[WAR] Russia rejects Kerry’s demand for extension of Syrian ceasefire to Al-Qaeda

The fact the subject/ article heading can actually be written (by any side of any propaganda/ MSM/ not-so-MSM with a straight and sincere face, is one of the saddest indictments against the Grande Ole USA, where black is now white and Wahhabi extremists are trained, paid and protected where possible by the USA, via its Saudi and other intermediaries. The USA sold its soul for black gold, and now continues to pay the price. ** Russia rejects Kerry’s demand for extension of Syrian ceasefire to Al-Qaeda (http://theduran.com/russia-rejects-kerrys-demand-extension-syrian-ceasefire-...) ------------------------------------------------------------ kerry-lavrov-no-ceasire In series of statements Russian diplomats reject US demand that Syrian and Russian bombing of Al-Qaeda's Syrian branch Jabhat Al-Nusra cease, and that Kerry - Lavrov agreement be rewritten to soften US's obligation to separate the fighters it supports from Jabhat Al-Nusra. The post Russia rejects Kerry’s demand for extension of Syrian ceasefire to Al-Qaeda (http://theduran.com/russia-rejects-kerrys-demand-extension-syrian-ceasefire-...) appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) . (In related news: ** Evidence indicates main stream media edited UN convoy blast images to cover up Predator Drone Hellfire missile strike (http://theduran.com/evidence-main-stream-media-edited-un-convoy-blast-images...) ------------------------------------------------------------ predator-drone Analysing the information available on the UN convoy blast signals a Hellfire missile was used. The post Evidence indicates main stream media edited UN convoy blast images to cover up Predator Drone Hellfire missile strike (http://theduran.com/evidence-main-stream-media-edited-un-convoy-blast-images...) appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) . ** Russian Defense Ministry reveals that US drone was directly over UN convoy when it was attacked in Aleppo (http://theduran.com/russian-defense-ministry-reveals-us-drone-directly-over-...) ------------------------------------------------------------ lavrov-un-convoy A US coalition drone was in the vicinity of the humanitarian convoy when it was attacked outside Aleppo. The post Russian Defense Ministry reveals that US drone was directly over UN convoy when it was attacked in Aleppo (http://theduran.com/russian-defense-ministry-reveals-us-drone-directly-over-...) appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) . ** John Kerry wants Syria ceasefire extended to protect Al-Qaeda (http://theduran.com/kerry-publicly-demands-syria-ceasefire-extended-to-prote...) ------------------------------------------------------------ Secretary of State John Kerry speaks during a joint press conference with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris, Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013. In comments to the UN Security Council US Secretary of State Kerry effectively tears up Lavrov - Kerry Agreement and demands that protection from bombing be extended to Al-Qaeda's regional branch Jabhat Al-Nusra. The post John Kerry wants Syria ceasefire extended to protect Al-Qaeda (http://theduran.com/kerry-publicly-demands-syria-ceasefire-extended-to-prote...) appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) . ** Here’s how the US, Israel, al-Qaeda and ISIS work together in Syria (http://theduran.com/how-the-us-israel-al-qaeda-and-isis-work-together-in-the...) ------------------------------------------------------------ 70695d78e02d2611330f6a7067005ee1 Simultaneous US and Israeli airstrikes on Syrian military positions in the eastern city of Deir-ez-Zour and in Al-Quneitra show how the US and Israel manipulate ISIS and Al-Qaeda to wage their war of aggression against Syria. The post Here’s how the US, Israel, al-Qaeda and ISIS work together in Syria (http://theduran.com/how-the-us-israel-al-qaeda-and-isis-work-together-in-the...) appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) .

The dragon continues to flail - current USA behaviour is sad, and amazing for a nuclear armed "superpower". This is classic saker with some choice quotes. Enjoy :) Latest Syria Trainwreck Shows the Obama Administration Is in a State of Confused Agony http://thesaker.is/why-the-recent-developments-in-syria-show-that-the-obama-... (Alt: http://russia-insider.com/en/latest-syria-trainwreck-shows-obama-administrat... In related news: http://theduran.com/us-rages-russia-calls-syrian-bluff/ Amazing stuff: http://theduran.com/watch-samantha-power-defend-al-qaeda-and-isis-in-syria-d... And to lighten the mood again: http://www.fort-russ.com/2016/09/putin-turns-tables-on-poland-awkward.html "How does one piss off Putin? Why, be historically inaccurate of course!" :) And I'd happily replace many of our Aussie politicians with this witty lady: http://www.fort-russ.com/2016/09/zakharova-translates-from-american-to.html More in depth: http://www.fort-russ.com/2016/09/why-is-biden-threatening-ukraine-with.html On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 07:06:15AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
The fact the subject/ article heading can actually be written (by any side of any propaganda/ MSM/ not-so-MSM with a straight and sincere face, is one of the saddest indictments against the Grande Ole USA, where black is now white and Wahhabi extremists are trained, paid and protected where possible by the USA, via its Saudi and other intermediaries.
The USA sold its soul for black gold, and now continues to pay the price.
** Russia rejects Kerry’s demand for extension of Syrian ceasefire to Al-Qaeda (http://theduran.com/russia-rejects-kerrys-demand-extension-syrian-ceasefire-...) ------------------------------------------------------------ kerry-lavrov-no-ceasire
In series of statements Russian diplomats reject US demand that Syrian and Russian bombing of Al-Qaeda's Syrian branch Jabhat Al-Nusra cease, and that Kerry - Lavrov agreement be rewritten to soften US's obligation to separate the fighters it supports from Jabhat Al-Nusra.
The post Russia rejects Kerry’s demand for extension of Syrian ceasefire to Al-Qaeda (http://theduran.com/russia-rejects-kerrys-demand-extension-syrian-ceasefire-...) appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) .
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness