[ot] Re: Anarchists murder the political right

I have a label on your e-mails reminding me that you
requested I reply with rational responses only.
Which you keep ignoring.
What you're saying here, I want to let you know that I don't understand it. It doesn't look clear what you are talking about. It sounds like you are worried that a political value is under specific attack by anarchism, and I don't see why this would be.
You need professional psychological help - or maybe remedial English reading help - possibly both.
I'm curious whether posting new threads as your only way of communicating is something that you desire to do or not.
I have other places - JoinDiaspora & Insane Journal - I commend ' Insane Journal ' to you since you clearly don't have the first thing about anarchism and think that known living Nazi's provide value. Only dead Nazi's ( The Zenaan Harkness / Batshit Crazy, Julian Assange type ) provide any value. Get help.

On 1/12/21, professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
I have a label on your e-mails reminding me that you
requested I reply with rational responses only.
Which you keep ignoring.
I feel really confused. I think you must be lying. Focusing on something is the opposite of ignoring it, you see. Would you please speak more rationally to us, yourself?
What you're saying here, I want to let you know that I don't understand it. It doesn't look clear what you are talking about. It sounds like you are worried that a political value is under specific attack by anarchism, and I don't see why this would be.
You need professional psychological help - or maybe remedial English reading help - possibly both.
It's true but that's obvious and I've stated it myself. I feel sad reading you say it.
I'm curious whether posting new threads as your only way of communicating is something that you desire to do or not.
I have other places - JoinDiaspora & Insane Journal - I commend ' Insane Journal ' to you since you clearly don't have the first thing about anarchism and think that known living Nazi's provide value. Only dead Nazi's ( The Zenaan Harkness / Batshit Crazy, Julian Assange type ) provide any value.
Hope you are well, Professor Rat. Obviously it's deadly to associate value with groups people are in. Very few people are formally Nazis right now, but maybe more are than a few years ago.
Get help.
participants (2)
professor rat