Bitcoin Cash Devel, Hal Finney's Letter, Biblical Death Pledges

Sticking To Satoshi's White Paper with Amaury Sechet, Lead Developer of Bitcoin Cash Epic Convos: Cash to win vs Core @ Anarcha|Crypto pulco AudioBook - Bitcoin.pdf Cryptocurrencies Break Through $500 Billion As People Make Death Pledges To Buy More The Globalist Plan To Blame Bitcoin For Biblical Level Collapse In 2018 "Bitcoin", the philosophy, will live on and strong, regardless of whichever ticker symbol carries its banner from time to time. Keep your coin agile...

On Fri, 15 Dec 2017 02:44:07 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
Sticking To Satoshi's White Paper with Amaury Sechet, Lead Developer of Bitcoin Cash Epic Convos: Cash to win vs Core @ Anarcha|Crypto pulco
somewhat entertaining - sechet seems to understand political theory....says he's a 'voluntarist' for facebook-NSA Haha. he does have a point though when he says that 'experts' managing resources is suboptimal. on the other hand, bitcoin's block size has been increased to 4 megs best the video is outdated. but then when lightning network comes up he doesn't explain at all how it's supposed to work and doesn't present the position he's disagreeing with in a honest way. In other words he's a lying asshole. bitcoin is supposed to be trustless so none of the factions are to be trusted. Bitcoin cash deserves little trust.
AudioBook - Bitcoin.pdf
Cryptocurrencies Break Through $500 Billion As People Make Death Pledges To Buy More
The Globalist Plan To Blame Bitcoin For Biblical Level Collapse In 2018
"Bitcoin", the philosophy, will live on and strong, regardless of whichever ticker symbol carries its banner from time to time.
Keep your coin agile...

On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 2:05 PM, juan <> wrote:
works for facebook-NSA
Faking money out of them seems fine ploy. Wtf you think shitty govt workers do besides draw a free check off your back.
bitcoin's block size has been increased to 4 megs
Don't know which "bitcoin" you're on about but BTC is still 1 meg.
but then when lightning network comes up
Seems tech unfit for economics (for one, pay channels is a total lol given random p2p street commerce), and implemented by compromised. Many youtube videos now present this situation.
bitcoin is supposed to be trustless so none of the factions are to be trusted. Bitcoin cash deserves little trust.
Users are free to exchange compromised for whatever is currently the most trustless. BTC compromised since years, leaving BCH more trustless, but nowhere near ultimately so. Trustless is a very hard problem, till then, exchange as desired.

On Sun, 17 Dec 2017 00:25:25 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 2:05 PM, juan <> wrote:
works for facebook-NSA
Faking money out of them seems fine ploy. Wtf you think shitty govt workers do besides draw a free check off your back.
for your info, gov't 'workers' not only take people's money but they cause untold amounts of damgage/rights violations. So it would be a pretty good improvement if the govt taxed its subjects and did absolutely nothing with the stolen money - instead of running a police state and empire. you can apply that reasoning to facebook which is of course an arm of the government. Anyway, the guy doesn't work for facebook-NSA anymore...but one wonders what his stance regarding his previous employer is...
bitcoin's block size has been increased to 4 megs
Don't know which "bitcoin" you're on about but BTC is still 1 meg.
but then when lightning network comes up
Seems tech unfit for economics (for one, pay channels is a total lol given random p2p street commerce), and implemented by compromised. Many youtube videos now present this situation.
actually LN is supposed to address that very problem. Small casual payments. And it's supposed to route payments using onion routing. Now, whether it will actually work or not, I've no clue, but your comment would suggest you didn't do much research on it. I don't know who you mean by "compromised" - or what's the point about jewtube videos? (I don't think LN is being developed by blockstrem if compromised means them)
bitcoin is supposed to be trustless so none of the factions are to be trusted. Bitcoin cash deserves little trust.
Users are free to exchange compromised for whatever is currently the most trustless. BTC compromised since years,
whereas BCH isn't compromised by monopolistic producer of ASICs bitmain, 'ex' facebook-NSA employees or the guys of the jew-york 'agreement'?
leaving BCH more trustless, but nowhere near ultimately so. Trustless is a very hard problem, till then, exchange as desired.
or you can keep both... anyway, it is a fact that the core faction has decided that bitcoin is 'digital gold' and should be used as a settlement layer. Which can be described as economic planning and bad. The other faction doesn't seem to have a good solution either since having users/peers process all transactions isn't too practical unless the 'peers' use servers in NSA datacenters...

On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 11:21 AM, juan <> wrote:
On Sun, 17 Dec 2017 00:25:25 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
(for one, pay channels is a total lol given random p2p street commerce), and implemented by compromised. Many youtube videos now present this situation.
actually LN is supposed to address that very problem. Small casual payments. And it's supposed to route payments using onion routing. Now, whether it will actually work
No x 4. Here's why BTC aka: Bitcoin Core ... ... is compromised, no longer deserves to be one of the carriers of the "Bitcoin" philosophy banner, and will ultimately fail... Blockstream Turning Bitcoin Into Fiat? How The Banks Bought Bitcoin - The Lightning Network Decentralised Truth: Use Beats Authority (Delegation Wrecks Fools)
whereas BCH isn't compromised by monopolistic producer of ASICs
All SW (incl coin) runs on untrustable HW, Intel / AMD are such producers. BCH is relatively less shit than BTC, which makes it relatively more viable of the two, not uncompromised. Decentral SW dev and user indoctrination are still major problems.. Cryptocurrency is still early stages, much fun ahead.
anyway, it is a fact that the core faction has decided that bitcoin is 'digital gold' and should be used as a settlement
Making it as unusably worthless in everyday life as physical gold is today. Paper money was the usable. Cryptocurrency covers both functions and will replace both.
practical unless the 'peers' use servers in NSA datacenters...
All this will be distributed before long.

On Sun, 17 Dec 2017 23:42:17 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 11:21 AM, juan <> wrote:
On Sun, 17 Dec 2017 00:25:25 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
(for one, pay channels is a total lol given random p2p street commerce), and implemented by compromised. Many youtube videos now present this situation.
actually LN is supposed to address that very problem. Small casual payments. And it's supposed to route payments using onion routing. Now, whether it will actually work
No x 4. Here's why BTC aka: Bitcoin Core ...
so you know shit about the LN and now changed the topic
... is compromised, no longer deserves to be one of the carriers of the "Bitcoin" philosophy banner, and will ultimately fail...
you copy pasted the usual stuff about axa while missing even worse 'investors' : conclusion you just copy paste links. here's a link for your list "investors include" "Eric Schmidt’s Innovation Endeavors" - how about that one? looks a lot worse than axa
whereas BCH isn't compromised by monopolistic producer of ASICs
All SW (incl coin) runs on untrustable HW, Intel / AMD are such producers.
I didn't say bitmain chips are compromised*. What I'm saying is that bitcoin cash is 'supported' by bitmain because it allows them to use their optimizations. *how can they be - they just do hashes
BCH is relatively less shit than BTC,
I don't know. Unlike you I'm not a bch propaganda agent.
which makes it relatively more viable of the two, not uncompromised. Decentral SW dev and user indoctrination are still major problems..
Cryptocurrency is still early stages, much fun ahead.
anyway, it is a fact that the core faction has decided that bitcoin is 'digital gold' and should be used as a settlement
Making it as unusably worthless in everyday life as physical gold is today.
Ok, ok, ok. Now you show your true colors - again. You know exactly fuck about basic economics and history. The one and only reason why physical gold is 'unusable' today is because your fucking government outlawed it and sabotaged its use.
Paper money was the usable.
lawl - well I wouldn't expect less ignorant statist garbage from a tor apologist....
Cryptocurrency covers both functions and will replace both.
cool - that was just the last feature the global cyber police state needed. And the useful idiots gladly provided it.
practical unless the 'peers' use servers in NSA datacenters...
All this will be distributed before long.
sure, it will because you are praying to the joo god very hard

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money Part 4
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