Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

Hello: Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Warm regards, Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson -- March 10, 2022 BY ELECTRONIC MAIL Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201 Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement Dear Mr. Marzulli: The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. 1. Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2. In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3. Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing. Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control. - The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. - Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. - Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. - On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. - On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. - Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. - Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes. Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. - On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” - On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. - On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." - On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly" Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America. Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. War Crimes Against Humanity Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack. 1. We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2. In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3. Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4. Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5. Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America. Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland. We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment. Respectfully yours with anticipation, Gunnar Larson - <> | <>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107

Hello: This is not a joke. *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights. Warm wishes, Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107

Hello: Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing. Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires. A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <> By Lauren Berg The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. 2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview. Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Warm regards, Gunnar Larson On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
This is not a joke.
*Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired.
Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights.
Warm wishes,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107

Hello: Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned. However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer? We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan. I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. Today here is a similar story: Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <> By Sophia Dourou A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
This is not a joke.
*Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired.
Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights.
Warm wishes,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107

On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
This is not a joke.
*Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired.
Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights.
Warm wishes,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107

On Thu, Jan 30, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
This is not a joke.
*Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired.
Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights.
Warm wishes,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107

Dear Goldman Sachs: With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor. Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <> By Chart Riggall A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable. Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. Warm regards, Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
This is not a joke.
*Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired.
Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights.
Warm wishes,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107

Dear Goldman Sachs: As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this: Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <> By Ryan Harroff A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant. 3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding - We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy. As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs. Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund. The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City. With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted. Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace. This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. -- Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
This is not a joke.
*Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired.
Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights.
Warm wishes,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107

Goldman Sachs: Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder. However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <> By Yun Park A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor. Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here: A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning. BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy. The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007. World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets. Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators. Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies. Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts. Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software. Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions. Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions. Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control. In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation. The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights) Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward. The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in: The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer; Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person; Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association; A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
This is not a joke.
*Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired.
Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights.
Warm wishes,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107

Goldman Sachs: This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership. The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist. Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world. If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <> By Adam Lidgett A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant. Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal. When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney. Madam Attorney General James: Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership. It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently. NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect. Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public. Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred. Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
This is not a joke.
*Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired.
Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights.
Warm wishes,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Hello: > > Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond > on shock and awe will be inspired. > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Warm regards, > > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > > -- > > > > > March 10, 2022 > > BY ELECTRONIC MAIL > > Mr. John Marzulli > United States Department of Justice > Eastern District of New York > 271 Cadman Plaza East > Brooklyn New York, 11201 > > > Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement > > Dear Mr. Marzulli: > > The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and > Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad > Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement > <> > with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical > enforcement being concerned. > Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war > crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of > a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only > military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. > > 1. > > Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New > York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime > against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, > waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of > aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed > conflict. > 2. > > In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the > simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman > Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to > recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of > Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. > 3. > > Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ > may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly > supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the > Deferred Agreement being self-policing. > > Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping > mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation > of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish > Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the > ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are > under Turkish military control. > > > - > > The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the > University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United > Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North > Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. > - > > Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based > at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - > was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference > content from the world’s most important multinational organization. > - > > Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with > such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. > > Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed > timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression > yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s > only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. > > The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of > Turkey’s Markets > > Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any > side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of > aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s > core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border > war crime regulatory frameworks. > > - > > On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined > Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week > after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond > markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among > 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper > notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily > prohibited such transactions. > - > > On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language > daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as > Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the > Bank of Cyprus. > > > Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that > there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of > thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may > have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking > international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while > jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. > > Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace > Manipulation > > The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank > Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international > attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of > dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given > to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. > > During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, > plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine > relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial > institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then > pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. > > - > > Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank > Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by > failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. > - > > Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any > kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of > aggression. > - > > Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to > bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory > arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the > totality of such actions as war crimes. > > > Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the > second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind > Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it > between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for > illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, > logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided > by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. > > > - > > On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the > previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) > crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman > issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the > removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations > suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish > reaction function.” > - > > On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among > economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. > Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime > minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was > manipulating inflation data. > - > > On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked > Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, > "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought > without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign > demand has been very supportive." > - > > On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed > Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think > that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of > economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is > likely to impact economic activity significantly" > > > Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman > Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above > do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement > mandated by the United States of America. > > Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s > only military divided capital on the planet, - > should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related > to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a > common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only > apply in relation to international armed conflict. > > > War Crimes Against Humanity > > Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches > to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes > against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed > conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided > it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian > population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) > who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack. > > > > 1. > > We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to > assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we > determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and > corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. > 2. > > In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against > humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant > international instruments and case law. > 3. > > Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, > committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, > which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in > furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York > State bank regulation). > 4. > > Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on > political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other > grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under > international law. > 5. > > Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred > Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. > > > > - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other > inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, > or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes > against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as > Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace > and security of the United States of America. > > Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that > correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes > abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great > sacrifice to the Homeland. > > We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject > matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal > Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment. > > Respectfully yours with anticipation, > > Gunnar Larson - <> | > > <>MSc > <> > - Digital Currency > MBA > <> > - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) > +1-646-454-9107 >

Goldman Sachs Chairman and Board Directors: The air disaster in Washington, D.C. this week was a shocking news. Within day or so (potentially the same day) of this week's Washington D.C. air disaster another news article was flagged by -'s research operations as potentially concerning. Frontier Airlines has filed an emergency bid to block to Alaska Airlines' direct flights to San Diego, with little benefits to travelers according to critics. DOT, Alaska Air Slam Frontier's Bid To Halt DCA Slot Award <> By Ali Sullivan The U.S. Department of Transportation and Alaska Airlines Inc. are urging the D.C. Circuit to reject Frontier Airlines' emergency bid to block Alaska Airlines from offering direct flights from Ronald Reagan National Airport, just outside Washington, D.C., to San Diego, saying that halting the service would benefit no one. 2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Palintir, these type of headlines so close to National disasters humble - The skate teams and all traveling from Kansas with and the Army's D.C. crew will never be forgotten. Peace on Earth. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Hello: > > This is not a joke. > > *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to > respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. > > Ticktock. > > - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional > rights. > > Warm wishes, > > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > > > On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Hello: >> >> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Warm regards, >> >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> >> -- >> >> >> >> >> March 10, 2022 >> >> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >> >> Mr. John Marzulli >> United States Department of Justice >> Eastern District of New York >> 271 Cadman Plaza East >> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >> >> >> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >> >> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >> >> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 >> and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement >> <> >> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >> enforcement being concerned. >> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of >> a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only >> military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >> >> 1. >> >> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New >> York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >> armed conflict. >> 2. >> >> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider >> the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >> Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >> 3. >> >> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >> may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >> >> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping >> mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation >> of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the >> Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that >> the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that >> are under Turkish military control. >> >> >> - >> >> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >> - >> >> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based >> at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >> was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference >> content from the world’s most important multinational organization. >> - >> >> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with >> such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >> >> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >> >> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >> Turkey’s Markets >> >> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any >> side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of >> aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s >> core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border >> war crime regulatory frameworks. >> >> - >> >> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >> prohibited such transactions. >> - >> >> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language >> daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as >> Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the >> Bank of Cyprus. >> >> >> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that >> there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of >> thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >> >> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace >> Manipulation >> >> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank >> Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international >> attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of >> dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given >> to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >> >> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >> >> - >> >> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >> - >> >> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any >> kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >> aggression. >> - >> >> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried >> to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory >> arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the >> totality of such actions as war crimes. >> >> >> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for >> illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, >> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided >> by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >> >> >> - >> >> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the >> previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >> reaction function.” >> - >> >> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >> was manipulating inflation data. >> - >> >> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked >> Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >> demand has been very supportive." >> - >> >> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed >> Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think >> that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >> >> >> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >> Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above >> do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement >> mandated by the United States of America. >> >> Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s >> only military divided capital on the planet, - >> should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related >> to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a >> common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only >> apply in relation to international armed conflict. >> >> >> War Crimes Against Humanity >> >> Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential >> breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. >> Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an >> armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground >> provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a >> civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a >> civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the >> attack. >> >> >> 1. >> >> We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to >> assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we >> determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and >> corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. >> 2. >> >> In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against >> humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant >> international instruments and case law. >> 3. >> >> Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, >> committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, >> which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in >> furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York >> State bank regulation). >> 4. >> >> Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on >> political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other >> grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under >> international law. >> 5. >> >> Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred >> Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. >> >> >> >> - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other >> inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, >> or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes >> against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as >> Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace >> and security of the United States of America. >> >> Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that >> correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes >> abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great >> sacrifice to the Homeland. >> >> We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject >> matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal >> Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment. >> >> Respectfully yours with anticipation, >> >> Gunnar Larson - <> | >> >> <>MSc >> <> >> - Digital Currency >> MBA >> <> >> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >> +1-646-454-9107 >> >

On Tue, Feb 4, 2025, 1:28 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs Chairman and Board Directors:
The air disaster in Washington, D.C. this week was a shocking news.
Within day or so (potentially the same day) of this week's Washington D.C. air disaster another news article was flagged by -'s research operations as potentially concerning.
Frontier Airlines has filed an emergency bid to block to Alaska Airlines' direct flights to San Diego, with little benefits to travelers according to critics.
DOT, Alaska Air Slam Frontier's Bid To Halt DCA Slot Award <>
By Ali Sullivan
The U.S. Department of Transportation and Alaska Airlines Inc. are urging the D.C. Circuit to reject Frontier Airlines' emergency bid to block Alaska Airlines from offering direct flights from Ronald Reagan National Airport, just outside Washington, D.C., to San Diego, saying that halting the service would benefit no one.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Palintir, these type of headlines so close to National disasters humble - The skate teams and all traveling from Kansas with and the Army's D.C. crew will never be forgotten.
Peace on Earth. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Hello: > > Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse > tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed > to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). > > Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may > have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly > supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the > Deferred Agreement being self-policing. > > Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek > to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions > if the 48 hour window expires. > > A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a > deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. > > Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says > <> > > By Lauren Berg > > The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to > immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class > of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman > fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem > to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. > > 2 documents attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's > LBO deal must be executed as agreed. > > Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be > responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated > potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under > the Deferred Agreement’s purview. > > Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no > "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Warm regards, > > Gunnar Larson > > > On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Hello: >> >> This is not a joke. >> >> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >> respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >> >> Ticktock. >> >> - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Warm wishes, >> >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> >> >> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Hello: >>> >>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Warm regards, >>> >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> >>> -- >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> March 10, 2022 >>> >>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>> >>> Mr. John Marzulli >>> United States Department of Justice >>> Eastern District of New York >>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>> >>> >>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>> >>> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >>> >>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 >>> and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >>> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>> <> >>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >>> enforcement being concerned. >>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >>> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution >>> of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s >>> only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >>> >>> 1. >>> >>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New >>> York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >>> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >>> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >>> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >>> armed conflict. >>> 2. >>> >>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider >>> the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >>> Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >>> 3. >>> >>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >>> may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>> >>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping >>> mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation >>> of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the >>> Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that >>> the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that >>> are under Turkish military control. >>> >>> >>> - >>> >>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >>> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >>> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >>> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >>> - >>> >>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based >>> at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >>> was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference >>> content from the world’s most important multinational organization. >>> - >>> >>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association >>> with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >>> >>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >>> >>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >>> Turkey’s Markets >>> >>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any >>> side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of >>> aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s >>> core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border >>> war crime regulatory frameworks. >>> >>> - >>> >>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >>> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >>> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >>> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >>> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >>> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >>> prohibited such transactions. >>> - >>> >>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English >>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International >>> acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance >>> for the Bank of Cyprus. >>> >>> >>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that >>> there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of >>> thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >>> >>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace >>> Manipulation >>> >>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank >>> Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international >>> attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of >>> dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given >>> to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >>> >>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >>> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >>> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >>> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >>> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>> >>> - >>> >>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >>> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >>> - >>> >>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any >>> kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >>> aggression. >>> - >>> >>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried >>> to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory >>> arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the >>> totality of such actions as war crimes. >>> >>> >>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined >>> for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, >>> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided >>> by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >>> >>> >>> - >>> >>> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the >>> previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >>> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >>> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >>> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >>> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >>> reaction function.” >>> - >>> >>> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >>> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >>> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >>> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >>> was manipulating inflation data. >>> - >>> >>> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked >>> Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >>> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >>> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >>> demand has been very supportive." >>> - >>> >>> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>> trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We >>> think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >>> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >>> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >>> >>> >>> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>> Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of >>> events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred >>> Agreement mandated by the United States of America. >>> >>> Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s >>> only military divided capital on the planet, - >>> should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related >>> to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a >>> common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only >>> apply in relation to international armed conflict. >>> >>> >>> War Crimes Against Humanity >>> >>> Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential >>> breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. >>> Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an >>> armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground >>> provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a >>> civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a >>> civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the >>> attack. >>> >>> >>> 1. >>> >>> We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to >>> assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we >>> determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and >>> corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. >>> 2. >>> >>> In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against >>> humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant >>> international instruments and case law. >>> 3. >>> >>> Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, >>> committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, >>> which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in >>> furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York >>> State bank regulation). >>> 4. >>> >>> Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on >>> political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other >>> grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under >>> international law. >>> 5. >>> >>> Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred >>> Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. >>> >>> >>> >>> - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other >>> inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, >>> or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes >>> against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as >>> Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace >>> and security of the United States of America. >>> >>> Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that >>> correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes >>> abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great >>> sacrifice to the Homeland. >>> >>> We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s >>> subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International >>> Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment. >>> >>> Respectfully yours with anticipation, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson - <> | >>> >>> <>MSc >>> <> >>> - Digital Currency >>> MBA >>> <> >>> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>> +1-646-454-9107 >>> >>

On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Hello: > > This is not a joke. > > *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to > respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. > > Ticktock. > > - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional > rights. > > Warm wishes, > > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > > > On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Hello: >> >> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Warm regards, >> >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> >> -- >> >> >> >> >> March 10, 2022 >> >> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >> >> Mr. John Marzulli >> United States Department of Justice >> Eastern District of New York >> 271 Cadman Plaza East >> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >> >> >> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >> >> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >> >> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 >> and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement >> <> >> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >> enforcement being concerned. >> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of >> a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only >> military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >> >> 1. >> >> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New >> York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >> armed conflict. >> 2. >> >> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider >> the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >> Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >> 3. >> >> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >> may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >> >> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping >> mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation >> of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the >> Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that >> the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that >> are under Turkish military control. >> >> >> - >> >> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >> - >> >> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based >> at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >> was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference >> content from the world’s most important multinational organization. >> - >> >> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with >> such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >> >> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >> >> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >> Turkey’s Markets >> >> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any >> side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of >> aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s >> core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border >> war crime regulatory frameworks. >> >> - >> >> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >> prohibited such transactions. >> - >> >> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language >> daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as >> Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the >> Bank of Cyprus. >> >> >> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that >> there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of >> thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >> >> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace >> Manipulation >> >> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank >> Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international >> attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of >> dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given >> to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >> >> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >> >> - >> >> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >> - >> >> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any >> kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >> aggression. >> - >> >> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried >> to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory >> arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the >> totality of such actions as war crimes. >> >> >> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for >> illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, >> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided >> by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >> >> >> - >> >> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the >> previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >> reaction function.” >> - >> >> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >> was manipulating inflation data. >> - >> >> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked >> Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >> demand has been very supportive." >> - >> >> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed >> Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think >> that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >> >> >> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >> Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above >> do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement >> mandated by the United States of America. >> >> Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s >> only military divided capital on the planet, - >> should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related >> to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a >> common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only >> apply in relation to international armed conflict. >> >> >> War Crimes Against Humanity >> >> Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential >> breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. >> Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an >> armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground >> provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a >> civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a >> civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the >> attack. >> >> >> 1. >> >> We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to >> assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we >> determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and >> corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. >> 2. >> >> In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against >> humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant >> international instruments and case law. >> 3. >> >> Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, >> committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, >> which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in >> furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York >> State bank regulation). >> 4. >> >> Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on >> political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other >> grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under >> international law. >> 5. >> >> Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred >> Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. >> >> >> >> - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other >> inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, >> or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes >> against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as >> Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace >> and security of the United States of America. >> >> Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that >> correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes >> abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great >> sacrifice to the Homeland. >> >> We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject >> matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal >> Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment. >> >> Respectfully yours with anticipation, >> >> Gunnar Larson - <> | >> >> <>MSc >> <> >> - Digital Currency >> MBA >> <> >> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >> +1-646-454-9107 >> >

On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Hello: > > This is not a joke. > > *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to > respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. > > Ticktock. > > - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional > rights. > > Warm wishes, > > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > > > On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Hello: >> >> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Warm regards, >> >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> >> -- >> >> >> >> >> March 10, 2022 >> >> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >> >> Mr. John Marzulli >> United States Department of Justice >> Eastern District of New York >> 271 Cadman Plaza East >> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >> >> >> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >> >> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >> >> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 >> and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement >> <> >> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >> enforcement being concerned. >> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of >> a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only >> military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >> >> 1. >> >> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New >> York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >> armed conflict. >> 2. >> >> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider >> the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >> Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >> 3. >> >> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >> may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >> >> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping >> mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation >> of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the >> Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that >> the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that >> are under Turkish military control. >> >> >> - >> >> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >> - >> >> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based >> at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >> was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference >> content from the world’s most important multinational organization. >> - >> >> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with >> such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >> >> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >> >> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >> Turkey’s Markets >> >> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any >> side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of >> aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s >> core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border >> war crime regulatory frameworks. >> >> - >> >> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >> prohibited such transactions. >> - >> >> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language >> daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as >> Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the >> Bank of Cyprus. >> >> >> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that >> there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of >> thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >> >> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace >> Manipulation >> >> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank >> Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international >> attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of >> dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given >> to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >> >> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >> >> - >> >> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >> - >> >> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any >> kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >> aggression. >> - >> >> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried >> to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory >> arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the >> totality of such actions as war crimes. >> >> >> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for >> illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, >> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided >> by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >> >> >> - >> >> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the >> previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >> reaction function.” >> - >> >> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >> was manipulating inflation data. >> - >> >> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked >> Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >> demand has been very supportive." >> - >> >> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed >> Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think >> that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >> >> >> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >> Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above >> do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement >> mandated by the United States of America. >> >> Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s >> only military divided capital on the planet, - >> should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related >> to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a >> common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only >> apply in relation to international armed conflict. >> >> >> War Crimes Against Humanity >> >> Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential >> breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. >> Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an >> armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground >> provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a >> civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a >> civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the >> attack. >> >> >> 1. >> >> We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to >> assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we >> determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and >> corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. >> 2. >> >> In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against >> humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant >> international instruments and case law. >> 3. >> >> Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, >> committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, >> which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in >> furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York >> State bank regulation). >> 4. >> >> Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on >> political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other >> grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under >> international law. >> 5. >> >> Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred >> Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. >> >> >> >> - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other >> inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, >> or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes >> against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as >> Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace >> and security of the United States of America. >> >> Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that >> correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes >> abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great >> sacrifice to the Homeland. >> >> We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject >> matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal >> Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment. >> >> Respectfully yours with anticipation, >> >> Gunnar Larson - <> | >> >> <>MSc >> <> >> - Digital Currency >> MBA >> <> >> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >> +1-646-454-9107 >> >

Dear Goldman Sachs: Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence <> By Hailey Konnath Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson <> | <>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053 On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Hello: > > Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse > tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed > to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). > > Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may > have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly > supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the > Deferred Agreement being self-policing. > > Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek > to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions > if the 48 hour window expires. > > A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a > deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. > > Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says > <> > > By Lauren Berg > > The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to > immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class > of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman > fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem > to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. > > 2 documents attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's > LBO deal must be executed as agreed. > > Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be > responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated > potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under > the Deferred Agreement’s purview. > > Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no > "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Warm regards, > > Gunnar Larson > > > On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Hello: >> >> This is not a joke. >> >> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >> respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >> >> Ticktock. >> >> - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Warm wishes, >> >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> >> >> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Hello: >>> >>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Warm regards, >>> >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> >>> -- >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> March 10, 2022 >>> >>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>> >>> Mr. John Marzulli >>> United States Department of Justice >>> Eastern District of New York >>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>> >>> >>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>> >>> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >>> >>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 >>> and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >>> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>> <> >>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >>> enforcement being concerned. >>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >>> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution >>> of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s >>> only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >>> >>> 1. >>> >>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New >>> York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >>> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >>> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >>> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >>> armed conflict. >>> 2. >>> >>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider >>> the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >>> Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >>> 3. >>> >>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >>> may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>> >>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping >>> mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation >>> of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the >>> Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that >>> the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that >>> are under Turkish military control. >>> >>> >>> - >>> >>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >>> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >>> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >>> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >>> - >>> >>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based >>> at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >>> was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference >>> content from the world’s most important multinational organization. >>> - >>> >>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association >>> with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >>> >>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >>> >>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >>> Turkey’s Markets >>> >>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any >>> side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of >>> aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s >>> core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border >>> war crime regulatory frameworks. >>> >>> - >>> >>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >>> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >>> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >>> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >>> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >>> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >>> prohibited such transactions. >>> - >>> >>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English >>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International >>> acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance >>> for the Bank of Cyprus. >>> >>> >>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that >>> there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of >>> thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >>> >>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace >>> Manipulation >>> >>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank >>> Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international >>> attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of >>> dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given >>> to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >>> >>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >>> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >>> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >>> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >>> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>> >>> - >>> >>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >>> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >>> - >>> >>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any >>> kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >>> aggression. >>> - >>> >>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried >>> to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory >>> arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the >>> totality of such actions as war crimes. >>> >>> >>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined >>> for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, >>> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided >>> by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >>> >>> >>> - >>> >>> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the >>> previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >>> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >>> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >>> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >>> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >>> reaction function.” >>> - >>> >>> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >>> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >>> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >>> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >>> was manipulating inflation data. >>> - >>> >>> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked >>> Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >>> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >>> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >>> demand has been very supportive." >>> - >>> >>> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>> trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We >>> think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >>> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >>> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >>> >>> >>> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>> Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of >>> events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred >>> Agreement mandated by the United States of America. >>> >>> Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s >>> only military divided capital on the planet, - >>> should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related >>> to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a >>> common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only >>> apply in relation to international armed conflict. >>> >>> >>> War Crimes Against Humanity >>> >>> Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential >>> breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. >>> Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an >>> armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground >>> provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a >>> civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a >>> civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the >>> attack. >>> >>> >>> 1. >>> >>> We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to >>> assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we >>> determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and >>> corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. >>> 2. >>> >>> In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against >>> humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant >>> international instruments and case law. >>> 3. >>> >>> Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, >>> committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, >>> which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in >>> furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York >>> State bank regulation). >>> 4. >>> >>> Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on >>> political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other >>> grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under >>> international law. >>> 5. >>> >>> Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred >>> Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. >>> >>> >>> >>> - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other >>> inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, >>> or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes >>> against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as >>> Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace >>> and security of the United States of America. >>> >>> Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that >>> correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes >>> abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great >>> sacrifice to the Homeland. >>> >>> We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s >>> subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International >>> Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment. >>> >>> Respectfully yours with anticipation, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson - <> | >>> >>> <>MSc >>> <> >>> - Digital Currency >>> MBA >>> <> >>> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>> +1-646-454-9107 >>> >>

Dear Goldman Sachs: - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass <> By Joanne Faulkner The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, analysts say. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence <>
By Hailey Konnath
Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Hello: > > Today - received third party private investor detail > that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by > someone on this email (they know who they are). > > When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, > - is extremely well positioned. > > However, when - learned who may have been the > programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. > > The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high > profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was > recovered in receivership in under a year. > > - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was > seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. > > The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer > worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign > agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a > foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. > > Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the > foreign agent registration for this programmer? > > We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking > to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. > > If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this > individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void > during his last trial in Manhattan. > > I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed > (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. > > Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP > matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. > > Today here is a similar story: > > Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud > <> > > By Sophia Dourou > > A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated > more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the > U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > > On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Hello: >> >> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse >> tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed >> to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >> >> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may >> have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >> >> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will >> seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >> >> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a >> deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >> >> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says >> <> >> >> By Lauren Berg >> >> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to >> immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class >> of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman >> fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem >> to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >> >> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >> >> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be >> responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated >> potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under >> the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >> >> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no >> "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Warm regards, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> >> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Hello: >>> >>> This is not a joke. >>> >>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>> respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>> >>> Ticktock. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Warm wishes, >>> >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> >>> >>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Hello: >>>> >>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Warm regards, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> >>>> -- >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> March 10, 2022 >>>> >>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>> >>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>> United States Department of Justice >>>> Eastern District of New York >>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>> >>>> >>>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>>> >>>> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >>>> >>>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 >>>> and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >>>> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>>> <> >>>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >>>> enforcement being concerned. >>>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >>>> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution >>>> of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s >>>> only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >>>> >>>> 1. >>>> >>>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of >>>> New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >>>> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >>>> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >>>> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >>>> armed conflict. >>>> 2. >>>> >>>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider >>>> the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >>>> Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >>>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >>>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >>>> 3. >>>> >>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >>>> may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>> >>>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations >>>> peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and >>>> occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey >>>> recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad >>>> recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of >>>> territories that are under Turkish military control. >>>> >>>> >>>> - >>>> >>>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >>>> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >>>> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >>>> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >>>> - >>>> >>>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, >>>> based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >>>> was credited with increasing the breadth and >>>> accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important >>>> multinational organization. >>>> - >>>> >>>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association >>>> with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >>>> >>>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >>>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >>>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >>>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >>>> >>>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >>>> Turkey’s Markets >>>> >>>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from >>>> any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act >>>> of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred >>>> Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate >>>> cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. >>>> >>>> - >>>> >>>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >>>> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >>>> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >>>> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >>>> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >>>> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >>>> prohibited such transactions. >>>> - >>>> >>>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English >>>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs >>>> International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M >>>> bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. >>>> >>>> >>>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that >>>> there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of >>>> thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >>>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >>>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >>>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >>>> >>>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace >>>> Manipulation >>>> >>>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime >>>> Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant >>>> international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost >>>> billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general >>>> term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >>>> >>>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >>>> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >>>> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >>>> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >>>> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>> >>>> - >>>> >>>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >>>> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >>>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >>>> - >>>> >>>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any >>>> kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >>>> aggression. >>>> - >>>> >>>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried >>>> to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory >>>> arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the >>>> totality of such actions as war crimes. >>>> >>>> >>>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >>>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >>>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >>>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined >>>> for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, >>>> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided >>>> by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >>>> >>>> >>>> - >>>> >>>> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the >>>> previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >>>> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >>>> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >>>> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >>>> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >>>> reaction function.” >>>> - >>>> >>>> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >>>> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >>>> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >>>> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >>>> was manipulating inflation data. >>>> - >>>> >>>> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>> hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >>>> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >>>> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >>>> demand has been very supportive." >>>> - >>>> >>>> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>> trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We >>>> think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >>>> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >>>> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >>>> >>>> >>>> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>> Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of >>>> events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred >>>> Agreement mandated by the United States of America. >>>> >>>> Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s >>>> only military divided capital on the planet, - >>>> should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related >>>> to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a >>>> common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only >>>> apply in relation to international armed conflict. >>>> >>>> >>>> War Crimes Against Humanity >>>> >>>> Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential >>>> breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. >>>> Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an >>>> armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground >>>> provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a >>>> civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a >>>> civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the >>>> attack. >>>> >>>> >>>> 1. >>>> >>>> We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to >>>> assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we >>>> determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and >>>> corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. >>>> 2. >>>> >>>> In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against >>>> humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant >>>> international instruments and case law. >>>> 3. >>>> >>>> Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, >>>> committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, >>>> which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in >>>> furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York >>>> State bank regulation). >>>> 4. >>>> >>>> Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on >>>> political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other >>>> grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under >>>> international law. >>>> 5. >>>> >>>> Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred >>>> Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other >>>> inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, >>>> or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes >>>> against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as >>>> Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace >>>> and security of the United States of America. >>>> >>>> Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that >>>> correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes >>>> abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great >>>> sacrifice to the Homeland. >>>> >>>> We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s >>>> subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International >>>> Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for >>>> comment. >>>> >>>> Respectfully yours with anticipation, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson - <> | >>>> >>>> <>MSc >>>> <> >>>> - Digital Currency >>>> MBA >>>> <> >>>> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>> +1-646-454-9107 >>>> >>>

Goldman Sachs: Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias <> By Dorothy Atkins Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against governments under various disguises while targeting -, and NATO. - is exploring possibilities of relevant injunctive relief in Orange County, California. Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs: - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass <>
By Joanne Faulkner
The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, analysts say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence <>
By Hailey Konnath
Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Dear Goldman Sachs: > > With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - > is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" > (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman > Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. > > These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may > have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." > > Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation > with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States > and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. > > Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor > investor. > > Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit > <> > > By Chart Riggall > > A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British > fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & > Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a > hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable. > > Order attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations > to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. > > As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's > Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. > > Warm regards, > > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > > On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Hello: >> >> Today - received third party private investor >> detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret >> theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >> >> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, >> - is extremely well positioned. >> >> However, when - learned who may have been the >> programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >> >> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high >> profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was >> recovered in receivership in under a year. >> >> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept >> was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >> >> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >> >> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the >> foreign agent registration for this programmer? >> >> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking >> to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >> >> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this >> individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void >> during his last trial in Manhattan. >> >> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the >> famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >> >> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP >> matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >> >> Today here is a similar story: >> >> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >> <> >> >> By Sophia Dourou >> >> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated >> more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the >> U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> >> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Hello: >>> >>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse >>> tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed >>> to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>> >>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may >>> have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>> >>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will >>> seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >>> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>> >>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a >>> deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>> >>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says >>> <> >>> >>> By Lauren Berg >>> >>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to >>> immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class >>> of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman >>> fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem >>> to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>> >>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >>> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>> >>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would >>> be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated >>> potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under >>> the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>> >>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no >>> "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Warm regards, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> >>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Hello: >>>> >>>> This is not a joke. >>>> >>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>> respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>> >>>> Ticktock. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Warm wishes, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> >>>> >>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hello: >>>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>>> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Warm regards, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>> >>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>> >>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>>>> >>>>> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >>>>> >>>>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 >>>>> and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >>>>> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution >>>>> Agreement >>>>> <> >>>>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >>>>> enforcement being concerned. >>>>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >>>>> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution >>>>> of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s >>>>> only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >>>>> >>>>> 1. >>>>> >>>>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of >>>>> New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >>>>> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >>>>> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >>>>> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >>>>> armed conflict. >>>>> 2. >>>>> >>>>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider >>>>> the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >>>>> Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >>>>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >>>>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >>>>> 3. >>>>> >>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the >>>>> DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>> >>>>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations >>>>> peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and >>>>> occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey >>>>> recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad >>>>> recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of >>>>> territories that are under Turkish military control. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >>>>> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >>>>> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >>>>> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, >>>>> based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >>>>> was credited with increasing the breadth and >>>>> accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important >>>>> multinational organization. >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association >>>>> with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >>>>> >>>>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >>>>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >>>>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >>>>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >>>>> >>>>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >>>>> Turkey’s Markets >>>>> >>>>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from >>>>> any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act >>>>> of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred >>>>> Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate >>>>> cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. >>>>> >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >>>>> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >>>>> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >>>>> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >>>>> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >>>>> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >>>>> prohibited such transactions. >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English >>>>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs >>>>> International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M >>>>> bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that >>>>> there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of >>>>> thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >>>>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >>>>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >>>>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >>>>> >>>>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace >>>>> Manipulation >>>>> >>>>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime >>>>> Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant >>>>> international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost >>>>> billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general >>>>> term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >>>>> >>>>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >>>>> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >>>>> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >>>>> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >>>>> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>> >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >>>>> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >>>>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any >>>>> kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >>>>> aggression. >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have >>>>> tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through >>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not >>>>> considered the totality of such actions as war crimes. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >>>>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >>>>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >>>>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined >>>>> for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, >>>>> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided >>>>> by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, >>>>> the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >>>>> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >>>>> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >>>>> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >>>>> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >>>>> reaction function.” >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >>>>> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >>>>> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >>>>> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >>>>> was manipulating inflation data. >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>>> hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >>>>> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >>>>> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >>>>> demand has been very supportive." >>>>> - >>>>> >>>>> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>>> trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We >>>>> think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >>>>> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >>>>> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>> Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of >>>>> events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred >>>>> Agreement mandated by the United States of America. >>>>> >>>>> Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the >>>>> world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - >>>>> should be protected from any association of crimes >>>>> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or >>>>> participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of >>>>> aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed >>>>> conflict. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> War Crimes Against Humanity >>>>> >>>>> Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential >>>>> breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. >>>>> Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an >>>>> armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground >>>>> provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a >>>>> civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a >>>>> civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the >>>>> attack. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> 1. >>>>> >>>>> We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to >>>>> assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we >>>>> determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and >>>>> corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. >>>>> >>>>> 2. >>>>> >>>>> In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against >>>>> humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant >>>>> international instruments and case law. >>>>> 3. >>>>> >>>>> Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, >>>>> committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, >>>>> which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in >>>>> furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York >>>>> State bank regulation). >>>>> 4. >>>>> >>>>> Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity >>>>> on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or >>>>> other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under >>>>> international law. >>>>> 5. >>>>> >>>>> Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred >>>>> Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other >>>>> inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, >>>>> or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes >>>>> against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as >>>>> Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace >>>>> and security of the United States of America. >>>>> >>>>> Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that >>>>> correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes >>>>> abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great >>>>> sacrifice to the Homeland. >>>>> >>>>> We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s >>>>> subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International >>>>> Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for >>>>> comment. >>>>> >>>>> Respectfully yours with anticipation, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson - <> | >>>>> >>>>> <>MSc >>>>> <> >>>>> - Digital Currency >>>>> MBA >>>>> <> >>>>> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>> +1-646-454-9107 >>>>> >>>>

Goldman Sachs: Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility <> By Alex Davidson An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement.
Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias <>
By Dorothy Atkins
Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against governments under various disguises while targeting -, and NATO. - is exploring possibilities of relevant injunctive relief in Orange County, California.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs: - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass <>
By Joanne Faulkner
The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, analysts say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence <>
By Hailey Konnath
Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Dear Goldman Sachs: > > As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI > initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of > sabotage. > > - notes business structures hinged on regulatory > arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the > Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. > > As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United > Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. > > -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active > Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. > > If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this: > > Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight > <> > > By Ryan Harroff > > A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to > add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record > while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and > his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said > were irrelevant. > > 3 documents attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > > Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value > appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. > Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist > in defrauding - > > We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via > an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman > Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing > against - visavie paid Orange County, California > consultancy. > > As a successful young Republican, > - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman > Sachs. > > Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a > Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the > United Negro College Fund. > > The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes > behind the state seals of Florida and New York. > Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with > the seal of New York City. > > With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the > very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban > lifted. > > Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black > Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. > This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the > United States and abroad. > > - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted > is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance > marketplace. > > This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs > may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance > by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. > > -- > > Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris > confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney > and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could > engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, > seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand > this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. > > NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that > Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' > Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. > > Either way, - plans to explore execution of various > provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, > 2025. > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Dear Goldman Sachs: >> >> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >> - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and >> "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the >> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >> America. >> >> These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs >> may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." >> >> Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation >> with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States >> and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. >> >> Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor >> investor. >> >> Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit >> <> >> >> By Chart Riggall >> >> A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British >> fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & >> Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a >> hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable. >> >> Order attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations >> to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. >> >> As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's >> Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. >> >> Warm regards, >> >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> >> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Hello: >>> >>> Today - received third party private investor >>> detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret >>> theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >>> >>> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, >>> - is extremely well positioned. >>> >>> However, when - learned who may have been the >>> programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >>> >>> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very >>> high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money >>> was recovered in receivership in under a year. >>> >>> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept >>> was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >>> >>> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >>> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >>> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >>> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >>> >>> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the >>> foreign agent registration for this programmer? >>> >>> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is >>> looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >>> >>> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this >>> individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void >>> during his last trial in Manhattan. >>> >>> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the >>> famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >>> >>> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta >>> IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >>> >>> Today here is a similar story: >>> >>> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >>> <> >>> >>> By Sophia Dourou >>> >>> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that >>> generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face >>> extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed >>> on Monday. >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> >>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Hello: >>>> >>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse >>>> tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed >>>> to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>>> >>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may >>>> have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>> >>>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will >>>> seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >>>> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>>> >>>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a >>>> deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>>> >>>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Lauren Berg >>>> >>>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to >>>> immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class >>>> of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman >>>> fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem >>>> to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>>> >>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >>>> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>>> >>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would >>>> be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated >>>> potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under >>>> the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>> >>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no >>>> "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Warm regards, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> >>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hello: >>>>> >>>>> This is not a joke. >>>>> >>>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>>> respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>> >>>>> Ticktock. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Warm wishes, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Hello: >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>>>> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> -- >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>>> >>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>>> >>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>>>>> >>>>>> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >>>>>> >>>>>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo >>>>>> #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >>>>>> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution >>>>>> Agreement >>>>>> <> >>>>>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >>>>>> enforcement being concerned. >>>>>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >>>>>> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or >>>>>> execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the >>>>>> world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >>>>>> >>>>>> 1. >>>>>> >>>>>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of >>>>>> New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >>>>>> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >>>>>> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >>>>>> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >>>>>> armed conflict. >>>>>> 2. >>>>>> >>>>>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and >>>>>> consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>>> Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >>>>>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >>>>>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >>>>>> 3. >>>>>> >>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the >>>>>> DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>> >>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations >>>>>> peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and >>>>>> occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey >>>>>> recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad >>>>>> recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of >>>>>> territories that are under Turkish military control. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >>>>>> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >>>>>> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >>>>>> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, >>>>>> based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >>>>>> was credited with increasing the breadth and >>>>>> accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important >>>>>> multinational organization. >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association >>>>>> with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >>>>>> >>>>>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >>>>>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >>>>>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >>>>>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >>>>>> >>>>>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >>>>>> Turkey’s Markets >>>>>> >>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from >>>>>> any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act >>>>>> of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred >>>>>> Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate >>>>>> cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. >>>>>> >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >>>>>> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >>>>>> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >>>>>> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >>>>>> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >>>>>> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >>>>>> prohibited such transactions. >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English >>>>>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs >>>>>> International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M >>>>>> bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes >>>>>> that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort >>>>>> of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >>>>>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >>>>>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >>>>>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >>>>>> >>>>>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace >>>>>> Manipulation >>>>>> >>>>>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime >>>>>> Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant >>>>>> international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost >>>>>> billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general >>>>>> term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >>>>>> >>>>>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >>>>>> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >>>>>> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >>>>>> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >>>>>> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>> >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >>>>>> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >>>>>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of >>>>>> any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >>>>>> aggression. >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have >>>>>> tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through >>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not >>>>>> considered the totality of such actions as war crimes. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >>>>>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >>>>>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >>>>>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined >>>>>> for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, >>>>>> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided >>>>>> by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, >>>>>> the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >>>>>> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >>>>>> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >>>>>> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >>>>>> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >>>>>> reaction function.” >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >>>>>> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >>>>>> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >>>>>> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >>>>>> was manipulating inflation data. >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>>>> hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >>>>>> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >>>>>> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >>>>>> demand has been very supportive." >>>>>> - >>>>>> >>>>>> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>>>> trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We >>>>>> think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >>>>>> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >>>>>> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>>> Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of >>>>>> events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred >>>>>> Agreement mandated by the United States of America. < >>>>>> >>>>>

Goldman Sachs: Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation <> By Elliot Weld Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced lawyers. Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly as a class. There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's association with Coinbase. The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar mandate. Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing.
Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility <>
By Alex Davidson
An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement.
Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias <>
By Dorothy Atkins
Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against governments under various disguises while targeting -, and NATO. - is exploring possibilities of relevant injunctive relief in Orange County, California.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs: - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass <>
By Joanne Faulkner
The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, analysts say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence <>
By Hailey Konnath
Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - > is not a "GS" stock holder. > > However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California > consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing > position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred > Prosecution Agreement. > > Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement > <> > > By Yun Park > > A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has > accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books > for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 > liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information > requested by the investor. > > Complaint attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > > - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if > there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from > orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March > 10, 2022 found here: > > > A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of > Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer > Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): > > > Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as > strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, > and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). > Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle > for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, > particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their > investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key > considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by > sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen > planning. > > BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential > cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar > research/innovation communication and's business plan execution > strategy. > > The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the > gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already > delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these > countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit > to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and > sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny > Leipziger in 2007. > > World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds > divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and > into the bank accounts of the wealthy. > > is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue > for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market > history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the > misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data > input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the > results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors > billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, > while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities > markets. > > Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto > Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes > > In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive > Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex > corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to > "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, > conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing > maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had > a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with > significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various > state and federal regulators. > > Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and > blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure > and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of > innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software > technologies. > > Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the > meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: > > Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility > placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other > federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions > such as blockchain systems and processes. > > Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow > corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial > and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting > required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts. > > Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, > including financial risk management tools powered by computer software. > > Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its > regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron > established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to > prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. > > Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives > and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software > tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with > special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks > associated with the transactions. > > Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the > board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board > was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor > transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the > entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper > accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were > dependent on board decisions. > > Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes > Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal > penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented > disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order > reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements > were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation > of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so > that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the > requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely > information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including > pension protections). > > The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure > obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate > control. > > In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement > actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after > taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. > > These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging > issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are > still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation. > > The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, > including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in > monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment > advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. > > Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group > activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some > cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is > sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. > > Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 > Highlights) > > Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for > United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been >’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto > Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business > innovation moving forward. > > The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as > Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to > or would result in: > > The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the > issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; > > An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, > reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its > subsidiaries; > > A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or > any of its subsidiaries; > > Any change in the present board of directors or management of the > issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of > directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; > > Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy > of the issuer; > > Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate > structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered > closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes > in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the > Investment Company Act of 1940; > > Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding > thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the > issuer by any person; > > Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a > national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in > an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities > association; > > A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for > termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or > > Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. > > Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per > best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when > market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits > blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless > consequences. > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > > On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Dear Goldman Sachs: >> >> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI >> initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of >> sabotage. >> >> - notes business structures hinged on regulatory >> arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the >> Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >> >> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United >> Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >> >> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active >> Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >> >> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like >> this: >> >> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >> <> >> >> By Ryan Harroff >> >> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request >> to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's >> record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander >> Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank >> initially said were irrelevant. >> >> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> >> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value >> appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. >> Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist >> in defrauding - >> >> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via >> an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman >> Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing >> against - visavie paid Orange County, California >> consultancy. >> >> As a successful young Republican, >> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman >> Sachs. >> >> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as >> a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the >> United Negro College Fund. >> >> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes >> behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with >> the seal of New York City. >> >> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the >> very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >> lifted. >> >> Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million >> Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to >> fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures >> in the United States and abroad. >> >> - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted >> is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance >> marketplace. >> >> This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman >> Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension >> malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. >> >> -- >> >> Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris >> confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney >> and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could >> engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, >> seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand >> this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. >> >> NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that >> Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' >> Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. >> >> Either way, - plans to explore execution of various >> provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, >> 2025. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>> - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and >>> "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the >>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>> America. >>> >>> These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs >>> may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." >>> >>> Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation >>> with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States >>> and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. >>> >>> Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor >>> investor. >>> >>> Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Chart Riggall >>> >>> A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British >>> fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & >>> Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a >>> hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable. >>> >>> Order attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations >>> to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. >>> >>> As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's >>> Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. >>> >>> Warm regards, >>> >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> >>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Hello: >>>> >>>> Today - received third party private investor >>>> detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret >>>> theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >>>> >>>> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, >>>> - is extremely well positioned. >>>> >>>> However, when - learned who may have been the >>>> programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >>>> >>>> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very >>>> high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money >>>> was recovered in receivership in under a year. >>>> >>>> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept >>>> was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >>>> >>>> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >>>> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >>>> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >>>> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >>>> >>>> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the >>>> foreign agent registration for this programmer? >>>> >>>> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is >>>> looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >>>> >>>> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this >>>> individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void >>>> during his last trial in Manhattan. >>>> >>>> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the >>>> famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >>>> >>>> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta >>>> IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >>>> >>>> Today here is a similar story: >>>> >>>> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Sophia Dourou >>>> >>>> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that >>>> generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face >>>> extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed >>>> on Monday. >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> >>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hello: >>>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse >>>>> tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed >>>>> to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>>>> >>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >>>>> may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>> >>>>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will >>>>> seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >>>>> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>>>> >>>>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a >>>>> deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>>>> >>>>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>> >>>>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to >>>>> immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class >>>>> of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman >>>>> fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem >>>>> to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>>>> >>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >>>>> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would >>>>> be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated >>>>> potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under >>>>> the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no >>>>> "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Warm regards, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Hello: >>>>>> >>>>>> This is not a joke. >>>>>> >>>>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>>>> respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>> >>>>>> Ticktock. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Warm wishes, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>>>>> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo >>>>>>> #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >>>>>>> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution >>>>>>> Agreement >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >>>>>>> enforcement being concerned. >>>>>>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >>>>>>> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or >>>>>>> execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the >>>>>>> world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 1. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of >>>>>>> New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >>>>>>> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >>>>>>> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >>>>>>> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >>>>>>> armed conflict. >>>>>>> 2. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and >>>>>>> consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >>>>>>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >>>>>>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >>>>>>> 3. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the >>>>>>> DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations >>>>>>> peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and >>>>>>> occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey >>>>>>> recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad >>>>>>> recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of >>>>>>> territories that are under Turkish military control. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >>>>>>> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >>>>>>> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >>>>>>> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, >>>>>>> based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >>>>>>> was credited with increasing the breadth and >>>>>>> accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important >>>>>>> multinational organization. >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association >>>>>>> with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >>>>>>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >>>>>>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >>>>>>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >>>>>>> Turkey’s Markets >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from >>>>>>> any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act >>>>>>> of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred >>>>>>> Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate >>>>>>> cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >>>>>>> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >>>>>>> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >>>>>>> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >>>>>>> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >>>>>>> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >>>>>>> prohibited such transactions. >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English >>>>>>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs >>>>>>> International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M >>>>>>> bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes >>>>>>> that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort >>>>>>> of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >>>>>>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >>>>>>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >>>>>>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and >>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime >>>>>>> Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant >>>>>>> international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost >>>>>>> billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general >>>>>>> term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >>>>>>> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >>>>>>> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >>>>>>> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >>>>>>> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >>>>>>> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >>>>>>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of >>>>>>> any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >>>>>>> aggression. >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have >>>>>>> tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through >>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not >>>>>>> considered the totality of such actions as war crimes. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >>>>>>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >>>>>>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >>>>>>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was >>>>>>> fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish >>>>>>> government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have >>>>>>> been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, >>>>>>> the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >>>>>>> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >>>>>>> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >>>>>>> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >>>>>>> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >>>>>>> reaction function.” >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >>>>>>> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >>>>>>> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >>>>>>> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >>>>>>> was manipulating inflation data. >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>>>>> hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >>>>>>> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >>>>>>> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >>>>>>> demand has been very supportive." >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>>>>> trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We >>>>>>> think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >>>>>>> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >>>>>>> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of >>>>>>> events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred >>>>>>> Agreement mandated by the United States of America. < >>>>>>> >>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: An update from earlier today: BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In Crypto <> By Phillip Bantz U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days. 2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation <>
By Elliot Weld
Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced lawyers.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly as a class.
There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's association with Coinbase.
The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar mandate.
Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing.
Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility <>
By Alex Davidson
An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement.
Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias <>
By Dorothy Atkins
Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against governments under various disguises while targeting -, and NATO. - is exploring possibilities of relevant injunctive relief in Orange County, California.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs: - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass <>
By Joanne Faulkner
The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, analysts say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence <>
By Hailey Konnath
Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with > - leadership. > > The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance > Journalist. > > Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is > willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over > the world. > > If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the > FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to > violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. > > Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix > <> > > By Adam Lidgett > > A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property > strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. > requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant. > > Decision attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has > accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking > will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution > Agreement. > > - notes business structures hinged on regulatory > arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the > Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. > > As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost > credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal. > > When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious > that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile > General Attorney. > > Madam Attorney General James: > > Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - > demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' > leadership. > > It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS > Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The > insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance > fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York > Stock Exchange recently. > > NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to > this effect. > > Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired > Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to > Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. > > NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - > would like to proceed in protecting the public. > > Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar > Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with > Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions > behind perpetuating this romance fraud. > > Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada > roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can > confirm with NYAG if this is factual. > > Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is > conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' > Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. > > Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not > rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris > is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of > being disbarred. > > Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the > NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. > > - plans on making good on this failure at the New > York Stock Exchange anyway possible. > > Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada > investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >> is not a "GS" stock holder. >> >> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >> Prosecution Agreement. >> >> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >> <> >> >> By Yun Park >> >> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has >> accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books >> for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 >> liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information >> requested by the investor. >> >> Complaint attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> >> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows >> if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from >> orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March >> 10, 2022 found here: >> >> >> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of >> Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer >> Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >> >> >> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well >> as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >> directors). >> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle >> for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, >> particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their >> investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >> planning. >> >> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential >> cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar >> research/innovation communication and's business plan execution >> strategy. >> >> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger >> the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already >> delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >> Leipziger in 2007. >> >> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds >> divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and >> into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >> >> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue >> for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market >> history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the >> misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data >> input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the >> results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors >> billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, >> while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities >> markets. >> >> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >> >> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive >> Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex >> corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to >> "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, >> conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing >> maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had >> a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with >> significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various >> state and federal regulators. >> >> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and >> blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure >> and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of >> innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software >> technologies. >> >> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >> >> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility >> placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other >> federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions >> such as blockchain systems and processes. >> >> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow >> corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial >> and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting >> required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts. >> >> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, >> including financial risk management tools powered by computer software. >> >> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its >> regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >> >> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives >> and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software >> tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with >> special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks >> associated with the transactions. >> >> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the >> board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board >> was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor >> transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the >> entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >> dependent on board decisions. >> >> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to >> criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >> (including pension protections). >> >> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >> control. >> >> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement >> actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after >> taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >> >> These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging >> issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are >> still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation. >> >> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, >> including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in >> monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment >> advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >> >> Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group >> activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some >> cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is >> sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >> >> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 >> Highlights) >> >> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for >> United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been >>’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto >> Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business >> innovation moving forward. >> >> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such >> as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate >> to or would result in: >> >> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the >> issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >> >> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >> subsidiaries; >> >> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or >> any of its subsidiaries; >> >> Any change in the present board of directors or management of the >> issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of >> directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >> >> Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend >> policy of the issuer; >> >> Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate >> structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered >> closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes >> in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the >> Investment Company Act of 1940; >> >> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >> control of the issuer by any person; >> >> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a >> national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in >> an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities >> association; >> >> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for >> termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or >> >> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >> >> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per >> best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when >> market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits >> blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless >> consequences. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> >> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI >>> initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of >>> sabotage. >>> >>> - notes business structures hinged on regulatory >>> arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the >>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>> >>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United >>> Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >>> >>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active >>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>> >>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like >>> this: >>> >>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>> <> >>> >>> By Ryan Harroff >>> >>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request >>> to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's >>> record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander >>> Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank >>> initially said were irrelevant. >>> >>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> >>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value >>> appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. >>> Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist >>> in defrauding - >>> >>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. >>> Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>> consultancy. >>> >>> As a successful young Republican, >>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman >>> Sachs. >>> >>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as >>> a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the >>> United Negro College Fund. >>> >>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes >>> behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with >>> the seal of New York City. >>> >>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the >>> very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>> lifted. >>> >>> Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million >>> Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to >>> fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures >>> in the United States and abroad. >>> >>> - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted >>> is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance >>> marketplace. >>> >>> This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman >>> Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension >>> malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. >>> >>> -- >>> >>> Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris >>> confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney >>> and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could >>> engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, >>> seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand >>> this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. >>> >>> NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that >>> Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' >>> Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. >>> >>> Either way, - plans to explore execution of >>> various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February >>> 12, 2025. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>>> - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and >>>> "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the >>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>> America. >>>> >>>> These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs >>>> may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." >>>> >>>> Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation >>>> with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States >>>> and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. >>>> >>>> Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor >>>> investor. >>>> >>>> Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Chart Riggall >>>> >>>> A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British >>>> fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & >>>> Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a >>>> hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable. >>>> >>>> Order attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' >>>> violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. >>>> >>>> As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the >>>> agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. >>>> >>>> Warm regards, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> >>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hello: >>>>> >>>>> Today - received third party private investor >>>>> detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret >>>>> theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >>>>> >>>>> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, >>>>> - is extremely well positioned. >>>>> >>>>> However, when - learned who may have been the >>>>> programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >>>>> >>>>> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very >>>>> high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money >>>>> was recovered in receivership in under a year. >>>>> >>>>> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept >>>>> was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >>>>> >>>>> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >>>>> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >>>>> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >>>>> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >>>>> >>>>> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide >>>>> the foreign agent registration for this programmer? >>>>> >>>>> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is >>>>> looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >>>>> >>>>> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this >>>>> individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void >>>>> during his last trial in Manhattan. >>>>> >>>>> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the >>>>> famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >>>>> >>>>> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta >>>>> IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >>>>> >>>>> Today here is a similar story: >>>>> >>>>> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Sophia Dourou >>>>> >>>>> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that >>>>> generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face >>>>> extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed >>>>> on Monday. >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Hello: >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse >>>>>> tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed >>>>>> to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>>>>> >>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >>>>>> may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>> >>>>>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will >>>>>> seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >>>>>> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>>>>> >>>>>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as >>>>>> a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>>>>> >>>>>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>> >>>>>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to >>>>>> immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class >>>>>> of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman >>>>>> fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem >>>>>> to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>>>>> >>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >>>>>> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage >>>>>> would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously >>>>>> orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code >>>>>> while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that >>>>>> no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> This is not a joke. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>>>>> respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Ticktock. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Warm wishes, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>>>>>> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo >>>>>>>> #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution >>>>>>>> Agreement >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >>>>>>>> enforcement being concerned. >>>>>>>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with >>>>>>>> war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or >>>>>>>> execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the >>>>>>>> world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> 1. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment >>>>>>>> of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war >>>>>>>> crime against peace, related to the planning, >>>>>>>> preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or >>>>>>>> conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation >>>>>>>> to international armed conflict. >>>>>>>> 2. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and >>>>>>>> consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >>>>>>>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >>>>>>>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >>>>>>>> 3. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the >>>>>>>> DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations >>>>>>>> peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and >>>>>>>> occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey >>>>>>>> recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad >>>>>>>> recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of >>>>>>>> territories that are under Turkish military control. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >>>>>>>> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >>>>>>>> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >>>>>>>> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, >>>>>>>> based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >>>>>>>> was credited with increasing the breadth and >>>>>>>> accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important >>>>>>>> multinational organization. >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent >>>>>>>> association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International >>>>>>>> Law. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >>>>>>>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >>>>>>>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >>>>>>>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities >>>>>>>> of Turkey’s Markets >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it >>>>>>>> from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border >>>>>>>> act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred >>>>>>>> Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate >>>>>>>> cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that >>>>>>>> Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, >>>>>>>> just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock >>>>>>>> and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>> was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling >>>>>>>> without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that >>>>>>>> temporarily prohibited such transactions. >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English >>>>>>>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>> International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M >>>>>>>> bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes >>>>>>>> that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort >>>>>>>> of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >>>>>>>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >>>>>>>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >>>>>>>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and >>>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime >>>>>>>> Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant >>>>>>>> international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost >>>>>>>> billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general >>>>>>>> term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith >>>>>>>> (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a >>>>>>>> pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest >>>>>>>> financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and >>>>>>>> then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime >>>>>>>> Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >>>>>>>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of >>>>>>>> any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >>>>>>>> aggression. >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have >>>>>>>> tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through >>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not >>>>>>>> considered the totality of such actions as war crimes. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >>>>>>>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >>>>>>>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >>>>>>>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was >>>>>>>> fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish >>>>>>>> government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have >>>>>>>> been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, >>>>>>>> the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >>>>>>>> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >>>>>>>> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >>>>>>>> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >>>>>>>> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >>>>>>>> reaction function.” >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious >>>>>>>> concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >>>>>>>> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >>>>>>>> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >>>>>>>> was manipulating inflation data. >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>> hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >>>>>>>> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >>>>>>>> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >>>>>>>> demand has been very supportive." >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>> trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We >>>>>>>> think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >>>>>>>> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >>>>>>>> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline >>>>>>>> of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred >>>>>>>> Agreement mandated by the United States of America. < >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: - plans on taking our case to Orange County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and Gunnar Larson. Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy <> By Isaac Monterose Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme. Brief attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
An update from earlier today:
BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In Crypto <>
By Phillip Bantz
U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation <>
By Elliot Weld
Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced lawyers.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly as a class.
There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's association with Coinbase.
The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar mandate.
Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing.
Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility <>
By Alex Davidson
An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement.
Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias <>
By Dorothy Atkins
Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against governments under various disguises while targeting -, and NATO. - is exploring possibilities of relevant injunctive relief in Orange County, California.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs: - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass <>
By Joanne Faulkner
The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, analysts say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence <>
By Hailey Konnath
Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with >> - leadership. >> >> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance >> Journalist. >> >> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is >> willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over >> the world. >> >> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, >> the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to >> violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >> >> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >> <> >> >> By Adam Lidgett >> >> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property >> strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. >> requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant. >> >> Decision attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy >> has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking >> will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution >> Agreement. >> >> - notes business structures hinged on regulatory >> arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the >> Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >> >> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost >> credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal. >> >> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious >> that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile >> General Attorney. >> >> Madam Attorney General James: >> >> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' >> leadership. >> >> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS >> Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The >> insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >> Stock Exchange recently. >> >> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to >> this effect. >> >> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired >> Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >> >> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - >> would like to proceed in protecting the public. >> >> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar >> Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with >> Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions >> behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >> >> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada >> roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can >> confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >> >> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >> >> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not >> rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris >> is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of >> being disbarred. >> >> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and >> the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they >> failed. >> >> - plans on making good on this failure at the New >> York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >> >> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada >> investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>> >>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>> Prosecution Agreement. >>> >>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>> <> >>> >>> By Yun Park >>> >>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has >>> accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books >>> for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 >>> liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information >>> requested by the investor. >>> >>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> >>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows >>> if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from >>> orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March >>> 10, 2022 found here: >>> >>> >>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of >>> Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer >>> Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>> >>> >>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well >>> as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>> directors). >>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle >>> for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, >>> particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their >>> investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>> planning. >>> >>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential >>> cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar >>> research/innovation communication and's business plan execution >>> strategy. >>> >>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger >>> the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already >>> delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>> Leipziger in 2007. >>> >>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds >>> divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and >>> into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>> >>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue >>> for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market >>> history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the >>> misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data >>> input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the >>> results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors >>> billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, >>> while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities >>> markets. >>> >>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >>> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>> >>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive >>> Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex >>> corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to >>> "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, >>> conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing >>> maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had >>> a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with >>> significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various >>> state and federal regulators. >>> >>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and >>> blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure >>> and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of >>> innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software >>> technologies. >>> >>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >>> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>> >>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility >>> placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other >>> federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions >>> such as blockchain systems and processes. >>> >>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow >>> corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial >>> and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting >>> required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts. >>> >>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>> software. >>> >>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its >>> regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>> >>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives >>> and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software >>> tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with >>> special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks >>> associated with the transactions. >>> >>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the >>> board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board >>> was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor >>> transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the >>> entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>> dependent on board decisions. >>> >>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to >>> criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>> (including pension protections). >>> >>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>> control. >>> >>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement >>> actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after >>> taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>> >>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging >>> issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are >>> still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation. >>> >>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, >>> including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in >>> monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment >>> advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>> >>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting >>> group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in >>> some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is >>> sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>> >>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 >>> Highlights) >>> >>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for >>> United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been >>>’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto >>> Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business >>> innovation moving forward. >>> >>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such >>> as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate >>> to or would result in: >>> >>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the >>> issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>> >>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>> subsidiaries; >>> >>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or >>> any of its subsidiaries; >>> >>> Any change in the present board of directors or management of the >>> issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of >>> directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>> >>> Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend >>> policy of the issuer; >>> >>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate >>> structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered >>> closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes >>> in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the >>> Investment Company Act of 1940; >>> >>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>> control of the issuer by any person; >>> >>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a >>> national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in >>> an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities >>> association; >>> >>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for >>> termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or >>> >>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>> >>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per >>> best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when >>> market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits >>> blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless >>> consequences. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> >>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI >>>> initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of >>>> sabotage. >>>> >>>> - notes business structures hinged on regulatory >>>> arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the >>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>> >>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" >>>> (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >>>> >>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an >>>> active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>> >>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like >>>> this: >>>> >>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>> >>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request >>>> to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's >>>> record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander >>>> Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank >>>> initially said were irrelevant. >>>> >>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> >>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value >>>> appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. >>>> Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist >>>> in defrauding - >>>> >>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. >>>> Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>> consultancy. >>>> >>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at >>>> Goldman Sachs. >>>> >>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking >>>> as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by >>>> the United Negro College Fund. >>>> >>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in >>>> themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with >>>> the seal of New York City. >>>> >>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at >>>> the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>> lifted. >>>> >>>> Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million >>>> Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to >>>> fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures >>>> in the United States and abroad. >>>> >>>> - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>> lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance >>>> marketplace. >>>> >>>> This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman >>>> Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension >>>> malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. >>>> >>>> -- >>>> >>>> Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris >>>> confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney >>>> and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could >>>> engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, >>>> seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand >>>> this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. >>>> >>>> NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that >>>> Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' >>>> Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. >>>> >>>> Either way, - plans to explore execution of >>>> various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February >>>> 12, 2025. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>>>> - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and >>>>> "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the >>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>> America. >>>>> >>>>> These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs >>>>> may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." >>>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation >>>>> with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States >>>>> and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. >>>>> >>>>> Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor >>>>> investor. >>>>> >>>>> Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Chart Riggall >>>>> >>>>> A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a >>>>> British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm >>>>> Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling >>>>> Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely >>>>> unenforceable. >>>>> >>>>> Order attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' >>>>> violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. >>>>> >>>>> As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the >>>>> agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. >>>>> >>>>> Warm regards, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Hello: >>>>>> >>>>>> Today - received third party private investor >>>>>> detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret >>>>>> theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >>>>>> >>>>>> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, >>>>>> - is extremely well positioned. >>>>>> >>>>>> However, when - learned who may have been the >>>>>> programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >>>>>> >>>>>> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very >>>>>> high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money >>>>>> was recovered in receivership in under a year. >>>>>> >>>>>> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" >>>>>> concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >>>>>> >>>>>> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >>>>>> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >>>>>> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >>>>>> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >>>>>> >>>>>> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide >>>>>> the foreign agent registration for this programmer? >>>>>> >>>>>> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is >>>>>> looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >>>>>> >>>>>> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this >>>>>> individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void >>>>>> during his last trial in Manhattan. >>>>>> >>>>>> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the >>>>>> famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >>>>>> >>>>>> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents >>>>>> Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >>>>>> >>>>>> Today here is a similar story: >>>>>> >>>>>> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Sophia Dourou >>>>>> >>>>>> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that >>>>>> generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face >>>>>> extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed >>>>>> on Monday. >>>>>> >>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse >>>>>>> tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed >>>>>>> to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >>>>>>> may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - >>>>>>> will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >>>>>>> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as >>>>>>> a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to >>>>>>> immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class >>>>>>> of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman >>>>>>> fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem >>>>>>> to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >>>>>>> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage >>>>>>> would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously >>>>>>> orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code >>>>>>> while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that >>>>>>> no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> This is not a joke. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>>>>>> respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Ticktock. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Warm wishes, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>>>>>>> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>>>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>>>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, >>>>>>>>> Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development >>>>>>>>> Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred >>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >>>>>>>>> enforcement being concerned. >>>>>>>>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with >>>>>>>>> war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or >>>>>>>>> execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the >>>>>>>>> world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> 1. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment >>>>>>>>> of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war >>>>>>>>> crime against peace, related to the planning, >>>>>>>>> preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or >>>>>>>>> conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation >>>>>>>>> to international armed conflict. >>>>>>>>> 2. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and >>>>>>>>> consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >>>>>>>>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >>>>>>>>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >>>>>>>>> 3. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly >>>>>>>>> the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations >>>>>>>>> peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and >>>>>>>>> occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey >>>>>>>>> recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad >>>>>>>>> recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of >>>>>>>>> territories that are under Turkish military control. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of >>>>>>>>> the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the >>>>>>>>> United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of >>>>>>>>> North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in >>>>>>>>> 2004. >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, >>>>>>>>> based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >>>>>>>>> was credited with increasing the breadth and >>>>>>>>> accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important >>>>>>>>> multinational organization. >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent >>>>>>>>> association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International >>>>>>>>> Law. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >>>>>>>>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >>>>>>>>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >>>>>>>>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities >>>>>>>>> of Turkey’s Markets >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it >>>>>>>>> from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border >>>>>>>>> act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred >>>>>>>>> Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate >>>>>>>>> cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that >>>>>>>>> Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, >>>>>>>>> just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock >>>>>>>>> and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>> was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling >>>>>>>>> without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that >>>>>>>>> temporarily prohibited such transactions. >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English >>>>>>>>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>> International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M >>>>>>>>> bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes >>>>>>>>> that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort >>>>>>>>> of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >>>>>>>>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >>>>>>>>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >>>>>>>>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and >>>>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that >>>>>>>>> Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted >>>>>>>>> significant international attention, since individuals and organizations >>>>>>>>> have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is >>>>>>>>> the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many >>>>>>>>> different names. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith >>>>>>>>> (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a >>>>>>>>> pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest >>>>>>>>> financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and >>>>>>>>> then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime >>>>>>>>> Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >>>>>>>>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of >>>>>>>>> any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >>>>>>>>> aggression. >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have >>>>>>>>> tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through >>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not >>>>>>>>> considered the totality of such actions as war crimes. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >>>>>>>>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >>>>>>>>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >>>>>>>>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was >>>>>>>>> fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish >>>>>>>>> government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have >>>>>>>>> been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, >>>>>>>>> the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >>>>>>>>> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >>>>>>>>> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >>>>>>>>> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >>>>>>>>> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >>>>>>>>> reaction function.” >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious >>>>>>>>> concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >>>>>>>>> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >>>>>>>>> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >>>>>>>>> was manipulating inflation data. >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>> hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >>>>>>>>> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >>>>>>>>> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >>>>>>>>> demand has been very supportive." >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>> trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We >>>>>>>>> think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >>>>>>>>> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >>>>>>>>> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline >>>>>>>>> of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred >>>>>>>>> Agreement mandated by the United States of America. < >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: - has no big problem serving your firm properly. Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' collapse. FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit <> By Lauren Berg The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring prior to its collapse two years ago. Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - plans on taking our case to Orange County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and Gunnar Larson.
Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy <>
By Isaac Monterose
Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme.
Brief attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
An update from earlier today:
BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In Crypto <>
By Phillip Bantz
U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation <>
By Elliot Weld
Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced lawyers.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly as a class.
There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's association with Coinbase.
The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar mandate.
Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing.
Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility <>
By Alex Davidson
An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement.
Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias <>
By Dorothy Atkins
Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against governments under various disguises while targeting -, and NATO. - is exploring possibilities of relevant injunctive relief in Orange County, California.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs: - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass <>
By Joanne Faulkner
The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, analysts say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Dear Goldman Sachs: > > Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence > <> > > By Hailey Konnath > > Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions > against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former > assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer > intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to > Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. > > Motion attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > > <> | > > <>MSc > <> - > Digital Currency > MBA > <> - > Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) > +1-917-580-8053 > > On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> >> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with >>> - leadership. >>> >>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance >>> Journalist. >>> >>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is >>> willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over >>> the world. >>> >>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, >>> the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to >>> violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>> >>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>> <> >>> >>> By Adam Lidgett >>> >>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property >>> strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. >>> requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant. >>> >>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy >>> has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking >>> will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution >>> Agreement. >>> >>> - notes business structures hinged on regulatory >>> arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the >>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>> >>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost >>> credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal. >>> >>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious >>> that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile >>> General Attorney. >>> >>> Madam Attorney General James: >>> >>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' >>> leadership. >>> >>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS >>> Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The >>> insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>> Stock Exchange recently. >>> >>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to >>> this effect. >>> >>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired >>> Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>> >>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - >>> would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>> >>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar >>> Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with >>> Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions >>> behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>> >>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada >>> roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can >>> confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>> >>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>> >>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not >>> rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris >>> is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of >>> being disbarred. >>> >>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and >>> the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they >>> failed. >>> >>> - plans on making good on this failure at the New >>> York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>> >>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada >>> investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>> >>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>> >>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Yun Park >>>> >>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC >>>> has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help >>>> books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 >>>> liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information >>>> requested by the investor. >>>> >>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> >>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows >>>> if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from >>>> orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March >>>> 10, 2022 found here: >>>> >>>> >>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of >>>> Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer >>>> Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>> >>>> >>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well >>>> as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>> directors). >>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle >>>> for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, >>>> particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their >>>> investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>> planning. >>>> >>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential >>>> cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar >>>> research/innovation communication and's business plan execution >>>> strategy. >>>> >>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger >>>> the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already >>>> delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>> >>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture >>>> funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on >>>> earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>> >>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major >>>> issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, >>>> market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore >>>> the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon >>>> data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the >>>> results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors >>>> billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, >>>> while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities >>>> markets. >>>> >>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >>>> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>> >>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive >>>> Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex >>>> corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to >>>> "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, >>>> conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing >>>> maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had >>>> a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with >>>> significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various >>>> state and federal regulators. >>>> >>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and >>>> blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure >>>> and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of >>>> innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software >>>> technologies. >>>> >>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >>>> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>> >>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility >>>> placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other >>>> federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions >>>> such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>> >>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow >>>> corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial >>>> and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting >>>> required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts. >>>> >>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>> software. >>>> >>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its >>>> regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>> >>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>> >>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the >>>> board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board >>>> was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor >>>> transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the >>>> entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>> >>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to >>>> criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>> (including pension protections). >>>> >>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>> control. >>>> >>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement >>>> actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after >>>> taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>> >>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging >>>> issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are >>>> still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation. >>>> >>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, >>>> including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in >>>> monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment >>>> advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>> >>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting >>>> group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in >>>> some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is >>>> sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>> >>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 >>>> Highlights) >>>> >>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for >>>> United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been >>>>’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto >>>> Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business >>>> innovation moving forward. >>>> >>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such >>>> as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate >>>> to or would result in: >>>> >>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the >>>> issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>> >>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>> subsidiaries; >>>> >>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer >>>> or any of its subsidiaries; >>>> >>>> Any change in the present board of directors or management of the >>>> issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of >>>> directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>> >>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend >>>> policy of the issuer; >>>> >>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate >>>> structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered >>>> closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes >>>> in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the >>>> Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>> >>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>> >>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a >>>> national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in >>>> an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities >>>> association; >>>> >>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for >>>> termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or >>>> >>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>> >>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as >>>> per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios >>>> when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially >>>> exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable >>>> reckless consequences. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> >>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI >>>>> initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of >>>>> sabotage. >>>>> >>>>> - notes business structures hinged on regulatory >>>>> arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the >>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>> >>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" >>>>> (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >>>>> >>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an >>>>> active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>> >>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like >>>>> this: >>>>> >>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>> >>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's >>>>> request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>> >>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value >>>>> appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. >>>>> Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist >>>>> in defrauding - >>>>> >>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. >>>>> Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>> consultancy. >>>>> >>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at >>>>> Goldman Sachs. >>>>> >>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking >>>>> as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by >>>>> the United Negro College Fund. >>>>> >>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in >>>>> themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize >>>>> with the seal of New York City. >>>>> >>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at >>>>> the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>> lifted. >>>>> >>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million >>>>> Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to >>>>> fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures >>>>> in the United States and abroad. >>>>> >>>>> - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>> lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance >>>>> marketplace. >>>>> >>>>> This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman >>>>> Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension >>>>> malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>>> >>>>> Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris >>>>> confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney >>>>> and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could >>>>> engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, >>>>> seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand >>>>> this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. >>>>> >>>>> NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that >>>>> Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' >>>>> Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. >>>>> >>>>> Either way, - plans to explore execution of >>>>> various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February >>>>> 12, 2025. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>>>>> - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and >>>>>> "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the >>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>> America. >>>>>> >>>>>> These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman >>>>>> Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social >>>>>> inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the >>>>>> United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. >>>>>> >>>>>> Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor >>>>>> investor. >>>>>> >>>>>> Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Chart Riggall >>>>>> >>>>>> A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a >>>>>> British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm >>>>>> Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling >>>>>> Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely >>>>>> unenforceable. >>>>>> >>>>>> Order attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' >>>>>> violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. >>>>>> >>>>>> As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the >>>>>> agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. >>>>>> >>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Today - received third party private investor >>>>>>> detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret >>>>>>> theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >>>>>>> >>>>>>> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, >>>>>>> - is extremely well positioned. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> However, when - learned who may have been the >>>>>>> programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very >>>>>>> high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money >>>>>>> was recovered in receivership in under a year. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" >>>>>>> concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >>>>>>> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >>>>>>> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >>>>>>> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide >>>>>>> the foreign agent registration for this programmer? >>>>>>> >>>>>>> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is >>>>>>> looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for >>>>>>> this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void >>>>>>> during his last trial in Manhattan. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the >>>>>>> famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents >>>>>>> Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Today here is a similar story: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Sophia Dourou >>>>>>> >>>>>>> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that >>>>>>> generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face >>>>>>> extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed >>>>>>> on Monday. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse >>>>>>>> tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed >>>>>>>> to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >>>>>>>> may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - >>>>>>>> will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >>>>>>>> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation >>>>>>>> as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to >>>>>>>> immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class >>>>>>>> of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman >>>>>>>> fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem >>>>>>>> to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >>>>>>>> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage >>>>>>>> would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously >>>>>>>> orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code >>>>>>>> while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that >>>>>>>> no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> This is not a joke. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours >>>>>>>>> to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Ticktock. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Warm wishes, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours >>>>>>>>>> to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>>>>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>>>>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, >>>>>>>>>> Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development >>>>>>>>>> Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred >>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >>>>>>>>>> enforcement being concerned. >>>>>>>>>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with >>>>>>>>>> war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or >>>>>>>>>> execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the >>>>>>>>>> world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 1. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment >>>>>>>>>> of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war >>>>>>>>>> crime against peace, related to the planning, >>>>>>>>>> preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or >>>>>>>>>> conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation >>>>>>>>>> to international armed conflict. >>>>>>>>>> 2. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and >>>>>>>>>> consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >>>>>>>>>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >>>>>>>>>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >>>>>>>>>> 3. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly >>>>>>>>>> the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations >>>>>>>>>> peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and >>>>>>>>>> occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey >>>>>>>>>> recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad >>>>>>>>>> recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of >>>>>>>>>> territories that are under Turkish military control. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of >>>>>>>>>> the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the >>>>>>>>>> United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of >>>>>>>>>> North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in >>>>>>>>>> 2004. >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations >>>>>>>>>> consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now >>>>>>>>>> - was credited with increasing the >>>>>>>>>> breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most >>>>>>>>>> important multinational organization. >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent >>>>>>>>>> association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International >>>>>>>>>> Law. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a >>>>>>>>>> detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of >>>>>>>>>> aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in >>>>>>>>>> the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities >>>>>>>>>> of Turkey’s Markets >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it >>>>>>>>>> from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border >>>>>>>>>> act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred >>>>>>>>>> Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate >>>>>>>>>> cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that >>>>>>>>>> Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, >>>>>>>>>> just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock >>>>>>>>>> and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>> was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling >>>>>>>>>> without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that >>>>>>>>>> temporarily prohibited such transactions. >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English >>>>>>>>>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>> International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M >>>>>>>>>> bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes >>>>>>>>>> that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort >>>>>>>>>> of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >>>>>>>>>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >>>>>>>>>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >>>>>>>>>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and >>>>>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that >>>>>>>>>> Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted >>>>>>>>>> significant international attention, since individuals and organizations >>>>>>>>>> have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is >>>>>>>>>> the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many >>>>>>>>>> different names. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith >>>>>>>>>> (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a >>>>>>>>>> pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest >>>>>>>>>> financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and >>>>>>>>>> then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime >>>>>>>>>> Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >>>>>>>>>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation >>>>>>>>>> of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >>>>>>>>>> aggression. >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have >>>>>>>>>> tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through >>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not >>>>>>>>>> considered the totality of such actions as war crimes. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >>>>>>>>>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >>>>>>>>>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >>>>>>>>>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was >>>>>>>>>> fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish >>>>>>>>>> government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have >>>>>>>>>> been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, >>>>>>>>>> the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >>>>>>>>>> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >>>>>>>>>> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >>>>>>>>>> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >>>>>>>>>> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >>>>>>>>>> reaction function.” >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious >>>>>>>>>> concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >>>>>>>>>> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >>>>>>>>>> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >>>>>>>>>> was manipulating inflation data. >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman >>>>>>>>>> Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance >>>>>>>>>> stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we >>>>>>>>>> thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in >>>>>>>>>> foreign demand has been very supportive." >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman >>>>>>>>>> Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur >>>>>>>>>> stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about >>>>>>>>>> the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the >>>>>>>>>> Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly" >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline >>>>>>>>>> of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred >>>>>>>>>> Agreement mandated by the United States of America. < >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and honest challenge in Orange County, California. Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense <> By Eddie Beaver Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California Attorney General. We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York State Attorney General. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - has no big problem serving your firm properly.
Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' collapse.
FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit <>
By Lauren Berg
The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring prior to its collapse two years ago.
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - plans on taking our case to Orange County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and Gunnar Larson.
Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy <>
By Isaac Monterose
Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme.
Brief attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
An update from earlier today:
BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In Crypto <>
By Phillip Bantz
U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation <>
By Elliot Weld
Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced lawyers.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly as a class.
There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's association with Coinbase.
The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar mandate.
Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing.
Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility <>
By Alex Davidson
An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement.
Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias <>
By Dorothy Atkins
Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against governments under various disguises while targeting -, and NATO. - is exploring possibilities of relevant injunctive relief in Orange County, California.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Dear Goldman Sachs: > > - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive > relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. > > Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass > <> > > By Joanne Faulkner > > The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against > Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card > giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute > with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, > analysts say. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Dear Goldman Sachs: >> >> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >> <> >> >> By Hailey Konnath >> >> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions >> against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former >> assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer >> intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to >> Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >> >> Motion attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> >> <> | >> >> <>MSc >> <> - >> Digital Currency >> MBA >> <> - >> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >> +1-917-580-8053 >> >> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> >>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with >>>> - leadership. >>>> >>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation >>>> Finance Journalist. >>>> >>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is >>>> willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over >>>> the world. >>>> >>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, >>>> the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to >>>> violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>> >>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>> >>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property >>>> strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. >>>> requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant. >>>> >>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy >>>> has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking >>>> will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution >>>> Agreement. >>>> >>>> - notes business structures hinged on regulatory >>>> arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the >>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>> >>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost >>>> credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal. >>>> >>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious >>>> that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile >>>> General Attorney. >>>> >>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>> >>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' >>>> leadership. >>>> >>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS >>>> Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The >>>> insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>> >>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to >>>> this effect. >>>> >>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired >>>> Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>> >>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - >>>> would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. >>>> Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm >>>> with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>> >>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same >>>> Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>> >>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>> >>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to >>>> not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent >>>> Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with >>>> threat of being disbarred. >>>> >>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and >>>> the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they >>>> failed. >>>> >>>> - plans on making good on this failure at the New >>>> York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>> >>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada >>>> investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>> >>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>> >>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Yun Park >>>>> >>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC >>>>> has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help >>>>> books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 >>>>> liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information >>>>> requested by the investor. >>>>> >>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO >>>>> knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from >>>>> orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March >>>>> 10, 2022 found here: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of >>>>> Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer >>>>> Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as >>>>> well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>>> directors). >>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a >>>>> battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>> planning. >>>>> >>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential >>>>> cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar >>>>> research/innovation communication and's business plan execution >>>>> strategy. >>>>> >>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger >>>>> the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already >>>>> delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>> >>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture >>>>> funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on >>>>> earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>> >>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major >>>>> issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, >>>>> market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore >>>>> the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon >>>>> data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the >>>>> results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors >>>>> billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, >>>>> while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities >>>>> markets. >>>>> >>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >>>>> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>> >>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive >>>>> Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex >>>>> corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to >>>>> "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, >>>>> conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing >>>>> maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had >>>>> a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with >>>>> significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various >>>>> state and federal regulators. >>>>> >>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and >>>>> blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure >>>>> and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of >>>>> innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software >>>>> technologies. >>>>> >>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >>>>> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>> >>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>> >>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow >>>>> corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial >>>>> and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting >>>>> required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts. >>>>> >>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>>> software. >>>>> >>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its >>>>> regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>> >>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>> >>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the >>>>> board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board >>>>> was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor >>>>> transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the >>>>> entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>> >>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to >>>>> criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>> >>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>>> control. >>>>> >>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement >>>>> actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after >>>>> taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>> >>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>> negotiation. >>>>> >>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, >>>>> including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in >>>>> monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment >>>>> advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>> >>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting >>>>> group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in >>>>> some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is >>>>> sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>> >>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 >>>>> Highlights) >>>>> >>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for >>>>> United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been >>>>>’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto >>>>> Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business >>>>> innovation moving forward. >>>>> >>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals >>>>> such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may >>>>> relate to or would result in: >>>>> >>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the >>>>> issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>> >>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>> >>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer >>>>> or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>> >>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or management of >>>>> the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term >>>>> of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>> >>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend >>>>> policy of the issuer; >>>>> >>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate >>>>> structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered >>>>> closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes >>>>> in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the >>>>> Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>> >>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>> >>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from >>>>> a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in >>>>> an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities >>>>> association; >>>>> >>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for >>>>> termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or >>>>> >>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>> >>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as >>>>> per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios >>>>> when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially >>>>> exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable >>>>> reckless consequences. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI >>>>>> initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of >>>>>> sabotage. >>>>>> >>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>> >>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" >>>>>> (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >>>>>> >>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an >>>>>> active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>> >>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like >>>>>> this: >>>>>> >>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>> >>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's >>>>>> request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>> >>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge >>>>>> value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in >>>>>> California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>> >>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. >>>>>> Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>> >>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at >>>>>> Goldman Sachs. >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking >>>>>> as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by >>>>>> the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>> >>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in >>>>>> themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize >>>>>> with the seal of New York City. >>>>>> >>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at >>>>>> the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>>> lifted. >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million >>>>>> Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to >>>>>> fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures >>>>>> in the United States and abroad. >>>>>> >>>>>> - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>>> lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance >>>>>> marketplace. >>>>>> >>>>>> This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman >>>>>> Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension >>>>>> malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. >>>>>> >>>>>> -- >>>>>> >>>>>> Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris >>>>>> confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney >>>>>> and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could >>>>>> engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, >>>>>> seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand >>>>>> this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. >>>>>> >>>>>> NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and >>>>>> that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' >>>>>> Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. >>>>>> >>>>>> Either way, - plans to explore execution of >>>>>> various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February >>>>>> 12, 2025. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>>>>>> - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and >>>>>>> "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>> America. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman >>>>>>> Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social >>>>>>> inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the >>>>>>> United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor >>>>>>> investor. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Chart Riggall >>>>>>> >>>>>>> A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a >>>>>>> British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm >>>>>>> Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling >>>>>>> Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely >>>>>>> unenforceable. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Order attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>> violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the >>>>>>> agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Today - received third party private investor >>>>>>>> detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret >>>>>>>> theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After >>>>>>>> all, - is extremely well positioned. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> However, when - learned who may have been the >>>>>>>> programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a >>>>>>>> very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the >>>>>>>> money was recovered in receivership in under a year. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" >>>>>>>> concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >>>>>>>> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >>>>>>>> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >>>>>>>> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide >>>>>>>> the foreign agent registration for this programmer? >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is >>>>>>>> looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for >>>>>>>> this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void >>>>>>>> during his last trial in Manhattan. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of >>>>>>>> the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents >>>>>>>> Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Today here is a similar story: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Sophia Dourou >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that >>>>>>>> generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face >>>>>>>> extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed >>>>>>>> on Monday. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon >>>>>>>>> eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below >>>>>>>>> addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the >>>>>>>>> DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - >>>>>>>>> will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >>>>>>>>> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation >>>>>>>>> as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. >>>>>>>>> Says >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to >>>>>>>>> immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class >>>>>>>>> of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman >>>>>>>>> fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem >>>>>>>>> to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >>>>>>>>> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage >>>>>>>>> would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously >>>>>>>>> orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code >>>>>>>>> while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect >>>>>>>>> that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> This is not a joke. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours >>>>>>>>>> to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Ticktock. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Warm wishes, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours >>>>>>>>>>> to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>>>>>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>>>>>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>>>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear. Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <> By Gina Kim OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor." Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and honest challenge in Orange County, California.
Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense <>
By Eddie Beaver
Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable."
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California Attorney General.
We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York State Attorney General. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - has no big problem serving your firm properly.
Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' collapse.
FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit <>
By Lauren Berg
The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring prior to its collapse two years ago.
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - plans on taking our case to Orange County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and Gunnar Larson.
Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy <>
By Isaac Monterose
Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme.
Brief attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
An update from earlier today:
BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In Crypto <>
By Phillip Bantz
U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation <>
By Elliot Weld
Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced lawyers.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly as a class.
There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's association with Coinbase.
The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar mandate.
Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing.
Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility <>
By Alex Davidson
An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of the > New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. > > Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias > <> > > By Dorothy Atkins > > Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of a > landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state > court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic > shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a > condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. > > Complaint attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against > governments under various disguises while targeting -, and > NATO. > > - is exploring possibilities of relevant injunctive > relief in Orange County, California. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Dear Goldman Sachs: >> >> - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive >> relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >> >> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >> <> >> >> By Joanne Faulkner >> >> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >> analysts say. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>> <> >>> >>> By Hailey Konnath >>> >>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions >>> against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former >>> assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer >>> intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to >>> Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>> >>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> >>> <> | >>> >>> <>MSc >>> <> - >>> Digital Currency >>> MBA >>> <> - >>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>> +1-917-580-8053 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with >>>>> - leadership. >>>>> >>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation >>>>> Finance Journalist. >>>>> >>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all >>>>> over the world. >>>>> >>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, >>>>> the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to >>>>> violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>> >>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>> >>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property >>>>> strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. >>>>> requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant. >>>>> >>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy >>>>> has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking >>>>> will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution >>>>> Agreement. >>>>> >>>>> - notes business structures hinged on regulatory >>>>> arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the >>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>> >>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost >>>>> credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>> >>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious >>>>> that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile >>>>> General Attorney. >>>>> >>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>> >>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' >>>>> leadership. >>>>> >>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS >>>>> Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The >>>>> insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>> >>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to >>>>> this effect. >>>>> >>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired >>>>> Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>> >>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. >>>>> Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm >>>>> with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>> >>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same >>>>> Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>> >>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>>>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>> >>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to >>>>> not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent >>>>> Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with >>>>> threat of being disbarred. >>>>> >>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and >>>>> the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they >>>>> failed. >>>>> >>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at the >>>>> New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>> >>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada >>>>> investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>> >>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>> >>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>> >>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC >>>>>> has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help >>>>>> books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 >>>>>> liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information >>>>>> requested by the investor. >>>>>> >>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO >>>>>> knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from >>>>>> orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March >>>>>> 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of >>>>>> Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer >>>>>> Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as >>>>>> well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>>>> directors). >>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a >>>>>> battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>> planning. >>>>>> >>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential >>>>>> cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar >>>>>> research/innovation communication and's business plan execution >>>>>> strategy. >>>>>> >>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>> >>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture >>>>>> funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on >>>>>> earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>> >>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major >>>>>> issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, >>>>>> market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore >>>>>> the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon >>>>>> data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the >>>>>> results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors >>>>>> billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, >>>>>> while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities >>>>>> markets. >>>>>> >>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>> >>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive >>>>>> Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex >>>>>> corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to >>>>>> "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, >>>>>> conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing >>>>>> maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had >>>>>> a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with >>>>>> significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various >>>>>> state and federal regulators. >>>>>> >>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and >>>>>> blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure >>>>>> and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of >>>>>> innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software >>>>>> technologies. >>>>>> >>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >>>>>> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>> >>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>> >>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow >>>>>> corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial >>>>>> and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting >>>>>> required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts. >>>>>> >>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>>>> software. >>>>>> >>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its >>>>>> regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>> >>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>> >>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from >>>>>> the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>> >>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to >>>>>> criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>> >>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>>>> control. >>>>>> >>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement >>>>>> actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after >>>>>> taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>> >>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>> >>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, >>>>>> including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in >>>>>> monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment >>>>>> advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>> >>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting >>>>>> group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in >>>>>> some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is >>>>>> sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>> >>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 >>>>>> Highlights) >>>>>> >>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for >>>>>> United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been >>>>>>’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto >>>>>> Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business >>>>>> innovation moving forward. >>>>>> >>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals >>>>>> such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may >>>>>> relate to or would result in: >>>>>> >>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the >>>>>> issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>> >>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>> >>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer >>>>>> or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>> >>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or management of >>>>>> the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term >>>>>> of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>> >>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend >>>>>> policy of the issuer; >>>>>> >>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate >>>>>> structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered >>>>>> closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes >>>>>> in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the >>>>>> Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>> >>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>> >>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from >>>>>> a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in >>>>>> an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities >>>>>> association; >>>>>> >>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible >>>>>> for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or >>>>>> >>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>> >>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as >>>>>> per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios >>>>>> when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially >>>>>> exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable >>>>>> reckless consequences. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI >>>>>>> initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of >>>>>>> sabotage. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" >>>>>>> (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an >>>>>>> active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like >>>>>>> this: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>> >>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's >>>>>>> request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge >>>>>>> value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in >>>>>>> California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>> >>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in >>>>>>> themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize >>>>>>> with the seal of New York City. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at >>>>>>> the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>>>> lifted. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million >>>>>>> Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to >>>>>>> fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures >>>>>>> in the United States and abroad. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>>>> lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance >>>>>>> marketplace. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman >>>>>>> Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension >>>>>>> malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris >>>>>>> confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney >>>>>>> and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could >>>>>>> engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, >>>>>>> seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand >>>>>>> this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and >>>>>>> that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' >>>>>>> Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Either way, - plans to explore execution of >>>>>>> various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February >>>>>>> 12, 2025. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>>>>>>> - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and >>>>>>>> "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman >>>>>>>> Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social >>>>>>>> inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the >>>>>>>> United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor >>>>>>>> investor. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Chart Riggall >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a >>>>>>>> British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm >>>>>>>> Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling >>>>>>>> Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely >>>>>>>> unenforceable. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Order attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>> violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the >>>>>>>> agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Today - received third party private >>>>>>>>> investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade >>>>>>>>> secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After >>>>>>>>> all, - is extremely well positioned. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> However, when - learned who may have been >>>>>>>>> the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a >>>>>>>>> very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the >>>>>>>>> money was recovered in receivership in under a year. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" >>>>>>>>> concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >>>>>>>>> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >>>>>>>>> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >>>>>>>>> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly >>>>>>>>> provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer? >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is >>>>>>>>> looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for >>>>>>>>> this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void >>>>>>>>> during his last trial in Manhattan. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of >>>>>>>>> the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents >>>>>>>>> Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Today here is a similar story: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Sophia Dourou >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that >>>>>>>>> generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face >>>>>>>>> extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed >>>>>>>>> on Monday. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon >>>>>>>>>> eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below >>>>>>>>>> addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the >>>>>>>>>> DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - >>>>>>>>>> will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >>>>>>>>>> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation >>>>>>>>>> as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. >>>>>>>>>> Says >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to >>>>>>>>>> immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class >>>>>>>>>> of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman >>>>>>>>>> fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem >>>>>>>>>> to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >>>>>>>>>> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage >>>>>>>>>> would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously >>>>>>>>>> orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code >>>>>>>>>> while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect >>>>>>>>>> that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> This is not a joke. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours >>>>>>>>>>> to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Ticktock. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>> interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Warm wishes, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours >>>>>>>>>>>> to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>>>>>>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>>>>>>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>>>>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear. Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <> By Gina Kim OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor." Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and honest challenge in Orange County, California.
Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense <>
By Eddie Beaver
Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable."
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California Attorney General.
We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York State Attorney General. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - has no big problem serving your firm properly.
Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' collapse.
FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit <>
By Lauren Berg
The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring prior to its collapse two years ago.
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - plans on taking our case to Orange County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and Gunnar Larson.
Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy <>
By Isaac Monterose
Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme.
Brief attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
An update from earlier today:
BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In Crypto <>
By Phillip Bantz
U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation <>
By Elliot Weld
Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced lawyers.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly as a class.
There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's association with Coinbase.
The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar mandate.
Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in > advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. > > Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility > <> > > By Alex Davidson > > An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial > proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial > misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as > well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Creditability at - is our bread and butter. > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of >> the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >> >> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >> <> >> >> By Dorothy Atkins >> >> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of a >> landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state >> court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >> >> Complaint attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >> NATO. >> >> - is exploring possibilities of relevant injunctive >> relief in Orange County, California. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive >>> relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>> >>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>> <> >>> >>> By Joanne Faulkner >>> >>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >>> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >>> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >>> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >>> analysts say. >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>> >>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions >>>> against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former >>>> assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer >>>> intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to >>>> Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>> >>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> >>>> <> | >>>> >>>> <>MSc >>>> <> - >>>> Digital Currency >>>> MBA >>>> <> - >>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with >>>>>> - leadership. >>>>>> >>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation >>>>>> Finance Journalist. >>>>>> >>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all >>>>>> over the world. >>>>>> >>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>> >>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>> >>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>> giant. >>>>>> >>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>> >>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>> >>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost >>>>>> credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>> >>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>> >>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>> >>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>> >>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS >>>>>> Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The >>>>>> insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>> >>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President >>>>>> to this effect. >>>>>> >>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired >>>>>> Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>> >>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. >>>>>> Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm >>>>>> with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>> >>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same >>>>>> Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>> >>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>>>>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>> >>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to >>>>>> not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent >>>>>> Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with >>>>>> threat of being disbarred. >>>>>> >>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City >>>>>> and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they >>>>>> failed. >>>>>> >>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at the >>>>>> New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>> >>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada >>>>>> investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>>>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>> >>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC >>>>>>> has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help >>>>>>> books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 >>>>>>> liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information >>>>>>> requested by the investor. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO >>>>>>> knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from >>>>>>> orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March >>>>>>> 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of >>>>>>> Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer >>>>>>> Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as >>>>>>> well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>>>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>>>>> directors). >>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a >>>>>>> battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential >>>>>>> cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar >>>>>>> research/innovation communication and's business plan execution >>>>>>> strategy. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture >>>>>>> funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on >>>>>>> earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major >>>>>>> issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, >>>>>>> market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore >>>>>>> the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon >>>>>>> data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the >>>>>>> results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors >>>>>>> billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, >>>>>>> while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities >>>>>>> markets. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>> >>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive >>>>>>> Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex >>>>>>> corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to >>>>>>> "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, >>>>>>> conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing >>>>>>> maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had >>>>>>> a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with >>>>>>> significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various >>>>>>> state and federal regulators. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency >>>>>>> and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically >>>>>>> pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of >>>>>>> innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software >>>>>>> technologies. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >>>>>>> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow >>>>>>> corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial >>>>>>> and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting >>>>>>> required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>>>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>>>>> software. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its >>>>>>> regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from >>>>>>> the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to >>>>>>> criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>>>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>>>>> control. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement >>>>>>> actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after >>>>>>> taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, >>>>>>> including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in >>>>>>> monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment >>>>>>> advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting >>>>>>> group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in >>>>>>> some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is >>>>>>> sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 >>>>>>> Highlights) >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office >>>>>>> for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has >>>>>>> been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto >>>>>>> Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business >>>>>>> innovation moving forward. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals >>>>>>> such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may >>>>>>> relate to or would result in: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the >>>>>>> issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>> >>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>>>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>> >>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the >>>>>>> issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or management of >>>>>>> the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term >>>>>>> of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend >>>>>>> policy of the issuer; >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted >>>>>>> from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be >>>>>>> quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>> >>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible >>>>>>> for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as >>>>>>> per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios >>>>>>> when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially >>>>>>> exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable >>>>>>> reckless consequences. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI >>>>>>>> initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of >>>>>>>> sabotage. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" >>>>>>>> (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an >>>>>>>> active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look >>>>>>>> like this: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's >>>>>>>> request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge >>>>>>>> value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in >>>>>>>> California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in >>>>>>>> themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize >>>>>>>> with the seal of New York City. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>>>>>>> at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>>>>> lifted. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One >>>>>>>> Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments >>>>>>>> symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI >>>>>>>> program failures in the United States and abroad. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>>>>> lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance >>>>>>>> marketplace. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> This will improve Florida's overall economy, something >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension >>>>>>>> malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris >>>>>>>> confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney >>>>>>>> and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could >>>>>>>> engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, >>>>>>>> seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand >>>>>>>> this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and >>>>>>>> that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' >>>>>>>> Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Either way, - plans to explore execution of >>>>>>>> various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February >>>>>>>> 12, 2025. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>>>>>>>> - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and >>>>>>>>> "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman >>>>>>>>> Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social >>>>>>>>> inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the >>>>>>>>> United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor >>>>>>>>> investor. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Chart Riggall >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a >>>>>>>>> British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm >>>>>>>>> Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling >>>>>>>>> Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely >>>>>>>>> unenforceable. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Order attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>> violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the >>>>>>>>> agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Today - received third party private >>>>>>>>>> investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade >>>>>>>>>> secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After >>>>>>>>>> all, - is extremely well positioned. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> However, when - learned who may have been >>>>>>>>>> the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a >>>>>>>>>> very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the >>>>>>>>>> money was recovered in receivership in under a year. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" >>>>>>>>>> concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >>>>>>>>>> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >>>>>>>>>> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >>>>>>>>>> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly >>>>>>>>>> provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer? >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is >>>>>>>>>> looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for >>>>>>>>>> this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void >>>>>>>>>> during his last trial in Manhattan. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of >>>>>>>>>> the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents >>>>>>>>>> Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Today here is a similar story: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Sophia Dourou >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that >>>>>>>>>> generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face >>>>>>>>>> extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed >>>>>>>>>> on Monday. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon >>>>>>>>>>> eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below >>>>>>>>>>> addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the >>>>>>>>>>> DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - >>>>>>>>>>> will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >>>>>>>>>>> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>> participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. >>>>>>>>>>> Says >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request >>>>>>>>>>> to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a >>>>>>>>>>> class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire >>>>>>>>>>> businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged >>>>>>>>>>> bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >>>>>>>>>>> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage >>>>>>>>>>> would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously >>>>>>>>>>> orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code >>>>>>>>>>> while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect >>>>>>>>>>> that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> This is not a joke. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 >>>>>>>>>>>> hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Ticktock. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>> interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Warm wishes, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 >>>>>>>>>>>>> hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>>>>>>>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>>>>>>>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>>>>>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background. Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <> By Jamie Lennox A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and honest challenge in Orange County, California.
Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense <>
By Eddie Beaver
Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable."
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California Attorney General.
We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York State Attorney General. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - has no big problem serving your firm properly.
Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' collapse.
FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit <>
By Lauren Berg
The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring prior to its collapse two years ago.
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - plans on taking our case to Orange County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and Gunnar Larson.
Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy <>
By Isaac Monterose
Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme.
Brief attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
An update from earlier today:
BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In Crypto <>
By Phillip Bantz
U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing > position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. > > Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation > <> > > By Elliot Weld > > Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se > motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme > Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally > make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced > lawyers. > > Motion attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the > Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly > as a class. > > There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that > holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's > association with Coinbase. > > The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar > mandate. > > Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, > we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in >> advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >> >> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >> <> >> >> By Alex Davidson >> >> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of >>> the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>> >>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>> <> >>> >>> By Dorothy Atkins >>> >>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of a >>> landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state >>> court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>> >>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>> NATO. >>> >>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive >>>> relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>> >>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>> >>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >>>> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >>>> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >>>> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >>>> analysts say. >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>> >>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions >>>>> against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former >>>>> assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer >>>>> intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to >>>>> Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>> >>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> >>>>> <> | >>>>> >>>>> <>MSc >>>>> <> - >>>>> Digital Currency >>>>> MBA >>>>> <> - >>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>> >>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem >>>>>>> with - leadership. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation >>>>>>> Finance Journalist. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all >>>>>>> over the world. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>> >>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost >>>>>>> credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS >>>>>>> Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The >>>>>>> insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President >>>>>>> to this effect. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired >>>>>>> Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm >>>>>>> with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same >>>>>>> Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>>>>>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to >>>>>>> not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent >>>>>>> Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with >>>>>>> threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City >>>>>>> and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they >>>>>>> failed. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at the >>>>>>> New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada >>>>>>> investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>>>>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings >>>>>>>> LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO >>>>>>>> knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from >>>>>>>> orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March >>>>>>>> 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of >>>>>>>> Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer >>>>>>>> Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as >>>>>>>> well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>>>>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>>>>>> directors). >>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a >>>>>>>> battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential >>>>>>>> cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar >>>>>>>> research/innovation communication and's business plan execution >>>>>>>> strategy. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture >>>>>>>> funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on >>>>>>>> earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major >>>>>>>> issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, >>>>>>>> market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore >>>>>>>> the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon >>>>>>>> data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the >>>>>>>> results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors >>>>>>>> billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, >>>>>>>> while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities >>>>>>>> markets. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >>>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive >>>>>>>> Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex >>>>>>>> corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to >>>>>>>> "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, >>>>>>>> conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing >>>>>>>> maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had >>>>>>>> a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with >>>>>>>> significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various >>>>>>>> state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency >>>>>>>> and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically >>>>>>>> pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of >>>>>>>> innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software >>>>>>>> technologies. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >>>>>>>> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products >>>>>>>> allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze >>>>>>>> financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create >>>>>>>> reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal >>>>>>>> counterparts. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>>>>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>>>>>> software. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its >>>>>>>> regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from >>>>>>>> the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to >>>>>>>> criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>>>>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>>>>>> control. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, >>>>>>>> including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in >>>>>>>> monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment >>>>>>>> advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting >>>>>>>> group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in >>>>>>>> some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is >>>>>>>> sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 >>>>>>>> Highlights) >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office >>>>>>>> for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has >>>>>>>> been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto >>>>>>>> Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business >>>>>>>> innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals >>>>>>>> such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may >>>>>>>> relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the >>>>>>>> issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>>>>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the >>>>>>>> issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or management of >>>>>>>> the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term >>>>>>>> of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend >>>>>>>> policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted >>>>>>>> from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be >>>>>>>> quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible >>>>>>>> for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>> as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios >>>>>>>> when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially >>>>>>>> exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable >>>>>>>> reckless consequences. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI >>>>>>>>> initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of >>>>>>>>> sabotage. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" >>>>>>>>> (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an >>>>>>>>> active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look >>>>>>>>> like this: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's >>>>>>>>> request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge >>>>>>>>> value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in >>>>>>>>> California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in >>>>>>>>> themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize >>>>>>>>> with the seal of New York City. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>>>>>>>> at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>>>>>> lifted. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One >>>>>>>>> Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments >>>>>>>>> symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI >>>>>>>>> program failures in the United States and abroad. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>>>>>> lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance >>>>>>>>> marketplace. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> This will improve Florida's overall economy, something >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension >>>>>>>>> malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent >>>>>>>>> Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General >>>>>>>>> Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer >>>>>>>>> could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman >>>>>>>>> Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should >>>>>>>>> understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and >>>>>>>>> that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' >>>>>>>>> Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Either way, - plans to explore execution of >>>>>>>>> various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February >>>>>>>>> 12, 2025. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>>>>>>>>> - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and >>>>>>>>>> "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman >>>>>>>>>> Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social >>>>>>>>>> inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the >>>>>>>>>> United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor >>>>>>>>>> investor. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Chart Riggall >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a >>>>>>>>>> British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm >>>>>>>>>> Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling >>>>>>>>>> Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely >>>>>>>>>> unenforceable. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Order attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>> violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the >>>>>>>>>> agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Today - received third party private >>>>>>>>>>> investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade >>>>>>>>>>> secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After >>>>>>>>>>> all, - is extremely well positioned. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> However, when - learned who may have been >>>>>>>>>>> the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a >>>>>>>>>>> very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the >>>>>>>>>>> money was recovered in receivership in under a year. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" >>>>>>>>>>> concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >>>>>>>>>>> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >>>>>>>>>>> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >>>>>>>>>>> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly >>>>>>>>>>> provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer? >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he >>>>>>>>>>> is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for >>>>>>>>>>> this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void >>>>>>>>>>> during his last trial in Manhattan. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of >>>>>>>>>>> the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who >>>>>>>>>>> represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Today here is a similar story: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Sophia Dourou >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that >>>>>>>>>>> generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face >>>>>>>>>>> extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed >>>>>>>>>>> on Monday. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon >>>>>>>>>>>> eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below >>>>>>>>>>>> addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the >>>>>>>>>>>> DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - >>>>>>>>>>>> will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board >>>>>>>>>>>> Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>> participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. >>>>>>>>>>>> Says >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request >>>>>>>>>>>> to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a >>>>>>>>>>>> class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>> businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged >>>>>>>>>>>> bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC >>>>>>>>>>>> that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O >>>>>>>>>>>> coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously >>>>>>>>>>>> orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code >>>>>>>>>>>> while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect >>>>>>>>>>>> that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> This is not a joke. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 >>>>>>>>>>>>> hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ticktock. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm wishes, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>>>>>>>>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage. SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <> By Aislinn Keely A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature: "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie: Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background.
Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <>
By Jamie Lennox
A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and honest challenge in Orange County, California.
Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense <>
By Eddie Beaver
Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable."
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California Attorney General.
We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York State Attorney General. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - has no big problem serving your firm properly.
Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' collapse.
FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit <>
By Lauren Berg
The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring prior to its collapse two years ago.
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - plans on taking our case to Orange County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and Gunnar Larson.
Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy <>
By Isaac Monterose
Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme.
Brief attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > An update from earlier today: > > BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In > Crypto > <> > > By Phillip Bantz > > U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein was > arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal tax-evasion > charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made millions of > dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days. > > 2 documents attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing >> position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >> >> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >> <> >> >> By Elliot Weld >> >> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se >> motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme >> Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally >> make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced >> lawyers. >> >> Motion attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the >> Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly >> as a class. >> >> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that >> holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >> association with Coinbase. >> >> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >> mandate. >> >> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, >> we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in >>> advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>> >>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>> <> >>> >>> By Alex Davidson >>> >>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of >>>> the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>> >>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>> >>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of >>>> a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state >>>> court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>> >>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>> NATO. >>>> >>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive >>>>> relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>> >>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>> >>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >>>>> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >>>>> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >>>>> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >>>>> analysts say. >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>> >>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions >>>>>> against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former >>>>>> assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer >>>>>> intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to >>>>>> Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>> >>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> -- >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> <> | >>>>>> >>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>> <> - >>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>> MBA >>>>>> <> - >>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>> >>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem >>>>>>>> with - leadership. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation >>>>>>>> Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have >>>>>>>> lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS >>>>>>>> Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The >>>>>>>> insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President >>>>>>>> to this effect. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have >>>>>>>> hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm >>>>>>>> with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same >>>>>>>> Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>>>>>>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us >>>>>>>> to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent >>>>>>>> Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with >>>>>>>> threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City >>>>>>>> and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they >>>>>>>> failed. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at the >>>>>>>> New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>>>>>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings >>>>>>>>> LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO >>>>>>>>> knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from >>>>>>>>> orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March >>>>>>>>> 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of >>>>>>>>> Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer >>>>>>>>> Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as >>>>>>>>> well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>>>>>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>>>>>>> directors). >>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a >>>>>>>>> battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential >>>>>>>>> cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar >>>>>>>>> research/innovation communication and's business plan execution >>>>>>>>> strategy. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture >>>>>>>>> funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on >>>>>>>>> earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major >>>>>>>>> issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, >>>>>>>>> market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore >>>>>>>>> the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon >>>>>>>>> data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the >>>>>>>>> results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors >>>>>>>>> billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, >>>>>>>>> while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities >>>>>>>>> markets. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >>>>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive >>>>>>>>> Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex >>>>>>>>> corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to >>>>>>>>> "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, >>>>>>>>> conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing >>>>>>>>> maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had >>>>>>>>> a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with >>>>>>>>> significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various >>>>>>>>> state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency >>>>>>>>> and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically >>>>>>>>> pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of >>>>>>>>> innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software >>>>>>>>> technologies. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >>>>>>>>> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products >>>>>>>>> allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze >>>>>>>>> financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create >>>>>>>>> reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal >>>>>>>>> counterparts. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>>>>>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>>>>>>> software. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its >>>>>>>>> regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from >>>>>>>>> the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to >>>>>>>>> criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>>>>>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>>>>>>> control. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, >>>>>>>>> including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in >>>>>>>>> monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment >>>>>>>>> advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 >>>>>>>>> Highlights) >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office >>>>>>>>> for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has >>>>>>>>> been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto >>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business >>>>>>>>> innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals >>>>>>>>> such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may >>>>>>>>> relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of >>>>>>>>> the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>>>>>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the >>>>>>>>> issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or management >>>>>>>>> of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or >>>>>>>>> term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted >>>>>>>>> from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be >>>>>>>>> quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible >>>>>>>>> for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>> as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios >>>>>>>>> when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially >>>>>>>>> exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable >>>>>>>>> reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty >>>>>>>>>> DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations >>>>>>>>>> of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" >>>>>>>>>> (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an >>>>>>>>>> active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look >>>>>>>>>> like this: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's >>>>>>>>>> request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge >>>>>>>>>> value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in >>>>>>>>>> California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in >>>>>>>>>> themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New York City. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, >>>>>>>>>> at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>>>>>>> lifted. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One >>>>>>>>>> Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments >>>>>>>>>> symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI >>>>>>>>>> program failures in the United States and abroad. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban >>>>>>>>>> lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance >>>>>>>>>> marketplace. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> This will improve Florida's overall economy, something >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension >>>>>>>>>> malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent >>>>>>>>>> Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General >>>>>>>>>> Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer >>>>>>>>>> could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman >>>>>>>>>> Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should >>>>>>>>>> understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and >>>>>>>>>> that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' >>>>>>>>>> Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Either way, - plans to explore execution of >>>>>>>>>> various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February >>>>>>>>>> 12, 2025. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> With new approaches to DEI in the United States of >>>>>>>>>>> America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black >>>>>>>>>>> Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate >>>>>>>>>>> terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United >>>>>>>>>>> States of America. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman >>>>>>>>>>> Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS." >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social >>>>>>>>>>> inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the >>>>>>>>>>> United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF >>>>>>>>>>> anchor investor. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Chart Riggall >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a >>>>>>>>>>> British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm >>>>>>>>>>> Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling >>>>>>>>>>> Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely >>>>>>>>>>> unenforceable. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Order attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>> violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the >>>>>>>>>>> agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Today - received third party private >>>>>>>>>>>> investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade >>>>>>>>>>>> secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are). >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After >>>>>>>>>>>> all, - is extremely well positioned. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> However, when - learned who may have been >>>>>>>>>>>> the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a >>>>>>>>>>>> very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the >>>>>>>>>>>> money was recovered in receivership in under a year. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" >>>>>>>>>>>> concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) >>>>>>>>>>>> programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a >>>>>>>>>>>> foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet >>>>>>>>>>>> not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly >>>>>>>>>>>> provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer? >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he >>>>>>>>>>>> is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby >>>>>>>>>>>> for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly >>>>>>>>>>>> void during his last trial in Manhattan. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and >>>>>>>>>>>> of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who >>>>>>>>>>>> represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Today here is a similar story: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Sophia Dourou >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that >>>>>>>>>>>> generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face >>>>>>>>>>>> extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed >>>>>>>>>>>> on Monday. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon >>>>>>>>>>>>> eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below >>>>>>>>>>>>> addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly >>>>>>>>>>>>> the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>>>>>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - >>>>>>>>>>>>> will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board >>>>>>>>>>>>> Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>> participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th >>>>>>>>>>>>> Circ. Says >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request >>>>>>>>>>>>> to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a >>>>>>>>>>>>> class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>> businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged >>>>>>>>>>>>> bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC >>>>>>>>>>>>> that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O >>>>>>>>>>>>> coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously >>>>>>>>>>>>> orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code >>>>>>>>>>>>> while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect >>>>>>>>>>>>> that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is not a joke. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ticktock. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>> interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm wishes, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm regards, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> United States Department of Justice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eastern District of New York >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. Please forgive me in omitting: SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <> By Frank G. Runyeon Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background.
Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <>
By Jamie Lennox
A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and honest challenge in Orange County, California.
Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense <>
By Eddie Beaver
Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable."
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California Attorney General.
We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York State Attorney General. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - has no big problem serving your firm properly.
Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' collapse.
FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit <>
By Lauren Berg
The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring prior to its collapse two years ago.
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > - plans on taking our case to Orange County, > California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is > honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and > Gunnar Larson. > > Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy > <> > > By Isaac Monterose > > Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win > in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to > acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they > participated in any price-fixing scheme. > > Brief attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> An update from earlier today: >> >> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In >> Crypto >> <> >> >> By Phillip Bantz >> >> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein >> was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal >> tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made >> millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days. >> >> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing >>> position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>> >>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>> <> >>> >>> By Elliot Weld >>> >>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se >>> motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme >>> Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally >>> make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced >>> lawyers. >>> >>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the >>> Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly >>> as a class. >>> >>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that >>> holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>> association with Coinbase. >>> >>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>> mandate. >>> >>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, >>> we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in >>>> advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>> >>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Alex Davidson >>>> >>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of >>>>> the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>> >>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>> >>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of >>>>> a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state >>>>> court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>> >>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>> NATO. >>>>> >>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>> >>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>> >>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >>>>>> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >>>>>> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >>>>>> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >>>>>> analysts say. >>>>>> >>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions >>>>>>> against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former >>>>>>> assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer >>>>>>> intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to >>>>>>> Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>> >>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem >>>>>>>>> with - leadership. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation >>>>>>>>> Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have >>>>>>>>> lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have >>>>>>>>> hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm >>>>>>>>> with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same >>>>>>>>> Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>>>>>>>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us >>>>>>>>> to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent >>>>>>>>> Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with >>>>>>>>> threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City >>>>>>>>> and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they >>>>>>>>> failed. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at >>>>>>>>> the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>>>>>>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings >>>>>>>>>> LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO >>>>>>>>>> knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from >>>>>>>>>> orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March >>>>>>>>>> 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of >>>>>>>>>> Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer >>>>>>>>>> Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, >>>>>>>>>> as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>>>>>>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>>>>>>>> directors). >>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a >>>>>>>>>> battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >>>>>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency >>>>>>>>>> and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically >>>>>>>>>> pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of >>>>>>>>>> innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software >>>>>>>>>> technologies. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >>>>>>>>>> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products >>>>>>>>>> allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze >>>>>>>>>> financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create >>>>>>>>>> reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal >>>>>>>>>> counterparts. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>>>>>>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>>>>>>>> software. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of >>>>>>>>>> its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden >>>>>>>>>> from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to >>>>>>>>>> criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>>>>>>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>>>>>>>> control. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office >>>>>>>>>> for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has >>>>>>>>>> been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto >>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business >>>>>>>>>> innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of >>>>>>>>>> the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>>>>>>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the >>>>>>>>>> issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or management >>>>>>>>>> of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or >>>>>>>>>> term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted >>>>>>>>>> from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be >>>>>>>>>> quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>> as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios >>>>>>>>>> when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially >>>>>>>>>> exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable >>>>>>>>>> reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty >>>>>>>>>>> DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations >>>>>>>>>>> of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" >>>>>>>>>>> (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding >>>>>>>>>>> an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look >>>>>>>>>>> like this: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's >>>>>>>>>>> request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>> value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in >>>>>>>>>>> California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed >>>>>>>>>>> in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: Anyone going to Summer Camp? SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <> By Rachel Scharf A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk. Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights? Gunnar Larson On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background.
Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <>
By Jamie Lennox
A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and honest challenge in Orange County, California.
Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense <>
By Eddie Beaver
Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable."
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California Attorney General.
We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York State Attorney General. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > - has no big problem serving your firm properly. > > Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' > collapse. > > FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit > <> > > By Lauren Berg > > The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware > bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to > serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to > recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring > prior to its collapse two years ago. > > Letter attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >> Gunnar Larson. >> >> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >> <> >> >> By Isaac Monterose >> >> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win >> in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to >> acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they >> participated in any price-fixing scheme. >> >> Brief attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> An update from earlier today: >>> >>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In >>> Crypto >>> <> >>> >>> By Phillip Bantz >>> >>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein >>> was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal >>> tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made >>> millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days. >>> >>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing >>>> position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>> >>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Elliot Weld >>>> >>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro >>>> se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>> experienced lawyers. >>>> >>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the >>>> Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly >>>> as a class. >>>> >>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that >>>> holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>> association with Coinbase. >>>> >>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>> mandate. >>>> >>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>> approach. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in >>>>> advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>> >>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>> >>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will >>>>>> of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>> >>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>> >>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner >>>>>> of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state >>>>>> court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>> >>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>> NATO. >>>>>> >>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >>>>>>> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >>>>>>> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >>>>>>> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >>>>>>> analysts say. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem >>>>>>>>>> with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation >>>>>>>>>> Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have >>>>>>>>>> lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have >>>>>>>>>> hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm >>>>>>>>>> with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same >>>>>>>>>> Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>>>>>>>>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us >>>>>>>>>> to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent >>>>>>>>>> Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with >>>>>>>>>> threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at >>>>>>>>>> the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>>>>>>>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings >>>>>>>>>>> LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>> CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States >>>>>>>>>>> from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on >>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board >>>>>>>>>>> of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, >>>>>>>>>>> as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>>>>>>>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>>>>>>>>> directors). >>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a >>>>>>>>>>> battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >>>>>>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >>>>>>>>>>> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products >>>>>>>>>>> allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze >>>>>>>>>>> financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create >>>>>>>>>>> reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal >>>>>>>>>>> counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>>>>>>>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>>>>>>>>> software. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of >>>>>>>>>>> its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden >>>>>>>>>>> from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities >>>>>>>>>>> to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>>>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>>>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>>>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>>>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>>>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>>>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>>>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>>>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>>>>>>>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>>>>>>>>> control. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of >>>>>>>>>>> the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>>>>>>>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the >>>>>>>>>>> issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or management >>>>>>>>>>> of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or >>>>>>>>>>> term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted >>>>>>>>>>> from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be >>>>>>>>>>> quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty >>>>>>>>>>>> DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations >>>>>>>>>>>> of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding >>>>>>>>>>>> an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look >>>>>>>>>>>> like this: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's >>>>>>>>>>>> request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud >>>>>>>>>>>> at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed >>>>>>>>>>>> in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent. 4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <> The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman. Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background.
Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <>
By Jamie Lennox
A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and > honest challenge in Orange County, California. > > Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense > <> > > By Eddie Beaver > > Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense > to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 > billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions > of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > > And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is > getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California > Attorney General. > > We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special > problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to > enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York > State Attorney General. > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >> >> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' >> collapse. >> >> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >> <> >> >> By Lauren Berg >> >> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware >> bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to >> serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to >> recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring >> prior to its collapse two years ago. >> >> Letter attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>> Gunnar Larson. >>> >>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>> <> >>> >>> By Isaac Monterose >>> >>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win >>> in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to >>> acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they >>> participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>> >>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> An update from earlier today: >>>> >>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In >>>> Crypto >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>> >>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein >>>> was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal >>>> tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made >>>> millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days. >>>> >>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>> >>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>> >>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro >>>>> se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>> >>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the >>>>> Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly >>>>> as a class. >>>>> >>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that >>>>> holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>> >>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>>> mandate. >>>>> >>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>> approach. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in >>>>>> advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>> >>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>> >>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>>> >>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will >>>>>>> of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner >>>>>>> of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state >>>>>>> court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >>>>>>>> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >>>>>>>> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >>>>>>>> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >>>>>>>> analysts say. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem >>>>>>>>>>> with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation >>>>>>>>>>> Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have >>>>>>>>>>> lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have >>>>>>>>>>> hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same >>>>>>>>>>> Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>>>>>>>>>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted >>>>>>>>>>> us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at >>>>>>>>>>> the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>>>>>>>>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>> CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States >>>>>>>>>>>> from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on >>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board >>>>>>>>>>>> of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, >>>>>>>>>>>> as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>>>>>>>>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>>>>>>>>>> directors). >>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in >>>>>>>>>>>> a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of >>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products >>>>>>>>>>>> allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze >>>>>>>>>>>> financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create >>>>>>>>>>>> reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal >>>>>>>>>>>> counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>>>>>>>>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>>>>>>>>>> software. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of >>>>>>>>>>>> its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden >>>>>>>>>>>> from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities >>>>>>>>>>>> to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>>>>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>>>>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>>>>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>>>>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>>>>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>>>>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>>>>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>>>>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>>>>>>>>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>>>>>>>>>> control. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of >>>>>>>>>>>> the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>>>>>>>>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the >>>>>>>>>>>> issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty >>>>>>>>>>>>> DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations >>>>>>>>>>>>> of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding >>>>>>>>>>>>> an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud >>>>>>>>>>>>> at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed >>>>>>>>>>>>> in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Gunnar Larson <> Date: Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Subject: Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement To: <>, Antonis Polemitis <>, Marzulli, John (USANYE) <>, Caswell, Davis-Brooke <>, Harris, Adrienne A (DFS) <>, <> Cc: <>, cypherpunks <>, Elena Kontemeniotis <>, <>, IABCMDCNTR <
Goldman Sachs: Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent. 4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <> The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman. Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background.
Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <>
By Jamie Lennox
A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and > honest challenge in Orange County, California. > > Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense > <> > > By Eddie Beaver > > Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense > to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 > billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions > of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > > And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is > getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California > Attorney General. > > We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special > problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to > enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York > State Attorney General. > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >> >> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' >> collapse. >> >> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >> <> >> >> By Lauren Berg >> >> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware >> bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to >> serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to >> recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring >> prior to its collapse two years ago. >> >> Letter attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>> Gunnar Larson. >>> >>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>> <> >>> >>> By Isaac Monterose >>> >>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win >>> in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to >>> acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they >>> participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>> >>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> An update from earlier today: >>>> >>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In >>>> Crypto >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>> >>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein >>>> was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal >>>> tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made >>>> millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days. >>>> >>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>> >>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>> >>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro >>>>> se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>> >>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the >>>>> Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly >>>>> as a class. >>>>> >>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that >>>>> holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>> >>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>>> mandate. >>>>> >>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>> approach. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in >>>>>> advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>> >>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>> >>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>>> >>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will >>>>>>> of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner >>>>>>> of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state >>>>>>> court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >>>>>>>> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >>>>>>>> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >>>>>>>> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >>>>>>>> analysts say. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem >>>>>>>>>>> with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation >>>>>>>>>>> Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have >>>>>>>>>>> lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have >>>>>>>>>>> hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same >>>>>>>>>>> Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>>>>>>>>>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted >>>>>>>>>>> us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at >>>>>>>>>>> the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>>>>>>>>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>> CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States >>>>>>>>>>>> from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on >>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board >>>>>>>>>>>> of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, >>>>>>>>>>>> as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>>>>>>>>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>>>>>>>>>> directors). >>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in >>>>>>>>>>>> a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of >>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products >>>>>>>>>>>> allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze >>>>>>>>>>>> financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create >>>>>>>>>>>> reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal >>>>>>>>>>>> counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>>>>>>>>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>>>>>>>>>> software. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of >>>>>>>>>>>> its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden >>>>>>>>>>>> from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities >>>>>>>>>>>> to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>>>>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>>>>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>>>>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>>>>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>>>>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>>>>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>>>>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>>>>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>>>>>>>>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>>>>>>>>>> control. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of >>>>>>>>>>>> the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>>>>>>>>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the >>>>>>>>>>>> issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty >>>>>>>>>>>>> DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations >>>>>>>>>>>>> of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding >>>>>>>>>>>>> an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud >>>>>>>>>>>>> at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed >>>>>>>>>>>>> in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit <> By Rae Ann Varona An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true. Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background.
Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <>
By Jamie Lennox
A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > -'s intent is clear. > > Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC > Twitter deal precicident. > > -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s > mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. > > OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit > <> > > By Gina Kim > > OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon > Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit > enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, > saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to > undermine a competitor." > > Letter attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and >> honest challenge in Orange County, California. >> >> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >> <> >> >> By Eddie Beaver >> >> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense >> to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> >> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is >> getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >> Attorney General. >> >> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special >> problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to >> enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York >> State Attorney General. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >>> >>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>> Sachs' collapse. >>> >>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>> <> >>> >>> By Lauren Berg >>> >>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware >>> bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to >>> serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to >>> recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring >>> prior to its collapse two years ago. >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>> >>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>> >>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>> >>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>> >>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In >>>>> Crypto >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>> >>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein >>>>> was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal >>>>> tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made >>>>> millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days. >>>>> >>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>> >>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro >>>>>> se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>> >>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>> >>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that >>>>>> holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>> >>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>>>> mandate. >>>>>> >>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>> approach. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in >>>>>>> advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will >>>>>>>> of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner >>>>>>>> of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state >>>>>>>> court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >>>>>>>>> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >>>>>>>>> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >>>>>>>>> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >>>>>>>>> analysts say. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have >>>>>>>>>>>> lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have >>>>>>>>>>>> hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this >>>>>>>>>>>> same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation >>>>>>>>>>>> is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted >>>>>>>>>>>> us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at >>>>>>>>>>>> the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note >>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>> CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>> from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on >>>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board >>>>>>>>>>>>> of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and >>>>>>>>>>>>> procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and >>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including >>>>>>>>>>>>> public/private board of directors). >>>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in >>>>>>>>>>>>> a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of >>>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products >>>>>>>>>>>>> allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze >>>>>>>>>>>>> financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create >>>>>>>>>>>>> reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal >>>>>>>>>>>>> counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its >>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered >>>>>>>>>>>>> by computer software. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of >>>>>>>>>>>>> its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden >>>>>>>>>>>>> from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities >>>>>>>>>>>>> to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>>>>>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>>>>>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>>>>>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>>>>>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>>>>>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>>>>>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>>>>>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>>>>>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to >>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for >>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate control. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities >>>>>>>>>>>>> of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a >>>>>>>>>>>>> merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the >>>>>>>>>>>>> issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make >>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusations of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>> holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud >>>>>>>>>>>>>> at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context >>>>>>>>>>>>>> embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: According to Barron's, "The Waltons are America's richest family with a 46% stake in Walmart that is worth more than $300 billion. The company is the world's biggest retailer and America's largest company, with $648 billion in sales. With 2.1 million employees, Walmart is also America's biggest employer." Reference: Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.' Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense: Walmart Says CFPB Suit Should Wait Amid Agency Chaos <> By Aislinn Keely Walmart and fintech company Branch Messenger Inc. asked a Minnesota federal judge to stay the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's enforcement case over allegedly mandatory deposit accounts for delivery drivers until policymakers untangle the agency's role under the Trump administration. Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fearful Goldman Sachs was abusing and Walmart at the same time, with hopes of fuling tensions in the Middle East. For example in Cyprus, Turkey and Pakistan. - is a champion for Peace, so we will execute this Deferred Agreement on behalf of people everywhere. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit <>
By Rae Ann Varona
An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background.
Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <>
By Jamie Lennox
A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > -'s intent is clear. > > Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC > Twitter deal precicident. > > -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s > mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. > > OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit > <> > > By Gina Kim > > OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon > Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit > enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, > saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to > undermine a competitor." > > Letter attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> -'s intent is clear. >> >> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >> Twitter deal precicident. >> >> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >> >> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >> <> >> >> By Gina Kim >> >> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >> undermine a competitor." >> >> Letter attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and >>> honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>> >>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>> <> >>> >>> By Eddie Beaver >>> >>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> >>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>> Attorney General. >>> >>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>> York State Attorney General. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >>>> >>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>> >>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Lauren Berg >>>> >>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware >>>> bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to >>>> serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to >>>> recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring >>>> prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>> >>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>> >>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>> >>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>> >>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions >>>>>> In Crypto >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>> >>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>> days. >>>>>> >>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>>>>> mandate. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated >>>>>>>> in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks >>>>>>>>>> against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the >>>>>>>>>> credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in >>>>>>>>>> his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial >>>>>>>>>> settlement, analysts say. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could >>>>>>>>>>>>> have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>>>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>>>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have >>>>>>>>>>>>> hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>>>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this >>>>>>>>>>>>> same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation >>>>>>>>>>>>> is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted >>>>>>>>>>>>> us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure >>>>>>>>>>>>> at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>>> from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including >>>>>>>>>>>>>> public/private board of directors). >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties >>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software >>>>>>>>>>>>>> products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Federal counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered >>>>>>>>>>>>>> by computer software. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden >>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board >>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible >>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an >>>>>>>>>>>>>> issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its >>>>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for >>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate control. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusations of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: - will not afford Goldman Sachs anymore time in getting the firm’s story straight on this criminal conspiracy against the Deferred Agreement’s mandate. It is somewhat problematic for Goldman Sachs that SDNY whistle blowers are resigning left and right as you read this. What if - offers these SDNY whistle blowers a platform to share their stories? Boeing, DOJ Want More Time To Rework 737 Max Plea Deal <> By Linda Chiem The U.S. Department of Justice and The Boeing Co. told a Texas federal judge on Thursday that they need another month to rework a plea agreement in the American aerospace giant's 737 Max criminal conspiracy case, saying new senior DOJ officials are still being briefed on a potential new deal. 1 document attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> As soon as Goldman Sachs tried to strike a conspiracy against -, it will be argued that is when Goldman Sachs lost it all. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:08 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
According to Barron's, "The Waltons are America's richest family with a 46% stake in Walmart that is worth more than $300 billion. The company is the world's biggest retailer and America's largest company, with $648 billion in sales. With 2.1 million employees, Walmart is also America's biggest employer."
Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.'
Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense:
Walmart Says CFPB Suit Should Wait Amid Agency Chaos <>
By Aislinn Keely
Walmart and fintech company Branch Messenger Inc. asked a Minnesota federal judge to stay the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's enforcement case over allegedly mandatory deposit accounts for delivery drivers until policymakers untangle the agency's role under the Trump administration.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fearful Goldman Sachs was abusing and Walmart at the same time, with hopes of fuling tensions in the Middle East.
For example in Cyprus, Turkey and Pakistan. - is a champion for Peace, so we will execute this Deferred Agreement on behalf of people everywhere. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit <>
By Rae Ann Varona
An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs > started harassing us in the background. > > Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman > Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. > > This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted > Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. > > Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm > <> > > By Jamie Lennox > > A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed > one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on > bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a > tribunal has ruled. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> -'s intent is clear. >> >> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >> Twitter deal precicident. >> >> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >> >> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >> <> >> >> By Gina Kim >> >> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >> undermine a competitor." >> >> Letter attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and >>>> honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>> >>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>> >>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> >>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>> Attorney General. >>>> >>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>> York State Attorney General. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >>>>> >>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>> >>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>> >>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware >>>>> bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to >>>>> serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to >>>>> recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring >>>>> prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>> >>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>> >>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>> >>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>> >>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions >>>>>>> In Crypto >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>> >>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>> days. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>>>>>> mandate. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated >>>>>>>>> in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>>>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>>>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>>>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks >>>>>>>>>>> against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the >>>>>>>>>>> credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in >>>>>>>>>>> his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial >>>>>>>>>>> settlement, analysts say. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it >>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity >>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this >>>>>>>>>>>>>> same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure >>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public/private board of directors). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President Danny Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Federal counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by computer software. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> practices were dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate control. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusations of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> originally administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Dear Goldman Sachs: The below newsletter, "Subject: Launch of the One Million Black Women Initiative…John Waldron Interviews NATO Secretary-General…Institutions Sharpen Focus on Crypto Assets" is problematic. Can Goldman Sachs' CEO come clean about the $200B software scam, before - beats Gomdman Sachs to NATO? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson 646-554-7514 Begin forwarded message: *From:* Briefings from Goldman Sachs <> *Date:* March 12, 2021 at 12:53:52 PM EST *To:* *Subject:* *Launch of the One Million Black Women Initiative…John Waldron Interviews NATO Secretary-General…Institutions Sharpen Focus on Crypto Assets* *Reply-To:* "Briefings from Goldman Sachs" <> [image: Goldman Sachs] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac1f> [image: BRIEFINGS] March 12, 2021 Goldman Sachs Launches One Million Black Women Initiative [image:] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac20> “When we looked at the United States, it became clear that if you wanted to make a long-term economic difference, you had to start by supporting Black women,” said Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO David Solomon, on the launch of *One Million Black Women*, the firm’s initiative to narrow opportunity gaps for Black women by investing $10 billion and committing $100 million in philanthropic capital for capacity-building grants over the next decade. The effort will target investments to support Black women at key moments in their lives and address the significant disadvantages they face across a range of economic measures, including access to housing, healthcare, education and capital. The firm will work with an advisory council of Black leaders from leading corporations, nonprofit organizations and government, who will play a critical role in driving the initiative forward. *Learn more about the One Million Black Women <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac21> initiative.* Black Womenomics: Investing in the Underinvested <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac25> The *One Million Black Women* initiative draws on insights from Goldman Sachs Research’s new *Black Womenomics* report, which delves into the 90% wealth gap between Black and white households, its relationship with the broader economic disadvantages Black women face, and the public and private investment opportunities that can help close the divide. The report contends that addressing structural economic disparities would make for not only a fairer but also a richer society: The authors estimate that confronting the wage gap alone (which accounts for two-thirds of the wealth gap and widens throughout Black women’s working life) could add over one million jobs to the U.S. economy, and increase annual GDP by $300-450 billion in current dollars. Read report <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac26> View infographic <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac27> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac28> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac29> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2a> [image: email] <?subject=Black%20Womenomics&> Talks at GS With NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2b> Above (L to R): John Waldron of Goldman Sachs and Jens Stoltenberg of NATO As secretary-general of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg leads a political and military alliance that was designed to maintain a delicate peace in the shadow of World War II—a coalition that's since evolved to include climate change as a key focus for its 30 member nations. “Climate change—global warming—is what we call a crisis multiplier,” says Stoltenberg, who spoke with Goldman Sachs President and COO John Waldron in a recent episode of *Talks at GS*. “It will increase the competition for scarce resources, for water, for land. It will force people to move,” he says. “I'm not saying that climate change is the only reason for crisis and conflicts, but it may exacerbate and fuel and multiply the consequences of different conflicts in many places in the world.” The secretary-general envisions a three-part approach to the threat. “The first thing NATO should do, and we are starting to do that, is to have the best possible understanding of the link between climate change, global warming, and security threats and conflicts,” he says. “The second thing we should do is that we need to adapt the way we conduct our [military] missions, operations—how we do our work. Because we have to understand that the military, they operate, at least mostly, out there in nature.” Last is the alliance’s own role in contributing to climate change. “We could try to reduce emissions,” says Stoltenberg, “because today’s military operations are normally extremely energy consuming.” Watch video <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2c> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2d> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2e> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2f> [image: email] <?subject=Talks%20at%20GS%20With%20NATO%E2%80%99s%20Jens%20Stoltenberg&> How Institutional Investors Are Thinking About Crypto Assets Institutional investors are increasingly focused on investment opportunities in crypto assets, says Goldman Sachs' Mathew McDermott, who relayed how the assets are dominating client conversations—and at a more technical level—on a recent *Exchanges at Goldman Sachs* podcast. “The questions are not really, ‘What is it?’…It's more about ‘How can we get exposure, what are the instruments we can transact?’” McDermott, who is global head of Digital Assets for the firm, says the surge in trading crypto can be seen across a diverse investor base, citing findings from a recent Goldman Sachs survey of institutional clients. “40% of the clients currently have exposure to cryptocurrencies,” he says, while “61% of clients expect their digital asset holdings to increase over the next year.” It’s a significant shift from where the cryptocurrency market was a few years ago. “2017 was very much a retail-driven market,” McDermott says. “This time around, we've just seen a huge volume of institutional demand across the broad spectrum of different industry types. And as a function, you're seeing incumbent banks now explore ways that they can develop products to satisfy that client demand, enabling them to gain exposure to the different cryptocurrencies.” Listen to podcast <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac30> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac31> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac32> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac33> [image: email] <?subject=How%20Institutional%20Investors%20Are%20Trading%20Cryptocurrency&> The Daily Check-In With Goldman Sachs <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac34> Above (L to R): Mike Swell, Anna Skoglund and Katherine Tait of Goldman Sachs While mounting concerns over inflation spooked the bond markets and other risk assets in recent weeks, such fears are likely overblown, says Goldman Sachs’ Mike Swell <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac35>, who oversees a team that manages $700 billion in fixed income assets. Investors are “concerned [that] with the very significant recovery we’re seeing in the economy—along with a lot of debt issued by the government—we’re going to see a significant increase in inflation,” he says in a recent episode of *The Daily Check-In*. But more broadly, Swell notes that labor market slack, productivity gains and globalization will likely keep inflation in check for longer than the market is currently expecting. “As we look into 2022, you’re likely to see growth normalize, inflation normalize. And the Fed is going to keep the money easy and, as a result, it’s going to be a good environment for risk assets and it’s going to be a decent environment for fixed income assets as well.” In other episodes of *The Daily Check-In*, Anna Skoglund <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac36> of Goldman Sachs’ Investment Banking Division discusses the increase in private equity deal volumes in Europe this year and Goldman Sachs Research’s Katherine Tait <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac37> explains why venture capital in the education sector had its best-ever year in 2020 as the pandemic reshaped the future of learning. *For more Daily Check-In videos, subscribe to our channel <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac38> on YouTube.* Watch videos <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac39> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3a> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3b> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3c> [image: email] <?subject=The%20Daily%20Check-In%20With%20Goldman%20Sachs&> March QuickPoll: Moving to a ‘Post-Pandemic Regime’ After dealing with the recent volatility in interest rates, investors are shifting their focus to central bank activity and economic data, according to the latest Marquee QuickPoll survey of close to 700 Goldman Sachs institutional investor clients. Here are highlights: *Rate Moves Coming to an End?* Investor sentiment suggests that a jump in interest rates is still expected but not for long: A majority of respondents think interest rates will increase in March, but only 9% expect 10-year rates to end the month above 1.60%. *Central Bank Policy in the Spotlight*. COVID-19 epidemic data and vaccine developments were by far the primary (and only) variable investors were watching in past QuickPoll surveys, but focus is now shifting to central banks and macro indicators. COVID remains top of mind for 39% of respondents this month, but 33% of investors are now keeping an eye out for central bank statements and 16% are looking to U.S. economic data. “In our view, this likely marks the end of the ‘pandemic regime’ for markets and the beginning of a ‘post-pandemic’ one,” says Oscar Ostlund, head of content for Marquee, the digital platform for the Global Markets Division. *Portfolio Rotation to Inflation-Sensitive Assets*. Investors turned bearish on gold, the price of which typically falls when real rates rise—with about 35% of respondents expecting the price to be weakened further by the end of the month. Meanwhile, investors continue to have a bullish view on other commodities such as crude and copper. “We’ve seen many investors shift their views on gold and significantly reduce their enthusiasm on emerging market equities, which were the second-favorite asset class last month but have significantly sold off,” Ostlund says. *For more information about QuickPoll and Marquee, reach out to the team <>. * Briefly…on the Path to Net-Zero Emissions and Inclusive Growth <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac40> Just over a year into Goldman Sachs' 10-year plan to deploy $750 billion toward accelerating the climate transition and advancing inclusive growth, the firm has reached a fifth of its target. We sat down with *John Goldstein*, head of the firm’s Sustainable Finance Group, to discuss progress, client concerns and the impact of the pandemic on companies’ sustainability goals. *John, soon after the firm announced its sustainability goal in late 2019, the world went into lockdown. Can you describe how the pandemic affected companies’ sustainability objectives in 2020? * *John Goldstein*: Last year was undoubtedly a year of volatility and complexity, but the one constant was the growing interest and focus in sustainable finance and ESG as evidenced by the fact that in 2020 alone we reached a fifth of our $750 billion 10-year target. The pandemic served as a stress test for the industry—which it passed with flying colors. The strong performance of ESG investments during the first-quarter downturn was rewarded with greater focus and capital flows as the year progressed. In addition, the pandemic reminded people of how quickly the world can change and how important these emerging changes can be to portfolios. Factors that may not have always been incorporated in traditional financial models can have significant financial impacts. From our perspective, 2020 highlighted the importance of both elements of our sustainability approach which focuses on two interconnected themes: climate transition and inclusive growth. *Can you describe the firm’s approach to sustainability—how did you come to decide on these two themes?* *John Goldstein*: When we first announced our sustainability approach in 2019, people immediately understood the focus on climate transition, but were less certain about the focus on inclusive growth. Well, 2020 was a stark reminder that both pillars are essential. The pandemic gave us a health and employment crisis while highlighting the deeply visible manifestations of the ongoing racial inequalities, particularly in the U.S. You could say that the social component of ESG has climbed into the front seat with the environmental concerns. *So let’s talk about how the first year of allocating capital went. How did the firm approach making its targets a reality?* *John Goldstein*: A big part of achieving our goal during the first year stemmed from the fact that we were able to leverage the strengths across the organization. Soon after we announced our 10-year target, we created a new team, the Sustainable Finance Group, to coordinate our sustainability efforts across the firm. Shortly thereafter, we launched dedicated sustainability councils within all of our businesses, each led by a senior leader within the firm, to integrate sustainability solutions into our work with clients. *What's an example? * *John Goldstein*: One example I would highlight is the work that we did with our Global Markets Division where we incorporated ESG data into the division’s trading capabilities. That in turn helped clients achieve their ESG goals either broadly or in specific areas, such as lowering their carbon footprint in their portfolios. We essentially served as a product incubator within divisions to understand the market need for new strategies for their clients. The division, in turn, scaled the products and strategies more broadly. *What types of strategies resonated most with clients? * *John Goldstein*: Climate solutions were a key focus for clients across the firm. For example, we’ve worked with our colleagues in the Asset Management Division to provide growth financing to Swedish manufacturer Northvolt AB to support the construction of a lithium-ion battery factory that will expand the market for electric vehicles in Europe. For our public market investors, we’ve developed ESG strategies in our trading and asset management businesses and are accelerating global power solutions through our structuring services in the Global Markets Division. In the Investment Banking Division, we were part of the largest corporate sustainability bond for Alphabet; the largest IPO for a solar company, Shoals Technologies; and helped clients issue more than $35 billion in COVID-19 relief bonds. What we’ve learned is that there are multiple ways to help clients meet their decarbonization goals across the firm. In fact, making sustainability a core commercial focus for us has not only allowed us to scale ESG and inclusive growth strategies across the breadth and depth of our organization to meet our clients’ goals, but doing so has also enabled us to tie it into our own funding strategy as we recently did with the issuance of our $800 million green bond. *Finally, what do you see as the key ESG and sustainability priorities for companies this year? * *John Goldstein*: Investors and corporates are all looking at moving sustainability considerations from the periphery to the core of their organizations. That means that for investors, it’s not just about ESG products—it’s about all of their investing products. It’s not about their sustainability report—it’s about their annual report. For us, our focus will continue to remain on incubating and launching new product offerings within our divisions in partnership with our clients and—in particular—to accelerate our efforts to work as one firm to meet clients’ needs. View infographic <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac41> Read GS CEO David Solomon's statement <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac42> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac43> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac44> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac45> [image: email] <?subject=Briefly%E2%80%A6on%20the%20Path%20to%20Net-Zero%20Emissions%20and%20Inclusive%20Growth&> Goldman Sachs Media Highlights *CBS This Morning* - March 10 Investing in Women: Goldman Sachs CEO on New Plan to Close the Wage Gap <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac46>(7:26) *Essence* - March 10 Exclusive: Goldman Sachs Invests $10 Billion in New ‘One Million Black Women’ Initiative <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac47> *Bloomberg* - March 8 Goldman Open to Work With Financial Newcomers: Stephanie Cohen <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac48>(7:37) *Bloomberg *- March 8 Goldman’s Abby Joseph Cohen Still Sees Potential in Equities <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac49>(10:17) Subscribe <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4a> Unsubscribe <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4b&> The data provided in this newsletter is for information purposes only and should not be construed as investment or tax advice nor as a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any particular security. Goldman Sachs believes the data in this newsletter is accurate, but does not verify its accuracy independently and does not warrant or guarantee that it is accurate or complete. Goldman Sachs has no obligation to provide any updates or changes to the data. No investment decisions should be made using this data. To the extent this newsletter includes material from the Goldman Sachs Securities Division, please click here <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4c> for information relating to Securities Division material and your reliance on it. © 2021 Goldman Sachs, All rights reserved. 200 West Street, New York, NY 10282, USA <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4d> | Careers Blog <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4e> | Privacy and Security <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4f> | Terms of Use <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac50> [image: Facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac51> [image: Twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac52> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac53> [image: YouTube] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac54> [image: Instagram] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac55> On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:52 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - will not afford Goldman Sachs anymore time in getting the firm’s story straight on this criminal conspiracy against the Deferred Agreement’s mandate.
It is somewhat problematic for Goldman Sachs that SDNY whistle blowers are resigning left and right as you read this.
What if - offers these SDNY whistle blowers a platform to share their stories?
Boeing, DOJ Want More Time To Rework 737 Max Plea Deal <>
By Linda Chiem
The U.S. Department of Justice and The Boeing Co. told a Texas federal judge on Thursday that they need another month to rework a plea agreement in the American aerospace giant's 737 Max criminal conspiracy case, saying new senior DOJ officials are still being briefed on a potential new deal.
1 document attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
As soon as Goldman Sachs tried to strike a conspiracy against -, it will be argued that is when Goldman Sachs lost it all. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:08 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
According to Barron's, "The Waltons are America's richest family with a 46% stake in Walmart that is worth more than $300 billion. The company is the world's biggest retailer and America's largest company, with $648 billion in sales. With 2.1 million employees, Walmart is also America's biggest employer."
Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.'
Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense:
Walmart Says CFPB Suit Should Wait Amid Agency Chaos <>
By Aislinn Keely
Walmart and fintech company Branch Messenger Inc. asked a Minnesota federal judge to stay the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's enforcement case over allegedly mandatory deposit accounts for delivery drivers until policymakers untangle the agency's role under the Trump administration.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fearful Goldman Sachs was abusing and Walmart at the same time, with hopes of fuling tensions in the Middle East.
For example in Cyprus, Turkey and Pakistan. - is a champion for Peace, so we will execute this Deferred Agreement on behalf of people everywhere. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit <>
By Rae Ann Varona
An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and > EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. > > NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are > well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY > jurisdictional arbitrage. > > SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts > <> > > By Aislinn Keely > > A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start > to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon > LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts > could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous > with this Orange County Register feature: > > > "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a > mob movie: > > Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an > exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from > a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 > billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a > pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. > > Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 > billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During > marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d > delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under > control… Don’t panic!”" > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >> started harassing us in the background. >> >> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman >> Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >> >> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted >> Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >> >> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >> <> >> >> By Jamie Lennox >> >> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed >> one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on >> bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a >> tribunal has ruled. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>> >>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>> >>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>> >>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Gina Kim >>>> >>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>> undermine a competitor." >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>> >>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>> >>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>> Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>> properly. >>>>>> >>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>> >>>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>> >>>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a >>>>>> Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been >>>>>> able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking >>>>>> to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally >>>>>> transferring prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>>> >>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>>>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>>>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>>>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions >>>>>>>> In Crypto >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>>> days. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>>> calendar mandate. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated >>>>>>>>>> in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's >>>>>>>>>> controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation >>>>>>>>>> for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory >>>>>>>>>> credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a >>>>>>>>>> financial center. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political >>>>>>>>>>> Bias >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks >>>>>>>>>>>> against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the >>>>>>>>>>>> credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in >>>>>>>>>>>> his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial >>>>>>>>>>>> settlement, analysts say. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: - alleges you are aware of bribes at and money laundering NATO and BREAKING: Ex-Ill. Speaker Madigan Guilty On Bribery Charges In Mixed Verdict <> By Celeste Bott An Illinois federal jury on Wednesday partially convicted the man who was once the most powerful politician in Illinois on federal corruption charges, finding former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan guilty of bribery conspiracy and wire fraud but deadlocking on the government's overarching racketeering charge. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> If we are remotely correct about these Goldman Sachs mistakes/misnomers at NATO and, then - is forced to explore the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - also is nearly certain that these potential misnomers could be related to computer crimes. A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):" Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning. BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy. The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007. World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets. Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators. Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies. Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts. Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software. Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions. Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions. Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control. In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation. The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights) Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward. The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in: The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer; Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person; Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association; A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 1:38 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
The below newsletter, "Subject: Launch of the One Million Black Women Initiative…John Waldron Interviews NATO Secretary-General…Institutions Sharpen Focus on Crypto Assets" is problematic.
Can Goldman Sachs' CEO come clean about the $200B software scam, before - beats Gomdman Sachs to NATO? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson 646-554-7514
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* Briefings from Goldman Sachs <> *Date:* March 12, 2021 at 12:53:52 PM EST *To:* *Subject:* *Launch of the One Million Black Women Initiative…John Waldron Interviews NATO Secretary-General…Institutions Sharpen Focus on Crypto Assets* *Reply-To:* "Briefings from Goldman Sachs" <>
[image: Goldman Sachs] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac1f> [image: BRIEFINGS] March 12, 2021
Goldman Sachs Launches One Million Black Women Initiative
[image:] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac20>
“When we looked at the United States, it became clear that if you wanted to make a long-term economic difference, you had to start by supporting Black women,” said Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO David Solomon, on the launch of *One Million Black Women*, the firm’s initiative to narrow opportunity gaps for Black women by investing $10 billion and committing $100 million in philanthropic capital for capacity-building grants over the next decade. The effort will target investments to support Black women at key moments in their lives and address the significant disadvantages they face across a range of economic measures, including access to housing, healthcare, education and capital. The firm will work with an advisory council of Black leaders from leading corporations, nonprofit organizations and government, who will play a critical role in driving the initiative forward.
*Learn more about the One Million Black Women <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac21> initiative.* Black Womenomics: Investing in the Underinvested <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac25>
The *One Million Black Women* initiative draws on insights from Goldman Sachs Research’s new *Black Womenomics* report, which delves into the 90% wealth gap between Black and white households, its relationship with the broader economic disadvantages Black women face, and the public and private investment opportunities that can help close the divide. The report contends that addressing structural economic disparities would make for not only a fairer but also a richer society: The authors estimate that confronting the wage gap alone (which accounts for two-thirds of the wealth gap and widens throughout Black women’s working life) could add over one million jobs to the U.S. economy, and increase annual GDP by $300-450 billion in current dollars. Read report <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac26> View infographic <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac27> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac28> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac29> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2a> [image: email] <?subject=Black%20Womenomics&> Talks at GS With NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2b> Above (L to R): John Waldron of Goldman Sachs and Jens Stoltenberg of NATO
As secretary-general of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg leads a political and military alliance that was designed to maintain a delicate peace in the shadow of World War II—a coalition that's since evolved to include climate change as a key focus for its 30 member nations. “Climate change—global warming—is what we call a crisis multiplier,” says Stoltenberg, who spoke with Goldman Sachs President and COO John Waldron in a recent episode of *Talks at GS*. “It will increase the competition for scarce resources, for water, for land. It will force people to move,” he says. “I'm not saying that climate change is the only reason for crisis and conflicts, but it may exacerbate and fuel and multiply the consequences of different conflicts in many places in the world.” The secretary-general envisions a three-part approach to the threat. “The first thing NATO should do, and we are starting to do that, is to have the best possible understanding of the link between climate change, global warming, and security threats and conflicts,” he says. “The second thing we should do is that we need to adapt the way we conduct our [military] missions, operations—how we do our work. Because we have to understand that the military, they operate, at least mostly, out there in nature.” Last is the alliance’s own role in contributing to climate change. “We could try to reduce emissions,” says Stoltenberg, “because today’s military operations are normally extremely energy consuming.” Watch video <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2c> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2d> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2e> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2f> [image: email] <?subject=Talks%20at%20GS%20With%20NATO%E2%80%99s%20Jens%20Stoltenberg&> How Institutional Investors Are Thinking About Crypto Assets
Institutional investors are increasingly focused on investment opportunities in crypto assets, says Goldman Sachs' Mathew McDermott, who relayed how the assets are dominating client conversations—and at a more technical level—on a recent *Exchanges at Goldman Sachs* podcast. “The questions are not really, ‘What is it?’…It's more about ‘How can we get exposure, what are the instruments we can transact?’” McDermott, who is global head of Digital Assets for the firm, says the surge in trading crypto can be seen across a diverse investor base, citing findings from a recent Goldman Sachs survey of institutional clients. “40% of the clients currently have exposure to cryptocurrencies,” he says, while “61% of clients expect their digital asset holdings to increase over the next year.” It’s a significant shift from where the cryptocurrency market was a few years ago. “2017 was very much a retail-driven market,” McDermott says. “This time around, we've just seen a huge volume of institutional demand across the broad spectrum of different industry types. And as a function, you're seeing incumbent banks now explore ways that they can develop products to satisfy that client demand, enabling them to gain exposure to the different cryptocurrencies.” Listen to podcast <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac30> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac31> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac32> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac33> [image: email] <?subject=How%20Institutional%20Investors%20Are%20Trading%20Cryptocurrency&> The Daily Check-In With Goldman Sachs <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac34> Above (L to R): Mike Swell, Anna Skoglund and Katherine Tait of Goldman Sachs
While mounting concerns over inflation spooked the bond markets and other risk assets in recent weeks, such fears are likely overblown, says Goldman Sachs’ Mike Swell <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac35>, who oversees a team that manages $700 billion in fixed income assets. Investors are “concerned [that] with the very significant recovery we’re seeing in the economy—along with a lot of debt issued by the government—we’re going to see a significant increase in inflation,” he says in a recent episode of *The Daily Check-In*. But more broadly, Swell notes that labor market slack, productivity gains and globalization will likely keep inflation in check for longer than the market is currently expecting. “As we look into 2022, you’re likely to see growth normalize, inflation normalize. And the Fed is going to keep the money easy and, as a result, it’s going to be a good environment for risk assets and it’s going to be a decent environment for fixed income assets as well.”
In other episodes of *The Daily Check-In*, Anna Skoglund <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac36> of Goldman Sachs’ Investment Banking Division discusses the increase in private equity deal volumes in Europe this year and Goldman Sachs Research’s Katherine Tait <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac37> explains why venture capital in the education sector had its best-ever year in 2020 as the pandemic reshaped the future of learning.
*For more Daily Check-In videos, subscribe to our channel <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac38> on YouTube.* Watch videos <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac39> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3a> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3b> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3c> [image: email] <?subject=The%20Daily%20Check-In%20With%20Goldman%20Sachs&> March QuickPoll: Moving to a ‘Post-Pandemic Regime’
After dealing with the recent volatility in interest rates, investors are shifting their focus to central bank activity and economic data, according to the latest Marquee QuickPoll survey of close to 700 Goldman Sachs institutional investor clients. Here are highlights:
*Rate Moves Coming to an End?* Investor sentiment suggests that a jump in interest rates is still expected but not for long: A majority of respondents think interest rates will increase in March, but only 9% expect 10-year rates to end the month above 1.60%.
*Central Bank Policy in the Spotlight*. COVID-19 epidemic data and vaccine developments were by far the primary (and only) variable investors were watching in past QuickPoll surveys, but focus is now shifting to central banks and macro indicators. COVID remains top of mind for 39% of respondents this month, but 33% of investors are now keeping an eye out for central bank statements and 16% are looking to U.S. economic data. “In our view, this likely marks the end of the ‘pandemic regime’ for markets and the beginning of a ‘post-pandemic’ one,” says Oscar Ostlund, head of content for Marquee, the digital platform for the Global Markets Division.
*Portfolio Rotation to Inflation-Sensitive Assets*. Investors turned bearish on gold, the price of which typically falls when real rates rise—with about 35% of respondents expecting the price to be weakened further by the end of the month. Meanwhile, investors continue to have a bullish view on other commodities such as crude and copper. “We’ve seen many investors shift their views on gold and significantly reduce their enthusiasm on emerging market equities, which were the second-favorite asset class last month but have significantly sold off,” Ostlund says.
*For more information about QuickPoll and Marquee, reach out to the team <>. * Briefly…on the Path to Net-Zero Emissions and Inclusive Growth <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac40>
Just over a year into Goldman Sachs' 10-year plan to deploy $750 billion toward accelerating the climate transition and advancing inclusive growth, the firm has reached a fifth of its target. We sat down with *John Goldstein*, head of the firm’s Sustainable Finance Group, to discuss progress, client concerns and the impact of the pandemic on companies’ sustainability goals.
*John, soon after the firm announced its sustainability goal in late 2019, the world went into lockdown. Can you describe how the pandemic affected companies’ sustainability objectives in 2020? *
*John Goldstein*: Last year was undoubtedly a year of volatility and complexity, but the one constant was the growing interest and focus in sustainable finance and ESG as evidenced by the fact that in 2020 alone we reached a fifth of our $750 billion 10-year target. The pandemic served as a stress test for the industry—which it passed with flying colors. The strong performance of ESG investments during the first-quarter downturn was rewarded with greater focus and capital flows as the year progressed. In addition, the pandemic reminded people of how quickly the world can change and how important these emerging changes can be to portfolios. Factors that may not have always been incorporated in traditional financial models can have significant financial impacts. From our perspective, 2020 highlighted the importance of both elements of our sustainability approach which focuses on two interconnected themes: climate transition and inclusive growth.
*Can you describe the firm’s approach to sustainability—how did you come to decide on these two themes?*
*John Goldstein*: When we first announced our sustainability approach in 2019, people immediately understood the focus on climate transition, but were less certain about the focus on inclusive growth. Well, 2020 was a stark reminder that both pillars are essential. The pandemic gave us a health and employment crisis while highlighting the deeply visible manifestations of the ongoing racial inequalities, particularly in the U.S. You could say that the social component of ESG has climbed into the front seat with the environmental concerns.
*So let’s talk about how the first year of allocating capital went. How did the firm approach making its targets a reality?*
*John Goldstein*: A big part of achieving our goal during the first year stemmed from the fact that we were able to leverage the strengths across the organization. Soon after we announced our 10-year target, we created a new team, the Sustainable Finance Group, to coordinate our sustainability efforts across the firm. Shortly thereafter, we launched dedicated sustainability councils within all of our businesses, each led by a senior leader within the firm, to integrate sustainability solutions into our work with clients.
*What's an example? *
*John Goldstein*: One example I would highlight is the work that we did with our Global Markets Division where we incorporated ESG data into the division’s trading capabilities. That in turn helped clients achieve their ESG goals either broadly or in specific areas, such as lowering their carbon footprint in their portfolios. We essentially served as a product incubator within divisions to understand the market need for new strategies for their clients. The division, in turn, scaled the products and strategies more broadly.
*What types of strategies resonated most with clients? *
*John Goldstein*: Climate solutions were a key focus for clients across the firm. For example, we’ve worked with our colleagues in the Asset Management Division to provide growth financing to Swedish manufacturer Northvolt AB to support the construction of a lithium-ion battery factory that will expand the market for electric vehicles in Europe. For our public market investors, we’ve developed ESG strategies in our trading and asset management businesses and are accelerating global power solutions through our structuring services in the Global Markets Division. In the Investment Banking Division, we were part of the largest corporate sustainability bond for Alphabet; the largest IPO for a solar company, Shoals Technologies; and helped clients issue more than $35 billion in COVID-19 relief bonds. What we’ve learned is that there are multiple ways to help clients meet their decarbonization goals across the firm. In fact, making sustainability a core commercial focus for us has not only allowed us to scale ESG and inclusive growth strategies across the breadth and depth of our organization to meet our clients’ goals, but doing so has also enabled us to tie it into our own funding strategy as we recently did with the issuance of our $800 million green bond.
*Finally, what do you see as the key ESG and sustainability priorities for companies this year? *
*John Goldstein*: Investors and corporates are all looking at moving sustainability considerations from the periphery to the core of their organizations. That means that for investors, it’s not just about ESG products—it’s about all of their investing products. It’s not about their sustainability report—it’s about their annual report. For us, our focus will continue to remain on incubating and launching new product offerings within our divisions in partnership with our clients and—in particular—to accelerate our efforts to work as one firm to meet clients’ needs. View infographic <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac41> Read GS CEO David Solomon's statement <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac42> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac43> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac44> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac45> [image: email] <?subject=Briefly%E2%80%A6on%20the%20Path%20to%20Net-Zero%20Emissions%20and%20Inclusive%20Growth&> Goldman Sachs Media Highlights
*CBS This Morning* - March 10 Investing in Women: Goldman Sachs CEO on New Plan to Close the Wage Gap <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac46>(7:26)
*Essence* - March 10 Exclusive: Goldman Sachs Invests $10 Billion in New ‘One Million Black Women’ Initiative <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac47>
*Bloomberg* - March 8 Goldman Open to Work With Financial Newcomers: Stephanie Cohen <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac48>(7:37)
*Bloomberg *- March 8 Goldman’s Abby Joseph Cohen Still Sees Potential in Equities <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac49>(10:17)
Subscribe <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4a> Unsubscribe <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4b&> The data provided in this newsletter is for information purposes only and should not be construed as investment or tax advice nor as a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any particular security. Goldman Sachs believes the data in this newsletter is accurate, but does not verify its accuracy independently and does not warrant or guarantee that it is accurate or complete. Goldman Sachs has no obligation to provide any updates or changes to the data. No investment decisions should be made using this data.
To the extent this newsletter includes material from the Goldman Sachs Securities Division, please click here <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4c> for information relating to Securities Division material and your reliance on it. © 2021 Goldman Sachs, All rights reserved. 200 West Street, New York, NY 10282, USA <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4d> | Careers Blog <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4e> | Privacy and Security <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4f> | Terms of Use <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac50> [image: Facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac51> [image: Twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac52> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac53> [image: YouTube] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac54> [image: Instagram] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac55>
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:52 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - will not afford Goldman Sachs anymore time in getting the firm’s story straight on this criminal conspiracy against the Deferred Agreement’s mandate.
It is somewhat problematic for Goldman Sachs that SDNY whistle blowers are resigning left and right as you read this.
What if - offers these SDNY whistle blowers a platform to share their stories?
Boeing, DOJ Want More Time To Rework 737 Max Plea Deal <>
By Linda Chiem
The U.S. Department of Justice and The Boeing Co. told a Texas federal judge on Thursday that they need another month to rework a plea agreement in the American aerospace giant's 737 Max criminal conspiracy case, saying new senior DOJ officials are still being briefed on a potential new deal.
1 document attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
As soon as Goldman Sachs tried to strike a conspiracy against -, it will be argued that is when Goldman Sachs lost it all. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:08 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
According to Barron's, "The Waltons are America's richest family with a 46% stake in Walmart that is worth more than $300 billion. The company is the world's biggest retailer and America's largest company, with $648 billion in sales. With 2.1 million employees, Walmart is also America's biggest employer."
Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.'
Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense:
Walmart Says CFPB Suit Should Wait Amid Agency Chaos <>
By Aislinn Keely
Walmart and fintech company Branch Messenger Inc. asked a Minnesota federal judge to stay the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's enforcement case over allegedly mandatory deposit accounts for delivery drivers until policymakers untangle the agency's role under the Trump administration.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fearful Goldman Sachs was abusing and Walmart at the same time, with hopes of fuling tensions in the Middle East.
For example in Cyprus, Turkey and Pakistan. - is a champion for Peace, so we will execute this Deferred Agreement on behalf of people everywhere. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit <>
By Rae Ann Varona
An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message > concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. > > Please forgive me in omitting: > >

Dear Goldman Sachs: - saw the headline below, "Donald Trump Gives the Greenlight to Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase to Return to Bribing Foreign Officials" and thought, "Deferred Prosecution Agreement." Even so, Goldman Sachs is warned today by - that your firm may be amplifying 'Entrapment Risk' by opting to not uphold the Deferred Agreement's mandatory mandates. - notes as of yet, the Deferred Agreement is self-policing. - respectfully shares 212 Highlights to "The Entrapment Controversy" as a handbook guide to what we went through. Author: Roger C. Park Title: The Entrapment Controversy Source: Minnesota Law Review Citation: 60 Minn. L. Rev. 163 (1976). 212 Highlights by - -- "Donald Trump Gives the Greenlight to Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase to Return to Bribing Foreign Officials" By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: February 11, 2025 ~ President Donald Trump Tells Fox News that Americans Would End Up Poor Without His Brain in the White House President Donald Trump Tells Fox News that Americans Would End Up Poor Without His Brain in the White House The President of the United States appears to be on a mission to Make Corruption Great Again. Just yesterday, Trump’s Justice Department ordered prosecutors to drop corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Also, Trump issued a pardon to former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, who was convicted in 2011 on corruption charges, including an FBI-recorded attempt to sell the U.S. Senate seat that was vacated when Barack Obama took the office of the President. Trump had commuted Blagojevich’s sentence during his first term as President. In a further jaw-dropping move yesterday, Trump issued an Executive Order that suspends the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) for 180 days, giving a greenlight to megabanks on Wall Street and other U.S. corporations to bribe officials in foreign countries to get business deals approved. The order bars federal prosecutors from starting any new FCPA investigations, enforcing new actions and orders a review of existing FCPA investigations to “restore proper bounds” on applying the FCPA law. Two of the megabanks on Wall Street – Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase – had previously been charged with outrageously brazen violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). (See here and here.) The FCPA has been the law of the United States for almost half a century. It was enacted in 1977 and protects the reputations of giant publicly-traded companies in the U.S., the stock of many of which are held to the tune of billions of dollars in public pension funds. It also supports the reputation of the United States as a country that will not allow its largest corporations to engage in predatory practices against vulnerable countries through bribery. Trump’s moves yesterday to normalize corruption are being interpreted by some media outlets as an effort by Trump to normalize his own history of corruption as simply what smart dealmakers do. Trump is, after all, the first convicted felon (a 34-count convicted felon to be precise) to serve as President of the United States in 248 years. Trump’s unprecedented moves since taking office just last month are ringing more and more alarm bells. Trump has stunned the world at large with his announcement last Tuesday that the U.S. would take ownership of Gaza, the homeland of the Palestinian people, and develop it into “the Riviera of the Middle East.” Trump expanded on that in an interview with Fox News, portions of which were released yesterday. In that interview, Trump said the Palestinians would not be allowed to return to Gaza. From firing Inspectors General, to shuttering federal agencies, to allowing the unprecedented breaches of U.S. government payment and computer systems, to appointing grossly disqualified individuals to lead critical federal agencies, Trump is increasingly appearing to be destabilizing the U.S. government. Yesterday, five former U.S. Treasury Secretaries (Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Jack Lew and Janet Yellen) jointly penned an OpEd at the New York Times. In it, they wrote the following about Elon Musk and his band of young techies gaining access to the U.S. Treasury’s $6 trillion payment system: “These political actors have not been subject to the same rigorous ethics rules as civil servants, and one has explicitly retained his role in a private company, creating at best the appearance of financial conflicts of interest. They lack training and experience to handle private, personal data — like Social Security numbers and bank account information. Their power subjects America’s payments system and the highly sensitive data within it to the risk of exposure, potentially to our adversaries. And our critical infrastructure is at risk of failure if the code that underwrites it is not handled with due care. That is why a federal judge this past weekend blocked, at least temporarily, these individuals from the Treasury’s payments system, noting the risk of ‘irreparable harm.’ ” One member of Congress who appears to have sized up the machinations of Donald Trump, Elon Musk and his 19-25 year old tech bros running amok in the computer systems of critical federal agencies is Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). When the news of the mass firings of Inspectors General by Trump made their way to Whitehouse, he summed up the Trump agenda with one sentence at X (formerly Twitter): “Corruption 101: Clear out the cops before you send in the thieves.” Over the weekend, another cop has been gutted by the Trump administration in a brazen coup d’état. The building of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has been shuttered for at least this week, its government website gives a 404 error notice, and its major operations have been suspended by a Trump appointee, Russell Vought (a key author of Project 2025), who has also been installed as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The CFPB was created in 2010 under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation, duly passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama. It allows average Americans to file complaints directly with the CFPB against financial institutions that have ripped them off. That complaint database is publicly available and allows journalists to mine it, looking for the latest predatory actions against vulnerable Americans. Taking down the CFPB has been on Wall Street’s wish list since its creation. Senate and House Democrats funneled their outrage against the Trump administration’s unlawful actions against the CFPB in a quickly launched protest rally in front of its shuttered building yesterday. -- - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 2:10 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - alleges you are aware of bribes at and money laundering NATO and
BREAKING: Ex-Ill. Speaker Madigan Guilty On Bribery Charges In Mixed Verdict <>
By Celeste Bott
An Illinois federal jury on Wednesday partially convicted the man who was once the most powerful politician in Illinois on federal corruption charges, finding former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan guilty of bribery conspiracy and wire fraud but deadlocking on the government's overarching racketeering charge.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
If we are remotely correct about these Goldman Sachs mistakes/misnomers at NATO and, then - is forced to explore the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - also is nearly certain that these potential misnomers could be related to computer crimes.
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):"
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences.
"Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 1:38 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
The below newsletter, "Subject: Launch of the One Million Black Women Initiative…John Waldron Interviews NATO Secretary-General…Institutions Sharpen Focus on Crypto Assets" is problematic.
Can Goldman Sachs' CEO come clean about the $200B software scam, before - beats Gomdman Sachs to NATO? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson 646-554-7514
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* Briefings from Goldman Sachs <> *Date:* March 12, 2021 at 12:53:52 PM EST *To:* *Subject:* *Launch of the One Million Black Women Initiative…John Waldron Interviews NATO Secretary-General…Institutions Sharpen Focus on Crypto Assets* *Reply-To:* "Briefings from Goldman Sachs" <>
[image: Goldman Sachs] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac1f> [image: BRIEFINGS] March 12, 2021
Goldman Sachs Launches One Million Black Women Initiative
[image:] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac20>
“When we looked at the United States, it became clear that if you wanted to make a long-term economic difference, you had to start by supporting Black women,” said Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO David Solomon, on the launch of *One Million Black Women*, the firm’s initiative to narrow opportunity gaps for Black women by investing $10 billion and committing $100 million in philanthropic capital for capacity-building grants over the next decade. The effort will target investments to support Black women at key moments in their lives and address the significant disadvantages they face across a range of economic measures, including access to housing, healthcare, education and capital. The firm will work with an advisory council of Black leaders from leading corporations, nonprofit organizations and government, who will play a critical role in driving the initiative forward.
*Learn more about the One Million Black Women <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac21> initiative.* Black Womenomics: Investing in the Underinvested <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac25>
The *One Million Black Women* initiative draws on insights from Goldman Sachs Research’s new *Black Womenomics* report, which delves into the 90% wealth gap between Black and white households, its relationship with the broader economic disadvantages Black women face, and the public and private investment opportunities that can help close the divide. The report contends that addressing structural economic disparities would make for not only a fairer but also a richer society: The authors estimate that confronting the wage gap alone (which accounts for two-thirds of the wealth gap and widens throughout Black women’s working life) could add over one million jobs to the U.S. economy, and increase annual GDP by $300-450 billion in current dollars. Read report <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac26> View infographic <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac27> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac28> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac29> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2a> [image: email] <?subject=Black%20Womenomics&> Talks at GS With NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2b> Above (L to R): John Waldron of Goldman Sachs and Jens Stoltenberg of NATO
As secretary-general of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg leads a political and military alliance that was designed to maintain a delicate peace in the shadow of World War II—a coalition that's since evolved to include climate change as a key focus for its 30 member nations. “Climate change—global warming—is what we call a crisis multiplier,” says Stoltenberg, who spoke with Goldman Sachs President and COO John Waldron in a recent episode of *Talks at GS*. “It will increase the competition for scarce resources, for water, for land. It will force people to move,” he says. “I'm not saying that climate change is the only reason for crisis and conflicts, but it may exacerbate and fuel and multiply the consequences of different conflicts in many places in the world.” The secretary-general envisions a three-part approach to the threat. “The first thing NATO should do, and we are starting to do that, is to have the best possible understanding of the link between climate change, global warming, and security threats and conflicts,” he says. “The second thing we should do is that we need to adapt the way we conduct our [military] missions, operations—how we do our work. Because we have to understand that the military, they operate, at least mostly, out there in nature.” Last is the alliance’s own role in contributing to climate change. “We could try to reduce emissions,” says Stoltenberg, “because today’s military operations are normally extremely energy consuming.” Watch video <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2c> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2d> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2e> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2f> [image: email] <?subject=Talks%20at%20GS%20With%20NATO%E2%80%99s%20Jens%20Stoltenberg&> How Institutional Investors Are Thinking About Crypto Assets
Institutional investors are increasingly focused on investment opportunities in crypto assets, says Goldman Sachs' Mathew McDermott, who relayed how the assets are dominating client conversations—and at a more technical level—on a recent *Exchanges at Goldman Sachs* podcast. “The questions are not really, ‘What is it?’…It's more about ‘How can we get exposure, what are the instruments we can transact?’” McDermott, who is global head of Digital Assets for the firm, says the surge in trading crypto can be seen across a diverse investor base, citing findings from a recent Goldman Sachs survey of institutional clients. “40% of the clients currently have exposure to cryptocurrencies,” he says, while “61% of clients expect their digital asset holdings to increase over the next year.” It’s a significant shift from where the cryptocurrency market was a few years ago. “2017 was very much a retail-driven market,” McDermott says. “This time around, we've just seen a huge volume of institutional demand across the broad spectrum of different industry types. And as a function, you're seeing incumbent banks now explore ways that they can develop products to satisfy that client demand, enabling them to gain exposure to the different cryptocurrencies.” Listen to podcast <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac30> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac31> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac32> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac33> [image: email] <?subject=How%20Institutional%20Investors%20Are%20Trading%20Cryptocurrency&> The Daily Check-In With Goldman Sachs <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac34> Above (L to R): Mike Swell, Anna Skoglund and Katherine Tait of Goldman Sachs
While mounting concerns over inflation spooked the bond markets and other risk assets in recent weeks, such fears are likely overblown, says Goldman Sachs’ Mike Swell <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac35>, who oversees a team that manages $700 billion in fixed income assets. Investors are “concerned [that] with the very significant recovery we’re seeing in the economy—along with a lot of debt issued by the government—we’re going to see a significant increase in inflation,” he says in a recent episode of *The Daily Check-In*. But more broadly, Swell notes that labor market slack, productivity gains and globalization will likely keep inflation in check for longer than the market is currently expecting. “As we look into 2022, you’re likely to see growth normalize, inflation normalize. And the Fed is going to keep the money easy and, as a result, it’s going to be a good environment for risk assets and it’s going to be a decent environment for fixed income assets as well.”
In other episodes of *The Daily Check-In*, Anna Skoglund <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac36> of Goldman Sachs’ Investment Banking Division discusses the increase in private equity deal volumes in Europe this year and Goldman Sachs Research’s Katherine Tait <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac37> explains why venture capital in the education sector had its best-ever year in 2020 as the pandemic reshaped the future of learning.
*For more Daily Check-In videos, subscribe to our channel <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac38> on YouTube.* Watch videos <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac39> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3a> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3b> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3c> [image: email] <?subject=The%20Daily%20Check-In%20With%20Goldman%20Sachs&> March QuickPoll: Moving to a ‘Post-Pandemic Regime’
After dealing with the recent volatility in interest rates, investors are shifting their focus to central bank activity and economic data, according to the latest Marquee QuickPoll survey of close to 700 Goldman Sachs institutional investor clients. Here are highlights:
*Rate Moves Coming to an End?* Investor sentiment suggests that a jump in interest rates is still expected but not for long: A majority of respondents think interest rates will increase in March, but only 9% expect 10-year rates to end the month above 1.60%.
*Central Bank Policy in the Spotlight*. COVID-19 epidemic data and vaccine developments were by far the primary (and only) variable investors were watching in past QuickPoll surveys, but focus is now shifting to central banks and macro indicators. COVID remains top of mind for 39% of respondents this month, but 33% of investors are now keeping an eye out for central bank statements and 16% are looking to U.S. economic data. “In our view, this likely marks the end of the ‘pandemic regime’ for markets and the beginning of a ‘post-pandemic’ one,” says Oscar Ostlund, head of content for Marquee, the digital platform for the Global Markets Division.
*Portfolio Rotation to Inflation-Sensitive Assets*. Investors turned bearish on gold, the price of which typically falls when real rates rise—with about 35% of respondents expecting the price to be weakened further by the end of the month. Meanwhile, investors continue to have a bullish view on other commodities such as crude and copper. “We’ve seen many investors shift their views on gold and significantly reduce their enthusiasm on emerging market equities, which were the second-favorite asset class last month but have significantly sold off,” Ostlund says.
*For more information about QuickPoll and Marquee, reach out to the team <>. * Briefly…on the Path to Net-Zero Emissions and Inclusive Growth <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac40>
Just over a year into Goldman Sachs' 10-year plan to deploy $750 billion toward accelerating the climate transition and advancing inclusive growth, the firm has reached a fifth of its target. We sat down with *John Goldstein*, head of the firm’s Sustainable Finance Group, to discuss progress, client concerns and the impact of the pandemic on companies’ sustainability goals.
*John, soon after the firm announced its sustainability goal in late 2019, the world went into lockdown. Can you describe how the pandemic affected companies’ sustainability objectives in 2020? *
*John Goldstein*: Last year was undoubtedly a year of volatility and complexity, but the one constant was the growing interest and focus in sustainable finance and ESG as evidenced by the fact that in 2020 alone we reached a fifth of our $750 billion 10-year target. The pandemic served as a stress test for the industry—which it passed with flying colors. The strong performance of ESG investments during the first-quarter downturn was rewarded with greater focus and capital flows as the year progressed. In addition, the pandemic reminded people of how quickly the world can change and how important these emerging changes can be to portfolios. Factors that may not have always been incorporated in traditional financial models can have significant financial impacts. From our perspective, 2020 highlighted the importance of both elements of our sustainability approach which focuses on two interconnected themes: climate transition and inclusive growth.
*Can you describe the firm’s approach to sustainability—how did you come to decide on these two themes?*
*John Goldstein*: When we first announced our sustainability approach in 2019, people immediately understood the focus on climate transition, but were less certain about the focus on inclusive growth. Well, 2020 was a stark reminder that both pillars are essential. The pandemic gave us a health and employment crisis while highlighting the deeply visible manifestations of the ongoing racial inequalities, particularly in the U.S. You could say that the social component of ESG has climbed into the front seat with the environmental concerns.
*So let’s talk about how the first year of allocating capital went. How did the firm approach making its targets a reality?*
*John Goldstein*: A big part of achieving our goal during the first year stemmed from the fact that we were able to leverage the strengths across the organization. Soon after we announced our 10-year target, we created a new team, the Sustainable Finance Group, to coordinate our sustainability efforts across the firm. Shortly thereafter, we launched dedicated sustainability councils within all of our businesses, each led by a senior leader within the firm, to integrate sustainability solutions into our work with clients.
*What's an example? *
*John Goldstein*: One example I would highlight is the work that we did with our Global Markets Division where we incorporated ESG data into the division’s trading capabilities. That in turn helped clients achieve their ESG goals either broadly or in specific areas, such as lowering their carbon footprint in their portfolios. We essentially served as a product incubator within divisions to understand the market need for new strategies for their clients. The division, in turn, scaled the products and strategies more broadly.
*What types of strategies resonated most with clients? *
*John Goldstein*: Climate solutions were a key focus for clients across the firm. For example, we’ve worked with our colleagues in the Asset Management Division to provide growth financing to Swedish manufacturer Northvolt AB to support the construction of a lithium-ion battery factory that will expand the market for electric vehicles in Europe. For our public market investors, we’ve developed ESG strategies in our trading and asset management businesses and are accelerating global power solutions through our structuring services in the Global Markets Division. In the Investment Banking Division, we were part of the largest corporate sustainability bond for Alphabet; the largest IPO for a solar company, Shoals Technologies; and helped clients issue more than $35 billion in COVID-19 relief bonds. What we’ve learned is that there are multiple ways to help clients meet their decarbonization goals across the firm. In fact, making sustainability a core commercial focus for us has not only allowed us to scale ESG and inclusive growth strategies across the breadth and depth of our organization to meet our clients’ goals, but doing so has also enabled us to tie it into our own funding strategy as we recently did with the issuance of our $800 million green bond.
*Finally, what do you see as the key ESG and sustainability priorities for companies this year? *
*John Goldstein*: Investors and corporates are all looking at moving sustainability considerations from the periphery to the core of their organizations. That means that for investors, it’s not just about ESG products—it’s about all of their investing products. It’s not about their sustainability report—it’s about their annual report. For us, our focus will continue to remain on incubating and launching new product offerings within our divisions in partnership with our clients and—in particular—to accelerate our efforts to work as one firm to meet clients’ needs. View infographic <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac41> Read GS CEO David Solomon's statement <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac42> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac43> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac44> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac45> [image: email] <?subject=Briefly%E2%80%A6on%20the%20Path%20to%20Net-Zero%20Emissions%20and%20Inclusive%20Growth&> Goldman Sachs Media Highlights
*CBS This Morning* - March 10 Investing in Women: Goldman Sachs CEO on New Plan to Close the Wage Gap <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac46>(7:26)
*Essence* - March 10 Exclusive: Goldman Sachs Invests $10 Billion in New ‘One Million Black Women’ Initiative <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac47>
*Bloomberg* - March 8 Goldman Open to Work With Financial Newcomers: Stephanie Cohen <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac48>(7:37)
*Bloomberg *- March 8 Goldman’s Abby Joseph Cohen Still Sees Potential in Equities <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac49>(10:17)
Subscribe <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4a> Unsubscribe <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4b&> The data provided in this newsletter is for information purposes only and should not be construed as investment or tax advice nor as a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any particular security. Goldman Sachs believes the data in this newsletter is accurate, but does not verify its accuracy independently and does not warrant or guarantee that it is accurate or complete. Goldman Sachs has no obligation to provide any updates or changes to the data. No investment decisions should be made using this data.
To the extent this newsletter includes material from the Goldman Sachs Securities Division, please click here <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4c> for information relating to Securities Division material and your reliance on it. © 2021 Goldman Sachs, All rights reserved. 200 West Street, New York, NY 10282, USA <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4d> | Careers Blog <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4e> | Privacy and Security <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4f> | Terms of Use <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac50> [image: Facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac51> [image: Twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac52> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac53> [image: YouTube] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac54> [image: Instagram] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac55>
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:52 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - will not afford Goldman Sachs anymore time in getting the firm’s story straight on this criminal conspiracy against the Deferred Agreement’s mandate.
It is somewhat problematic for Goldman Sachs that SDNY whistle blowers are resigning left and right as you read this.
What if - offers these SDNY whistle blowers a platform to share their stories?
Boeing, DOJ Want More Time To Rework 737 Max Plea Deal <>
By Linda Chiem
The U.S. Department of Justice and The Boeing Co. told a Texas federal judge on Thursday that they need another month to rework a plea agreement in the American aerospace giant's 737 Max criminal conspiracy case, saying new senior DOJ officials are still being briefed on a potential new deal.
1 document attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
As soon as Goldman Sachs tried to strike a conspiracy against -, it will be argued that is when Goldman Sachs lost it all. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:08 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
According to Barron's, "The Waltons are America's richest family with a 46% stake in Walmart that is worth more than $300 billion. The company is the world's biggest retailer and America's largest company, with $648 billion in sales. With 2.1 million employees, Walmart is also America's biggest employer."
Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.'
Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense:
Walmart Says CFPB Suit Should Wait Amid Agency Chaos <>
By Aislinn Keely
Walmart and fintech company Branch Messenger Inc. asked a Minnesota federal judge to stay the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's enforcement case over allegedly mandatory deposit accounts for delivery drivers until policymakers untangle the agency's role under the Trump administration.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fearful Goldman Sachs was abusing and Walmart at the same time, with hopes of fuling tensions in the Middle East.
For example in Cyprus, Turkey and Pakistan. - is a champion for Peace, so we will execute this Deferred Agreement on behalf of people everywhere. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit <>
By Rae Ann Varona
An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > Anyone going to Summer Camp? > > SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers > <> > > By Rachel Scharf > > A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's > judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of > discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, > including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey > the act of pumping breast milk. > > Decision attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights? > > Gunnar Larson > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message >> concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. >> >> Please forgive me in omitting: >> >>

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Gunnar Larson <> Date: Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 2:10 PM Subject: Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement To: <>, Antonis Polemitis <>, Marzulli, John (USANYE) <>, Caswell, Davis-Brooke <>, Harris, Adrienne A (DFS) <>, <> Cc: <>, cypherpunks <>, Elena Kontemeniotis <>, <>, IABCMDCNTR <>, Reader, Shaun <> Goldman Sachs: - alleges you are aware of bribes at and money laundering NATO and BREAKING: Ex-Ill. Speaker Madigan Guilty On Bribery Charges In Mixed Verdict <> By Celeste Bott An Illinois federal jury on Wednesday partially convicted the man who was once the most powerful politician in Illinois on federal corruption charges, finding former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan guilty of bribery conspiracy and wire fraud but deadlocking on the government's overarching racketeering charge. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> If we are remotely correct about these Goldman Sachs mistakes/misnomers at NATO and, then - is forced to explore the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - also is nearly certain that these potential misnomers could be related to computer crimes. A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):" Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning. BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy. The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007. World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets. Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators. Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies. Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts. Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software. Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions. Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions. Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control. In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation. The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights) Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward. The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in: The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer; Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person; Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association; A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 1:38 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
The below newsletter, "Subject: Launch of the One Million Black Women Initiative…John Waldron Interviews NATO Secretary-General…Institutions Sharpen Focus on Crypto Assets" is problematic.
Can Goldman Sachs' CEO come clean about the $200B software scam, before - beats Gomdman Sachs to NATO? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson 646-554-7514
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* Briefings from Goldman Sachs <> *Date:* March 12, 2021 at 12:53:52 PM EST *To:* *Subject:* *Launch of the One Million Black Women Initiative…John Waldron Interviews NATO Secretary-General…Institutions Sharpen Focus on Crypto Assets* *Reply-To:* "Briefings from Goldman Sachs" <>
[image: Goldman Sachs] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac1f> [image: BRIEFINGS] March 12, 2021
Goldman Sachs Launches One Million Black Women Initiative
[image:] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac20>
“When we looked at the United States, it became clear that if you wanted to make a long-term economic difference, you had to start by supporting Black women,” said Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO David Solomon, on the launch of *One Million Black Women*, the firm’s initiative to narrow opportunity gaps for Black women by investing $10 billion and committing $100 million in philanthropic capital for capacity-building grants over the next decade. The effort will target investments to support Black women at key moments in their lives and address the significant disadvantages they face across a range of economic measures, including access to housing, healthcare, education and capital. The firm will work with an advisory council of Black leaders from leading corporations, nonprofit organizations and government, who will play a critical role in driving the initiative forward.
*Learn more about the One Million Black Women <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac21> initiative.* Black Womenomics: Investing in the Underinvested <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac25>
The *One Million Black Women* initiative draws on insights from Goldman Sachs Research’s new *Black Womenomics* report, which delves into the 90% wealth gap between Black and white households, its relationship with the broader economic disadvantages Black women face, and the public and private investment opportunities that can help close the divide. The report contends that addressing structural economic disparities would make for not only a fairer but also a richer society: The authors estimate that confronting the wage gap alone (which accounts for two-thirds of the wealth gap and widens throughout Black women’s working life) could add over one million jobs to the U.S. economy, and increase annual GDP by $300-450 billion in current dollars. Read report <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac26> View infographic <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac27> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac28> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac29> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2a> [image: email] <?subject=Black%20Womenomics&> Talks at GS With NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2b> Above (L to R): John Waldron of Goldman Sachs and Jens Stoltenberg of NATO
As secretary-general of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg leads a political and military alliance that was designed to maintain a delicate peace in the shadow of World War II—a coalition that's since evolved to include climate change as a key focus for its 30 member nations. “Climate change—global warming—is what we call a crisis multiplier,” says Stoltenberg, who spoke with Goldman Sachs President and COO John Waldron in a recent episode of *Talks at GS*. “It will increase the competition for scarce resources, for water, for land. It will force people to move,” he says. “I'm not saying that climate change is the only reason for crisis and conflicts, but it may exacerbate and fuel and multiply the consequences of different conflicts in many places in the world.” The secretary-general envisions a three-part approach to the threat. “The first thing NATO should do, and we are starting to do that, is to have the best possible understanding of the link between climate change, global warming, and security threats and conflicts,” he says. “The second thing we should do is that we need to adapt the way we conduct our [military] missions, operations—how we do our work. Because we have to understand that the military, they operate, at least mostly, out there in nature.” Last is the alliance’s own role in contributing to climate change. “We could try to reduce emissions,” says Stoltenberg, “because today’s military operations are normally extremely energy consuming.” Watch video <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2c> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2d> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2e> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2f> [image: email] <?subject=Talks%20at%20GS%20With%20NATO%E2%80%99s%20Jens%20Stoltenberg&> How Institutional Investors Are Thinking About Crypto Assets
Institutional investors are increasingly focused on investment opportunities in crypto assets, says Goldman Sachs' Mathew McDermott, who relayed how the assets are dominating client conversations—and at a more technical level—on a recent *Exchanges at Goldman Sachs* podcast. “The questions are not really, ‘What is it?’…It's more about ‘How can we get exposure, what are the instruments we can transact?’” McDermott, who is global head of Digital Assets for the firm, says the surge in trading crypto can be seen across a diverse investor base, citing findings from a recent Goldman Sachs survey of institutional clients. “40% of the clients currently have exposure to cryptocurrencies,” he says, while “61% of clients expect their digital asset holdings to increase over the next year.” It’s a significant shift from where the cryptocurrency market was a few years ago. “2017 was very much a retail-driven market,” McDermott says. “This time around, we've just seen a huge volume of institutional demand across the broad spectrum of different industry types. And as a function, you're seeing incumbent banks now explore ways that they can develop products to satisfy that client demand, enabling them to gain exposure to the different cryptocurrencies.” Listen to podcast <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac30> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac31> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac32> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac33> [image: email] <?subject=How%20Institutional%20Investors%20Are%20Trading%20Cryptocurrency&> The Daily Check-In With Goldman Sachs <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac34> Above (L to R): Mike Swell, Anna Skoglund and Katherine Tait of Goldman Sachs
While mounting concerns over inflation spooked the bond markets and other risk assets in recent weeks, such fears are likely overblown, says Goldman Sachs’ Mike Swell <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac35>, who oversees a team that manages $700 billion in fixed income assets. Investors are “concerned [that] with the very significant recovery we’re seeing in the economy—along with a lot of debt issued by the government—we’re going to see a significant increase in inflation,” he says in a recent episode of *The Daily Check-In*. But more broadly, Swell notes that labor market slack, productivity gains and globalization will likely keep inflation in check for longer than the market is currently expecting. “As we look into 2022, you’re likely to see growth normalize, inflation normalize. And the Fed is going to keep the money easy and, as a result, it’s going to be a good environment for risk assets and it’s going to be a decent environment for fixed income assets as well.”
In other episodes of *The Daily Check-In*, Anna Skoglund <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac36> of Goldman Sachs’ Investment Banking Division discusses the increase in private equity deal volumes in Europe this year and Goldman Sachs Research’s Katherine Tait <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac37> explains why venture capital in the education sector had its best-ever year in 2020 as the pandemic reshaped the future of learning.
*For more Daily Check-In videos, subscribe to our channel <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac38> on YouTube.* Watch videos <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac39> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3a> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3b> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3c> [image: email] <?subject=The%20Daily%20Check-In%20With%20Goldman%20Sachs&> March QuickPoll: Moving to a ‘Post-Pandemic Regime’
After dealing with the recent volatility in interest rates, investors are shifting their focus to central bank activity and economic data, according to the latest Marquee QuickPoll survey of close to 700 Goldman Sachs institutional investor clients. Here are highlights:
*Rate Moves Coming to an End?* Investor sentiment suggests that a jump in interest rates is still expected but not for long: A majority of respondents think interest rates will increase in March, but only 9% expect 10-year rates to end the month above 1.60%.
*Central Bank Policy in the Spotlight*. COVID-19 epidemic data and vaccine developments were by far the primary (and only) variable investors were watching in past QuickPoll surveys, but focus is now shifting to central banks and macro indicators. COVID remains top of mind for 39% of respondents this month, but 33% of investors are now keeping an eye out for central bank statements and 16% are looking to U.S. economic data. “In our view, this likely marks the end of the ‘pandemic regime’ for markets and the beginning of a ‘post-pandemic’ one,” says Oscar Ostlund, head of content for Marquee, the digital platform for the Global Markets Division.
*Portfolio Rotation to Inflation-Sensitive Assets*. Investors turned bearish on gold, the price of which typically falls when real rates rise—with about 35% of respondents expecting the price to be weakened further by the end of the month. Meanwhile, investors continue to have a bullish view on other commodities such as crude and copper. “We’ve seen many investors shift their views on gold and significantly reduce their enthusiasm on emerging market equities, which were the second-favorite asset class last month but have significantly sold off,” Ostlund says.
*For more information about QuickPoll and Marquee, reach out to the team <>. * Briefly…on the Path to Net-Zero Emissions and Inclusive Growth <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac40>
Just over a year into Goldman Sachs' 10-year plan to deploy $750 billion toward accelerating the climate transition and advancing inclusive growth, the firm has reached a fifth of its target. We sat down with *John Goldstein*, head of the firm’s Sustainable Finance Group, to discuss progress, client concerns and the impact of the pandemic on companies’ sustainability goals.
*John, soon after the firm announced its sustainability goal in late 2019, the world went into lockdown. Can you describe how the pandemic affected companies’ sustainability objectives in 2020? *
*John Goldstein*: Last year was undoubtedly a year of volatility and complexity, but the one constant was the growing interest and focus in sustainable finance and ESG as evidenced by the fact that in 2020 alone we reached a fifth of our $750 billion 10-year target. The pandemic served as a stress test for the industry—which it passed with flying colors. The strong performance of ESG investments during the first-quarter downturn was rewarded with greater focus and capital flows as the year progressed. In addition, the pandemic reminded people of how quickly the world can change and how important these emerging changes can be to portfolios. Factors that may not have always been incorporated in traditional financial models can have significant financial impacts. From our perspective, 2020 highlighted the importance of both elements of our sustainability approach which focuses on two interconnected themes: climate transition and inclusive growth.
*Can you describe the firm’s approach to sustainability—how did you come to decide on these two themes?*
*John Goldstein*: When we first announced our sustainability approach in 2019, people immediately understood the focus on climate transition, but were less certain about the focus on inclusive growth. Well, 2020 was a stark reminder that both pillars are essential. The pandemic gave us a health and employment crisis while highlighting the deeply visible manifestations of the ongoing racial inequalities, particularly in the U.S. You could say that the social component of ESG has climbed into the front seat with the environmental concerns.
*So let’s talk about how the first year of allocating capital went. How did the firm approach making its targets a reality?*
*John Goldstein*: A big part of achieving our goal during the first year stemmed from the fact that we were able to leverage the strengths across the organization. Soon after we announced our 10-year target, we created a new team, the Sustainable Finance Group, to coordinate our sustainability efforts across the firm. Shortly thereafter, we launched dedicated sustainability councils within all of our businesses, each led by a senior leader within the firm, to integrate sustainability solutions into our work with clients.
*What's an example? *
*John Goldstein*: One example I would highlight is the work that we did with our Global Markets Division where we incorporated ESG data into the division’s trading capabilities. That in turn helped clients achieve their ESG goals either broadly or in specific areas, such as lowering their carbon footprint in their portfolios. We essentially served as a product incubator within divisions to understand the market need for new strategies for their clients. The division, in turn, scaled the products and strategies more broadly.
*What types of strategies resonated most with clients? *
*John Goldstein*: Climate solutions were a key focus for clients across the firm. For example, we’ve worked with our colleagues in the Asset Management Division to provide growth financing to Swedish manufacturer Northvolt AB to support the construction of a lithium-ion battery factory that will expand the market for electric vehicles in Europe. For our public market investors, we’ve developed ESG strategies in our trading and asset management businesses and are accelerating global power solutions through our structuring services in the Global Markets Division. In the Investment Banking Division, we were part of the largest corporate sustainability bond for Alphabet; the largest IPO for a solar company, Shoals Technologies; and helped clients issue more than $35 billion in COVID-19 relief bonds. What we’ve learned is that there are multiple ways to help clients meet their decarbonization goals across the firm. In fact, making sustainability a core commercial focus for us has not only allowed us to scale ESG and inclusive growth strategies across the breadth and depth of our organization to meet our clients’ goals, but doing so has also enabled us to tie it into our own funding strategy as we recently did with the issuance of our $800 million green bond.
*Finally, what do you see as the key ESG and sustainability priorities for companies this year? *
*John Goldstein*: Investors and corporates are all looking at moving sustainability considerations from the periphery to the core of their organizations. That means that for investors, it’s not just about ESG products—it’s about all of their investing products. It’s not about their sustainability report—it’s about their annual report. For us, our focus will continue to remain on incubating and launching new product offerings within our divisions in partnership with our clients and—in particular—to accelerate our efforts to work as one firm to meet clients’ needs. View infographic <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac41> Read GS CEO David Solomon's statement <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac42> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac43> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac44> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac45> [image: email] <?subject=Briefly%E2%80%A6on%20the%20Path%20to%20Net-Zero%20Emissions%20and%20Inclusive%20Growth&> Goldman Sachs Media Highlights
*CBS This Morning* - March 10 Investing in Women: Goldman Sachs CEO on New Plan to Close the Wage Gap <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac46>(7:26)
*Essence* - March 10 Exclusive: Goldman Sachs Invests $10 Billion in New ‘One Million Black Women’ Initiative <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac47>
*Bloomberg* - March 8 Goldman Open to Work With Financial Newcomers: Stephanie Cohen <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac48>(7:37)
*Bloomberg *- March 8 Goldman’s Abby Joseph Cohen Still Sees Potential in Equities <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac49>(10:17)
Subscribe <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4a> Unsubscribe <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4b&> The data provided in this newsletter is for information purposes only and should not be construed as investment or tax advice nor as a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any particular security. Goldman Sachs believes the data in this newsletter is accurate, but does not verify its accuracy independently and does not warrant or guarantee that it is accurate or complete. Goldman Sachs has no obligation to provide any updates or changes to the data. No investment decisions should be made using this data.
To the extent this newsletter includes material from the Goldman Sachs Securities Division, please click here <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4c> for information relating to Securities Division material and your reliance on it. © 2021 Goldman Sachs, All rights reserved. 200 West Street, New York, NY 10282, USA <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4d> | Careers Blog <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4e> | Privacy and Security <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac4f> | Terms of Use <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac50> [image: Facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac51> [image: Twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac52> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac53> [image: YouTube] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac54> [image: Instagram] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac55>
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:52 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - will not afford Goldman Sachs anymore time in getting the firm’s story straight on this criminal conspiracy against the Deferred Agreement’s mandate.
It is somewhat problematic for Goldman Sachs that SDNY whistle blowers are resigning left and right as you read this.
What if - offers these SDNY whistle blowers a platform to share their stories?
Boeing, DOJ Want More Time To Rework 737 Max Plea Deal <>
By Linda Chiem
The U.S. Department of Justice and The Boeing Co. told a Texas federal judge on Thursday that they need another month to rework a plea agreement in the American aerospace giant's 737 Max criminal conspiracy case, saying new senior DOJ officials are still being briefed on a potential new deal.
1 document attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
As soon as Goldman Sachs tried to strike a conspiracy against -, it will be argued that is when Goldman Sachs lost it all. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:08 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
According to Barron's, "The Waltons are America's richest family with a 46% stake in Walmart that is worth more than $300 billion. The company is the world's biggest retailer and America's largest company, with $648 billion in sales. With 2.1 million employees, Walmart is also America's biggest employer."
Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.'
Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense:
Walmart Says CFPB Suit Should Wait Amid Agency Chaos <>
By Aislinn Keely
Walmart and fintech company Branch Messenger Inc. asked a Minnesota federal judge to stay the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's enforcement case over allegedly mandatory deposit accounts for delivery drivers until policymakers untangle the agency's role under the Trump administration.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fearful Goldman Sachs was abusing and Walmart at the same time, with hopes of fuling tensions in the Middle East.
For example in Cyprus, Turkey and Pakistan. - is a champion for Peace, so we will execute this Deferred Agreement on behalf of people everywhere. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit <>
By Rae Ann Varona
An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message > concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. > > Please forgive me in omitting: > >

Goldman Sachs: On March 12, 2021 "Briefings from Goldman Sachs" ( wrote - touting Goldman Sachs' NATO and One Million Black Women initiatives. - has information that, Goldman Sachs' One Million Black Women and NATO projects (perhaps, mutually independent) were working against - - became aware of this potential Deferred Agreement malfeasance by Goldman Sachs in 2022. SEC Can't Nix Black Female Branch Chief's Race Bias Claim <> By Gina Kim The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission must face discrimination and retaliation claims by a Black female supervisor who alleged she was removed from her position after filing workplace complaints, after a D.C. federal judge on Thursday ruled the plaintiff identified other similarly situated managers who remained in their jobs despite documented misconduct. Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs' UNICAF CEO investment in Africa is said to also have worked against - 10 AGs Target Major Banks Over DEI, ESG Initiatives <> By Irene Spezzamonte Major financial institutions in the United States, including Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan, could have made business decisions to follow political agendas, attorneys general from 10 states said, urging them to tackle a series of questions about their diversity and inclusion policies. Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to engage the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 1:38 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
The below newsletter, "Subject: Launch of the One Million Black Women Initiative…John Waldron Interviews NATO Secretary-General…Institutions Sharpen Focus on Crypto Assets" is problematic.
Can Goldman Sachs' CEO come clean about the $200B software scam, before - beats Gomdman Sachs to NATO? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson 646-554-7514
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* Briefings from Goldman Sachs <> *Date:* March 12, 2021 at 12:53:52 PM EST *To:* *Subject:* *Launch of the One Million Black Women Initiative…John Waldron Interviews NATO Secretary-General…Institutions Sharpen Focus on Crypto Assets* *Reply-To:* "Briefings from Goldman Sachs" <>
[image: Goldman Sachs] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac1f> [image: BRIEFINGS] March 12, 2021
Goldman Sachs Launches One Million Black Women Initiative
[image:] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac20>
“When we looked at the United States, it became clear that if you wanted to make a long-term economic difference, you had to start by supporting Black women,” said Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO David Solomon, on the launch of *One Million Black Women*, the firm’s initiative to narrow opportunity gaps for Black women by investing $10 billion and committing $100 million in philanthropic capital for capacity-building grants over the next decade. The effort will target investments to support Black women at key moments in their lives and address the significant disadvantages they face across a range of economic measures, including access to housing, healthcare, education and capital. The firm will work with an advisory council of Black leaders from leading corporations, nonprofit organizations and government, who will play a critical role in driving the initiative forward.
*Learn more about the One Million Black Women <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac21> initiative.* Black Womenomics: Investing in the Underinvested <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac25>
The *One Million Black Women* initiative draws on insights from Goldman Sachs Research’s new *Black Womenomics* report, which delves into the 90% wealth gap between Black and white households, its relationship with the broader economic disadvantages Black women face, and the public and private investment opportunities that can help close the divide. The report contends that addressing structural economic disparities would make for not only a fairer but also a richer society: The authors estimate that confronting the wage gap alone (which accounts for two-thirds of the wealth gap and widens throughout Black women’s working life) could add over one million jobs to the U.S. economy, and increase annual GDP by $300-450 billion in current dollars. Read report <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac26> View infographic <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac27> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac28> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac29> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2a> [image: email] <?subject=Black%20Womenomics&> Talks at GS With NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2b> Above (L to R): John Waldron of Goldman Sachs and Jens Stoltenberg of NATO
As secretary-general of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg leads a political and military alliance that was designed to maintain a delicate peace in the shadow of World War II—a coalition that's since evolved to include climate change as a key focus for its 30 member nations. “Climate change—global warming—is what we call a crisis multiplier,” says Stoltenberg, who spoke with Goldman Sachs President and COO John Waldron in a recent episode of *Talks at GS*. “It will increase the competition for scarce resources, for water, for land. It will force people to move,” he says. “I'm not saying that climate change is the only reason for crisis and conflicts, but it may exacerbate and fuel and multiply the consequences of different conflicts in many places in the world.” The secretary-general envisions a three-part approach to the threat. “The first thing NATO should do, and we are starting to do that, is to have the best possible understanding of the link between climate change, global warming, and security threats and conflicts,” he says. “The second thing we should do is that we need to adapt the way we conduct our [military] missions, operations—how we do our work. Because we have to understand that the military, they operate, at least mostly, out there in nature.” Last is the alliance’s own role in contributing to climate change. “We could try to reduce emissions,” says Stoltenberg, “because today’s military operations are normally extremely energy consuming.” Watch video <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2c> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2d> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2e> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac2f> [image: email] <?subject=Talks%20at%20GS%20With%20NATO%E2%80%99s%20Jens%20Stoltenberg&> How Institutional Investors Are Thinking About Crypto Assets
Institutional investors are increasingly focused on investment opportunities in crypto assets, says Goldman Sachs' Mathew McDermott, who relayed how the assets are dominating client conversations—and at a more technical level—on a recent *Exchanges at Goldman Sachs* podcast. “The questions are not really, ‘What is it?’…It's more about ‘How can we get exposure, what are the instruments we can transact?’” McDermott, who is global head of Digital Assets for the firm, says the surge in trading crypto can be seen across a diverse investor base, citing findings from a recent Goldman Sachs survey of institutional clients. “40% of the clients currently have exposure to cryptocurrencies,” he says, while “61% of clients expect their digital asset holdings to increase over the next year.” It’s a significant shift from where the cryptocurrency market was a few years ago. “2017 was very much a retail-driven market,” McDermott says. “This time around, we've just seen a huge volume of institutional demand across the broad spectrum of different industry types. And as a function, you're seeing incumbent banks now explore ways that they can develop products to satisfy that client demand, enabling them to gain exposure to the different cryptocurrencies.” Listen to podcast <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac30> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac31> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac32> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac33> [image: email] <?subject=How%20Institutional%20Investors%20Are%20Trading%20Cryptocurrency&> The Daily Check-In With Goldman Sachs <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac34> Above (L to R): Mike Swell, Anna Skoglund and Katherine Tait of Goldman Sachs
While mounting concerns over inflation spooked the bond markets and other risk assets in recent weeks, such fears are likely overblown, says Goldman Sachs’ Mike Swell <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac35>, who oversees a team that manages $700 billion in fixed income assets. Investors are “concerned [that] with the very significant recovery we’re seeing in the economy—along with a lot of debt issued by the government—we’re going to see a significant increase in inflation,” he says in a recent episode of *The Daily Check-In*. But more broadly, Swell notes that labor market slack, productivity gains and globalization will likely keep inflation in check for longer than the market is currently expecting. “As we look into 2022, you’re likely to see growth normalize, inflation normalize. And the Fed is going to keep the money easy and, as a result, it’s going to be a good environment for risk assets and it’s going to be a decent environment for fixed income assets as well.”
In other episodes of *The Daily Check-In*, Anna Skoglund <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac36> of Goldman Sachs’ Investment Banking Division discusses the increase in private equity deal volumes in Europe this year and Goldman Sachs Research’s Katherine Tait <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac37> explains why venture capital in the education sector had its best-ever year in 2020 as the pandemic reshaped the future of learning.
*For more Daily Check-In videos, subscribe to our channel <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac38> on YouTube.* Watch videos <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac39> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3a> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3b> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac3c> [image: email] <?subject=The%20Daily%20Check-In%20With%20Goldman%20Sachs&> March QuickPoll: Moving to a ‘Post-Pandemic Regime’
After dealing with the recent volatility in interest rates, investors are shifting their focus to central bank activity and economic data, according to the latest Marquee QuickPoll survey of close to 700 Goldman Sachs institutional investor clients. Here are highlights:
*Rate Moves Coming to an End?* Investor sentiment suggests that a jump in interest rates is still expected but not for long: A majority of respondents think interest rates will increase in March, but only 9% expect 10-year rates to end the month above 1.60%.
*Central Bank Policy in the Spotlight*. COVID-19 epidemic data and vaccine developments were by far the primary (and only) variable investors were watching in past QuickPoll surveys, but focus is now shifting to central banks and macro indicators. COVID remains top of mind for 39% of respondents this month, but 33% of investors are now keeping an eye out for central bank statements and 16% are looking to U.S. economic data. “In our view, this likely marks the end of the ‘pandemic regime’ for markets and the beginning of a ‘post-pandemic’ one,” says Oscar Ostlund, head of content for Marquee, the digital platform for the Global Markets Division.
*Portfolio Rotation to Inflation-Sensitive Assets*. Investors turned bearish on gold, the price of which typically falls when real rates rise—with about 35% of respondents expecting the price to be weakened further by the end of the month. Meanwhile, investors continue to have a bullish view on other commodities such as crude and copper. “We’ve seen many investors shift their views on gold and significantly reduce their enthusiasm on emerging market equities, which were the second-favorite asset class last month but have significantly sold off,” Ostlund says.
*For more information about QuickPoll and Marquee, reach out to the team <>. * Briefly…on the Path to Net-Zero Emissions and Inclusive Growth <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac40>
Just over a year into Goldman Sachs' 10-year plan to deploy $750 billion toward accelerating the climate transition and advancing inclusive growth, the firm has reached a fifth of its target. We sat down with *John Goldstein*, head of the firm’s Sustainable Finance Group, to discuss progress, client concerns and the impact of the pandemic on companies’ sustainability goals.
*John, soon after the firm announced its sustainability goal in late 2019, the world went into lockdown. Can you describe how the pandemic affected companies’ sustainability objectives in 2020? *
*John Goldstein*: Last year was undoubtedly a year of volatility and complexity, but the one constant was the growing interest and focus in sustainable finance and ESG as evidenced by the fact that in 2020 alone we reached a fifth of our $750 billion 10-year target. The pandemic served as a stress test for the industry—which it passed with flying colors. The strong performance of ESG investments during the first-quarter downturn was rewarded with greater focus and capital flows as the year progressed. In addition, the pandemic reminded people of how quickly the world can change and how important these emerging changes can be to portfolios. Factors that may not have always been incorporated in traditional financial models can have significant financial impacts. From our perspective, 2020 highlighted the importance of both elements of our sustainability approach which focuses on two interconnected themes: climate transition and inclusive growth.
*Can you describe the firm’s approach to sustainability—how did you come to decide on these two themes?*
*John Goldstein*: When we first announced our sustainability approach in 2019, people immediately understood the focus on climate transition, but were less certain about the focus on inclusive growth. Well, 2020 was a stark reminder that both pillars are essential. The pandemic gave us a health and employment crisis while highlighting the deeply visible manifestations of the ongoing racial inequalities, particularly in the U.S. You could say that the social component of ESG has climbed into the front seat with the environmental concerns.
*So let’s talk about how the first year of allocating capital went. How did the firm approach making its targets a reality?*
*John Goldstein*: A big part of achieving our goal during the first year stemmed from the fact that we were able to leverage the strengths across the organization. Soon after we announced our 10-year target, we created a new team, the Sustainable Finance Group, to coordinate our sustainability efforts across the firm. Shortly thereafter, we launched dedicated sustainability councils within all of our businesses, each led by a senior leader within the firm, to integrate sustainability solutions into our work with clients.
*What's an example? *
*John Goldstein*: One example I would highlight is the work that we did with our Global Markets Division where we incorporated ESG data into the division’s trading capabilities. That in turn helped clients achieve their ESG goals either broadly or in specific areas, such as lowering their carbon footprint in their portfolios. We essentially served as a product incubator within divisions to understand the market need for new strategies for their clients. The division, in turn, scaled the products and strategies more broadly.
*What types of strategies resonated most with clients? *
*John Goldstein*: Climate solutions were a key focus for clients across the firm. For example, we’ve worked with our colleagues in the Asset Management Division to provide growth financing to Swedish manufacturer Northvolt AB to support the construction of a lithium-ion battery factory that will expand the market for electric vehicles in Europe. For our public market investors, we’ve developed ESG strategies in our trading and asset management businesses and are accelerating global power solutions through our structuring services in the Global Markets Division. In the Investment Banking Division, we were part of the largest corporate sustainability bond for Alphabet; the largest IPO for a solar company, Shoals Technologies; and helped clients issue more than $35 billion in COVID-19 relief bonds. What we’ve learned is that there are multiple ways to help clients meet their decarbonization goals across the firm. In fact, making sustainability a core commercial focus for us has not only allowed us to scale ESG and inclusive growth strategies across the breadth and depth of our organization to meet our clients’ goals, but doing so has also enabled us to tie it into our own funding strategy as we recently did with the issuance of our $800 million green bond.
*Finally, what do you see as the key ESG and sustainability priorities for companies this year? *
*John Goldstein*: Investors and corporates are all looking at moving sustainability considerations from the periphery to the core of their organizations. That means that for investors, it’s not just about ESG products—it’s about all of their investing products. It’s not about their sustainability report—it’s about their annual report. For us, our focus will continue to remain on incubating and launching new product offerings within our divisions in partnership with our clients and—in particular—to accelerate our efforts to work as one firm to meet clients’ needs. View infographic <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac41> Read GS CEO David Solomon's statement <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac42> SHARE: [image: twitter] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac43> [image: facebook] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac44> [image: LinkedIn] <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac45> [image: email] <?subject=Briefly%E2%80%A6on%20the%20Path%20to%20Net-Zero%20Emissions%20and%20Inclusive%20Growth&> Goldman Sachs Media Highlights
*CBS This Morning* - March 10 Investing in Women: Goldman Sachs CEO on New Plan to Close the Wage Gap <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac46>(7:26)
*Essence* - March 10 Exclusive: Goldman Sachs Invests $10 Billion in New ‘One Million Black Women’ Initiative <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac47>
*Bloomberg* - March 8 Goldman Open to Work With Financial Newcomers: Stephanie Cohen <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac48>(7:37)
*Bloomberg *- March 8 Goldman’s Abby Joseph Cohen Still Sees Potential in Equities <,4ec274e4,4ec2ac49>(10:17)
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On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:52 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - will not afford Goldman Sachs anymore time in getting the firm’s story straight on this criminal conspiracy against the Deferred Agreement’s mandate.
It is somewhat problematic for Goldman Sachs that SDNY whistle blowers are resigning left and right as you read this.
What if - offers these SDNY whistle blowers a platform to share their stories?
Boeing, DOJ Want More Time To Rework 737 Max Plea Deal <>
By Linda Chiem
The U.S. Department of Justice and The Boeing Co. told a Texas federal judge on Thursday that they need another month to rework a plea agreement in the American aerospace giant's 737 Max criminal conspiracy case, saying new senior DOJ officials are still being briefed on a potential new deal.
1 document attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
As soon as Goldman Sachs tried to strike a conspiracy against -, it will be argued that is when Goldman Sachs lost it all. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:08 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
According to Barron's, "The Waltons are America's richest family with a 46% stake in Walmart that is worth more than $300 billion. The company is the world's biggest retailer and America's largest company, with $648 billion in sales. With 2.1 million employees, Walmart is also America's biggest employer."
Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.'
Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense:
Walmart Says CFPB Suit Should Wait Amid Agency Chaos <>
By Aislinn Keely
Walmart and fintech company Branch Messenger Inc. asked a Minnesota federal judge to stay the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's enforcement case over allegedly mandatory deposit accounts for delivery drivers until policymakers untangle the agency's role under the Trump administration.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fearful Goldman Sachs was abusing and Walmart at the same time, with hopes of fuling tensions in the Middle East.
For example in Cyprus, Turkey and Pakistan. - is a champion for Peace, so we will execute this Deferred Agreement on behalf of people everywhere. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit <>
By Rae Ann Varona
An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message > concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. > > Please forgive me in omitting: > >

Goldman Sachs: Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.' Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense: . - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:08 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
According to Barron's, "The Waltons are America's richest family with a 46% stake in Walmart that is worth more than $300 billion. The company is the world's biggest retailer and America's largest company, with $648 billion in sales. With 2.1 million employees, Walmart is also America's biggest employer."
Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.'
Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense:
Walmart Says CFPB Suit Should Wait Amid Agency Chaos <>
By Aislinn Keely
Walmart and fintech company Branch Messenger Inc. asked a Minnesota federal judge to stay the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's enforcement case over allegedly mandatory deposit accounts for delivery drivers until policymakers untangle the agency's role under the Trump administration.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fearful Goldman Sachs was abusing and Walmart at the same time, with hopes of fuling tensions in the Middle East.
For example in Cyprus, Turkey and Pakistan. - is a champion for Peace, so we will execute this Deferred Agreement on behalf of people everywhere. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit <>
By Rae Ann Varona
An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs > started harassing us in the background. > > Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman > Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. > > This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted > Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. > > Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm > <> > > By Jamie Lennox > > A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed > one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on > bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a > tribunal has ruled. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> -'s intent is clear. >> >> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >> Twitter deal precicident. >> >> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >> >> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >> <> >> >> By Gina Kim >> >> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >> undermine a competitor." >> >> Letter attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and >>>> honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>> >>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>> >>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> >>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>> Attorney General. >>>> >>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>> York State Attorney General. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >>>>> >>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>> >>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>> >>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware >>>>> bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to >>>>> serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to >>>>> recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring >>>>> prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>> >>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>> >>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>> >>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>> >>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions >>>>>>> In Crypto >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>> >>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>> days. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>>>>>> mandate. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated >>>>>>>>> in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>>>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>>>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>>>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks >>>>>>>>>>> against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the >>>>>>>>>>> credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in >>>>>>>>>>> his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial >>>>>>>>>>> settlement, analysts say. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it >>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity >>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this >>>>>>>>>>>>>> same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure >>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public/private board of directors). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President Danny Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Federal counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by computer software. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> practices were dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate control. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusations of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> originally administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: - is smart enough not to disrespect the United States Supreme Court; - has business all over the world. Financial Adviser Fired For Calling Boss 'Idiot' Wins Claim <> By Tabitha Burbidge An adviser at a financial planner has won his claim alleging that the company botched his firing over explicit language he used to describe his boss — but could not convince the tribunal that he was a whistleblower. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is smart enough to not disrespect any other Nation's Supreme Court (or equivalent); Such as in Turkey, Cyprus, Australia, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Singapore. -'s co-founder recently wrote an article for titled "Will the UK Supreme Court Decision in PACCAR Affect Hong Kong Litigation Funding?" Read here: - "The Hong Kong Department of Justice’s approach to litigation finance and third party funding is coming into greater focus following the UK Supreme Court’s July 26, 2023 ruling on R. (on the Application of PACCAR Inc) v Competition Appeal Tribunal [2023] UKSC 28. Mondaq reports that PACCAR has defined “damaged-base agreements” or “DBAs” in the United Kingdom. DBAs are strictly regulated in the UK, now including litigation funding agreement contract law. Many UK courts have operated under the assumption that funding of litigation agreements does not fall under the purview of DBAs. PACCAR’s Supreme Court decision has sparked a fervent debate around this topic. Mondaq says that Hong Kong DBA relevancy differs from the UKs DBA approach. Specifically, in Hong Kong, champerty and maintenance are illegal factors that can lead to a fine and prison sentence. It’s important to note that Hong Kong does allow waivers to the general prohibition of litigation investment if: - 1. Third parties share a common interest in funding the outcome of a case. - 2. Accessible justice is a prime consideration. - 3. Insolvency proceedings are necessary." Goldman Sachs will recognize that - meets the the above prerequisites. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Sun, Feb 16, 2025, 8:48 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.'
Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense: . - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:08 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
According to Barron's, "The Waltons are America's richest family with a 46% stake in Walmart that is worth more than $300 billion. The company is the world's biggest retailer and America's largest company, with $648 billion in sales. With 2.1 million employees, Walmart is also America's biggest employer."
Many times, Goldman Sachs' CEO has heard me personally reiterate, that '...any hopeful relationship with - and the Walton family was more impressive than no relationship.'
Goldman Sachs can reference the Whitepaper where we talk about Goldman Sachs' abuse of Walmart at's overall expense:
Walmart Says CFPB Suit Should Wait Amid Agency Chaos <>
By Aislinn Keely
Walmart and fintech company Branch Messenger Inc. asked a Minnesota federal judge to stay the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's enforcement case over allegedly mandatory deposit accounts for delivery drivers until policymakers untangle the agency's role under the Trump administration.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fearful Goldman Sachs was abusing and Walmart at the same time, with hopes of fuling tensions in the Middle East.
For example in Cyprus, Turkey and Pakistan. - is a champion for Peace, so we will execute this Deferred Agreement on behalf of people everywhere. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit <>
By Rae Ann Varona
An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson ✌️ -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and > EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. > > NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are > well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY > jurisdictional arbitrage. > > SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts > <> > > By Aislinn Keely > > A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start > to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon > LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts > could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous > with this Orange County Register feature: > > > "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a > mob movie: > > Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an > exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from > a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 > billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a > pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. > > Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 > billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During > marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d > delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under > control… Don’t panic!”" > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >> started harassing us in the background. >> >> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman >> Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >> >> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted >> Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >> >> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >> <> >> >> By Jamie Lennox >> >> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed >> one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on >> bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a >> tribunal has ruled. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>> >>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>> >>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>> >>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Gina Kim >>>> >>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>> undermine a competitor." >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>> >>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>> >>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>> Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>> properly. >>>>>> >>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>> >>>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>> >>>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a >>>>>> Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been >>>>>> able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking >>>>>> to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally >>>>>> transferring prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>>> >>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>>>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>>>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>>>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions >>>>>>>> In Crypto >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>>> days. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>>> calendar mandate. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated >>>>>>>>>> in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's >>>>>>>>>> controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation >>>>>>>>>> for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory >>>>>>>>>> credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a >>>>>>>>>> financial center. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political >>>>>>>>>>> Bias >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks >>>>>>>>>>>> against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the >>>>>>>>>>>> credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in >>>>>>>>>>>> his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial >>>>>>>>>>>> settlement, analysts say. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation cla >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business. SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <> By Aislinn Keely The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform. Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against - When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace. If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise. New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <> By Tom Zanki Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background.
Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <>
By Jamie Lennox
A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > -'s intent is clear. > > Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC > Twitter deal precicident. > > -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s > mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. > > OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit > <> > > By Gina Kim > > OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon > Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit > enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, > saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to > undermine a competitor." > > Letter attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and >> honest challenge in Orange County, California. >> >> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >> <> >> >> By Eddie Beaver >> >> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense >> to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> >> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is >> getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >> Attorney General. >> >> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special >> problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to >> enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York >> State Attorney General. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >>> >>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>> Sachs' collapse. >>> >>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>> <> >>> >>> By Lauren Berg >>> >>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware >>> bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to >>> serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to >>> recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring >>> prior to its collapse two years ago. >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>> >>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>> >>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>> >>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>> >>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In >>>>> Crypto >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>> >>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein >>>>> was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal >>>>> tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made >>>>> millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days. >>>>> >>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>> >>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>> >>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro >>>>>> se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>> >>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>> >>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that >>>>>> holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>> >>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>>>> mandate. >>>>>> >>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>> approach. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in >>>>>>> advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will >>>>>>>> of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner >>>>>>>> of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state >>>>>>>> court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >>>>>>>>> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >>>>>>>>> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >>>>>>>>> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >>>>>>>>> analysts say. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have >>>>>>>>>>>> lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have >>>>>>>>>>>> hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this >>>>>>>>>>>> same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation >>>>>>>>>>>> is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted >>>>>>>>>>>> us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at >>>>>>>>>>>> the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note >>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>> CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>> from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on >>>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board >>>>>>>>>>>>> of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and >>>>>>>>>>>>> procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and >>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including >>>>>>>>>>>>> public/private board of directors). >>>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in >>>>>>>>>>>>> a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of >>>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products >>>>>>>>>>>>> allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze >>>>>>>>>>>>> financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create >>>>>>>>>>>>> reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal >>>>>>>>>>>>> counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its >>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered >>>>>>>>>>>>> by computer software. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of >>>>>>>>>>>>> its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden >>>>>>>>>>>>> from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities >>>>>>>>>>>>> to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>>>>>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>>>>>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>>>>>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>>>>>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>>>>>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>>>>>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>>>>>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>>>>>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to >>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for >>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate control. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities >>>>>>>>>>>>> of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a >>>>>>>>>>>>> merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the >>>>>>>>>>>>> issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make >>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusations of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>> holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud >>>>>>>>>>>>>> at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context >>>>>>>>>>>>>> embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance. Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <> By Elliot Weld U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background.
Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <>
By Jamie Lennox
A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > -'s intent is clear. > > Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC > Twitter deal precicident. > > -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s > mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. > > OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit > <> > > By Gina Kim > > OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon > Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit > enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, > saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to > undermine a competitor." > > Letter attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> -'s intent is clear. >> >> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >> Twitter deal precicident. >> >> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >> >> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >> <> >> >> By Gina Kim >> >> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >> undermine a competitor." >> >> Letter attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and >>> honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>> >>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>> <> >>> >>> By Eddie Beaver >>> >>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> >>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>> Attorney General. >>> >>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>> York State Attorney General. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >>>> >>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>> >>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Lauren Berg >>>> >>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware >>>> bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to >>>> serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to >>>> recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring >>>> prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>> >>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>> >>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>> >>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>> >>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions >>>>>> In Crypto >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>> >>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>> days. >>>>>> >>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>>>>> mandate. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated >>>>>>>> in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks >>>>>>>>>> against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the >>>>>>>>>> credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in >>>>>>>>>> his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial >>>>>>>>>> settlement, analysts say. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could >>>>>>>>>>>>> have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>>>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>>>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have >>>>>>>>>>>>> hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>>>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this >>>>>>>>>>>>> same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation >>>>>>>>>>>>> is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted >>>>>>>>>>>>> us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure >>>>>>>>>>>>> at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>>> from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including >>>>>>>>>>>>>> public/private board of directors). >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties >>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software >>>>>>>>>>>>>> products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Federal counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered >>>>>>>>>>>>>> by computer software. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden >>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board >>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible >>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an >>>>>>>>>>>>>> issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its >>>>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for >>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate control. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusations of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

*Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.* * - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement * - March 10, 2022 BY ELECTRONIC MAIL Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201 Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement Dear Mr. Marzulli: The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. 1. Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2. In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3. Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing. Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control. - The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. - Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. - Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. - On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. - On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. - Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. - Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes. Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. - On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” - On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. - On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." - On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly" Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America. Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. War Crimes Against Humanity Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack. 1. We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2. In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3. Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4. Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5. Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America. Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland. We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment. Respectfully yours with anticipation, Gunnar Larson - <> | <>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107 On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs > started harassing us in the background. > > Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman > Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. > > This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted > Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. > > Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm > <> > > By Jamie Lennox > > A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed > one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on > bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a > tribunal has ruled. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> -'s intent is clear. >> >> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >> Twitter deal precicident. >> >> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >> >> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >> <> >> >> By Gina Kim >> >> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >> undermine a competitor." >> >> Letter attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and >>>> honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>> >>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>> >>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> >>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>> Attorney General. >>>> >>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>> York State Attorney General. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >>>>> >>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>> >>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>> >>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware >>>>> bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to >>>>> serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to >>>>> recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring >>>>> prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>> >>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>> >>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>> >>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>> >>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions >>>>>>> In Crypto >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>> >>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>> days. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>>>>>> mandate. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated >>>>>>>>> in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>>>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>>>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>>>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks >>>>>>>>>>> against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the >>>>>>>>>>> credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in >>>>>>>>>>> his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial >>>>>>>>>>> settlement, analysts say. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it >>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity >>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this >>>>>>>>>>>>>> same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure >>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public/private board of directors). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President Danny Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Federal counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by computer software. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> practices were dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate control. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusations of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> originally administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Gunnar Larson <> Date: Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 7:59 PM Subject: - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement To: <>, Antonis Polemitis <>, Marzulli, John (USANYE) <>, Caswell, Davis-Brooke <>, Harris, Adrienne A (DFS) <>, <> Cc: <>, cypherpunks <>, Elena Kontemeniotis <>, <>, IABCMDCNTR <
*Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.* * - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement * - March 10, 2022 BY ELECTRONIC MAIL Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201 Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement Dear Mr. Marzulli: The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. 1. Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2. In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3. Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing. Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control. - The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. - Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. - Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. - On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. - On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. - Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. - Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes. Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. - On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” - On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. - On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." - On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly" Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America. Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. War Crimes Against Humanity Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack. 1. We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2. In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3. Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4. Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5. Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America. Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland. We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment. Respectfully yours with anticipation, Gunnar Larson - <> | <>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107 On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs > started harassing us in the background. > > Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman > Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. > > This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted > Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. > > Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm > <> > > By Jamie Lennox > > A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed > one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on > bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a > tribunal has ruled. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> -'s intent is clear. >> >> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >> Twitter deal precicident. >> >> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >> >> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >> <> >> >> By Gina Kim >> >> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >> undermine a competitor." >> >> Letter attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and >>>> honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>> >>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>> >>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> >>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>> Attorney General. >>>> >>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>> York State Attorney General. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >>>>> >>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>

Art Director/Designer: Joseph Fazio Photographer: Charles O'Neal Copywriter: Patricia Kenny Agency: J. Walter Thompson Company Client: Magazine Publishers Association *It's no fun being No. 1* *i**f there's no No. 2* Imagine not having a rival. No one to keep you on your toes. No reason to try harder. No reason to get better. *And a lot of reasons for being smug and lazy . . . and, maybe, to raise your prices from time to time. * Pity your poor customers. With no choice, they'd be right at your mercy. You'd still be No. 1. But, only because there was no competition. That's why it is so strange to hear some of the armchair economists, often in the name of "consumer protection," make proposals that, far from encourage competition, *actually would tend to restrict it*. For instance, they think the government should limit the amount of advertising a company can do because it gives the big company too much of an advantage over the little company. Forgetting that advertising is a major tool with which smaller companies work to *grow big. *The weapon with which Avis takes on Hertz, and VW challenges Detroit. *Restrict advertising and you restrict competition. * Restrict competition and you strike directly at the heart of our free economy . . . the economy that has produced so much for us all and for the rest of the world. Granted, any economy needs some regulation. But, let's make sure that regulation doesn't turn into strangulation. *Magazine Publishers Association* On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 7:59 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
*Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.*
* - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement *
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and > EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. > > NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are > well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY > jurisdictional arbitrage. > > SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts > <> > > By Aislinn Keely > > A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start > to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon > LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts > could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous > with this Orange County Register feature: > > > "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a > mob movie: > > Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an > exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from > a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 > billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a > pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. > > Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 > billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During > marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d > delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under > control… Don’t panic!”" > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >> started harassing us in the background. >> >> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman >> Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >> >> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted >> Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >> >> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >> <> >> >> By Jamie Lennox >> >> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed >> one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on >> bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a >> tribunal has ruled. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>> >>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>> >>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>> >>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Gina Kim >>>> >>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>> undermine a competitor." >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>> >>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>> >>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>> Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>> properly. >>>>>> >>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>

Art Director/Designer: Leonard Sirowitz Photographer: Dick Richards Copywriter: Robert Levenson Agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc. Client: El Al Isreal Airlines MY NAME IS ISREAL. I AM 20. Good people died that might be born in a land called home. I have heard the stories and seen the graves. But now we are here and the land is ours. Not all milk and honey, but ours. We shared a name, the land and I--Isreal. And we share a birthday. Twenty years. For me, a long time. For my people who waited thousands of years, almost nothing. But we have made something of that nothing. Now the hills of rocks are hills of trees. Fifty million trees. Jerusalem pines, planted one at a time. Cities thrive where nothing thrived Orange trees boom where nothing bloomed. An almost dead language is alive again. We read the Dead Sea Scrolls as easy as you read this magazine. We mine copper where King Solomon mined copper. We make fresh water from the sea, and we share what we have learned with other nations. We build airports and schools in Asia, sell baby chickens and farm equipment in Europe, and exchange our students with even younger countries in Africa. How do we go to so many places? Easy. We have our own airline. El Al Isreal Airlines. You don't know what El Al means? It means "to the skies" in that almost dead langue. It also means that our jets are welcome in 17 different nations. Yes, we have everything now: Universities, symphony orchestras, great museums, politicians, dropouts, traffic jams, a little air pollution--everything. We are of this century, with all the strengths and weaknesses and problems of people everywhere. We will survive. Because, above all, we are here. Alive. In a land called home. -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 7:59 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
*Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.*
* - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement *
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and > EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. > > NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are > well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY > jurisdictional arbitrage. > > SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts > <> > > By Aislinn Keely > > A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start > to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon > LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts > could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous > with this Orange County Register feature: > > > "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a > mob movie: > > Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an > exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from > a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 > billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a > pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. > > Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 > billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During > marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d > delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under > control… Don’t panic!”" > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >> started harassing us in the background. >> >> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman >> Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >> >> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted >> Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >> >> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >> <> >> >> By Jamie Lennox >> >> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed >> one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on >> bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a >> tribunal has ruled. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>> >>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>> >>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>> >>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Gina Kim >>>> >>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>> undermine a competitor." >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>> >>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>> >>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>> Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>> properly. >>>>>> >>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>

Art Director/Designer: Sidney Myers Copywriter: Evan Stark Agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc. Client: Whirlpool HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO FIGHT CITY HALL If you have a product you are not happy with, what do you do? Sit and sulk? Moan to your next-door neighbor? Promise yourself that you'll never buy another product from the manufacturer? A lot of good that will do. No, Mr. and Mrs. Consumer, that's not the answer. If you have a gripe, let the manufacturer know. Call him up. Write to him. Keep after him until he does something about it. Because nothing bothers a reputable manufacturer more than dissatisfied customers. We at Whirlpool believe in putting our money where our mouth is. We believe we make the best appliances you can buy. Automatic washers, dryers, refrigerators, air conditioners, dishwashers, etc. And we also believe our Tech-Care Service specialists provide the best service in our field. In addition, we were the first to do away with the complicated standard warranty and replace it with a fully binding, easy-to-understand warranty letter. We were first to provide a free, nation wide telephone number (800-253-1301) for service information. And we were the first to have consultants answer your calls, thereby solving many of your problems right over the phone. But still and all, we know that you can't please all of the people all of the time. That's the reason for the blank letter on the facing page. If you have a gripe about us, we want to know so we can do something about it. Just write your complaint, tear out the page and mail it to us. If you know anything at all about Whirlpool, you know it won't be ignored. By the way, if you have something nice to say about us, we'd like to hear that too. Steve Upton Vice President, Consumer Services Division Whirlpool Corporation On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 5:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Art Director/Designer: Leonard Sirowitz Photographer: Dick Richards Copywriter: Robert Levenson Agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc. Client: El Al Isreal Airlines
Good people died that might be born in a land called home.
I have heard the stories and seen the graves. But now we are here and the land is ours. Not all milk and honey, but ours.
We shared a name, the land and I--Isreal. And we share a birthday.
Twenty years. For me, a long time. For my people who waited thousands of years, almost nothing.
But we have made something of that nothing.
Now the hills of rocks are hills of trees. Fifty million trees. Jerusalem pines, planted one at a time.
Cities thrive where nothing thrived
Orange trees boom where nothing bloomed.
An almost dead language is alive again. We read the Dead Sea Scrolls as easy as you read this magazine.
We mine copper where King Solomon mined copper.
We make fresh water from the sea, and we share what we have learned with other nations.
We build airports and schools in Asia, sell baby chickens and farm equipment in Europe, and exchange our students with even younger countries in Africa.
How do we go to so many places?
Easy. We have our own airline.
El Al Isreal Airlines.
You don't know what El Al means?
It means "to the skies" in that almost dead langue.
It also means that our jets are welcome in 17 different nations.
Yes, we have everything now: Universities, symphony orchestras, great museums, politicians, dropouts, traffic jams, a little air pollution--everything.
We are of this century, with all the strengths and weaknesses and problems of people everywhere.
We will survive.
Because, above all, we are here. Alive.
In a land called home.
-- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 7:59 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
*Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.*
* - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement *
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message > concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. > > Please forgive me in omitting: > > SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' > <> > > By Frank G. Runyeon > > Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern > District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. > Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges > against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was > part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and >> EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. >> >> NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are >> well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY >> jurisdictional arbitrage. >> >> SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts >> <> >> >> By Aislinn Keely >> >> A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start >> to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon >> LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts >> could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous >> with this Orange County Register feature: >> >> >> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a >> mob movie: >> >> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an >> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from >> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 >> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a >> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. >> >> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 >> billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During >> marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d >> delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under >> control… Don’t panic!”" >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >>> started harassing us in the background. >>> >>> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman >>> Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >>> >>> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted >>> Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >>> >>> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >>> <> >>> >>> By Jamie Lennox >>> >>> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed >>> one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on >>> bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a >>> tribunal has ruled. >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>> >>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>> >>>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred >>>> Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>> >>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Gina Kim >>>> >>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>> undermine a competitor." >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>>> >>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>>> >>>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>> >>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>> >>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>>> undermine a competitor." >>>>> >>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>>> >>>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>>> >>>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>>> >>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces >>>>>> he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>>> Attorney General. >>>>>> >>>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> -- >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> - >>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>>> properly. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, - reminded Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that your firm's Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America would include protections against individual transactions at Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" enterprise softwares business. - Did Goldman Sachs launder monies via under disguise of enterprise software? - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America? The fact that Goldman Sachs has "close connection" with Mastercard as an excuse is ignorant. All Eyes On CAT Ahead Of Mastercard Settlement Hearing <> By Joanne Faulkner A £200 million deal to end a long-running consumer class action will come under the spotlight on Wednesday when Walter Merricks and Mastercard seek to persuade the Competition Appeal Tribunal to sign off a settlement despite opposition from the finder of the claim. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fostering hopful 'close connections' with every Supreme Court (or country equivalent) on planet Earth; With a 'Peace on Planet Earth' banner of human achievement. Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <> By Elliot Weld U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Furthermore, - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud. - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - is not 'defaming' Goldman Sachs or; it is the other way around. Defamation Suit Against Ga. Election Chief Tossed <> By Kelcey Caulder A Georgia federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit in which a Texas attorney sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on allegations he suggested she presented "doctored" evidence to state senators in the aftermath of the 2020 election, finding the statements were "substantially true or are hyperbole." Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research. * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:* - -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie:
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs > started harassing us in the background. > > Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman > Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. > > This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted > Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. > > Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm > <> > > By Jamie Lennox > > A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed > one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on > bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a > tribunal has ruled. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> -'s intent is clear. >> >> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >> Twitter deal precicident. >> >> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >> >> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >> <> >> >> By Gina Kim >> >> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >> undermine a competitor." >> >> Letter attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and >>>> honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>> >>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>> >>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> >>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>> Attorney General. >>>> >>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>> York State Attorney General. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm properly. >>>>> >>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>> >>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>> >>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware >>>>> bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to >>>>> serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to >>>>> recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring >>>>> prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>> >>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>> >>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>> >>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>> >>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions >>>>>>> In Crypto >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>> >>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>> days. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >>>>>>>> mandate. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated >>>>>>>>> in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>>>>>>>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>>>>>>>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>>>>>>>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks >>>>>>>>>>> against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the >>>>>>>>>>> credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in >>>>>>>>>>> his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial >>>>>>>>>>> settlement, analysts say. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>>>>>>>> rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it >>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity >>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>> conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this >>>>>>>>>>>>>> same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York >>>>>>>>>>>>>> City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure >>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public/private board of directors). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President Danny Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Federal counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by computer software. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> practices were dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate control. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusations of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> originally administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America was negotiated and agreed to by Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs should be aware, even the simplest discretion (like below), could see Goldman Sachs' CEO fired and Board Directors dissolved. Trading Firm Fined £1.7M For Financial Crime Control Failings <> By Alex Davidson The Financial Conduct Authority said Tuesday it has fined trader Mako Financial Markets Partnership LLP £1.66 million ($2 million) for its failure to have effective controls against financial crime in cum-ex trading. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - shares the Deferred Agreement in question where, indeed, Goldman Sachs' leadership can refer to your firm's agreement language of 'Goldman Sachs' CEO being fired and Board Directors dissolved.' *Goldman-Sachs-Deferred-Prosecution-Agreement.pdf:* - Finally, any laundering by Goldman Sachs is not a simple discretion. This type of laundering could singal organize crimes against Humanity. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:03 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, - reminded Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that your firm's Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America would include protections against individual transactions at Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" enterprise softwares business.
- Did Goldman Sachs launder monies via under disguise of enterprise software? - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America?
The fact that Goldman Sachs has "close connection" with Mastercard as an excuse is ignorant.
All Eyes On CAT Ahead Of Mastercard Settlement Hearing <>
By Joanne Faulkner
A £200 million deal to end a long-running consumer class action will come under the spotlight on Wednesday when Walter Merricks and Mastercard seek to persuade the Competition Appeal Tribunal to sign off a settlement despite opposition from the finder of the claim.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fostering hopful 'close connections' with every Supreme Court (or country equivalent) on planet Earth; With a 'Peace on Planet Earth' banner of human achievement.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Furthermore, - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud.
- While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - is not 'defaming' Goldman Sachs or; it is the other way around.
Defamation Suit Against Ga. Election Chief Tossed <>
By Kelcey Caulder
A Georgia federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit in which a Texas attorney sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on allegations he suggested she presented "doctored" evidence to state senators in the aftermath of the 2020 election, finding the statements were "substantially true or are hyperbole."
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and > EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. > > NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are > well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY > jurisdictional arbitrage. > > SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts > <> > > By Aislinn Keely > > A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start > to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon > LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts > could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous > with this Orange County Register feature: > > > "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a > mob movie: > > Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an > exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from > a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 > billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a > pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. > > Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 > billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During > marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d > delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under > control… Don’t panic!”" > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >> started harassing us in the background. >> >> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman >> Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >> >> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted >> Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >> >> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >> <> >> >> By Jamie Lennox >> >> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed >> one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on >> bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a >> tribunal has ruled. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>> >>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>> >>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>> >>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Gina Kim >>>> >>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>> undermine a competitor." >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>> >>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>> >>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>> Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>> properly. >>>>>> >>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>> >>>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>> >>>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a >>>>>> Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been >>>>>> able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking >>>>>> to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally >>>>>> transferring prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>>> >>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>>>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>>>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>>>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions >>>>>>>> In Crypto >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>>> days. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>>> calendar mandate. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated >>>>>>>>>> in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's >>>>>>>>>> controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation >>>>>>>>>> for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory >>>>>>>>>> credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a >>>>>>>>>> financial center. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political >>>>>>>>>>> Bias >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks >>>>>>>>>>>> against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the >>>>>>>>>>>> credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in >>>>>>>>>>>> his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial >>>>>>>>>>>> settlement, analysts say. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the streaming giant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New York Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public/private board of directors). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President Danny Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> agree: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Federal counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by computer software. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> retained the risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> practices were dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate control. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisition of control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusations of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> originally administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: Your firm is unwarranted in poking fun at Gunnar Larson's ebonics. Coinbase Brass Face Investor Suit Over Firm's Legal Liabilities <> By Aislinn Keely A Coinbase shareholder has sued the crypto exchange's executive officers and board members in New Jersey federal court on allegations they breached their fiduciary duties with disclosure failures and securities law violations that left the firm open to lawsuits and other events that jeopardized its financial condition to the detriment of shareholders. Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:03 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, - reminded Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that your firm's Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America would include protections against individual transactions at Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" enterprise softwares business.
- Did Goldman Sachs launder monies via under disguise of enterprise software? - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America?
The fact that Goldman Sachs has "close connection" with Mastercard as an excuse is ignorant.
All Eyes On CAT Ahead Of Mastercard Settlement Hearing <>
By Joanne Faulkner
A £200 million deal to end a long-running consumer class action will come under the spotlight on Wednesday when Walter Merricks and Mastercard seek to persuade the Competition Appeal Tribunal to sign off a settlement despite opposition from the finder of the claim.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fostering hopful 'close connections' with every Supreme Court (or country equivalent) on planet Earth; With a 'Peace on Planet Earth' banner of human achievement.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Furthermore, - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud.
- While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - is not 'defaming' Goldman Sachs or; it is the other way around.
Defamation Suit Against Ga. Election Chief Tossed <>
By Kelcey Caulder
A Georgia federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit in which a Texas attorney sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on allegations he suggested she presented "doctored" evidence to state senators in the aftermath of the 2020 election, finding the statements were "substantially true or are hyperbole."
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
Please forgive me in omitting:
SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' <>
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and > EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. > > NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are > well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY > jurisdictional arbitrage. > > SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts > <> > > By Aislinn Keely > > A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start > to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon > LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts > could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous > with this Orange County Register feature: > > > "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a > mob movie: > > Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an > exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from > a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 > billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a > pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. > > Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 > billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During > marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d > delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under > control… Don’t panic!”" > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >> started harassing us in the background. >> >> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman >> Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >> >> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted >> Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >> >> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >> <> >> >> By Jamie Lennox >> >> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed >> one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on >> bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a >> tribunal has ruled. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> -'s intent is clear. >>> >>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >>> Twitter deal precicident. >>> >>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>> >>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>> <> >>> >>> By Gina Kim >>> >>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon >>> Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>> undermine a competitor." >>> >>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>> >>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>> >>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>> >>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Gina Kim >>>> >>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>> undermine a competitor." >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>> >>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>> >>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he >>>>> is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>> Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>> properly. >>>>>> >>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>> >>>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>> >>>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a >>>>>> Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been >>>>>> able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking >>>>>> to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally >>>>>> transferring prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>>> >>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a >>>>>>> win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants >>>>>>> to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove >>>>>>> they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions >>>>>>>> In Crypto >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>>> days. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn >>>>>>>>> the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>>> calendar mandate. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated >>>>>>>>>> in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's >>>>>>>>>> controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation >>>>>>>>>> for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory >>>>>>>>>> credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a >>>>>>>>>> financial center. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political >>>>>>>>>>> Bias >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>>>>>>>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>>>>>>>>> NATO. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant >>>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks >>>>>>>>>>>> against Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the >>>>>>>>>>>> credit card giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in >>>>>>>>>>>> his dispute with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial >>>>>>>>>>>> settlement, analysts say. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for >>>>>>>>>>>>> sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a >>>>>>>>>>>>> former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the >>>>>>>>>>>>> lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence >>>>>>>>>>>>> relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> | >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>>>>>>>>> MBA >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> - >>>>>>>>>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem with - leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Litigation Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the streaming giant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New York Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President to this effect. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conspiracy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> against humanity. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behalf with threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they failed. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mismanagement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public/private board of directors). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President Danny Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities markets. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of various state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of blockchain software technologies. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> agree: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Federal counterparts. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by computer software. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> retained the risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> practices were dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders’ interests (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate control. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (W/183 Highlights) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which may relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acquisition of control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Act; or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forecastable reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusations of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look like this: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud at Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> originally administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Dear Goldman Sachs: Mastercard and Discover are at -'s front door step. Goldman Sachs' total business failure could string back to Deferred Agreement malfeasance while Goldman hinged and perpetuated false ideals of holding a "supremacist" relationship with Mastercard International. Discover Can't Get Judge To Rethink Decision In Risk Case <> By Katryna Perera A New York federal judge will not rethink her decision denying Discover a quick win in a lawsuit over whether it and several other credit card companies conspired to dump fraud risk onto retailers, ruling that the suing retailers can continue their claims. Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research. * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:* - -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:51 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm is unwarranted in poking fun at Gunnar Larson's ebonics.
Coinbase Brass Face Investor Suit Over Firm's Legal Liabilities <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Coinbase shareholder has sued the crypto exchange's executive officers and board members in New Jersey federal court on allegations they breached their fiduciary duties with disclosure failures and securities law violations that left the firm open to lawsuits and other events that jeopardized its financial condition to the detriment of shareholders.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:03 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, - reminded Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that your firm's Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America would include protections against individual transactions at Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" enterprise softwares business.
- Did Goldman Sachs launder monies via under disguise of enterprise software? - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America?
The fact that Goldman Sachs has "close connection" with Mastercard as an excuse is ignorant.
All Eyes On CAT Ahead Of Mastercard Settlement Hearing <>
By Joanne Faulkner
A £200 million deal to end a long-running consumer class action will come under the spotlight on Wednesday when Walter Merricks and Mastercard seek to persuade the Competition Appeal Tribunal to sign off a settlement despite opposition from the finder of the claim.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fostering hopful 'close connections' with every Supreme Court (or country equivalent) on planet Earth; With a 'Peace on Planet Earth' banner of human achievement.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Furthermore, - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud.
- While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - is not 'defaming' Goldman Sachs or; it is the other way around.
Defamation Suit Against Ga. Election Chief Tossed <>
By Kelcey Caulder
A Georgia federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit in which a Texas attorney sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on allegations he suggested she presented "doctored" evidence to state senators in the aftermath of the 2020 election, finding the statements were "substantially true or are hyperbole."
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message > concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. > > Please forgive me in omitting: > > SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' > <> > > By Frank G. Runyeon > > Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern > District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. > Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges > against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was > part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and >> EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. >> >> NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are >> well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY >> jurisdictional arbitrage. >> >> SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts >> <> >> >> By Aislinn Keely >> >> A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start >> to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon >> LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts >> could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous >> with this Orange County Register feature: >> >> >> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a >> mob movie: >> >> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an >> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from >> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 >> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a >> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. >> >> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 >> billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During >> marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d >> delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under >> control… Don’t panic!”" >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >>> started harassing us in the background. >>> >>> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman >>> Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >>> >>> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted >>> Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >>> >>> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >>> <> >>> >>> By Jamie Lennox >>> >>> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed >>> one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on >>> bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a >>> tribunal has ruled. >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>> >>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>> >>>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred >>>> Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>> >>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Gina Kim >>>> >>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>> undermine a competitor." >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>>> >>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>>> >>>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>> >>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>> >>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>>> undermine a competitor." >>>>> >>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>>> >>>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>>> >>>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>>> >>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces >>>>>> he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>>> Attorney General. >>>>>> >>>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> -- >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> - >>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>>> properly. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a >>>>>>> Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been >>>>>>> able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking >>>>>>> to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally >>>>>>> transferring prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them >>>>>>>> a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that >>>>>>>> wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't >>>>>>>> prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid >>>>>>>>> Millions In Crypto >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>>>> days. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty >>>>>>>>>> Situation >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a >>>>>>>>>> pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to >>>>>>>>>> earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>>>> calendar mandate. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was >>>>>>>>>>> arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's >>>>>>>>>>> controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation >>>>>>>>>>> for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory >>>>>>>>>>> credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a >>>>>>>>>>> financial center. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and >>>>>>>>>>> butter. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political >>>>>>>>>>>> Bias >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: The Department of Justice, Apple Card and Visa would expect - to perform; And innovate at this scale. DOJ's Visa Suit Shows Pitfalls Of Regulating Innovative Tech <> A policy of allowing free-market mechanisms to operate without undue interference remains the most effective way to foster innovation, and the U.S. Department of Justice's 2024 case against Visa illustrates the drawbacks of regulating innovative technology, says attorney Thomas Willcox. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - - plans to uphold the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research. * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:* - -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:02 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Mastercard and Discover are at -'s front door step.
Goldman Sachs' total business failure could string back to Deferred Agreement malfeasance while Goldman hinged and perpetuated false ideals of holding a "supremacist" relationship with Mastercard International.
Discover Can't Get Judge To Rethink Decision In Risk Case <>
By Katryna Perera
A New York federal judge will not rethink her decision denying Discover a quick win in a lawsuit over whether it and several other credit card companies conspired to dump fraud risk onto retailers, ruling that the suing retailers can continue their claims.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:51 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm is unwarranted in poking fun at Gunnar Larson's ebonics.
Coinbase Brass Face Investor Suit Over Firm's Legal Liabilities <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Coinbase shareholder has sued the crypto exchange's executive officers and board members in New Jersey federal court on allegations they breached their fiduciary duties with disclosure failures and securities law violations that left the firm open to lawsuits and other events that jeopardized its financial condition to the detriment of shareholders.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:03 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, - reminded Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that your firm's Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America would include protections against individual transactions at Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" enterprise softwares business.
- Did Goldman Sachs launder monies via under disguise of enterprise software? - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America?
The fact that Goldman Sachs has "close connection" with Mastercard as an excuse is ignorant.
All Eyes On CAT Ahead Of Mastercard Settlement Hearing <>
By Joanne Faulkner
A £200 million deal to end a long-running consumer class action will come under the spotlight on Wednesday when Walter Merricks and Mastercard seek to persuade the Competition Appeal Tribunal to sign off a settlement despite opposition from the finder of the claim.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fostering hopful 'close connections' with every Supreme Court (or country equivalent) on planet Earth; With a 'Peace on Planet Earth' banner of human achievement.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Furthermore, - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud.
- While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - is not 'defaming' Goldman Sachs or; it is the other way around.
Defamation Suit Against Ga. Election Chief Tossed <>
By Kelcey Caulder
A Georgia federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit in which a Texas attorney sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on allegations he suggested she presented "doctored" evidence to state senators in the aftermath of the 2020 election, finding the statements were "substantially true or are hyperbole."
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > Anyone going to Summer Camp? > > SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers > <> > > By Rachel Scharf > > A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's > judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of > discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, > including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey > the act of pumping breast milk. > > Decision attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights? > > Gunnar Larson > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a message >> concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. >> >> Please forgive me in omitting: >> >> SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' >> <> >> >> By Frank G. Runyeon >> >> Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern >> District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. >> Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges >> against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was >> part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and >>> EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. >>> >>> NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are >>> well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY >>> jurisdictional arbitrage. >>> >>> SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts >>> <> >>> >>> By Aislinn Keely >>> >>> A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March >>> start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company >>> SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy >>> shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous >>> with this Orange County Register feature: >>> >>> >>> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a >>> mob movie: >>> >>> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an >>> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from >>> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 >>> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a >>> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. >>> >>> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 >>> billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During >>> marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d >>> delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under >>> control… Don’t panic!”" >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >>>> started harassing us in the background. >>>> >>>> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman >>>> Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >>>> >>>> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted >>>> Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >>>> >>>> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Jamie Lennox >>>> >>>> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed >>>> one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on >>>> bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a >>>> tribunal has ruled. >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>>> >>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >>>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>>> >>>>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred >>>>> Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>> >>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>> >>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>>> undermine a competitor." >>>>> >>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>>>> >>>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and >>>>>> SEC Twitter deal precicident. >>>>>> >>>>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>>> >>>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>>> >>>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>>>> undermine a competitor." >>>>>> >>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> -- >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> - >>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>> >>>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority >>>>>>> Defense >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces >>>>>>> he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>>>> Attorney General. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>>>> properly. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a >>>>>>>> Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been >>>>>>>> able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking >>>>>>>> to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally >>>>>>>> transferring prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange County, >>>>>>>>> California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is >>>>>>>>> honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them >>>>>>>>> a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that >>>>>>>>> wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't >>>>>>>>> prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid >>>>>>>>>> Millions In Crypto >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>>>>> days. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty >>>>>>>>>>> Situation >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike >>>>>>>>>>> a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to >>>>>>>>>>> earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case >>>>>>>>>>> that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>>>>> calendar mandate. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was >>>>>>>>>>>> arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's >>>>>>>>>>>> controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation >>>>>>>>>>>> for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory >>>>>>>>>>>> credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a >>>>>>>>>>>> financial center. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and >>>>>>>>>>>> butter. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no >>>>>>>>>>>>> will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political >>>>>>>>>>>>> Bias >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: - shares with Goldman Sachs that planet Earth is nearly perfect; Peace on Earth is possible. Mastercard Deal Does Not Need To Be Perfect, Tribunal Told <> By Joanne Faulkner Mastercard's £200 million ($250 million) agreement with Walter Merricks "does not have to be perfect" to get approval from the Competition Appeal Tribunal, lawyers for both sides argued on Wednesday in the court's first hearing in a contested class action settlement. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is concerned Gomdman Sachs' flawed intentions in keeping true to its Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America was designed against - (with intent) beyond 2022-2025. - For example, Goldman Sachs' software relationship perhaps ultimately manufactured a fake legacy against - - Keeping congruence; - plans to uphold the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors. * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:* - -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:11 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
The Department of Justice, Apple Card and Visa would expect - to perform; And innovate at this scale.
DOJ's Visa Suit Shows Pitfalls Of Regulating Innovative Tech <>
A policy of allowing free-market mechanisms to operate without undue interference remains the most effective way to foster innovation, and the U.S. Department of Justice's 2024 case against Visa illustrates the drawbacks of regulating innovative technology, says attorney Thomas Willcox.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
- - plans to uphold the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:02 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Mastercard and Discover are at -'s front door step.
Goldman Sachs' total business failure could string back to Deferred Agreement malfeasance while Goldman hinged and perpetuated false ideals of holding a "supremacist" relationship with Mastercard International.
Discover Can't Get Judge To Rethink Decision In Risk Case <>
By Katryna Perera
A New York federal judge will not rethink her decision denying Discover a quick win in a lawsuit over whether it and several other credit card companies conspired to dump fraud risk onto retailers, ruling that the suing retailers can continue their claims.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:51 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm is unwarranted in poking fun at Gunnar Larson's ebonics.
Coinbase Brass Face Investor Suit Over Firm's Legal Liabilities <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Coinbase shareholder has sued the crypto exchange's executive officers and board members in New Jersey federal court on allegations they breached their fiduciary duties with disclosure failures and securities law violations that left the firm open to lawsuits and other events that jeopardized its financial condition to the detriment of shareholders.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:03 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, - reminded Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that your firm's Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America would include protections against individual transactions at Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" enterprise softwares business.
- Did Goldman Sachs launder monies via under disguise of enterprise software? - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America?
The fact that Goldman Sachs has "close connection" with Mastercard as an excuse is ignorant.
All Eyes On CAT Ahead Of Mastercard Settlement Hearing <>
By Joanne Faulkner
A £200 million deal to end a long-running consumer class action will come under the spotlight on Wednesday when Walter Merricks and Mastercard seek to persuade the Competition Appeal Tribunal to sign off a settlement despite opposition from the finder of the claim.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fostering hopful 'close connections' with every Supreme Court (or country equivalent) on planet Earth; With a 'Peace on Planet Earth' banner of human achievement.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Furthermore, - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud.
- While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - is not 'defaming' Goldman Sachs or; it is the other way around.
Defamation Suit Against Ga. Election Chief Tossed <>
By Kelcey Caulder
A Georgia federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit in which a Texas attorney sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on allegations he suggested she presented "doctored" evidence to state senators in the aftermath of the 2020 election, finding the statements were "substantially true or are hyperbole."
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with; Working against -
When - says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business. - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred > Agreement is rooted in precedent. > > 4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling > <> > > The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. > Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in > rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently > reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, > legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at > Cole-Frieman. > > Opinion attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> Anyone going to Summer Camp? >> >> SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers >> <> >> >> By Rachel Scharf >> >> A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's >> judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of >> discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, >> including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey >> the act of pumping breast milk. >> >> Decision attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights? >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a >>> message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. >>> >>> Please forgive me in omitting: >>> >>> SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' >>> <> >>> >>> By Frank G. Runyeon >>> >>> Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern >>> District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. >>> Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges >>> against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was >>> part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump. >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and >>>> EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. >>>> >>>> NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams >>>> are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and >>>> EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage. >>>> >>>> SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Aislinn Keely >>>> >>>> A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March >>>> start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company >>>> SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy >>>> shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is >>>> synonymous with this Orange County Register feature: >>>> >>>> >>>> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from >>>> a mob movie: >>>> >>>> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an >>>> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from >>>> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 >>>> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a >>>> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. >>>> >>>> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down >>>> $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. >>>> During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats >>>> they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. >>>> Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >>>>> started harassing us in the background. >>>>> >>>>> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and >>>>> Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >>>>> >>>>> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS >>>>> contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >>>>> >>>>> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Jamie Lennox >>>>> >>>>> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion >>>>> harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the >>>>> whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he >>>>> left, a tribunal has ruled. >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>>>> >>>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and >>>>>> SEC Twitter deal precicident. >>>>>> >>>>>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred >>>>>> Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>>> >>>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>>> >>>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>>>> undermine a competitor." >>>>>> >>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> -- >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> - >>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>> >>>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and >>>>>>> SEC Twitter deal precicident. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>>>> >>>>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>>>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>>>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>>>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>>>>> undermine a competitor." >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority >>>>>>>> Defense >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces >>>>>>>> he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>>>>> Attorney General. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>>>>> properly. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a >>>>>>>>> Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been >>>>>>>>> able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking >>>>>>>>> to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally >>>>>>>>> transferring prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange >>>>>>>>>> County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO >>>>>>>>>> is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant >>>>>>>>>> them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that >>>>>>>>>> wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't >>>>>>>>>> prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid >>>>>>>>>>> Millions In Crypto >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>>>>>> days. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty >>>>>>>>>>>> Situation >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike >>>>>>>>>>>> a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. >>>>>>>>>>>> Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to >>>>>>>>>>>> personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by several >>>>>>>>>>>> experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to >>>>>>>>>>>> earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law >>>>>>>>>>>> case that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>>>>>> calendar mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. >>>>>>>>>>>> However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this >>>>>>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was >>>>>>>>>>>>> arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's >>>>>>>>>>>>> controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation >>>>>>>>>>>>> for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory >>>>>>>>>>>>> credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a >>>>>>>>>>>>> financial center. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and >>>>>>>>>>>>> butter. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is >>>>>>>>>>>>>> no will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>>> agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bias >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California >>>>>>>>>>>>>> state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>>>>>>>>>>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs: - is concerned Gomdman Sachs' flawed intentions in keeping true to its Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America was designed against - (with intent) beyond 2022-2025. Nadine Menendez Loses Bid To Have Expert Testify On Gifts <> By Pete Brush A Manhattan federal judge on Wednesday rejected a request by Nadine Menendez to have a witness testify that receiving gold bars as gifts is normal in her culture, dealing the wife of former U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez a setback ahead of her corruption trial. 3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud. Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <> By Elliot Weld U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 3:53 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - shares with Goldman Sachs that planet Earth is nearly perfect; Peace on Earth is possible.
Mastercard Deal Does Not Need To Be Perfect, Tribunal Told <>
By Joanne Faulkner
Mastercard's £200 million ($250 million) agreement with Walter Merricks "does not have to be perfect" to get approval from the Competition Appeal Tribunal, lawyers for both sides argued on Wednesday in the court's first hearing in a contested class action settlement.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is concerned Gomdman Sachs' flawed intentions in keeping true to its Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America was designed against - (with intent) beyond 2022-2025.
- For example, Goldman Sachs' software relationship perhaps ultimately manufactured a fake legacy against - - Keeping congruence; - plans to uphold the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors. * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:11 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
The Department of Justice, Apple Card and Visa would expect - to perform; And innovate at this scale.
DOJ's Visa Suit Shows Pitfalls Of Regulating Innovative Tech <>
A policy of allowing free-market mechanisms to operate without undue interference remains the most effective way to foster innovation, and the U.S. Department of Justice's 2024 case against Visa illustrates the drawbacks of regulating innovative technology, says attorney Thomas Willcox.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
- - plans to uphold the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:02 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Mastercard and Discover are at -'s front door step.
Goldman Sachs' total business failure could string back to Deferred Agreement malfeasance while Goldman hinged and perpetuated false ideals of holding a "supremacist" relationship with Mastercard International.
Discover Can't Get Judge To Rethink Decision In Risk Case <>
By Katryna Perera
A New York federal judge will not rethink her decision denying Discover a quick win in a lawsuit over whether it and several other credit card companies conspired to dump fraud risk onto retailers, ruling that the suing retailers can continue their claims.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:51 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm is unwarranted in poking fun at Gunnar Larson's ebonics.
Coinbase Brass Face Investor Suit Over Firm's Legal Liabilities <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Coinbase shareholder has sued the crypto exchange's executive officers and board members in New Jersey federal court on allegations they breached their fiduciary duties with disclosure failures and securities law violations that left the firm open to lawsuits and other events that jeopardized its financial condition to the detriment of shareholders.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:03 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, - reminded Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that your firm's Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America would include protections against individual transactions at Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" enterprise softwares business.
- Did Goldman Sachs launder monies via under disguise of enterprise software? - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America?
The fact that Goldman Sachs has "close connection" with Mastercard as an excuse is ignorant.
All Eyes On CAT Ahead Of Mastercard Settlement Hearing <>
By Joanne Faulkner
A £200 million deal to end a long-running consumer class action will come under the spotlight on Wednesday when Walter Merricks and Mastercard seek to persuade the Competition Appeal Tribunal to sign off a settlement despite opposition from the finder of the claim.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fostering hopful 'close connections' with every Supreme Court (or country equivalent) on planet Earth; With a 'Peace on Planet Earth' banner of human achievement.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Furthermore, - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud.
- While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - is not 'defaming' Goldman Sachs or; it is the other way around.
Defamation Suit Against Ga. Election Chief Tossed <>
By Kelcey Caulder
A Georgia federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit in which a Texas attorney sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on allegations he suggested she presented "doctored" evidence to state senators in the aftermath of the 2020 election, finding the statements were "substantially true or are hyperbole."
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the > Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold > Sachs' "Platform Services" software business. > > SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case > <> > > By Aislinn Keely > > The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit > that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a > resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief > delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for > appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on > its platform. > > Motion attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform > Services software business was engaged with; Working against > - > > When - says "working against," this does not entail > standard competition business. > > - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over > two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services > softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working > against' -'s mission for World Peace. > > If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, > - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a > distressed software enterprise. > > New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies > <> > > By Tom Zanki > > Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules > that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below > minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on > reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > It is for these reasons - is exploring options to > potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. > > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred >> Agreement is rooted in precedent. >> >> 4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling >> <> >> >> The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. >> Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in >> rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently >> reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, >> legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at >> Cole-Frieman. >> >> Opinion attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> Anyone going to Summer Camp? >>> >>> SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers >>> <> >>> >>> By Rachel Scharf >>> >>> A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the >>> state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of >>> discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, >>> including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey >>> the act of pumping breast milk. >>> >>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights? >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a >>>> message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. >>>> >>>> Please forgive me in omitting: >>>> >>>> SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Frank G. Runyeon >>>> >>>> Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern >>>> District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. >>>> Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges >>>> against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was >>>> part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump. >>>> >>>> Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> - >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and >>>>> EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. >>>>> >>>>> NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams >>>>> are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and >>>>> EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage. >>>>> >>>>> SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Aislinn Keely >>>>> >>>>> A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March >>>>> start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company >>>>> SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy >>>>> shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is >>>>> synonymous with this Orange County Register feature: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from >>>>> a mob movie: >>>>> >>>>> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an >>>>> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from >>>>> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 >>>>> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a >>>>> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. >>>>> >>>>> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down >>>>> $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. >>>>> During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats >>>>> they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. >>>>> Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" >>>>> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >>>>>> started harassing us in the background. >>>>>> >>>>>> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and >>>>>> Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >>>>>> >>>>>> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS >>>>>> contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >>>>>> >>>>>> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Jamie Lennox >>>>>> >>>>>> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion >>>>>> harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the >>>>>> whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he >>>>>> left, a tribunal has ruled. >>>>>> >>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> -- >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> - >>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>> >>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and >>>>>>> SEC Twitter deal precicident. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred >>>>>>> Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>>>> >>>>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>>>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>>>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>>>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>>>>> undermine a competitor." >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and >>>>>>>> SEC Twitter deal precicident. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>>>>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>>>>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>>>>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>>>>>> undermine a competitor." >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our >>>>>>>>> earnest and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority >>>>>>>>> Defense >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>>>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>>>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>>>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband >>>>>>>>> announces he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former >>>>>>>>> California Attorney General. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>>>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>>>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>>>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>>>>>> properly. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent >>>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' collapse. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a >>>>>>>>>> Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been >>>>>>>>>> able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking >>>>>>>>>> to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally >>>>>>>>>> transferring prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange >>>>>>>>>>> County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO >>>>>>>>>>> is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing >>>>>>>>>>> Conspiracy >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant >>>>>>>>>>> them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that >>>>>>>>>>> wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't >>>>>>>>>>> prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid >>>>>>>>>>>> Millions In Crypto >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>>>>>>> days. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s >>>>>>>>>>>>> standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty >>>>>>>>>>>>> Situation >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to >>>>>>>>>>>>> strike a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying >>>>>>>>>>>>> the U.S. Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be >>>>>>>>>>>>> allowed to personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by >>>>>>>>>>>>> several experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to >>>>>>>>>>>>> earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law >>>>>>>>>>>>> case that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>>>>>>> calendar mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing >>>>>>>>>>>>> position. However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation >>>>>>>>>>>>> to this approach. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was >>>>>>>>>>>>>> arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's >>>>>>>>>>>>>> controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory >>>>>>>>>>>>>> credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> financial center. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> butter. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Political Bias >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "elite" Democratic shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> efforts to buy a condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> industry. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Goldman Sachs - respectfully submits: - Any "" enteprise software advertising from Goldman Sachs would need to pass standard wire fraud compliance. Citi Moves To Appeal NY Judge's Wire Fraud Protection Ruling <> By Sydney Price Citibank NA has asked a New York federal judge for permission to appeal his decision allowing New York's attorney general to move forward with a lawsuit accusing the bank of failing to respond properly to incidents of online wire fraud. Brief attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Perhaps, all entprise software deals Goldman Sachs structured again - would need to pass standard wire fraud compliance, as mandated by Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - For example, would Golman Sachs purposely devaluing its own software relationship with Apple Card? - NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell investigated this very Apple Card premise. - Finally, what about - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors. * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:* - -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 4:28 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - is concerned Gomdman Sachs' flawed intentions in keeping true to its Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America was designed against - (with intent) beyond 2022-2025.
Nadine Menendez Loses Bid To Have Expert Testify On Gifts <>
By Pete Brush
A Manhattan federal judge on Wednesday rejected a request by Nadine Menendez to have a witness testify that receiving gold bars as gifts is normal in her culture, dealing the wife of former U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez a setback ahead of her corruption trial.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 3:53 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - shares with Goldman Sachs that planet Earth is nearly perfect; Peace on Earth is possible.
Mastercard Deal Does Not Need To Be Perfect, Tribunal Told <>
By Joanne Faulkner
Mastercard's £200 million ($250 million) agreement with Walter Merricks "does not have to be perfect" to get approval from the Competition Appeal Tribunal, lawyers for both sides argued on Wednesday in the court's first hearing in a contested class action settlement.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is concerned Gomdman Sachs' flawed intentions in keeping true to its Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America was designed against - (with intent) beyond 2022-2025.
- For example, Goldman Sachs' software relationship perhaps ultimately manufactured a fake legacy against - - Keeping congruence; - plans to uphold the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors. * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:11 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
The Department of Justice, Apple Card and Visa would expect - to perform; And innovate at this scale.
DOJ's Visa Suit Shows Pitfalls Of Regulating Innovative Tech <>
A policy of allowing free-market mechanisms to operate without undue interference remains the most effective way to foster innovation, and the U.S. Department of Justice's 2024 case against Visa illustrates the drawbacks of regulating innovative technology, says attorney Thomas Willcox.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
- - plans to uphold the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. - - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:02 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Mastercard and Discover are at -'s front door step.
Goldman Sachs' total business failure could string back to Deferred Agreement malfeasance while Goldman hinged and perpetuated false ideals of holding a "supremacist" relationship with Mastercard International.
Discover Can't Get Judge To Rethink Decision In Risk Case <>
By Katryna Perera
A New York federal judge will not rethink her decision denying Discover a quick win in a lawsuit over whether it and several other credit card companies conspired to dump fraud risk onto retailers, ruling that the suing retailers can continue their claims.
Memorandum attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:51 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Your firm is unwarranted in poking fun at Gunnar Larson's ebonics.
Coinbase Brass Face Investor Suit Over Firm's Legal Liabilities <>
By Aislinn Keely
A Coinbase shareholder has sued the crypto exchange's executive officers and board members in New Jersey federal court on allegations they breached their fiduciary duties with disclosure failures and securities law violations that left the firm open to lawsuits and other events that jeopardized its financial condition to the detriment of shareholders.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:03 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, - reminded Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that your firm's Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America would include protections against individual transactions at Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" enterprise softwares business.
- Did Goldman Sachs launder monies via under disguise of enterprise software? - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America?
The fact that Goldman Sachs has "close connection" with Mastercard as an excuse is ignorant.
All Eyes On CAT Ahead Of Mastercard Settlement Hearing <>
By Joanne Faulkner
A £200 million deal to end a long-running consumer class action will come under the spotlight on Wednesday when Walter Merricks and Mastercard seek to persuade the Competition Appeal Tribunal to sign off a settlement despite opposition from the finder of the claim.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is fostering hopful 'close connections' with every Supreme Court (or country equivalent) on planet Earth; With a 'Peace on Planet Earth' banner of human achievement.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Furthermore, - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud.
- While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - is not 'defaming' Goldman Sachs or; it is the other way around.
Defamation Suit Against Ga. Election Chief Tossed <>
By Kelcey Caulder
A Georgia federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit in which a Texas attorney sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on allegations he suggested she presented "doctored" evidence to state senators in the aftermath of the 2020 election, finding the statements were "substantially true or are hyperbole."
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America *AND* - symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list > NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the > Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance. > > Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule > <> > > By Elliot Weld > > U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the > founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan > federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness > at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > - > 646-554-7514 > > On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the >> Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold >> Sachs' "Platform Services" software business. >> >> SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case >> <> >> >> By Aislinn Keely >> >> The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit >> that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a >> resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief >> delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for >> appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on >> its platform. >> >> Motion attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform >> Services software business was engaged with; Working against >> - >> >> When - says "working against," this does not entail >> standard competition business. >> >> - is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially >> over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services >> softwares may have laundered through, inevitably 'working >> against' -'s mission for World Peace. >> >> If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is true, >> - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a >> distressed software enterprise. >> >> New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies >> <> >> >> By Tom Zanki >> >> Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules >> that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below >> minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on >> reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say. >> >> Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> It is for these reasons - is exploring options to >> potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> - >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the Deferred >>> Agreement is rooted in precedent. >>> >>> 4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling >>> <> >>> >>> The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. >>> Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in >>> rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently >>> reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, >>> legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at >>> Cole-Frieman. >>> >>> Opinion attached | Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> - >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Anyone going to Summer Camp? >>>> >>>> SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Rachel Scharf >>>> >>>> A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the >>>> state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of >>>> discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, >>>> including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey >>>> the act of pumping breast milk. >>>> >>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights? >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a >>>>> message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. >>>>> >>>>> Please forgive me in omitting: >>>>> >>>>> SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Frank G. Runyeon >>>>> >>>>> Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern >>>>> District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. >>>>> Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges >>>>> against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was >>>>> part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump. >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> - >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY >>>>>> and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. >>>>>> >>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams >>>>>> are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and >>>>>> EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage. >>>>>> >>>>>> SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Aislinn Keely >>>>>> >>>>>> A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March >>>>>> start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company >>>>>> SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy >>>>>> shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. >>>>>> >>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is >>>>>> synonymous with this Orange County Register feature: >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted >>>>>> from a mob movie: >>>>>> >>>>>> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an >>>>>> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from >>>>>> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 >>>>>> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a >>>>>> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. >>>>>> >>>>>> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down >>>>>> $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. >>>>>> During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats >>>>>> they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. >>>>>> Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" >>>>>> >>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> -- >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> - >>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>> >>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs >>>>>>> started harassing us in the background. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS >>>>>>> contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> By Jamie Lennox >>>>>>> >>>>>>> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion >>>>>>> harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the >>>>>>> whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he >>>>>>> left, a tribunal has ruled. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>> <> >>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>> - >>>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and >>>>>>>> SEC Twitter deal precicident. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred >>>>>>>> Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>>>>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>>>>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>>>>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>>>>>> undermine a competitor." >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -'s intent is clear. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and >>>>>>>>> SEC Twitter deal precicident. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge >>>>>>>>> overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a >>>>>>>>> for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring >>>>>>>>> OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be >>>>>>>>> "an improper bid to undermine a competitor." >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our >>>>>>>>>> earnest and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority >>>>>>>>>> Defense >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>>>>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>>>>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>>>>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband >>>>>>>>>> announces he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former >>>>>>>>>> California Attorney General. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>>>>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>>>>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>>>>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>>>>>> - >>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> - has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>>>>>>> properly. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, - has worked to prevent >>>>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' collapse. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> By Lauren Berg >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a >>>>>>>>>>> Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been >>>>>>>>>>> able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking >>>>>>>>>>> to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally >>>>>>>>>>> transferring prior to its collapse two years ago. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> - plans on taking our case to Orange >>>>>>>>>>>> County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO >>>>>>>>>>>> is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing >>>>>>>>>>>> Conspiracy >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> By Isaac Monterose >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant >>>>>>>>>>>> them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that >>>>>>>>>>>> wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't >>>>>>>>>>>> prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> An update from earlier today: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid >>>>>>>>>>>>> Millions In Crypto >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> By Phillip Bantz >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom >>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldstein was arrested again Monday following his earlier release on >>>>>>>>>>>>> criminal tax-evasion charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly >>>>>>>>>>>>> made millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent >>>>>>>>>>>>> days. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your General Attorney has questioned - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>'s standing position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Situation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> strike a pro se motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the U.S. Supreme Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be >>>>>>>>>>>>>> allowed to personally make arguments to the court when he is represented by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> several experienced lawyers. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - plans to bring a possible petition to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> earn the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> possibly as a class. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law >>>>>>>>>>>>>> case that holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >>>>>>>>>>>>>> association with Coinbase. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>>>>>>>>>>> calendar mandate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Possibly a sign to -'s standing >>>>>>>>>>>>>> position. However, we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> to this approach. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arbitrated in advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Alex Davidson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> controversial proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for financial misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> credibility as well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> financial center. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Creditability at - is our bread and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> butter. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no will of the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> agreement. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Political Bias >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the owner of a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California state court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "elite" Democratic shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> efforts to buy a condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> industry. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Gunnar Larson <> Date: Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Subject: Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement To: <>, Antonis Polemitis <>, Marzulli, John (USANYE) <>, Caswell, Davis-Brooke <>, Harris, Adrienne A (DFS) <>, <> Cc: <>, cypherpunks <>, Elena Kontemeniotis <>, <>, IABCMDCNTR <
Goldman Sachs: - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage. SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts <> By Aislinn Keely A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous with this Orange County Register feature: "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob movie: Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514 On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
As soon as - became successful, Goldman Sachs started harassing us in the background.
Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm <>
By Jamie Lennox
A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a tribunal has ruled.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s intent is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: -'s intent is clear.
Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC Twitter deal precicident. -'s is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary.
OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit <>
By Gina Kim
OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to undermine a competitor."
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest and honest challenge in Orange County, California.
Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense <>
By Eddie Beaver
Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable."
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California Attorney General.
We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New York State Attorney General. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 646-554-7514
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - has no big problem serving your firm properly.
Furthermore, - has worked to prevent Gomdman Sachs' collapse.
FTX Having Trouble Serving Binance With Ch. 11 Lawsuit <>
By Lauren Berg
The estate of fallen cryptocurrency exchange FTX told a Delaware bankruptcy judge late Friday that its attorneys haven't yet been able to serve Binance and its former CEO Changpeng Zhao a lawsuit seeking to recover nearly $1.8 billion that FTX is accused of illegally transferring prior to its collapse two years ago.
Letter attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:11 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - plans on taking our case to Orange County, California to prove interference by Goldman Sachs, unless your CEO is honest with himself about what he tried to do to - and Gunnar Larson.
Calif. Residents Say Co. Can't Prove Price-Fixing Conspiracy <>
By Isaac Monterose
Two California residents urged a federal judge to grant them a win in a suit accusing them of conspiring to overcharge a buyer that wants to acquire their property to build a city, saying the buyer can't prove they participated in any price-fixing scheme.
Brief attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:03 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > An update from earlier today: > > BREAKING: Goldstein Rearrested After Feds Say He Hid Millions In > Crypto > <> > > By Phillip Bantz > > U.S. Supreme Court lawyer and SCOTUSblog publisher Tom Goldstein was > arrested again Monday following his earlier release on criminal tax-evasion > charges, after prosecutors alleged that he secretly made millions of > dollars worth of cryptocurrency transactions in recent days. > > 2 documents attached | Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 8:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> Your General Attorney has questioned -'s standing >> position on the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >> >> Goldstein's Pro Se Filing Irks Feds Amid Murky Atty Situation >> <> >> >> By Elliot Weld >> >> Prosecutors have asked a Maryland federal judge to strike a pro se >> motion from Tom Goldstein in his tax evasion case, saying the U.S. Supreme >> Court attorney and SCOTUSblog publisher shouldn't be allowed to personally >> make arguments to the court when he is represented by several experienced >> lawyers. >> >> Motion attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> - plans to bring a possible petition to earn the >> Supreme Court's interpretation of the Deferred Agreement's terms, possibly >> as a class. >> >> There is a 5/4 Supreme Court Coinbase arbitration law case that >> holds some class relevancy to the Deferred Agreement by Goldman's >> association with Coinbase. >> >> The 5/4 decision was during the Deferred Agreement’s calendar >> mandate. >> >> Possibly a sign to -'s standing position. However, >> we would need to earn the Supreme Court's interpretation to this approach. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement was arbitrated in >>> advance, with Goldman's then General Attorney signing. >>> >>> Blowback From Name And Shame Plan Hurts FCA Credibility >>> <> >>> >>> By Alex Davidson >>> >>> An embarrassing rebuke for the City watchdog's controversial >>> proposal to "name and shame" companies under investigation for financial >>> misconduct at an early stage has undermined its regulatory credibility as >>> well as efforts to boost London's competitiveness as a financial center. >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <> >>> Creditability at - is our bread and butter. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> >>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> Your firm has alleged a eleite alibi in that there is no will of >>>> the New York FBI to engage your self-policing deferred agreement. >>>> >>>> Kraken Co-Founder Accuses 'Elite' SF Condo Of Political Bias >>>> <> >>>> >>>> By Dorothy Atkins >>>> >>>> Crypto-exchange Kraken co-founder Jesse Powell sued the owner of >>>> a landmark condominium — dubbed "Susie's Building" — in California state >>>> court Wednesday, claiming the property's allegedly "elite" Democratic >>>> shareholders discriminated against him by blocking his efforts to buy a >>>> condo due to his Republican views and role in the crypto industry. >>>> >>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>> <> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <> >>>> Goldman Sachs seemingly has worked internationally against >>>> governments under various disguises while targeting -, and >>>> NATO. >>>> >>>> - is exploring possibilities of relevant >>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> >>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 6:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> - may soon be forced to seek relevant injunctive >>>>> relief to clarify terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>> >>>>> Mastercard Deal Battle Goes Through The Looking Glass >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> By Joanne Faulkner >>>>> >>>>> The landmark class action brought by Walter Merricks against >>>>> Mastercard has entered "Alice in Wonderland" territory, as the credit card >>>>> giant is now backing the class representative who sued it in his dispute >>>>> with his litigation funder over the terms of the controversial settlement, >>>>> analysts say. >>>>> >>>>> Read full article » >>>>> <> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <> >>>>> - respectfully reserves all rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> >>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Hailey Konnath >>>>>> >>>>>> Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions >>>>>> against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former >>>>>> assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer >>>>>> intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to >>>>>> Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy. >>>>>> >>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <> >>>>>> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> -- >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> >>>>>> <> | >>>>>> >>>>>> <>MSc >>>>>> <> - >>>>>> Digital Currency >>>>>> MBA >>>>>> <> - >>>>>> Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>>>> +1-917-580-8053 >>>>>> >>>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem >>>>>>>> with - leadership. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation >>>>>>>> Finance Journalist. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - >>>>>>>> is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in >>>>>>>> jurisdictions all over the world. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with - >>>>>>>>, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman >>>>>>>> Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> By Adam Lidgett >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual >>>>>>>> property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix >>>>>>>> Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming >>>>>>>> giant. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California >>>>>>>> consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing >>>>>>>> position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred >>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have >>>>>>>> lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance >>>>>>>> scandal. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems >>>>>>>> obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a >>>>>>>> hostile General Attorney. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - >>>>>>>> demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman >>>>>>>> Sachs' leadership. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS >>>>>>>> Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The >>>>>>>> insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance >>>>>>>> fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York >>>>>>>> Stock Exchange recently. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President >>>>>>>> to this effect. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have >>>>>>>> hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to >>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, >>>>>>>> - would like to proceed in protecting the public. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm >>>>>>>> with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel >>>>>>>> intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same >>>>>>>> Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis >>>>>>>> Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is >>>>>>>> conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' >>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us >>>>>>>> to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent >>>>>>>> Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with >>>>>>>> threat of being disbarred. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City >>>>>>>> and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they >>>>>>>> failed. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - plans on making good on this failure at the >>>>>>>> New York Stock Exchange anyway possible. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this >>>>>>>> Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - >>>>>>>>> is not a "GS" stock holder. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, >>>>>>>>> California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our >>>>>>>>> standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs >>>>>>>>> Deferred Prosecution Agreement. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> By Yun Park >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings >>>>>>>>> LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular >>>>>>>>> self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's >>>>>>>>> Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial >>>>>>>>> information requested by the investor. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO >>>>>>>>> knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from >>>>>>>>> orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March >>>>>>>>> 10, 2022 found here: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of >>>>>>>>> Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer >>>>>>>>> Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights): >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as >>>>>>>>> well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint >>>>>>>>> ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of >>>>>>>>> directors). >>>>>>>>> Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a >>>>>>>>> battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to >>>>>>>>> investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about >>>>>>>>> their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key >>>>>>>>> considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by >>>>>>>>> sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen >>>>>>>>> planning. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential >>>>>>>>> cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar >>>>>>>>> research/innovation communication and's business plan execution >>>>>>>>> strategy. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds >>>>>>>>> endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has >>>>>>>>> already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these >>>>>>>>> countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit >>>>>>>>> to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and >>>>>>>>> sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny >>>>>>>>> Leipziger in 2007. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture >>>>>>>>> funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on >>>>>>>>> earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major >>>>>>>>> issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, >>>>>>>>> market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore >>>>>>>>> the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon >>>>>>>>> data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the >>>>>>>>> results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors >>>>>>>>> billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, >>>>>>>>> while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities >>>>>>>>> markets. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto >>>>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive >>>>>>>>> Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex >>>>>>>>> corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to >>>>>>>>> "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, >>>>>>>>> conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing >>>>>>>>> maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had >>>>>>>>> a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with >>>>>>>>> significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various >>>>>>>>> state and federal regulators. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency >>>>>>>>> and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically >>>>>>>>> pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of >>>>>>>>> innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software >>>>>>>>> technologies. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the >>>>>>>>> meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater >>>>>>>>> responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to >>>>>>>>> the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer >>>>>>>>> software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products >>>>>>>>> allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze >>>>>>>>> financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create >>>>>>>>> reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal >>>>>>>>> counterparts. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated >>>>>>>>> software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer >>>>>>>>> software. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its >>>>>>>>> regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron >>>>>>>>> established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to >>>>>>>>> prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of >>>>>>>>> derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting >>>>>>>>> software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its >>>>>>>>> risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the >>>>>>>>> risks associated with the transactions. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from >>>>>>>>> the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The >>>>>>>>> board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and >>>>>>>>> Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on >>>>>>>>> the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper >>>>>>>>> accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were >>>>>>>>> dependent on board decisions. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes >>>>>>>>> Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to >>>>>>>>> criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) >>>>>>>>> implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC >>>>>>>>> order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the >>>>>>>>> requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid >>>>>>>>> accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate >>>>>>>>> control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted >>>>>>>>> that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with >>>>>>>>> timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests >>>>>>>>> (including pension protections). >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure >>>>>>>>> obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate >>>>>>>>> control. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar >>>>>>>>> enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their >>>>>>>>> disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> These types of enforcement actions continue to create >>>>>>>>> challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential >>>>>>>>> transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary >>>>>>>>> negotiation. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, >>>>>>>>> including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in >>>>>>>>> monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment >>>>>>>>> advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Care must be taken to avoid those communications >>>>>>>>> constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be >>>>>>>>> noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of >>>>>>>>> information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 >>>>>>>>> Highlights) >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office >>>>>>>>> for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has >>>>>>>>> been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto >>>>>>>>> Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business >>>>>>>>> innovation moving forward. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals >>>>>>>>> such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may >>>>>>>>> relate to or would result in: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> The acquisition by any person of additional securities of >>>>>>>>> the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, >>>>>>>>> reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its >>>>>>>>> subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the >>>>>>>>> issuer or any of its subsidiaries; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Any change in the present board of directors or management >>>>>>>>> of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or >>>>>>>>> term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Any material change in the present capitalization or >>>>>>>>> dividend policy of the issuer; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Any other material change in the issuer's business or >>>>>>>>> corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a >>>>>>>>> registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make >>>>>>>>> any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by >>>>>>>>> section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments >>>>>>>>> corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of >>>>>>>>> control of the issuer by any person; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted >>>>>>>>> from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be >>>>>>>>> quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national >>>>>>>>> securities association; >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible >>>>>>>>> for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Any action similar to any of those enumerated above. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual >>>>>>>>> as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios >>>>>>>>> when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially >>>>>>>>> exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable >>>>>>>>> reckless consequences. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all >>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty >>>>>>>>>> DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations >>>>>>>>>> of sabotage. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> - notes business structures hinged on >>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge >>>>>>>>>> risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" >>>>>>>>>> (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an >>>>>>>>>> active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look >>>>>>>>>> like this: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> By Ryan Harroff >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's >>>>>>>>>> request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state >>>>>>>>>> court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire >>>>>>>>>> Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the >>>>>>>>>> bank initially said were irrelevant. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge >>>>>>>>>> value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in >>>>>>>>>> California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, >>>>>>>>>> California to assist in defrauding - >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - >>>>>>>>>> via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange >>>>>>>>>> County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by >>>>>>>>>> organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California >>>>>>>>>> consultancy. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> As a successful young Republican, >>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at >>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, >>>>>>>>>> speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally >>>>>>>>>> administered by the United Negro College Fund. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in >>>>>>>>>> themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. >>>>>>>>>> Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals >>>>>>>>>> harmonize with the seal of New >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>

Dear Goldman Sachs: Judge OKs 'Unorthodox' Deal To Fund Pa. Hospitals In Ch. 11 <> By Clara Geoghegan Bankrupt hospital operator Prospect Medical has agreed to put its four Philadelphia-area hospitals under receivership for the next 30 days while it hammers out a sale as part of a funding arrangement that a Texas bankruptcy judge on Thursday called "unorthodox." Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 1:20 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
Pharmacy Says Its Ex-GC Destroyed Trade Secrets Evidence <>
By Hailey Konnath
Texas-based Empower Pharmacy on Thursday pressed for sanctions against its former general counsel — who also happens to be a former assistant district attorney in San Antonio — claiming that the lawyer intentionally destroyed a hard drive that contained evidence relevant to Empower's trade secrets suit against a rival pharmacy.
Motion attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053
On Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 5:31 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Hello: > > Today - received third party private investor detail > that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by > someone on this email (they know who they are). > > When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, > - is extremely well positioned. > > However, when - learned who may have been the > programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried. > > The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high > profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was > recovered in receivership in under a year. > > - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was > seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge. > > The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer > worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign > agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a > foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas. > > Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the > foreign agent registration for this programmer? > > We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking > to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged. > > If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this > individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void > during his last trial in Manhattan. > > I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed > (once jailed) programmer mentioned above. > > Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP > matters out of Atlanta, Georgia. > > Today here is a similar story: > > Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud > <> > > By Sophia Dourou > > A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated > more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the > U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday. > > Read full article » > <> > | Save to favorites » > <> > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > > > On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Hello: >> >> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse >> tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed >> to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). >> >> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may >> have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >> >> Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will >> seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director >> provisions if the 48 hour window expires. >> >> A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a >> deal maker part of Twitter's LBO. >> >> Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says >> <> >> >> By Lauren Berg >> >> The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to >> immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class >> of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman >> fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem >> to get out of his $44 billion acquisition. >> >> 2 documents attached | Read full article » >> <> >> | Save to favorites » >> <> >> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that >> Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed. >> >> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be >> responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated >> potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under >> the Deferred Agreement’s purview. >> >> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no >> "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Warm regards, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> >> >> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >> >>> Hello: >>> >>> This is not a joke. >>> >>> *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>> respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. >>> >>> Ticktock. >>> >>> - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Warm wishes, >>> >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> >>> >>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: >>> >>>> Hello: >>>> >>>> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >>>> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >>>> >>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Warm regards, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> >>>> -- >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> March 10, 2022 >>>> >>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >>>> >>>> Mr. John Marzulli >>>> United States Department of Justice >>>> Eastern District of New York >>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East >>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >>>> >>>> >>>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>>> >>>> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >>>> >>>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 >>>> and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >>>> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement >>>> <> >>>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >>>> enforcement being concerned. >>>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >>>> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution >>>> of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s >>>> only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >>>> >>>> 1. >>>> >>>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of >>>> New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >>>> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >>>> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >>>> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >>>> armed conflict. >>>> 2. >>>> >>>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider >>>> the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >>>> Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >>>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >>>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >>>> 3. >>>> >>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >>>> may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >>>> >>>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations >>>> peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and >>>> occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey >>>> recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad >>>> recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of >>>> territories that are under Turkish military control. >>>> >>>> >>>> - >>>> >>>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >>>> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >>>> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >>>> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >>>> - >>>> >>>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, >>>> based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >>>> was credited with increasing the breadth and >>>> accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important >>>> multinational organization. >>>> - >>>> >>>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association >>>> with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >>>> >>>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >>>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >>>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >>>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >>>> >>>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >>>> Turkey’s Markets >>>> >>>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from >>>> any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act >>>> of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred >>>> Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate >>>> cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks. >>>> >>>> - >>>> >>>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >>>> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >>>> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >>>> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >>>> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >>>> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >>>> prohibited such transactions. >>>> - >>>> >>>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English >>>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs >>>> International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M >>>> bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus. >>>> >>>> >>>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that >>>> there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of >>>> thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >>>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >>>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >>>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >>>> >>>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace >>>> Manipulation >>>> >>>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime >>>> Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant >>>> international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost >>>> billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general >>>> term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >>>> >>>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >>>> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >>>> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >>>> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >>>> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >>>> >>>> - >>>> >>>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >>>> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >>>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >>>> - >>>> >>>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any >>>> kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >>>> aggression. >>>> - >>>> >>>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried >>>> to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory >>>> arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the >>>> totality of such actions as war crimes. >>>> >>>> >>>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >>>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >>>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >>>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined >>>> for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, >>>> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided >>>> by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >>>> >>>> >>>> - >>>> >>>> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the >>>> previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >>>> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >>>> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >>>> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >>>> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >>>> reaction function.” >>>> - >>>> >>>> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >>>> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >>>> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >>>> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >>>> was manipulating inflation data. >>>> - >>>> >>>> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>> hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >>>> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >>>> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >>>> demand has been very supportive." >>>> - >>>> >>>> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs >>>> trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We >>>> think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >>>> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >>>> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >>>> >>>> >>>> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with >>>> Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of >>>> events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred >>>> Agreement mandated by the United States of America. >>>> >>>> Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s >>>> only military divided capital on the planet, - >>>> should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related >>>> to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a >>>> common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only >>>> apply in relation to international armed conflict. >>>> >>>> >>>> War Crimes Against Humanity >>>> >>>> Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential >>>> breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. >>>> Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an >>>> armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground >>>> provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a >>>> civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a >>>> civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the >>>> attack. >>>> >>>> >>>> 1. >>>> >>>> We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to >>>> assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we >>>> determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and >>>> corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. >>>> 2. >>>> >>>> In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against >>>> humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant >>>> international instruments and case law. >>>> 3. >>>> >>>> Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, >>>> committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, >>>> which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in >>>> furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York >>>> State bank regulation). >>>> 4. >>>> >>>> Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on >>>> political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other >>>> grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under >>>> international law. >>>> 5. >>>> >>>> Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred >>>> Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other >>>> inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, >>>> or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes >>>> against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as >>>> Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace >>>> and security of the United States of America. >>>> >>>> Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that >>>> correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes >>>> abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great >>>> sacrifice to the Homeland. >>>> >>>> We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s >>>> subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International >>>> Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for >>>> comment. >>>> >>>> Respectfully yours with anticipation, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson - <> | >>>> >>>> <>MSc >>>> <> >>>> - Digital Currency >>>> MBA >>>> <> >>>> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >>>> +1-646-454-9107 >>>> >>>

On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 9:57 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
This morning surveillance mentioned your CEO has a problem with - leadership.
The FBI is aware of my personal background as a Litigation Finance Journalist.
Similar to the FTX bankruptcy attorney fees, - is willing to earmark $1B to defend our enterprise in jurisdictions all over the world.
If Goldman Sachs is playing interference with -, the FBI would need to provide documents delineating Goldman Sachs' will to violate terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix <>
By Adam Lidgett
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
Decision attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As I understand it, Goldman's General Attorney could have lost credibility by personally involving myself in a Truvada romance scandal.
When I first learned about the Truvada scandal, it seems obvious that Goldman Sachs may have inflated the firm’s integrity with a hostile General Attorney.
Madam Attorney General James:
Today January 31, 2025 while under entrapment, - demands the NYAG launch an investigation into Truvada and Goldman Sachs' leadership.
It is my understanding that Goldman Sachs' CEO has used NYDFS Superintendent as a tool to exasterbate a Truvada romance scandal. The insurance fraud between D&O at Goldman Sachs and the Truvada insurance fraud linked to Goldman's General Attorney was mentioned at the New York Stock Exchange recently.
NYAG could confirm with the New York Stock Exchange President to this effect.
Furthermore, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to have hired Goldman Sach to investigate my personal B12 records, antithetical to Goldman Sachs being considered party to Truvada romance conspiracy.
NYAG should be aware, if the HIV/AIDS virus has mutated, - would like to proceed in protecting the public.
Gunnar Larson is HIV negative. Not undetectable on Truvada. Gunnar Larson is not on Truvada and is HIV negative. NYAG could confirm with Goldman Sachs' CEO and NYDFS Superintendent if they had cruel intentions behind perpetuating this romance fraud.
Furthermore, it is alleged that Mayor Adams took this same Truvada roman argument to Cyprus against Gunnar Larson. Mr. Antonis Polemitis can confirm with NYAG if this is factual.
Madam Attorney General, if NYAG's Truvada investigation is conclusive we aim to execute the Board provisions of Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement, to protect the public from crimes against humanity.
Ms. James, - was told Mayor Adams wanted us to not rush in raising a litigation budget. Ms. James, NYDFS Superintendent Harris is said to contact attorneys on -'s behalf with threat of being disbarred.
Ms. James, if Goldman Sachs' CEO, the Mayor of New York City and the NYDFS Superintendent all coordinated against - they failed. - plans on making good on this failure at the New York Stock Exchange anyway possible.
Madam Attorney General, can NYAG kindly advise if this Truvada investigation by your office can be committed by February 14, 2025? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 5:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Per my last email, I found it imperative to note - is not a "GS" stock holder.
However, Goldman Sachs, through its Orange County, California consultancy has accused - of mismanaging our standing position, lacking will from the FBI to engage the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Investor Accuses 'Chicken Soup' Parent Of Mismanagement <>
By Yun Park
A corporate investor in Chicken Soup for the Soul Holdings LLC has accused the publishing company, which has released popular self-help books for decades, of mismanagement leading up to a subsidiary's Chapter 7 liquidation, saying the company didn't provide proper financial information requested by the investor.
Complaint attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - is not exactly sure if Goldman Sachs' CEO knows if there is lack of will at the FBI to protect the United States from orchestrated crimes against humanity as shared with Goldman Sachs on March 10, 2022 found here:
A few years ago, I wrote an essay titled: "Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes - Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights):
Working references on disclosure controls and procedures, as well as strategic initiatives including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and management restructurings (including public/private board of directors). Full, fair, and accurate disclosures from all parties in a battle for corporate influence or control are critically important to investors, particularly when they are called upon to make decisions about their investments. Contemporary crypto computer crimes likely are key considerations relevant to making informed investment decisions by sophisticated investors, underscoring protection of pension assets via keen planning.
BitLicense marketplace manipulation techniques and potential cross-border computer crimes has been a major focus of's scholar research/innovation communication and's business plan execution strategy.
The World Bank ( notes that vulture funds endanger the gains made by debt relief to poorest countries. "The Bank has already delivered more than $40 billion in debt relief to 30 of these countries...thanks to this, countries like Ghana can provide micro-credit to farmers, build classrooms for their children, and fund water and sanitation projects for the poor," wrote World Bank Vice President Danny Leipziger in 2007.
World Bank directors warn that strategies adopted by vulture funds divert much needed debt relief away from the poorest countries on earth and into the bank accounts of the wealthy. is clear-eyed; microcredit lending fraud is a major issue for developing economies. Likewise, in western developed economies, market history warns that when boards of directors approve of and/or ignore the misuse of computer software programs which compute values based upon data input formulas from active cross-border manipulation structures, the results can lead to scandals like Enron. Such outcomes cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapse, while also shaking public confidence in the United States securities markets.
Enron’s Board of Directors: Contemporary Lessons on Crypto Marketplace Manipulation Computer Crimes
In its 2000 review of best corporate boards, Chief Executive Magazine included Enron among its five best boards. Even with its complex corporate governance and network of intermediaries, Enron was still able to "attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model, conceal its true performance through a series of accounting and financing maneuvers, and hype its stock to unsustainable levels."On paper, Enron had a model board of directors comprised predominantly of outsiders with significant ownership stakes and a talented audit committee of various state and federal regulators.
Two decades later, in 2021, it is clear that cryptocurrency and blockchain computer software systems require contemporary, ethically pure and sound cultivation to support the realization of a "generation of innovation," maximizing the full potential of blockchain software technologies.
Board directors that will pioneer the next chapters of the meaningful New York legacy of global, cross-border banking will agree:
Close scrutiny of corporate governance and greater responsibility placed on directors to vouch for the reports submitted to the SEC and other federal agencies have resulted in the growth of computer software solutions such as blockchain systems and processes.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain computer software products allow corporate directors and internal auditors to assemble and analyze financial and other relevant data—including unstructured data—and create reporting required by New York BitLicense regulators and various Federal counterparts.
Before its demise, Enron was lauded for its sophisticated software, including financial risk management tools powered by computer software.
Risk management was crucial to Enron not only because of its regulatory environment, but also because of its business plan. Enron established long-term fixed commitments which needed to be hedged to prepare for the invariable fluctuation of future energy prices.
Enron's downfall was attributed to its reckless use of derivatives and special purpose formulas manipulated by computer accounting software tools. To engage in probable computer crimes, Enron hedged its risks with special purpose entities which it owned, and Enron retained the risks associated with the transactions.
Enron's aggressive accounting practices were not hidden from the board of directors, as later learned by a Senate subcommittee. The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them received status updates on the entities' operations. Although not all of Enron's widespread improper accounting practices were revealed to the board, the practices were dependent on board decisions.
Eliminating Bad Board of Director Schemes Ranging from additional corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented disclosure requirements to comply with the law. A recent SEC order reiterated the importance of the disclosures, noting that the requirements were adopted in order to alert the market to large and rapid accumulation of shares that might represent a possible change in corporate control so that shares can be valued accordingly. The SEC order also noted that the requirements were designed to provide an issuer’s management with timely information to appropriately protect its shareholders’ interests (including pension protections).
The SEC’s recent enforcement actions relate to disclosure obligations in connection with M&A transactions and fights for corporate control.
In 2015, the SEC brought forth a number of similar enforcement actions alleging that filers had failed to update their disclosures after taking steps towards certain plans and proposals.
These types of enforcement actions continue to create challenging issues for practitioners, particularly when potential transactions are still in the early stages of planning and preliminary negotiation.
The SEC’s historic actions serve as a reminder to investors, including vulture activists, that Schedule 13D violations can result in monetary liability and, in the case of registered funds and investment advisers, can also have other regulatory consequences.
Care must be taken to avoid those communications constituting group activities with disclosure consequences. It should be noted that in some cases, coordination among the parties or sharing of information is sufficient to form prompts for disclosure purposes.
Intention of Disclosing Crypto Computer Crimes Manual (W/183 Highlights)
Published by the Office of Legal Education Executive office for United States Attorneys, the “Prosecuting Computer Crime Manual” has been’s reference guide as international scholars researching Crypto Computer Crimes and how to best position corresponding business innovation moving forward.
The SEC encourages the description of any plans or proposals such as Proof of Burn (PoB) or Short Selling market activities which may relate to or would result in:
The acquisition by any person of additional securities of the issuer, or the disposition of securities of the issuer;
An extraordinary corporate transaction, such as a merger, reorganization or liquidation, involving the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries;
Any change in the present board of directors or management of the issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;
Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the issuer;
Any other material change in the issuer's business or corporate structure, including but not limited to, if the issuer is a registered closed-end investment company, any plans or proposals to make any changes in its investment policy for which a vote is required by section 13 of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
Changes in the issuer's charter, bylaws or instruments corresponding thereto or other actions which may impede the acquisition of control of the issuer by any person;
Causing a class of securities of the issuer to be delisted from a national securities exchange or to cease to be authorized to be quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national securities association;
A class of equity securities of the issuer becoming eligible for termination of registration pursuant to section 12(g)(4) of the Act; or
Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.
Below we share 187 highlights to the Computer Crimes Manual as per best disclosure practices to illustrate various potential scenarios when market conditions are met and a board of directors potentially exploits blockchain technological software innovation with forecastable reckless consequences. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
> Hello: > > This is not a joke. > > *Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to > respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired. > > Ticktock. > > - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional > rights. > > Warm wishes, > > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > > > On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote: > >> Hello: >> >> Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to >> respond on shock and awe will be inspired. >> >> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Warm regards, >> >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> >> -- >> >> >> >> >> March 10, 2022 >> >> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL >> >> Mr. John Marzulli >> United States Department of Justice >> Eastern District of New York >> 271 Cadman Plaza East >> Brooklyn New York, 11201 >> >> >> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement >> >> Dear Mr. Marzulli: >> >> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 >> and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad >> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement >> <> >> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical >> enforcement being concerned. >> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war >> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of >> a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only >> military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus. >> >> 1. >> >> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New >> York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime >> against peace, related to the planning, preparation, >> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related >> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international >> armed conflict. >> 2. >> >> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider >> the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >> Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to >> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of >> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. >> 3. >> >> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ >> may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly >> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the >> Deferred Agreement being self-policing. >> >> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping >> mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation >> of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the >> Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that >> the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that >> are under Turkish military control. >> >> >> - >> >> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the >> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United >> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North >> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. >> - >> >> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based >> at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - >> was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference >> content from the world’s most important multinational organization. >> - >> >> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with >> such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law. >> >> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed >> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression >> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s >> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island. >> >> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of >> Turkey’s Markets >> >> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any >> side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of >> aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s >> core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border >> war crime regulatory frameworks. >> >> - >> >> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey >> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a >> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond >> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among >> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper >> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily >> prohibited such transactions. >> - >> >> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language >> daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as >> Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the >> Bank of Cyprus. >> >> >> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that >> there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of >> thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may >> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking >> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while >> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security. >> >> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace >> Manipulation >> >> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank >> Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international >> attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of >> dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given >> to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names. >> >> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, >> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine >> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial >> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then >> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. >> >> - >> >> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank >> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by >> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. >> - >> >> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any >> kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of >> aggression. >> - >> >> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried >> to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory >> arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the >> totality of such actions as war crimes. >> >> >> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the >> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind >> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it >> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for >> illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, >> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided >> by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation. >> >> >> - >> >> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the >> previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) >> crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman >> issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the >> removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations >> suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish >> reaction function.” >> - >> >> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern >> among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical >> Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish >> prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially >> was manipulating inflation data. >> - >> >> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked >> Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, >> "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought >> without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign >> demand has been very supportive." >> - >> >> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed >> Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think >> that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of >> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is >> likely to impact economic activity significantly" >> >> >> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman >> Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above >> do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement >> mandated by the United States of America. >> >> Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s >> only military divided capital on the planet, - >> should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related >> to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a >> common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only >> apply in relation to international armed conflict. >> >> >> War Crimes Against Humanity >> >> Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential >> breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. >> Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an >> armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground >> provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a >> civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a >> civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the >> attack. >> >> >> 1. >> >> We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to >> assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we >> determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and >> corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. >> 2. >> >> In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against >> humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant >> international instruments and case law. >> 3. >> >> Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, >> committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, >> which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in >> furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York >> State bank regulation). >> 4. >> >> Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on >> political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other >> grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under >> international law. >> 5. >> >> Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred >> Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. >> >> >> >> - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other >> inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, >> or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes >> against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as >> Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace >> and security of the United States of America. >> >> Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that >> correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes >> abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great >> sacrifice to the Homeland. >> >> We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject >> matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal >> Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment. >> >> Respectfully yours with anticipation, >> >> Gunnar Larson - <> | >> >> <>MSc >> <> >> - Digital Currency >> MBA >> <> >> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) >> +1-646-454-9107 >> >

Dear Goldman Sachs: As Adams Case Teeters, A DOJ 'Ideal' Hangs In The Balance <> By Phillip Bantz The public courtship between New York City Mayor Eric Adams and President Donald Trump is worrying some white collar legal experts, who say that Trump influencing the U.S. Department of Justice to drop Adams' corruption case would depart from over 40 years of policies aimed at keeping politics out of prosecutorial decisions. Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - kindly reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. Thank you, Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson <> | <>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053 On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 3:36 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
As - sails through Goldman Sachs' faulty DEI initives, we are concerned your General Attorney will make accusations of sabotage. - notes business structures hinged on regulatory arbitrage loopholes are equivalent to exasterbating sabatoge risk of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement’s mandate.
As previously mentioned, "HOOD" (United States) and "WISE" (United Kingdom) IPO charts seemingly singnal sabatoge by Goldman Sachs. -'s research notes Deutsche Bank holding an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
If Goldman Sachs is forced into liquidation it could look like this:
Deutsche Bank Can't Add Norway Rulings To Asset Sale Fight <>
By Ryan Harroff
A Connecticut state judge has rejected Deutsche Bank AG's request to add a series of rulings by Norwegian courts into the state court's record while the bank pursues claims that Norwegian billionaire Alexander Vik and his daughter sabotaged an asset sale — rulings that the bank initially said were irrelevant.
3 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <>
Relevant evidence of complexity in Goldman Sachs' sabatoge value appraisal was also brought to -'s attention in California. Goldman Sachs hired expert advice from Organe County, California to assist in defrauding -
We will not tolerate Goldman Sachs defrauding - via an irrelevant "Truvada romance conspiracy" out of Orange County. Goldman Sachs may have sabatoged all hopes for your firms future by organizing against - visavie paid Orange County, California consultancy.
As a successful young Republican, - kindly seeks to evolve past DEI fraud at Goldman Sachs.
Goldman's NAACP Board Director association is comical, speaking as a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar, originally administered by the United Negro College Fund.
The future beyond DEI shares historical context embossed in themes behind the state seals of Florida and New York. Just as relevant, Florida and New York state seals harmonize with the seal of New York City.
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, at the very least - plans to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted.
Goldman's NAACP Board association exemplifies DEI, One Million Black Women and University of Nicosia Africa investments symptomatic to fraud. This type of fraud is obviously good reason for DEI program failures in the United States and abroad. - working to see Florida's NAACP travel ban lifted is just part of our innovative plan to evolve Florida's insurance marketplace.
This will improve Florida's overall economy, something Goldman Sachs may recognize as -'s solution to 2022 pension malfeasance by Goldman Sachs between New York and Florida.
Finally, - demand NYDFS Superintendent Harris confirm if Goldman Sachs' D&O policies provide necessary General Attorney and Board Director D&O coverage. It is very possible the insurer could engage sabotage as a business interruption consideration for Goldman Sachs, seeing the Board dissolved with the CEO dismissed. NYDFS should understand this is how the Deferred Agreement reads.
NYDFS should also understand the gravity of this matter and that Goldman Sachs could possibly issue their own D&O claim against NYDFS' Superintendent for lack of regulatory acumen.
Either way, - plans to explore execution of various provisions of Deferred Agreement’s Boad Director clause by February 12, 2025. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:56 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Goldman Sachs:
With new approaches to DEI in the United States of America, - is concerned that Goldman's "One Million Black Women" and "UNICAF" (University of Nicosia Africa) investments violate terms of the Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
These likley faulty and fraudulent DEI projects at Goldman Sachs may have inflated the value of your firm's stock price, ticker "GS."
Goldman Sachs' patterns of behavior saw similar social inflation with Goldman's IPO representation of Robinhood (HOOD) in the United States and TranserWise (WISE) in the United Kingdom.
Note, the United Kingdom government is also a UNICAF anchor investor.
Ga. Accountant Must Face Fintech Co.'s Share Price Suit <>
By Chart Riggall
A Georgia federal judge has declined to dismiss most of a British fintech company's suit against Atlanta-based accounting firm Frazier & Deeter LLC over an allegedly bungled stock valuation, ruling Monday that a hold harmless clause in the companies' contract was largely unenforceable.
Order attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> - has suffered harm from Goldman Sachs' violations to the Deferred Agreement’s terms.
As such, - kindly seeks to enforce the agreement's Board Director provisions by February 12, 2025.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
This is not a joke.
*Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired.
Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights.
Warm wishes,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107

On Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 12:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Today - received third party private investor detail that one of our products could have been cloned by trade secret theft by someone on this email (they know who they are).
When reviewing the matter, we were not too worried. After all, - is extremely well positioned.
However, when - learned who may have been the programmer/coder behind "Kujo's" theft, we became worried.
The gentleman who you hired is an alleged mastermind of a very high profile cryptocurrency crime over $3B in losses. Good thing the money was recovered in receivership in under a year. - is flattered that our embryonic "Kujo" concept was seemingly developed in secret without our knowledge.
The cross boarder (United States - Europe - Asia - Cuba*) programmer worries us given required registration in the United States as a foreign agent. He is already listed in the United States as a criminal, yet not a foreign agent working for you to steal our innovation ideas.
Can Goldman Sachs or the University of Nicosia kindly provide the foreign agent registration for this programmer?
We think you may have abused his genuine genius while he is looking to either begin a new trial or have his sentence expunged.
If there is no foreign agent registration we may lobby for this individual's new trial, as New York Human Rights Law was possibly void during his last trial in Manhattan.
I have CCd Adrienne A. Harris who has heard of Kujo and of the famed (once jailed) programmer mentioned above.
Additionally, I have CCd Ms. Brooke Casewell who represents Meta IP matters out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Today here is a similar story:
Trader Faces US Extradition Over $10M Securities Fraud <>
By Sophia Dourou
A trader wanted for running a "pump and dump" scheme that generated more than $10 million in unlawful stock sales will face extradition to the U.S. at a London court hearing in June, it was confirmed on Monday.
Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025, 3:16 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will soon eclipse tomorrow's deadline to respond to the March 10, 2022 memo below addressed to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may have amplified the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Keeping this existing exclusion in mind, - will seek to execute the Goldman Sachs Deferred Agreement's Board Director provisions if the 48 hour window expires.
A separate matter of concern is Goldman Sachs participation as a deal maker part of Twitter's LBO.
Musk Can't Yet Appeal Twitter Investors' Cert., 9th Circ. Says <>
By Lauren Berg
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rebuffed Elon Musk's request to immediately appeal a California federal judge's decision to certify a class of thousands of Twitter investors over claims the billionaire businessman fraudulently tweeted about the social media company's alleged bot problem to get out of his $44 billion acquisition.
2 documents attached | Read full article » <> | Save to favorites » <> Robots or no robots, Mr. Musk was directed by the SEC that Twitter's LBO deal must be executed as agreed.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia’s D&O coverage would be responsible for covering any executive who maliciously orchestrated potential crimes against humanity via computer software code while under the Deferred Agreement’s purview.
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia will respect that no "Unregistered Short Selling" of GS is legal without SEC approval. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Sun, Jan 26, 2025, 3:06 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
This is not a joke.
*Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond *OR* shock and awe will be inspired.
Ticktock. - respectfully reserves all interjurisdictional rights.
Warm wishes,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 7:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs and the University of Nicosia have 48 hours to respond on shock and awe will be inspired. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now - was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, - should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
<>MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107
participants (1)
Gunnar Larson