FCC, RoboCalls, RF Spectrum, State Schools, FreeSpeech, Leftist News, etc

Well, I COULD say, "It's about time!" However, anybody who has owned a cell phone for more than a couple years is fully aware of the flood of robo-calls. Apparently, the FCC does nothing about it.
What's worse is that 100% of all calls CDR's are permanently recorded forever at the phone switch level. Any civil suit by FCC or end-user could subpoena proof of millions of robocalls to make claims, even including tracking back to unspoofable physical trunks and lines, and which airborne tower and IMEI, etc. But the FCC serves political masters, usually replacing the FCC chair every election, and they are lobbied by telecom and "services" and "political" industries all of which make huge money and fraudulently sway elections off the backs of such robocalls. In short, only civil suits by civilians will begin to break the bank of robocallers, and most civilians won't follow through. So keep enjoying your robobcalls. Now really what free peoples would ever want an "FCC" to be involved in their comms? You already have UWB-SS and encryption and GNURadio etc, so just go make opensource HW and SW and FABS to give the final fuck you to that part of the State. Don't forget to educate people on preserving parts of the spectrum from noise for important science, etc. As Freedom does not come without the Education and Responsibility to enjoy and preserve it.
Are these people being charged for robo-calling? Or, are they being charged for being "political"? And, "the wrong kind of 'political' "???
It is clearly political, as evidenced by the ridiculous amount of fine that would NEVER have been levied if it were not Republicans but instead was Democrats doing the robocalling under a Democrat regime.
Further, RatBoy, the so called man, who is really too much of a pussy trap agent to actually run the crypto game he loves to talk smack about and faux wager his pathetically small dicked stack of just 20Yuan on, is now clearly shilling and propping links for the US GovPol Left... such as @PalmerReport, @EmptyWheel, @Gal_Suburban, @SeditionHunters, @BiPartisanReport (which is in fact not "Bi" but is entirely LeftDemProg sided), etc without offering any kind of An/Lib/Vol counter narrative, thus he is hardly the "anarchist" he claims to be, but instead a prop for Leftist Statists. To be fair, there are more links on those fantastical clowns... https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/10/01/wohl-robocall-michigan/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/jacob-wohl-wanted-on-felony-arrest-warrant https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/09/05/jacob-wohl-felony-security-... https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/08/27/robocalls-michigan-penn-v... https://www.thedailybeast.com/mueller-smear-pushed-by-pro-trump-activists-fa... https://www.thedailybeast.com/far-right-smear-merchants-jacob-wohl-and-jack-... https://www.thedailybeast.com/did-a-far-right-star-recruit-jacob-wohl-to-ter... https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/02/26/twitter-suspends-far-ri... https://www.thedailybeast.com/jacob-wohl-faked-death-threats-against-himself [ps: Did you remember when the Left claimed they were going to die from fake news Jan6 threats that were never voiced, never screenshot published for public to see, etc] [Oh, and nevermind that the FBI just cleared everyone from any "planning" of Jan6, including Trump and AJ and the PeanutButter Boys, etc. Left's False Narratives keep falling apart as usual.] Much of those links all seems to be... - Free Speech, only the Left's BigTechMediaFakeNewsSocial is currently engaged in such massive expansion and execution of Censorship and Steering and Speech Finance Cancelling regime for its own political gain. - Fake paper "laws" on finance, issued by GovCorp, interfering against the proper functioning of free markets. - Fake paper "laws" on "fraud", issued by GovCorp, which free peoples should be more educated to avoid in the first place... but of course the State's mandatory public underage young-pliable-mind school systems, which many cannot opt out of, let alone opt out of the taxation for that crap, will never teach people Fraud or Finance or Freedom, preferring instead to indoctrinate them into subjugating and depending themselves unto the State as Saviour, and now total Woke Bullshit like CRT, Reparations, OwnNothing-BeHappy, etc. And more importantly, the links are smalltime nothings compared to BigTechMediaFakeNewsSocial's in total massive election influence, 12 years mandatory worshipment of State in public school systems, etc. All that "democratic" leftism adds up to an unfree situation. All the cell phone buyers and users had to do was create filter lists, greylisting, pay-for-first-call-through, and in general opensource and alternative new phone comms tech etc. But instead they cry to GovCorp to go rule over other people instead of enabling free markets, to go maintain legacy corrupt entrenchments, to go keep people unfree and unthinking, etc... all at murder of gunpoint. Wake up.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021, 11:14 PM grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Well, I COULD say, "It's about time!" However, anybody who has owned a cell phone for more than a couple years is fully aware of the flood of robo-calls. Apparently, the FCC does nothing about it.
What's worse is that 100% of all calls CDR's are permanently recorded forever at the phone switch level. Any civil suit by FCC or end-user could subpoena proof of millions of robocalls to make claims, even including tracking back to unspoofable physical trunks and lines, and which airborne tower and IMEI, etc.
I thought this was all secured by the upper security sechelon (cia, nsa). Are you referring to more accessible recordings, or do you have an idea on how to access phone taps in a civil suit when needed? I do think one could do this if you got the fbi involved.
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Karl Semich