the defining character of the modern white male: fear - [PEACE]

You know it's true. Sad, but true - the defining character of the modern white male is fear. Fear of being labelled a racist or a sexist or a homophobe or a transphobe, fear of going bankrupt, or hell, fear of being labelled ... a White male! 😞😞😞 Supervillain Rédoine Faïd Caught Again 😞😞😞

On Fri, 5 Oct 2018 05:15:40 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
You know it's true. Sad, but true - the defining character of the modern white male is fear.
that's a pathetically stupid lie - the people responsible for both both left wingg fascism and right wing fascism are WASP scum. You know, people like peterson, trump and all the rest.

juan: On Fri, 5 Oct 2018 05:15:40 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
You know it's true. Sad, but true - the defining character of the modern white male is fear.
that's a pathetically stupid lie - the people responsible for both both left wingg fascism and right wing fascism are WASP scum. You know, people like peterson, trump and all the rest.
Not fear. Insecurity.... b/c little thingie. Rr

On 10/08/2018 10:34 AM, Razer wrote:
On Fri, 5 Oct 2018 05:15:40 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
You know it's true. Sad, but true - the defining character of the modern white male is fear.
that's a pathetically stupid lie - the people responsible for both both left wingg fascism and right wing fascism are WASP scum. You know, people like peterson, trump and all the rest.
Not fear. Insecurity.... b/c little thingie.
Couple of thingies working in tandem: As redistribution of wealth from our bolshy great peasant classes to our tiny little ruling class continues to accelerate, Working Class peasants can't find work and Middle Class peasants see their kids' prospects of future financial security, formerly assured by social and economic class barriers, drying up fast. Wanted: Someone to blame and attack. Enter the scapegoats: Upwardly mobile financially secure immigrants (including lots of Ph.D.s, M.D.s, etc.) competing for Middle Class employment, and refugees + migrants competing for Working Class jobs. Add "uppity niggers" and "uppity women" for the lowest-class white trash to blame and... Viola! A Conservaitve Surge in support of our billionaires and their corporations. "YOU WILL NOT REPLACE US!!" Tell that to the computers that replaced typists, the cheep throw-away devices that replaced repair techs, the transgenics based factory farming methods that replaced half the agricultural workforce, etc. etc. I have to wonder how many Libtards and Reich-wingers have a physical reflex that forces them to fall to their knees and beg to suck the cock of any billionaire who comes within sucking distance? Needs experimental verification... their uniform "How DARE you propose taxing our rulers!?" reflex seems to indicate a good chance of positive results. :o)

On Tuesday, October 9, 2018, 12:59:05 PM PDT, Steve Kinney <> wrote: "YOU WILL NOT REPLACE US!!" "Tell that to the computers that replaced typists," When I was in 7th grade, 1970, my mother made me take Typing class. At the time, it seemed to be just about the most worthless class I could possibly be taking. Within 6 years, I was using a computer, and in 1978 I built my own computer, which had a keyboard.  It was amazing how much more wise my mother's direction was!!              Jim Bell

On October 4, 2018 2:22:44 PM CDT, juan <> wrote:
On Fri, 5 Oct 2018 05:15:40 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
You know it's true. Sad, but true - the defining character of the modern white male is fear.
that's a pathetically stupid lie - the people responsible for both both left wingg fascism and right wing fascism are WASP scum. You know, people like peterson, trump and all the rest.
Absolutely true. Also people like myself, and the racist hack Zenaan. I don't actively try to take advantage of being a white male, at least not consciously (at least not that I've admitted or recognized in myself), but I get the advantages anyway. But demographics are changing, and that scares assholes like Z.

On Tue, 09 Oct 2018 07:43:12 -0500 John Newman <> wrote:
On October 4, 2018 2:22:44 PM CDT, juan <> wrote:
On Fri, 5 Oct 2018 05:15:40 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
You know it's true. Sad, but true - the defining character of the modern white male is fear.
that's a pathetically stupid lie - the people responsible for both both left wingg fascism and right wing fascism are WASP scum. You know, people like peterson, trump and all the rest.
Absolutely true. Also people like myself, and the racist hack Zenaan. I don't actively try to take advantage of being a white male, at least not consciously (at least not that I've admitted or recognized in myself), but I get the advantages anyway. But demographics are changing, and that scares assholes like Z.
Some demographics may be changing but the system is getting more entrenched by the day. And I doubt there's been any change in the demographics of wall street, amazon, apple, google, facebook and all the rest of the private-public-corporate-state. What we are seeing is the totalitarian methods that historically were created by the right now being used by the lefty 'progressives' as well. And of course Jew-Christian Totalitarians, the core of western 'civilization', whether they are on the 'left' or the 'right' share basically the same beliefs. So called feminism being a perfect example. Historically the anti-sex lunatics were bible thumping conservatives but now the anti-sez lunatics also come from the Anti Sex League which is a component of English Socialism [0] [0] Eric Blair.

On Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 07:43:12AM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On October 4, 2018 2:22:44 PM CDT, juan <> wrote:
On Fri, 5 Oct 2018 05:15:40 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
You know it's true. Sad, but true - the defining character of the modern white male is fear.
that's a pathetically stupid lie - the people responsible for both both left wingg fascism and right wing fascism are WASP scum. You know, people like peterson, trump and all the rest.
Absolutely true. Also people like myself, and the racist hack Zenaan. I don't actively try to take advantage of being a white male, at least not consciously (at least not that I've admitted or recognized in myself), but I get the advantages anyway. But demographics are changing, and that scares assholes like Z.
Oh don't get too jealous - there IS plenty of room at the top :D But stay a little jealous, or you'll the last of that "edge" you -think- you've got ...
participants (6)
jim bell
John Newman
Steve Kinney
Zenaan Harkness