minimizing "comms platform change" friction - "world’s most bloodthirsty killer award" - modern Western warfare

* As we saw yesterday, president-elect of the USA, Donald Trump refuses "traditional" media "presidential monitoring, milking, shaming and all around manipulating", and instead launched his own Youtube channel! This is a defining moment in history. In what ways can we help speed, support and otherwise ride, this process of democratization of communications? * Blatantly counter factual news is de rigueur for the modern Western lame stream media. As we saw yesterday, Trump continues his royal middle finger to the establishment liars (sorry, media) by starting his own Youtube channel to make his public announcements - so not only has the game changed irrevocably, but at least one "leader" is on the page for shifting power away from the lying "main stream" media. Regarding censorship, the main limitation of Trump's unilateral communication using Youtube over the lamestream media, is that YouTube, like Twitter and Facebook, is just another central point of failure. "They're just a private company, they can censor all they like" does NOT cut it! Go to hell you fascist idiots, or rather, do the world a favour and go live in North Korea! * Since these corporations (who are supposedly allow to "censor all they like, since they're just their to make profit") are a virus against our rights of free speech and rights to communicate with one another, EVIDENTLY we must route around this virus! And Donald Trump is doing the best he can (it seems) to so route around said virii. * The next step of democratization of our collective public / "community" communications, is full peer to peer / P2P networked communications platform. The traditional establishment media is not getting their way, and of course the kickback is to be expected see for eample the lame excuses from Twitter here ("we didn't mean to, it was someone else - yet they completely disable dozens of "hate speech" accounts that go too far against their establishment propaganda dictate): * Full commoditization/ democratization of our comms platforms/ tools, implies end-user control, individual capacity to "launch" or "speak" publicly, and that those who want to listen can listen to those they want to listen to, without a single point of failure of a Twitter Inc, a Facebook Inc or a Google / Alphabet Inc to shut down their streams of comms between speakers and listeners, choosing freely to so speak and to so listen! - We have the right to speak to those who want to listen to us. - We have a right to listen to those we want to listen to speaking. ( apropos s/speak/write|type|read|view|etc/ ) Now is about a good an opportunity as we will ever see, to maximize impact from deployment of "new" tech, to solve a real problem of censorship, in the public eye. Let's get tools in the hands of Team Trump, Milo Yianoppoulos, Breitbart, and every other so-called "alternative" media source, left or right, "extreme" left or right or otherwise, which tools reduce platform change friction to as close to zero as possible. * The foundation of such tech is stable public identification. An "identification regime" that folks are already familiar with is probably the best start, backed by funky fully decentralised DHT type tech. For on purely random e.g. (never used Twitter sorry, so this is not in any way technically accurate!): - start with say Twitter handle syntax, [.]@... - add something small to this regime, say [.]@@... or [.]@UID... - back this with gnunet or something similar - build tools / GUIs to seamlessly transition folks from Twitter, Facebook etc Imagine this: - "your account got banned? Just use Gwitter!" - "your tweets aren't getting out? Just add a second '@' symbol!" - "you're not seeing Milo's tweets? Just use Gwitter!" We can imagine gateways between say Gwitter and Twitter, where every individual who uses Gwitter and Twitter, becomes a gateway (if they so choose), and a war where Twitter Inc shuts down more and more gateway accounts, which would only highlight (to normies/ regular folk) the foundational problem of the centralization and censorship inherent in corporate fascist centralised "platforms" - this highlighting and raising of awareness can only be a great thing! * Additional things like privacy, anonymity, secrecy etc, are not even on the scale at the moment - the foundations must be handled first. Can we solve "freedom of speech, as in I'm free to communicate with whom I choose to communicate with, which may involve nothing more than listening to those I wish to listen to"? * And here's just another example that triggered my snowlflakey self into launching this tirade about why we need to get this done :) Syria: Theater of the Absurd Gets Crazier $ akw gnunet Package: gnunet Description-en: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (meta) GNUnet is a peer-to-peer framework which focuses on providing security. All link-to-link messages in the network are confidential and authenticated. The framework provides a transport abstraction layer and can currently encapsulate the peer-to-peer traffic in UDP, TCP, or SMTP messages.

On November 25, 2016 8:19:04 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Let's get tools in the hands of Team Trump, Milo Yianoppoulos, Breitbart, and every other so-called "alternative" media source, left
Damn straight - can never get enough Milo Yianoppoulos! Heil Milo and death to the luginpresse!
or right, "extreme" left or right or otherwise, which tools reduce platform change friction to as close to zero as possible.
* The foundation of such tech is stable public identification.
An "identification regime" that folks are already familiar with is probably the best start, backed by funky fully decentralised DHT type tech. For on purely random e.g. (never used Twitter sorry, so this is not in any way technically accurate!): - start with say Twitter handle syntax, [.]@... - add something small to this regime, say [.]@@... or [.]@UID... - back this with gnunet or something similar - build tools / GUIs to seamlessly transition folks from Twitter, Facebook etc
Imagine this: - "your account got banned? Just use Gwitter!" - "your tweets aren't getting out? Just add a second '@' symbol!" - "you're not seeing Milo's tweets? Just use Gwitter!"
We can imagine gateways between say Gwitter and Twitter, where every individual who uses Gwitter and Twitter, becomes a gateway (if they so choose), and a war where Twitter Inc shuts down more and more gateway accounts, which would only highlight (to normies/ regular folk) the foundational problem of the centralization and censorship inherent in corporate fascist centralised "platforms" - this highlighting and raising of awareness can only be a great thing!
* Additional things like privacy, anonymity, secrecy etc, are not even on the scale at the moment - the foundations must be handled first.
Can we solve "freedom of speech, as in I'm free to communicate with whom I choose to communicate with, which may involve nothing more than listening to those I wish to listen to"?
* And here's just another example that triggered my snowlflakey self into launching this tirade about why we need to get this done :)
Syria: Theater of the Absurd Gets Crazier
$ akw gnunet Package: gnunet Description-en: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (meta) GNUnet is a peer-to-peer framework which focuses on providing security. All link-to-link messages in the network are confidential and authenticated. The framework provides a transport abstraction layer and can currently encapsulate the peer-to-peer traffic in UDP, TCP, or SMTP messages.
-- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 08:45:22PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 8:19:04 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Let's get tools in the hands of Team Trump, Milo Yianoppoulos, Breitbart, and every other so-called "alternative" media source, left Damn straight - can never get enough Milo Yianoppoulos! Heil Milo and death to the luginpresse!
Snowflakes get triggered pretty easily, even round these parts, sadly that's to be expected it seems. Guessing Johnny boy that you're a vegetarian working for the CIA, and sure you won't let that stop you from avoiding substantive response to current issues we collectively face. Thought can be quite the challenge in the face of infantile emtional reactivity. John, since your reply demonstrates such depth, such sensitivity, here's a special quote just for your next party invite: " We could all sit outside on banana lounges discussing the best way to rebuild a 4WD transmission and agree, through shared stories of conquests supporting our assertions, that there is no basis to the proposition that those least assured of their persuasions are the first to condemn others for theirs. Although the ideal would be for everyone to be capable of love without fear, restraint, or obligation, clearly this does not apply to homosexuals. " I'd blow you a kiss but I foggot.

On November 25, 2016 8:58:34 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 08:45:22PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 8:19:04 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Let's get tools in the hands of Team Trump, Milo Yianoppoulos, Breitbart, and every other so-called "alternative" media source, left Damn straight - can never get enough Milo Yianoppoulos! Heil Milo and death to the luginpresse!
Snowflakes get triggered pretty easily, even round these parts, sadly that's to be expected it seems.
Guessing Johnny boy that you're a vegetarian working for the CIA, and sure you won't let that stop you from avoiding substantive response to current issues we collectively face.
Well, Zenmeister, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you ;). That is the CIAs style I think. Enjoy your new friends in the "alt right", such a noble cause, and one that fits you like a glove =)
Thought can be quite the challenge in the face of infantile emtional reactivity.
John, since your reply demonstrates such depth, such sensitivity, here's a special quote just for your next party invite:
" We could all sit outside on banana lounges discussing the best way to rebuild a 4WD transmission and agree, through shared stories of conquests supporting our assertions, that there is no basis to the proposition that those least assured of their persuasions are the first to condemn others for theirs. Although the ideal would be for everyone to be capable of love without fear, restraint, or obligation, clearly this does not apply to homosexuals. "
I'd blow you a kiss but I foggot.
-- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 09:12:40PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 8:58:34 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 08:45:22PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 8:19:04 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Let's get tools in the hands of Team Trump, Milo Yianoppoulos, Breitbart, and every other so-called "alternative" media source, left Damn straight - can never get enough Milo Yianoppoulos! Heil Milo and death to the luginpresse!
Snowflakes get triggered pretty easily, even round these parts, sadly that's to be expected it seems.
Guessing Johnny boy that you're a vegetarian working for the CIA, and sure you won't let that stop you from avoiding substantive response to current issues we collectively face.
Well, Zenmeister, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you ;). That is the CIAs style I think.
Enjoy your new friends in the "alt right", such a noble cause, and one that fits you like a glove =)
So you don't support freedom of speech? What about the right of everyone to choose whom they listen to? Or is this right only for those on political Left and Center?

On November 25, 2016 9:16:31 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 09:12:40PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 8:58:34 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 08:45:22PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 8:19:04 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Let's get tools in the hands of Team Trump, Milo Yianoppoulos, Breitbart, and every other so-called "alternative" media source, left Damn straight - can never get enough Milo Yianoppoulos! Heil Milo and death to the luginpresse!
Snowflakes get triggered pretty easily, even round these parts, sadly that's to be expected it seems.
Guessing Johnny boy that you're a vegetarian working for the CIA, and sure you won't let that stop you from avoiding substantive response to current issues we collectively face.
Well, Zenmeister, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you ;). That is the CIAs style I think.
Enjoy your new friends in the "alt right", such a noble cause, and one that fits you like a glove =)
So you don't support freedom of speech?
What about the right of everyone to choose whom they listen to?
Or is this right only for those on political Left and Center?
I absolutely support all of the above. Don't be so sensitive when someone ribs you for having funny friends. I thought that was one of the core tenets of the "alt right", doing away with PC bullshit (right after all the racist stuff)... Who's the real snowflake here, "Zenny boy"? ;) -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 09:24:20PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 9:16:31 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 09:12:40PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 8:58:34 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 08:45:22PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 8:19:04 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Let's get tools in the hands of Team Trump, Milo Yianoppoulos, Breitbart, and every other so-called "alternative" media source, left Damn straight - can never get enough Milo Yianoppoulos! Heil Milo and death to the luginpresse!
Snowflakes get triggered pretty easily, even round these parts, sadly that's to be expected it seems.
Guessing Johnny boy that you're a vegetarian working for the CIA, and sure you won't let that stop you from avoiding substantive response to current issues we collectively face.
Well, Zenmeister, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you ;). That is the CIAs style I think.
Enjoy your new friends in the "alt right", such a noble cause, and one that fits you like a glove =)
So you don't support freedom of speech?
What about the right of everyone to choose whom they listen to?
Or is this right only for those on political Left and Center?
I absolutely support all of the above.
Ah glad to hear. I was beginning to wonder :)
Don't be so sensitive when someone ribs you for having funny friends. I thought that was one of the core tenets of the "alt right", doing away with PC bullshit (right after all the racist stuff)...
Absolutely. Speak as though wilt.
Who's the real snowflake here, "Zenny boy"? ;)
Fuck you, snowflake!

hi hi Zen (*_*) - your being watched -------- Original Message -------- On Nov 25, 2016, 6:30 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote: On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 09:24:20PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 9:16:31 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 09:12:40PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 8:58:34 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 08:45:22PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
On November 25, 2016 8:19:04 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Let's get tools in the hands of Team Trump, Milo Yianoppoulos, Breitbart, and every other so-called "alternative" media source, left Damn straight - can never get enough Milo Yianoppoulos! Heil Milo and death to the luginpresse!
Snowflakes get triggered pretty easily, even round these parts, sadly that's to be expected it seems.
Guessing Johnny boy that you're a vegetarian working for the CIA, and sure you won't let that stop you from avoiding substantive response to current issues we collectively face.
Well, Zenmeister, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you ;). That is the CIAs style I think.
Enjoy your new friends in the "alt right", such a noble cause, and one that fits you like a glove =)
So you don't support freedom of speech?
What about the right of everyone to choose whom they listen to?
Or is this right only for those on political Left and Center?
I absolutely support all of the above.
Ah glad to hear. I was beginning to wonder :)
Don't be so sensitive when someone ribs you for having funny friends. I thought that was one of the core tenets of the "alt right", doing away with PC bullshit (right after all the racist stuff)...
Absolutely. Speak as though wilt.
Who's the real snowflake here, "Zenny boy"? ;)
Fuck you, snowflake!

As the MSM continues its meltdown and declares definitively the official list(s) of official "fake news" outlets / websites: (Yes, even the 6 month old The Duran makes the list :) This historic opportunity could not be greater! Whether you're Alt-Left, Alt-Right or merely Alt-Misunderstood, the opportunity to be banned from Twitter and Facebook is some of the greatest publicity available today - and consequently, some of the best alt-p2p-comms software propaganda we are likely to see for a very long time. 1. Get out there with your army of followers, chuck a Milo and ask a question so contentious it gets you banned from one of the existing proprietary platforms. 2. Promptly advise your legions of the the alternative you now use. 3. Profit. Or something like that. More like, the community profits and comms platform diversity steadily penetrates the mass consciousness. Right now would also be a fantastic opportunity for a P2P distributed YouTube video saver, and bittorrent like uploader, for those occasions where your public message is targetted with "main stream" censorship. Now is the moment to ride a wave, good luck :) -- Certified (R) Deplorable (TM) Fake News (TM) Which Hunter (C) Shilling for buxom Russian swastika clad minxes (C) 1988

Naked Capitalism, one of the better known alt-econ sites is on the list, and so is Black Agenda Report. One of the best researched most reliable sources of alt-news for Black folk. Here's an article by a staff member of the ACLU explaining exactly why you can't seem to convict cops for killing unarmed civilians. : Summation:
"The law that authorizes federal criminal civil rights charges against police officers says that in a homicide case like Eric Garner’s or Milton Hall’s, a police officer can be guilty only if he not only violated the victim’s Fourth Amendment right to be free from excessive force, but the officer also “willfully” violated that right. In its explanation of why Milton Hall’s killers were not prosecuted, the Justice Department said: “Law enforcement actions based on fear, panic, misperception or even poor judgment do not constitute willful conduct prosecutable under the statute." — Mark P. Fancher: Justice for Eric Garner? From the Justice Department? Don’t Hold Your Breath,
The one thing all these sites seem to have in common is ol' Joe McCarthy would consider them 'communist propaganda' outlets... ESPECIALLY the ACLU! The fact that the Washington Post is withholding the source of the list speaks volumes about it's veracity. Personally, after viewing their reporting on the passing of Fidel Castro yesterday I'd say the WaPo is ABSOLUTELY a fake news outlet. But then, the WaPO's owner Jeff Bezos, is one of the CIA's BFFs and the CIA (The following is less impressive when you realise that the CIA is actually pretty incompetent) tried to kill Castro 638 times, and failed, because they were hiring a "C" team of clowns like GG Liddy etc who hired a "D" team equivalent to the gusano version of Libyan goatfuckers, to do their dirt. Rr On 11/27/2016 01:58 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
As the MSM continues its meltdown and declares definitively the official list(s) of official "fake news" outlets / websites: (Yes, even the 6 month old The Duran makes the list :)
This historic opportunity could not be greater!
Whether you're Alt-Left, Alt-Right or merely Alt-Misunderstood, the opportunity to be banned from Twitter and Facebook is some of the greatest publicity available today - and consequently, some of the best alt-p2p-comms software propaganda we are likely to see for a very long time.
1. Get out there with your army of followers, chuck a Milo and ask a question so contentious it gets you banned from one of the existing proprietary platforms.
2. Promptly advise your legions of the the alternative you now use.
3. Profit.
Or something like that. More like, the community profits and comms platform diversity steadily penetrates the mass consciousness.
Right now would also be a fantastic opportunity for a P2P distributed YouTube video saver, and bittorrent like uploader, for those occasions where your public message is targetted with "main stream" censorship.
Now is the moment to ride a wave, good luck :)

638 tries at killing Castro is cigar afcionado smoke blow. CIA and KGB cooperated in keeping Castro in power, supplying arms, spies, trainers to "spread revolution." There are current grey-beards and millennial hipsters assuring military plutocracy from Silicon-Death Valley to Fertile Crescent Without Borders. National Sciences, Humanities, Arts, Pultizers, Guggenheims and MacArthurs grow bad seeds of counterrevolution through smart cultivation and encouragement of free expression confession, aided by illusory comsec and pseudo-anonymization. That pernicious arc is exhibited in crypto advocacy and high-domed dissident mail lists like cpunks, nettime, EFF, ACLU, WikiLeaks and PK-ilk 1976-present. Not a few fellow-travelers have switched sides from opposition to opposition to opposition, maybe never were dissidential, maybe never intended to defy the irresistably rewarding toxicities of Jobs, Thiel, Trump, Soros, Omidyar, Bezos, Slim, Putin, princes of WS-oligarch royalty. Prince Castro not in that cosseting loop, yo granmamma. At 11:03 AM 11/27/2016, you wrote:
Naked Capitalism, one of the better known alt-econ sites is on the list, and so is Black Agenda Report. One of the best researched most reliable sources of alt-news for Black folk.
Here's an article by a staff member of the ACLU explaining exactly why you can't seem to convict cops for killing unarmed civilians. :
"The law that authorizes federal criminal civil rights charges against police officers says that in a homicide case like Eric Garners or Milton Halls, a police officer can be guilty only if he not only violated the victims Fourth Amendment right to be free from excessive force, but the officer also willfully violated that right. In its explanation of why Milton Halls killers were not prosecuted, the Justice Department said: Law enforcement actions based on fear, panic, misperception or even poor judgment do not constitute willful conduct prosecutable under the statute." Mark P. Fancher: Justice for Eric Garner? From the Justice Department? Dont Hold Your Breath, <>
The one thing all these sites seem to have in common is ol' Joe McCarthy would consider them 'communist propaganda' outlets... ESPECIALLY the ACLU!
The fact that the Washington Post is withholding the source of the list speaks volumes about it's veracity. Personally, after viewing their reporting on the passing of Fidel Castro yesterday I'd say the WaPo is ABSOLUTELY a fake news outlet. But then, the WaPO's owner Jeff Bezos, is one of the CIA's BFFs and the CIA (The following is less impressive when you realise that the CIA is actually pretty incompetent) tried to kill Castro 638 times, and failed, because they were hiring a "C" team of clowns like GG Liddy etc who hired a "D" team equivalent to the gusano version of Libyan goatfuckers, to do their dirt.
On 11/27/2016 01:58 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
As the MSM continues its meltdown and declares definitively the official list(s) of official "fake news" outlets / websites: <> (Yes, even the 6 month old The Duran makes the list :)
This historic opportunity could not be greater!
Whether you're Alt-Left, Alt-Right or merely Alt-Misunderstood, the opportunity to be banned from Twitter and Facebook is some of the greatest publicity available today - and consequently, some of the best alt-p2p-comms software propaganda we are likely to see for a very long time.
1. Get out there with your army of followers, chuck a Milo and ask a question so contentious it gets you banned from one of the existing proprietary platforms.
2. Promptly advise your legions of the the alternative you now use.
3. Profit.
Or something like that. More like, the community profits and comms platform diversity steadily penetrates the mass consciousness.
Right now would also be a fantastic opportunity for a P2P distributed YouTube video saver, and bittorrent like uploader, for those occasions where your public message is targetted with "main stream" censorship.
Now is the moment to ride a wave, good luck :)

On 11/27/2016 09:43 AM, John Young wrote:
CIA ... cooperated in keeping Castro in power, supplying arms, spies, trainers to "spread revolution."
I guess that depends on what you mean by 'cooperate'. Cites please. And cites showing they let, for instance, Americans go to Cuba with the Venceremos brigade et al, so they could track US dissidents, doesn't count. Neither does the story about some guy who was vaguely CIA affiliated running guns for Castro. Save it for conspiracy theorists. Gun runners work for themselves. That includes Blackwater running CPA Glocks to Turkey. It's about MONEY, and there is no allegiance to anything but. Example? RIght now Blackwater's founder is working with China to supply mercs and shit for copper mining ops in Africa and running an investment company invested in those copper pits. How patriotic is THAT? Rr

On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 08:03:58AM -0800, Razer wrote:
Naked Capitalism, one of the better known alt-econ sites is on the list, and so is Black Agenda Report. One of the best researched most reliable sources of alt-news for Black folk.
Having the lame stream media's definitive list is great! I'd never been on drudge report before for example, and I'll definitely check out Naked Capitalism. the MSM couldn't provide better advertising to the fake news if they tried! And since Putin is the underminer of all Western democracies from France to the USA, Brexit to Germany, we get the perfect photo juxta ops: The death throws of this dying dragon are amazing. As someone (presumably on the Russian propaganda lists we now see) pointed out a month or two ago - the western "main stream" media, across Western nations, has built the image of Putin into a simply incredible character - underminer of all democracies - evil challenger to the hegemony empire - dictator historical unprecedented - destroyer of all things good - defeater of Hillary Clinton and the entire DNC party - oppressor of his own people - enemy of all 'good' nations - epitomy of all evil - with no single redeeming feature besides his iron fist. (That photo crop from the article above is a poignant reminder of this Putin reality of course - he accepts full blame and responsibility for all this, evidently!) Just as well Australia's Tony Abbot promised to shirft-front Putin - the world would have descended into chaos by now if he had of shirked (or is that "shirted") his responsibility to "protect us all" from such heinous bandits - I guess they could not show us this shirt fronting publicly because the slaying of the evil Putin with a shirt fronting would have been inopportune timing. Nice to know I'm finally getting to read "the fucking worst, and absolutely least relevant" sites in the world - desperate to level up my Deplorability, gotta get up there! :D (By way of explanation, I've had to update my .sig, yet again ;( Nothing like the "tolerant left": " One of Michigan’s 16 electors who will be called upon to cast a vote validating the election of Donald Trump in the Electoral College has testified on video that he and others in the state are receiving “dozens and dozens of death threats” from Hillary Clinton supporters urging them to switch their votes to Clinton. " Z -- Certified (R) Deplorable (TM) Fake News (TM) Which Hunter (C) Executive Secretary of Vice, The Ministry of Winning Shilling for buxom Russian swastika clad minxes (C) 1988

Liberal Left Lauren Weinstein chimes in with his (least :) favourite right leaning "fake news" / Russian propaganda website (must have been left off the list - seems the poor darlings are in overload with so much fake Russian propaganda). Oh, and to be sure you get the message from the Ministry, Lauren points out that "Liberty Writers News" (all-caps unfortunately), is "this kind of deception that dreadful for-profit conspiracy sites like Liberty Writers News have been particularly adept at spreading" Nutha won for da Winning Bookmarks collection! Yee haw y'all :D Finest advertising in the world goes on... Z ----- Forwarded message from "PFIR (People For Internet Responsibility) Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 18:00:47 -0800 From: PFIR <> To: Subject: [ PFIR ] Fake News and the Internet Shell Game Fake News and the Internet Shell Game The use of social media to spread political misinformation online is partly just a giant shell game. Propagandists often don't care whether everyone, or even most people, really believe the specific things they are selling (although it turns out that lots of people always do). They don't have to get you to actually believe the penny is under the wrong shell. They just have to get you confused enough so that you don't know what is true. That's still deception. And it is this kind of deception that dreadful for-profit conspiracy sites like Liberty Writers News have been particularly adept at spreading. Sure, some percentage of people actually believed the content of such sites (for instance, that Hillary Clinton was behind the death of a federal agent). But a far greater number of people came away ever so slightly more doubtful of what is true. They didn't believe Hillary Clinton ordered a hit, but they didn't disbelieve it either. It simply became part of the background, one more unsettled question. - - - --Lauren-- CRUSHING the Internet Liars: STOP President Trump: -- Certified (R) Deplorable (TM) Fake News (TM) Which Hunter (C) Executive Vice Secretary, The Ministry of Winning Shilling for buxom Russian swastika clad minxes (C) 1988

The fedz are looking for a few good right wing patsies to roll-over and beg for their (snigger) 'liberty' by infiltrating and snitching SOMEONE'S org after Cloudflare gives the fedz all your metadataz linking you to your gunnut buddies illegal rocket launcher/grenade cache... buddy. Go ahead Zen... Make FiveEyes day... You feeling... Lucky? Rr Ps. This site doesn't even approach the level of fake news. It's simply another clickbaiter4cloudflare metadataz collection is associated with ~48,961,290 domains Registrant Org Domains By Proxy, LLC was found in ~11,751,262 other domains Registrar GODADDY.COM, LLC Registrar Status ok Dates Created on 2016-06-01 - Expires on 2017-06-01 - Updated on 2016-07-27 Name Server(s) BAYAN.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM (has 1,646,805 domains) LUCY.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM (has 1,646,805 domains) IP Address - 5 other sites hosted on this server IP Location United States - Arizona - Phoenix - Cloudflare Inc. ASN United States AS13335 CLOUDFLARENET - CloudFlare, Inc., US (registered Jul 14, 2010) Domain Status Registered And Active Website Whois History 9 records have been archived since 2016-05-31 IP History 8 changes on 6 unique IP addresses over 0 years Hosting History 3 changes on 4 unique name servers over 0 year Whois Server

On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 06:56:44PM -0800, Razer wrote:
The fedz are looking for a few good right wing patsies to roll-over and beg for their (snigger) 'liberty' by infiltrating and snitching SOMEONE'S org after Cloudflare gives the fedz all your metadataz linking you to your gunnut buddies illegal rocket launcher/grenade cache... buddy.
Go ahead Zen... Make FiveEyes day... You feeling... Lucky?
Aww shiiit! MANPAD rocket launcher stash giving me the jitters now ... should I ring Soros now and pre-empt the waterboarding ?) Don't worry Razer, your post apoplectic hash stash ish safe wiv me ... buddy :)

3621 Lindell Rd Suit DLas Vegas, NV 89103 THIS is that. Abandoned from the looks of it. [image]

You call it abandoned, I call it a safehouse or dropbox as need be. BTW, yall can quit posting your fucking worthless multipart html encoded mail anyday now.

On 11/28/2016 07:16 PM, grarpamp wrote:
You call it abandoned, I call it a safehouse or dropbox as need be.
BTW, yall can quit posting your fucking worthless multipart html encoded mail anyday now.
Only way to attach an image. normally my posts are html/text. Don't like it simply don't read them. I don't give a fuck. Rr
participants (6)
John Newman
John Young
Zenaan Harkness