archived fake flu propaganda
So, a couple of days ago I learned about this cute smoking gun "the next plandemic", by pentagon mouthpiece gates. Episode aired Nov 7, 2019. Just in time. Then I did a search for "pandemic" in the cpunks archive. There are only 3 messages in the first 5 years, and then these two : 1) From schear.steve at Sat Apr 28 15:42:07 2018 and my reply 2) From juan.g71 at Sat Apr 28 16:27:18 2018 ^ advertising for the next pentagon false flag ^-^ Haha! so it turns out *I* predicted this false flag in april 2018. Interestingly enough the zerohedge turds deleted their 'article' and doesn't have a copy. Also, schear posted the link without any comment, so it's quite possible that he was doing his job as US military propaganda bot. As to the other two relevant occurrences of the term From l at Wed Oct 22 10:21:46 2014 "I don't exactly see possible pandemics as nothing to worry about it" From jnn at Thu Feb 16 03:21:43 2017 "It isn't hard to imagine at all humanity fucking blowing itself up, destroying itself in a pandemic" I wonder what John thinks now about the insane, fascist flu farce. I expect him to be a 'true believer' in 'science'...parroting the anti freedom line to a tee.
On Fri, Jul 30, 2021, 12:32 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
So, a couple of days ago I learned about this cute smoking gun
"the next plandemic", by pentagon mouthpiece gates. Episode aired Nov 7, 2019. Just in time.
Then I did a search for "pandemic" in the cpunks archive. There are only 3 messages in the first 5 years, and then these two :
1) From schear.steve at Sat Apr 28 15:42:07 2018
and my reply 2) From juan.g71 at Sat Apr 28 16:27:18 2018 ^ advertising for the next pentagon false flag ^-^
Haha! so it turns out *I* predicted this false flag in april 2018.
I'm not replying to this because I'm not sure why it's being pointed out, and don't want to worsen anything that's in flux or is not yet in flux, given this list has a small history of having its archives change. I infer the archive review work you did here is a little helpful.
Interestingly enough the zerohedge turds deleted their 'article' and
I noticed you added -NSA to . I wanted to add that when I started getting my systemic network issues while being surveilled around 2014-2016 or maybe even a little later not sure, I tried using to access sites that had been taken down. (sites put up by victims of political targeting, or news about such things). It worked for the first handful of sites, and then started giving database and http errors on a pretty reliable basis, that the material had been lost. I think they got hacked, agencied, or mitmd. They appear to be incredible people, obviously. doesn't have a copy. Also, schear posted the link without any comment, so
it's quite possible that he was doing his job as US military propaganda bot.
As to the other two relevant occurrences of the term
From l at Wed Oct 22 10:21:46 2014 "I don't exactly see possible pandemics as nothing to worry about it"
From jnn at Thu Feb 16 03:21:43 2017 "It isn't hard to imagine at all humanity fucking blowing itself up, destroying itself in a pandemic"
I wonder what John thinks now about the insane, fascist flu farce. I expect him to be a 'true believer' in 'science'...parroting the anti freedom line to a tee.
On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 16:15:38 -0400 Karl <> wrote:
On Fri, Jul 30, 2021, 12:32 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
Haha! so it turns out *I* predicted this false flag in april 2018.
I'm not replying to this because I'm not sure why it's being pointed out, and don't want to worsen anything that's in flux or is not yet in flux, given this list has a small history of having its archives change.
You mean the stuff that's missing from the 1990s? That part of the archive is pretty much compromised, but I think the new archive (2013-->today) is reliable. At least in this case, the 2018 reference to the gates-pentagon PSYOP is valuable, and the fact that the zerohedge article is missing is suggestive too. And my reply to schear's post is just the sort of thing I would have written. I forgot that I saw his post and wrote that reply, but what I found in the archive is consistent with current events. For completness sake, I think I once posted something about the sematech IC mafia in reply to bell's technofascist praise of the same IC mafia, buf when I searched for "sematech" I found nothing. Maybe I'm misremembering, or maybe there was some glitch in the archive, but overall I still think it's reliable.
I infer the archive review work you did here is a little helpful.
Interestingly enough the zerohedge turds deleted their 'article' and
I noticed you added -NSA to .
I wanted to add that when I started getting my systemic network issues while being surveilled around 2014-2016 or maybe even a little later not sure, I tried using to access sites that had been taken down. (sites put up by victims of political targeting, or news about such things). It worked for the first handful of sites, and then started giving database and http errors on a pretty reliable basis, that the material had been lost. I think they got hacked, agencied, or mitmd.
Well,'s attemtp at...archiving...the whole web is one of the things the NSA would do, and is something that requires substantial funding I'd assume. That doesn't mean is necessarily malicious, but at the very least it's an obvious target for the US govt.
I think they got hacked, agencied, or mitmd.
all that is certainly possible and even likely...
They appear to be incredible people, obviously.
I saw that the guy behind is a member of the eff. Not sure if a relatively new member? At any rate, the trustworthiness of the eff isn't exactly high as far as I'm concerned. On the 'good' side, I saw that publishes the blog of that right wing fucktard eric raymond. What he writes is garbage, but at least stands for some sort of free speech.
I was wrong about - they do have a copy of the gates-pentagon propaganda piece when I first searched I got the latest archived copy, which is an empty page, but that older snapshot has the actual page. --------- Bill Gates Warns "Millions Could Die" If US Doesn't Prepare For Coming Pandemic Profile picture for user Tyler Durden by Tyler Durden Fri, 04/27/2018 - 23:10 0 SHARES Should a deadly pandemic comparable to the 1918 influenza outbreak reach the US in the relatively near future, the US government would be powerless to stop it. And in all likelihood, hundreds of thousands - if not, millions - of Americans will die. That's the message from a Washington Post interview with Microsoft founder Bill Gates, which touched on many of the same subjects from a talk he gave Friday before the Massachusetts Medical Society. Bill Gates says the U.S. government is falling short in preparing the nation and the world for the "significant probability of a large and lethal modern-day pandemic occurring in our lifetimes." Gates discussed his efforts to convince the Trump administration to set aside more funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and to prioritize the creation of a national response plan that would govern how resources are deployed during a pandemic or biological weapons attack. Gates During the interview, the billionaire who appears to have gotten such a touch eccentric in his gray years, confirmed that he had raised the issue of pandemic preparedness with President Trump, and that he tried to convince the president that he has a chance to lead on the issue of global health security. According to Gates, Trump told him to raise these issues with officials at the Health and Human Services Department, the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration. Gates said he also met with HR McMaster, who was ousted as National Security Advisor last month, and he hopes to meet with McMaster's successor John Bolton. He is probably the only one. That said, Gates may have a point: Even this winter's flu season - the worst in years - overwhelmed hospitals, some of which were forced to pitch tents outside the facilities and deploy other emergency accommodations. Gates, whose Gates Foundation focuses on public health initiative, has shifted his focus in recent years to international pandemic awareness and preparation. To be sure, he's not the only one who believes the developed world is dangerously ill-prepared to beat back such a threat. Gates and his wife, Melinda, have repeatedly warned that a pandemic is the greatest immediate threat to humanity. Experts say the risk is high, because new pathogens are constantly emerging and the world is so interconnected. Many experts agree that the United States remains underprepared for a pandemic or a bioterrorism threat. The government’s sprawling bureaucracy, they say, is not nimble enough to deal with mutations that suddenly turn an influenza virus into a particularly virulent strain, as the 1918 influenza did in killing an estimated 50 million to 100 million people worldwide. Even this winter’s harsh seasonal flu was enough to overwhelm some hospitals, forcing them to pitch tents outside emergency rooms to cope with the crush of patients. If a highly contagious and lethal airborne pathogen like the 1918 influenza were to take hold today, nearly 33 million people worldwide would die in just six months, Gates noted in his prepared remarks, citing a simulation done by the Institute for Disease Modeling, a research organization in Bellevue, Wash. So what should the US do according to Gates: the nation needs to prioritize the development of better vaccines - including a "universal" flu vaccine - and other treatments as well as new diagnostic capabilities to help doctors detect and identify a pandemic before it has the opportunity to spread, according to the Microsoft founder. In those remarks, Gates highlighted scientific and technical advances in the development of better vaccines, drugs and diagnostics that he said could revolutionize how we prepare for and treat infectious diseases moving forward. He praised last year’s formation of a new global coalition, known as CEPI, to create new vaccines for emerging infectious diseases. He also announced a $12 million Grand Challenge in partnership with the family of Google Inc. co-founder Larry Page to accelerate the development of a universal flu vaccine. But vaccines, he noted, take time to research, deploy and generate protective immunity. "So we need to invest in other approaches, like antiviral drugs and antibody therapies that can be stockpiled or rapidly manufactured to stop the spread of pandemic diseases or treat people who have been exposed," he said in his speech. Among the advances in these areas are a new influenza antiviral recently approved in Japan that Gates said "stops the virus in its tracks" by inhibiting an enzyme it needs to multiply; research on antibodies that could protect against a pandemic strain of a virus; and a diagnostic test that harnesses the powerful genetic-engineering technology known as CRISPR and has the field-use potential to check a patient’s blood, saliva or urine for evidence of multiple pathogens. That test could, for example, identify whether someone is infected with Zika or dengue virus, which have similar symptoms. But even the most cutting-edge remedies are useless without a plan to deploy them, something Gates says the Trump administration recognizes. Trump and senior administration officials have affirmed the importance of controlling infectious disease outbreaks. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is facing a loss of emergency funding provided in the wake of the 2014 Ebola epidemic and has begun to dramatically downsize its epidemic-prevention activities in 39 out of 49 countries where disease risks are greatest. Congress provided additional funding in last month’s spending bill. But it also directed the administration to come up with a comprehensive plan to strengthen global health security at home and abroad. "This could be an important first step if the White House and Congress use the opportunity to articulate and embrace a leadership role for the U.S.," Gates said in the speech. No other country, he noted, has the depth of scientific or technical expertise that the United States possesses, drawing on the resources of institutions such as NIH, CDC and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, as well as the Defense Department's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. While Gates's sense of urgency is admirable, other experts on the likelihood of a global pandemic emerging in the relatively near future make Gates look like a Walt Disney-level optimist. "We know that it is coming, but we have no way of stopping it," said WHO infectious disease specialist Dr. Sylvie Brand. If you haven't already, now would probably be as good a time as any to invest in some surgical masks. Unless of course Elon Musk is correct with his own doomsday prediction, and sentient, AI-capable killer robots have already bought out the entire inventory.
the modus operandi of this quinn turd and the david barrett turd really deserves to be underscored. And it's actually similar to james donald's 'style' Those three turds will methodically parrot bits of US propaganda to a tee, saying stuff that can be easily copy-pasted from any US 'news source' or government website. They will ignore ANY sort of counter-argument and will just keep repeating the same thing over and over US govt good - Fake flu farce real - US govt good - Fake flu farce real - US govt good - Fake flu farce real - US govt good - Fake flu farce real - et cetera Then again, what else can be expected from US governmetn agents.
On 7/30/21 11:37, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
So, a couple of days ago I learned about this cute smoking gun
"the next plandemic", by pentagon mouthpiece gates. Episode aired Nov 7, 2019. Just in time.
It's "pandemic". There's no "l" in it.
Then I did a search for "pandemic" in the cpunks archive. There are only 3 messages in the first 5 years, and then these two :
1) From schear.steve at Sat Apr 28 15:42:07 2018
and my reply 2) From juan.g71 at Sat Apr 28 16:27:18 2018 ^ advertising for the next pentagon false flag ^-^
Haha! so it turns out *I* predicted this false flag in april 2018.
This is not some "false flag". This is a very real disease affecting the entire world, it did not originate from the US, it is most definitely "not just the flu" as it is MUCH MORE LIKELY TO KILL YOU OR CAUSE YOU SERIOUS PROBLEMS if you get it (particularly if you are not vaccinated), and it is MUCH MORE CONTAGIOUS than the flu ever was. That's what the scientists are telling us, even the ones not being paid by the US government.
Interestingly enough the zerohedge turds deleted their 'article'
The full archive is only available to subscribers. So it may well be there, but I'm not in a position to spend money to subscribe and find out.
The Internet Archive is not a government agency and has no connection to the NSA. Fine, you hate for whatever reason, but that's a really lame reason to falsely imply it's a government agency to try to scare some people away from using it. Not everything is controlled by the NSA or whoever just because you hate it. Grow up. -- Shawn K. Quinn <>
On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 16:15:04 -0500 "Shawn K. Quinn" <> vomited: the quinn turd vomited his usual, robotic, US government propaganda to a tee. this turd is quite similar to the 'david barrett' turd, although slighly less insane. Still evil as fuck.
On 7/31/21 16:53, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote: [nothing worth quoting, except:]
US government propaganda
Nope. I'm not a government employee. This is just my view as an informed citizen. I have seen what COVID-19 does. If this really was "just the flu" I'd say so. It's not, it's far worse, and the vaccine is the best shot (pun intended) to get us past it. We definitely know this originated outside of the US (in China, specifically), so there's no way it could be a US government "false flag" operation. That's the biggest load of bovine excrement I've ever read. Sheesh. -- Shawn K. Quinn <>
On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 17:00:03 -0500 "Shawn K. Quinn" <> vomited :
Nope. I'm not a government employee.
of course you are. You are a piece of non human shit and a US governmetn employee. Profusely proven by your hundreds of propaganda posts on this list.
On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 16:15:04 -0500 "Shawn K. Quinn" <> vomited :
it is most definitely "not just the flu" as it is MUCH MORE LIKELY TO KILL YOU OR CAUSE YOU SERIOUS PROBLEMS if you get it chinese population 1500 millions. people who allegedly died of the fake flu : 5600 so which is it? Is the jew-god created WHO 'lying'? Or is the fake flu a scam? But wait, if the 'WHO' is lying about china, why should we believe what any government says and especially what the US-pfizer turd government says? Did quinn's turd 'scientists' ever make a 'vaccine' for the common cold, the real flu, the so called AIDS, et cetera? Oops. No they never did. And yet now they created a super new vaccine for the fake flu in 6 months. You know what quinn? Pfizer turs like you need killing, very badly.
participants (3)
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Shawn K. Quinn