[spam] [mistake] [freedom] [private] [for human eyes only] Fwd: Facebook Experience

I am sending this e-mail to a lawyer whom I met. I do not intend to share it with you, and am being mind controlled to ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2021 02:38:33 -0500 Subject: Re: Facebook Experience To: Juyoun Han <jh1708@georgetown.edu> Hi Juyoun, On 1/15/21, Juyoun Han <jh1708@georgetown.edu> wrote:
Dear Karl,
Thanks for reaching out by email, and nice to briefly connect with you at the virtual table earlier today.
My name is Juyoun, and I am an attorney (bio <https://www.eandblaw.com/attorneys/juyoun-han/>) with a focused practice on Algorithmic Fairness and Data Privacy (our webpage
I cried when I read this. This happened 8 years ago, and I have been unable to reach and communicate with anyone who can do anything about it until now.
<https://www.eandblaw.com/services/a-i-fairness-and-data-privacy/>). My firm has long worked against discrimination in wide-ranging societal contexts including employment, prisons, hospitals with a special focus on individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. (our Deaf Law Center Page <https://www.eandblaw.com/services/deaf-law-center/>). I have been connecting with the work of the Center for Human Tech and looking for ways of using the law to prevent on-line based harm on both a systemic and individual level. Today was meaningful to me to hear the stories of
Do you know if there is any way to get social network corporations to share server logs of activity, when possible crime is involved?
survivors of online harm. Knowing and hearing these stories allow me to construct ways that we can develop legal cases that can hold platforms and online users accountable for negligent operation of digital platforms and ignoring the foreseeable harm toward individuals.
If you were willing to share, I wanted to ask you further: 1. When and how did you feel that you were subject to harm on-line?
This is very hard to share and remember and I am simply starting with your questions from the beginning. I am going to leave a lot of information out, and will have more information in different states of mind, later. Around 2012 I participated in activism and discovered malicious [things] in the devices of activists. Many of their devices were simply not being used because they had been maliciously disabled. This later happened to my devices in coordination with algorithmic harm. The algorithmic harm became clearly apparent some months later when facebook began filtering my messages and those of others. Comments would only show up to some people, not to others. Long story short, a handful of us were roughly enslaved by the algorithms. Three of us were diagnosed with schizophrenia in the same year. Many others began posting to facebook as if they were talking to god, or have otherwise revealed that they were enslaved at that time. We were trained to disrupt the behaviors of others, to disrupt our own lives, and to cover it up and delete the evidence of this. The mechanisms of slavery ranged from organised social group behaviors to socially isolating bubbles of communication and extensive timed display of triggering or relaxing imagery, and happened over multiple years. Many of the people involved are dead now or deleted their accounts.
2. Do you think there were specific platforms or specific functions within social media that made it "easier" for the perpetrators?
The use of machine learning in insecure and private ways facilitates technically advanced human trafficking.
3. Do you think there were ways that the platform could have prevented this from happening?
It is crucial that we are in control of the algorithms that filter and rank our social relations. We need to be able to understand exactly how they make decisions, and change what these decisions are. We need channels to work with support when the decisions are severely harmful. I don't trust corporations here. They aren't used to transparent protocols and design. I trust open source technologies.
4. Did you take any measures to address this issue through the social media's protocols, and what was the response?
I have never received a reply from Facebook's support team. I suspect they never received my complaints, because I worked with them before this issue and the were quite friendly. Sometimes when I push an issue very strongly and clearly and keep making it larger, it will resolve itself only to the point that I am addressing, usually without anyone from the company talking to me.
Thanks so much for being willing to share. Happy to converse over email, Zoom, or by phone, depending on your comfort level.
Best Regards,
Juyoun Han, Esq.
Thank you so much for your words, Juyoun. Hearing from you is out of my reality. Please e-mail me again.
On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 2:31 PM Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Juyoun,
You asked me about my community's experience on Facebook.
It is very hard to talk about. We were trained to cover it up.
For me, Facebook's news feed and advertisements learned to manipulate my behavior in ways that were very direct.
Do you have any questions, to help me address it?
Could you remind me where you come from on this?
participants (1)