some more alt history - Tsar Nicholas II

To my never-taught-history western schooled brain cell (which fires but occasionally, which even that some doubt) the following is simply interesting. Trigger warning, the interview is with a historian who has strong Orthodox Christian beliefs and comes across as proselytizing at times, but the depth of anecdotes may be considered worthwhile, even for existentialists among us - bloody motley lot we all are :D PS, on pasting in the title and byline, I note that the interview is not an interview, but is a series of written 'answers' to reader questions, by one Father Andrew Phillips, so I should be worried if he were not staunch in his Christianity :) :) It's quite a long read... Everything You Know About The Last Russian Tsar Is a Massive Lie. Here’s The Truth "These members of the upper classes (and not all were traitors) were sponsored from the beginning by the West. The West considered that once its values of parliamentary democracy, republicanism or constitutional monarchy were introduced into Russia, it would become just another bourgeois Western country." Father Andrew Phillips (Orthodox England) Father Andrew Phillips, is a long-serving priest in the ROCOR Orthodox church in Essex, UK. In this January 2013 article, he answers readers’ questions about the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, debunking decades of deliberate, slanderous lies coming from the media, academia, and governments of the UK, Germany, and America, but mostly from the UK.

On Sat, 5 Nov 2016 19:32:17 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
To my never-taught-history western schooled brain cell
You keep talking about russia as if it was not 'western'. As I previously noted, russia is fully western. Russia is a poster child for totalitarianism, and thus fully western. And I have to ask (so that john is happy) what the fuck have some of the most totalitarian criminals on the planet, namely the fucking russian monarchy and fucking russian church got to do with any libertarian value AT ALL?
(which fires but occasionally, which even that some doubt) the following is simply interesting.
Trigger warning, the interview is with a historian who has strong Orthodox Christian beliefs and comes across as proselytizing at times, but the depth of anecdotes may be considered worthwhile, even for existentialists among us - bloody motley lot we all are :D
PS, on pasting in the title and byline, I note that the interview is not an interview, but is a series of written 'answers' to reader questions, by one Father Andrew Phillips, so I should be worried if he were not staunch in his Christianity :) :)
It's quite a long read...
Everything You Know About The Last Russian Tsar Is a Massive Lie. Here’s The Truth "These members of the upper classes (and not all were traitors) were sponsored from the beginning by the West. The West considered that once its values of parliamentary democracy, republicanism or constitutional monarchy were introduced into Russia, it would become just another bourgeois Western country." Father Andrew Phillips (Orthodox England) Father Andrew Phillips, is a long-serving priest in the ROCOR Orthodox church in Essex, UK. In this January 2013 article, he answers readers’ questions about the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, debunking decades of deliberate, slanderous lies coming from the media, academia, and governments of the UK, Germany, and America, but mostly from the UK.

*NO* answers, obviously. ;) Juan, my dear, I have an useful filter and all Zzz's messages are directly sent to the trash, but you answered to him and I was obbligated to read this garbage. Please, take care, you know my stomach is sensitive! :P I like the CP list, but have no patience with hypocrite people like Zzz. He is like '' (NSFW, +18 y.o.!!!), seems good until you see the rotten, bizarre and scary content and vomit, yuck! (>_<)* On Nov 5, 2016 4:44 PM, "juan" <> wrote:
On Sat, 5 Nov 2016 19:32:17 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
To my never-taught-history western schooled brain cell
You keep talking about russia as if it was not 'western'. As I previously noted, russia is fully western. Russia is a poster child for totalitarianism, and thus fully western.
And I have to ask (so that john is happy) what the fuck have some of the most totalitarian criminals on the planet, namely the fucking russian monarchy and fucking russian church got to do with any libertarian value AT ALL?
(which fires but occasionally, which even that some doubt) the following is simply interesting.
Trigger warning, the interview is with a historian who has strong Orthodox Christian beliefs and comes across as proselytizing at times, but the depth of anecdotes may be considered worthwhile, even for existentialists among us - bloody motley lot we all are :D
PS, on pasting in the title and byline, I note that the interview is not an interview, but is a series of written 'answers' to reader questions, by one Father Andrew Phillips, so I should be worried if he were not staunch in his Christianity :) :)
It's quite a long read...
Everything You Know About The Last Russian Tsar Is a Massive Lie. Here’s The Truth "These members of the upper classes (and not all were traitors) were sponsored from the beginning by the West. The West considered that once its values of parliamentary democracy, republicanism or constitutional monarchy were introduced into Russia, it would become just another bourgeois Western country." Father Andrew Phillips (Orthodox England) Father Andrew Phillips, is a long-serving priest in the ROCOR Orthodox church in Essex, UK. glimmer-of-light-on-the-road-ahead-on-tsar-nicholas-ii-and- the-restoration-of-the-christian-imperium/ In this January 2013 article, he answers readers’ questions about the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, debunking decades of deliberate, slanderous lies coming from the media, academia, and governments of the UK, Germany, and America, but mostly from the UK.

And more - really needs 100 pages (so sayeth the saker), and fortunately he only spends 10, including various cross references, The Saker at his level best - undoubtedly induce criticism and condescension in "the modern liberal": The Ancient Spiritual Roots Of Russophobia November 06, 2016 A 2000 year old dispute A 1000 year old dispute The feared and hated witness The modern dispute

On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 12:59:02 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
The Ancient Spiritual Roots Of Russophobia
"modern Jews are not Jews and the Catholics are not catholic. In both cases, we are dealing with very successful frauds, but frauds " What should of course be borne in mind is that the whole jew-kristianity thing is a sick, totalitarian fraud. That includes the so called 'orthodox' kristianity branch and brand. No witch-doctor called 'jesus' was born 2016 years ago, so the 'orthodox' side of the story is a fraudulent joke just like that of the other competing jew-kristian mafias.
November 06, 2016
A 2000 year old dispute
A 1000 year old dispute
The feared and hated witness
The modern dispute

On Nov 7, 2016, at 10:20 PM, juan <> wrote:
On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 12:59:02 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
The Ancient Spiritual Roots Of Russophobia
"modern Jews are not Jews and the Catholics are not catholic. In both cases, we are dealing with very successful frauds, but frauds "
What should of course be borne in mind is that the whole jew-kristianity thing is a sick, totalitarian fraud. That includes the so called 'orthodox' kristianity branch and brand.
No witch-doctor called 'jesus' was born 2016 years ago, so the 'orthodox' side of the story is a fraudulent joke just like that of the other competing jew-kristian mafias.
Absolutely correct. I find it fascinating that so many otherwise sensible atheists still think there was a historical Jesus.... We know there was no Jewish exodus from archaeological records, there was in fact no united kingdom of Israel in the 10th century BC anything like the bible purports. It's all Jewish propaganda after the fact. I don't know why the life of Jesus is taken any more seriously.
Funny, I was just going over this site the last week or so. It's got a lot of interesting stuff... also fairly widely disparaged in certain "academic" blogs in really pretentious terms. Probably speaks more to the quality of the site than anything else. John
November 06, 2016
A 2000 year old dispute
A 1000 year old dispute
The feared and hated witness
The modern dispute

On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 07:27:39 -0500 John Newman <> wrote:
I find it fascinating that so many otherwise sensible atheists still think there was a historical Jesus....
Another fine example of group thinking I guess.
We know there was no Jewish exodus from archaeological records, there was in fact no united kingdom of Israel in the 10th century BC anything like the bible purports. It's all Jewish propaganda after the fact.
Horrible blasphemy =P
I don't know why the life of Jesus is taken any more seriously.
Funny, I was just going over this site the last week or so. It's got a lot of interesting stuff...
Tes. There's a (long) tradition of authors correctly regarding the jesus story as a syncretic myth at best. There was a guy called Robert Taylor who was an anglican minister turned free thinker. He was jaliled twice for 'blasphemy' in victorian england. No doubt the brits have always been the champions of truth and human rights. "The Diegesis: Being a Discovery of the Origin, Evidences, and Early History of Christianity ... "
also fairly widely disparaged in certain "academic" blogs in really pretentious terms. Probably speaks more to the quality of the site than anything else.
November 06, 2016
A 2000 year old dispute
A 1000 year old dispute
The feared and hated witness
The modern dispute

On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 12:59:02 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
The Ancient Spiritual Roots Of Russophobia
" Russia is ... willing to challenge the dominant western ideology (from Capitalism to the belief that homosexuality is a normal and healthy variation of human sexuality) precisely because of her position as the heir to, and continuator of, the Christian Roman Empire" So the author is blatantly admiting that he's a totalitarian piece of shit who thinks that homosesxuality is not 'normal' nor 'healthy'. No doubt he's a true heir to the jew-kkkristian religion. But it gets even better. The guy is a blatant imperialist who seems unable to realize that his gay-lynching totalitarian empire is 100% 'western' - he stands for exactly the same totalitarian and imperialistic mindset that the 'west' stands for. What the fuck is this, Zenaan.
November 06, 2016
A 2000 year old dispute
A 1000 year old dispute
The feared and hated witness
The modern dispute

On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 01:04:28AM -0300, Juan wrote:
On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 12:59:02 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
The Ancient Spiritual Roots Of Russophobia
What the fuck is this, Zenaan.
The Saker's summary of some history, to assist in comprehending some of the propaganda of the two dominant powers in the world today.

-------- Original Message -------- On Nov 7, 2016, 8:25 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote: On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 01:04:28AM -0300, Juan wrote: > On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 12:59:02 +1100 > Zenaan Harkness wrote: > > > > > The Ancient Spiritual Roots Of Russophobia > > > What the fuck is this, Zenaan. The Saker's summary of some history, to assist in comprehending some of the propaganda of the two dominant powers in the world today. Aff.......
participants (5)
Cecilia Tanaka
John Newman
Zenaan Harkness