FBI DITU fighting "Malicious Foreign Actor"s with military gear on US soil against US citizens

"BREAKING: According to Michael Ratner attorney for WikiLeaks Anonymous has been officially designated a "Malicious Foreign Actor" by the NSA" - https://twitter.com/CommanderXanon/status/614153130268299264 i'd like to know if this was before or after summer of 2011, as designation of "Malicious Foreign Actor" would explain the use of indiscriminate military technology against an entire venue because of the presence of some Anons and LulzSec: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2011/Aug/76 [ note that i'm still permanently moderated on Fyodor's FD, and thus won't reply there. ] sunlight - it may travel slowly, but eventually the darkest corners come into view :P best regards, P.P.S. the "kit falling over" was because they tied the automated exploitation to DHCP assignment once device connected to 3G/4G data network. by using DHCP-Relay to inject thousands of lease requests over a single link, their fork-bomb'ed gear fell over, with haste. i hope it fucked your intercepts, jerks! [ this kind of un-targeted mass surveillance is just as abhorrent as warrantless wiretaps on the backbone, even if the scope is limited.]

On 6/25/15, coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
[ fix your easily DoS'd gear chumps ] ...
2012 saw NSA deploy targeted attacks via presence within carrier networks (e.g. "in the towers" attacks) either the tactical DirtBoxen weren't up to snuff, or NSA felt the need to act direct. this was the first year DIRNSA ever spoke at DEF CON. regardless, the tower based attacks driven by TAO did not suffer these deficiencies and my ass was handed to me that next year. i'd like to know more about NSA TAO and FBI DITU cooperation, if any. my working theory is that TAO *should not ever* be operating against US citizens, and their techniques so sensitive that DITU is not allowed to co-opt their capabilities, either. from what i observed, DITU gets the "hand-me-down" sploits after they've been discovered, or lost effectiveness. FBI DITU cooperation with NSA SSO is operated under FISA, but this is primarily fiber taps and PRISM front-doors to corporate data stores. --- just to make it abundantly clear: keeping up to date against patched vulnerabilities is critical, as this window of opportunity to take advantage is regularly and successfully utilized by these console cowboys... why care about the hard stuff, if your lax habits make the easy sploits perfectly effective? so many "advanced targeted" attacks just use simple methods and known vulnerabilities. we've got to cover the basics before we even consider next steps/advanced protections! best regards, bear-poker-man

On 6/25/15, coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
... i'd like to know more about NSA TAO and FBI DITU cooperation, if any.
an early report of this "Malicious Foreign Actor" status is from last year: "Snowden Documents Reveal Covert Surveillance and Pressure Tactics Aimed at WikiLeaks and Its Supporters" - https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/02/18/snowden-docs-reveal-covert-sur... where is stated: 'A third document, from July 2011, contains a summary of an internal discussion in which officials from two NSA offices – including the agency’s general counsel and an arm of its Threat Operations Center – considered designating WikiLeaks as “a ‘malicious foreign actor’ for the purpose of targeting.” Such a designation would have allowed the group to be targeted with extensive electronic surveillance – without the need to exclude U.S. persons from the surveillance searches.' and finally, note this quote: """ Asked if it would be permissible to “target the foreign actors of a loosely coupled group of hackers … such as with Anonymous,” the response is unequivocal: “As long as they are foreign individuals outside of the US and do not hold dual citizenship … then you are okay.” """ - i'd love to know how many times that guidance is violated! best regards,

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 04:13:21PM -0700, coderman wrote:
"BREAKING: According to Michael Ratner attorney for WikiLeaks Anonymous has been officially designated a "Malicious Foreign Actor" by the NSA" - https://twitter.com/CommanderXanon/status/614153130268299264
Lol... I what are the chances this list ends in the same way?
http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2011/Aug/76 [ note that i'm still permanently moderated on Fyodor's FD, and thus won't reply there. ]
Welcome to the club, i warned about FFD long ago...

Due to personal experience with this frauding joker (He panhandled for his pill-junke money in my town for a couple of years a few years ago then almost lost his lawyer's house for him when he fled bail on a shittly little charge) Do NOT believe a word "Commander X" says without thorough verification from other sources. RR Ps. Tell "Curbhugger Chris" I said "Fuck you punk" for me. He blocked me on twitter years ago after I mentioned how computer illiterate he really is, and how his single (maybe two) computer dDos 'attack' on the county's servers was NOT a revolutionary act. On 06/25/2015 04:13 PM, coderman wrote:
"BREAKING: According to Michael Ratner attorney for WikiLeaks Anonymous has been officially designated a "Malicious Foreign Actor" by the NSA" - https://twitter.com/CommanderXanon/status/614153130268299264
i'd like to know if this was before or after summer of 2011, as designation of "Malicious Foreign Actor" would explain the use of indiscriminate military technology against an entire venue because of the presence of some Anons and LulzSec: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2011/Aug/76 [ note that i'm still permanently moderated on Fyodor's FD, and thus won't reply there. ]
sunlight - it may travel slowly, but eventually the darkest corners come into view :P
best regards,
P.P.S. the "kit falling over" was because they tied the automated exploitation to DHCP assignment once device connected to 3G/4G data network. by using DHCP-Relay to inject thousands of lease requests over a single link, their fork-bomb'ed gear fell over, with haste. i hope it fucked your intercepts, jerks! [ this kind of un-targeted mass surveillance is just as abhorrent as warrantless wiretaps on the backbone, even if the scope is limited.]

On 6/26/15, Razer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
Due to personal experience with this frauding joker (He panhandled for his pill-junke money in my town for a couple of years a few years ago then almost lost his lawyer's house for him when he fled bail on a shittly little charge) Do NOT believe a word "Commander X" says without thorough verification from other sources.
thanks for the heads up :)
Ps. Tell "Curbhugger Chris" I said "Fuck you punk" for me. He blocked me on twitter years ago after I mentioned how computer illiterate he really is, and how his single (maybe two) computer dDos 'attack' on the county's servers was NOT a revolutionary act.
i don't know that guy, but the situation does sound mediocre at best, i agree. best regards, P.S. still not clear if there has been new information added to the timeline regarding this designation debacle. recursing continues, ...
participants (3)
Georgi Guninski