targeted attack authorizations and oversight

"... to go for the end points [requires?] a constitutional, more carefully overseeing sort of intelligence gathering model."
having observed domestic LE (inc. FBI) in action and military systems in action, they usually have distinct and different characteristics: LE specific and narrow and by the book and for the record, this is a specific focus they give attention. Military any-and-all-means-to-the-end less discriminating, brute strength ground out the solution by force majeure method. anomaly: the DC 19 rogue base stations DITU DRT technique was in-discriminant (until it had to be :) and yet the DC 20 NSA TAO/QUANTUM*.* style "in the towers" absurd over kill attacks were also absolutely precise - if your "selector"(phone) was not on the list you'd never know [without some fancy watching close to target, perhaps?]. if you were indeed on the shitlist, every sensor, stored byte, and key material got compromised instantly; your airplane mode is funny cute. ... presumably "anything in range of the Rio and our multiwatt amps" they argued was targeted and limited. as for had to be discriminating, if you want to load test spook gear just figure out what drives their automation and then jam the fuck to 11 on that signal. [where signal is anything that feeds the weird machine; take all advantages inherent in attacker perspective! fork bombs and kernel panics equally disruptive] anomaly reloaded: DC 21: nobody playing? you're still watching; fair is fair! ...

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 12:30 PM, coderman <> wrote:
... anomaly:
the DC 19 rogue base stations DITU DRT technique was in-discriminant (until it had to be :)
per C.S.'s clarification, this makes sense if military equipment, automation, and exploits used in domestic LE OP under guise of FBI procedure and controls at DC 19. migration to "in the towers" thus also viewed as remedy to numerous shortcomings of prior effort and lessons learned. make no mistake: the biggest hack of all at DEF CON 20 performed by Alexander and his toys; total control of netspace around hacker headspace, silent and smooth; Christopher Walken wowed himself, like nothing nowhere. US public paid for the domestic red team privilege in the billions as legal spirit is crushed under a magnificient sophistry of imminent threats and exigent circumstances for the very public good(ly fucked). """ Tech companies can honestly say they've never shared customer data/with the NSA, since they give it to the FBI (which then gives it to NSA) """ - Christopher Soghoian
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