor to napalm. The law reigned supreme for nearly a millennium after the emperor Justinian codified a prior thousand years of Roman jurisprudence. Yet this millennium-old crown jewel of the ancient world that once was home to 800,000 citizens had only 50,000 inhabitants left when it fell. There were only 7,000 defenders on the walls to hold back a huge Turkish army of over 150,000 attackers. The Islamic winners took over the once magical city of Constantine and renamed it Istanbul. It had been the home of the renowned Santa Sophia, the largest Christian church in the world for over 900 years. Almost immediately, this “Church of the Holy Wisdom” was converted into the then largest mosque in the Islamic world, with minarets to follow. So what happened to the once indomitable city fortress and its empire? Christendom had cannibalized itself. Western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy fought endlessly. Westerners often hated each other more than they did their common enemy. In the final days of Constantinople, almost no help was sent from Western Europe to the besieged city. In fact, 250 years earlier, the Western Franks of the Fourth Crusade had detoured from the Holy Land to storm the supposedly allied Christian City of Constantinople. Then they ransacked the city and hijacked the Byzantine Empire for a half-century. Constantinople never quite recovered. The 14 th-century Black Plague killed tens of thousands of Byzantines and scared thousands more into moving out of the cramped city. But the aging and dying empire battled more than the challenges of internal divisions, or an unforeseen but deadly pandemic and the empire’s disastrous responses to it. The last generations of Byzantines had inherited a global reputation and standard of living that they themselves no longer earned. They neglected their former civic values and fought endless battles over obscure religious texts, doctrines, and vocabulary. They did not expand their anemic army and navy. They did not reunite their scattered Greek-speaking empire. They did not properly maintain their once life-giving walls. Instead of earning money through their accustomed nonstop trade, they inflated their currency and were forced to melt down the city’s inherited gold and silver fixtures. The once canny and shrewd Byzantines grew smug and naïve. Childlessness became common. Most now preferred to live outside of what had become a half-empty, often dirty, and poorly maintained city. Meanwhile they underestimated the growing power of the Ottomans who systematically pruned away their empire. By the mid-15th century Islamic armies were ready to exploit fatal Byzantine weaknesses. The Sultan Mehmed II grandly announced the Ottomans were now the real, the only world power. Ascendent Ottoman armies would eventually move on to the very gates of Vienna in an effort to rule all the lands of the ancient Roman empire. We should take heed from the last generations of the Byzantines. Nowhere is it foreordained that America has a birthright to remain the world’s preeminent civilization. An ascendent China seems eerily similar to the Ottomans. Beijing believes that the United States is decadent, undeserving of its affluence, living beyond its means on the fumes of the past—and very soon vulnerable enough to challenge openly. Left and Right seem to hate each other more than they do their common enemies. Like the Byzantines, Americans gave up defending their own borders, and simply shrugged as millions overran them as they pleased. Our once iconic downtowns, like end-stage Constantinople before the fall, are now dirty, half-deserted, dangerous, and dysfunctional. America prints rather than makes money, as its banks totter near bankruptcy. Americans similarly believe they are invincible without ensuring in reality that they are. Our military is more worried about being woke than deadly. Like Byzantines, Americans have become snarky iconoclasts, more eager to tear down art and sculpture that they no longer have the talent to create. Current woke dogma, obscure word fights, and sanctimonious cancel culture are as antithetical to the past generations of World War II as the last generation of Constantinople was to the former great eras of the emperors Constantine, Justinian, Heraclius, and Leo. The Byzantines never woke up in time to understand what they had become. So far neither have Americans.

Putin the Invading Murderer gets sent up to the Hague... Arrest Warrant Issued For President Putin By Hague-Based ICC https://twitter.com/IntlCrimCourt/status/1636771769313902592 https://www.axios.com/2023/03/17/icc-war-crimes-cases-russia-ukraine https://apnews.com/article/icc-putin-war-crimes-ukraine-9857eb68d82734039496... https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/08/us/politics/pentagon-war-crimes-hague.htm... As part of the West's attempt to ramp up the pressure on President Vladimir Putin, the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Friday issued an arrest warrant for the Russian leader. It's a largely symbolic step, given detaining Putin remains entirely unenforceable, but is enough to create a firestorm of hyped and breathless headlines. Another arrest warrant for a top official was announced simultaneously for Russia's commissioner for children’s rights Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova. The warrants for both Putin and Lvova-Belova allege severe human rights violations against children, and mark the first formal international charges brought by the ICC against Moscow. Street scene in Barcelona, via AFP The ICC said in a statement that Putin "is allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation." According to Axios, it stems from allegations that "Russia systematically relocated at least 6,000 children from Ukraine to Russia since the start of the war" - based on findings by a group called Conflict Observatory and their report published in February. "Many of the children, who were taken to camps or other facilities, engaged in pro-Russia reeducation efforts, per the report," Axios details. "Some of the facilities were used for foster care or adoption in Russia and Crimea." But it remains that the warrants are largely merely symbolic. "The ICC is doing its part of work as a court of law,” ICC court president Piotr Hofmanski said. “The judges issued arrest warrants. The execution depends on international cooperation." Given the ICC doesn't have a police force, any actual attempt to detain Putin would be the decision of a government, so needless to say it could not possibly be enforced. However, it does complicate Putin's ability to travel to European or other capitals which cooperate with the ICC. This also means it could hinder peace efforts in the scenario Putin might choose to personally engage in negotiations or diplomacy in a European city. Statement by Prosecutor #KarimAAKhanKC on the issuance of arrest warrants against President Vladimir Putin and Ms Maria Lvova-Belova Read more ⤵️ https://t.co/qGNPQrBV5O #Ukraine — Int'l Criminal Court (@IntlCrimCourt) March 17, 2023 The Kremlin responded quickly to the ICC warrants, with Dmitry Peskov stressing that Russia doesn’t recognize the international court, calling its decisions "legally void." He blasted the attempt to go after the recognized head of state of Russia as "outrageous and unacceptable." Recent debate at the Hague-based ICC ahead of Friday's announcement certainly put Washington in an awkward position, with Axios pointing out that "The New York Times reported earlier this month that the Pentagon was blocking the Biden administration from sharing U.S. intelligence with the ICC about Russian war crimes in Ukraine for fear that it could set a precedent for prosecuting Americans."

"I’m Telling You, He Did It": Seymour Hersh Blames Biden For Nord Stream Attack Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh told the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. that Joe Biden made the decision to blow up Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines because he saw being a war president as giving him a better chance at re-election. Robert Daemmrich Photography Inc / Contributor via Getty Images Last month, Hersh published a report asserting that the pipelines were destroyed by the US as part of a covert operation. According to Hersh’s sources, the explosives were planted in June 2022 by US Navy divers under the guise of the BALTOPS 22 NATO exercise and were detonated three months later with a remote signal sent by a sonar buoy. One source told Hersh that the plotters knew the covert operation was an “act of war,” with some in the CIA and State Department warning, “Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.” Last week, the New York Times reported that a “pro-Ukrainian group” had sabotaged the pipelines, using a team with as few as six people involved in the mission, contradicting previous assumptions that only a state would have had the resources to carry out the operation. According to Hersh, referring to Biden, “He did it. He did it, I’m telling you, he did it," adding, "The Biden game is to wait it out and never say yes.” The journalist claimed that Biden wanted to escalate the conflict in order to position himself as a war president. “I think Biden also saw beating up Russia as a ticket. Jack Kennedy is a classic example – presidents always did well politically in wars,” he said. Hersh claimed that Biden made the decision in January 2022 to “see if we can find a way to blow… those pipelines, and put [the Russians] back in the dark ages.” The Pulitzer-Prize winner went on to savage the legacy media for completely failing to follow up on his report that the U.S. was responsible for the attack, which took out three of the four pipelines. Meanwhile, China has reacted with skepticism towards the explanation that a pro-Ukrainian group was responsible for the blasts. During a press briefing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin called for “an objective, impartial and professional investigation” into the bombing. “We have noted that some Western media have been mysteriously quiet after Hersh reported that the US was behind the Nord Stream blast. But now these media are unusually simultaneous in making their voice heard. How would the US account for such abnormality? Is there anything hidden behind the scene?” Wang asked. New reports also reveal that a German spy ship was in the area where the attack occurred at the time of the blasts on September 26. According to a report by German magazine Der Spiegel, the CIA warned Berlin about a potential attack on gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea weeks before it happened. As we highlighted yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin branded claims that the Nord Stream pipeline attack was the work of pro-Ukrainian activists “nonsense,” arguing the blasts must have been carried out by a state power.

What Follows US Hegemony Authored by Vijay Prashad via thetricontiental.org, On 24 February 2023, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a twelve-point plan entitled ‘China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis’. This ‘peace plan’, as it has been called, is anchored in the concept of sovereignty, building upon the well-established principles of the United Nations Charter (1945) and the Ten Principles from the Bandung Conference of African and Asian states held in 1955. The plan was released two days after China’s senior diplomat Wang Yi visited Moscow, where he met with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. Russia’s interest in the plan was confirmed by Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov shortly after the visit: ‘Any attempt to produce a plan that would put the [Ukraine] conflict on a peace track deserves attention. We are considering the plan of our Chinese friends with great attention’. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the plan hours after it was made public, saying that he would like to meet China’s President Xi Jinping as soon as possible to discuss a potential peace process. France’s President Emmanuel Macron echoed this sentiment, saying that he would visit Beijing in early April. There are many interesting aspects of this plan, notably a call to end all hostilities near nuclear power plants and a pledge by China to help fund the reconstruction of Ukraine. But perhaps the most interesting feature is that a peace plan did not come from any country in the West, but from Beijing. When I read ‘China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis’, I was reminded of ‘On the Pulse of Morning’, a poem published by Maya Angelou in 1993, the rubble of the Soviet Union before us, the terrible bombardment of Iraq by the United States still producing aftershocks, the tremors felt in Afghanistan and Bosnia. The title of this newsletter, ‘Birth Again the Dream of Global Peace and Mutual Respect’, sits at the heart of the poem. Angelou wrote alongside the rocks and the trees, those who outlive humans and watch us destroy the world. Two sections of the poem bear repeating: Each of you, a bordered country, Delicate and strangely made proud, Yet thrusting perpetually under siege. Your armed struggles for profit Have left collars of waste upon My shore, currents of debris upon my breast. Yet today I call you to my riverside, If you will study war no more. Come, Clad in peace, and I will sing the songs The Creator gave to me when I and the Tree and the rock were one. Before cynicism was a bloody sear across your Brow and when you yet knew you still Knew nothing. The River sang and sings on. … History, despite its wrenching pain Cannot be unlived, but if faced With courage, need not be lived again. History cannot be forgotten, but it need not be repeated. That is the message of Angelou’s poem and the message of the study we released last week, Eight Contradictions of the Imperialist ‘Rules-Based Order’. In October 2022, Cuba’s Centre for International Policy Research (CIPI) held its 7th Conference on Strategic Studies, which studied the shifts taking place in international relations, with an emphasis on the declining power of the Western states and the emergence of a new confidence in the developing world. There is no doubt that the United States and its allies continue to exercise immense power over the world through military force and control over financial systems. But with the economic rise of several developing countries, with China at their head, a qualitative change can be felt on the world stage. An example of this trend is the ongoing dispute amongst the G20 countries, many of which have refused to line up against Moscow despite pressure by the United States and its European allies to firmly condemn Russia for the war in Ukraine. This change in the geopolitical atmosphere requires precise analysis based on the facts. To that end, our latest dossier, Sovereignty, Dignity, and Regionalism in the New International Order (March 2023), produced in collaboration with CIPI, brings together some of the thinking about the emergence of a new global dispensation that will follow the period of US hegemony. The text opens with a foreword by CIPI’s director, José R. Cabañas Rodríguez, who makes the point that the world is already at war, namely a war imposed on much of the world (including Cuba) by the United States and its allies through blockades and economic policies such as sanctions that strangle the possibilities for development. As Greece’s former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said, coups these days ‘do not need tanks. They achieve the same result with banks’. The US is attempting to maintain its position of ‘single master’ through an aggressive military and diplomatic push both in Ukraine and Taiwan, unconcerned about the great destabilisation this has inflicted upon the world. This approach was reflected in US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin’s admission that ‘We want to see Russia weakened’ and in US House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul’s statement that ‘Ukraine today – it’s going to be Taiwan tomorrow’. It is a concern about this destabilisation and the declining fortunes of the West that has led most of the countries in the world to refuse to join efforts to isolate Russia. As some of the larger developing countries, such as China, Brazil, India, Mexico, Indonesia, and South Africa, pivot away from reliance upon the United States and its Western allies, they have begun to discuss a new architecture for a new world order. What is quite clear is that most of these countries – despite great differences in the political traditions of their respective governments – now recognise that the United States ‘rules-based international order’ is no longer able to exercise the authority it once had. The actual movement of history shows that the world order is moving from one anchored by US hegemony to one that is far more regional in character. US policymakers, as part of their fearmongering, suggest that China wants to take over the world, along the grain of the ‘Thucydides Trap’ argument that when a new aspirant to hegemony appears on the scene, it tends to result in war between the emerging power and existing great power. However, this argument is not based on facts. Rather than seek to generate additional poles of power – in the mould of the United States – and build a ‘multipolar’ world, developing countries are calling for a world order rooted in the UN Charter as well as strong regional trade and development systems. ‘This new internationalism can only be created – and a period of global Balkanisation avoided’, we write in our latest dossier, ‘by building upon a foundation of mutual respect and strength of regional trade systems, security organisations, and political formations’. Indicators of this new attitude are present in the discussions taking place in the Global South about the war in Ukraine and are reflected in the Chinese plan for peace. Our dossier analyses at some length this moment of fragility for US power and its ‘rules-based international order’. We trace the revival of multilateralism and regionalism, which are key concepts of the emerging world order. The growth of regionalism is reflected in the creation of a host of vital regional bodies, from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), alongside increasing regional trade (with the BRICS bloc being a kind of ‘regionalism plus’ for our period). Meanwhile, the emphasis on returning to international institutions for global decision-making, as evidenced by the formation of the Group of Friends in Defence of the UN Charter, for example, illustrates the reinvigorated desire for multilateralism. The United States remains a powerful country, but it has not come to terms with the immense changes taking place in the world order. It must temper its belief in its ‘manifest destiny’ and recognise that it is nothing more than another country amongst the 193 members states of the United Nations. The great powers – including the United States – will either find ways to accommodate and cooperate for the common good, or they will all collapse together. At the start of the pandemic, the head of the World Health Organisation, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, urged the countries of the world to be more collaborative and less confrontational, saying that ‘this is the time for solidarity, not stigma’ and repeating, in the years since, that nations must ‘work together across ideological divides to find common solutions to common problems’. These wise words must be heeded.

Putin lied about not attacking US drone... Watch: Russian Fighter Jet Dumps Fuel On US Reaper Drone The US Department of Defense published a short video of a Russian fighter jet performing an unsafe maneuver while intercepting a US Air Force MQ-9 "Reaper" drone that crashed into the Black Sea on Tuesday. American officials have criticized Russia for operating their aircraft in a way deemed "unsafe and unprofessional." In the 42-second clip, the Russian Su-27 can be seen approaching the back of the MQ-9 drone while it starts to release fuel. This action was likely intended to discourage the surveillance drone's presence in international airspace over the Black Sea and obstruct its advanced sensors. BREAKING: U.S. military releases dramatic declassified video taken by MQ-9 Reaper drone that shows the moment that a Russian Su-27 fighter jet collided with it after attempting to spray the drone with jet fuel. https://t.co/XGoVQN7ppJ pic.twitter.com/X9vH6qtFGf — ABC News (@ABC) March 16, 2023 USAF wrote in a statement that the Russian fighter jet "dumped fuel upon and struck the propeller of the MQ-9, causing US forces to have to bring the MQ-9 down in international waters." National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the drone posed no threat to anyone and was operating in international airspace. "The United States will continue to fly and to operate wherever international law allows, and it is incumbent upon Russia to operate its military aircraft in a safe and professional manner," Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters Wednesday. Meanwhile, Russia has denied that its pilots acted unprofessionally or struck the drone's propeller. The Russian Defense Ministry spoke with Austin about the incident and said the drone ignored flight restrictions in the area posted by the Kremlin. There was also a report the drone was flying with no broadcasting transponder and headed toward the Russian border. Russia pointed out the incident is due to "the intensification of intelligence activities against the interests of the Russian Federation." Although there was no loss of life, the incident outlines the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has sparked concerns that it may escalate and might lead to direct confrontation between Russia and the US. This comes as the spring offensive is underway.

https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2023/03/16/why-we-need-to-repeal-both-the-... West raised messaging rhetoric also lost early chance of a clean UA defensive pushback of the invader by delaying arms support requests into a slow ramp. One year later... Saboteurs everywhere. Euros now shipping in jets. Poland et al becoming agitated to enter UA. Belarus ready to jump in. Putin may be recalled by Monday's Xi meeting, if not, escalation risk grows much higher. Gold price soaring in response. All sides are guilty now. Letting things grow is bad. As usual, seek peace, and be prepared.

History full of Princes killing their Kings... With Bakhmut Hanging In Balance, Will Putin Order Takedown Of Wagner Boss? The bizarre spat between Wagner mercenary group and the regular Russian military chain of command has continued exploding into public view, now reaching a full-blown crisis for Moscow as the fate of the Bakhmut front hangs in the balance. Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed Friday that the Russian army is abandoning its positions near Bakhmut. "This is not called regrouping, this is fleeing," he said in audio statement posted to Wagner's social media channels. He additionally alleged that Russian troops "simply went fleeing" from positions around the north and south of the strategic Donetsk city. "The flanks are failing. The front is collapsing," he added. But the defense ministry (MoD) was quick to reject the new assessment from Prigozhin, who this week has been begging for more ammunition, while threatening to pull his forces if resupplies continue to be blocked or falter. The MoD said their are units being regrouped and progress is being made. Prigozhin retorted that "Attempts by the defense ministry in the information field to sugarcoat the situation - it's leading and will lead to a global tragedy for Russia." Prigozhin has previously called the generals "clowns". Further according to statements from the Wagner chief this week: “Those territories that were liberated with the blood and lives of our comrades … are abandoned today almost without any fight by those who are supposed to hold our flanks.” Earlier in the week, Prigozhin marred Russia’s May 9 Victory Day celebrations with public and foul-mouthed criticisms of the country’s top military officials. “Today they [Ukrainians] are tearing up the flanks in the Artemovsk [Bakhmut] direction, regrouping at Zaporizhzhia. And a counteroffensive is about to begin,” he said Tuesday. “Victory Day is the victory of our grandfathers. We haven’t earned that victory one millimetre.” Without doubt Prigozhin has seen his political star rise following Wagner's spearheading victory in places like Soledar. He's also a personal friend (and formerly his chef) of President Putin, but many are starting to ask: how far can Prigozhin go with his blasting both military and political leadership? At this sensitive moment where the tide of the Ukraine war hangs in the balance for the Kremlin (Bakhmut long being seen as a strategic 'turning point' in the east), how politically expendable is Prigozhin? How much can he get away with? He seemed to even reference Putin derogatorily as a "happy grandfather" who is ignorant of the real situation on the ground. There are Western media reports that the Kremlin is preparing to take down or silence the Wagner chief... “If it goes on like this, the official security forces will definitely stop it.”https://t.co/GQha2Uqn9q — The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) May 10, 2023 The Washington-based hawkish Institute for the Study of War is posing this key question, among others: It may seem surprising in a country where criticizing the military can potentially cost a person a spell in prison that Prigozhin gets away with strident criticism of Putin’s generals. But Putin presides over what is often described as a court system, where infighting and competition among elites is in fact encouraged to produce results, as long as the “vertical of power” remains loyal to and answers to the head of state. But Prigozhin’s online tantrums to be crossing the line to open disloyalty, some observers say. In a recent Twitter thread, the Washington-based think tank Institute for the Study of War said, “If the Kremlin does not respond to Prigozhin’s escalating attacks on Putin it may further erode the norm in Putin’s system in which individual actors can jockey for position and influence (and drop in and out of Putin’s favor) but cannot directly criticize Putin.” Speculation then centers on whether Prigozhin is politically expendable, whether his outbursts are a sort of clever deception operation — or, more troublingly for Putin, whether the system of loyalty that keeps the Kremlin running smoothly is starting to break down. 2/ #Prigozhin referred to a “happy grandfather” figure who “thinks that he is good” during a discussion of ammunition shortages and #Russia’s future prospects in #Ukraine. — ISW (@TheStudyofWar) May 10, 2023 Adding to the pressure on the Kremlin, Western headlines are beginning to take note that Prigozhi's tirades are now seeming to take aim at Putin himself. One reads: "Humiliation for Vladimir Putin as boss of the Russian private military company goes into public meltdown." Prigozhin invited the leaders of Russian defense ministry to Bakhmut to stop their fleeing troops. He also said that Wagner PMC was "using their ammunition to stop the fleeing servicemen of the Russian army". (From Prigozhin's response to Viktor Sobolev, member of defense… pic.twitter.com/zxcfZPTeu1 — Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) May 12, 2023 How far can Prigozhin go?

Drone Wars Coming... Russia Establishes Anti-Drone Police As Threat To Cities Grows Russia has launched an anti-drone police force in St. Petersburg, which is likely to also be rolled out in other major cities, as the population comes under increasing threat by drone activity from Ukraine. The force's head, Roman Uvarov, described its purpose as to "ensure the protection of public order" during large public events, such as this week's Victory Day celebrations which took place in major cities across Russia. Reuters describes that "The unit will include officers armed with sniper rifles and carbines, groups trained to neutralize unmanned aerial vehicles, and mobile patrols to detain those suspected of operating drones." "Video footage from this year's Victory Day parade showed heavily armed officers standing on rooftops above Palace Square holding drone-detection equipment and groups of snipers patrolling along the nearby Neva river in boats," the report continues. The creation of anti-drone units follows the May 3rd drone attack on the Kremlin complex, which Russian leaders called a 'terroristic' attempt to assassinate President Putin. Getty Images A small drone was filmed exploding just above a large dome of the Kremlin complex. Anti-drone weaponry may have intercepted it in the split-second before impact, some footage appeared to show. In addition to these small-scale drone attacks on cities, there's been a devastating drone campaign targeting Russia's oil infrastructure as well... When an oil depot in Russian-annexed Crimea was attacked in late April, the resulting fire sent a plume of thick black smoke into the sky. The incident at the facility in Sevastopol was one of at least five attacks on oil infrastructure in southern Russia in less than two weeks. There was also a double attack on the Ilsky oil refinery in the Krasnodar region, a strike on an oil refinery in the Rostov region, a reported attack Wednesday on the Druzhba oil pipeline carrying Russian crude to Eastern Europe and an attack on an oil storage facility Thursday in Russia’s Bryansk region. Attacks on energy infrastructure in both countries have been a common tactic since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year. 🚩Clearest footage of the drone attack against the #Kremlin pic.twitter.com/4Gvztzq86r — Michael A. Horowitz (@michaelh992) May 3, 2023 The strikes on oil facilities could be aimed at dampening Russia's logistical and supply lines ahead of Ukraine's counteroffensive, which has been previewed as coming at some point in the Spring.

All defense systems fail when overloaded. Yet still, for last mile defense, almost nothing beats a ton of hot lead being farted in thy general direction... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKrpEfNaQO8 CIWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWBUl7oT9sA F.A.R.T. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Close-in_weapon_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_weapon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanx_CIWS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_dome https://twitter.com/RadarFennec https://taurevanime.substack.com/p/lessons-of-the-ukraine-war-3 Pinned Tweet Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec Apr 20 I forgot that Elon doesn't like substack so will no longer embed the link to the article. So adding an image here because that way it catches people attention on twitter better. taurevanime.substack.com/p/l… Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec Apr 20 The third lesson from the Ukraine War has been finished. taurevanime.substack.com/p/l… 9 15 2 90 Fennec_Radar retweeted Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola 13h Courtesy of @snekotron . 8 32 2 162 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 10h Ghost targets due to jamming is certainly a possibility. That would be an equally horrible thought that Russia is capable of doing that to the main ground based air defence system of the US and many NATO partners and allies. sharpenedsting @sharpenedsting 10h Replying to @RadarFennec At this point I'm thinking that the AD was being jammed. Specifically, I think they were being jammed with a technique called Digital Radio Frequency Memory jamming which can, among other things, make fake targets appear on radar screens. I think they were shooting at thin air. 10 16 1 89 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 10h Looks like we got a couple of drunk Patriots too. Kasa @Portugalujo 11h Replying to @Portugalujo Más misiles antiaéreos que fallan al ser lanzados e impactan contra el suelo o edificios (además de los dos del vídeo anterior) Show this thread 7 16 1 109 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 11h 6 minutes would give more than twice the range for a Kh-31. And I doubt those pilots would be dicking around for 3 minutes before firing Also looks to be SHORAD missiles firing in all directions before the detonation We see two smoke plumes appear, so two missiles/drones hit Zornkrieger @Zornkrieg 14h Replying to @ArmchairW It’s on livestream, about 6 minutes after the AD system stopped launching. You guys are the experts on missile speeds etc. I linked the livestream below, AD starts around 3:00AM. What would be the timing of a say an ARM or some other missile used? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzdVHFkph7s… 3 14 2 90 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 16h I counted 30 Patriot PAC-3 MSE launches here. The FY2024 costs of these per missile is about $$5,275,000 That was $158,250,000 fired in about two minutes. And as we see, the battery or something else likely got blown up. So it failed in its mission. 775 1,465 472 4,794 686,947 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 14h This tweet will do the numbers and I got nothing to shill. Instead I advice you all to go see the anime Monster by Naoki Urasawa. It is a captivating psychological thriller about a surgeon trying to stop a manipulative nihilistic serial killer. 23 30 3 372 45,296 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 15h If reports of secondaries is accurate, then a military target was most definitely hit in tonight's strike. Tony @Cyberspec1 16h Replying to @Cyberspec1 💥According to the Ukrainians, this was the most massive attack on Kiev: "Calibers" and "Daggers" were used. In the Svyatoshyn district, a fire with an area of 200 m where an enemy military object was hit - probably air defense. The explosions continue to rumble Show this thread 9 31 2 310 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 15h We dont know what hit the battery or what they were attempting to intercept. There is of course a lot of speculation that it was Khinzal because it is the prime system to target a hardened target like this But what if it was merely 31 Geran-2 drones that were launched instead? Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 16h I counted 30 Patriot PAC-3 MSE launches here. The FY2024 costs of these per missile is about $$5,275,000 That was $158,250,000 fired in about two minutes. And as we see, the battery or something else likely got blown up. So it failed in its mission. Show this thread 16 7 2 95 GIF Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola 23h Before people wisunderstand. This is the KIA count for the whole last 5 months. From that city on the Bahmut front. 1 4 1 36 Show this thread Fennec_Radar retweeted Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola 23h Vinnitsa: -145 in Bythmut. It’s about 20% of the city’s KIA’s of this war. 10 31 3 144 Show this thread Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 18h This tells us that it wasn't just Britain who gave Storm Shadow to Ukraine. SCALP is the French designation. Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola May 15 Replying to @Mykorola More and more convinced it’s a Martel given the strike in Lughansk today was made by a SCALP. Show this thread 3 6 51 Fennec_Radar retweeted Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola May 15 Possible first use of a Martel ARM in Donetsk. 4 13 2 63 Show this thread Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 18h I remember being told by someone with extreme confidence that the cages totally work and Lancet has been made useless by them. Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola May 15 777 copecage problems. twitter.com/i/web/status/165… Show this thread 1 37 Fennec_Radar retweeted Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola May 15 Cherkassy getting Moskalized hard. 5 9 103 Show this thread Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 18h Why would Ukrainian's need to put up a blur effect over a grenade detonation in their own propaganda video? 🤔 chris__759 @chris__759 21h ‼️FAKE‼️ Ukraine 🇺🇦 staged an clip that should tell the story "Russians abandon their wounded comrade and stole parts of his equipment." Easy we can see that the actors walk next to two craters and do their show. The explosion was just added to the clip! Show this thread 1 22 Fennec_Radar retweeted chris__759 @chris__759 21h ‼️FAKE‼️ Ukraine 🇺🇦 staged an clip that should tell the story "Russians abandon their wounded comrade and stole parts of his equipment." Easy we can see that the actors walk next to two craters and do their show. The explosion was just added to the clip! Bakhmut Counters 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini @Heroiam_Slava May 15 "We do not abandon our own...." The wounded man was cleaned up by his comrades-in-arms and left alone🥳 Show this thread 122 411 86 1,711 Show this thread

How the US blew up the Nordstream pipelines (Radar Evidence) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG71NGXr4vU ASDS Engineer Exposes Nordstream Sabotage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk0vwBWh-Qex80eMieEfJvw revisionfour In this short video I lay out how the United States blew up the Nordstream pipelines. I go through the motive, means and exactly how it was carried out. In this video I include incriminating radar evidence that places the United States Navy at the scene of the crime at the time of the crime. Please watch the video all the way through before commenting Baltops 22 Advanced Seal Delivery System Flightradar24 Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk Boeing P-8 Poseidon Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker Enjoy the video and please do your own research! Like and subscribe for more to come! I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of the world, wishing for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. My identity is not of importance. What matters is the sharing of my story so that the world can understand... Once the explosives were planted, they would be triggered by sonobuoy. On September 25, at roughly 10:52 pm UTC, a US Navy Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk appeared on radar in the Baltic Sea, east of Bornholm Island. Radar data indicates that this state-of-the-art helicopter, equipped... Meanwhile, on September 25, at roughly 11:28 pm UTC, a US Navy Boeing P-8A Poseidon equipped with sonobuoy and with NO CALLSIGN appeared on radar east of the Faroe Islands. This Boeing P-8A Poseidon headed directly to the site of the first Nord Stream explosion near Bornholm... At this juncture, the Poseidon had completed the first part of its mission, confirming the detonation of the explosives. It then flew over land near Miastko and rendezvoused with a US Air Force Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker for in-air refueling at 1:20 am UTC on September 26. The... The same US Navy Boeing P-8A Poseidon with no callsign reappeared on radar at 6:22 am UTC on September 26, east of Bornholm Island. It flew to the site of the first explosion for a second look at 7:00 am UTC, then flew back and disappeared from radar at roughly 9:04 am UTC east... After the second wave of explosions at 5:03 pm UTC on September 26, the original US Navy Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk reappeared on radar in the Baltic at roughly 6:42 pm UTC. It then hovered for over two hours until approximately 8:50 pm UTC, at which point it went off radar. During... How the US blew up the Nordstream pipelines (Radar Evidence). I urge the public to review the publicly available radar data for themselves and witness the events as they unfolded, as it is easily verifiable. -- ASDS Engineer

Battle of the bombing narratives... German Investigators Find Nord Stream Evidence Points To Ukraine https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ukraine-blew-up-nord-stream-2-pipeline-ge... https://news.yahoo.com/german-journalists-investigate-ukrainian-connections-... https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream Seven months after explosions severed three of Russia's four Nord Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea, German investigators are now pursuing leads that point to Ukraine as the responsible country. At the same time, a multinational consortium of European investigative journalists has also found leads pointing to Kiev. A long-running Western propaganda campaign -- abetted by media that's credulous at best and complicit at worst -- would have us believe Russia blew up pipelines that took the country 15 years of construction -- and painstaking diplomacy to overcome U.S. interference -- to bring to reality. In the wake of the September 2022 destruction of Nord Stream pipelines, natural gas rises to the surface of the Baltic Sea (via Daily Mail) According to The Times of London, Germany's Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA) has investigated Russian naval movements that have been declared "suspicious," but found nothing that suggests Moscow is responsible for the attack. Rather, BKA investigators are now focusing on a yacht that sailed from the German port of Rostock weeks before the explosions. That 15-meter yacht -- the Andromeda -- was hired from a Polish company, and docked at a tiny Danish island near the blast site. Most strikingly, investigators found traces of "military-grade and underwater-deployable" explosives on the vessel. The Andromeda was found to have traces of "military-grade and underwater-deployable" explosives (via Daily Mail) Given the complexity of the operation, the BKA believes a government must have backed the undertaking, and has found evidence pointing to Ukraine, via a shell company -- a travel agency -- formed by two Ukrainians in Warsaw. According to the team of journalists, the purported travel agency is one of more than 100 entities listed at a single address. In 2022, the travel agency, which had a Ukrainian woman named as president, received about $3 million for no documented reason. According to the BKA's working theory, five men and one woman with forged Romanian and Bulgarian passports entered Germany before using the yacht as a base for expert divers who planted the charges more than 200 feet below the sea. Germans have identified two other people -- Ukrainians -- who were aboard the vessel. Journalists say one of them is a Ukraine infantry veteran. It's an intriguingly detailed scenario -- and quite different from Seymour Hersh's own blockbuster account. Citing unnamed national security sources, the legendary investigative journalist reported in February that the United States blew up the pipeline, in a plan crafted by the CIA with the cooperation of Norway and executed by US Navy divers deploying from a Norwegian mine-hunting vessel. Meanwhile, Hersh has just reported that Ukraine's neighbor's are quietly pressuring President Zelensky to find a way to bring the 15-month-old war to an end -- with some apparently willing to compensate him personally for doing so

OSINT... The Hot New Social Media Career Path OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski Military Conflict OSINT. USAF Veteran, Retired Engineer, USCG Master Captain living on a boat. United States Joined November 2019 Tweets 15,975 Following 552 Followers 10,219 Likes 2,658 9,006 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 48s Tid Bit: newsweek.com/russian-journal… Pro-Putin blogger fired after letting Wagner head criticize Russia military A Russian journalist said he was fired following an interview with Yevgeny Prigozhin that garnered international attention. newsweek.com OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 4m Explosions were reported by locals in the Russian occupied #Zaporizhia Oblast cities of Berdyansk, Tokmak and Vasilyevka. Is it time yet? #StormShadow #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #Ukraine 1 4 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 8m Explosion(s) are reported in Russian occupied #Berdyansk, #Zaporizhia Oblast, Ukraine. #StormShadow #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #Ukraine 3 272 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 18m Reported to be a UAFstrike on a Russian position in the #Bakhmut AO using a JDAM guided aerial bomb. #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #Ukraine 9 541 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 41m Video of the the Russian Navy intelligence vessel Ivan Kurhs being struck by a Ukrainian unmanned surface vessel (drone attack boat or USV). It does appear it there was small arms fire from the ship prior to the strike. #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #Ukraine 1 3 11 732 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 10h Tid Bit... <<Prigozhin said that by order of Vladimir Putin, the fighters of PMC Wagner were awarded government awards. Moreover, the bureaucracy (MoD) tried to delay the decision. But Vladimir Putin personally gave the order. And after that, all the papers on awards to the… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 1 2 6 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 10h Belhorod Peoples Republic (BPR) "canvassers" are seen at the Post Office in Glotovo, Belhorod, Russia, passing out "forms for a referendum on the separation of Belhorod from the temporarily existing Russian Federation." #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #Ukraine 16 2 47 1,896 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 10h targum.video/v/2023/5/25/ffe… Prigozhin, before leaving Bakhmut, puts two Russian regular army soldiers on the spot in essence saying "this is who will defend Bakhmut. It's hard to believe they will stop the Ukrainian Army." #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #Ukraine Targum : Automated video translation Ukrainian soldiers stopped by civilians targum.video 2 5 15 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 11h Ukrainian Media: <<The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine confirmed the regrouping of Wagner PMC in Bakhmut . According to Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar, PMC units in Bakhmut have been replaced with regular units of the Russian Armed Forces. She stressed that the Armed… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 4 9 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 11h What #Melitopol' airfield doing? #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #Ukraine 2 1 23 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 11h I hate anti-Semitic tropes. Can NAFO do something? Image blurred... #NAFOarticle5 #NAFOFellas nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 3 1 10 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 11h UAF with a British Challenger tank versus Russian "Dragon's Teeth." Who will win? #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #Ukraine 3 7 1 23 1,591 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 12h This video speaks a thousand words... Russian soldiers evacuating one of their wounded stop to drink from a canal. I see in them the instinct to survive and the strong bond created between soldiers in combat. This is the dichotomy of war often described by the emotions a soldier… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 1 2 13 816 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 13h Russian losses over the last 24-hours. #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #Ukraine 4 9 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 13h The UAF reports that last night's Russian attack on Ukraine using #Iran'ian Shahed attack drones was conducted in several waves. The video below shows the UAF shooting down some of these drones using the #German Flakpanzer Gepard (Cheetah) mobile anti-aircraft system. You will… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 1 6 21 860 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 13h Ukrainian Media (May 25, 2023): "The counteroffensive has been going on for several days. The military conducts separate operations. The hostilities stretched for ~1,500 km." -- Office of the President Adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak. It is my opinion that the UAF operations… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 2 2 20 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 13h Ukrainian Media: "Cadets of military universities of Russia will fight in Ukraine. They are already undergoing training in combat conditions in the Kursk and Bryansk regions." I believe they will receive field commissions as junior officers to backfill the large Russian losses… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 1 4 1 9 OSINT (Uri) 🇺🇦 @UKikaski 13h Russian Media (May 25, 2023): <<Defense Ministers Shoigu (Russia, right) and Khrenin (Belarus, left) signed documents on the deployment of Russian non-strategic nuclear weapons in Belarus. It is noted that Russia will exercise control over tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus,… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 3 Load more

OSINT... The Hot New Social Media Career Path
https://twitter.com/myscotlandtoday/status/1661475268387815424 Zelensky commits bloody hypocrisy

The West wasted its claim to defending against invading aggressor by slow-walking defense arms into UA instead of loading them up as fast as possible, time which RU used to landgrab more territory and destroy and murder... now any defensive pushback of invader across border is much harder, and any shift in rhetoric toward that hard to backtrack, and cross-border attacks now escalating. "See You In The Hague!": Lindsey Graham Snarks Back After Russia Issues Arrest Warrant Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has hit back after Russia issued a warrant for his arrest - calling it a "badge of honor." "Here’s an offer to my Russian ‘friends’ who want to arrest and try me for calling out the Putin regime as being war criminals: “I will submit to [the] jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court if you do," Graham said in a May 29 press release. "Come and make your best case. See you in The Hague!" he continued, adding "To know that my commitment to Ukraine has drawn the ire of Putin’s regime brings me immense joy." "I will continue to stand with and for Ukraine’s freedom until every Russian soldier is expelled from Ukrainian territory." Graham, a massive proponent of the Ukraine war, stated in a video of his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that "the Russians are dying," adding that the US military aid provided to Ukraine was "the best money we've ever spent." Ever? — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 27, 2023 While Graham appeared to have made the comments at separate points in the conversation, the brief video produced by Ukraine’s presidential office juxtaposed them, sparking outrage in Russia. Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, said on Sunday that it was hard to imagine a greater shame for the United States than having individuals like Graham as senators. -Epoch Times In February, Graham said that the US shouldn't be worried about provoking Russia by helping Ukraine. "The British are training Ukrainian pilots. I believe a decision will be imminent here when we get back to Washington that the administration will start training Ukrainian pilots on the F-16. They need the weapons system," he told ABC's "This Week" on Feb. 19. Putchist Lindsey Graham: "I'm not worried about provoking Putin. I want to hit him and how do you hit him? We will defeat him by giving the Ukrainians the military capability to drive the Russians out of Ukraine." THIS CORRUPT GRAHAM WILL PROVOKE THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF UKRAINE pic.twitter.com/mmHyTFxYFd — Michel Petrucci ❤️ 🇮🇹 (@appolo007) February 20, 2023 Graham has urged his fellow politicians to declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism, and has advocated for the US to begin training Ukrainian pilots on F-16s. "They need the weapons system," said Graham in the above interview, which echoed VP Kamala Harris' claim that Russia was guilt of "crimes against humanity." "So, we need to do two things quickly," said Graham. "Make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism under U.S. law, which would make it harder for China to give weapons to Russia, and we need to start training Ukrainian pilots on the F-16 now." RFK Jr Calls For "Mature Conversation" On Ukraine As Admin Is "Lying To Us" 2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has once again blasted the United States government for lying to the public and to the world about Ukraine, while calling out the Military Industrial Complex in particular. It's not the first time. Earlier this month an avalanche of mainstream media headlines condemned his take when he told UnHerd the following: "We should have listened to Putin over many years. We made a commitment to Russia, to Gorbachev, that we would not move NATO one inch to the east. Then we went in, and we lied." More recent speaking engagements wherein he utters unpopular truths on Ukraine have gone viral this week. In one of them, he tells an audience at a campaign event, "Our government is lying to us about it. The media is going on with the lie…It’s a laundering operation for the Military Industrial Complex." Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says We Are Being Lied To About the Proxy War in Ukraine “Our government is lying to us about it. The media is going on with the lie…It’s a laundering operation for the Military Industrial Complex.”@RobertKennedyJr pic.twitter.com/wOKPB600Qz — Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) May 30, 2023 Among Kennedy's chief talking points is that the country needs a "mature conversation" on the conflict, but that the American public is not getting that. Interestingly, he said that while many Americans are moved by compassion for the Ukrainian people, including his son who actually early on went to fight within Ukraine's foreign legion, Washington has been deceptive in selling Americans on the billions in defense aid poured into the conflict. "We were told that the reason we were going over there is because it was a humanitarian mission," RFK Jr said. "But then every choice that we made along the way, that's been about prolonging the war and increasing the bloodshed, and refusing to negotiate. If it was a humanitarian mission we would won't to terminate the war, to shorten it, and to reduce the amount of bloodshed," he continued. He then talked about the "real reason" for escalation of the conflict seen in the rhetoric of Biden and some of his top officials as including regime change against Vladimir Putin, as well as weakening and exhausting Russia's military in order to prevent its effectiveness in future conflicts elsewhere in the world. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has long been on record as saying this is about 'weakening' Russia. Below is an April speech that included similar statements by Robert F. Kennedy Jr... BREAKING: Here is the full UNEDITED clip of RFK Jr on Ukraine pic.twitter.com/VJy2VI3C2r — Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) May 30, 2023 "Well as it turns out, opposing Vladmir Putin has been for 20 years the principle focal aspiration of the neocons who were thrown out after the debacle in Iraq. And we thought they were all gone for good, but now they've all reemerged in the Biden White House... it's the opposite of a humanitarian mission." He further described Ukraine as a small country which is now tragically being "ground into dust by the geopolitical ambitions of the neocons in the White House." Ultimately the Ukrainians find themselves stuck in the middle of a proxy war between two rival superpowers, he explained. Among the more interesting of RFK Jr.'s remarks on the issue... "If Mexico did that and then started killing – they killed 14,000 Russians in Donbass, the Ukrainian government – if Mexico did that to expatriate Americans, we would invade in a second," Kennedy said, adding that Putin "repeatedly told us: these are the red lines, you are crossing." As expected, mainstream media sources have dismissed him as a "crackpot" for this analysis, including recently in The Daily Beast. At the same time, many such MSM publications are currently dying and struggling for readership when compared to a number of prominent and rising independent outlets.

Sprinter @Sprinter99880 Current news in one place//friendly @goodluckpug// Support us- buymeacoffee.com/Sprinter, PayPal.Me/Sprinter99880, auxiliary buymeacoffee.com/SprinterTea… 🫣 linktr.ee/spriter1 Joined May 2019 Tweets 135,896 Following 791 Followers 198,428 Likes 7,039 49,322 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search Pinned Tweet Sprinter @Sprinter99880 18h If you like what we do, you can help/support us via buymeacoffee.com/Sprinter , PayPal.Me/Sprinter99880 or auxiliary buymeacoffee.com/SprinterTea…. When we get bored of you, we will withdraw and leave, we will feel that moment. Let's go 🫣🌪️💞 13 69 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 2h I'll be away for a while until I fix my phone and buy a new laptop. My mother scolds me for using her phone almost all day, but the ban has arrived from her . See you soon (7-10 days) 22 12 1 125 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 2h buymeacoffee.com/SprinterTea… Rishi Sunak to go to Washington to woo Wallace for NATO secretary general — Sprinter Team Become a member of Sprinter Team to access Rishi Sunak to go to Washington to woo Wallace for NATO secretary general, and other member rewards. buymeacoffee.com 2 1 23 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 2h Bloc within a bloc: Hungary and Turkey team up for mutual support within NATO 3 7 43 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 2h A sober look at the military potential of the two countries was shared by the German political scientist Wolf Merkel ( not a relative of Angela ). “If we compare the two armies, <…> then we will see that in Russia now 1 million people are armed, 2 million are in reserve. Another… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 5 20 3 39 3,065 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 2h A hot night is expected throughout Ukraine, the reconnaissance units of the Russian Army are conducting special operations. 12 8 78 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 2h The Ministry of Defense published a video of the destruction of the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during an attempted large-scale offensive in the South direction 10 19 11 67 3,840 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 2h The Ukrainian counter-offensive ended successfully, before it started 36 32 16 223 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 2h I don't understand that MSM fans still haven't understood the differences between the status of "special military operation" and "state of war". Russia is not in a declared state of war against Ukraine. Putin clearly said, "we haven't even started anything yet 21 35 1 157 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 2h For Ukraine 🫣 14 96 1 291 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 2h 🫣 7 45 2 163 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 3h Former British ambassador to Syria Peter Ford says the Syrian FM's visit to Iraq shows that the country's normalization of ties with the Arab nations is swiftly proceeding. Press 2 19 32 1,890 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 3h China and the US have different systems, but the differences do not prevent the two countries from seeking common ground and deepening cooperation based on common interests. Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu spoke about this during his speech during the Shangri-La dialogue in… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 3 6 19 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 3h The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, any outside interference is unacceptable. This statement was made by Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu on the sidelines of the Asian security conference Shangri-La Dialogue, which is taking place these days in Singapore. 7 12 40 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 3h Some countries outside the region are trying to impose "navigational hegemony" under the pretext of "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea. This was stated by Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu at the Asian Security Conference "Shangri-La Dialogue" in Singapore. 6 7 27 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 3h The Chechen forces launched very large attacks on the positions of the Ukrainian army and foreign mercenaries in the city of Marinka, where the Chechen forces officially took control of more than 80% of the city, and the city is expected to fall soon 9 36 3 127 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 3h Syria, Iraq Stand Together in Face of All Joint Challenges: Syrian FM 5 8 1 50 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 3h Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said that NATO was forced to expand to the east due to the fact that there is a warlike Russia in the world. 267 49 14 241 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 3h The Ministry of Defense of Russia announced in the statement of the it is emphasized that the attacks of foreign elements and Zelensky's mercenaries in the southern front of Ukraine have not made any progress. 2 10 49 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 3h Half a million Poles rally in Warsaw anti-government demonstration 12 153 12 355 8,938 Sprinter @Sprinter99880 3h The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that the Chief of the Russian General Staff Valery Gerasimov was near the front line when the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an offensive in the direction of Zaporozhye today. 3 12 68 Load more

Background to the US vs RU War in Ukraine, from proxies to snipers and more... https://rumble.com/vwxxi8-ukraine-on-fire.html https://rumble.com/vwy6pm-revealing-ukraine.html https://wsws.org/en/articles/2022/03/28/dphs-m28.html https://rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB10014.html https://www.academia.edu/8776021/The_Snipers_Massacre_on_the_Maidan_in_Ukrai... https://odysee.com/@canal666disorder:d/estonian-foreign-minister-urmas-paet-... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR1NFI6TBH0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0rR2Fh1zWI There's an Italian documentary which has been nearly scrubbed from the internet that interviewed Georgian mercs who were brought in and told to fire into the crowd to work people up. Said there was an American there running things. Gian Micalessin, the Hidden Truth. GL finding it.

Lord Bebo @MyLordBebo @BrianJBerletic @imetatronink @LogKa11 @GeromanAT @baronitaigas @witte_sergei @Chadyrov11 @Blackrussiantv @200_zoka @DagnyTaggart963 @squatsons @mdfzeh @failure1991 @SNMilitary @RWApodcast @DefensePolitics @VonClownsewitz @stillgray @politblogme @21WIRE @georgegalloway

civil conflict in russia. we need to fight war itself. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/06/23/world/russia-ukraine-news https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/23/wagner-chief-accuses-russias-m...

It's happening...
Not even Biden-Dems 50 corrupt sleazebag CIA agents who covered up and FUD'd for the Biden Crime Family Laptop could pull off a coup against Putin in Russia so that Biden would have appeared to be war ending hero thus fraudulate 2024 election too. What a bunch of total incompetents, caught every time.

While wars play, music marches on... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvwN-I1nvsA

Lunatic war criminal hypocrite politicians all signalling their garbage virtues by trying to imprison old men Trudeau Apologizes To Zelensky & Canadian Public For NaziGate, Quietly Tells MPs Don't Speak About It Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday issued formal apology to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky over what's coming to be known as the 'NaziGate' scandal. He indicated that this apology was sent through diplomatic channels. Trudeau confirmed this in a press conference regarding the House of Commons' honoring a veteran of Adolf Hitler's Nazi forces as part of last week's events centered on hosting Zelensky. "This was a mistake that has deeply embarrassed Parliament and Canada. All of us who were in this House on Friday regret deeply having stood and clapped even though we did so unaware of the context," Trudeau told reporters. TRUDEAU EMBARRASSES HIMSELF AGAIN OVER NAZI-GATE pic.twitter.com/BhQTdaazpn — The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) September 27, 2023 "It was a horrendous violation of the memory of the millions of people who died in the Holocaust," he continued, in the statement which also appeared to put sole blame on now resigned Speaker Anthony Rota. 98-year old Waffen-SS Galicia Division veteran Yaroslav Hunka is now possibly being sought by Poland, and extradition proceedings are being mulled in Warsaw. Trudeau now says "Canada is deeply sorry" for involving Zelensky, who along with all of Canadian parliament was seen enthusiastically applauding Hunka with a standing ovation. Trudeau further called the whole event "deeply, deeply painful" to Jewish people, Poles, Roma, and the so-called "2SLGTBQIA+" "community" (yes, it's an official Canadian govt designation, absurd as it is). He also sought to assert (or rather deflect) once again that this fiasco is playing into Russia's hands, which is seeking to "politicize" it. Thus the prime minister is continuing to spin it as somehow really a story of 'Russian disinformation'. Wow! "Trudeau apologizes after a Ukrainian Nazi veteran was celebrated at Zelenskyy speech. Liberal caucus sources have told CBC News that Trudeau told MPs Wednesday they should avoid speaking to the press about Hunka's invitation and the subsequent fallout, and that the media… pic.twitter.com/0SVZBaaP12 — Ivan Katchanovski (@I_Katchanovski) September 27, 2023 But perhaps more interesting is what Trudeau and his staff are reportedly telling members of parliament in private. They are to stay "tight-lipped" in hopes that the scandal and international media coverage will just 'go away'. According to Canada's national broadcaster CBC: Liberal caucus sources have told CBC News that Trudeau told MPs Wednesday they should avoid speaking to the press about Hunka's invitation and the subsequent fallout, and that the media frenzy would die down if they stayed tight-lipped. Trudeau's remarks come after Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said inviting Hunka to attend Zelenskyy's historic address to Parliament is the "biggest single diplomatic embarrassment" in the country's history. Poilievre is blaming Trudeau for the mishap, despite outgoing Speaker Anthony Rota's assertion that he alone was responsible for inviting Hunka. But as GrayZone journalist Max Blumenthal points out, this may actually be the tip of the iceberg for Canada's NaziGate... Canada's @cafreeland perpetuates her Nazi grandfather's legacy through Ukraine proxy war After serving as one of Hitler's top Ukrainian propagandists in occupied Poland, Michael Chomiak joined thousands of Nazi collaborators on the ratline to Canada during the 1950s. Following… pic.twitter.com/u8m0mHogWO — Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) September 27, 2023 Below is Blumenthal's full backgrounder on the disturbing associations and past activism of Trudeau's Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland [emphasis by ZH]... * * * After serving as one of Hitler's top Ukrainian propagandists in occupied Poland, Michael Chomiak joined thousands of Nazi collaborators on the ratline to Canada during the 1950s. Following Chomiak's death in 1984, his granddaughter, Chrystia Freeland, followed in his footsteps as a reporter for various Ukrainian nationalist publications. Freeland was an early contributor to the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, which was edited by her grandfather's former boss in Poland, the Nazi collaborator and ethnic cleansing advocate Volodymyr Kubijovyč. Next, she took a staff position at the Edmonton-based Ukrainian News, where Chomiak had served as editor. A 1988 edition of Ukrainian News featured an article co-authored by Freeland, followed by an ad for a book called “Fighting for Freedom” which glorified the Ukrainian Waffen-SS Galician division. During Freeland’s time as an exchange student in Lviv, Ukraine, she laid the foundations for journalistic success. From behind cover as a Russian literature major at Harvard University, Freeland collaborated with local regime change activists while feeding anti-Soviet narratives to international media bigwigs. “Countless ‘tendentious’ news stories about life in the Soviet Union, especially for its non-Russian citizens, had her fingerprints as Ms. Freeland set about making a name for herself in journalistic circles with an eye to her future career prospects,” the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported. Citing KGB files, the CBC described Freeland as a de facto intelligence agent: “The student causing so many headaches clearly loathed the Soviet Union, but she knew its laws inside and out – and how to use them to her advantage. She skillfully hid her actions, avoided surveillance (and shared that knowledge with her Ukrainian contacts) and expertly trafficked in ‘misinformation.'” In 1989, Soviet security agents rescinded Freeland’s visa when they caught her smuggling “a veritable how-to guide for running an election” into the country for Ukrainain nationalist candidates. She quickly transitioned back to journalism, landing gigs in post-Soviet Moscow for the Financial Times and Economist, and eventually rising to global editor-at-large of Reuters – the UK-based media giant which today functions as a cutout for British intelligence operations against Russia. When Freeland won a seat as a Liberal member of Canada’s parliament in 2013, she established her most powerful platform yet to agitate for regime change in Russia. Milking her journalistic connections, she published op-eds in top legacy papers like the New York Times urging militant support from Western capitals for Ukraine’s so-called “Revolution of Dignity,” which saw the violent removal of a democratically elected president and his replacement with a nationalist, pro-NATO government in 2014. Weeks after she was appointed in January 2017 as Foreign Minister – a post she predictably exploited to thunder for sanctions on Russia and arms shipments to Ukraine – her grandfather’s role as a Nazi propagandist in occupied Poland became the subject of a raft of reports in the alternative press. The Trudeau government responded to the factual reports by accusing Russia of waging a campaign of cyber-warfare. “The situation is obviously one where we need to be alert. And that is why the Prime Minister has, among other things, encouraged a complete re-examination of our cyber security systems,” Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale declared. Read my full report on Canada's longstanding policy of training and protecting Ukrainian Nazis - including the grandfather of the country's second most powerful official https://t.co/uXOsugSYka — Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) September 27, 2023 Yet few, if any, of the outlets responsible for excavating Chomiak’s history had any connection to Russia’s government. Among the first to expose his collaborationism was Consortium News, an independent, US-based media organization. For her part, Freeland deployed a spokesperson to lie to the public, flatly denying that “the minister’s grandfather was a Nazi collaborator.” When Canadian media quoted several Russian diplomats about the allegations, Freeland promptly ordered their deportation, accusing them of exploiting their diplomatic status “to interfere in our democracy.” By this time, however, her family secrets had tumbled out of the attic and onto the pages of mainstream Canadian media. On March 7, 2017, the Globe and Mail reported on a 1996 article in the Journal of Ukrainian Studies confirming that Freeland’s grandfather had indeed been a Nazi propagandist, and that his writing helped fuel the Jewish genocide. The article was authored by Freeland’s uncle, John-Paul Himka, who thanked his niece in its preface for helping him with “problems and clarifications.” “Freeland knew for more than two decades that her maternal Ukrainian grandfather was the chief editor of a Nazi newspaper in occupied Poland that vilified Jews during the Second World War,” the Globe and Mail noted. After being caught on camera this September clapping with unrestrained zeal alongside hundreds of peers for a Ukrainian veteran of Hitler’s SS death squads, Freeland once again invoked her authority to scrub the incident from the record. Three days after the embarrassing scene, Freeland was back on the floor of parliament, nodding in approval as Liberal House leader Karina Gould introduced a resolution to strike “from the appendix of the House of Commons debates” and from “any House multimedia recording” the recognition made by Speaker Anthony Rota of Yaroslav Hunka.

Those attempting to rewind history will hit a brick wall at the beginning of recorded history, and will only see what remains of it, and will only see what was written by the victors, not what actually happened. Maidan massacre trial verdict confirms that Hotel Ukraina rooms of German ARD TV journalists were shot from "territory controlled by "Maidan,"" specifically, Main Post Office (far-right Right Sector headquarters) & Conservatory, occupied by far-right-linked Maidan company. There are no investigation & no media reports even though bullet from Right Sector HQ narrowly missed female ARD producer in her room 925. ARD Moscow correspondents claimed that Maidan snipers is "conspiracy theory" even though now Maidan massacre trial verdict confirms that Maidan snipers massacred many Maidan protesters and police and shot at ARD and BBC TV journalists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpFCaFzsDB4 Verdict: "In addition, the specified data proved with all propriety that the premises of the "Ukraine" hotel were the object of massive shelling with firearms of various calibers, in particular,... from the side of the Conservatory - according to the examined photo and video materials, the territory controlled by "Maidan" (room No. 825); from the side of the Central Post Office - according to the examined photo and video materials, the territory controlled by "Maidan" (room No. 925)."

Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 21 Wow! Maidan massacre trial verdict confirms that Hotel Ukraina rooms of German ARD TV journalists were shot from "territory controlled by "Maidan,"" specifically, Main Post Office (far-right Right Sector headquarters) & Conservatory, occupied by far-right-linked Maidan company. There are no investigation & no media reports even though bullet from Right Sector HQ narrowly missed female ARD producer in her room 925. ARD Moscow correspondents claimed that Maidan snipers is "conspiracy theory" even though now Maidan massacre trial verdict confirms that Maidan snipers massacred many Maidan protesters and police and shot at ARD and BBC TV journalists. youtu.be/bpFCaFzsDB4?si=3dCv… Verdict: "In addition, the specified data proved with all propriety that the premises of the "Ukraine" hotel were the object of massive shelling with firearms of various calibers, in particular,... from the side of the Conservatory - according to the examined photo and video materials, the territory controlled by "Maidan" (room No. 825); from the side of the Central Post Office - according to the examined photo and video materials, the territory controlled by "Maidan" (room No. 925)." Nov 21, 2023 · 3:06 PM UTC 59 1,297 200 2,730 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 21 x.com/I_Katchanovski/status/… Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 14 Wow! Maidan massacre trial verdict confirms that in addition to at least 3 killed & many wounded Maidan activists, BBC crew was shot from Hotel Ukraina, that this documents "targeted use by the activists of firearms" & that hotel was "activists-controlled." It states there was no involvement of law enforcement & Russian snipers in massacring these protesters from this hotel. bbc.com/news/av/world-europe… All this was shown in my academic studies but denied & called "conspiracy theory" & "propaganda" by prosecution, media with some exceptions, self-proclaimed experts & info-warriors. Ukrainian government investigation revealed that deputy of far-right Svoboda lived in Hotel Ukraina room, from which BBC crew was shot at and in which ICTV filmed snipers shooting Maidan protesters in the back. Maidan activist testified at the trial that after this shooting protesters told him that these were “our snipers.” Verdict text: "Also, this [BBC] video captures the shelling from the side of the Ukraina Hotel building of the camera crew of BBC journalists (a single shot is heard) (from 09 min. 34 sec. of the recording), and in the premises of the Ukraina Hotel, an activist is recorded with an object that, by its obvious external appearance signs can be perceived as a pistol-type firearm (10 min. 26 sec. recording)... The jury, after hearing the opinion of the trial participants, evaluated the video recording provided by the defense in the context of the indictment as documented data from the activist-controlled building of the Ukraina Hotel in Kyiv about the targeted use by the activists of objects that, by their external features, are clearly similar to firearms, weapons of the type of hunting weapons, which are incompatible with the concept of forms and means of a peaceful protest action." reyestr.court.gov.ua/Review/… 3 87 1 259 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 21 Maidan Massacre Trial Verdict Selected Excerpts Confirming the False-Flag Massacre in Ukraine (English Google Translation) academia.edu/109357708/Maida… Maidan Massacre Trial Verdict Selected Excerpts Confirming False-Flag Massacre (English Google... Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. academia.edu 2 84 242 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 21 My video appendix of peer-reviewed journal article shows shooting at American, Australian, British, German, Polish & Russian journalists by Maidan snipers during Maidan massacre in Ukraine. There are no investigations & no media reports. youtu.be/bpFCaFzsDB4 Shooting at Western, Polish, and Russian Journalists during the... This video appendix shows shooting at American, Australian, British, German, Polish, and Russian journalists during the Maidan massacre in Ukraine on Februa... youtube.com 5 82 220 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 21 tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.… Journalists from "ABC News (US), ABC (Australia), ARD (Germany) twice, the Associated Press (US), BBC, TVP (Poland), RT (Russia), and Sky News (UK) were also shot at by snipers from Maidan-controlled buildings and areas, in particular, the Right Sector headquarters, the Music Conservatory, and the Bank Arkada" The “snipers’ massacre” on the Maidan in Ukraine This study analyzes which party of the conflict was involved in the 2014 Maidan massacre in Ukraine. The massacre of Maidan protesters and the police on 20 February 2014 was a turning point in Ukra... tandfonline.com 1 50 2 172 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 21 x.com/I_Katchanovski/status/… Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 10 Orwellian: Maidan massacre trial verdict, quoted below, confirms my studies findings that 2 specific Maidan protesters from this group were killed & 1 wounded from Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & that gunshot from this hotel hit tree behind them. Edited Belgian TV video of their luring & massacre was misrepresented to several hundred million people in Western countries & Ukraine as massacre by government snipers. Massacre of these protesters by snipers in far-right Svoboda-controlled Hotel Ukraina was denied as "conspiracy theory" by prosecution, Maidan victims lawyers, media, self-proclaimed experts & propaganda peddlers. youtube.com/watch?v=aHok-Df7… Verdict clearly states that trial did not establish evidence of Berkut & other law enforcement involvement & that Hotel Ukraina was not under law enforcement control. Svoboda statement, videos & testimonies show that this far-right party controlled & guarded this hotel & that far-right-linked group of Maidan snipers was shooting at protesters from upper floors of this hotel. But propaganda peddlers by means of primitive fraud continue to call this false-flag massacre "conspiracy theory," whitewash mass murderers & smear me. “The court takes into account the testimony of the victim PERSON_921, who was also in the mentioned group of activists and was wounded in the back from the hotel "INFORMATISIA_161", objective information about the fatal neck wound from the same group of the victim PERSON_1849 from the upper floors of the "Ukraine" hotel...” Secondly, PERSON_921's testimony that he received a wound in the back from the "Ukraine" hotel, in addition to being categorical and not assumptions, is confirmed by the very circumstances of the events, when prior to that, firing from this sector was recorded, not only by visualizing the traces of a shot on tree, but also by the documented joint reaction of persons who were potentially in the affected area. Within the scope of this court proceeding, data on the involvement of law enforcement officers in such an injury to the victim, and even more so the accused, have not been established. The gunshot wound was inflicted on PERSON_1852 from the direction of the "Ukraine" hotel, that is, from the territory that was not controlled by law enforcement agencies at that time. This shot was aimed at a crowd of people. Moreover, fatal gunshot wounds to the body (chest and abdomen) were received by PERSON_1770 from the side of the hotel "INFORMATION_161" and the area in front of it, which were not under the control of law enforcement agencies, and hence the involvement of the accused and RSP [Berkut company] fighters in them, and as a result, the victim's death, is excluded." reyestr.court.gov.ua/Review/… 2 38 161 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 21 x.com/I_Katchanovski/status/… Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Oct 27 Wow! Unreported 1,000,000-word Maidan massacre trial verdict corroborates my academic studies by stating as its “categorical conclusion” that there were snipers shooting from Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & that it cannot be ruled out that 8 protesters were killed & 20 wounded by “unknown persons,” who were not "law enforcement officers." This implies Maidan snipers since the verdict states that the trial disproved claims about presence of Russian snipers. reyestr.court.gov.ua/Review/… The verdict also confirms my study findings that there is no evidence of order given by Yanukovych or his ministers to massacre Maidan protesters and that 4 police officers were killed & 39 wounded by Maidan-snipers. In addition to acquitting two Berkut policemen for killing and wounding protesters, it states that all accused Berkut members were baselessly blamed for killing 13 & wounding 29 Maidan protesters. As usual there are zero media reports. Prosecution, Maidan lawyers, media with some exceptions, self-proclaimed experts & propaganda peddlers denied shooting by snipers located in Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & called it conspiracy theory. tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.… 1 30 120 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 21 threadreaderapp.com/thread/1… Thread by @I_Katchanovski on Thread Reader App @I_Katchanovski: Wow! Maidan massacre trial verdict confirms that Hotel Ukraina rooms of German ARD TV journalists were shot from "territory controlled by "Maidan,"" specifically, Main Post Office... threadreaderapp.com 1 11 51 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 21 x.com/I_Katchanovski/status/… Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Oct 29 Like my studies, Maidan massacre trial verdict states that 3 other Maidan protesters (Vaida, Kostenko & Pekhenko) were also killed from Maidan-controlled locations & not by Berkut or other law enforcement units. It also confirms my studies that Berkut did not kill 2 other protesters, who were shot by pellets, like Vaida, at same place & time. Verdict confirmed my study that they were shot before Berkut company, which was charged with their killings, was even deployed there. youtube.com/watch?v=flztD56U… 1 9 48 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 21 My open access peer-reviewed journal article: brill.com/view/journals/rupo… "Maidan massacre of protesters and police led to the overthrow of the Yanukovych government and ultimately to the Russian annexation of Crimea, the civil war and Russian military interventions in Donbas, and the Ukraine-Russia and West-Russia conflicts which Russia escalated by illegally invading Ukraine in 2022. The absolute majority of wounded Maidan protesters, nearly 100 prosecution and defense witnesses, synchronized videos, and medical and ballistic examinations by government experts pointed unequivocally to the fact that the Maidan protesters were massacred by snipers located in Maidan-controlled buildings." The Maidan Massacre Trial and Investigation Revelations: Implications for the Ukraine-Russia War... Abstract This study analyzes revelations from the trial and investigation in Ukraine concerning the mass killing that took place in Kyiv on 20 February 2014. This Maidan massacre of protesters and... brill.com 2 30 3 75 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 22 x.com/I_Katchanovski/status/… Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski Nov 22 With few notable exceptions, @nytimes & other mainstream media continue to propagate fake news even after Maidan massacre trial verdict confirmed false-flag massacre of protesters & police: "The protests were peaceful at first but escalated into violence as the police started firing live ammunition into crowds of demonstrators, who armed themselves with makeshift shields and clubs. The fighting killed more than 100 people, including a dozen police officers. Increasingly unpopular, Mr. Yanukovych fled to Russia and was removed from office by Ukraine’s Parliament, a moment that the country celebrated as a historic democratic victory." nytimes.com/2023/11/21/world… 1 4 33 Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski 13h threadreaderapp.com/thread/1… Thread by @I_Katchanovski on Thread Reader App @I_Katchanovski: Wow! Maidan massacre trial verdict confirms that Hotel Ukraina rooms of German ARD TV journalists were shot from "territory controlled by "Maidan,"" specifically, Main Post Office... threadreaderapp.com 1 2 8 Load more

https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1753016296562724886 https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1753376327481151946 For the first time in the history of world wars, a group strike by naval drones guided by a space satellite destroyed a warship that was sailing on the high seas in full combat readiness. On February 1, 2024, maritime drones of the Group 13 unit of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine destroyed a Russian Project 12411 missile corvette in the Black Sea near a protected naval base on Lake Donuzlav in the temporarily occupied Crimea. The Project 12411 missile corvette, with a displacement of up to 500 tonnes and a crew of 40, is armed with supersonic Moskit P-270 anti-ship missiles. A group of six Ukrainian Magura V5 maritime drones infiltrated the Russian Black Sea Fleet base Donuzlav undetected, and then attacked consecutively one after another. The missile corvette was apparently conducting combat patrols and defending the base. It is worth noting that Russian intelligence did not notice the approach of the drones. The crew of Ivanovets, judging by the video, noticed the approach of the drones visually, and the corvette was in motion at the time of the attack and could maneuver. A missile corvette can reach speeds of over 30 knots and simply escape from the drones. But the Ivanovets did not have time to gain speed. The bow 76 mm AK-176 anti-aircraft artillery system, as can be clearly seen, was in a stowed position, i.e. it was not activated and did not open fire. It is also not evident that the Russians managed to deploy two 30mm anti-aircraft artillery systems AK-630 in time, which are capable of delivering dense fire against moving targets at close distances. But apparently, the drones were hit by machine gun fire from close range by the watch on duty. However, due to the small size, speed, and maneuverability of the drones, Russians failed to hit them. The Group 13 commanders' well-chosen attack tactics are admirable - the first drone hit the stern of the corvette from the starboard side to disable the propellers. The corvette was unable to reach full speed, but did not stop. Then the second drone also hit the propellers, but on the port side. With these two strikes, the corvette was reliably deprived of movement and maneuver. After that, the ship was skillfully finished off. The third drone struck the middle of the hull under the Moskit missile launchers, causing a large hole in the port side. The drone operator sent the fourth drone directly into that hole. The explosion from the fourth drone was fatal for the ship. The impact detonated four Moskit missiles with a total weight of 4 tonnes each. The Ivanovets missile corvette literally blew to pieces, leaving the crew with little chance of survival. The brilliant success of the Ukrainian soldiers, the command and operators of the Group 13 of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine showed a high level of intelligence, planning, preparation and management of the operation. The attack tactics deserve to be studied as a model. It is worth noting that the goal of the attack was not to hit, but to completely destroy the ship, so a whole group of drones was dispatched to ensure proper execution of the task, which allowed for maximum losses to be inflicted on the enemy. Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en Feb 1 On the night of January 31-February 1, 2024, soldiers of the Group 13 special unit of the Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine destroyed the Ivanovets missile boat of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The enemy vessel was on the roadstead of Lake Donuzlav in the temporarily occupied Crimea. As a result of a number of direct hits the Russian ship sustained damage incompatible with further movement - the Ivanovets sank. The cost of the ship lost by the aggressor state is approximately $60-70 million dollars. According to preliminary information, the search and rescue operation of the Russian occupiers in Donuzlav was unsuccessful. The operation was made possible with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the United24 platform," the intelligence officers said. 📹: Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine Feb 1, 2024 · 11:23 AM UTC 582 2,832 272 18,273 0 gerry Karisson @KarissonGerry Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en This is one of the best documented sea operations to date. Good job. Russia has no way to replace ships Ukraine sinks. 11 77 1 1,271 Derek Kelly 🇨🇦🇺🇦🇺🇸🇮🇱 @Derekintherain Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Oh man, the double tap through the same hole is just stone cold. lol 7 13 463 Посланник Мира @ChroniclesofWa1 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Ukraine has destroyed the last myth about the power of the Russian navy 14 87 3 992 veronika 🇨🇿 💙💛 🇺🇦 @veronik81490261 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Russia, give up, it's over!!! Ukraine 👌👏🫶 5 16 294 Посланник Мира @ChroniclesofWa1 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Comrade Putin What happened to the "Ivanovets" missile carrier? - It sank 8 11 263 Посланник Мира @ChroniclesofWa1 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en We will wait for a statement from an official representative of the Russian government who will say that the ship was transporting Ukrainian prisoners of war 6 16 2 422 Prunesquallor @Prunesquallor10 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en “sustained damage incompatible with further movement”. Priceless 16 20 367 Steins Gate 🇺🇦 #NAFO OFAN @SteinsG59247290 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en That's a gottem 1 37 verdverm @verdverm Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Drones have forever changed military and war 1 4 1 65 ❤️🇺🇸 AmaximApps 🇺🇦🇮🇱🦜 @amaximapps Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en This is so freaking cool, Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦💪 2 45 Load more Dr Jacqui Taylor | Empathy Economy Founder @jacquitaylorfb Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en I'm concerned at the level of detail you have shared on this mission. I agree as a strategy it deserves to be studied however I would ask @Gerashchenko_en you delete this post and create one which shares the success and congratulations but not the execution of the mission. 30 6 4 122 Jean-Pascal @JeanPascalMorin Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en What a feat! It’s not a first, but that’s the best execution so far. Now, submarines to blow up the piles of the Kerch bridge. 1 14 1 169 Blue @kvnqle Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en We will wait for a statement from an official representative of the Russian government who will say that the ship was transporting Ukrainian prisoners of war 10 27 1 555 Sergio 🇺🇦 @SergioCentaurus Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Russia: Looks like Moscow suburbs will have to make do without water or heating for a while longer 😅 2 12 20 0 KING KUNLE 🤴🏾 @amefricana Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en I wonder how many Ukrainian POWs were on board! Probably a few hundreds according to Russian logic 🫢 4 2 60 Craig Gordon @craig10102 Feb 3 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en The Russians left Afghanistan because the stinger missles knocked hundreds of their helicopters out of the sky at $25 Million a pop. It was just too costly and the Russian people hated seeing so many of their boys come home in body bags. I hope that the Ukrainian’s are able to extract such a high price from the Russians that they will realize it is in their best interest to stand down and go home. In the 21st century it makes no sense for a first world country to get bogged down in a long war. I just hope that we aren’t forced to use our space based weapons on people who won’t know what hit them. In 10 minutes we can destroy every aircraft and sink every ship in the world, ok maybe 5 minutes. Lasers travel at the speed of light. I just hope we aren’t put into a position of needing to exercise our overwhelming force. 5 7 1 37 Muslimah ❤️ @muslimaahgirl Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Technology rules nowadays 22 MantasB @MantasBin Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en That’s incredible. 1 33 Al S @GDR_Trading Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Anton writes a clear and accurate explanation of the events in play. This is a defining characteristic of this channel. Well done !! 1 2 42 Dr. K. Khan @DrTausifKamalK1 Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Super amazing attack by Ukraine 3 52

https://x.com/arisroussinos/status/1753956309399957645 This recent Azov PR photo from Ukraine should remind us that during the greatest armoured clash in history, both sides utilised vast cavalry forces until 1945, in the context of a landscape of thick forests and marshes often impenetrable to armour https://x.com/i/videos/1753898394009915572 Ukrainian women from Cherkasy region help the Ukrainian Army. They have learned how to make metallic brackets to reinforce dugouts. This saves a lot of lives. So proud of our women! : tanyachepur/TikTok https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1753695569791377581 Putin ("Putin?") "spontaneously" visited the Shvetsov family in a cottage settlement for medical workers in Russian Tula. The mother said that she learned about his visit only 15 minutes before he arrived. There have been numerous reports of people spending days in quarantine before being allowed near Putin. https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1753394395020226560 Diana Savita Wagner, call sign "Snake", a 36-year-old German citizen and International Legion volunteer, died for Ukraine. She was a combat medic in the Carpathian Sich 49th Infantry Battalion. Diana moved to Ukraine before the full-scale war began, she learnt to speak Ukrainian and applied for Ukrainian citizenship. "Diana Wagner gained eternal life on the battlefield, saving wounded Colombian soldiers of the Ukrainian army. We are grateful to you, our dear, for your care, heroism, and saving the lives of the soldiers. The Ukrainian nation will always remember you. We will not surrender!" her comrade-in-arms Ruslan Andriiko wrote. Eternal glory and eternal memory to the Heroine. Ukraine is eternally grateful for your sacrifice. https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1753705518315585576#m Russian Telegram channels published another video of the drone strike on Lukoil oil refinery in Russian Volgograd. @Gerashchenko_en A drone attacked Lukoil oil refinery in Russian Volgograd, Russian media report. A fire of about 300 square meters broke out. This oil refinery is the largest producer of petroleum products in the Russian Southern Federal District. Local authorities and Russian defense ministry have reported that two drones were "intercepted". https://x.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1753739683794653380 An archive video from May 4, 2022 appeared online. Ukrainian multiple rocket launcher BM-27 Uragan is firing at the occupiers on Zmiinyi (Snake) Island right from a barge. "We opened the season, so to say," the battery commander Major Ivan Izhytskyi recalls, "Even though we were attached to the spit, but it was still not easy to aim; not much, but it swung. The idea was to check if it made sense to fire this way at all. Because the island is small, and it is as hard to aim at it as at a penny. As a result, 11 out of 16 shells hit the island. So we saw that it makes sense." https://twitter.com/jurgen_nauditt https://twitter.com/Maks_NAFO_FELLA https://twitter.com/UkrReview https://twitter.com/WarriorsUk83395 https://twitter.com/nexta_tv https://twitter.com/KreuzAcht AfD

On Tue, 27 Sep 2022 12:19:31 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
AFP News reported the US is 'ready to provide support' to Europe after the Nord Stream pipeline system leaks.
US jewnazis blew up the pipeline. Shocking. Oh, and we have grancrap, the resident jewnazi NATO turd vomiting pentagon propaganda? Shocking!!!

Putin the invader criminal continues to
Martyrs, inspiration for decades of struggle by defenders of and on their own lands to regain their own lands, are created when an invader murders the land's valiant heroic defenders and civilians inside. Putin is turning Mariupol into one giant case of Martyrdom. Helpless civilians and fighters injured and starving who offered to leave intact dignified to Ukraine through free exit corridors which Putin denied, leave no other choice but to take defense, or fight way out, from certain death, which Putin has now launched since week. Putin said "surround them" with ability to do a neutral siege, Putin lied and has now aggressed across that "surrounding" to murder them all from land sea and air, videos prove that needless bombing within the "surrounding" thing of siege. 20+ thousands of murders, everything destroyed. Fuck Putin the Invader. Slawa Ukraini! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRG1gGOuPfY https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFR1JCwVXMAEvjke.jpg https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFR1JCyCXwAM9vkA.jpg https://twitter.com/i/status/1521479058932043780 About a !️hundred citizens, including elderly people and children, were pulled by soldiers of the Azov regiment from the rubble on the territory of the Azovstal plant the day before in order to evacuate to a safe territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. However, we emphasize: on the territory of the plant in the basements under the rubble there are still people! The invaders continue to shell these territories, which is extremely dangerous for the health and life of civilians. We call for the continuation of the regime of silence [ceasefire] and urgent evacuation of people to the city of Zaporizhzhia! We also note that so far none of the wounded defenders of Mariupol have been evacuated, which is contrary to international humanitarian law!!! ️‼️‼️ !️Urgent appeal from the deputy commander of the regiment "Azov" Captain Svyatoslav Palamar, Kalina, about the situation at the plant "Azovstal" We call for the urgent introduction of a ceasefire and the continued evacuation of citizens to safe territories controlled by Ukraine! #Russian troops storming #Azovstal in #Mariupol for the second day breached the factory. Heavy fighting is taking place. More details to follow. Contact with our men has been lost. https://twitter.com/ukrpravda_news My grandfather died. I have a wound on my back pulled out the skin. My sister has a head wound. Mom had the meat on her arm and hole in... "My two dogs died and my grandmother Galya and my favorite city #Mariupol" - a resident of #Mariupol published the diary of a boy who was under #Russian occupation. Fuck. Just fuck. The list of persons who were forcibly deported from Mariupol to Rostov yesterday by the Russian occupiers. Among them are 23 children. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle The Russians almost completely wiped out the city of #Mariupol. Exclusive footage of what is left of the #Azovstal plant. The Russians continue shelling it, even though there are civilians there. #Russia and #Putin went insane. They destroyed #Mariupol, and now they are going to clean up some streets and act as if the city is completely fine, so they can prepare for the "victory parade" on May 9. Ukraine Says Communications With Trapped Fighters In Azovstal Has Gone Dark Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko has announced Wednesday that Ukrainian officials no longer have communications contact with the estimated couple thousand Azov fighters still holed up beneath the cavernous Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol. Hundreds of civilians are also believed still trapped there, and running low on food, water and supplies. As we detailed Tuesday, for the first time in the weeks-long standoff for the sprawling complex, Russian forces attacked the plant as Azov fighters briefly emerged and reportedly set up firing positions. These sporadic gun battles have continued, as part of the final showdown for Azovstal, and as the trapped Ukrainian militants vow to fight till the end, refusing Russian demands to immediately come out and surrender. Some few hundred civilians have also been safely led out over the past number of days under UN and Red Cross brokered ceasefires. Via Reuters Mariupol Mayor Boichenko has issued a fresh statement: "Today there are heavy battles on the territory of our fortress, on the territory of Azovstal. Our brave guys are defending this fortress, but it is very difficult, because heavy artillery and tanks are firing all over the fortress; aviation is working, ships have approached and are also firing on the fortress." Of the some 30 children said to be trapped among the civilians still beneath the plant, he said, "They are waiting for a new negotiation procedure and a new evacuation mission," and described a constant barrage of Russian artillery on the complex. The mayor confirmed that any contact with those inside has 'gone dark'... "Unfortunately, today there is no connection with the guys, there is no connection to understand what is happening, whether they are safe or not. Yesterday there was a connection with them; today, no more." Amid recent Western media reports the Russians had "stormed" Azovstal overnight, the Kremlin has issued a statement rejecting this narrative. Video from a DNR account showing Russian/DNR strikes on the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. Possibly by TOS-1A thermobaric MLRS. Not sure of the date. https://t.co/ZtGmAMDnx0 pic.twitter.com/c5Zy94WpBA — Rob Lee (@RALee85) May 4, 2022 “There has been a public order by the supreme commander [Russian President Vladimir Putin] to cancel the storming; there is no storming,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Wednesday. Peskov explained: “We see that there are aggravations associated with the fact that the militants go to firing positions. These attempts are suppressed very quickly. There is nothing else to say here yet." Ukrainian media is alleging that the Russians plan to hold a 'Victory Day' parade in the captured city of Mariupol... ⚡️ Ukraine’s Intelligence: Russia plans to hold military parade in Mariupol on May 9. Intelligence Directorate reported that Russia is conducting “preparations for the parade,” by cleaning central streets from debris, unexploded ordnance and removing the bodies of those killed. — The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) May 4, 2022 Despite what appears to be increasing desperation on the part of the Ukrainian fighters stuck inside and surrounded, the standoff could still last days, or even weeks more, depending on how much in the way of supplies they have, including ammo. The desperation was captured in the following CNN interview with an Azov member: Fighters inside the besieged plant are “sharing water and food” with civilians – but time is running out, the deputy commander of the Ukrainian Azov Regiment, Svyatoslav Palamar, told CNN on Monday evening. “We are extremely short on supplies in terms of water and food. I cannot tell you for sure how much is left… but I can assure you that we are saving, very fearful without water and food, and especially ammunition,” Palamar, who is inside the plant, said. He added: “If (worse) comes to worst and we run out of food, we’ll be catching birds and we’ll be doing everything just to stand firm.”

the thing to notice here is that the biggest US jewnazi warmongers are the DEMOCRATS. The hitlery cunt for instance is always foaming at the mouth when she mentions putin. the other thing to notice is that the biggest warmonger turd on this list, grancrap, is fully aligned with the DEMOCRATS. yep, the same trumponazi turd who likes to whine about the 'left' is actually the most devoted robot of the US WARMONING 'left'. The vaccine nazi jim bell is also another right wing asshole, who now parrots 'left' wing US jewnazi war propaganda to a tee. Guess these US nazis are very united when it comes to defend US nazism eh. for comparison, here's the truth about the war in ukraine, coming from a half-honest US conservative https://original.antiwar.com/paul/2022/02/28/it-all-comes-back-to-nato/

https://twitter.com/save_mrpl/status/1521107922436173825 They [military] need the opportunity. FINISH THE CIVILIANS EVACUATION , EVACUATE THE WOUNDED, EVACUATE THE DECEASED , AND EVACUATE PERSONNEL IF POSSIBLE. — the commander of the 12th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine Denis Shlega https://twitter.com/nastyabakulina_/status/1522283805192687619 Honey from dandelions and this baby's voice https://twitter.com/IuliiaMendel/status/1522236637459144711 First wedding in released Bucha Alexander Makhov Eternal memory... Dania Donetsk was killed in the shelling, remaining in position until the end. Rest in peace. https://twitter.com/daniil_donetsk/status/1516388051890712577 https://twitter.com/daniil_donetsk/status/1206665508264796160 Recently, a little had to relocate, walked more than one km, without water and food under heavy shelling. I didn't eat anything for almost two days, it was very difficult... while the command was establishing support, we cooked porridge from feed and pigeon, it turned out very satisfyingly. This is the most delicious thing I've eaten in the last week. https://twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/status/1522236168246546433 https://twitter.com/HannaGun/status/1522195240123310085 More than 32 million square meters of housing have already been destroyed or damaged as a result of shelling in the country. More than 1,400 educational institutions and about 250 medical facilities have also been destroyed or damaged. "Putin apologized to the Jews because he knows they will assassinate him. But he still have his invasion war and all his murders on his head." https://twitter.com/boomych/status/1521854233770868736 Here's the difference between cyvilizants and katsaps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM6XHoCflc0 Torture of captured Ukrainian soldiers is carried out under the control of the FSB The Intelligence Service of Ukraine has published an interception of a conversation between the Russian occupier Konstantin Solovyov and his mother. https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFSBmM4LWUAE0zq7.jpg Hello Mr. Putin, the world sees you invade murdering people, come outside in public and fight like a man, what you got? https://twitter.com/Yellow_Arm_Band/status/1521859320601890818 Read the translation, it's all accurate. Heroes from Mariupol convey congratulations to the whole of Ukraine. We have to hold on. https://twitter.com/jmvasquez1974/status/1521472529671598080 All the booty we recovered today, no injuries, no fatalities. https://twitter.com/save_mrpl/status/1521029495762923520 The women of the steel men. While the brave heroes battle for the city of #Mariupol their strong women struggle to rescue people from the #Azovstal. Following are the stories of the couples who are now fighting for life, love and Ukraine’s future. #SaveMariupol #4308regiment https://twitter.com/save_mrpl/status/1520721566077698049 https://twitter.com/save_mrpl/status/1521760633024356357 We, the women of the #Mariupol defenders, kept our word and on May 3 we went to Zaporizhia on our own to help evacuate the Mariupol military garrison. Unfortunately, we have not yet seen concrete actions to save our military. But we will not give up and will continue to act!#azov https://twitter.com/DimSel007/status/1522055353491460096 Morning Frost Mariupol "All grandmothers and their cats who need help are saved, all the intruders are punished" #SaveMariupol #AzovSteel https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1521605751919329281 Special Combustion Operations inside Russia... https://twitter.com/AS7404542949/status/1522207516633014275 During the filming of a beautiful picture, the APC of the occupiers beautifully exploded on a mine. Boliwood does not tolerate mistakes. https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/1522310368248311808 https://twitter.com/DimSel007/status/1522231672435052545 Ken Ri's special forces in action against horde #ForeignLegionOfUkraine "I say join us, leave your prestigious career behind and see how quickly you turn around." https://twitter.com/RipRawlings/status/1521725661412564992 @KyivIndependent Six-year-old girl raises Hr 5,000 ($165) for Ukrainian military by playing flute on the street. Solomiia Reut from Dnipro raised half the sum needed to buy one bulletproof vest, and her mother fundraised the other half on social media. https://fainemisto.com.ua/donate https://secure.wayforpay.com/donate/4308 https://twitter.com/U24_gov_ua https://u24.gov.ua/ https://twitter.com/veteranfundua https://savelife.in.ua/donate/ https://twitter.com/Brigade688 https://twitter.com/JoaJuan2 https://www.change.org/p/pour-une-exfiltration-des-habitants-de-marioupol-et... https://twitter.com/antiputler_news/status/1522130094214557697 https://twitter.com/ukrpravda_news/status/1522298264594362370 https://twitter.com/save_mrpl/status/1522288606924218371 People are dying from bullets, who are starving. The wounded are from lack of medicine, from terrible conditions. We don't have time, I don't know if tomorrow", - doctor, Crimean Tatar, asks Turkey to help people blocked on Azovstal Crimean Tatar doctor appealed to @RTErdogan from #Azovstal . "I don't remember what day of the war it is. People are dying, some from bullets, some from hunger, the wounded from lack of medicine, from terrible conditions." "We don't have time, I don't know if tomorrow will come. I'm a Muslim, a Crimean Tatar, a descendant of the Gireys. I studied medicine before the occupation. Now I provide medical care to the wounded at Azovstal. I had never seen death before the war. Worked in an ambulance." "It hurts to watch people die from purulent wounds, the simple lack of antibiotics. We are constantly bombed from the air, sea &land. Please comply with the procedure of withdrawal of all people, including military, from the territory of Azovstal. Stop this nightmare" We are relatives of the soldiers who are now defending the Azovstal plant on the last frontier of destroyed Mariupol. For several endless weeks, thousands of hostages, both military and civilian, many of them wounded, are under constant encirclement and inhumane conditions. Without food, drinking water and medicine, they will be able to survive for literally a few more days. We ask all bloggers, opinion leaders, respected and famous people to call on the world to carry out the extraction procedure - the possibility of removing all hostages from the territory of Azovstal by analogy with the Dunkirk evacuation during World War II. Please join the requirements for the urgent extraction of civilians and military from Azovstal #extractionAzovstal #letmypeoplego Help create a miracle! This video is a visual explanation why civilians in Mariupol, including people, hiding in the Azovstal plant, are afraid to leave the basements and do not believe the occupiers about the possibility of a safe evacuation from the city. https://twitter.com/save_mrpl/status/1521209107222511617 Defenders of #Mariupol need #evacuation! Take part in the demonstrations in front of the main @UN missions, the @ICRC and government buildings of the countries ready to act as a third party guarantor, demanding the evacuation from the #Azovstal plant in Mariupol. Time to act! https://twitter.com/save_mrpl/status/1521206980324605954 The main factor in rescuing the Mariupol garrison and applying the extraction procedure is the security guarantee of the United Nations representatives. We ask to ensure practical security and evacuation of servicemen from the Mariupol garrison. Mariupol defenders are people, too https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov/status/1522194484922044416 Deputy Commander of the Azov Regiment Captain Svyatoslav Palamar: "We call on the world community to evacuate civilians and personally appeal to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to take care of wounded soldiers who die in terrible agony from improper treatment. https://twitter.com/save_mrpl/status/1520696009466261504 The screams of the wounded that echo through the cellars. Decayed wounds and damp clothes and always hungry bodies. Night sighs and calming down of hearts and mothers’ tears in the handsets of phones. Eternally rattling aircraft and constant sounds of shell explosions. No more surviving buildings or at least a small piece of land. We have not heard children's laughter for 2 months, we forgot what it's like to just take a walk somewhere slowly. The soldiers are weaned from all this and it seems that that normal life is just a dream. https://twitter.com/nolanwpeterson/status/1521189997986123776 Valentina, 67, hid in a basement for 13 days when Russians attacked her village of Moshchun, on Kyiv's outskirts. One day she looked outside and saw Russian soldiers on the street. "You can't imagine the fear," she told me. She made a bold escape back to Ukrainian lines. When she returned home, Valentina discovered Russian troops had commandeered her house. They stole her jewelry, and left behind their trash. Today Valentina needs medicine to sleep. “The pills don’t help with the nightmares,” she said. https://twitter.com/StratcomCentre/status/1522306889589133312 https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/05/europe/russia-ukraine-grain-theft-cmd-intl/in... Russian forces are stealing farm equipment and thousands of tons of grain from Ukrainian farmers in areas they have occupied, as well as targeting food storage sites with artillery Since the start of its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has stolen tonnes of Ukrainian grain. Russia transports this stolen grain to illegally annexed Crimea and then tries to sell it to other states. Their attempt to sell 27 thousand tonnes of grain to Egypt has already failed. he ground on the latest in #Luhansk region https://twitter.com/TXlrgA0vCNNaf1G/status/1521380224201633793 The Russians damaged 5 houses in Sievierodonetsk,at least 12-in Hirske.We don't know exactly how much, as they are storming the localities day&night.10 houses in Orikhove burnt down,2-in Zolote.The data about the casualties is clarified.We attempt to evacuate the locals every day Today over the century-old building of Belgian Heritage housing the tube dispensary caught fire through enemy shelling.The Belgian architectural ensemble in Lysychansk survived 2 world wars, was destroyed by the Russians in the 21st century. Putin's Russian invaders destroyed Gorky Park. Within the past 24hrs, 4 civilians died in Luhansk region, 4 more were wounded, 10 houses were destroyed in Popasna. The Russian army shelled the residential area in Luhansk region for 29 times by aircrafts, multiple rocket launches, tube artillery and mortars a boy of 2010 year of birth was wounded during the heavy shelling of Zolote by the Russians.Among the casualties there is a local resident. A resident of Zolote died. 2 more civilians died in Lysychansk and Popasna.A resident of Lysychansk received a shrapnel wound https://twitter.com/nolanwpeterson/status/1521163686651572224 Inside a church in the Ukrainian village of Horenka, outside of Kyiv. A wooden statue of Jesus, pierced by Russian artillery shrapnel. ‘Since Feb 24, my two dogs have died, and my grandma Halya, and my beloved Mariupol’, wrote 8yo Yehor in his diary while hiding from Russian bombs. His grandpa died too. He, his sister, and their mother were wounded. Mariupol et al are your city, your family, your children, your friends, your home.. initiation of aggression must never be allowed, nor be allowed to continue. Do something to end it.

the thing to notice here is that the biggest US jewnazi warmongers are the DEMOCRATS. The hitlery cunt for instance is always foaming at the mouth when she mentions putin. the other thing to notice is that the biggest warmonger turd on this list, grancrap, is fully aligned with the DEMOCRATS. yep, the same trumponazi turd who likes to whine about the 'left' is actually the most devoted robot of the US WARMONING 'left'. The vaccine nazi jim bell is also another right wing asshole, who now parrots 'left' wing US jewnazi war propaganda to a tee. Guess these US nazis are very united when it comes to defend US nazism eh. for comparison, here's the truth about the war in ukraine, coming from a half-honest US conservative https://original.antiwar.com/paul/2022/02/28/it-all-comes-back-to-nato/

Large Deadly Fire Breaks Out At Russian Defense Research Facility
Three more Russian events... 2 Russian Oligarchs Found Dead Just One Day Apart https://www.businessinsider.com/2-russian-oligarchs-found-dead-spain-moscow-... https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/russian-millionaire-allegedly-ki... Vladislav Avayev, formerly vice president of Gazprombank. He was found killed by a gunshot wound in his Moscow apartment on Monday, Russia's state-run Tass news agency reported. The second oligarch was found killed in Spain, some 2,000 miles away. His name was Sergei Protosenya and he was found stabbed to death with his wife and daughter. The family's villa, situated on Spain's Costa Brava, is thought to be the family's second home alongside their residence in France; Russia's Largest Chemical Plant Engulfed In Flames Huge plumes of smoke were seen enveloping the Dmitrievsky Chemical Plant late this afternoon. The cause of the fire remains unknown. Almost 150 plant workers were reportedly evacuated. The facility in Kineshma, east of Moscow produces more industrial solvents than any other in Russia. It is less than 1,000km from the border with Ukraine.

I am commander of regiment, Denis Prokopenko. I call to the leaders of the world. Right now, in Mariupol, at "Azovstal" steel factory hundreds of civilians are sheltering. Among them - people of all ages, women, children, families of Mariupol defenders. They are sheltering in the basements and bunkers from "russian world". They found their only available shelter next to the Ukrainian soldiers, who are still defending the city from russian invaders. Russian forces, and their proxy from "lnr/dnr" know that, they know about civilians, and they keep their fire on the factory willingly. They use free fall bombs, rockets, bunker-buster bombs, all varieties of artillery, both ground and naval for indiscriminate attacks. City theater, maternity hospital, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, houses were destroyed by those who now offers civilians evacuation and safety. These are the same people. And nobody believes these bastards. Therefore I urge the politicians of all civilized world to organize a proper "green corridor", ensure it's safety and provide immediate evacuation and protection of civilians, wounded soldiers, and bodies of dead soldiers, to bury them with honors.‼️ 4-year-old Alisa is a daughter of a Ukrainian female military doctor in Mariupol. Her mom is treating wounded civilians and soldiers in a bomb shelter used as a hospital in the besieged city.These people need urgent help and evacuation. They fear Russians won't let them out alive. We want to appeal to foreign media: please share this information! World, wake up! For the future of our children! Help Mariupol ‼️‼️‼️

The victims of the poisonous substance spreading of unknown origin in the city of Mariupol are in a relatively satisfactory condition. Contact of the civilians with the substance was minimal, the epicenter was in some distance from the civilians location. The military were a little bit closer. However, it is impossible to investigate the scene of crime due to the enemy fire, because the Russians continue using the tactics of concealing their own crimes. In the video, one can see a military in a moderate condition. The other two are under constant medical supervision. An elderly woman has the worst condition among the affected civilians. The main symptoms of the victims are the following: facial hyperemia, high blood pressure, dryness and inflammation of the fauces and mucous membranes of the eyes. It is clear now that the enemy has used the poisonous substances or potent poisonous substances, mainly the suffocating ones. However, due to a complete blockade the toxicological analysis is impossible. At the same time the main task is the control for the personnel condition and for the possible poisoning consequences. The defenders of Mariupol appeal to the whole civilized world:
From tomorrow go to the squares of your cities under the blue and yellow flags in support of Ukraine! Call on your politicians to take real action in the fight against evil!
The defense of Mariupol continues. Despite the overwhelming forces of the enemy, the fighters launch counterattack. We smashed: 3 танки, 2 БМП та БТР.

I am commander of regiment, Denis Prokopenko. I call to the leaders of the world. Right now, in Mariupol, at "Azovstal" steel factory hundreds of civilians are sheltering. Among them - people of all ages, women, children, families of Mariupol defenders. They are sheltering in the basements and bunkers from "russian world". They found their only available shelter next to the Ukrainian soldiers, who are still defending the city from russian invaders. Russian forces, and their proxy from "lnr/dnr" know that, they know about civilians, and they keep their fire on the factory willingly. They use free fall bombs, rockets, bunker-buster bombs, all varieties of artillery, both ground and naval for indiscriminate attacks. City theater, maternity hospital, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, houses were destroyed by those who now offers civilians evacuation and safety. These are the same people. And nobody believes these bastards. Therefore I urge the politicians of all civilized world to organize a proper "green corridor", ensure it's safety and provide immediate evacuation and protection of civilians, wounded soldiers, and bodies of dead soldiers, to bury them with honors.‼️ 4-year-old Alisa is a daughter of a Ukrainian female military doctor in Mariupol. Her mom is treating wounded civilians and soldiers in a bomb shelter used as a hospital in the besieged city.These people need urgent help and evacuation. They fear Russians won't let them out alive. We want to appeal to foreign media: please share this information! World, wake up! For the future of our children! Help Mariupol ‼️‼️‼️
https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov/status/1516129284976484359 https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov/status/1516129937308237825 https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov/status/1516130386786488320 https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov/status/1515754245261307916

https://twitter.com/i/status/1516860696893566977 Mariupol civilians need help Verdades... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8y14XN1VLc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40e-7kSWBlA

Russia Steps Up Efforts To Jam US-Provided GPS In Ukraine: Pentagon
https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/russia-is-jamming-u-s-provided-gp... https://www.he360.com/hawkeye-360-signal-detection-reveals-gps-interference-... https://www.avinc.com/tms/switchblade https://www.avinc.com/images/uploads/product_docs/PumaAE_Datasheet_2017_Web_...
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/11/30/space-race-china-david-th... https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/ATA-2021-Unclassified-R... https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43328/u-s-satellites-are-being-attacke... https://media.defense.gov/2021/Nov/03/2002885874/-1/-1/0/2021-CMPR-FINAL.PDF https://www.dia.mil/Portals/110/Documents/News/Military_Power_Publications/C... GNURadio + 3m dish = ?

"The porcupine is a symbol of freedom liberty defense and independence..." https://nitter.net/pic/media%2FFTchoK-X0AIC-Rt.jpg

On Sun, 20 Mar 2022 03:59:24 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
A Caution On "War Crime" Screamers
oh, now the non-human jewnazi NATO turd grancrap is telling 1% of the truth, so as to...what exactly? Nobody with even half a brain believes a word of grancrap's spam.

In wars elements of all sides are found to engage in war crimes. There are plenty of sick disgusting video proofs from both sides in this war... torture, maiming, abuse, rape, burning, theft, murder, destruction, etc of prisoners and civilians, of just people in those moments, helpless and subjected, by actors of both sides. Such acts knowledged tolerated ignored allowed enabled endorsed even ordered by each higher level up from committer all the way to the political top. The low committers are one thing, but the Politicians are the High Criminals that must be held responsible, as it is from them that all wars, and thus all war crimes, are initiated and conducted. May the future be one without them.

Mariupol, all of greater Ukraine, needs help,
they need to stop being pawns of NATO jewnazis like you, yes.
Any anarchist, libertarian, voluntaryist etc even sympathizer
is telling the truth about non-human, jewnazi NATO scum like you http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2022/march/14/is-... https://www.fff.org/2022/03/17/zelenskys-call-for-nuclear-war/

Update re direct funding for some Ukraine's defensive forces on the ground... ASSISTANCE FOR LOGISTICAL AND MEDICAL SUPPORT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE Faine Misto Festival begins fundraising for the Special Forces Detachment BTC (Bitcoin): 17C55k8KftKbovKb789e4diBHjyk4kXyF5 ETH (Ethereum): 0xa8d4c3aa7c6e44a4c414db03e9b03de99f82b3b0 LTC (Litecoin): LiCAiuXKXhYSCmnr4XhunHHfFnxqRD4opr BNB (Binance Coin): 0xa8d4c3aa7c6e44a4c414db03e9b03de99f82b3b0 PayPal: info@fainemisto.com.ua Bank Wires Available. (Duplicated address in original) Be Brave Like A Ukraine! Our defences accepts all talents into Ukraine Foreign Defense Legion, contact any Ukrainian Embassy or Consulate for more information. Our defences now has at least 575k subscribers on platforms. Finally had a chance to meet with crypto community to express my gratitude. The contribution of crypto businesses in arming our soldiers and covering the humanitarian needs — remarkable, and already became the part of world’s history. @_AidForUkraine serves the future Damaged equipment was fixed and stable datalink channel operation resumed yesterday at the Kherson-Dnipro line. It is important that these efforts have resulted in better service quality. The traffic has been re-distributed to backup channels Ukrtelecom resumed providing Internet services for almost 300,000 users in 1,200 communities for the period of war. Over 100 restoration operations have been completed at the nation-level networks and over 10 km of fiber optic cable were used for replacement of damaged sections. Batch of bulletproof vests funded by @_AidForUkraine will protect our defenders from @dsszzi. Service is strategically important now; due to their work, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Ukrainians have a reliable connection, in particular, with state authorities https://thedigital.gov.ua/ https://t.me/itarmyofurraine https://cip.gov.ua/ https://twitter.com/fedorovmykhailo https://twitter.com/StratcomCentre/status/1517058055539597312 Russian forces are using heavy weapons to destroy the Azovstal plant. In the tunnels of the plant there are civilians with children under the protection of the Ukrainian military. They need assistance and evacuation. Time is of the essence. https://twitter.com/MFA_Ukraine/status/1517066648733237252 President @ZelenskyyUa: “Without additional weaponry, this war will become an endless bloodbath, spreading misery, suffering, and destruction. Mariupol, Bucha, Kramatorsk – the list will be continued. Nobody will stop Russia except Ukraine with Heavy Weapons.” https://t.me/V_Zelenskiy_official/1332 The European Union is currently preparing a sixth package of sanctions. We discussed this today with Charles Michel. We are working to make it truly painful for the Russian military machine and the Russian state as a whole.

https://twitter.com/MFA_Ukraine/status/1516747596534067204 https://war.ukraine.ua/heroes/ Now you can read more than 100 stories of brave #Ukrainians who stood up against #Russian aggression: 🔗 war.ukraine.ua/heroes/ It is a peopleʼs war. And we need the help of the same brave people. Just like you. Support us. #SupportTheBrave https://twitter.com/TheUkrtelecom https://twitter.com/_CERT_UA https://twitter.com/lifecellua https://twitter.com/Kyivstar_GSM https://twitter.com/kyivstar https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1516333701013155841 Invictus Mariupol. Here, even the stones do not surrender to the enemy.

Update re direct funding for some Ukraine's defensive forces on the ground...
ASSISTANCE FOR LOGISTICAL AND MEDICAL SUPPORT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE Faine Misto Festival begins fundraising for the Special Forces Detachment
BTC (Bitcoin): 17C55k8KftKbovKb789e4diBHjyk4kXyF5 ETH (Ethereum): 0xa8d4c3aa7c6e44a4c414db03e9b03de99f82b3b0 LTC (Litecoin): LiCAiuXKXhYSCmnr4XhunHHfFnxqRD4opr BNB (Binance Coin): 0xa8d4c3aa7c6e44a4c414db03e9b03de99f82b3b0 PayPal: info@fainemisto.com.ua Bank Wires Available.
(Duplicated address in original)
April21 https://fainemisto.com.ua/ 🔥 Another 10 cars have already reached their destination! We filled them with ammunition, food, and medicine. This time we sent: 📌Mercedes Sprinter (9,200 USD 299,000.00 UAH) 📌Mercedes Sprinter (7,700 USD 249,480.00 UAH) OrdFord Ranger (7100 EUR 248, 500 UAH) 📌Mitsubishi L 200 (5900 EUR, 206,500 UAH) 📌Kia Sorento (2500 EUR, 87 500 UAH) 📌Kamaz (6,000 USD, 194,400 UAH) 📌Kamaz (6,000 USD, 194,400 UAH) 📌Nissan Navarra (4542 GBP) 📌Chevrolet K2500 (0 UAH), Volkswagen Crafter (0 UAH) - from Port Frankivsky 📌ATN Mars4 1,25-5x19 thermal weapon sights - 10 units (1800 USD) 📌ATN X-Sight LTV 5-15 sights - 20 units (UAH 816,000.00) 📌thermal imager for Ziggy ATN OTS-XLT - 1 unit - (550 USD, UAH 18,700) 📌binoculars - ATN Binox 4k 4-16x - 1 unit (972 EUR, UAH 34 029) 📌tactical webbing systems - 10 units (175 EUR, UAH 5,729.50) Also, we send our thanks to the “Free Nation” Public Union and “Zlagoda” Association for: 📌20 boxes of medicines 📌 71 food boxes (pasta, cereals, tuna, canned meat, sweets, coffee, canned fish) Volunteers from the logistics headquarters in Mamont sent us: 📌5 boxes of sneakers 📌1 box of snacks 📌1 box of cookies 📌4 packages of soda 📌2 packages of medіcines 📌1 box with belts 📌30 tactical first aid kits, our Volunteers keep raising funds on packing up such first aid kits, an active link on the fundraising https://deploy-preview-9--dazzling-volhard-93317b.netlify.app/ua/ Military Individual First Aid Kit Since russia invaded Ukraine we: Were handed over to the front more than 2,000 first-aid kits With quality pouch and filling Raised more than $100,000 And received a large number of components of the first aid kit in the form of donations Sent an assistance to more than 70 units of the Armed Forces First of all, we provide military first aid kits on the front line Support the production of first aid kits *The cost of one first aid kit is about $120 Donate with FONDY Donate with PAYPAL Individual First Aid Kit Individual First Aid Kit - this is what saves lives in the first minutes after battle injury. The military first aid kit contains: * Pouch * We paid important attention to the quality of fabric and accessories because it depends on whether the military will be able to make full use of the IFAK at a critical moment (rain protection, reliability of fasteners, the durability of lightning, etc.) * Combat Tourniquet (Alternative to CAT Gen-7) * Each batch of tourniquets, which we use to complete the first aid kits, are tested with paramedics for the strength of the fittings, as well as whether the tourniquets perform a hemostatic function (using ultrasound). * Permanent marker * Hemostatics or wipes to stop massive bleeding * Israeli bandage * Elastic bandage 2 pcs. * Occlusive dressing for trauma wounds * Pillpack * Gloves * Medical scissors * Hypoallergenic patch * Mylar thermal blankets * Compressed gauze About us In February, when talks began about the possibility of a full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine, we considered what our actions would be. And we came to the conclusion that we can bring the most benefits to the country - by becoming volunteers: to solve logistics needs, to get what will be in short supply… So at noon on February 24, overcoming the first panic and shock, we met at the restaurant Mamont (20 people) which became our second home, like “kryivka” :) We sent the first donations for the victory of our country on our own. Later, friends, relatives, and acquaintances joined… With these funds, we did next: set up a sewing shop that produces pouches for Individual First Aid Kits (found quality fabric, accessories, etc.) and purchased medicines. We have a common goal: to provide as many of our militaries on the front line with Individual First Aid Kits. During our activity, we sent the help to such cities as Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mariupol, Nikolaev, Zaporizhia, Ochakiv, Zhytomyr, Kovel, Chernihiv, Starokonstantinovsk, Kremenchuk, Energodar, Dnipro, Izium and we continue to send the help further. If you have the desire and opportunity to help with other areas of our work, contact us at the bottom of the site. Photos Every day we receive feedback on our first aid kits. We look forward to every photo, every message and every recommendation. Feedback is especially important for us, because the military checks our first aid kits in practice. We see that we are moving in the right direction - individual first aid kits have repeatedly saved lives on the front lines. Your donations are what help us keep going. You can join the creation of first aid kits by donating components. An exhaustive list of which is indicated [38]in the description of the first aid kit. Or financially - by donating funds to purchase the components. If you are ready to help with components, contact us at [39]+38 (097) 769 5354. For financial support, click the button below :) We are in social networks A Memorandum of Cooperation between the State Emergency Service (SES) and the Charitable Foundation “Territory of Free People” was signed in Kyiv yesterday. What is the Charitable Foundation “Territory of Free People”? The charity fund was created by the management and founders of the international music festival Faine Misto. Today the activity of the festival is focused on the help to the regiment 4308, which courageously defends Mariupol. We are convinced that our victory is not far off, and we will all actively undertake to rebuild our towns and villages. It is with the aim of promoting the reconstruction of Ukraine as soon as possible that we have created a fund to build the territory of free people through joint efforts! Where do we start? We will start with the assistance to the SES in demining territories, because this is the first step towards the reconstruction of Ukraine. According to SES, about 300,000 square kmrequire demining, it’s almost half of the country's area! Already today, on average per day, pyrotechnic units daily remove and dispose from 2 to 6 thousand explosive devices, which is almost 10 times more than before the russian invasion! Securing the territory of our Motherland and its development is not just a matter of the state or local authorities. Only by joining forces will we do more, we will do faster, we will do better! Only by joint efforts will we make Ukraine a territory of free people! That is why, with the friendly support and assistance of a deputy Yevhenia Kravchuk, we joined forces of the public sector, the executive branch and the parliamentary corps and signed a memorandum of cooperation with the SES, developed by the festival's lawyer Tatiana Semus. The territory of the Free People is a safe territory without mines, bombs and russian occupiers! Good luck to us! Let's defeat the occupiers together. Glory to Ukraine! 💙💛

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8Sqz0yuvyk Faine Misto Festival 2021 :) Support Ukraine!
participants (5)
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many