[\0xDynamite offlist]: Re: Distribted Social: Urbit, Mastodon
John Newman jnn at synfin.org Sat Apr 8 02:27:45 PDT 2017
For maximum safety unplug all devices, and try to keep your eyes and ears closed as much as possible!
CIAniggers got you down ? It's TempleOS for you: templeos.org wikipedia.org/wiki/TempleOS - - TempleOS is a free, public domain, open source, x86_64, non-preemptive multi-tasking, multi-cored, ring-0-only, single-address-map (identity-mapped), non-networked, PC operating system."" TempleOS is simpler than Linux and you can have hours of fun tinkering because all memory and ports are accessible. Memory is identity-mapped at all times, so you can modify any task's memory from any other task. You can access all disk blocks, too. I had a blast using a C64 disk block editor to modify directories to un-delete files, when I was a kid. Maybe, you want to play with a raw-block database, or make your own file system?""
participants (1)
Dr. Dooom