" Age old war " gets new branding in Sept 2022. " War against encryption ". https://cointelegraph.com/news/tornado-cash-is-the-latest-chapter-in-the-war... Related story cited by Empty Wheel in Sept 2022 https://www.vice.com/en/article/vv7d8a/judge-james-orenstein-encryption-fbi-... " Encryption movement " Chad Barraford Chad Barraford is Technical Lead at THORChain, a non-custodial decentralized liquidity protocol that enables decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and users to transfer their digital assets across blockchains seamlessly. " . . . This clash on personal privacy became dubbed the “encryption wars.” The encryption wars rage on today, with officials from the U.S. and other countries urging major tech companies to forgo strong E2E encryption in their products. . . ." Maybe some corpse-media types thinks it helps to distinguish between 90’s crypto, todays crypto-as-currencies and digital encryption. But its all the same 000’s and 111’s. Binary-code as free-speech - free-money and free movement. All working for cryptoanarchism. All working against the corpse-media business model.
participants (1)
professor rat